Video instruction for uprooting stumps. Uprooting stumps in the country: the best ways, their advantages and disadvantages Ways to uproot stumps

  • 13.06.2019

Stumping is the removal of tree stumps and shrubs from the ground along with the roots. There are many methods of stump removal - check out the best.

Uprooting is the process of removing the stumps of trees or shrubs from the ground along with the roots. Produced during afforestation and clearing areas.

There are the following main categories of uprooting methods:

Mechanical- the main industrial method, which consists in the use of machines and mechanisms for applying force to the stump, leading to its extraction from the ground. There are different principles of operation of mechanisms - screw, gear wheels, lever and hydraulic press.

Explosive- also an industrial method in which one or more explosive charges are placed under the stump into holes drilled in the ground. It is mainly used in the preparation of stump resin.

fire- consists in burning out a previously prepared stump. It is practically not used as an industrial one.

Manual- includes digging, cutting off the roots and pulling out with the help of a log, winch or chain hoist. It is also almost never used on an industrial scale.

Chemical and Fungal methods of uprooting stumps are not mentioned here.

Chemical- the most harmful method of uprooting stumps, which I fundamentally refuse.

Chemical method of stump removal.
The chemical method, which is one of the simplest, is aimed at accelerating the decomposition of wood.

To destroy the stump with chemistry, it is necessary to make several holes in the stump with a perforator to a depth of 50 cm and fill them with a chemical solution. Cover the stump with polyethylene and wait.

But you have to wait at least a year. After 1-2 years, only dust will remain from the stump. The main chemicals are: sodium and potassium nitrate, ammonium nitrate and urea.

Benefits of chemical stump removal
A cheap way to remove a stump.
You can do the work yourself.
Does not require the use of physical force.
Does not damage the surrounding landscape.

Disadvantages of chemical stump removal
The stump decomposition process can take several years.
There is a possibility of poisoning fertile soil around.
The soil at the site of the stump becomes unsuitable for plant growth for a long time.

Mushroom- the best way to remove stumps, because it has been proven by Nature for millions of years, and besides, stumps can be turned into edible mushrooms.


Here we will fit in just a few paragraphs, since this way simple and interesting, but rarely used.

Removing stumps with mushrooms

An old stump can be populated with mycelium of edible mushrooms, which will spread along the stump, developing into a real colony. As a result of vital activity, mushrooms will decompose, that is, completely destroy wood, and you will get your own mushrooms for cooking delicious and fragrant dishes.

This process is lengthy and may take several years. It is also dangerous for other trees in the garden and small architectural forms, which means that you should be very careful when using it.

In the Ecopark I will try to use the mushroom method of removing stumps.

With extra money, you can always order uprooting stumps. See Prices for uprooting stumps. After reviewing the prices, there is a desire to do Uprooting on your own in order to transfer money from one of your pockets to your other pocket - this will allow you to use them with greater benefit.

Stumps can be removed manually using available funds small mechanization.


So we come to the most important method for us, since on own site we are used to doing everything by hand. You can also uproot stumps on your own, but this method is also not the best, and therefore, we will consider separately its advantages and disadvantages.

Benefits of manual uprooting

Manual stump removal is carried out in absolutely any place on your site, which is very good, because not all stumps can be approached with a crusher and, especially, on a tractor;

With a skillful approach, uprooting stumps by hand is enough effective method, since it is possible to remove from the soil not only the stump, but also the absolute maximum of the root system;

After the release of the land from the stump, the next year it is ready for cultivation.

Disadvantages of manual stump removal

First of all, it is really hard, and sometimes even hellish physical labor;

This method cannot be applied in winter, since its effectiveness is completely lost due to the significant complication of work - snow, frozen soil, mud, and so on;

The cost of such uprooting from firms is now almost impossible, and if so, it will cost you a fortune, especially if the tree was tall and old, and had a serious root system.

How to uproot stumps with your own hands?

Manual uprooting of stumps is used everywhere, and every experienced summer resident has come across it more than once. It happens approximately the same in any region of our country, and indeed the whole world as a whole.

So, do-it-yourself stump removal occurs completely independently or with the help of physically strong like-minded people. You will need crowbar, shovels, axes, hammers, levers, possibly winches, as well as cutting tools and, of course, gloves and plastic goggles for your own protection.

The stump is dug from all sides to a certain depth - more often, a couple of tens of centimeters. Further, its main roots are separated from the stump and, with the help of levers or a hefty force of the participants in the process, the stump is removed from the soil.

How many words, but the features of the process are not described. I make up for this deficiency.

When removing a stump, you have to dig a larger hole, the larger the tree - this is necessary to get to those places of lateral roots where they are not too thick.

Earth and sand on the roots quickly dull the cutting tool, so its use is desirable only after cleaning the roots from the bark.

You have to dig up each lateral root to remove a piece from it.

You need to chop with an ax obliquely towards the direction of the root.

Uprooting stumps takes a lot of time and physical strength, because you have to work at an uncomfortable height.

Therefore, manual uprooting of stumps should be taken only when the stumps really interfere and there is no time to use the Mushroom method.

And now I describe the ancient and forgotten stump twisting method:

Using a ladder, cut down the tree at a height of 400 cm, then remove the trunk and branches to the side, sawing them into pieces.

With an ax or a shovel, we remove the bark from two opposite sides of the tree at a height of 60 cm.

Using a chainsaw or cordless chainsaw, cut a through hole.

We insert a long lever into the hole - a rail, a channel, a thick-walled metal pipe.

So that the stump does not crack, we wrap the stump with a rope or a thick rope, at the same time it is useful to grab the lever so that it does not slip in the hole.

We lean on the lever and twist the stump - while the lateral roots bend, break and tear at some distance from the stump, and the central root (if the tree has one) is twisted, shortened in length, which leads to tearing off many small roots. It is only foolish to hope for the removal of most of the root system, because in all plants the volume and mass of the aboveground and underground parts are approximately equal.

To observe the reaction of the roots and facilitate the twisting process, you can dig into the tree and even cut off some of the roots.

If you don’t have enough strength, either call your neighbors for help, or use a chain hoist, or use a winch.

If there is a hoist and there is not enough total length of extension cords, you can bring an electric generator to power the hoist.

To pull out the central root, we apply a sawn off piece of the trunk to the rest of the trunk, fixing it with two pins driven into the soil, tie a rope to the upper end of the trunk and, using a lever with a good aspect ratio, pull out the central root from the soil.

The genius of this method lies in the fact that it is not the Force that is used, but the Moment of Forces!

So, in my opinion, Stump Uprooting is best done using the Mushroom Method and the Stump Twisting Method. It is these two methods that I am going to use in the ecopark.

I invite everyone to speak in

The backyard is always full of work. Beyond landing cultivated plants periodically there is a need to develop new places. Most often, these are areas where dense wild shrubs grow and places where old and diseased fruit trees have been removed. If there are no special problems with the removal of the first, then the latter, thanks to their powerful root system, can cause a lot of difficulties.

In this case, one has to resort to such a laborious procedure as uprooting stumps. Many may argue - why do this? After all, you can somehow fit it into the overall design of the garden plot. In part, we can agree with this. Make a table or beautifully arrange a place for a birdhouse. Break the flower bed. But this measure will be temporary. Over time, the wood of both the tree itself and the stump will collapse, and the product will lose its aesthetic appearance. In the conditions of a small plot of 6 acres, uprooting is simply necessary to free up land for new plantings.

So we smoothly approached the fact that the stumps need to be uprooted. That's just how? In this article we will try to figure out how to cope with butts sticking out of the ground on our own, with our own hands. The whole procedure can be divided into several stages:

  • Familiarization with the nature of the upcoming uprooting.
  • Preparation of the tool and place.
  • Extraction of the cramp from the earth.

Familiarization with the nature of the upcoming uprooting work

As in any business, uprooting at the stump site requires a thorough study of the nature of the work being done. At this stage, you need to find out the following points:

  • The type and age of the tree from which the stump remains.
  • Conditions for the occurrence of the root system.
  • Determination of the location of the main roots.

When uprooting stumps, it is very important to know that each type of tree has its own special structure, not only the above-ground part, but also the underground part. In most cases, these two parts are comparable in size. But by location, the root system can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Fibrous;
  • Rod;
  • Surface;
Majority fruit trees have either a fibrous root system or a superficial one. As a rule, it is located at a depth of 20 to 75 cm. It is not so difficult to remove the roots of such trees. The main thing is to determine the location of the main processes. A certain difficulty can be delivered by such stone fruits as plums and cherries. Their root system extends beyond the crown. In some cases, it can exceed the diameter of the crown three times.

Pine can deliver particular difficulties when uprooting a stump on a site. Its root is a pivot. Depending on the composition of the soil, it can lie at a depth of 2 to 6 meters. The central stem of the pine is quite thick and is not easy to trim. In addition, it is overgrown with a mass of thick horizontal roots.

If you have to uproot spruce stumps, then there are no particular difficulties. Many must have seen fallen strong winds ate in the forest. As a rule, the tree collapses, exposing the entire root system. In its structure, it is superficial and does not have too thick horizontal conductors. Therefore, it is enough to identify the main horizontal rods and chop them off.

IMPORTANT: The older the tree, the thicker and more branched its root system. Accordingly, the depth of occurrence in elderly writhing will be significant.

Preparing the tool for uprooting stumps

At this stage, it is very important to choose the right tools with which to remove the stump from the site. Here you will need the following:

  • Shovel;
  • Axe;
  • Saw;
  • Sledgehammer;
  • Pole or metal pipe for the lever;
  • Chain for fastening the lever.

In special cases, a winch and metal wedges may be needed to remove the cramp.

IMPORTANT: You can not hit the ax with a sledgehammer. A few blows will disable the tool, breaking it. For these purposes, it is best to use a special heavy wooden hammer made of hardwood.

The process of removing a stump from the ground

Having familiarized yourself with how the stump lies, determining the age of the tree and its species, it's time to start uprooting. First you need to determine the size of the hole. Its diameter can be from 1 meter to 1.5 meters. From the stump to the outer circle, a groove is cut with a vertical slope of 30-40 degrees with a shovel. This method of digging a hole at an angle helps to keep the earth from shedding the earth during subsequent work.

As a rule, the first bayonet of a shovel, on which a hole is dug, is easy. For convenience, the blade of the entrenching tool when digging should be placed parallel to the roots of the uprooted stump. All soil, along with vegetation, is best stored in a specific place. Having reached the roots, you can increase the width of the circular strip, for the convenience of further deepening into the soil.

NOTE: In order for the cramps with roots to be better freed from the ground, it is necessary to periodically strike the stump with a sledgehammer or an ax.

After the roots are exposed, you can proceed to the next stage - sawing and cutting. It is at this stage that most mistakes are made. Summer residents inexperienced in uprooting try to cut the roots in one place, trying to quickly release the cramps from the processes holding it. Such actions make it difficult to further deepen the pit. In fact, the root must be cut or cut off in two places. At the same time, the larger the chock, the freer the space for the bayonet of the shovel will be.

IMPORTANT: Chocks of the root system of the stump cut during uprooting must be at least 30 centimeters.

All actions to release the stump must be performed sequentially. They freed one root from the ground - they chopped it off. Proceeded to release the next one. And so on in a circle, until the cramps are freed from the first tier. After that, the stump is again struck with a sledgehammer or an ax to determine the location of the roots of the next tier.

Owners of dachas and personal plots often face the need to cut down old trees. After that, stumps remain, taking up space and interfering with the processing of the beds. To get rid of them, you can call in specialists who have special equipment and tools. But many gardeners prefer to do it themselves, using time-tested methods.

Preparatory work for uprooting stumps

There are two common methods of uprooting stumps: mechanical and physical. They have their advantages and disadvantages, but what they have in common is that you need to spend some training to make the removal of the stump faster.

How to mechanically remove stumps

most popular and fast way uprooting - mechanical. It may involve the use of:

  • tractor;
  • crushing machine;
  • improvised means.

Using a tractor for uprooting

A technique will help you to significantly facilitate and speed up the uprooting of stumps: a tractor or a bulldozer with a special nozzle for removing roots. This method works especially well if you need to remove a few stumps, uproot an old garden, or remove forest plantations where further construction is expected.

Tractor or bulldozer will quickly remove even the largest stumps

For the use of heavy transport equipment, an important condition is the provision of access to the removed stumps and sufficient space for work. The stump must be tied with a cable, the other end of which is attached to the tractor, and simply pulled out of the ground.

Throw the end of the cable on the stump, fasten it well, and then the tractor will do everything by itself

If there are stumps in your area big size with powerful roots, you have to use a caterpillar tractor. Be aware that he will violate upper layer soil, and with it - beds, flower beds and elements of landscape design.

Advantages and disadvantages of using a tractor: table

Advantages Flaws
Suitable for a large number stumps in the open area of ​​the site.A bulky tractor can destroy a landscaped area and decorative items.
The method makes it possible to get rid of an outdated barren garden with one call of special equipment, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of removing each stump.A powerful tractor sharply pulls a stump out of the ground, while the roots of other trees growing nearby may suffer
In the pits freed from stumps, new trees can be planted.The high cost of removing one stump.
The uprooted stump will leave a large pit, which will need to be covered with earth and leveled

How to use the crushing machine

For uprooting stumps, it is very convenient to use a crushing machine - a device with small dimensions, no larger than a garden wheelbarrow. It is easy to move around the site and even transfer from one tree to another. Such a machine is indispensable if you need to remove a few single stumps among healthy trees, or on garden plot there is not enough space for the maneuver of large technical means.

The crushing machine is convenient to use

The principle of operation of the device in cutting and crushing wood. If you are planning to use a chipper, cut the stump as low as possible, preferably at ground level. Particularly large specimens large diameter divide into several segments to make it easier for the rooter. The machine will turn the wood into sawdust, and it is enough to fill the resulting hole with earth, so that later it can be used for beds.

Note! The best period for uprooting is winter. Wood saturated with moisture will be destroyed by frost. This will greatly facilitate cutting and grinding.

Pros and cons of using a crusher - table

Advantages Flaws
A fast and accurate process, the application of which will not violate the integrity and appearance of the site and its landscaping.Small working depth of crushing - no more than 30 cm, which will complicate construction works and planting large trees in the area.
The equipment is easily delivered to the remains of the tree.
The crushing machine allows you to set the required parameters for the depth and diameter of milling and crushing wood and control them during work.The method is not suitable for sites after construction - construction debris can disable equipment that will have to be compensated.
As a result of uprooting with a crusher, only chips will remain from the stump, which can simply be dug up along with the ground on the site.

Manual stump removal

The services of a tractor and other equipment are not cheap, and buying a crushing machine for the sake of one use is also unprofitable. You can independently remove stumps up to 20 cm in diameter using a metal lever for this.

Manual uprooting of stumps is a time-consuming task, so you may need help from outside, from friends or neighbors. In addition, this method will not work if your site has massive stumps of large diameter.

Advantages and disadvantages of manual uprooting - table

Video tutorial: mechanical removal of a stump with a winch

Chemical stump removers

If it is not possible to uproot the stump using the methods discussed above, chemicals can be used. However, this method will take a lot of time.

The most popular for the destruction of the remains of a tree is the use of potassium nitrate. You need to start implementing the method in the fall.

Note! When burning a stump, remember to follow safety rules: control burning and keep water or sand on hand. If your site is on peatlands, do not use this method, as it can cause a fire that is difficult to extinguish.

By the way, you can do without burning the stump. The actions are the same, but instead of potassium, you need to use ammonium nitrate, or urea. The substance is also injected into the wood, and the stump is wrapped in polyethylene. After 2 years, the wood will completely decompose, and you will not have to burn or uproot it.

Advantages and disadvantages of chemical decomposition of wood - table

Video: how to remove a stump with saltpeter

Biological method: how mushrooms destroy the stump

Nature herself will help you get rid of unwanted objects on the site if you help her. The use of mushrooms is not as popular in the destruction of stumps, but it is very effective. In addition, you can provide yourself with fresh tasty mushrooms.

In the stump around the perimeter, make several deep cuts, fill them with mycelium of mushrooms, for example, mushrooms or oyster mushrooms. You can buy it in a store for gardeners and gardeners or order it on the Internet. The mushrooms will grow quickly enough, using wood to feed the mycelium and thereby destroying the stump along with the roots.

Mushrooms planted on a stump will cope with old wood in 2-3 years

This method cannot be called fast. A small stump will collapse in a year, a more massive one will take 2-3 years. But it is environmentally friendly, and if you are not in a hurry, then over the years you will learn how to grow mushrooms, and, perhaps, over time, turn it into your own. small business. Or try new mushroom dishes. Either way, the benefits are clear.

What are the pros and cons of the "mushroom" method - table

Now you can choose the method of stump removal that is most suitable for you and your garden. In this case, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the speed and cost of the method, advantages and disadvantages. But, having made the right choice, you will save your summer cottage and fertile soil On him.

(Last Updated On: 01/23/2018)

How to remove a stump

How to remove a garden stump without uprooting is of concern to many summer residents who seek to reduce the cost of physical strength. After sawing down the tree, you need to deal with the stump. The main task is to get rid of the root system, otherwise new shoots will begin to appear. The actions are elementary, anyone can perform them, professional skills are not required.

Defeating a garden stump without uprooting is easy. The choice of the desired option depends on how quickly you need to get the desired effect:

  • milling;
  • with a flammable liquid;
  • with the help of saltpeter;
  • plant mushroom.


Milling is suitable for owners of estates with a large number of stumps on the site. For a one-time use, the option is not economical. You will need to purchase a pnedrobilka (shredders are sold in garden stores). The device has a vertical circle, along the edges of which there are teeth. Carbide material makes it easy to handle stumps of various sizes.

The cut can be made up to 20 cm deep, this will make sure the effectiveness of the work done. The resulting hole is enough to sprinkle with earth or decorate to taste. The option allows you to spend a minimum amount of time. However, so that the unit does not gather dust in the future, it is advisable to turn to neighbors and acquaintances. Might be able to borrow essential tool for a while, then extra costs Not needed.

We set fire to the stump

How to remove a garden stump without uprooting using improvised means. To do this, you need to use any flammable liquid.

First of all, the stump is prepared. Needs to be done in it deep holes, the diameter depends on the tools available. The easiest option is to use a drill with a long drill bit. The final result will depend on the number of holes made. It remains to pour the prepared liquid and set it on fire. Whether the stump burns out completely within a day depends on its size. The downside of this method is that it creates a high probability of fire. Negative consequences can be avoided only with constant monitoring of the combustion process.

It is forbidden to resort to action on peat soil in order to avoid burning underground.


The option is similar to the second, the preparation of the stump is carried out in the same way. Only now saltpeter (sold in a hardware store) is poured into the holes, then water is poured. It is acceptable to use other types of chemicals. Gradually, the stump will reach the state of dust, which will facilitate the removal process without uprooting.

The process, depending on the size of the stump, will take up to six months. Saltpeter and water should be added periodically as it evaporates. If there is no time for control, it is advisable to cover the stump with a thick film.

We plant honey mushrooms

The longest method for getting rid of a stump in a garden plot is the use of mushrooms. The object is populated with spores, which after a while will grow and will gradually destroy the wood. It will take two to five years.

The advantage of the method is that you can plant edible mushrooms - mushrooms, then the stump will be beneficial, and the table will replenish delicious dish. And as an object of landscape design, the option is excellent - you don’t have to admire the wooden “stub”.

Knowing how to remove a garden stump without uprooting, you can safely get to work. The main thing is that each of the points does not require special physical effort, which will favorably affect the joints. In the process of uprooting, you will have to dig up a huge area, so it is better to solve the problem differently. After completing all the steps, you can continue to admire your neat and well-groomed garden.

If more global problems with trees are solved rather quickly, then this is replaced by an equally acute problem of how to uproot the stumps left after a full-scale operation to remove unnecessary green spaces.

This “small” detail is most often forgotten, remembered only when this small thing develops into a large or very large one. For example, you urgently need to break the beds or put a barbecue near the gazebo, and then the stump in all its glory. And what to do with it?

Everyone knows how stumps are uprooted in theory, perhaps even some novice summer residents have seen this process with their own eyes.

After removing the tree, the remaining stump has three possibilities:

  • be uprooted;
  • be cut;
  • decompose naturally;
  • decompose using chemical or biological catalysts.

All these processes can be called in one word - uprooting. The cost part of the event, i.e.

how much it costs to uproot a stump will also depend on a number of factors, namely:

  • from the dimensions of the object of removal;
  • from age characteristics;
  • on the degree of damage to wood and old age (rottenness) of the stump;
  • from the terrain and the presence of obstacles on the territory;
  • from the possibility of arrival at the site and the entrance to the object of removal;
  • from the time that is given to uproot the stump.

All these factors will help you decide how to properly uproot stumps on your site and how this will need to be done:

  • manually;
  • mechanically;
  • or with chemicals.

Those owners for whom the uprooting process presents great difficulties can contact special organizations for the removal of green spaces, since the market for this industry is well developed today.

Others, on the contrary, will arm themselves with a shovel and will think about how to uproot a stump in their own garden. The main thing when holding an event is to adhere to the age-old rule - do not harm yourself (first of all), or those around you, much less the remaining plants and the site. After all, our goal is the improvement of the territory, and not the opportunity to show strength and skill. Although the latter will not be superfluous when performing the uprooting process on your own.

All methods of getting rid of a stump can be divided into chemical and mechanical.

Chemical methods are practically labor-intensive, but they require a lot of time and a lot of patience. Their goal is to decompose the stump to a state of dust or make it combustible.

Method 1 (chemical)

In the stump (top) they drill as much as possible more holes in which saltpeter (potassium or sodium, several kilograms) is poured into in the fall and the stump is covered with a film so that the saltpeter is not washed away by rains. You can use a very concentrated solution of saltpeter, which must be poured regularly for many days.

This will speed up the impregnation of wood with saltpeter. The meaning of this idea is as follows. Saltpeter releases a lot of oxygen when heated. Therefore, when the stump is soaked with saltpeter, and then dries a little, it is set on fire, lighting a small fire on it. The wood of the stump will begin to smolder quite intensively and burn out even in the depths of the earth.

Method 2 (chemical)

If the stump is abundantly sprinkled with coarse salt, then the wood is gradually impregnated with it and begins to collapse.

In about a year, the entire stump will turn into perfect dust. Unfortunately, the soil will also suffer somewhat. Therefore, this method is used only when the site is cleared for construction. Those. soil will not be used.

Chemical methods are rarely used, as it is usually tempting to solve a stump problem quickly.

Therefore, they are trying to remove it physically.

The tree with its root system is practically a mirror image of the upper part. The same powerful skeletal roots, smaller roots extending from them, etc.

How to get rid of the stump of a sawn tree quickly

But our task is to eliminate the stump to a depth of about 30-40 centimeters, so that it does not interfere with economic activity. Roots located deeper let them stay and rot naturally.

Mechanized methods of uprooting stumps

There are three ways to clean stumps: manual, mechanical and chemical.

Thus, to get rid of tree cuttings, they use their physical efforts, chemicals and specific techniques. Uprooting a stump on the site is easiest with the help of special equipment - this way you will spend a minimum of your strength.

Earthmoving equipment

Stumps are uprooted with the help of bulldozers, excavators, manipulators, truck cranes.

This method is reliable, performed in a short period of time. If you are interested in how to uproot a large stump, then this method is most suitable, as it will cope with any stump.

However, it is worth noting the high cost of this technique. The disadvantage is the complexity of the entrance to the place of work, if the site has a small area. The car is usually large in size, and the site is ennobled - planted with flowers, beds, fruit and berry bushes. It is also impossible to simply tie a rope around the root and pull it out.

After all, this requires a heavy tractor on tracks.

Among other things, such self-propelled guns destroy the soil enough, so if there is a lawn on the backyard territory, it will certainly collapse. From this we can conclude that uprooting stumps in this way will only work on a site intended for development. In this case, you will not worry about flower beds, and there will be no difficulties with maneuvering the car.

Stump grinder

Uprooting stumps in this way is carried out using a special hand tool.

It is called a stump grinder or cutter. Such a tool is much less than any machines for removing wood stumps, so it is versatile and can be used in any area.

The size of the device itself is similar to the dimensions of a garden wheelbarrow.

The device rises quite easily, that is, there will be no difficulties when moving to a tree. The problem exists, but in a different way: there are very few such tools on the domestic market due to the high cost. But still, in our market there are a lot of different organizations that have such equipment and are engaged in uprooting stumps.

The work of crushing stumps consists in milling it. If it’s easier to tell you how to uproot a stump on a site using a grinder, then this tool crushes the stump in layers into small chips.

Also grinds and underground part to a depth of up to 30 cm. Therefore, it is possible to immediately occupy the territory where the stump was located, under a flower bed or under a vegetable garden.

Manual methods for uprooting stumps

When manually removing a stump, physical effort alone will not be enough, you should take care of the availability of an improvised tool - a winch, an ax, a crowbar.

Using a winch

The very specifics of using a winch is more effective than other methods, that is, it copes with fairly high stumps.

Therefore, in order to apply this method, it is recommended to leave the height of the stump in the amount of one meter. Of course, you can not do this, but this way you will facilitate your work. Flaw this method is that the winch may not withstand a large old tree.

To uproot a stump, in addition to a winch with a force of three tons or more, auxiliary tools will be needed: a rope, a shovel, an ax and a lever.

The first thing that is done is digging the stump at a distance of up to 1.5 meters, followed by deepening until you see the roots. The roots are removed with a hacksaw or an ax.

After that, the winch is attached to the base of a nearby tree or pole, from which you can easily reach the uprooted stump.

The cable is securely fastened to the stump that you will uproot, after which a wooden stump is placed under it from the side of the winch. Then we take the winch. After such a procedure, the stump should come out with the roots from the ground.

Use of crowbar and ax

This method is heavy and poorly effective, suitable for stumps with a small diameter.

To begin with, a trench breaks out around the stump, this is done to expose the roots. Next, we perform the stump of the roots and slip a crowbar under the stump, after which we pull it out.

The technique is effective with stumps, the diameter of which is up to 20 cm. If the stumps are larger in diameter, it is necessary to dig a huge pit around the stump, while cutting off the roots. This activity can take up to two days. Thus, the easiest way is to cut the stump far below ground level, and crumble everything that is left with an ax.

And after this procedure, we fill the hole with earth.

Stump uprooting.

8 Methods for Removing Roots After Cutting a Tree

Calling cutting down a tree "removal" is not entirely correct, because, in fact, cutting down a tree is only 50% removal of it, since the root system of trees is half the tree, hidden from our eyes. However, it often happens that part of the root system must also be removed (the foundation will be laid in place of the tree, sewerage, etc.) There are many ways to get rid of an interfering stump on your site, in this article we will discuss the main of them, their advantages and disadvantages on specific examples.

In this article, we will try to consider the main methods used in practice in order to get rid of the root system of an old tree in our area.

This type of work can be done by yourself or ordered from an organization engaged in uprooting stumps professionally. You can call our specialist free of charge to evaluate the work and consult.

Methods for removing (uprooting) tree stumps:

Mechanical uprooting of stumps

  1. Stump uprooting by hand is carried out as follows: around the stump, with the help of a shovel and other auxiliary hand tools (crowbar, pick), a certain amount of earth is taken out, sufficient to remove the stump.

    If a flower bed is planned to be laid out at the site of the stump, for example, then the depth of root removal may be insignificant,

    if, on the site of the stump, a building will be constructed, and a foundation will be located in this place, or underground communications will pass, then the depth of removal must be increased depending on the technical conditions of the future object.

    After the roots are freed from the ground to a sufficient depth, they are cut with axes, followed by removal of the root system from the ground, or

  2. Uprooting a stump with a manual or electric winch, in which, after the procedures described above for freeing the root system from the ground, a winch cable is fixed to the rest of the trunk and the stump is pulled out of the ground.

    This method of uprooting a stump, although it requires special equipment, is considered more acceptable compared to purely manual, mechanical uprooting, because. the root is removed to a greater depth and you have to spend less time on the same amount of work

  3. Uprooting a stump with an excavator. This type of uprooting can be beneficial for people when there are a lot of stumps on one site, and large-scale construction and (or) work is planned on the site itself. landscape design(device of lawns with underground systems irrigation, construction of artificial reservoirs, such as a pool or a pond, etc.) In such cases, it is certainly expedient and economically justified, perhaps, uprooting stumps with an excavator.

    Our specialist can visit your facility free of charge and conduct a consultation to determine the most economical way for you to remove the stump

  4. Tree uprooting by crushing (milling) With this method, special equipment is used: a stump grinder.

    For many years, our colleagues abroad have been removing tree stumps using this method abroad, both in the private households of their clients, and in the public sector and in business. In our market it professional equipment appeared not so long ago. This method has its drawbacks and advantages.

    Uprooting stumps in the country, how to easily get rid of the remains of a tree

    There is only one drawback - the price. Stump grinders are professional, powerful, imported equipment that costs more than one thousand dollars if you add the cost to this. Supplies and maintenance, then at today's prices a very impressive amount comes out.

    But this method also has a number of serious advantages, which are especially obvious when working with large stumps with a diameter of more than 60 cm.
    If a large stump is located in close proximity to buildings, underground utilities, other plants whose root system cannot be damaged, then such methods of mechanical removal of stumps as uprooting a stump with an excavator or with a winch are not at all suitable.

    This threatens to damage nearby objects. In such cases, a stump grinder is an excellent option.

    With this method of removal, buildings and communications are not damaged, removal is carried out quickly.

  5. Uprooting a stump by drilling. This uprooting method is mainly used in industrial logging, large-scale clearing of forest plantations for construction or agricultural work. This method requires a powerful industrial equipment. As a rule, these are mechanical-hydraulic units connected to tractors and powered by hydraulic system tractor, from the power take-off shaft, or both power systems are used at once.

    For example, I will give a video from the Internet on the operation of such devices:

  6. Chemical uprooting of stumps

  7. Uprooting stumps with urea (urea) or ammonium or potassium nitrate. This method of removing roots was known to our grandfathers.

    Its principle is as follows: in the cut of the stump, using a drill with a thick drill, multiple vertical holes are made to a depth of 15-20 cm. The second option is without using a drill.

    With the help of a chainsaw, vertical cuts are carried out, the saw bar plunges vertically deep into the stump, while you should be very careful and careful, since when the nose of the tire is immersed, a so-called rebound often occurs, in which the saw is thrown up, such rebounds for inexperienced chainsaw operators sometimes cause neck and head injuries. Therefore, you should be extremely careful when cutting vertically.
    The essence of the process is the same as when drilling holes: to create deep and capacious voids in the thickness of the stump.

    After that, we need saltpeter. Typically, in such cases, ammonium or potassium nitrate, which can be bought at the nearest gardening store for little money. But I'm based on personal experience I recommend applying urea (urea), which, like saltpeter, is a mineral nitrogen fertilizer. If the percentage of active substance (nitrogen) in ammonium nitrate is 34.6%, then urea or in other words carbamide is the most concentrated ammonium fertilizer and contains 46% nitrogen, respectively, it is almost a third more effective than ammonium nitrate for the purposes of chemical uprooting of stumps.

    Regarding the quantity: for a large stump with a diameter of 70-80cm. you need to take 1 kg of urea. Pour urea into the holes we prepared and carefully pour water on top (100 ml per 1 kg.

    urea). The next important step: sealing so that the rains do not wash the fertilizer into the ground, it is necessary to exclude precipitation from falling on the stump.

    In the old Soviet literature, it is recommended to plug holes with chops. Never did that. Much easier and more economical in every sense to take 1 square meter dense polyethylene, wrap the stump tightly and tie twine on top or sprinkle the edges of the film with earth. Uprooting a stump with saltpeter is a rather lengthy process, for a large stump (about 1 meter in diameter) it will take at least 1 year, but at the same time you will get a guaranteed and what can be a decisive factor - a cheap result.

    So, a year has passed and we have come to the final stage of uprooting with saltpeter. We lay out some firewood on a stump and kindle a fire. Over the past year, processes related to the penetration of urea solution into the roots of our stump took place in the thickness of the stump. The combustion of wood impregnated with saltpeter or carbamide (urea) is quite violent, since the saltpeter itself burns releases oxygen, then combustion goes deep into the earth to a great depth (up to two meters).

    After everything burns out, you will see an amazing picture: in place of the stump there will be a pit that completely repeats the contours of the root system, with tunnels diverging in different directions. The second variant of the end of chemical uprooting does not provide for burning out. The structure of wood under the action of chemicals is broken, turns into dust, using a crowbar and a shovel, you can easily destroy the top of the stump and go deep to the required depth.

    After that, in place of the removed stump, you can, for example, break a flower bed, pouring on top fertile land. The remains of the root system (soaked in saltpeter) in this case will serve as additional fertilizer for plants in the flower bed.

  8. Uprooting stumps with the help of herbicides "arboricide", "ruandap" and others.There is such a way to remove trees, but to be honest, we have never used it in our practice.

    Since, firstly, if we talk about the poisoning of a whole tree, then it does not make sense to poison the soil, wood, yourself in order to get a dry tree at the exit, which can be removed either entirely (if the site allows) or from an aerial platform (which in urban conditions buildings happen much more often) since a healthy arborist (tree climber) categorically will not climb a dry trunk, life and health are more expensive than money.

    So simpler tree remove without the use of chemicals. And if we talk about uprooting the stump of a freshly sawn tree, then again, the effectiveness of these herbicides in the process of accelerated destruction of wood has not been studied (in any case, such information is not available to us to this day). Therefore, we do not recommend the method of uprooting a stump with herbicides to anyone, just like And last chemical method uprooting:

  9. Uprooting the stump with salt- this is another "folk" way, which is often poisoned by innocent neighboring trees growing on the boundary.

    Usually, the root circle is watered several times with a concentrated saline solution, after which the tree begins to hurt, and subsequently dies due to metabolic disturbances caused by the off-scale content of table salt in the soil. In this method, we, as well as in the previous one, see some disadvantages. This is soil poisoning, and mockery of a living tree, and again, as a result, we get a dry emergency tree, which is always more difficult to work with.

    The effect of table salt on the rate of decomposition of stump wood, as in the case of herbicides, has not been sufficiently studied, in the available specialized literature and on the Internet, there is no such information, as in the case of herbicides

Well, if the stump does not interfere at all, then on a large stump you can break a wonderful flower bed that will delight your eye from spring to autumn.

Summarizing this article, let's say that the choice of a stump uprooting method is an individual matter and the choice should be approached responsibly, since in conditions of dense buildings and green spaces, the wrong choice of stump removal can have negative consequences.

If you need to carry out work on uprooting a stump in Kharkov, then we can help you with right choice method, as well as to evaluate this work and produce it. choose Best offer, order a free visit of our specialist, listen to the recommendations, the price, and then without losing anything, you can find out the prices and methods of uprooting stumps in other organizations and make the best choice.

When choosing a tree care company, be sure to ask for experience, ask to see finished work, compare prices.

If you decide to cut a tree yourself on your site, it is important to remember safety precautions, especially for you we have prepared articles and videos on this topic

The problem of getting rid of old, unnecessary or dry trees often arises not only for city utilities, but also for the owners of country houses. summer cottages, when solving certain problems: clearing an old garden, cleaning up an area for planting or a new building, getting rid of diseased green spaces, and so on.

They prefer to do tree uprooting with your own hands. They consider it a cheaper way, especially since the plants in such areas are not very large.

The effort that must be applied to a small tree in order to pull it out of the ground at once sometimes reaches hundreds of kilograms. Of course, it is impossible to create such an effort without a lever, so you will need a strong steel crowbar with a long handle of about 1.5 meters.

Since “on the move” it will not be possible to fill up even a small trunk, a shovel will come in handy here.

Stump uprooting

First, the trunk is dug around the perimeter, and the roots encountered at the same time are chopped off with the same shovel or ax.

Moreover, chopping with an ax will require more physical effort than working with a shovel, since the roots tend to spring. It is better to use a shovel that is not very large, but well-ground with a handle of about 1 meter.

Uprooting trees and shrubs it will be easier on the site if you have a manual winch in your arsenal (in the common people it is called “zhak”).

She comes into action when the trench around the trunk has already been dug and most of the roots have been cut. It is attached to the trunk and with the help of a rope it is pulled towards the natural slope. If the object to be deleted is large, then one or even several people will need to participate in the process, but work will pass faster. When uprooting a whole tree, you first need to cut down its crown and large branches, this will provide good leverage.

If the branches are left, then they can hurt others when falling, good plants, besides, an empty barrel will fall more accurately.

Tree uprooting equipment

If there is enough space on the site for the arrival of special equipment or the area where the uprooting of trees is not fenced, then uprooting will be faster and easier with using special uprooting machines.

What are they:

  1. self-propelled rotary machine,
  2. lever hinged rooter,
  3. stump-loader with a front canopy of the working tool,
  4. rooter with a rear canopy of the working tool,
  5. stump-loader with gripping "jaw",
  6. harvester-collector with a front attachment of a working tool,
  7. excavator with interchangeable equipment for uprooting,
  8. tractor with direct pull uprooting rope.

Such machines are effectively used as a traction mechanism for uprooting especially large stumps or large-sized ones.

The trunk, as well as in the manual uprooting method, is dug in, then a cable is hooked to the freed roots and the tractor pulls the lower part from the landing site.

If trees are uprooted by a tractor, the price of services will be much higher compared to manually, but the efficiency of the process will significantly increase.

Other techniques are used to speed up the process of uprooting trees and stumps.

In addition to the usual excavators and tractors, indispensable in the forest, in the fields and suburban areas, a mini-excavator is used in the city, it is smaller in size and can drive up to places where there is no large-sized equipment.

Also in urban areas, aerial platforms, truck cranes and crushing machines are often used.

Uprooting trees on the site with a tractor depends on the size of the object being deleted:

  • if the plant is small and its trunk diameter does not exceed8 - 10 cm, then it is simply pulled out with a bucket.

    This method is often used when it is necessary to clear a large area from spontaneously grown young.

  • if the object to be removed has a trunk diameter up to 20 cm, then a chain is used to eliminate it.

    It is attached to the maximum high point trunk and the tractor starts to pull. For this kind of work, in addition to technology, industrial climbers are attracted. This is a more professional uprooting of trees, the cost of such work will be slightly higher than for the removal of small plants.

  • uproot objects larger than 20 cm in diameter, are removed only with the help of a tractor and the involvement of specialist steeplejacks.

    For this kind of work, an initial filing of the object may be required in order for the uprooting to take place faster and with less risk to others.

"Treemaker" offers you easy and quick removal of unwanted or emergency objects from your site or building area.

We will carry out high-quality uprooting of trees, the price will be quite reasonable.. After all, people who love their job work for us, and therefore they perform all processes with pleasure. Having extensive experience, they are ready to perform any job, no matter how difficult it is.

In addition, "Derevoved" conducts timely disposal of waste wood, even if we did not carry out the services for uprooting, filing, sawing and removing trees. Our company will gladly buy extra or useless firewood of ordinary and fruit trees with self-delivery.

You can simply contact us for advice and we will be happy to explain how any tree removal process you are interested in goes, as well as answer all your questions.


tree uprooting video

Stump removal video

How to get rid of unnecessary takeoff in the yard

without copying

Why old old bread? There are many reasons. Sometimes people want to plant a new garden in their place, but the old poles do not allow this or just pass it on. Sometimes it is necessary to clean up a tree that is in an emergency.

It happens that the hive creates an obstacle to creating a landscape composition or disrupts the breakdown of a garden or flower bed. In all these and many other cases, in order to achieve your goals, you need to get rid of the foam.

It should be noted that if the hive is at a great distance from other trees and does not bother anyone, you can let it spread out or decorate in a natural way and turn it into a landscaping object.

If the hive is close to healthy trees, it is better to get rid of it, because the bacteria that destroy the hive, fungal spores, drills, can go to other trees.

Before proceeding Get rid of the old stump, we must consider some important points. Each type of tree has its own root structure.

In barely, for example, the root system is a surface fan (similar to how they grow in branches in it). Therefore, in the event of hurricanes or other natural Disasters spruce falls first. For the same reason, it is not recommended to install " New Year» in close proximity to the house and other buildings. But opening spruce roots is much easier than any other.

Pine, on the other hand, has a strong root core that penetrates deep.

Like the base of a pine tree (tall, flat, rising up), the root is like a structure. To get rid of such stems, efforts must be made.

As for deciduous trees, they can have not only strong superficial roots, but also deep ones (a spherical crown of trees and the same root system).

There are several ways for roots:

- mechanically (using special equipment using a saw or grinder);

- the use of chemicals (nitrate, urea, table salt,

- manually (with shovels, ears, saw blades or soil blur mode).

Let us know more about it. the cheapest ways to destroy unnecessary stoves, manually and chemically.

How to get rid of traps without scratching

First you need to give a thin, strong metal rod of about 40-50 cm and attach it to the handle (for comfort).

After that, the soil around the hive should be heavily spilled, and the location of the thickest roots around the hives should be determined using a pin. Such a simple study will help determine how to get rid of an unnecessary hive.

There are several ways to get rid of unwanted hives without a groove.

Some growers go out method of destroying young trees(planted seedlings directly in the hive and growing young growth slowly destroy the hive).

Everything is simple here. First you need to cut off the old root under the root and cut off the cave in the center of the body. It's easy with a drill. As a consequence, the recess must be filled with a mixture of fertilizers (suitable ash, hum, peat, sand, manure, etc.).

In the prepared "soil" it is necessary to plant seedlings, after which it should be arranged in the usual way.

Thus, the young will feed on useful substances from the remains of the old hive, destroying its wood and roots.

you also can get rid of an unnecessary hive in the area without uprooting if it was planted in it with fungal spores.

To do this, you must make some cracks in the cross section of the carcass and place the mycelium in a native fungus (this can be oyster mushrooms or honey mushrooms). After that, the baking should be drained and wrapped in foil.

Thus, in next year you will have a fertile mycelium that can grow up to 5 years.

When it stops producing fruit, the tree will collapse and the unnecessary bush will be easily removed. This method of getting rid of the hive will prevent old roots from shooting, which is definitely a plus.

Kerosene is an effective means of combating disaster..

The hole is open in the center of the hive (diameter and depth depend on the size and height of the hive). In the resulting hole, you need to pour regular kerosene and you need to be a little supplement during the day as it is absorbed.

How to remove a hive without rooting

The hole should be tightly plugged with wood plug (ideal wood block). After that, the hive remains in this state for several more weeks.

After a while, it is necessary to open the plug, take precautions and shoot into the hole and the kerosene that has been absorbed inside.

In this way, the hive will be safely destroyed on the ground without much trouble and coughing.

There is another effective method eradicate ground traps that do not require much effort (but here you will need to be patient).

The pump can be destroyed from the inside using simple chemicals such as potassium or sodium nitrate.

This method is easy to use and makes full use of the entire root system for the last smallest root. The size of unnecessary hives only affects the decomposition time.

The downside is that this method is quite lengthy.

From the very beginning of the process to its full completion, it can take several years. But there will be no perpetual interference with the young shoots during the process, and this method of stem removal is not expensive. It is best to use this method in the fall, at a time when it is customary to put things in your dachas.

First, you need to drill several holes in the hive (10-15 cm deep and 20-25 cm in diameter).

Then fill the holes with potassium nitrate (fill it so that the level does not reach the top of a few centimeters). After that, for a faster effect, you must carefully close the holes.

Garden var or paraffin is suitable for this. After that, cover the foam plastic film and secure it with a strap (so that the salt is not washed out with water). And then the time came. In winter, the salt pans and the weather will do their destructive work - the hive will turn to dust.

In the spring, you can safely remove it from the website without using it. If the hive is very large and old, then one winter may not be enough to kill it.

Sometimes in the spring there are clues to identify a stump that would be easier to root out. To do this, the bread is opened and unlocked, whereby the kerosene (or other flammable substance) is ignited in the holes.

When it is washed, the nitrate releases oxygen so that the fire spreads deep into the ground and burns the entire root system. After that, it is easy to dig out the foam removal area and use it in the future at your own discretion.

But in this way, like all others where fire is used, it can be dangerous, because nitrate impregnated wood can burn even deep underground (which runs from the root), which, for example, old apple trees can be very long and reach life. houses or other buildings.

In order to get rid of an unnecessary hive, this is possible thanks to amuk juice. In humans, this substance is called "urea" and has been used successfully to remove cannabis from household plots.

This substance causes decomposition of wood and roots and is a good soil fertilizer. At the end of the degradation process, the hive can simply be covered with soil and used to plant a flower garden or garden. The process is carried out in the same way as above, but the hole is filled with urea, and after the decomposition of the hive, the wood does not ignite (this makes it possible to use this type of destruction of peat soil, where nitrate with conventional combustion is unacceptable due to the high combustibility of peat soil).

Without special efforts you can get rid of the beehive on the cottage with regular salt. This is perhaps the easiest way to decompose wood.

For the process, you will usually need a large amount of table salt (approximately 300 grams for small or medium stumps). In this case, "killing" the tree will also occur without the design of the trees.

Salt is poured into the prepared hole (it can be filled with natural cracks or fly into the well), pour well with water and leave the winter. After that, the remains of the hive are covered with soil and thrown back into the ground. After doing this procedure in a place where the barrier has become unsuitable for planting in a vegetable garden or flower garden for several years (due to "salty" soil), this is not a problem unless they were planted directly there.

When it comes to landscaped garden, mechanical removal methods are usually unsuitable.

It simply cannot be done, so you have to choose between chemical and hand spinning methods.

If the hive is small, the process will be done by hand faster than waiting years for the wood to decompose.

On the other hand, if there are no special dead ones, you can choose the most optimal chemical method by which you can destroy all the roots and avoid the annoying copper. Either way will bring the best result, as if you allow yourself to be yourself all the time.

If the goal is not to get rid of the slate and renovate the horticultural area, the beehive (if large enough) turns into a beautiful and functional landscaping landscape, such as a table, chair, sculpture, etc., etc.

It already depends on the enthusiasm and flying fantasies of the owner.