DIY kitchen island. Island in the kitchen - convenient and original (43 photos for every taste)

  • 29.08.2019

Since the middle of the last century, designers began to think about improving working area kitchens. The monotonous cooking zone, stretched along the wall, already seemed like a kind of relic, but no other placement option was known until the idea was born to move the working area with a stove and sink to the middle of the room. And now the idea of ​​creating a kitchen with an island is considered one of the main achievements in design.

The kitchen island came to kitchens in apartments from restaurants, where chefs cook on tables in the middle so that there is an approach from two sides.

Island in the kitchen

An island is a piece of furniture that stands alone, most often in the middle of the kitchen, and can be of any size.

It can play the role of both the main and additional workspace. If he plays additional role, then it is installed opposite the main working area.

The undoubted advantage of the design is that it can be used in different ways: both as a working area and as a dining area. The island is also convenient because several people can cook on it at once without interfering with each other.

It can play the role of a bar counter. In this case, it will be a two-level island, the second level of which is made higher than the first, and it will be a bar counter, and the lower one, the first one, directly the working area. The option of a wide second tier is popular, then the place under it can be used as a convenient storage area for items and utensils that are constantly involved in cooking. And you can find out about accessories for bar counters.

The island in the kitchen looks very stylish and modern.

There are no clear design requirements here: it can be a long work surface with numerous equipment, a low cabinet with a countertop, a mini-rack, and so on. The island fits well into all interior styles.

There are few disadvantages:

  • there may be difficulties with water supply and drainage: the floor will have to be raised to allow for a pipe slope, for example, using a podium for part of the kitchen,
  • it is appropriate to install the island only in kitchens larger than 10 square meters, at a distance of more than one meter from the rest of the furniture, convenient for a country house;
  • if the sink is located on an island, then it is impossible to place a dish dryer above it.

The island looks best in a square kitchen.

How to equip

Equipping a kitchen island is not entirely difficult, but you need to take into account the features of such a layout.

The island can be of any shape. The most traditional are rectangular and square options. But round, and oval, and triangular, and in the form of a trapezoid are also possible. It depends on the purpose of the island, the size of the kitchen and. Any island provides many opportunities both for installing equipment and for storing dishes.

In a big room

In a large kitchen, the kitchen island looks great

A large island is installed in the spacious kitchen. As a rule, two working surfaces are equipped here, one traditional, along the wall, the second parallel to it on the island. In the first working area there is a stove, a sink, a work surface, a cutting and frying surface, a second sink are equipped on the island. Dinner table can be either a continuation of the working area of ​​the island, or installed separately. And you can find out about adjustable legs for the kitchen.

In a small kitchen

In a small kitchen, the island is often not found

In such kitchens, the island is the main working space. It can be in several versions:

  • only the working area located opposite the sink and stove;
  • work surface combined with dining;
  • work area with a stove and possibly a sink;
  • working area with a stove, combined with a dining room.

In small kitchens, small islands on wheels are convenient, which can even be taken out of the kitchen if necessary.

On the combined

For a combined kitchen, acute often serves as the boundary between zones.

If the kitchen and living room are combined, then the island is most often installed on the line separating the two spaces. With this combination, the shape and size of the island is chosen in accordance with the interior of the living room. In this case, the island can be visually divided into two zones, having different design: The side facing the kitchen may look different than the one facing the living room. To visually separate the kitchen from the living room, you can install a peninsula connected to the main work surface.


Cabinet transformer will save space in the kitchen

Such a design can easily be transformed from a working version of the island into a dining or bar island. Retractable countertops are installed on them, which, if necessary, can close the frying and cutting surfaces, hide the stove and sink. On such a pedestal, part of the surface can be raised to turn into a bar counter. The dining area is arranged on the sides of the working area, and the wings of the countertop in this case fall down during cooking.

We create with our own hands

An interesting version of the island is a cupboard with cells

The dimensions of the island depend on the size of the kitchen, and its appearance on the chosen style.

Step by step creation of the island:

  • first, the island is drawn, taking into account its shape and in accordance with the type of cuisine;
  • then a drawing is made taking into account the dimensions of the island;
  • then selected necessary material, it can be different, suppose that the parts will be from chipboard;
  • now you can start cutting out parts of the island: side panel of the central cabinet: 1 piece, side: 4 pieces, back wall, 3 doors, shelves, countertop: 2 pieces, plinth panel;
  • two parts of the countertop are glued into one to make it thicker, the glue is evenly distributed on one of the blanks, then the second is laid on it and tightened with clamps, when the glue dries, the protruding residues are cleaned with a large sandpaper; but it is better to buy a countertop in a store;
  • first, the central one is assembled, the parts are fastened using corner ties on screws and screws: first of all, the rear and side ones, then the shelves are installed and tightly fixed, they are made non-removable to stiffen the cabinet as a whole;
  • now side pedestals are attached to the central one, connecting their walls, side ties are precisely installed;
  • shelves are installed in the side cabinets;
  • when the structure has become rigid due to the tightly installed shelves, the panels of the first base are installed, they are fixed in the cutouts of the side walls, using short bars, with screws with glue;
  • the tabletop is screwed with through screws with glue on the side walls of all cabinets;
  • now it remains to decorate the island with laminated plastic or other material;
  • the final touch will be the installation of doors on mortise hinge hinges, magnetic latches and handles are attached to each door.

Kitchen island makes the kitchen more modern

The facades of the island should be the same as the facades of the headset, but the color is half a tone lighter or darker.

What to look out for

Incredible beautiful kitchen Island

Island cuisine is the dream of many housewives. significantly expands the storage area, increases the overall length of the countertop, can serve as a dining table and bar counter. In addition, the island is incredibly convenient when guests arrive, and the hostess prepares a treat, facing them. We have selected for you interesting projects kitchens with an island that can be implemented in your room. See ideas and catch inspiration.

Minimum dimensions of an island kitchen

The basic rule of island kitchens is that the distance between the island and the fronts of the cabinets must be at least 1 meter. Ideally, it is desirable to leave 1.2 m between them for comfortable opening of facades and pulling out drawers.

If the width of the countertop is 60 cm, then we pick up a calculator and calculate the width of the room.

  • linear kitchen. 60 cm - the depth of the main headset. 1.2 m - passage. From 60 to 90 cm - an island. Behind him, again, a passage of at least 1 m. We get a room width of 3.4 - 3.7 m. At the same time, there must be a passage of at least 90 cm on each side of the island. It turns out that with the smallest width of the island of 60 cm, 180 cm is added the width of the passages, and the total length of the headset is 2.4 m. In total, the minimum dimensions of the room are 3.4x2.4m.
  • Corner set. Since the cabinets are along two adjacent walls, the length of the headset increases. 60 cm of cabinet plus 60 cm of island plus 2.4 m of passages on both sides of the island. It turns out 3.6 m the minimum length of the room.

  • U-shaped kitchen. An additional 60 cm of cabinets along the third wall are added to the dimensions of the corner suite. 60+120+60+120+60cm. It turns out that 180 cm are allotted for furniture, the same 240 cm for aisles. As a result, the minimum length of a room with a U-shaped layout is 4.2 m.

For calculations, we took the smallest island in the form of a mobile table with dimensions of 60x60 cm. With large module sizes, it is necessary to increase the overall length and width of the headset accordingly.

How to use the island

The island module can act in different roles, acquiring new functions.

  • Dinner Zone. The island turns into a dining table. Or it has a bar. In this case, the comfortable depth of the module is 80-90 cm, and the width increases to 80-120 cm. Additional shelves and drawers are located under the table top, where it is convenient to store serving utensils, cutlery, napkins and towels. With enough kitchen space, you can add a lower console to the island to eliminate the need for bar stools.

bar counter formed by the overhang of the tabletop. You can use an extension console. However, in this case, you will have to lower the level of the countertop. This option is convenient in cases where the kitchen often works with dough. The lower cutting zone allows you to roll out the succulents, starting from the shoulder. In this case, the load on the elbow joints is reduced and the weight of the whole body is used.

  • Food cutting. The transfer of the sink and cutting area implies at least 40 cm under the width of the bowl and about 60 cm more for cleaning and cutting products. In this case, it is necessary to carefully consider the supply of communications. Under flooring a pipe channel is being laid. It must be easily accessible for maintenance.

  • hot zone. The plate is selected depending on the amount of work. For small families of 2-3 people, a domino hob is enough. This allows you to add a grill block or simply reduce the width of the island module. To ensure the removal of steam, an island hood with a ventilation duct or a recirculation type is installed.

  • Function combination. Quite often there is a layout in which a sink with a stove is taken out to the island. In this case, it is desirable to use built-in plumbing and hobs. This will save space on the module.

The island allows you to place additional cabinets under the worktop with access to them from two, three or four sides. From the end it is convenient to have open shelves or narrow cargo. If you order a module with an overhang of the tabletop, then it is inconvenient to use shelves and drawers from the side of the chairs. In this case, access to the bowels of the island is limited to three parties.

small island kitchen

It is believed that the island set is convenient only if there is 9 sq m of kitchen area. However, starting from 6 sq m, you can use the island in the form of a roll-out module, which, if necessary, can be quickly hidden under the countertop. In this case, the dining area is taken out to another room.

A standard 6-meter kitchen will easily make friends with the island during redevelopment, when the partition separating it from the living room is demolished. With this option, the island delimits functional areas and serves as a dining table or a bar counter.

To accommodate a wider module in the existing opening, you can move the island to the wall. In a 9-meter kitchen, the island can be increased to dimensions of 120x90 cm. In this case, it will take on the function of a table or bar counter at the same time as cutting food.

If it is possible to move the dining area outside the kitchen, the island can take hob or sink.

Island kitchen in a private house and studio

With sufficient kitchen area, the island can take different shape and sizes.

  • To the classics an octagonal module with inlays is suitable. Choose an island hood in the shape of a dome or bell.

  • Minimalism and modern technological trends will require smooth facades without handles and strict rectangular shapes. At the same time, modern romanticism and modernism actively use oval, semicircular and round islands.

  • Provence and country they are good friends with hinged lattice shelves, on which pans, pots and lids are hung. If you prefer to store utensils in cabinets, decorative bunches of onions and garlic, bunches of herbs and spices will take this place.

  • Swedish style (IKEA) likes open shelves, lattice fronts and rectangular modules.

In spacious studios, island systems form an open ring or corner where couch and a round table. This layout creates the necessary comfort, a certain intimacy and privacy in a large space.

Semicircular islands are ergonomic. They outline the work area around the chef, in which each element can be reached without leaving the place. The bar counter on the outside, due to the curved line, allows you to comfortably feed a group of friends from 4-6 people, depending on the shape of the table top.

The entire working surface of the kitchen set can be taken out on the island. In this case, it acquires a semicircular or S-shape. At the back of the island there is usually a large full-wall cabinet where a refrigerator, oven, and microwave are built in. Food supplies and kitchen utensils are also stored there.

Corner islands with a large area serve as an element of zoning, outlining the dining area. Or they form the surface of an island kitchen with a corner layout. In a round room, when the headset forms a ring, the island takes the form of a sector or a circle.

If the passages near the island are narrow, and there are small children in the house, it is better to order an oval or rectangular module with rounded edges.

If you want to move the stove and sink to the island in a city studio apartment, then be sure to consult with experts about transferring communications. Water supply is allowed only above non-residential premises. BUT gas stove may need to be replaced by an electric hob.

Island kitchens are convenient and comfortable. However, they require a lot of space in order to be comfortable to use them.

Jun 20, 2017 Werri

Every housewife wants everything needed in the kitchen to be within easy reach. For this, a kitchen with an island is very convenient.

The oven, sink, cupboard with dishes, refrigerator - everything should be located according to the “triangle rule”.

AT residential buildings began to be used again since 1988, as the "Eicher Workbench" for the working area. The “Rule of the Triangle” has appeared, where the most demanded zones should be combined.

The correct location of the island

In order not to be mistaken, you need to know some rules for planning a kitchen with an island. In spacious kitchens, such an “island” is often used; without it, the kitchen seems empty.

This idea can be applied not only in chic dining rooms of huge country houses but also in apartments. But this will require a redevelopment of the kitchen and changes in communications (water, gas and electricity).

The “island” looks very original in the form of a semicircle with a sink and a stove, where two people can freely cook food at once, and without interfering with each other.

In a typical apartment, with any redevelopment, it will not be possible to place a “standard island”, but you can install a stove in the countertop, then you will not need to change pipes. The kitchen needs excellent ventilation, now there is a large selection of hoods.

It has become fashionable to combine the kitchen with the living room, this will not only create additional space, but also a lot of advantages.

You can put a dining table in the form of an "island" in the center of a large kitchen (kitchen-living room), and chairs around it. Looks organically in the overall design, and convenient for big family and guests.

"Peninsulas" in the kitchen

“Peninsulas” have become popular - these are L-shaped kitchen sets, there may be small branches from straight-line models.

This solution saves space, but performs the same functions, and divides the space into zones. Peninsulas can be not only with the usual angles, but with smooth shapes.

These most convenient and popular kitchens are made only to order, the price is more expensive than standard ready-made sets. But the furniture will fit perfectly into the shape of your kitchen (dining room), you can choose the necessary color scheme and material.

Examples of modern kitchen interior design with a peninsula can be seen in the photo at the end of the article. Very spectacular islands (peninsulas) with streamlined shapes, made in various designs and styles.

The kitchen island looks presentable with a bar counter, inside of which there are cabinets where you can hide kitchen utensils.

Color palette and styles

White furniture is more often chosen, but different styles allow color shades. For dark rooms where there is not enough light, it is better to use furniture in light colors: sand, coffee.

These colors fit classic style, minimalism.

Creamy, cream, beige, pearl tones are ideal for styles: Biedermeier, antique, Empire, etc.

Headsets are more spectacular in large bright kitchen-living rooms in black and white, floors can also be selected in dark colors for high-tech. Add metal accessories, chrome handles and unusual lamps, shades.

Wenge cuisine will require dark shades of noble wood to feel African notes. Also can be added with African pattern.

Modern and art deco prefer bright shades: ocher, burgundy, green, blue, etc.

For mediterranean style you need light furniture (wicker) with openwork lamps, thin high legs of chairs. The shades are varied, and a few bright accessories will add the mood of the sea coasts and the hot sun.

Choose modern design interior kitchen with an island is easy, knowing the nuances.

Photo kitchen layout with an island

The ergonomics of space in the kitchen requires that a person engaged in cooking spend as much as possible less strength and time to move around the room. The expression that everything should be at hand is most appropriate for this case. Washing, hob, oven, cupboards with utensils and food should be located so that the "triangle rule" is followed. That is, its owner, located in one zone and busy with one thing, just took a couple of steps to take the right thing or perform some action. For rooms in small apartments the arrangement of the elements of the kitchen set is essentially the same, you can only sometimes swap zones if circumstances require it. In more spacious rooms, the situation is somewhat different, the hostess needs to overcome somewhat longer distances, so the concept of organizing a working area in such kitchens should be different.

The kitchen island is becoming an increasingly popular piece of furniture. modern kitchen

Island Kitchen Design Features

There are several ways to achieve the desired result. One of which is the arrangement in the large kitchen of the so-called "island". This name was given to a free-standing large table, in which a stove and sink are embedded, and there is enough space for a cutting surface.

The open shelves of the kitchen island allow you to keep the necessary kitchen utensils always at hand.

Ideally, in order to combine all this in one large kitchen element, it should have dimensions of 1200x1200 mm, but it is not necessary to strictly adhere to these dimensions. Similar tables were used for cooking in the Old World, the idea also took root well in America, where they use everything that allows you to achieve maximum comfort.

Despite its small size, this island does a great job of practical function.

Nowadays, a similar design of kitchen sets has been revived by German designer Otl Aicher. He identified workplace in the kitchen with a workbench, which can be approached from any side and perform the required actions. This principle is applied in almost all restaurants, the idea of ​​​​its application in modern living spaces was developed and brought to life by this talented person in 1988. The Eicher workbench became the pinnacle of the “working triangle” that united all the main work areas, with its help the status of this room was changed.

A large island in this spacious kitchen makes it possible to cook several complex dishes at the same time.

How beautiful to fit the island into the interior of the kitchen

Modern large kitchens today it is difficult to imagine without such an “island”, if this large functional table is missing, then it seems that something is missing in the room.

A beige island with a gray glossy countertop blends harmoniously into the interior of this spacious kitchen, performing a decorative and practical function.

However, there is an opportunity to put this idea into practice not only in expensive apartments with huge kitchens by our standards and in country houses, but also in standard city apartments. True, this is feasible only when carrying out appropriate repair and construction work, which does not consist only in redevelopment of housing. Additional communications are also required.

Miracle island from Pedini: cooking on it is easy and simple!

Because in standard apartment even after redevelopment, it is simply unrealistic to install an “island” with dimensions of 1200x1200 mm, then the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bplacing both the sink and the oven on the same surface will have to be abandoned. Usually, in such cases, only one hob is cut into the countertop, so there is no need to conduct water and sewage to the location of the "island".

A kitchen island combined with a dining area is an original example of the efficient use of space

To ensure ventilation in such a kitchen, special models of hoods are needed. There are two types of these air purifiers, which differ in the installation method. The first are attached to the ceiling and ventilation pipes pass at the top under the drywall or stretch ceiling.

There is an opinion that ideally a kitchen island should have dimensions of 1200x1200 mm, but this is just a recommendation, not a strict requirement.

Installation of the second type of hoods requires more complicated way conducting an air duct in the floor, such hoods are attached to the work surface on a rigid high stand, it has the shape of the letter "G" and has a very original design. However, for those who are primarily concerned with functionality, suspended hoods are preferable, since they do not take up space on the countertop and do not create additional inconvenience when cooking.

For a functional kitchen island, not only the work surface is important, but also the organization of the space under it.

The so-called “peninsulas”, which are an offshoot of the main row of straight or L-shaped kitchen sets, are widely used in the spacious kitchens of apartments (usually these are rooms combined with the living room). Indeed, the "peninsula" requires much less space, performing the same functions. It also divides the room into zones, which is essential when choosing a similar design concept for this room.

The Pedini kitchen peninsula attracts attention not only with its functional variety, but also with its smooth lines.

Such kitchens are made to order, of course, their cost is somewhat higher than for ordinary furniture, but the level of this product is completely different, it is significantly higher in all respects. Starting from the design, which should provide harmony and convenience, and ending with all the materials that are used to make such kitchen sets.

Photo ideas for arranging a kitchen island

Stylish streamlined design of the kitchen island blends harmoniously with the classic interior

In combination with a bar counter, the kitchen island becomes even more practical and convenient.

The traditional and simple design of this kitchen island will fit with dignity in many interior styles.

Massive kitchen island natural wood seems bulky and inconvenient, nevertheless, it harmoniously fits into the corresponding interior

"White top, black bottom" - the classic idea of ​​​​contrasting interior design is embodied in this elegant kitchen island

To ensure ventilation in such a kitchen, special models of hoods are required, which are installed in the most problematic place.

Modern large kitchens today are hard to imagine without such an "island", because its practicality is beyond doubt.

Cozy Provence-style island kitchen benefits from elegant furnishings

White color in classic interior- the best option for connoisseurs of impeccable taste and radiant purity

A multi-level kitchen island with a bar counter also performs the function of zoning the kitchen space

To install a sink in the kitchen island or not - the choice is up to the owners

The antique-styled kitchen island still remains a modern multifunctional part of the interior.

Among the many options for decorating the island, everyone will certainly find their own: a modern island kitchen from Pedini

The kitchen island is the perfect solution for the studio space

To increase the functionality of the island, designers use different methods, for example, a multi-level surface

Island kitchen in a minimalist spirit will cope with all tasks, despite its apparent simplicity

For more decorative effect can be used original ways kitchen island countertop lighting

secrets correct layout kitchens with an island from the designer, options for sets in different styles and 92 real photo island kitchens in the interior.

  • The island is multifunctional kitchen table with floor stands, which is located at a distance from the rest of the headset (straight, corner or U-shaped) and makes it more convenient. This is an additional worktop, and storage space. Island layout is not good for every kitchen: it should be spacious and not too long.

Who is island cuisine for?

  • The layout with the island is convenient if the kitchen area is more than 15 square meters (while you are ready to put a dining table and chairs in another room), optimally - 20-25 squares.
  • If you have combined the kitchen with the living room or you have a spacious studio apartment.
  • You have a cottage or a country house.


- A kitchen with an island is more convenient and ergonomic than a set without it. The hostess has everything at hand, a minimum of unnecessary movements, a lot of work surfaces: with such a layout, you will cook easily and with pleasure.

- The island well zones the combined kitchen-living room or studio.

It is convenient for him to have a cup of coffee or a snack.

- If you often have guests, you can cook and chat with them at the same time. You're baking an apple pie or stirring the sauce, and your best friend is sitting next to a cup of coffee or helping to cut a salad.


- Island "steal" 1-3 square meters area - not every kitchen can afford this.

- It is convenient to put a sink or hob on it, but with the connection of the communications necessary for this in standard apartment difficulties often arise.

– A full-fledged dining table cannot replace an island, and bar stools, when used daily, are not so much comfortable as beautiful.

Distance between kitchen and island

The optimal width of the passage between the island and kitchen set or wall - 120 cm. The minimum is 100 centimeters. Do less - it will be difficult to pull out drawers or open cabinets, not to mention using the dishwasher.

Standard sizes

  • The size of the island is calculated individually in each case. In a small kitchen, it will also be compact; in a spacious one, its length may well be more than 2 meters.
  • In the experience of many of my fellow designers, comfortable dimensions of the kitchen island - 180x90 cm. 180 cm - these are three modules of a standard width of 60 cm: convenient if you are planning a custom-made kitchen. Non-standard items usually cost more.
  • The width can be standard (60 cm), then on one side there will be a blank wall of the cabinet. If you make the table deep (90 or 120 cm), drawers or cabinets can be arranged in two rows, and they will be accessible from two or three sides.
    To make it convenient to cook on the island, the height of the countertop should be standard - 85-90 cm, like the rest of the headset. But if you wish, you can make it taller - a great idea if someone from the household is tall, and standard height the worktop is uncomfortable for him.

Feedback from a reader

Maria (Moscow):“I have a kitchen of 14 squares, but I really wanted an island. And at my own peril and risk, I decided to experiment: I left 75 centimeters between the island 120 by 120 cm and the main line of kitchen cabinets. And I didn't guess! It was surprisingly comfortable. Children only eat after him. True, in our family everyone is small and slender, so there are no problems - we squeeze through. Tall and strong would be uncomfortable. But when I’m cooking, it’s better not to interfere with me - I always ask you to bypass it. ”

Choose a form

  • It is desirable that the shape of the island repeats the shape of the kitchen: a square table is more appropriate in a square table, and a rectangular table in an elongated one.
  • A semi-circular crescent-shaped island is convenient, but takes up the most space, so it is suitable for a large apartment or country house.
  • Oval or round tables are much less common.

Examples are in the photo below:

Kitchen layout with an island - important nuances

Basic layout options more photos- in the gallery at the end of the article):

corner kitchen



Kitchen-living room

Kitchen-dining room

  • In a very large kitchen (for example, in a house), you can put one long island or the so-called archipelago - two modules of different heights connected to each other. Different table top heights are convenient for different kitchen work, or when you cook on one surface and eat on another.

How to use an island in the kitchen

Additional work surface

The simplest option that does not require a long, complicated and expensive repairs with transfer of communications.

Helpful advice: do not forget about sockets (usually they are located on the side, less often inside cabinets) in order to conveniently use small household appliances, charge gadgets or watch your favorite series on a laptop while cooking if there is no TV in the kitchen.

Kitchen island with breakfast bar

You can make a bar counter in the island kitchen different ways, two main ones:

  • with a wide table

  • due to the tabletop of different heights

Kitchen island with dining table

- The dining table can be part of the island (for this, the width of the countertop must be at least 90 cm), or it can be installed separately.

- It is better to make the edges of the tabletop rounded - more harmonious in Feng Shui and less risk of getting a bruise or bruise.

IMPORTANT: Do you want to bring a sink, hob, dishwasher or washing machine? Before starting the repair, be sure to consult with a specialist what work and approvals will be needed to bring your project to life.

Island with hob

It is not difficult to equip the island with an electric hob - it is enough to bring electricity to it (it is better to run wires along the floor, and not along the ceiling). Difficulties may arise with the hood. For an island kitchen, you will have to buy a special hanging model, and for installation, invite a specialist.

To hide the duct, you will have to lower the ceiling level. They do this job well suspended ceiling plasterboard and stretch ceiling.

If the ceiling is low, use a recirculating hood with a charcoal filter.

Kitchen island with sink

If you live in a typical city apartment and want to implement such a project, keep in mind: for supply water pipes to wash in most cases you will have to raise the level of the floor, and sometimes you will install a pump.

Table with open shelves or display cabinets

A good solution for the kitchen in a studio apartment. Arrange books, souvenirs, beautiful dishes on open shelves from the side of the living room. A showcase cabinet looks especially impressive if it is equipped with LED lighting or furniture fixtures are built in.

Small island kitchen table with and without wheels

island table - a good option for a small kitchen or a small apartment with a studio layout. Such models are, for example, in the range of IKEA. As an island, you can use a narrow bar table or a special mobile table on wheels. If desired, it can be moved to the wall or rolled back to another room.

1. To use the kitchen with the island was convenient, follow the rule of the working triangle.

2. If you want to make the kitchen visually more spacious, choose the option with a “through” bar counter, for example, as in the photo below:

3. The color of the kitchen island may differ from the color of the rest of the kitchen.

4. Take care of good countertop lighting. If the island has a hob, get a range hood with powerful built-in lights. You can use pendant lights, built-in or overhead lights, LED backlight, tire lamps and spotlights. Lighting should be bright, but not glaring.

5. classic kitchen with the island will benefit if you hang a special decorative shelf above it - a mensol. In a traditional country or Provence style kitchen, this is a holder for kitchen utensils (pans, ladles, ladles) or decor like bunches of onions and garlic.

6. A budget option islands with open shelves can be built from two layers of thick moisture-resistant drywall, countertop - from artificial stone or ceramic tiles. My friend did this in her Provence style kitchen. With inside put wicker baskets for vegetables, front (facing the living room) trimmed with decorative plaster.