Daylilies in landscape design - a butterfly garden in your country house. Varieties of Daylilies - Catalog of the Best with Description and Photo

  • 13.06.2019

unpretentious flower daylily can give the flower garden the brightest colors, even though it fades in one day.

At the same time, the plant requires constant care in order to prevent excessive growth when the leaves will prevail over the colorful flowers.

Description of the plant and its varieties

The daylily is most popular in the eastern regions of Asia, but also pleases the inhabitants of Europe. About 20 species of this plant are known with the widest color palette.

Tall plants with a peduncle 1-1.5 m high often act as the center of the composition in the flower bed. They are successfully combined with meadowsweet, geraniums, lilies or phlox.

Medium-sized varieties of daylilies fit perfectly into the cascade composition, and miniature plants up to 40 cm high will help decorate borders and paths in the garden.

The duration of daylily flowering is very short - only 1-2 days, which is compensated by the abundance of peduncles, as well as buds on the plant. This allows you to stretch the flowering period of the entire bush up to 30 days, since many buds on the peduncle will open gradually.

Varieties of daylilies in their names reflect their color scheme. The most popular are:

Orange daylily - it is self-sterile, has a compact root. The height of the peduncles reaches 1 m, and the leaves are quite dense, dark green in color. The diameter of the orange flowers in the center is about 12 cm. Flowering time is July, mainly in daytime. There is no smell.

Lemon-yellow variety with a night flowering period. The shape of the flowers is oblong, elongated with a yellow tint, which is clearly seen in the photo of daylilies of this species.

Daylily Middendorf belongs to early-flowering varieties with a thickened oblique rhizome. The leaves sag and have a small width - no more than 2.3-2.5 cm. The height of the plant is about 0.8 m with orange flowers that are 9 cm long. The diameter of the flowers is about 10-11 cm. The flowering of the bush begins in May and continues about 18-20 days.

Small daylily is a fruit-bearing variety, the bushes of which bloom for 1 month. Plant height 0.6 m. It has narrow leaves. Up to 5 small flowers 8-9 cm in diameter are collected in the inflorescence. The color of the buds is brown-red. Flowering period May-June.

Daylilies can be planted in groups, shading the trees and shrubs on the site. A dark background is more suitable for plants with a yellowish tinge. They can be grown next to trees or at a distance.

But dark varieties will look only next to the background, but in combination with plants that have light buds. When creating compositions, it is necessary to correctly take into account the period of the beginning of flowering.

Dense bush daylilies are suitable for creating borders, and undersized varieties will fit perfectly into the landscape of a decorative slide.

Features of planting a plant

To grow a beautiful flower garden, you need to understand how to plant a daylily correctly. The first step is to prepare the material for planting. To do this, it is soaked in a growth stimulator.

It is especially important to remove spoiled roots and trim the leaves to 15 cm in length.

Daylilies dug up for planting can be stored for up to 3 weeks in a dark place. It is also possible to dig their roots into sand, previously moistened with water.

The landing hole must also be prepared. It must be borne in mind that the bush will grow over time. Therefore, a hole is dug up to 30 cm deep. Then a mixture of peat and humus is poured in the form of a slide, fertilizer is added, including potassium and phosphorus.

The roots of the plant are straightened from above, but so that their neck is not deepened by more than 2-2.5 cm. The soil is topped up and trampled down. Then the plant must be watered. To ensure the water permeability regime, the soil near the bushes is mulched with peat or compost.

How to grow

Garden soil is perfect for planting daylilies in open field and easy care for them.

If poor soddy-podzolic soils prevail on your site, then they must be improved by additionally adding a mixture of sand with peat and mineral fertilizers. But clay and sandy soils are not quite suitable for this plant.

The former are characterized by moisture stagnation, the risk of root rot and the development of fungi, while the latter, on the contrary, do not retain water and are infertile.

For planting, you need to choose a lighted place where the flower will feel great. Although it will take root in a shaded place, but the bright sun helps to reflect the beauty of the color of the buds.

Daylilies begin to return to life in April, when the positive temperature stabilizes at night. If the snow fell before the autumn frosts, then leaves appear from under it in the spring that survived the cold.

Low summer temperatures disrupt the flowering process, causing the flowers to be very small, and the whole process may stop.

At the same time, in winter the plant is at rest for about 2 months, and during the summer the vegetation process is not fully realized. Therefore, daylily leaves die from frost. They must be cut off, after which the period of growth of young leaves will begin.

Bushes have powerful roots that get moisture from the depths. Therefore, it is desirable to provide such irrigation conditions that upper layer the soil was dried, and at the depth of the roots (25-30 cm) the soil was wet.

To do this, the soil must be mulched using peat or wood chips. This way you can ensure the most abundant flowering of the daylily.

How daylily reproduction is carried out

Seed cultivation violates the varietal parameters of plants. This method is applicable in breeding, but there is also a risk of cross-pollination, as a result of which a hybrid daylily appears. Often there is a lack of seed setting or loss of germination.

Sow seeds after harvest closer to winter or spring in next year. In the latter case, a two-month stratification is performed at a temperature of 2-4 degrees. Seeds are laid to a depth of 2 cm, but the plants will give flowers only after 2-3 years.

With the vegetative method of reproduction, the principle of division is used. This is done in April-May, when the leaves grow, and the plant begins to grow. With this option, it is necessary to take five-year-old bushes.

Delenki are formed by cutting with a knife. If they are taken from the extreme sections of the bush, then the rooting process occurs very quickly.

But in the absence of young roots, when extraction from the middle occurs, it is necessary to remove the damaged processes, renew the sections, shorten excessively elongated roots.

Before planting at the rooting site, delenki germinate for 1-2 years.

Planting a daylily in open ground is done in the spring. But you can divide it in August-September, providing the necessary time to fix the roots.

In spring or August, you can divide the plant without digging. To do this, a very sharp shovel is placed on the cut line and cut off with pressure. After the lower cutting, the delenka is removed from the ground.

Young roots located on the side should not be damaged. In the place of the cut, it is necessary to carry out processing with ash or crushed coal. Watering is not required at first.

Separate rosettes consisting of short leaves are suitable for cuttings. The cuttings are cut, and then shortened by a third. They need to be prepared and planted in a garden bed in a shaded place. After fixing the roots, regular watering is carried out.

Control of diseases and pests

Among the pests that threaten the plant, it is worth highlighting:

Thrips is the smallest insect that hibernates in the ground, and as the temperature rises, it rises to the bud and sucks the juices from the leaves and petals. It is better to cut such a peduncle at the root and destroy it. In spring and autumn, the ground near the bush must be treated with insecticides.

Lily mosquito, the larvae of which destroy the bud. As a result, it twists and turns pale. Damaged buds must be destroyed.

Root rot, evidence of which is the cessation of growth in spring, yellowing and brittle leaves. The plant is removed from the ground, diseased parts are cut off. The root must be washed with potassium permanganate, and the sections should be covered with a fungicide. After two days of drying, the plant is planted in the ground, but in a different place.

Daylilies will be a wonderful decoration of the garden. You just need to pay attention proper fit plants and care. Moreover, it can be planted individually or in rows of bushes, which will help you create beautiful compositions in the garden.

Photo of daylilies

Blooming daylily (Hemerocallis) attracts the attention of all flower growers with its beauty and enchanting aroma.. Undemanding care, long flowering, bright colors of all tones form the basis of the popularity and wide distribution of the flower. Varietal diversity allows you to grow daylilies in different climatic zones.


Species of the genus are common in the Far East: in China, Korea, Japan, the southern regions of the Russian Far East, as well as in the southern regions of Eastern Siberia to the headwaters of the Ob in the west.


The name of the flower is of Greek origin. The words 'hemera' - day and 'kallos' - beauty mean the short duration of flowering. After all, one flower blooms only during the day.

According to legend, the daylily brings good luck, and its touch takes away sorrows and sadness from the heart. For this, the daylily is also called the "flower of joy and good luck."


There are close to 25 species of daylilies growing in eastern Asia and partly in Europe. Daylilies are perennial herbaceous plants with developed rhizomes. The drought-resistant adventitious root system has cord-like, succulent roots. The leaves are broadly linear, straight, arcuate-curved.

Large, funnel-shaped flowers of yellow, pink, brindle, orange color are formed on the peduncle. Their number reaches 50 pieces. New flowers appear every day. They form inflorescences of 2-10 pieces. At the same time, the daylily blooms up to 3 flowers on each bush (pictured).

The duration of flowering of each bush is over 25 days. The beginning of flowering depends on the variety and lasts from April to June. During the flowering period, a light ambery smell with notes of sandalwood hovers near the daylily.
Some species bloom twice a season, while others bloom until the end of autumn. Peduncles, covered with leaves, reach a height of 1 m and majestically rise above the bush.

Varietal species are divided according to the height of the peduncle into:

  1. Tall - more than 90 cm
  2. Semi-high - 60-90 cm
  3. Medium - 30-60 cm
  4. Low - up to 30 cm

After flowering, the fruit ripens in the form of a trihedral box with many black seeds.

Varietal variety of daylilies

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, there are currently over 70,000 species of daylilies.
Daylily classification criteria:

  • Degree of aroma: odorless and fragrant
  • Flower shape: spider-like, double, shapeless
  • Flowering period: late, early, medium, very early and late, with repeated flowering
  • Vegetation period feature: evergreen, dormant, semi-green
  • According to color diversity, they are distinguished into 11 groups, the color of which varies from whitish to dark gray.

Recognized as the best varieties

Polar Dusk- a daylily with an abundance of perfect flowers, painted in pink color, bordered with a creamy mass of frills and folds (pictured). It has a wonderful feature in the form of a diamond coating, which gives shine to the petals like a scattering of precious stones.

Robin Lee- a flower of red-pink color is decorated with corrugations along the white edge. Graceful shape and beautiful color give the bud transparency and lightness.

Chang Dynasty Stamile- a chameleon flower, so named for the ability to change color with a change in weather. The color varies from pink-orange to deep red. It is characterized by an abundance of flowering, when each bush throws out more than 50 buds of bright colors with a wavy edge.


In the territory of origin, in the Far East and East Asia, daylilies choose a place near shrubs and on forest outskirts. Therefore, partial shade is indicated in the recommendations for growing, because in the open sun the plants will quickly end flowering. In conditions of a harmful strip in partial shade, plants will not have enough light to form a full-fledged bright flower.

The daylily is flexible to grow in partial shade, but will bloom most brightly and profusely in a sun-drenched area, especially hybrid species.

How to plant a daylily

For abundant flowering, the plant requires full conditions. Daylilies are worshipers of sunlight. Varieties of daylilies with flowers of light colors (white, yellow, pink), as in the photo, are planted in very sunny areas of the garden.

Varieties with darker buds (purple, crimson, red, violet) prefer a little partial shade, which will protect them from wilting and rapid fading.

Loam rich in organic matter is ideal for planting. Other non-depleted types of soil with an acidity of 6-6.5 pH are also suitable. Heavy soils and stagnant moisture should be avoided. AT clay soil add sand, compost and perennial manure.

Before planting, the outlet is freed from dead roots. The rhizome is left in the growth stimulator for several hours. With self-preparation of the stimulant, willow branches are used, which are infused in water for 2 days.

In the allotted area under the daylily bush, they dig a landing hole to the depth of a shovel. A handful of dry, rotted organic matter is poured onto the bottom and a hill is formed from it. The seedling is placed on a hill, and the roots are straightened along its slopes and covered with soil.

The root neck should not be buried more than 2 cm. When planted deep, there will be no flowering.

To avoid thickening during daylily growth, a distance of 40 cm or more is maintained between seedlings. Daylily grows in one place for 10-15 years.

plant care

Immediately after planting in open ground, flowers need regular watering for a week.
After rooting, standard care includes following some rules:


Daylilies are propagated in several ways.

By dividing the bush

simple and reliable way obtaining daughter plants with the preservation of all the characteristics of the variety.
Plants that have reached 4-5 years old are suitable for reproduction. The division is carried out in early autumn, when it is not too hot and the seedlings have time to get stronger before the first frost. Crushing flowers also signals the need for a transplant.

Sowing seeds

Breeders and experienced flower growers are engaged in seed reproduction. The process is laborious and it is not always possible to transfer all the characteristics of the species to the seedlings.

Planting offspring

Young offspring of the mother plant are first planted in a container or pots for rooting and placed in heat for 3-4 weeks. Then transplanted into the garden. The method transfers to young plants all the features of the species and increases the population of plants.

Pests, diseases

Daylilies are resistant to disease and pests.

In some cases, a fungal infection is observed, root rot, fusarium and rust. For preventive purposes, plantings are treated with a fungicide. The affected bushes are dug up and lowered with a solution of potassium permanganate or other antiseptic. Dried roots are planted in another area.

Daylilies infect the following insects:

  1. Putin mites, aphids, bedbugs and slugs
  2. thrips
  3. Lily midges infecting a bud

Affected bushes are removed and burned. The surface of the soil is treated with insecticides. To combat the lilac midge, damaged flower stalks are cut out.


In the matter of forming flower arrangements on the site, daylilies are ideal. A variety of colors allows you to choose harmonizing neighbors from flowers.

To emphasize the brightness and saturation of a daylily mono-flower in pastel colors (pictured), placing next to geraniums with flowers of bright lilac, red or cherry tones, gravilates, cuffs or bells will help.

Daylilies are in harmony with Thunberg's barberry, survivors, geyhers. The even distribution together with the elderberry, privet and mock orange bushes creates a harmonious composition.

Phloxes will be excellent partners for daylilies. They have a common flowering period and color of flowers are well combined with each other, for example, lilac phlox with lavender-colored daylilies (see photo).

Picturesque borders are formed from daylilies and planted along the paths.

In landscape design, daylilies are often used by designers. Many bright colors, plant height, flowering time of varieties allow you to complement any background or flower bed, create separate decorative compositions, filling the garden with flowers all season.

See also video

If you want to have plants on your site that are unpretentious in their care, a daylily flower is the best option. The only condition that you have to put up with is an abundance of light: in the shade, these crops stop active growth and flowering. When planting daylilies, it should be borne in mind that these plants grow at maximum speed, so crops need to be thinned out periodically.

Description of the daylily flower

The daylily, which is also popularly called the daylily, is a herbaceous perennial of the lily family. It is related to this family by long linear, arcuately curved leaves.

Look at the photo: the name daylily was not given to this plant by chance, according to the description, the daylily is very similar to the “classic” one:

Large, funnel-shaped various colors and coloring flowers collected in a paniculate inflorescence on a strong peduncle.

In the daylily, the root system is represented not by bulbs, but by fleshy, fibrous roots with characteristic swellings - nutrient stores.

Daylilies bloom in July, but in some varieties in wet and warm years, flowering pleases our eyes already in May-June, immediately after the flowering of the bulbous ones. Flowers bloom one after another, starting from the bottom, sometimes 2-3 flowers at a time. Flowering is inhibited in cloudy weather. But the leaves at this time rage, completely covering the surface of the soil.

A feature of the daylily is that it is exceptionally photophilous. Daylily farming is not complicated, the main thing is the periodic rarefaction of plantings. Normal garden cultivated soils are suitable for cultivation. Plants are placed in an open, sunny area at a distance of 50 x 70 cm from each other, given its active growth.

In one place, however, the daylily lives up to 10 years, and adult bushes reach a diameter of 90-100 cm. Particularly active growth is observed in the first 5 years. At this time, the number of vegetative shoots increases by 2-3 times.

Soil preparation, planting and caring for daylily

In nature, daylilies grow in almost any sunny place, but in culture, attention should be paid to the physical and chemical properties of the soil and the choice of a site without close standing. ground water. And this should not be neglected when planting and caring for a daylily, because cultivated plants completely lose their stability compared to wild ones.

Before planting a daylily, you need to prepare the soil. It must be cultivated by 30 cm. If the soil is heavy, clayey, it must be improved with sand, peat or humus. Neutral or slightly acidic substrates are preferred.

If the land is scarce, it is advisable to apply a complete mineral fertilizer before planting daylily flowers. This fertilizer is enough to give the next spring top dressing only for the 2-3rd year. When fertilizing a crop, it must be remembered that an excess will promote the growth of leaves, but not flowers.

If the plants are not thinned out, then there are cases of bulging roots, and then you need to add peat or well-decomposed humus, which also serve as additional nutrients.

When caring for a daylily flower, you do not need to be too zealous with watering. Moisture is perceived by the plant positively, but only in moderation. At the same time, a long absence of watering is tolerated without visible changes. When watering, water should not fall on the leaves and buds.

Systematic daylily care consists in removing dried flowers, and then flowering stems and old leaves. Daylily is one of the least demanding perennials.

The easiest way to propagate daylilies is to divide the bush. Usually, once every 5-7 years, the plants are dug up, shaken off the ground, dried for a day in the shade, and then only the roots are separated. They try to divide the root system so that each division has a part of the root neck with buds. Usually in these cases you have to use a knife. Very long roots are cut to 1/3.

From a five-year-old bush, you can get up to 25 divisions that bloom in the 2nd year. Daylily division is carried out both in spring and autumn (September-October). However, the plant is so unpretentious that it is possible to divide them in the summer, avoiding only hot weather.

Delenki are planted at the same depth as adult plants. A tubercle is made in the hole fertile land and the roots are evenly distributed on it. After planting, abundant watering is required.

Look at the photo of planting and caring for daylilies: by cultivating these plants, you can special efforts decorate your garden.

In modern daylily hybrids, yellow, orange, white, light yellow, bright yellow, apricot, fawn, brown, pink, red, and even close to blue colors are observed.

The most famous daylily varieties

About 40 thousand varieties have been bred, differing not only in color, where there are bicolors, but also in the shape of the flower, the texture of the perianth lobes, the size of the flowers, and the height of the peduncle. Sometimes the shape of a daylily flower resembles. Below are the names of daylilies with a photo, as well as a description of the plants.

The most famous daylily varieties are:

"Town Hall"- a plant up to 50 cm high. The flowers are large, up to 18 cm in diameter, of a delicate apricot color. Blooms late, in the 2nd half of July.

"Perpe Magic"- flower stalks are powerful, reaching 35 cm in height. They are branched and create a picture of abundant flowering. The flowers are bright purple. The central vein of this miracle flower is white, and the edges of the perianth are corrugated. The center of the flower is yellow.

"Hey Zea"- this variety has decorative not only flowers, but also leaves. They are powerful and bright. Peduncles reach 65 cm and have dark cherry, velvety flowers. The perianth segments are also corrugated, and the center of the flower is bright yellow.

"Butterfly Kissez"- strong peduncles rise above bright leaves up to 80 cm. The flowers are large, original shape. The perianth segments are corrugated and elongated. The flowers are creamy, almost white, and inside - light lilac. The center is yellow.

"Raidyant Greatings"- attention is drawn to yellow-orange, bright, red-brown wide ring and yellow center flowers. This variety is often confused with a lily, it is so picturesque and similar in color to it.

"Royal Sovrin"- flower stalks reach 15 cm in height. They are attractive with a mass of flowers, purity of color, light orange calm tone. Blooms early, late May - early June.

The daylily is often referred to as the "perfect perennial" for its many positive qualities. Bright flowering, a variety of varieties and colors, resistance to drought and heat, undemanding care - all these advantages made the flower one of the favorite plants. landscape designers and florists. But how to grow a daylily? The planting of this culture must be carried out taking into account the rules, without which it will not be possible to obtain a long lush flowering.

Daylily is an impeccable unpretentious perennial.

The genus Daylilies has about 60 thousand varieties, which are replenished annually with new hybrids. During the flowering period, 2-3 flowers open daily on one peduncle, which dry up in the evening, and new buds appear in their place. There are also night varieties of daylilies that bloom throughout the night. If you like evening walks in the garden, pay attention to these views.

The forms and shades of flowers of daylilies are varied. Usually plants reach 45 cm - 1.25 m in height. Their basal leaves are two-row, in the form of a wide line, pointed at the end, very highly decorative. The total duration of flowering is 1-5 weeks. Depending on the variety, flowering occurs from early spring to late autumn.

Where and how best to plant a daylily?

Plant daylilies in early spring or early autumn, given the climatic features of the area. The plant should be able to take root well before the first frost.

The daylily prefers fertile loams and well-drained soils. Add organic matter to heavy soil, and clay or compost to too light soil. If there is not enough space for planting, you can place the plants in containers.

The area should be sunny or partly shaded. The lighter the bloom, the more sunshine required. If the daylily does not have enough sun, it grows poorly and stops blooming.

Daylily planting:

  • before planting, dip the root of the seedling into a solution of water and mineral fertilizer;
  • remove dried or diseased roots;
  • cut leaves up to 15 cm;
  • dig holes a little larger than the root;
  • at the bottom of the holes we fill up the soil mixture from the earth, compost, organic fertilizer, peat and sand;
  • we place the seedling in the hole so that its basal neck is 2-2.5 cm below ground level;
  • sprinkle the roots with the prepared soil mixture, cover with earth, slightly compact;
  • water the soil, and, if necessary, mulch the soil.

We plant seedlings at a distance of 45-65 cm from each other. We leave more space for fast-growing hybrids - up to 80-90 cm.

How to propagate daylily?

Popular breeding methods for daylilies are dividing the bush and transplanting air layering. Planting seeds is used more often in breeding work, since this method is not always suitable for preserving plant varietal characteristics.

When to divide and transplant daylilies?

We use the method of dividing the bush every 5-7 years, when a transplant of an old plant is necessary: ​​with a decrease in decorative characteristics and a deterioration in the quality of flowering. Permissible time for transplantation is late autumn (1.5 weeks before frost), or early spring (early-mid-April).

How to propagate a daylily by dividing a bush:

  • we dig out a bush, not especially trying to be delicate;

  • we wash the roots, divide into divisions manually or with a knife;

  • sections on the roots are treated with a fungicide;

  • we transplant the delenki to a new place, if necessary, mulch the soil.

  • With proper planting, strong and strong delenki bloom in the first year after being placed in open ground.

How to propagate daylily by air layering

Small cuttings are formed on the stem in the axil of the leaves after flowering. Planting these seedlings is a simple method that allows you to get a full-fledged plant in the shortest possible time.

To do this, we perform the following actions:

  • after the stem dries, we cut off the ripened rosette at a distance of 4 cm from the node;
  • put the layers in water to get a strong root;
  • before planting, cut a leaf bundle up to 8 cm for better development plants;
  • we plant layers in open ground 7 weeks before the onset of frost;
  • we arrange the sprout so that the leaf knot with roots is 1-2 cm below ground level, we mulch the soil;
  • if the transplant is done in late autumn, we plant the layering in a pot with light soil, sprinkle it with a 1-centimeter layer of sand on top, leave the plant in a bright and warm place.

Layers planted in pots are watered throughout the winter, and in April we begin to harden: we take them out into the street, gradually increasing the residence time young plant on the fresh air. We plant in open ground at the end of May.

Daylilies: basic care

With the advent of spring, remove the layer of mulch, loosen the ground. In the first year after planting, you can not apply fertilizers, and in the future we use complex feeding with a low nitrogen content (in spring), and potassium-phosphorus - in winter.
Abundant watering is necessary for daylilies throughout the season. With insufficient moisture, the leaves turn yellow, lose their attractiveness and decorative effect. We pour water under the very stem, preventing it from falling on the buds.

We remove faded flowers and seeds immediately, this will accelerate the growth of new buds. We also cut off dry dead leaves. At the end of the season, before frost, we cut the leaves at the root and mulch the ground with peat.

Which daylily to plant: the best varieties

When choosing a daylily variety for planting, please note that there are early, medium and late flowering species. Such an assortment will allow us to decorate the site with magnificent and bright flowers that bloom from spring to autumn.

Daylily variety Strutter's Ball (Strathers Ball)

Daylily "Strutter's Ball" is a very popular variety of daylily, the flowers of which look like luxurious purple bells 15 cm in size. A bush up to 1 m in height. It blooms closer to mid-July with 15-centimeter flowers. The petals are dark cherry, with a bright yellow stripe that runs from the center of the flower to the tip of the petal. Blooms within 1-1.5 months. It reproduces well. With such a flower, your flower bed will not go unnoticed.

Daylily grade Strawberry Candy (Strawberry sweets)

Variety "Strawberry Candy" refers to the early. Bushes up to 70-75 cm in height, flowers up to 11 cm in diameter, with wide petals corrugated along the edge. The middle of the flower is bright yellow, the tone of the petals closer to the center is rich strawberry, gradually turning into caramel. Blooms for the first time at the end of June, and again at the end of August. Strawberry Candy has received many medals and awards in the United States.

Daylily variety Stella D'Oro (Stella D'Oro)

Flowers of the variety "Stella D'Oro" adorn the garden from May to mid-autumn. The plant is undersized (up to 35-40 cm in height), but at the same time, it is characterized by abundant long flowering. The flowers are lush, up to 6-6.5 cm in diameter, rounded, yellow-golden hue. The petals are densely planted, with a beautiful ruffled edge. The drooping leaves are highly decorative, light green in color. Daylily "Stella D'Oro" was bred in 1975 by an amateur grower V. Yablonsky.

Daylily grade Siloam Double Classic (Siloam Double Klasik)

Daylily "Siloam Double Classic", which is known for its sweet aroma, blooms in early summer with large apricot-pink double flowers, 10-12 cm in diameter. The flowering period continues all summer. Bushes 50-70 cm in height. Winner of numerous competitions, the variety was awarded the highest award in the most prestigious for daylilies international competition Stout Medal.

Daylily cultivar Double River Wye (Double River Wai)

The flowers are terry, rich lemon shade. The variety has a long flowering - from late July to early October. Bushes up to 1 m in height, flowers up to 14-15 cm in diameter. Up to 20 flowers are usually formed on 1 peduncle. The leaves are rich green, highly decorative, decorate the site throughout the season. The variety is very popular with landscape designers.

Daylilies go well in a flower bed with hosta, phlox, irises and lilies. Knowing the rules for growing a daylily - planting and simple care, you will get a flower that will only delight you all season.

Daylily is ideal option landscaping cottages or personal plot. Its decorativeness and attractiveness are successfully combined with unpretentiousness in care. Despite the fact that the plant is perennial, it has a long flowering period with a wide palette of colors. And its ability to grow in a shaded area with ease of cultivation has made the daylily one of the most popular garden flowers.

Use of daylilies

Daylilies are used in landscape design. These plants fit harmoniously into gardens of any style: oriental, country, modern, landscape, nostalgic and others.

Plants are versatile because they can be assigned any role. So, they are used as single cultures (tapeworms) and used in mixed flower beds(mixborders). Different varieties are used in their own way:

  1. In landscape design, for decorating rockeries and alpine slides, they turn to undersized varieties.
  2. With their help, ribbon-frames and borders are created, that is, hedges. Choose varieties with a dense structure that do not give root layers. Designers recommend combining varieties that bloom in different time, but they should have approximately the same green height.
  3. The composition should consist of varieties collected for certain reasons that would complement each other. Often dwarf varieties are planted in the foreground, medium-sized plants in the middle, and tall ones in the background.
  4. Color in the composition is also of great importance for visual perception. So, varieties that are saturated and dark in color are determined in the middle of the flower garden, since in the background they will reduce the space of the territory, the composition will have a flat look.
  5. Daylilies that do not grow tall are used to decorate alpine slides and rockeries.
  6. Incredibly fragrant daylily with pale pink flowers is called Siloam Double Classic. It is planted near a gazebo or bench to enjoy its aroma. This unusual flower will not leave anyone indifferent. A photo of this flower can be seen in the catalog.

Combinations of varieties of daylilies with other plants

What colors form a single composition?

An excellent combination give daylilies with bulb crops. They are planted next to tulips, hostas, irises, astilbes, crocuses, hyacinths, delphiniums.

Bulbs are preferably planted on foreground to help protect them from overheating. The flower beds will gain brightness from this, however, they will not be intrusive.

All varieties of daylilies, both tall and dwarf, can develop well in various containers, tubs, pots. For this, you just need choose the right container. The plant has a powerful root system, so the flowerpot needs a voluminous one.

They are used to decorate balconies, terraces, front gardens, garden areas and recreation areas. They are good at winter gardens. In urban settings, daylilies may also exist. It is being actively implemented in the landscape for street landscaping, territories near parking lots and shops.

Choosing a variety for cultivation

In order for the flowers to appear in all their splendor, they need a suitable background. To do this, you can adapt an even canvas of the lawn, hedge or a group of trees, shrubs that cover the horizon line.

Coniferous and deciduous crops can be located in the background. The daylily variety should be chosen from a ready-made living area for growing. So, if dark green plants are located in the background, then bright ones will look advantageous, for example, yellow and variegated varieties daylily, if the background is variegated - plain or saturated.

Tall daylilies, which form dark flowers, look great against the background of light leaves of shrubs.

Unfortunately, at the end of summer, many varieties lose their beauty, their foliage turns yellow and dies off. Therefore, before planting a daylily find a partner for them, which will cover their withered foliage.

For these purposes, compositions with daylilies may contain decorative cereals that differ in various shades:

  • physiostegia;
  • liatris;
  • loosestrife point;
  • yarrow.

Varieties of daylily flowers

Daylilies in the catalog include about 62 thousand varieties. In our country, the most popular are the following:

  • In the photo, the daylily is brown-yellow. This is a powerful shrub up to 1 meter, dark green leaves 2.5 cm wide. It is hardy, easily adapts to a place located in the shade, grows widely and quickly. Flowers orange-red. There are a number of terry varieties.
  • Grows in a bush up to 60 cm Middendorf's daylily. It blooms profusely in May-June with yellow-orange flowers with a strong aroma.
  • Reaches 105 cm daylily Citrine. In the first half of summer, it provides abundant flowering with lemon shades.
  • Hybrid varieties are represented by Stella de Oro. It grows dwarf, has bright yellow flowers that delight with their beauty for about 4 months.
  • Midnight Magic has large flowers, reaching 14 cm, a shade of dark burgundy.
  • Margaret Perry from July to August forms dark pink flowers, up to 15 cm in diameter.
  • Prairie Blue Ice has a lavender color. The diameter reaches 14 cm.

Care rules

These plants, due to their unpretentiousness, were called "flowers for intelligent lazy people." However, in order for them to look neat and well-groomed, as well as to bloom profusely and for a long time, they still need to be monitored, but first create certain conditions.

When choosing a soil, keep in mind that it should be rich in organic matter, have good drainage , loose loam with an acidity of 6-6.5 pH. clay soil dilute with compost and sand, lime will help reduce acidity. Alkaline soil can be fertilized with peat.

Good lighting is optional, as the daylily is quite adapt to semi-shade and even shadows. However, in bright light, when the daylight hours last about 6-7 hours, its flowering will become more abundant and massive, the colors will become saturated. Hybrid varieties are very fond of the soft sun.

Features of watering, fertilizing and transplanting

The powerful root system of daylilies is adapted to the fact that during the dry season it can get moisture from the depths. Therefore, a long tolerate drought well however, the quality of the buds suffers, becoming small and rare.

During the period of snow melting, in early spring, the plant should be protected from stagnant water. Although the culture copes well with temporary difficulties, it is still necessary to ensure that the root neck is above water.

The best option is to keep the top layer of the earth dry (where the rosette of leaves develops), and the level of suction roots, which are located at a depth of 20-30 cm from the surface of the earth, is moist.

To achieve this, they resort to mulching with wood bark or dry peat. The best thing water in the evening. The plant is moistened with a jet of water directed under the bush. Daylilies should not be watered from above to prevent the appearance of spots.

It is desirable to feed, because the flowers thank the active growth and abundant flowering. Fertilizer is selected based on the characteristics of the soil. With their help, the deficiency of those elements that the soil lacks is compensated. Before fertilizing, the plant is watered with plain water so as not to burn the roots.

Transplantation of daylilies is necessary after 5-7 years. Required pruning flower shoots after flowering. late autumn ground part the bush is completely cut off.

So, daylilies are unpretentious and, with the right selection of varieties, are capable of give the beauty of flowering from early spring to late autumn. And the compositions made from these perennials, supplemented by other plants, will amaze the imagination of the most sophisticated natures.