Powerful female names. Beautiful, modern, Russian female names

  • 21.10.2019

Many people think about how to provide for themselves and their loved ones. reliable protection from evil eye and damage. Amulets and amulets come to mind for most people, but your name can serve as this very amulet.

10 most powerful names for girls

The names are arranged in order of decreasing protection from the evil eye and bad word: Alexandra, Daria, Margarita, Varvara, Valeria, Evgenia, Olga, Vera, Victoria, Ekaterina.

Alexandra strong in life. She shows courage, but at the same time is an incredibly feminine nature. Her life is a constant struggle and game, but the game is not one-sided, which is very important. Her life is harmonious and beautiful due to the special energy of the name.

It should also be noted Barbarian. Her protection is the attention of Fortune, who rushes to the aid of the girl whenever something bad happens in life.

Victoria, of course, the “winner”, therefore it is precisely the desire for victories that saves and protects her. She was initially set up by nature and the Universe for success, so troubles often simply bypass her.

Vera, Olga and Ekaterina- these names are simple and fairly common, but this does not prevent them from being strong and impenetrable. The secret lies in their meaning and origin.

margarita- this is a name that is praised by all esotericists who are familiar with the evil eye and curses firsthand. This name has an inexplicable aura and energy that many negative flows cannot break through.

By naming your child by one of these names, you will protect him. Do not neglect this, because in our modern world there are a lot of people who still resort to the help of black magic.

Live according to the Laws of the Universe and trust nature. Your name is your destiny, which can be changed. That is why you need to believe in yourself. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.10.2016 07:12

2019 promises to be a productive and eventful year, but no matter how positive it is, ...

Even before the birth of a child, parents begin to think about how to name the baby. It is believed that the name of a person who has come into the world determines his fate and character. The list of beautiful female names is so huge that sometimes it’s not easy to pick it up. To simplify the task, there are a number of criteria (numerology, holy calendar, traditions, fashion, meaning, combination with a surname) that help determine how to name the baby.

How to choose a beautiful name for a girl

According to the law, parents have the right to name their child whatever they want. Sometimes this goes beyond common sense, when the name not only does not combine with the surname, patronymic, but also sounds terrible. Some mothers and fathers tend to name their children in honor of relatives, but if you believe in omens, be careful, because it is believed that a baby can repeat the fate of an adult. Based on the above, it is necessary to choose beautiful Russian names for girls, guided by several basic criteria.

Church calendar

Often the choice of a beautiful female name is carried out depending on the church calendar. On the one hand, everything is simple here: you just need to look at the calendar on the girl’s birthday and find out which saint, great martyr the date is dedicated to, and he will patronize. According to Orthodox faith, the child immediately falls under the protection of this saint, acquiring a guardian angel for life.

Nevertheless, some difficulties may arise here due to the fact that the girl is called, and the saint is a man. In this case, you need to look at who is the patroness on the eighth and fortieth days after birth. It is believed that these days it is customary to name the child and perform the sacrament of baptism, so the choice will be correct.


There is a table where each letter of the name corresponds to its own number. If you add them up, you get a number that also affects the character and women's fate:

After calculating the number, you can familiarize yourself with the interpretation using the following detailed table:

Unity children use their charm, which makes it easy to get away from punishment after misconduct. Girls are often hooligans who do not know the feeling of fear.

Twos - sensual, affectionate, constantly need hugs, kisses, tenderness. They make friends once and for all, girls are persistent, resolute.

Curious, intelligent, well-read, striving to know everything about nature.

The main character trait is caution, four children try to avoid troubles, the female half are needlewomen, they get married once and for all.

Fives are too mobile, energetic, athletic, five girls make excellent ballerinas, gymnasts.

Very peaceful natures, strongly attached to their mother, striving to imitate her in everything.

Sevens show independence from a very early age, do not tolerate instructions, act in defiance, but often make the wrong decisions. Girls try to imitate older girlfriends.

Very positive personalities who know how to enjoy life, smile all the time, do not show negative emotions until they are very offended.

Nines are capricious, loving to make scandals, tantrums, drawing energy from those around them.


Often, beautiful girlish names are chosen based on the time of year, believing that this factor also determines the traits of a female character:

  1. Winter girls have a developed sense of responsibility, perseverance in achieving goals, while being cold. They are stubborn, contradictory, hard to find mutual language with households. Therefore, it is better to call the girl a soft, beautiful female name that can soften the hard qualities of character inherent in nature: Svetlana, Uliana, Valentina, Natalya, Lyudmila.
  2. Spring girls are soft, gentle, striving for a family, the birth of children. It is difficult for them to make decisions, to defend their opinion, they think for a long time before making a decision. The crumbs born in the spring are flexible, therefore, in order to give them strength of character, you need to choose something more tough-sounding, for example, Marina, Larisa, Irina, Victoria, Ruslana.
  3. Summer babies are endowed with creative abilities, they are impulsive, emotional, hardworking, active, proud. These children have different character traits, so you can call them whatever you like.
  4. Autumn young ladies are devoid of daydreaming, possess pedantry, wisdom, adherence to principles, poise. Such personalities lack lightness, romance, which will be added by beautiful female names Sophia, Elizabeth, Zlata, Yesenia, Olesya, Vera.

National traditions

In the modern world, there are many international families, each member of which knows and honors their traditions. Choosing beautiful female names for girls, you should not rely only on this factor. The selection should take into account such a criterion as consonance. A balance is needed in the surname-name-patronymic, their sound should caress the ear, and not cut. The same applies to old Russian nicknames, which sound beautiful in full, but dissonant in the abbreviated version.

Fashion for women's names

It is not necessary in such an important matter to be based on fashion trends. Often women, flipping through the pages of magazines, name their daughter in honor of actresses, models, famous figures, etc. Such an irresponsible approach can Negative influence for the girl's future, her life path, energy shell, realization in the profession, family. So, for example, before the October Revolution, Christian names were popular - Anna, Katerina, Maria.

In the 20-30s, strange abbreviations appeared that were called newborn Soviet citizens - Dazdraperma (Long live the First of May), Oyushminalda (Otto Yulievich Schmidt on an ice floe). In 30-40 years. returned to the fashion of Galina, Nina, in the 50s. many Marys, Zoyas, Hopes appeared. 60-70s differed in brightness, minimalism, as well as the names of women - Zlata, Rimma, Renata.

In the 80-90s, foreign names appeared - Magda, Eva, Jeanette, as well as Rose and Marianne, as a tribute to the TV series "The Rich Also Cry" or "Wild Rose". Modern parents are returning to old Russian ones - Ulyana, Polina, Lyubava, etc. In addition to fashion, there is a list of beautiful female names in alphabetical order with detailed interpretation, a description of character traits that must be considered before naming a daughter.

Combination with patronymic and surname

Many parents now like to call their daughters old, foreign or rare names, which is not always a harmonious tandem in pronunciation with a surname, patronymic. So that the girl does not suffer later, does not receive funny nicknames, but feels comfortable, be guided not only by your desires, but also by the following criteria:

  1. Bearers of a complex surname, patronymic, call as simply and concisely as possible.
  2. It is better to name the owners of a rough, hard patronymic softly, gently.
  3. Name, surname, patronymic should complement each other, be easy to pronounce, sound, remember.

What names should not be given to a girl

There are different beautiful names for girls, but sometimes the imagination of parents goes beyond all limits, and the newborn is called not so much original as strange. To avoid such moments, it would be appropriate to use the following recommendations:

  1. Be careful with giving the girl a masculine name (Vitaly, Bogdan, Pavel). It is possible that peers will call the child Vitalik, Bogdan, Pavlik. In addition, there is a risk that the girl will acquire masculine traits.
  2. Pay attention to consonance with the surname, patronymic.
  3. Don't give Orthodox newborn a name that does not correspond to religion. At baptism, the priest will name the baby differently, which may affect her fate, the girl will feel the duality of nature. The same goes for double naming.
  4. Quite often, the relatives of the crumbs insist on an overly "folk" naming of the baby (Thekla, Matryona, Pelageya) or, on the contrary, a pretentious foreign one (Juanita, Marianna, Vanessa). Agree, in combination with popular Russian surnames, this will sound ridiculous. When the baby grows up, she is unlikely to thank you.
  5. Think also about the possibility of creating an abbreviated, diminutive form of naming.

The most beautiful girls names by value

Often, disputes about how to name the unborn child cause a lot of contradictions in opinions, lead to scandals, quarrels. A reference book explaining the meaning and origin of the name will help to avoid such problems. In addition, there you will find information about which surname the name is combined with, how it affects the girl's fate, the role of the girl in the family, team, etc.

Old Russian

At times Ancient Russia the girls were called by two Russian folk nicknames. The first was received at birth, considering it negative, since it reflected everything negative traits, manifestations of character. The second was given upon reaching the age of 18, selecting on the basis personal qualities. All Old Russian names were divided into 5 groups:

  • animals (Swan, Pike);
  • numerals (Eighth, Pervusha);
  • divine (Lada);
  • based on personal qualities (Veselina, Golub);
  • dibasic (Yaroslav, Radimir).

Some of them are still popular today. So, the ranking of the best, beautiful female names includes:

  1. Borislav - "a fighter for glory."
  2. Zlata - "golden, gold."
  3. Vasilina - "royal".
  4. Lada - "good, dear."
  5. Love means love..
  6. Mila. It is of Slavic origin, meaning "sweet as honey".
  7. Svetlana - "bright"
  8. John. Appeared from the Hebrew Ivann, translated as "gift of God."


Until the advent of Christianity in Russia, ancient Russian names were popular, but from XI-XVII Byzantine, Greek, and Roman names came into use. They penetrated Russian culture so deeply that some of them are still sometimes mistakenly considered Old Slavonic. Particularly frequently used:

  1. Alexandra - "active, courageous, protector of people";
  2. Angelina. Ancient Greek, its interpretation is "angelic messenger, angel."
  3. Vasilisa. The male version is Basil, meaning "royal".
  4. Share (Dolyana) - "lucky."
  5. Elena - "sunny, chosen, bright."
  6. Inessa - "chaste".
  7. Lydia means "resident of Lydia".
  8. Karina. Derived from Korina - "girl".
  9. Kira - "Mistress".
  10. Ksenia is a "hospitable, wandering guest."
  11. Melissa - "bee".
  12. Margarita - translated from ancient Greek as "pearl".
  13. Isolde - "cold gold".
  14. Pauline. Derived from Apollinaris - "belonging to Apollo."
  15. Olivia - "carrying the world."
  16. Lily. It comes from the name of the flower, meaning "white lily".
  17. Praskovya - "Friday, the eve of the holiday."
  18. Tatyana - "organizer".
  19. Aurora - "goddess of the morning dawn."
  20. Julia is a derivative of male Julius- "wavy, fluffy."
  21. Claudia - "lame".

Fashionable and modern

All modern beautiful female names have not only Greek, but also Slavic, Germanic, Jewish, Roman, Latin roots. Here is an interpretation of some of them:

  • Alice - "who comes from a noble class."
  • Amelia (Amalia). It has German (ancient Germanic) roots, meaning "hard-working, industrious."
  • Bella - "beautiful, beautiful."
  • Mariana - "sad beauty."
  • Nicole - French, "winner of the peoples."
  • Olga - from the Scandinavian Helga, "holy."
  • Taisia ​​- "wise, goddess of fertility."
  • Elvira - "patriot".
  • Sophia - "absolute wisdom."
  • Valeria, translated into Russian, as "to be healthy."
  • Victoria - "winner, victory."
  • Violetta - has Latin roots, translated as "violet".
  • Daria is a "winner".
  • Marina - comes from the Latin "marinus" - "sea"

Beautiful foreign names for girls

It’s not worth naming girls, focusing only on your own taste or intuition, each name has its own characteristics, carries a deep secret meaning, sometimes mysterious, capable of endowing its mistress with special energy, strength, make happy, bring success. In addition to Russians, there are also beautiful foreign female names - English, European, Indian, Arabic, Persian, Italian, Muslim, etc. The culture of each nation has its own rating of traditional, ancient and modern names.


The Czech Republic is a Slavic country, so many names are consonant with Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian. Sometimes Czechs call girls a variety of exotic names, but more often they give old ones, among which are:

  • Christina (or Christina) - formed from the Latin Christianus, meaning "Christian dedicated to Christ."
  • Mary - biblical, means "stubborn."
  • Catherine - comes from the Greek word "katarios", translated as "pure, immaculate."
  • Veronica - "carrying victory."
  • Varvara (Barbara) - "a foreigner, a stranger."
  • Alina - "noble, alien."
  • Milana - "dear, beloved."
  • Milena. It has the root "mil", meaning "sweetheart".


The people of Poland, like many other nationalities, are sensitive to beautiful female names, naming girls melodiously. The Poles believe that this will bring love and happiness to the little ones. family relationships, wisdom in communicating with loved ones, friends, career success, etc. At birth, the baby is given one name, at baptism - another, believing that the religious name protects the child's soul from adversity, illness, the evil eye. The most popular are:

  • Alicia - a noble family;
  • Anastasia - resurrection;
  • Angelica - angelic;
  • Berta - bright;
  • Bozena - "divine, divine";
  • Victoria is a conqueror;
  • Gabriela - God's man;
  • Dominica - belongs to the Lord, etc.


Some Bulgarian names come from foreign ones, being their abbreviated form, others have purely Slavic roots. Often in Bulgaria, girls are given such beautiful female names:

  • Blessed - happy;
  • Berislava - taking glory;
  • Wanda - the grace of God;
  • Veselina - cheerful;
  • Delphine - sister;
  • Darina - given by God;
  • Elena is beautiful;
  • Zaryana - gold, golden;
  • Rusana - fair-haired;
  • Milotsveta - flower, means "cute flower".

Women's names are rare and beautiful

In Russia, Italy, France, girls are called the most beautiful female names. That's what the statistics say. Many names are very rare, but they sound so amazing that they cannot but please the ear. These include:

  • Augustine;
  • Adeline;
  • Azalea;
  • Beatrice;
  • Vlastilina;
  • Gayane;
  • Gloria;
  • Daniela;
  • Dinara;
  • Yesenia;
  • Zoryan;
  • Inga and others

The most beautiful female names in the world

Each nationality has its own preferences regarding how to name a newborn girl. There are such beautiful names that are popular in some countries of the world:

  1. USA: Britney, Pamela, Marilyn.
  2. France: Angelica, Aurelia, Daniela, Jasmine, Melissa, Sophie, Charlotte.
  3. Italy: Adelina, Alessandra, Albina, Bianca, Violetta, Gina, Giulia, Letizia.
  4. Germany: Agnet, Amalie, Bridget, Gertrude, Yvon, Carla.
  5. England: Amelia, Olivia, Jessica, Scarlett, Isabelle, Daisy.

Fashion on various names is gradually changing. In a certain period, any names necessarily become popular. A very responsible step in life is the choice of a name for a child. The name is given for life, so its choice and meaning requires careful study.

The main thing in the article

How to choose a beautiful modern name for a girl?

It is currently fashionable to call girls in a foreign way: Nicole, Evelina, Jacqueline. Such names sound quite modern and beautiful. If such a name does not correspond to the patronymic and surname and looks ridiculous in this combination, you should not condemn the child to such difficulties in the future. Also, your daughter may not be ready for such unusual name and may be ashamed of it in the future. But, clearly, rare name will distinguish the child from the rest of the boring names.

Old Russian names also gained popularity: Vasilisa, Praskovya, Pelageya. These are names with an old schooling and energy, they sound quite solemn. When choosing an old Russian name for your daughter, look at the abbreviated versions of such names. This will help to avoid embarrassment when children in the kindergarten will be teased with Palazhki and Vaska.

picking up modern name, try to choose one that is easy to pronounce.

Modern Russian names for girls

Having settled on the choice of Russian names, you should pay attention to the universal names that mean feelings: Love, Faith and Hope.
Choose a name for your princess based on the season of your baby: you can name a winter baby Snezhanoy, autumn - Golden, summer - august, spring - Maya.
Most popular Russian names are:

  • Sofia
  • Victoria
  • barbarian
  • Darya
  • Maria
  • Ekaterina
  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • Pauline
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Veronica.

Most of these names do not have Russian roots, but they have taken root with us and have been popular for a long time.
Popular old Russian names :

  • Pelagia
  • Ustinya
  • Darina
  • Miroslava
  • Vasilisa
  • Yesenia.

Learn more about the meanings of female Old Russian names from our article.

Rare and unusual female names

Many parents want to emphasize the individuality of their child and distinguish him from other children with an unusual name.

  • When choosing a name for your daughter, remember that she will live with him all her life. Try to pick up one of the rare names that are typical for your country of residence and nationality.
  • Study the diminutive version of the name you like, it should not cut the ear. You should definitely like the diminutive version, because peers and relatives will call the daughter like that.
  • Study the meaning of the name, because it can influence fate. It will be unpleasant to know that the meaning of your girl's beautiful name is "lame" or "sad."
  • Analyze the list of popular names over the past few years. Perhaps that rare name that you have chosen for the child has not been such for a long time.

Examples unusual old Russian names :

  • Bozena
  • Vesnyan
  • Veroslava
  • Zlatislav
  • Darena
  • Lubomir
  • Miloslava
  • Stanislav
  • Slavyana
  • Tsvetana.

foreign names will also sound unusual:

  • Dominica
  • Beatrice
  • Gloria
  • Cassandra
  • Ariadne
  • Mirabella
  • Medina
  • Flora.

Unusual names , which in the past few years had to register with the registry office:

  • Golub
  • Rosiyana
  • Byzantium
  • ocean
  • Cherry
  • Cassiopeia
  • Kupava.

Beautiful female names by months according to the church calendar

It has long been customary for Orthodox believers to name a child in honor of the memory of a saint who falls on the child's birthday. Take a closer look at the church calendar, you might like a name that matches the month of your daughter's birth.
IN January the memory of saints who help the needy, steadfast and courageous is honored.

  • Anastasia
  • Tatyana
  • Maria
  • Sofia
  • Melania
  • Vasilisa.

February- a month in which the memory of women who know how to balance their character is honored.

  • Rimma
  • Vasilisa
  • Kseniya
  • Pelagia
  • Svetlana
  • Sofia.

IN March modest and humble girls are born, but according to the calendar, it is possible to reward the daughter with a strong name:

  • Marianne
  • Irina
  • barbarian
  • Alexandra
  • Antonina
  • Darya
  • Hope
  • Nika.

At April girls are usually stubborn and firm in nature. Therefore, it is best to choose soft names from the holy calendar:

  • Svetlana
  • Maria
  • Pauline
  • Lydia.

Hardworking girls born in May, such names are suitable:

  • Elizabeth
  • Ulyana
  • Juliana
  • Faina
  • Taisiya.

IN June wishing to reward the daughter not only nice name, but also a reliable patroness, stop your attention on such names:

  • Valeria
  • Christina
  • Elena
  • Pelagia
  • Maria.

For July daughters according to the church calendar there is such a list of names:

  • Olga
  • Jeanne
  • Marina
  • margarita
  • Elizabeth
  • Juliana.

A girl will grow up decent and honest if in august you choose her name from the calendar:

  • Angelina
  • Christina
  • Irina
  • Darya
  • Elena.

In the calendar, there is a fairly extensive choice for girls born in September:

  • Sofia
  • Hope
  • Love
  • Ludmila
  • Tatyana
  • Natalia
  • Raisa.

Good choice of female names and in church calendar behind October:

  • Maria
  • Veronica
  • Pelagia
  • Maria
  • Taisia
  • Hope
  • Zinaida
  • Gold.

If you have difficulty choosing a name for your daughter, November saints will help solve this problem:

  • Elizabeth
  • Anastasia
  • neonilla
  • Seraphim
  • Olga
  • Elena.

In the first month of winter december, honor such saints:

  • Tatyana
  • Ekaterina
  • barbarian
  • margarita
  • Anfisa.

Foreign female names in the Russian way

Most of the names have the same origin, usually Greek, Hebrew and Latin, but they have been translated into other languages.

  • popular name Maria, which has Jewish roots, is quite common with us. In England it is Mary, in France - Marie.
  • English name Elizabeth and German Lizhen translates as Elizabeth.
  • french Julie and Italian Juliet in the Russian way will become Julia.
  • Spanish Catarina, English Catherine- this is our Katerina.
  • Spanish and Italian Lucia(translated as "light") - an analogue of the name Svetlana.
  • Analog English name Dolly in Russia - Darya, but Barbarabarbarian.
    Almost all foreign names have analogues in Russian.

Beautiful Tatar female names

The meanings of Tatar names are mainly divided into denoting certain features:

Beautiful Muslim female names

Female Muslim names are quite popular among other peoples due to their beautiful sound and meaning.

  • Alsu - pink-haired
  • Aliya - exalted
  • Aisha - life
  • Amira is a princess
  • Amina - faithful
  • Layla - night
  • Maram - aspiration
  • Nadira - rare
  • Rashida - walking right
  • Halima - patient
  • Zuhra - morning star
  • Malika - queen
  • Rahima - merciful
  • Samia - precious
  • Farida is unique
  • Firuza - light
  • Khabiba is my favorite
  • Jasmine - similar to jasmine.

Beautiful Kazakh female names

If you want to endow your daughter with any qualities, then you need to know what the name means. Kazakh names, in addition to native Kazakh ones, include names from Arabic, Russian, Persian and other languages. Each female Kazakh name has its own unique meaning, mostly pleasant and necessary meanings for life, character traits.

  • Ademi - graceful
  • Azhar - pretty
  • Aigul - moon flower
  • Alma - apple
  • Balzhan - sweet, smart
  • Balym is my smart girl
  • Gulnaz - graceful
  • Dameli - reliable
  • Zhanar - shine of the eyes
  • Kunsulu is a ray of sunshine.

Modern Armenian female names

For Armenians, a born girl is, first of all, a future mother, so the name should mean care, purity, warmth. Many female names come from the names of pagan goddesses. Anahit- mother goddess, goddess of motherhood and war - Nane, Astghik- Goddess of beauty and love. A lot of names formed from the names natural phenomena, plants and celestial bodies: Suzanne- lily, Lusine- moon, Garunik- Spring. Many female names are formed from male names with the addition of certain endings. The ending “ui” personifies the feminine – male Tigran + ui = female Tigranui. The ending "uht" is translated as a daughter and a holy oath. Wormizd's daughter will Wormizduht. The most harmonious modern Armenian names:

  • Anush - means "sweet"
  • Asmik - jasmine
  • Arevik - the sun
  • Gayane - earthly
  • Zara - gold
  • Zarui - Priestess of the Fire Temple
  • Mariam - Mary
  • Naira - free
  • Nana - mother
  • Narine - wife
  • Ruzanna - rose
  • Siranush - love
  • Ermina - courageous, dear.

List of the most beautiful female modern names

The most popular and beautiful names:

  • Anastasia
  • Milan
  • Angelina
  • Valeria
  • Christina
  • Yesenia
  • Arina
  • Marina
  • Svetlana
  • Snezhana
  • Zlata
  • Siyana
  • Regina
  • Pauline
  • Lilith
  • Pelagia
  • Emilia
  • Elina
  • Violetta.

Meanings of the most beautiful female names

Anastasia- from the Greek "resurrected", "immortal".
Milan- Slavic name, meaning "dear".
Angelina- from the Greek "angelos" - an angel.
Mia- Swedish origin, meaning "rebellious".
Valeria- from the Latin "strong".
Christina- from the Latin - "Christian".
YeseniaSlavic meaning"autumn".
Anna- translated from Hebrew as "brave", "blessed".
Marina- is of Latin origin "marine".
Svetlana- from the Slavic "bright", "clean".
Snezhana- from the Slavic "snow".
Thea- from the Greek "goddess".
Zlata- from the Slavic "golden".
Nika- from the ancient Greek "victory".
Regina- translated from Latin - "queen".
Pauline- from the Greek "solar".
Eve- is of Hebrew origin, meaning "giving life."
Pelagia- from the Greek "sea".
Violetta- from Latin means "violet".

Whatever you name the child, let reason and common sense prompt you in the search for a name. Harmonizing with the surname and patronymic, having good value a name that pleases the child and parents is the best choice. Remember that your daughter will live with him all his life, approach responsibly when choosing a beautiful name.

It has its own unique energy and meaning, which affect the character and destiny of a person. Our ancestors took the choice of the name of the child very seriously. If boys were given names to strengthen their strength, endow them with courage and masculinity, then lucky names for girls were given to attract harmony, health and well-being.

Top 5

According to famous astrologer Vasilisa Volodina, every person has a happy name. It is impossible to say clearly that one will be happy and the other not. However, the choice of a name must be approached with all seriousness.

What makes a name happy is the meaning and the meaning that lies in it.. Fate is determined by what our ancestors put into the name at the stage of its creation. What 5 female names are considered the happiest in life?


The meaning of the name is "winner". Together with this name, a woman receives a great desire for superiority, leadership qualities, perseverance and determination. The name gives its owner not only a strong character, but also an incredible inner magnetism that attracts useful and interesting people.

A woman with that name from childhood shows her wayward character and achieves everything they want.. Stubbornness, perseverance and self-confidence help them in their careers and business. Ease, honesty and sincerity contribute to the arrangement personal life. And the ability to stand up for herself and defend her point of view provides her with recognition and respect in society.

Victoria never leaves the intended path, she strives to achieve everything with her own work, rarely asks for help, but she herself is always ready to support her loved ones. Victoria depends on her own decisions and actions. She rarely makes mistakes, and when she does, she never blames the world trying to analyze their actions and get to the bottom of the truth.


FROM ancient Greek name means "organizer" and "founder", and from ancient Roman - "peacemaker". This is a name with a very strong energy. A woman named Tatyana is a born leader. She is capable of any work, she is able to cope with the most difficult tasks and find a way out of a confusing situation. Always adequately evaluates himself, his abilities and capabilities.

Easily finds a common language with people. As a rule, her circle of friends and acquaintances is very wide, so she is never alone. He has a unique gift - to see and notice what is not available to others. She has a well-developed intuition that helps her avoid wrong decisions and rash actions.

Despite the fact that she loves to dominate everywhere, in relations with a man she gives him the right to lead. However, he never misses the opportunity to direct his chosen one in the right direction, prompting him something.


The name is translated as "immortal", "resurrected". A woman with this name is not afraid of any hardships and problems. No matter how life beats her, she always remains “on horseback”. Nothing can break her strength of mind. Anastasia's fate is happy not only because she is able to cope with difficulties, but also because of her energy, activity, kindness and generosity. The good that she brings to people comes back to her.

This is a very talented and capable person. Her diligence can only be envied. Setting goals for herself, she easily achieves them. She is lucky in business and personal life due to her flexibility, ability to find a common language with people and listen carefully and hear the interlocutor.

Anastasia is an excellent psychologist who can learn a lot about her opponent at a glance. He lives by his mind and his ideals, not paying attention to the opinions of others.


A woman with that name is truly lucky and lucky. Mary means "lady". And she is truly the mistress of her fate and life. He lives the way he feels, does not look back, quickly forgets insults and failures. Her cheerful disposition, love of life and energy help to achieve all the benefits and goals.

Maria like a magnet attracts good luck. It's all about her optimism and the ability not to give up on anything. Sending only kind and bright thoughts to the Universe, Masha receives in return the fulfillment of all her desires. He achieves success thanks to his easy and quick-witted nature, out-of-the-box thinking and creativity.


Among the royal persons and ladies of aristocratic origin there were many Elizabeths. And this is not accidental, since this name ennobles, attracts good luck and luck in everything. Lisa is an influential, domineering and ambitious person. At the same time, she is very generous, generous, sensual, gentle and decent. Walks through life with open heart and wide-eyed, accepting everything from life - both good and bad.

Her secret lies in her attitude to the world and people. She loves the way she is, and is always grateful to fate for the moments of joy and experience gained. This is a peaceful, calm and harmonious nature, who wants to change the world for the better.

How to name a daughter so that her fate is successful?

There are also female names that attract good luck in some area of ​​life. What are 10 female names with a happy fate?

  • Darya means "winner". A woman with this name is lucky in everything, no matter what she undertakes. Great luck accompanies her in her career and business. She quickly reaches the top due to her ambitions and assertive nature. He knows how to stand up for himself and is always one step ahead of his competitors.
  • Anna- a name that attracts success in work, money and creativity. It endows its owners well developed intuition and insight. A woman named Anna is very stubborn and patient. She never quits what she started and always brings to the end what she has planned.
  • Sophia. This name gives wisdom inner peace and harmony. The bearers of this name are very reasonable, consistent and responsible. Fate is shaping up the best way if she listens to her inner feeling. Sophia is lucky in her personal life. She values ​​herself, knows what she needs from life and never betrays her ideals.
  • Alexandra. This is a real warrior. She is ready to protect her interests at all costs. This character gives her the opportunity to realize all her plans and fulfill her dreams. He finds his own in social work, creativity, communication with people and travelling.
  • Olga. From a young age gains wisdom and experience beyond his years. The name endows life force, positive energy, mind and prudence. Olga decides her own destiny. Her life path largely depends on the thoughts in her head.
  • Ekaterina. Likes being the center of attention. Healthy selfishness and moderately developed vanity help her achieve popularity and fame. He finds his happiness next to people who are kindred in spirit, and in his favorite work.
  • Irina- a name that personifies peace, harmony and beauty. From birth, she is endowed with the ability to quickly resolve any conflicts. He does not like to enter into disputes and discussions, to speak in raised tones. Always tries to act peacefully. Irina is lucky in her personal life and in dealing with people, as she has the makings of a good psychologist.
  • Love. A woman bearing this name brings tenderness, love, devotion and honesty to this world. She is lucky with men, as she knows how to find an approach to them. Finds happiness in family life and in communication with children. It never sits still and is constantly evolving.
  • Natalia- Responsive, kind and honest nature. In her circle, she is usually very respected. She is loved for her openness, devotion and perky disposition. Goes through life boldly, despite obstacles. She is lucky in the commercial sphere, as well as in relationships with men. There are always a lot of fans next to her.
  • Ludmila. Translated as "sweet people." Everyone truly idolizes her, loves and appreciates her. Lyudmila is lucky both in small things and in a big way. The main talent of this woman is to be in the right place at the right time.

Names that mean "happy"

Having chosen for a name that means "happiness", "luck" or "joy", the girl's parents lay a certain program in her subconscious. It is believed that every time, pronouncing this happy name, mom and dad will endow her with the energy of joy, success and luck. What names in translation mean "happy"?

  • Aglaida or Aglaya- sparkling, joyful, smiling
  • Alyona- sunny, happy
  • Anna- fertile
  • Anfisa- blooming with happiness
  • Veselina- joyful, merry, happy
  • Gella or Helium- sunny, bright
  • Darina- giving goodness and happiness
  • Euphrosyne- cheerful, joyful
  • Zoya- cheerful
  • Inessa– serene
  • Myrrh- blooming, fragrant
  • pleased- bringing joy
  • Rosa, Rosana and Rosalia- blooming
  • Feliksana- prosperous
  • Yarina- sunny, joyful, bright

From around the world

The names of other peoples, just like ours, have certain meanings. Among the female names there are those that give their bearers a happy fate., luck, and health.

  • Alaya- an old Spanish name meaning happiness and good luck
  • Asgadia- an Arabic name that endows its owner with immense happiness, spiritual joy and harmony
  • Bahrouz- Persian name that promises the fulfillment of desires
  • Gilah- Hebrew name that brings happiness
  • Lyme- Latvian name that attracts good luck
  • Letitia- Latin name meaning joy and good fortune
  • Makena- such names were called girls in East Africa to attract happiness and good luck to them
  • Monifa- Nigerian name, promising a successful life
  • pleased- Slavic name meaning joy
  • Sughda- translated from Arabic "very happy"
  • Rina- Hebrew name attracting happy events
  • sagida- translated from Arabic as "happy, enjoying life"
  • Simcha- a Jewish name that attracts luck and happiness in personal life
  • Faliha- so called Arab beauties, wanting to endow them with a happy fate
  • Felicita- latin name meaning good luck
  • firuza- Persian name, which was called the young royal persons; it meant "the first, superior to others"
  • HaraGreek name attracting good luck, joy and luck
  • Shreya- translated from Sanskrit means "auspicious, happy"
  • YukikoJapanese name, meaning "happy child"

The name should harmonize with the inner feeling of a woman, only then it will attract good luck and make the life path happy and bright.