Different mothers according to zodiac signs. What kind of parent are you according to your zodiac sign?

  • 02.07.2020

Incredible Facts

Mothers play many roles for their children: a parent, protector, nurse, educator and many others.

Some mothers take a modern approach to parenting, others are more conservative and try to instill traditional values. There are also mothers who spend a lot of time looking for best school for children, and there are those who believe that the best education can only be at home.

Being a parent is hard because you have to provide for your child. not only food and a roof over your head, but also love, care and opportunities for development. This hard work and not everyone can handle the responsibilities of motherhood well.

Some signs of the zodiac seem to be naturally endowed with maternal instincts, while others find the role of a mother much more difficult.

It is worth remembering that astrologically responsible for motherhood zodiac sign in whichmoon women in her horoscope. So if you think that given description does not suit you at all, it's time to look into your personal horoscope.

1. Pisces Mom (February 19 - March 20)

© Oleg Baliuk

Pisces instill in children a love of art and encourage creativity their offspring. Children of women under the sign of Pisces will be sensitive, imaginative and will treat other people with kindness.

It is Pisces mothers who pass on to their children a love of nature, teach them to help others and endow them with an independent character.

Pisces may not be able to tell you how to distinguish dreams from reality, but they will always support their children while they grow up and learn it from experience.

2. Mom Aries (March 21 - April 19)

© Goran Bogicevic

Aries mothers know how to keep their child entertained with music, sports, hobbies, entertainment and more. useful lessonsmAnd.

In addition, the Aries woman herself also does not sit idle. She wants her children to grow up fearless and not afraid to try new things.

Aries encourages children not to turn away in the face of adversity and fight for what they believe in.

Sometimes she is harsh, but almost immediately begins to regret it. To become even better, Aries mothers should sometimes moderate their ardor and listen to what, in fact, her child wants or does not want.

3. Mom Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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Gemini moms can talk to their kids about anything, including the most sensitive topics.

They have no secrets from their children, and they, in turn, from an early age acquire good communication skills and are always aware of what is happening in the world.

One of the unique features of Gemini moms is their ability to understand their children regardless of age or gender.

This is what moms do better days birthdays and parties for their children, because they themselves are like a holiday.

4. Mom Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

© RossHelen

Capricorn women will fight to the death for their children. They are incredibly loyal and will always stand up for their loved ones.

Capricorns take parenting very seriously and bring up children in strict discipline, instilling in them diligence and the ability to concentrate.

If Capricorn children do receive pocket money, then you can be sure that they deserve it by doing household chores or looking after their brothers and sisters.

Capricorns tend to be working moms, and as such, they sometimes need to be reminded to make time for themselves rather than devoting all their free time to their family.

5. Mom Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

© Yuganov Konstantin

Taurus moms have just angelic patience.

But make no mistake, as they are very solid on their feet. Taurus can be stubborn and this can lead to some problems with children in their teens.

Taurus mother always teach your children to appreciate beauty and nature.

Since she does not skimp on money and delicious food for her children, she should be careful not to spoil or overfeed them.

6. Libra Mom (September 23 - October 22)

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Libras are great mothers because they are very balanced and friendly. They fill the house with an atmosphere of harmony, and if conflicts arise between children, they are able to listen to all parties and come to a peaceful solution to the problem.

Libra mothers do not like to be strict, and are more likely to become a friend to their child than a parent, although they usually build friendly relations with children after they grow up.

The most important thing that Libra can teach children is share, empathize with others and, most importantly, be able to make friends.

7. Mom Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

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Women under the sign of Cancer are very caring mothers who are always worried about their children. The children of Cancer moms truly know what it means to be loved.

When all else fails, the Cancer mother will always make things right by reassuring the child with their favorite cookie or snack. She can also develop a child's creative abilities and proudly demonstrate them to the whole world.

8. Mom Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

© Alena Ozerova

Sagittarians are mothers with a big heart who want to share the whole world with their children. Sagittarius children will start traveling with their parents from an early age.

They instill in children thirst for knowledge, a strong sense of independence and good feeling humor.

Sagittarians are fun-loving moms, and they know that childhood is fleeting, so they want their child to enjoy every moment of it.

However, they can be somewhat impulsive and rarely set any rules for their children, as they want to nurture individuality in their children, and not raise a copy of themselves.

9. Mother Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

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If something went wrong in life, mother Virgo will fix it and do it in the best way. She has high expectations and can be overly critical, but Virgo still loves her children deep down, even when they let her down.

She is real expert in multitasking, being an exemplary mother, worker and mistress, whose house is always clean and tidy.

She wants her children to be disciplined and teaches them not to give up when things get tough. Many Virgos have a tendency to perfectionism, and she should be careful not to be too strict with her children.

Taurus mom and Aries baby

The Taurus mother is thinking about how to keep her adventurous little ram safe. looking at his reckless actions, she patiently waits for him to come to his senses someday.
problems will begin later if the Taurus mother tries to tame her child, trying to keep him closer to the house that she adores. but her ram is not one to tolerate being held back or treated like property, however valuable!
of course, the calf can help his ram child learn to stand on the ground with at least one foot, but he will not agree to more: home comfort and a quiet, familiar life are just as unacceptable to his freedom-loving fire sign as are the old-fashioned puddings that his mom makes for him.
the dreams and aspirations of the Aries raise him above the everyday life, and no matter how hard the Taurus mother tries, one day she will find that she is not able to accompany her offspring further. however, she can help her ram child, inspire him and, not even always realizing that she is doing something opposite to what instinct tells her, free the child from the bonds that restrain him.
she has many advantages, and above all, patience and the ability to listen to her offspring. sometimes the quick temper and strong will of her little ram become simply frightening - and the Taurus mother, who does not like confrontation, retreats, leaving the ram without punishment.
a temporary lull does not mean anything - just problems are accumulating for the future. but strict discipline and a reasonable set of rules will save the ram from extreme selfishness and help him understand that he needs to live life, sharing it with other people.

taurus mom and taurus baby

The little calf loves comfortable, comfortable home, which was created by the hands of his Taurus mom. an atmosphere of security and peace helps the calf feel loved and protected. he likes practicality and maybe some old-fashioned outlook on life, which he will discover in his mother. they understand each other and accept each other as they are, without demanding more. The Taurus mom maintains a calm environment that allows the Taurus child to feel safe in her still small world. she understands the emotional demands of her child, shares his love for comforts and the possession of material things.
the mother teaches the calf good manners, honesty and kindness, but at the same time wants to teach him to think. she is a reasonable and practical person, and in her small body she finds a good student who, without any resistance, perceives her life lessons.
but not everything is so rosy here, and problems will arise immediately, as soon as they start to quarrel. two roaring bulls facing each other are a disturbing sight! and none of these stubborn personalities born under the sign of the calf will even think of retreating. Taurus mother must learn to help her child express her desires and emotions in such a way that there are as few such clashes as possible. only it is necessary to find a balance between compliance and discontent, so that a sense of hopelessness does not grow in her.
When it comes to food, the Taurus mom shows off her culinary talents, which comes in handy since the Taurus baby is the type to eat everything quickly and come back for more! Mother's delicious meals plus the sweets that the little calf receives as a reward can add unnecessary pounds to the child, so watch it!
the little calf is pleased that the mother does not try to enroll him in all sports sections at the same time and encourages his love for art. and although there is always a danger that the Taurus mother is not decisive enough to demand something from her child, he will grow up in an atmosphere of warmth and reliability. he loves the warm hugs of his mother, her patience, kindness and understanding, and most importantly, her willingness to accept her little body as it is.

Taurus mom and twin baby

The impatient twin runs in circles around his mom. sometimes even she, the calf, does not have enough patience for this, and she wants him to rest at least a little, giving her the opportunity to take a breath. the twin is ready to do six things at the same time, although the mother always tells him to focus on one thing. but, probably, she will have to learn to endure his violent activity - with twins it is not different.
Taurus mom is not too talkative, but her twin is so verbose that she feels tongue-tied in comparison. and what are the answers to all these endless questions! Of course, she tries her best, because she is still a calf ...
yes, a twin child could learn a lot from his mother. she has a huge supply vitality and enough determination to reach your goal. she is distinguished by patience and attention to others, calmness, reliability and the ability to appreciate what she has. well, the twin is not very patient, loves change and dreams that one day his mother would do something unexpected! he loves new things and exciting conversations so much, and she seems to be more interested in the comfort of the house and the shopping list than what goes on in his head.
sometimes a Taurus mom can get so tired of her restless twin that her patience will burst and she will lose her temper. I must say that it is quite serious! and the child would do well to know that his caresses and obedience would have a simply magical effect here, but the twin is not very disposed to show his feelings. it's a pity! mother-calf is worth caressing ...
sometimes the mother herself wants to become as quick and a little frivolous as her little twin. she tries to be close to him, she gives him everything she can, from love to material opportunities. and he must also be given freedom, accepting him as he is, even if he himself does not always understand what this means.

Taurus mom and cancer baby

This comfortable couple really enjoys each other's company. little Cancer loves the comfort that his Taurus mom has created and feels safe, feeling her warmth and attention. the mother is happy that her child respects what is dear to her, helps to take care of her dear home and enjoys her gourmet cuisine.
calf always lends a shoulder so that the child can cry on him if he has Bad mood. for all its | | Outwardly noisy, this mother carefully looks at the feelings of a small cancer and knows when to scold him and when to pamper him. she understands that life sometimes seems like a struggle to cancer, and then he needs comfort and support. she understands the fluctuations in the mood of the child, because this happens to her too. and she is always ready to help him both with a joke and tender participation. they do not quarrel so often, but if this happens, the Taurus mother plunges into a gloomy mood for a long time. cancer will try to lovingly distract her, but the calves are so stubborn that they can be angry for a long time, although the quarrel is long over. the mother is even more serious about money than her thrifty cancer child. Taurus appreciates money for what it can buy, it gives her a sense of well-being, the opportunity to have beautiful things that give pleasure. for cancer, the main source of well-being is the mother herself, and since he is very affectionate, it will not be easy for him to gain self-confidence. but the calf does not object to this. she likes her children to behave like children, and does not expect independence from them until they themselves declare it.
Cancer is very happy that his mother shares his love for home. however, he himself is capable of something more, and the calf should not underestimate the capabilities of his child. the mother must find for him such an activity that would fascinate him more and more. Of course, cancer needs encouragement, but Taurus mom understands that praise is only good for him.
they love to share little secrets and exchange jokes, they try to calm and support each other if one of them did or said something that hurt the other. a mother is pleased to know that her little cancer can be a true friend to her. and cancer feels that he got exactly the kind of mother he would like to have, because she is always there and with her he feels loved and protected.

Taurus mother and Leo child

The serene and affectionate Taurus mother loves her benevolent little lion, although his commanding tone sometimes baffles her. yes, she does not mind doing everything possible for her outstanding child, and allows him a lot. she is very patient, but one day she will understand that all this has gone too far and she is not going to be his errand!
it is good that this sometimes happens, otherwise the lion may grow up believing that all people should be in his service. next to the mother-calf, he becomes more reasonable and gratefully feels that he is loved and that he feels good in this cozy house that his mother takes care of. both of them are not going to deny themselves anything and will surely enjoy together delicious food or pretty trinkets.
a mother must be sure that her active child gets everything she needs and that no opportunity is left unattended. and although the Taurus mother herself is quite lazy, her child needs incentives so that he can realize everything that is in him. so get together, mommy, and try not to miss anything. your lion belongs to those creative individuals who need freedom, therefore, thinking about what you will do with him, do not deprive him of the initiative, do not crush him with your love and household chores. and always set him up for success - he needs encouragement so much!
try to develop his tendency to daydreaming: that is how his best ideas. It often seems to mother Taurus that dreaming is just a waste of time. she herself is busy with very earthly things and does not build castles in the air, but her child really needs his imagination to work!
help him if he begins to show interest in art, literary creativity or wants to play on any musical instrument- all this will help his self-expression. a mother should not hope that in time he will become a calm, reasonable person like herself. wisdom for him is the result of creativity, not earthly experience, so the mother will have to understand that everyone has their own way of finding meaning in life. over time, the lion may become too crowded in the parental home - he will decide that all these traditions only bind him. and he, especially in his turbulent adolescence, may tell his mother that she is old-fashioned. and she will have to teach him to find peace, encouraging his directness and attention to others.
a Taurus mother will be proud of her child, because he has a generous heart. and how happy she will be with all the gifts that he will give her! Well, who, except for a lion, could do it with such warmth and enthusiasm?

Taurus mother and Virgo child

There is so much warmth and comfort in these two, like in an old woolen pullover! both mother and child love everything reliable and reasonable, and you will not confuse them with grandiloquent phrases - they are too practical for this. the maiden loves to be near her mother, and while she is conjuring in the kitchen, she carefully arranges the plates on the table, so that the Taurus mother is happy that her child is growing up as such a homely child. usually calves love their home, and it is here that the mother can give the sensitive maiden the love and well-being that the maiden, with her unspoken desire for security and peace, could only dream of.
the little maiden is a diligent being. she will study well, but maybe she will not brag about it, like some other signs. True, the mother-Taurus does not expect this. she is quite satisfied with how the maiden develops, accepting her as she is. the Taurus mom has an endless supply of patience, and she is ready to answer the many inquisitive questions of the virgin. and the friendliness of the child fills the mother's heart with special warmth. but if the virgin shows her tendency to criticize by turning it on her mother, she will feel offended, and it will seem to her that all her efforts are not properly appreciated. however, she can be reassured by the fact that the maiden is even more critical of herself. so there is no point in being offended by her, on the contrary, it is she who needs to be reassured.
Taurus mother knows how to explain to her child what is expected of him, but the virgin gains much more self-confidence if she knows exactly what she is worth. she often thinks worse of herself than she should, but a sane mother will try to increase her self-esteem. Taurus always praises the child for accuracy and efficiency, especially since he is much more like a working bee than his slightly lazy mother. True, a Virgo can dig too deep into the little things of life, and then a practical Taurus mother will help her look at everything differently.
there will be quarrels between them, especially since the mother is sometimes too stubborn to recognize the point of view of the virgin. and she must not consider the child to be an integral part of herself or her property. but all the same, the house for the mother-calf will be empty when one fine day her grown-up child flies out of the nest ... although she can be calm: the maiden will never forget the love and kindness that she so generously received at home.

Taurus mom and Libra baby

A warm Taurus mother is full of love for her child, protects him from everything that he considers superfluous, and will not mind at all if the child wants to relax once again. she herself is glad of such an opportunity. but behind her cozy appearance is a desire for strict discipline, and therefore the scales will not be able to dodge anything for too long. so you have to go back to boring lessons or an unfinished task ...
Taurus can't stand confrontation. this mother is unpleasant when her child begins to act up. but she knows that she can overcome the scales and insist on her own, stubbornness and perseverance do not hold her. she will make sure that he fulfills her orders to the end, and it is unlikely that her Libra child will grow up soft and spoiled. although, of course, he may not become as enterprising as he could be with such a mommy around!
she is careful, reasonable, practical, and her whole life is somehow connected with the house. she is an amazing cook, but she will have to watch her offspring's weight, because this child is a gourmet like herself.
Mom-Taurus establishes such orders in the house (and in life) that leave no room for chance. this gives the scale a sense of security and helps to organize your day: what kind of unfinished homework can there be? True, a mother should not overprotect her child. public life The scales need it like air, and the baby just needs to meet more people and visit guests. usually, to the delight of the mother, this child is very charming, but she can lose patience with him when he begins to show his dislike or tries to manipulate people. the mother will demand "decent" traditional behavior from the child and give the scales a rather sharp reprimand.
her life lessons are so reasonable, and she herself - good example for imitation, so that all this will bring undoubted benefits to her child. such a mother will create a reliable and cozy house from where he can begin his journey into society. and even as an adult and independent, he will not be able to stay away for too long from the aromas of home cooking and crispy pie, which his mother-calf is famous for.

taurus mom and scorpio baby

Mom-Taurus with her kind heart will try to make the little scorpion grow up in love and prosperity. she responds to his emotional requests and warms the child with her warm affection. but sometimes she wants to protect him from life, and she shows her sense of possessiveness. but she must remember that the scorpion must be given the right to be a person! calf does not have high level scorpio energy, and often even she loses patience, tired of the child's serious questions, especially about life. Taurus prefers a quiet existence, where everything is centered around the home and family. and although the scorpion is also attached to the house, he needs constant activity, because his energy must be used constructively. the wider the circle of his interests, the better. and he is attracted by science, history, and sports - which is especially important, because it is difficult for a scorpion to resist the magnificent cuisine of a Taurus mother ...
this mother really does not like disputes, and the scorpion often becomes their instigator. Taurus yields to keep peace and tranquility. but she must learn to say "no" to her stubborn child, otherwise he will grow up demanding and unrestrained. Scorpio responds best to strict discipline coupled with a logical explanation of existing rules.
even a calm mother-Taurus is able to lose her composure if she is pissed off. Scorpio is most often imperturbable, although he takes everything to heart. but he is capable of revenge. vindictiveness is part of his nature, and sometimes he just can't handle it.
A reasonable Taurus mother will help her child understand the logic of life and deal with her feelings. under her guidance, it will be easier for a scorpion to cope with the strongest emotions. But it's so good to be a balanced person!

Taurus mom and Sagittarius baby

Mom-Taurus is one of those kind and loving mothers who find it difficult to understand the restlessness of their child. she is ready to consider the child her property, believing that everything that she likes should suit him. but Sagittarius will seek adventure and fun instead of cozying up with a book by the fireplace. yes, this mother loves her usual quiet life, but her child is unlikely to like it. Of course he will announce it!
Taurus tries to understand his children and will always find time to listen to them. but the restless and changeable Sagittarius with his endless questions is too much! mother-calf, with her constancy and traditionalism, simply cannot understand his forward-looking and always active nature. Sagittarius is trying to move the mother from her usual point of view and captivate with new ideas, but she really is not interested.
Taurus can't stand confrontation and will simply try to ignore Sagittarius' sharp attacks. but everything has its limit, and when her child begins to behave too noisily and it already becomes indecent, the Taurus mother loses her temper. I must say, this is slightly reminiscent of an earthquake ... and the poor archer can only wonder what he did wrong. need to say. Sagittarius is not one of those who deliberately allow themselves bad behavior. and he is quick-witted and forgiving, while his mother is not. immediately forgets his grievances. in fact, it would be smarter to calmly explain to the child why she wants him to behave differently, and not to blow things up and not insist on those rules that he simply does not understand, and therefore does not pay attention to them.
the Taurus mom is amused by Sagittarius's merry pranks and cheerfulness of his humor, and she has a sensitive enough heart to respond to his emotional needs. besides, she will always help him practically. and learn how to handle money properly.
this mother is a great cook and loves to feed her children, but she will have to come to terms with the fact that Sagittarius prefers to be fit and is unlikely to ask for more. Taurus can please her children with gifts, but common sense will not allow her to give Sagittarius too much pocket money - he will immediately spend it.
this mom thinks that just a good foundation is not enough - there must also be moral principles. she encourages the honesty and independence of the child, because these are the qualities and her nature. and she teaches him the most important thing: how to use your restless energy in such a way as to get real results instead of idealistic dreams.

Taurus mother and Capricorn child

A Capricorn child will feel warm and cozy with their Taurus mom. she wants everything in their house to be reliable, calm and earthly practical. To some, this way of life may seem somewhat limited, but not to Capricorn. he loves his home and enjoys the feeling of stability and being taken care of.
both of them are sure that the only way to well-being is hard work, and the mother encourages the capricorn to take their studies seriously. These two don't have time for daydreaming - they were both born under earth signs and just have to be practical!
this does not mean at all that they are boring personalities: both are not devoid of humor and are capable of jokes. outwardly they are quite serious, but each of them has a really good heart. they share a love for animals and both will do whatever it takes to help their loved ones.
the little capricorn really needs love, but he himself will never ask for it. it’s good that the Taurus mom has enough warmth to warm her too restrained child. and she understands that Capricorn always needs certainty, because she herself always wants to know what is expected of her.
these two admire each other's determination and punching power, but the little capricorn will not tolerate if all this is directed at him. even if the Taurus mother begins to put pressure on him, he will stubbornly stand his ground.
this child, albeit unconsciously, prefers a traditional upbringing, which is quite consistent with his mother's views. and you won’t be surprised by the fact that the little Capricorn looks so mature and serious. Well, the child is happy that he is so well understood ...

Taurus mom and Aquarius baby

A loving Taurus mom is sometimes puzzled by the fact that her generally friendly Aquarius is trying to free herself from the warm motherly embrace. there is so much love in herself, and Aquarius, despite his benevolence, can be quite aloof and even cold. this mother needs to understand that her child needs warmth and love no less than someone else, it’s just difficult for him to tune in to such feelings and accept them.
Aquarius can sometimes be a real little rebel, but a stubborn Taurus mom will not tolerate any nonsense! each of them wants to do everything in their own way, so serious clashes occur between them from time to time. True, Aquarius is quite accommodating, and he can be convinced with the help of logic and facts. in the end, the child will see the point in the mother's arguments, because they are reasonable enough.
this mother respects traditions, and it is difficult for her to understand Aquarius's lack of respect for authorities, as well as his dislike for the generally accepted. she believes in what she experienced herself, while he loves everything new. this mother does not need to patronize Aquarius too much, because this is a little explorer with a big craving for adventure.
a Taurus mother may have an exaggerated sense of ownership and believe that the child will do everything as she thinks, because she only wants the best for him. and she needs to give him the opportunity to find his own way in life. what is so good and convenient for a Taurus may not suit an Aquarius at all, so it is better to let him be himself.
this mother is not too nimble, but she will have to learn to keep up with her energetic child! and she must be prepared for his unexpected questions and endless curiosity.
Aquarius is full of great ideas, and the mother will help him figure out what is real and what will remain just a fantasy. but this child should not be fed too persistently, even if he eats very little. Aquarius is naturally thin and will be happy to remain so, which is not always clear to the calf ...
well, in general, it’s hard not to be happy next to a loving mother-calf, who surrounds her child with home comfort and responds to all his desires.

Taurus mom and Pisces baby

Mom-Taurus, with her warmth and cordiality, pours so much love on her fish that even this sensitive child has no doubt that he is adored. Taurus mom understands how much her love means to a little fish, and knows what it takes.
this child has much more imagination than his practical mother, and he needs new acquaintances and impressions. there is no need to keep him at home for a long time - fish must study the world.
Taurus mom loves a calm, orderly lifestyle and will not push her child, allowing him to develop at his own pace. the mother will be able to help him focus, look deeper into things and achieve real success. she will teach her fish good manners, but you don’t have to really count on the fact that she will immediately learn all the strict rules or become neat.
this couple hates quarrels, but if the conflict reaches the limit, both are capable of exploding. Well, there are enough reasons for this: for example. the fish may well tell a lie, convincing the mother to believe her ...
both - both fish and calf - love nature. they also treat food with the same interest, and since the Taurus mom is also a good cook, both will have to watch their weight.
both of them have a sense of humor, but mom, knowing the emotional vulnerability of the fish, will try not to hurt her.
obviously, the mother would like everything in their family to be “as it should be,” and she may be upset that the grown-up child is in no hurry to take on the responsibilities of an adult. and he is one of those vagabond dreamers who do not so easily bind themselves by these bonds.
and yet these two will love each other very much, which means they will be able to solve all their problems. Plus, there won't be too many problems!

Mother Pisces is strict and also compassionate. You live in your own bizarre world. You are an imaginative visionary who lives life according to your wishes. Pisces woman proudly awaits the arrival of her child. By being compassionate, you give your child boundless love. You greet the child in times of triumph and also support him in times of failure. The time you spend with your descendants will be very memorable for you. You always protect your child and do not mind giving up everything for him.

Capricorn son and Pisces mom are very compatible and both will take care of the family without any expectations.

Mother Pisces - positive character traits

Mother Pisces is quite liberal with her child, and she becomes an integral part of his life. You are very emotional and cannot see your child in sadness. You find it difficult to correct your child if necessary, and the child is often spoiled and spoiled. When a child is in trouble, you go all out to get him out of trouble. As soon as the child grows up, the Pisces mother tends to depend on him. You care about both the physical and spiritual well-being of the baby.

The Pisces woman excels in the arts because of her planetary aspects, and she is good at fashion, music and cooking. You encourage your child to explore and increase their abilities in these exotic things. Your child will be taught dance and enrolled in various other cultural events.

Pisces mom - negative character traits

The Pisces woman is very perceptive and when her senses are weakened, she can become cunning. Your repentance will be evident in outward manifestations and actions. Your talkativeness and words will not correspond to the real state of affairs, and the child will be embarrassed and may lose faith in you. You are open with your child, always truthful with him.

Pisces mom's personality trait of being innovative can get into a bad habit easily. A child can easily learn about strange fashions or adopt bad manners. Do not expose your child to your privacy or expect them to be mature enough to help you when you are emotionally agitated. Your child must be kept away from the adult conversation, and the child must learn to take responsibility for their mistakes instead of blaming others.

We previously wrote about . And about who are the best mothers according to the signs of the Zodiac, read on the horoscope of mothers for Guru Horoscope.

Mother's horoscope - Pisces

The best mother is undoubtedly Pisces. A woman of this zodiac sign knows how to instill in her children a love of art and creativity from childhood. They teach children to help other people and support in any situation.


Mom Aries knows how to interest her child in something. She teaches never to give up and never give up. But sometimes it is harsh and can flare up.


Children have no secrets from Gemini's mother. She knows how to win over her children and establish trusting relationships with them.

Mother's horoscope - Capricorn

Capricorn will protect his children to the last in any life situation. The mother of this sign raises well-mannered and hardworking children.


The main character trait of a Taurus mother is patience. She teaches children to love nature and beauty, but sometimes she can be too stubborn.


Libras are very calm and know how to compromise with their children. The mother of this sign knows how to be friends with the child and support him.


Mom Cancer is probably the most caring of all the signs of the zodiac. She always knows how to give the right advice to the child. She manages to create an atmosphere of love and comfort in the house.

Mom Sagittarius

Sagittarius instills in their children a love of knowledge and independence. Also, the mother of this sign infects children with her optimism and love of life. But sometimes she can be too impulsive.


Virgo can be too demanding of her children. But deep down, he will still love them, no matter what they do.


For Scorpio, the most important thing is to protect their children. She also has a developed sense of intuition, so thanks to him she often finds the right way out of the situation.

Mommy Aquarius

Aquarius instills in children a love of exploring the world. However, she is often too intolerant of children's insults and whims.

a lion

Children are always interested with their mother Leo. But she too often puts her own interests ahead of the interests of her children.

Every thinking parent regularly asks herself if she is good enough, kind, wise, fair enough. There are no bad mothers, but sometimes it is useful to look at yourself from the outside. Our horoscope will help you deal with weaknesses and strengthen strengths. Is motherhood still ahead of you? Forewarned is forearmed. Find out in detail what kind of mother you will be.


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Strengths: confidence, awareness, strength and fearlessness.

Weak sides: anger, narrow-mindedness, obsession, fussiness and self-centeredness.

What kind of mom are you? you are a real warrior! You strive to emerge victorious from any situation, and parenthood is no exception. You plunge into it with your head, but you do not stop being a woman. Based on the characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries, you always walk with your head held high, even if your Fendi jacket was burped in the morning. True, at the beginning of the maternal path, the complete dependence of someone on you will create some difficulties. After all, you are used to putting your interests above others. And no matter how strong your love for the chicken is, understanding that you are two separate individuals is more important to you. This, of course, is a completely healthy attitude to the situation, but there is a danger of going too far and expecting too much self-sufficiency from the child. But you will always show him a positive example, step by step conquering more and more new heights.

Celebrity Aries Moms: Reese Witherspoon, Jennifer Garner, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kourtney Kardashian, Kate Hudson, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Victoria Beckham, Tatiana Navka, Christina Asmus, Valeria, Alla Pugacheva.


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Strengths: balance, good taste, sanity, diligence.

Weak sides: indulgence, materialism, mood swings, fussiness.

What kind of mom are you? Taurus mothers are strict and loose at the same time. Today you teach children to avoid roads, and tomorrow you let your twelve-year-old son ride a motorcycle. On the same issue, you can have two radically opposite opinions. When you spend years of your life raising a child, you definitely expect recognition. However, trying to be closer to children will never sacrifice self-respect. An iron fist rests in a thin glove made of Italian leather (with a beautiful manicure, by the way). And as long as the kids don't make you blush in public, break one of your commandments, or disrespect you, there won't be any problems. It's simple, isn't it?

Motherhood will further develop the managerial qualities given to Taurus women by nature. And a structured feeding schedule is more natural for you than for most of the other zodiac signs. When it comes to parental priorities and children's interests (for example, studying in an elite school), you go ahead and to the end.

Star Mom Taurus: Tori Spelling, Jessica Alba, Lily Allen, Penelope Cruz, Uma Thurman, Cate Blanchett, Agniya Ditkovskite, Slava, Irina Saltykova, Lera Kudryavtseva.


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Strengths: versatility, youth, curiosity, openness, originality, creativity.

Weak sides: inconsistency, lack of boundaries, self-contradiction, impatience, lecturing instead of listening.

What kind of mom are you? ah, being a mom is difficult and at times unbearable, but definitely not boring. It is under this slogan that the Gemini mom lives. So different and versatile, you keep your loved ones guessing what you'll throw out next. Under the roof of your house is never boring, although some family members do not always understand what is going on at all.

Let's face it: sometimes you can't help but contradict yourself. You carefully study the list of products that you feed your child, but you can safely take him with you to a jazz club or raise him in a smog-filled capital. With a Gemini, you never really know what to expect.

However, despite the windiness and ease of getting up, you are very preoccupied, your brain never turns off. I guess that's why you're known as the most eccentric mom on the block, or maybe the most stubborn. But against the background of your maternal instinct, this is a unique combination.

Celebrity Gemini Moms: Angelina Jolie, Heidi Klum, Courteney Cox, Natalie Portman, Nicole Kidman, Natalia Chistyakova-Ionova (Gluk'oZa), Christina Orbakaite, Maria Shukshina, MakSim.

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Strengths: sensitivity, comfort, good taste, devotion, sentimentality.

Weak sides: excessive patronage, changeability of mood, fear, jealousy.

What kind of mom are you? you are an excellent zodiac mom, just born for this job! Most Cancer moms have maternal instinct in their genes. You're the kind of mom who can advocate for home births, take births with other women, and breastfeed your baby for as long as you want. In addition, you will create a wonderful family, fill your home with comfort and warmth. You give all your best in relationships with children and, probably, for the rest of your life you will become a friend and adviser to them.

Motherhood will also change the social side of your life. In the past, Cancers can be shy and reserved, but having children provides a great opportunity to make friends with other parents. Your social circle will expand thanks to the mothers of your children's friends or families that you meet on the way home from school or from the sports sections.

Talking about children will allow you to get to know people better before deciding if they are worthy of your trust. As a result, when you can open up yourself and tell about yourself, this will mark the beginning of a new strong friendship. And Cancer's real friends are accepted as members of their family. It is not so easy to get into your world, but if someone has already found himself in it, then this is forever.

Celebrity Cancer Moms: Princess Diana, Gisele Bündchen, Pamela Anderson, Courtney Love, Selma Blair, Ekaterina Vilkova, Alsou, Laysan Utyasheva, Tutta Larsen.

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Strengths: playfulness, leadership, creativity, confidence.

Weak sides: self-centeredness, dramatic tendencies, too much energy, Pollyanna's principle ( unconscious perception only positive messages and appeals addressed to you).

What kind of mom are you? light, camera, motor! The creative and dramatic Leo mother lives exactly by this principle. Leo plunges into parenthood with full dedication, with all his heart and soul. You take pride in raising capable and successful citizens who are bound to do great things.

You have a very high bar, which you yourself achieve without special efforts but sometimes you demand too much from your children. So what! But when they grow up and become successful doctors, lawyers, businessmen, artists, whatever, they will thank you. Nothing can knock you off the chosen path. Even if your child has diametrically opposed views on career, lifestyle and beliefs, you will still play a dominant role in his upbringing.

You work hard and hard, but you also find time for entertainment. And in the choice of gifts you generally have no equal! Because it's a way of proving that you know someone and that you took the time to find something special for them.

Yes, you pamper your children with hugs and kisses, an expression of sincere love, but they are your pride and joy. A close-knit family is a blessing, but sometimes you need to let go of the reins, allowing your offspring to go and learn the world on one's own.

Celebrity Leo Moms: Madonna, Halle Barry, Jennifer Lopez, Whitney Houston, Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, Natalya Bochkareva, Yulia Menshova, Yulia Vysotskaya.


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Strengths: organization and structure, sanity, healthy habits, intelligence.

Weak sides: anxiety about what has not yet happened, anxiety and nervousness, complacency, meticulousness.

What kind of mom are you? an honest and free-thinking mother. But among the Virgos there are absolutely opposite representatives in character. Some feel in motherhood like a fish in water, others, introverts, tense up from the encroachment of children on their personal space and time. But let's be honest: rewards rarely come without losses.

But there is another side of the coin. Your fourth house motherhood is ruled by Sagittarius, the sign of travel, adventure and wisdom. And this awakens a sense of humor and a philosophical attitude, helping to perceive motherhood as a great adventure, never to lose heart. Read the work of pediatrician and psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott, who develops the "good enough mother" theory. He believed that to be a good mother, it is enough to be a person in three dimensions, to provide security and a nutritious environment, but not to cater to every requirement of a child who perceives the mother as the center of the universe, and not to destroy herself.

For Virgos, who are used to doing everything perfectly, such a look can be a certain challenge. If motherhood has anything to teach you, it's how to reduce self-criticism and allow yourself to be weak sometimes.

Star Virgo Moms: Salma Hayek, Jennifer Hudson, Beyoncé, Nicole Richie, Claudia Schiffer, Katie Topuria, Alena Apina, Marina Aleksandrova, Larisa Dolina.


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Strengths: gentleness, purity of thought, good taste, justice.

Weak sides: inconsistency, snobbery, fussiness.

What kind of mom are you? the illusory balance of Libra is achieved constant search. Motherhood can give you a foothold, streamline your inner chaos. If before you were slow and lack of initiative, now you suddenly become collected and even in some ways a perfect mother.

Libras are happy when they live for someone else. You will love all the typical images of childhood - from huge doll houses and trucks to scattered tea utensils or train tracks. Libra has unique ability be here and now with your children. You'll laugh at their grimaces, love their quirks and questions - enjoy spending hours explaining why the sky is blue or helping them find the exact spot in heaven where the goldfish went.

Taking care of children, Libra mothers do not forget about themselves, they refuse to go "as is" just because they have a child. And you dress your children just as lovely. True, you often do this out of your own vanity, so you should periodically remind yourself that they were not born to be exhibits. Respect their individuality and personal boundaries, then together you will always be interested.

Star Mom Libra: Gwen Staffany, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Kim Kardashian, Ani Lorak, Chulpan Khamatova, Inna Churikova.


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Strengths: strength, flexibility, intuition, willpower.

Weak sides: control, paranoia, emotional instability, obsession, self-flagellation.

What kind of mom are you? A Scorpio mom is a magnetic mom, inspiring and intimidating. If you good mood, children don’t leave you, if it’s bad, they stay away. You have something of Carmela Soprano: a high-heeled mafia mother who no one goes to twice.

You will work tirelessly to ensure that your children have a stable future. For example, you can start saving money for a university even before the birth of a child, or invest in a house in which children will someday live. For Scorpios, financial independence is very important.

In addition, you have a very developed intuition, so you can safely trust your inner voice he is rarely wrong.

Star Scorpio Moms: Chris Jenner, Hillary Clinton, Julia Roberts, Demi Moore, Sophie Marceau, Scarlett Johansson, Anne Hathaway, Tina Kandelaki, Olga Orlova, Lolita Milyavskaya, Maria Kozhevnikova.


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Strengths: adventurism, wisdom, sense of humor, perspective.

Weak sides: impatience, rudeness, excessive directness bordering on stupidity, too much spontaneity and lack of order.

What kind of mom are you? spontaneous Sagittarians live here and now, guided by impulse and instincts. You cherish your independence, so motherhood with its constancy may seem unrealistic to you. What are you, a disciplinarian? Authority? Doubtful. Parenthood will take a lot of strength and energy, because it makes adjustments to your plans for life.

Spontaneity and impromptu are your second nature. You can throw the kids in a car and rush to another city for fireworks or to a performance of a touring circus. But when it comes to making clear plans and routines… Not all at once.

The best strategy for a Sagittarius mom: if you can’t defeat the enemy, become his friend. Do you want to repaint the kitchen for the ninth time? Give your child a brush, a small can of paint, and a corner. Bonuses: satisfy your desire, instill new skills in your child, enjoy the time spent together. Remember, kids just want to be close to mom. Involve them in your cares, and you will kill two birds with one stone. And when failures do occur, use your sense of humor.

Star mom-Sagittarius: Britney Spears, Katie Holmes, Christina Aguilera, Milla Jovovich, Victoria Bonya, Svetlana Svetikova, Ekaterina Andreeva, Alisa Freindlich, Anna Sedokova.


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Strengths: planning, structuredness, respect for traditions, consistency, patience, thoughtfulness.

Weak sides: restlessness and anxiety, excessive prudence, pessimism, self-doubt, taking mistakes too seriously.

What kind of mom are you? Capricorn is the male zodiac sign. You are not afraid to set limits and teach important life lessons to children. And you don’t stuff yourself into close friends with them, because you consider it necessary to observe the age hierarchy. You respect your own parents (even if you don't really like them) and can be too correct.

Mom-Capricorn cannot be called too affectionate, because you are used to showing your affection not with kisses, but with actions. The root of this attitude lies in childhood. You played the role of an obedient soldier who tends to hold back his emotions. Sometimes you were entrusted with a huge responsibility, unbearable for fragile children's shoulders. Or maybe your parents worked hard to secure your future, and now you feel deeply indebted to them for your accomplishments.

Each Capricorn mother has her own steel core, great strength, do not be deceived by their fragile feminine beauty. It is likely that you will become the breadwinner of the family. However, during your duties, do not forget to stop and enjoy the pleasant little things. Life flies by unnoticed.

Star mothers-Capricorns: Michelle Obama, Kate Moss, Annie Lennox, Vanessa Paradis, Yana Rudkovskaya, Valeria Lanskaya, Inna Gomez, Renata Litvinova.

The nature of the Aquarius mother does not fit into any frame. You are loving and detached, relentless and spontaneous, an oddball with the softest control in the world. You specialize in causing chaos, and your parenting doesn't know the rules. Aquarius mom can be reckless and absolutely crazy, but she is never boring with her. You perceive your own life as a great adventure and would like the children to stay in this magical utopia created by your vivid imagination for as long as possible.

Aquarians are known for their flightiness - this is a sign of free connections and friendship, so you belong more to the whole world than to one little person. But at the same time, you can crave security and settledness, at least in the first years of a child's life.

It is vital for you to maintain your individuality, even after becoming a mother. If you love going to music festivals, sports games, trade shows, or getting out of town for the weekend with your girlfriends, find a way to keep going. Don't try to be a happy homebody - you'll rebel! You need the right balance between celebrating your own individuality and being a source of stability and permanence in your children's lives.

You are empathetic and light, soulful and sensitive, wise and emotionally educated. You know how to make yourself a goddess, and you can teach other women how to do it.

Pisces moms have a lot of quirks. Something is constantly happening in your head, but there are no monotonous days in the house. You fall asleep and wake up with thoughts of fabulous weekends, travel, picnics. Albert Einstein (Pisces) said: “The true sign of the mind is not knowledge, but imagination.”

but reverse side your willful behavior may be the complete absence of internal restrictions, stability, order and regime. This can lead to difficulties in the lives of growing children or make them anxious from constant unpredictability. Husband, grandparents or caregivers will come to the rescue. Feel free to ask them for help when you feel exhausted.

Your children know that you will always have their backs and will grow up with healthy self-esteem. You will be there to support them, pamper them and encourage their every achievement. Despite having their personal life you will carry the intimacy with the children through the years. Mom, best friend, confidante - you effortlessly cope with each role.

Pisces Star Moms: Kristen Davis, Cindy Crawford, Drew Barrymore, Eva Mendes, Sharon Stone, Olivia Wilde, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Natalia Vodianova, Yulia Volkova, Tatyana Bulanova, Nelly Uvarova.