April love horoscope Aquarius girl. Weekly love horoscope: Aquarius

  • 01.06.2021

In April 2017, Aquarius should become "Godfathers"

Aquarius horoscope for April 2017.

In April 2017, Aquarians should become "The Godfathers" ("The Godfather"). And even Aquarius women! Because the main thing that Aquarians should fight for in April 2017 is their authority and reputation. This does not mean that you need to say, like Don Corleone: “You came and said: Don Corleone, I need justice. But you ask without respect, you don't offer friendship, you don't even call me godfather." This means that you yourself must offer both help and justice, but at the same time, gently hinting that you are offering much more - your friendship. And this applies to both adult Aquarius and Aquarius, who, apart from themselves and their friendship, have nothing to offer yet.

Even adult Aquarius, the horoscope advises to firmly take the reins of the household into their own hands. So Aquarius men, even if your area of ​​​​responsibility ends with taking out the garbage and paying a salary, try to do it perfectly. Aquarius women in the house need to avoid quarrels and conflicts. Fight for your authority without raising your voice and conflicts so that you don’t tell your friends later “my psychiatrist and husband are both happy that I stopped talking to myself. But, in fact, it happened because I quarreled with myself ... ".

Indicates that in the next month you need to calmly react to everything that happens. Even if you have been experiencing a tense situation in a relationship or in life for a long time. April is April. Try not to take everything too personally. Look at the situation from the outside, and as objectively as possible. And even a small pinch of humor will help you see your problems in a completely different way, and most importantly, help you see the real possibilities of solving them. As Mario Puzo said in The Godfather: “Never get angry, never threaten, and make the man think straight. The main art is not to notice insults! What can be added here? Oh yes, he forgot to say Aquarius...

Horoscope for April 2017 Aquarius favorable days - 1, 6, 18, 20, 22 and 29.

Horoscope for April 2017 Aquarius unfavorable days - the fact that a person has a good heart does not mean that he cannot punch in the face. Approximately the same situation with favorable and unfavorable days. Auspicious days can also "give in the face." And unfavorable days can teach something, or be useful and interesting. The main thing is not to plan “black bars” for yourself, and then there will definitely be fewer of them!

Aquarius, do not pay attention to provocations and do not attach any importance to malicious criticism. It will only distract!

Horoscope for April 2017 Aquarius work, career and business.

The astral climate will stimulate you to work, work and work again. Next month, you will be able to strengthen your authority at work only through intense and hard work. Try to make the most of the positive circumstances that arise. Ignore provocations and do not attach any importance to vicious criticism. It will only distract. From this period, you enter a phase of stabilization. But it won't be the easiest time. Therefore, before trying to fly high, try to first consolidate what you have already achieved and defend the positions you already have. As Mario Puzo said: "Reasonable people will always be able to find a way out of business difficulties."

As we warned in detail - “In the first half of next year, Aquarians should develop a clear plan for several years ahead, and plan their future. “So if you haven't already done that in the first three months, make a plan in April. It is clear that life will make its adjustments, but 2017 is the time when you can not only lay the foundation, but also plan to climb several steps in your career and financial well-being. You know how any week begins with the question: “how far is it before Friday?”. So the 2017th year for Aquarius should begin with the question: “Is it still far from my“ Napoleonic plans ”. And do not be afraid to plan exactly “in Napoleonic way”. Life will still reduce your appetites. The main thing is not to forget to restore or recreate your image - that you can do everything at work, well, or almost everything. Therefore, even if a colleague asks you to do something incredibly difficult, you don’t need to look for sarcastic excuses in the style of: “Oh, this is not mine, my hands are growing out of my ass ...” Otherwise, you may hear: “And why can’t you reach out?”. And since Aquarians can really do a lot - do not be modest, and do not bury your talents. And even if it is something that you will do for the first time.

Horoscope for April 2017 Aquarius Finance. Judging by the horoscope, you will strive by all means to improve your financial situation. In this area, astral impulses are extremely favorable. However, be careful in early April. You will be tempted to take on risky trades, so don't ignore your inner voice and intuition. And even in small matters and expenses. They say that at midnight the gates to the other world open… But, in fact, for the majority, only the “gates” of the refrigerator open! Aquarius, try to keep the cost of your refrigerator, food and restaurants at least some norms and decency!

Love horoscope for April 2017 Aquarius. Horoscope for April 2017 Aquarius Love.

The general astral atmosphere of April will be more favorable for young Aquarians who are just learning to build relationships. In adults, Aquarius, the horoscope, on the contrary, does not exclude family disagreements over money or simply because of a developmental lag between long-term partners. The horoscope promises heated discussions and disputes, and all because one and the other do not want to lose the privilege of having the last word. Be the smartest or smartest of the couple, and try to talk less and listen more. Especially if other people's ears are present in the dispute. Remember what the same Mario Puzo said in The Godfather movie: “Never, Santino, do not let anyone other than your family members know what you are thinking. May they never know what's under your nails." Moreover, from April 16, the planet Venus will no longer be retrograde and this will be a very good time to remember what conjugal love is. You yourself will feel more and more need for harmony and gentleness in your family life.

lonely and active Aquarius love horoscope for April 2017 th also advises to pay more attention to the second half of the month. After April 16, Spring will have a “second wind”, and for some, both the first and the horoscope promises unexpected acquaintances, passionate connections and love adventures. But since no one has inexhaustible reserves of energy, try to properly distribute your love ardor in order to spend it on those people who can enter your life for a long time. In new acquaintances, try to restrain your natural sarcasm and original sense of humor. Especially if you are able, in a minibus or subway with a dense flea market, to clear your throat loudly and complain: “Fucking tuberculosis, you haven’t cured (a)!”

At the end of the horoscope for April 2017, Aquarius advises you to treat the events taking place next month calmly - like parting. After all, when parting, Aquarians are better than others at pretending to easily let a person go. And all because you think that there is no need to flatter this creature. It's just as easy for you to let go of April 2017.

Yes, and judging by the horoscope in the second half of April 2017, many Aquarians will really feel happy, so do not forget the words of the Buddha - thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and her life will not become shorter. Happiness does not decrease when you share it!

Have you read our horoscope for April 2017 Aquarius? And now, click "like" - Happiness does not decrease when you share it! Share our horoscope!

Due to the influence of Mars on the life of Aquarius, in April you will have to adapt to new living conditions. These conditions may seem very unusual to you. First of all, it will require more trust and adaptation to a life that will change at an alarming rate.

However, there will be nothing destructive in these events, i.e. in the end you will be able to tune in the right way and benefit for yourself. Life success this month will largely depend on clearly defined goals and a developed action plan. If you know what you want and how to achieve it - success will be impressive!

In the field of work, always try to have a clear plan of action before taking on your duties. In the area of ​​personal relationships, the negative influence of Pluto can ruin all plans, so if you are planning something, work out your plan in detail.

Aquarius career horoscope for April 2017

In the field of career and work, you can count on pleasant bonuses and surprises. If you have been thinking about starting your own business, April is a very favorable time for this. The only thing is that you need to think through everything to the smallest detail and devote your life to your work.

If you are employed, do not rush to take the initiative in everything and take on difficult tasks. April is a favorable time for learning and improvement, and difficulties will be largely due to your own mistakes, and not by the will of circumstances.

If you have your own business, the second month of spring is a great time for intensive expansion. The only thing is, due to the negative influence of Pluto, do not let anyone influence your decisions, otherwise there is a risk of failure.

Lucky days - 7, 8, if you do not have a job, use this day to send resumes and interviews.

April 2017 love horoscope for Aquarius

Most of your attention in April will be directed specifically to the sphere of personal relationships. This is a time when many problems and disagreements will become a thing of the past, especially if you put a little effort into it.

If you are alone, you can focus on finding your soulmate. The horoscope promises many colorful and amazing acquaintances. In general, life in this area will be full of unforgettable emotions and unpredictable events.

If you have a loved one, there is a possibility of conflicts and disagreements, especially if you have a big age difference. The horoscope predicts the possibility of interference in your relationship by relatives and close people. It is worth listening more to critical remarks and taking them into account in the future.

In April, it is very important to keep your emotions under control. Due to the negative influence of Pluto, you can go astray and give in to impulsive decisions. Don't let your emotions get the better of you, but you do need to listen to what your heart is saying, and there is a very fine line here.

Lucky days - 1, 15, 16, 17, 18 if you are single, use these days for romantic meetings and acquaintances.

Health Horoscope for April 2017 for Aquarius

In April, the horoscope does not predict any health-related problems, however, there will be no increased strength and energy boost either. Most likely, you will not find the strength in yourself to regularly engage in sports and fitness.

Auspicious days in April 2017

  • Luck in sports: 7, 8, 22, 23;
  • Lucky days in business: 7, 8;
  • Activity, ambitiousness in work: 5, 6, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28;
  • Luck and optimism: 7, 8,;
  • Clarity of thought (days of insights): 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30;
  • Confusion in thinking: 21, 22, 23;
  • Foresight, prophetic visions: 17, 18, 21, 22, 23;
  • Emotional sensitivity: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24;
  • Luck in love: 1, 15, 16, 17, 18;
  • Desire to be alone: ​​8, 9, 21, 22;
  • Probability of accidents: 13, 14, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Aquarius is an interesting month in terms of love. This is the time to reconsider feelings and principles towards the opposite sex. Those born under the constellation Aquarius during this period are capable of decisive action in order to achieve attention and reciprocal feelings. How to relate to the ongoing changes on the love front, find out in the exact love horoscope for Aquarius for April 2017.

Free Aquarians in April of this year will activate all forces for the development of their personal lives. This period of time will be marked as an opportunity to independently change the organization of one's own life, to develop one's own rules for it. To attract the interest of the opposite sex, Aquarius in April should remember their hobbies, since it will be almost impossible to win a pretty person in April with external data alone. It is much more interesting to communicate with a diversified person.

Aquarius, who are in a permanent relationship, in April can try to bend their partner to themselves with their perseverance. If they succeed, then such a relationship may soon disappoint the representative of this zodiac sign. A strong partner will not allow Aquarius to single-handedly command in a relationship, which will force both of them to seek compromises and negotiate among themselves. Such a development of family relations is more favorable for Aquarius, as it allows spouses to get to know each other better and avoid conflict situations.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius woman for April 2017

Single Aquarius girls will find themselves in a cycle of events in April. Several men can compete for their attention at once. To choose one of them or to reject the courtship of all - older relatives will help the girls to solve this issue, who, from the height of their personal experience, will immediately figure out unsuitable men. Couples created in April for female Aquarius can become life-changing. They have a high probability of developing into a long and sensual relationship. The exact love horoscope for Aquarius for April 2017 advises you to pay attention to people you already know: perhaps among them is someone who can make both happy.

Married women born under the sign of Aquarius in April can provoke their chosen ones to show sincere feelings and emotions. Such behavior in this spring month may be a reaction to inattention and some rudeness seen recently by a loved one. Women born under the sign of Aquarius need confessions of feelings on a daily basis. They truly love with their ears, demanding confirmation of passion not only in deeds, but also in words. Stars do not advise Aquarius women to often get involved in such things in April, as this can provoke a spouse into a scandal.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius man for April 2017

Single Aquarius men in April 2017 have the opportunity to rebel a little because of small failures on the personal front, but this will further spur them on to search for a girl who can withstand such an emotional and eccentric person. The main indicator of compatibility for Aquarius in April will be the unwillingness of the chosen one to agree with them in everything.

Married men born under the sign of Aquarius will test not only themselves this month, but also the patience of their other halves. This will consist in bouts of unreasonable jealousy, suspicion and bad mood. For married couples who have known each other for a long time, such an April test will be familiar and will not bring any special consequences, but for newlyweds, this behavior of the Aquarius spouse can cause resentment. The love horoscope advises Aquarius men to moderate their ardor and switch energy to solving other problems.

Auspicious days for Aquarius women in April 2017: April 3, 8, 14, 17, 21, 27.
Difficult days for Aquarian women in April 2017: April 7, 20, 29.


This week, a chance meeting could be the beginning of a whirlwind romance. Most likely, you will meet on the road, in public transport.

April 1st to 10th. You can quite seriously quarrel over a completely trifling matter. It is not worth risking a stable relationship for the sake of a surge of momentary emotions.
From 11 to 20 April. The domestic situation will heat up - an aggravation of a long-standing conflict is likely. You will come out of it as a winner, but this will not add sympathy from your spouse.
From 21 to 30 April. Neutral week, light flirting is possible. Suddenly, a pleasant acquaintance will remind you of himself.


Good time for sports. You can safely try some new directions and trends - you will definitely achieve a good result.

April 1st to 10th. Now there is a high chance of catching a cold. Especially if you break the daily routine and overload yourself with unnecessary communication and unnecessary trips. Slow down.
From 11 to 20 April. Someone from your family may get sick during this period. Take preventive measures to avoid infection.
From 21 to 30 April. Make restrictions on your diet. Pay attention to cereals and vegetables, exclude everything fatty and salty.


Your financial situation will improve significantly - if you do not show undue pride and do not refuse a lucrative offer yourself.

April 1st to 10th. Talk heart to heart with elderly relatives. Perhaps the issue of inheritance will be decided in your favor.
From 11 to 20 April. Although you do not play a major role today, but you enjoy working in a team.
From 21 to 30 April. This is a great time to get your ideas out to the masses. Just do it softer, do not push away potential supporters with excessive pressure.

Horoscope for April 2017 Aquarius man

Auspicious days for Aquarius men in April 2017: April 5, 9, 13, 18, 22, 28.
Difficult days for Aquarius men in April 2017: April 6, 19, 30.


Spending time in a family environment - what could be better? Do not resist the desire of your loved one.

April 1st to 10th. Your self-esteem will increase, although some vague doubts about your own irresistibility may remain.
From 11 to 20 April. If you start downloading rights and telling your friend what to do, the conflict cannot be avoided - it’s better to go visit.
From 21 to 30 April. Do not lock yourself in four walls - these days are there to have fun. Preferably not alone.


You are actively involved in sports. You won't have any problems finding the right company, but it's worth saving your energy first. In a fit of enthusiasm, you can overload the body.

April 1st to 10th. Watch out for occasional colds and drafts. There is a chance of catching the virus on the road or while communicating with a large number of people. Spend more time at home, it's more useful now.
From 11 to 20 April. At work, you will have a rather nervous atmosphere. You can be overloaded with various conflicting orders, then canceling them, then again demanding to be completed. All this can cause stress and fatigue. Try to rest more often.
From 21 to 30 April. This week will be quite productive and successful, which cannot but affect your pride and general well-being. It is in professional success that the secret of your good physical condition lies. Make the most of this time.


Let you now play a non-primary role at work, colleagues will appreciate your modesty.

April 1st to 10th. Your influence on others will increase - you will be able to prove yourself as a true leader and professional.
From 11 to 20 April. You will be able to realize your long-standing travel dreams, even if you did not plan it before. This is a good week for organizing a long trip and paying for a tour.
From 21 to 30 April. If friends ask for a loan, try to gently refuse them. But do it in such a way that you don't quarrel.

Horoscope for April 2017 Aquarius child

Daughter. Your girl seeks to actively spend her leisure time - help her with this. But keep in mind: she is ready to walk a lot, play sports, go to various circles, if only there was a company of friends. She absolutely does not like individual lessons. If you have the opportunity to send your daughter on any spring break trip, she will be happy. Just be aware of her surroundings.

Son. Your boy will actively advocate for the truth, fight against those whom everyone considers leaders, but without fanaticism, but cheerfully, with a twinkle. This will attract many friends to him, but will alienate those whose authority he encroached on. During this period, it will be useful for you to once again have a conversation with him on the topic of moral values ​​in your family, to discuss what is important to you and what is secondary.

According to the horoscope, in April 2017, Aquarius will plunge headlong into solving numerous financial problems and eliminating other domestic troubles. Indeed, in the middle of this spring, the material aspect will be put at the forefront by you, thereby somewhat crowding out your thirst for innovation, the desire for personal freedom and love of travel. Your daily way of life will acquire the features of "earthiness" and "settledness". However, this should not stress or upset you in any way! Yes, you will spend a whole month on eliminating current problems, but then, when the busy April comes to its logical end, you will again be able to remember what innovation, freedom and endless travel are.

In the meantime, in the midst of this spring, Aquarius still have to "fight" with numerous problems for a long and hard time. Especially a lot of problems will be “thrown” by your personal life (or rather, the very life, the arrangement of which you have always so diligently avoided). If you are a family person, be mentally prepared that in April the device, the repair of which you have always postponed indefinitely, will finally fail, or you will have an urgent need to make repairs. Pay attention - not a cosmetic one, which you still did not dare to start, but a capital one, which requires enormous expenditures of both finances and free time. Lonely Aquarius in April will also be hourly disturbed by their unsettled life, but in addition to it, a number of big troubles will arise in your personal life. A person will reappear next to you, whose annoying courtship pretty much spoils your nerves. How do you get rid of the presence of this person? Most likely, this time you will have to forget about your good upbringing and, looking into the eyes, tell this person everything that you think about him and his obsessive courtship.

Career and financial affairs in April 2017 will also make Aquarius pretty worried. No, you are not in danger of being fired (on the contrary, several times in the middle of this spring you will hear sincere praise from your higher management). But what is verbal praise if your budget starts to rapidly approach a critically low mark! This will happen due to the fault of the next major economic cataclysms, which will have a very deplorable effect on the activities of your enterprise and, as a result, on the standard of living of all personnel. Free enterprise Aquarians will dedicate April 2017 to finding new investors. You will objectively assess the state of your enterprise, and it will become clear to you that both the technical equipment and other attributes necessary for successful operation require updating. While you are looking for funds to carry out a complete “upgrade” of your company, you will have to be pretty nervous, since there will be very few people around you who want to invest part of their capital in the development of your production. This issue will be resolved thanks to pure chance, after which a person will appear next to you, ready to provide the required amount (although he will put forward a number of conditions that you are unlikely to like).

A busy April 2017 will be a real test for the well-being of Aquarius. By the end of the month, you will begin to understand more and more clearly that you need a quality vacation (and preferably somewhere far from the bustle of the city, for example, on the coast). If you don't get the chance to put everything down and go on a fun trip, be sure to find other ways to relax (like regular trips to the beach or pool).

What Aquarius did not do at the beginning of this spring in order to achieve happiness on the love front, but all their attempts turned out to be ineffective. Will the representatives of this zodiac sign achieve what they want in April 2019? Aquarians have every right to hope so, and meanwhile the stars have already revealed several secrets about the future of this sign. If you are wondering what awaits Aquarius in April in matters of the heart, read the exact love horoscope.

Aquarius love horoscope for April 2019

Instability in the love sphere of Aquarius in April will quickly end. This month, the stars promise the representatives of the sign clarity and specificity. Heavenly patrons promise that in April a lot will depend on the Aquarius themselves, and not on chance. Therefore, people of this sign should prepare and plan for the future. Very soon, their dream of happiness will come true.

Girls and men of the sign of Aquarius in April must take into account the accidents that are nevertheless planned by fate. For example, in the spring of this year, the stars will not allow those wards of Uranus to get to know each other, who have recently been in a relationship and interrupted them on their own initiative. The thing is that Aquarians left their former lovers hope for the future, and it is she who will prevent the construction of new happiness. Therefore, Aquarius in April needs to decide whether they want to fall in love again or whether their past feelings are still relevant and have at least some meaning.

The horoscope of love predicts a whole ocean of tenderness and passion for the family Aquarius in April. The spring of this year will be remembered by the representatives of the sign for a long time. April will be the most wonderful month, which Aquarians will consider as an ideal period of family life for a long time to come.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius woman for April 2019

For Aquarius girls, the love horoscope invites you to relax and enjoy the attention of fans in April. A love astro forecast advises them to remain feminine, gentle and calm in order to enjoy such a wonderful gift all month.

Married Aquarius girls will once again be convinced of the correctness of their choice in April. Men will often delight their chosen ones. Every Aquarius woman will be able to feel like a queen in April, don't even doubt it!

New feelings in April will appear among those Aquarius girls who have long cooled down and cannot awaken spirituality in themselves. Moreover, love will arise completely inopportunely and at the wrong time. All its charm will be just in such suddenness. As a result, the romance of Aquarius-girls will begin very rapidly, and its continuation will no longer depend on the will of the stars, but on the efforts and desires of the couple itself.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius man for April 2019

April will not be so rosy for Aquarius men. If the stars will help the girls for free, then they will require constant participation from the strong half. Aquarius will be forced to take responsibility for all the events that fill their love sphere. As a reward, they will receive peace and stability in their personal lives.

Aquarians, who have not yet met their soul mate, will be able to solve this problem very quickly in April. They will meet a very beautiful woman, and soon the relationship will become so serious that the couple will begin to think about marriage and children.

Those Aquarians who have not yet realized their feelings will be able to enjoy them in full in April. The heart will beat excitedly at the mere thought of a pretty person. No matter how strange it may seem, but now Aquarius will have to try to achieve the location of the one who was ready to go with them to the ends of the world the day before.

The stars promise good luck to the family Aquarius. Their adamant spouses will begin to think about a compromise. Aquarians will get more time for their own affairs, but they will not want to use it, because they are much more comfortable with their family and next to their lover than, for example, with friends or hobby partners.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for other months of 2019

The ambiguous nature of the middle of this spring is due to nothing more than a rather strange arrangement of the most important luminaries in the firmament. Who would have thought that in April you, dear Aquarius, will not be called upon to patronize, but militant Mars itself! He will groom and cherish you, as if you were an expensive toy, provided only for a while. Apparently, it is for this reason that Mars will reliably protect you from all life cataclysms and give your character the missing hardness.

Your traditional patron, Saturn, will hardly appear in April 2017. It will give you the opportunity to build your own life (Saturn will only occasionally interfere in your way of life, and only to teach you a deep understanding of certain issues).

Saturn in April will show you a rather indifferent approach, while Pluto will not hide the fact that he is set towards you unfriendly. It is he, the insidious Pluto, who will send to your lot both delicate situations, and changeable circumstances, and other events that will almost completely deprive you of stability. Of course, the tricks of Pluto will cause you some psychological discomfort, but do we remember that Mars in April 2017 will be your faithful ally? So. The most warlike planet will help you get rid of the confusion sent to your lot by Pluto. Moreover, all difficult situations will be resolved to your advantage, and the fight against adverse circumstances will help you temper your character.

What Aquarius did not do at the beginning of this spring in order to achieve happiness on the love front, but all their attempts turned out to be ineffective. Will the representatives of this zodiac sign achieve what they want in April 2019? Aquarians have every right to hope so, and meanwhile the stars have already revealed several secrets about the future of this sign. If you are wondering what awaits Aquarius in April in matters of the heart, read the exact love horoscope.

Aquarius love horoscope for April 2019

Instability in the love sphere of Aquarius in April will quickly end. This month, the stars promise the representatives of the sign clarity and specificity. Heavenly patrons promise that in April a lot will depend on the Aquarius themselves, and not on chance. Therefore, people of this sign should prepare and plan for the future. Very soon, their dream of happiness will come true.

Girls and men of the sign of Aquarius in April must take into account the accidents that are nevertheless planned by fate. For example, in the spring of this year, the stars will not allow those wards of Uranus to get to know each other, who have recently been in a relationship and interrupted them on their own initiative. The thing is that Aquarians left their former lovers hope for the future, and it is she who will prevent the construction of new happiness. Therefore, Aquarius in April needs to decide whether they want to fall in love again or whether their past feelings are still relevant and have at least some meaning.

The horoscope of love predicts a whole ocean of tenderness and passion for the family Aquarius in April. The spring of this year will be remembered by the representatives of the sign for a long time. April will be the most wonderful month, which Aquarians will consider as an ideal period of family life for a long time to come.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius woman for April 2019

For Aquarius girls, the love horoscope invites you to relax and enjoy the attention of fans in April. A love astro forecast advises them to remain feminine, gentle and calm in order to enjoy such a wonderful gift all month.

Married Aquarius girls will once again be convinced of the correctness of their choice in April. Men will often delight their chosen ones. Every Aquarius woman will be able to feel like a queen in April, don't even doubt it!

New feelings in April will appear among those Aquarius girls who have long cooled down and cannot awaken spirituality in themselves. Moreover, love will arise completely inopportunely and at the wrong time. All its charm will be just in such suddenness. As a result, the romance of Aquarius-girls will begin very rapidly, and its continuation will no longer depend on the will of the stars, but on the efforts and desires of the couple itself.

Love horoscope for the Aquarius man for April 2019

April will not be so rosy for Aquarius men. If the stars will help the girls for free, then they will require constant participation from the strong half. Aquarius will be forced to take responsibility for all the events that fill their love sphere. As a reward, they will receive peace and stability in their personal lives.

Aquarians, who have not yet met their soul mate, will be able to solve this problem very quickly in April. They will meet a very beautiful woman, and soon the relationship will become so serious that the couple will begin to think about marriage and children.

Those Aquarians who have not yet realized their feelings will be able to enjoy them in full in April. The heart will beat excitedly at the mere thought of a pretty person. No matter how strange it may seem, but now Aquarius will have to try to achieve the location of the one who was ready to go with them to the ends of the world the day before.

The stars promise good luck to the family Aquarius. Their adamant spouses will begin to think about a compromise. Aquarians will get more time for their own affairs, but they will not want to use it, because they are much more comfortable with their family and next to their lover than, for example, with friends or hobby partners.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for other months of 2019

The month of April will bring Aquarius a successful solution to all the accumulated problems. As the horoscope for April 2017 advises, Aquarius must observe restraint. Do not rush, the circumstances of the month will play into your hands. Aquarians will be incredibly self-confident and full of energy. This will awaken in the representatives of the sign the desire to go on a trip. Whether it will be related to work issues or for recreation purposes - it does not matter, do not miss this opportunity to unwind and get pleasant impressions.

The month will bring Aquarius many new interesting acquaintances and meetings. The people around you will push you to take decisive action. Listen carefully to the advice of the older generation. The period will bring an opportunity to resolve all outstanding issues, prioritize and chart a new course of action.

Do not make rash decisions in the first half of the month, do not rush to sign important documents and start a business.


The Aquarius horoscope for April 2017 promises that health problems are not expected. Caution will have to be observed when traveling, driving, now the likelihood of traffic accidents is increasing.

Add variety to your diet. Do not forget about vitamins, do not exhaust the body with strict diets, do not cut calories. Proper balanced nutrition will be much healthier.


In the professional field, the month will be quite successful. Circumstances will develop in the most favorable way to resolve problems, this will help strengthen your reputation. Now you can make new connections, because you make a great impression on people. Avoid getting into arguments with colleagues.

The advice of experienced people will be very useful for you and will help you cope with problems.

The main task of Aquarius in April is to actively work on current tasks without losing the intended course. The first fruits of hard work will not keep you waiting and will motivate the representatives of the sign to even more serious achievements.


The Aquarius horoscope for April 2017 recommends focusing on your job responsibilities, not paying attention to financial difficulties. Patience and hard work will surely bear fruit by the middle of the month. This alignment will push Aquarius to even more active actions and the search for new sources of income. Such searches will be crowned with success.

Difficulties may arise for representatives of businesses related to transport, trade, finance, beauty.

The second half of the month will bring professional development. Business trips, refresher courses are likely, followed by an increase in financial well-being. You can even save money. The end of the month is favorable for opening deposits.


In the family relationships of Aquarius, misunderstandings and conflicts are possible. After reading the love horoscope for April 2017, Aquarius should try not to go too far, not to put pressure on a partner and not try to change him. Get better at transforming your home. The month is well suited to get rid of unnecessary rubbish, to make light cosmetic repairs. May your renovated home be open to friends and family, to good traditions. This will help strengthen relationships and maintain harmony in them.

Free Aquarius will be overwhelmed by a wave of romance, and even promiscuity. Moreover, there is a chance that such a relationship will grow into something more. Rely on the voice of your heart.

Aquarius - man

Meetings, trips, projects, business trips - a man - Aquarius in the month of April cannot be called a homebody. The month promises to be productive and successful in career terms. You have enough experience, knowledge and assertiveness, but do not dismiss the help of trusted colleagues and experienced people.

As the horoscope for April 2017 advises family signs, Aquarius - a man should pay more attention to his family. But do not lock yourself in four walls. Active sports will give you the energy you need. Beware of stress and overwork at work, rest more often.

Avoid conflicts in the team. Now you are respected and popular, keep your reputation.

Aquarius - woman

In April, a woman - Aquarius is waiting for a journey that will bring a variety of acquaintances, it is likely even a meeting with a dream man. Its consequences will be unpredictable, it can be either a light romance or a serious relationship!

Don't lend money now. Be conscientious about your work responsibilities, become part of the team. Such a strategy will help you achieve excellent results and prove yourself well.