Children's social networks. How to choose social networks for children? Smart control, taking into account the interests of the child

  • 02.07.2020

Internet resources have firmly entered our lives, and downloading a photo album, chatting, and a list of friends have become no less important things than work and household chores. And kids in this sense do not lag behind their moms and dads, excitedly communicating with each other on special sites, very similar to adults " Odnoklassniki" or " My World".

Should children's hobbies be banned? Do they pose a danger to the child? Is it possible to put to good use the time spent by children on the Internet?

What are useful social networks for children

In the list of social networks for children, you will find a variety of web resources: school communities, entertainment sites, useful educational ones based on your favorite cartoons, and even online diaries from the first days of life, where mothers start a profile like an album "Our baby".

Here are some popular kids social sites for kids:

Is social media safe for kids?

Sometimes acute questions come up that worry parents very much: how can you be sure that an ill-wisher will not communicate with the baby online?

After all, a child can be lured into a credit card number, tricked into asking for the data of personal documents or passwords, and sometimes sexually interested persons attempt to communicate with them. How can one count on security if everyone knows that the Internet is teeming with scammers.

To stop worrying about this, you need, firstly, to register only on trusted sites with a good reputation and reviews, and secondly, carefully monitor the mood of the baby, and if he is worried about something, immediately find out with him the cause of the excitement and try to remove it .

One of the dangers of social networks for children is the overworking of vision, mind and emotions. If the child does not communicate well real life, and on the site in the "circle of friends" feels at home, then you should pay attention to this.

Tuesday, 05 April 2011 09:44 Unlike the generation of the 80-90s, today's children have a great opportunity to communicate - these are children's social networks, they allow you to learn and develop on the Internet. Of course, they will find a lot of useful things on the world wide web, but the question arises of how to protect them from negative information, which can have a bad effect on his upbringing, and possibly on his psyche.

The first thing the developers of such services promise is strict moderation of the resource, as a result of which all unnecessary information is excluded from the pages of the network. Parents can be calm about their children, because, in such social networks, they will not be able to come across harmful applications, videos or pictures. Everything here is harmless and childish. They communicate with each other, creating interest clubs, in which basically the whole point is to unite fans of various cartoons, TV shows or fans of stars. Children share photos, music and stories about their family, friends and pets. There are also many competitions for crafts, drawings and other creative creations.

Sites checked and allowed for viewing by children, site category 0+.

1. "Smeshariki" is focused on preschool age and elementary grades. By registering here, children get the opportunity to communicate with their favorite cartoon characters, receive various tips from them and watch educational videos.

2. "Bibigon" created for children school age VGTRK holding. Here, in addition to communication and development, children can take part in competitions with real prizes, play various entertaining and educational games.

3. "Tweedy" is designed for teenagers and differs from others with a large amount of content and more adult themes. In this children's social network, teenagers discuss their problems, communicate on the topics of games, fashion, cinema, education

4. "Klassnet" С - a school social network created for communication between young people from grades 1 to 9. Here you can find friends to discuss the school curriculum, participate in the school KVN and test yourself in intellectual tests.

5. "Country of Friends" - children's social network of general development, comprehensive development child's school and household chores, important assignments of parents and personal spaces, here you can discuss everything and find answers to all teenage questions.

6. "Luntik" - a network for the youngest children from one year old! Here the child can plunge into the world of fairy-tale characters of Russian and foreign cartoons and stories, and parents will calmly watch how their child masters the world and develops.

7. "Minibanda" - the site is primarily intended for parents to communicate on various children's topics and keep a diary of their child. The main purpose of the site is the exchange of experience between parents. And this will help special in-depth sections, where adults can consider important issues related to children: pregnancy, children's health, recreation, children's creativity and other.

8. "Webkinz" - children's virtual characters that you can play with on the site are very similar to Tamagotchi. The peculiarity of the site is that you buy a real children's toy in a store with a secret code. This code is the entrance to the site where your child will play with a virtual twin of the toy.

9. “Maaam” is a social project for mothers and workers preschool education. Methodological developments, simple tips how to spend the education and leisure of the little ones with photo reports and personal pages you will find on this site.

Recently, web application developers have been striving to introduce their online products not only to adults, but also to the younger generation, who are fascinated by digital technologies and spend more and more time on the Internet. Software companies are especially active in this direction, presenting various media projects for children's audiences in RuNet, including social ones. We offer you an overview of some of these online resources.

World of Bibigon

A children's social network created by the VGTRK holding on September 4, 2008, and, according to the developers, has every chance of becoming start page for all Russian students. The project interface is made in the form of a ribbon, and the site itself is divided into information, social, educational and entertainment parts.

According to the authors of the resource, a deeply thought-out security system is implemented in the "World of Bibigon" and there is always a psychologist who can be asked a question both in children's clubs and in the part of the network hidden from children, intended for parents and teachers.



A social project launched at the end of September last year by the RosBusinessConsulting company together with the Israeli company Tweegee and aimed at children aged six to fourteen. The website has created a unique environment for the development of a child. Children can play online games, chat, keep diaries, post photos and videos, find new friends, and build virtual worlds and upload files.

The system provides special arrangements security and pre-moderation of content, designed to protect young users from any kind of pernicious influence.


Social network for Russian schoolchildren, which brings together students from different schools from different cities, allows you to find friends with similar interests and communicate with them by exchanging text messages and files. Participants of the service created by Intellect can create their own classes and groups, fill them with the most interesting moments from school life, photo and video materials.

ClassNet regularly hosts various intellectual contests, by participating in which you can earn virtual coins and receive prizes.

  • Webkinz- a global social network for children that is completely safe and offers the opportunity social adaptation to adulthood. Owners of soft toys of the same name, which carry a secret code to access the site, can become members of the community.

We bring to your attention media projects for a children's audience, because. Recently, web application developers have been striving to introduce their online products not only to adults, but also to the younger generation, who are passionate about digital technologies and spend more and more time on the Internet. Here are some of these online resources.

"World of Bibigon"

A children's social network created by the VGTRK holding on September 4, 2008, and, according to the developers, has every chance of becoming the starting page for all Russian schoolchildren. The project interface is made in the form of a ribbon, and the site itself is divided into information, social, educational and entertainment parts. The first part publishes various kinds of news, the second is intended for users to communicate with each other through chats, online diaries, internal mail and other tools, the third part presents training programs, encyclopedic materials, as well as electronic versions of textbooks and video tutorials. As for the fourth section of the portal, here a young Internet user can play games and participate in all kinds of intellectual contests. According to the authors of the resource, a deeply thought-out security system has been implemented in Bibigon's World and there is always a psychologist who can be asked a question both in children's clubs and in the part of the network hidden from children, intended for parents and teachers.

The project combines three areas: social, entertainment and educational. The social network "World of Bibigon" is a set of resources intended for children, teachers and parents. The age of the children's audience is 7-14 years. Due to the fact that the audience of the project is children, it is assumed that there are a number of measures for the safe presence of children in the project. Registration of users by invitation, control and regulation of relationships within the network is carried out by network moderators, who are selected from among school teachers (computer science teachers, psychologists), as well as by the project administration and psychologists. All resources are located within the network and do not contain extraneous links. The network functionality allows you to connect any external applications, which greatly simplifies the introduction of new functions and sections.

Project features:

  1. User's personal space: diaries, photo albums, groups of friends configured by users on their own, internal mail, applications connected at the choice and desire of users, news from friends.

2. User communities: interest clubs for various groups of friends, where users themselves act as hosts, as well as invited guests of the project - authors of well-known children's printed and Internet resources.

3. School page and club with a list of registered students, information about the school.

4. Applications: educational and entertainment resources.

5. Information section: articles, tips, reviews on topical and interesting topics for children, updated weekly.

6. Contests for project users.

7. Closed clubs for parents and teachers, questions for a psychologist.

Convenient and safe communication environment for students, teachers and parents. Homework, schedule, grades - all in one place. is a site that makes life at school and around it more interesting and varied.


  • Communication only with peers and selected adults
  • Convenient schedule and other study tools
  • Active participation in school life
  • All-Russian calendar of olympiads, contests, competitions, etc.
  • Jobs for schoolchildren (work during holidays)
  • Expert advice and more...


  • Comfortable and safe environment for communication of the whole school
  • A single guide to everything and everyone in the school
  • Convenient schedule and other tools for managing the educational process
  • Convenient tools to streamline administrative work
  • Communication and exchange of experience with teachers throughout the country and abroad
  • Optimizing communication with parents
  • All-Russian calendar of events
  • Unified catalog of textbooks
  • Distance courses for advanced training


  • Convenient and safe environment for communication with the class teacher, teachers, director
  • Communication and exchange of experience with other parents
  • Access to information about the child's progress and activities
  • Unified calendar of school events
  • A single source of information on the exam
  • Information center for university applicants
  • Catalog of all sections and circles in the city
  • Modern electronic library
  • Consultations of psychologists and other specialists


A social project launched at the end of September 2008 by RosBusinessConsulting together with the Israeli company Tweegee and aimed at children aged six to fourteen. The website has created a unique environment for the development of a child. Children can play online games, chat, keep diaries, post photos and videos, find new friends, and build virtual worlds and upload files. Thanks to special tools, Tweedy subscribers can quickly create and design their page on the World Wide Web. The system provides special mechanisms for security and content pre-moderation, designed to protect young users from any kind of harmful influence.


A social network based on the animated series of the same name. In the virtual world of Smeshariki, children can participate in game tournaments, watch cartoons, listen to audio fairy tales, communicate with other network members, look for friends and, with the help of their favorite characters from the series, find answers to any tricky questions. The system maintains a rating of the most active users, provides a forum, and also has a section for parents, which provides information on the correct upbringing and education of the child.

A social network for Russian schoolchildren, which brings together students from different schools from different cities, allows you to find friends of interest and communicate with them by exchanging text messages and files. Participants of the service created by Intellect can create their own classes and groups, fill them with the most interesting moments from school life, photo and video materials. ClassNet regularly hosts various intellectual contests, by participating in which you can earn virtual coins and receive prizes.

This is a social network for children, focused on the age category from 5 to 12 years. On the site, children can create their own characters to represent them in the virtual community. In the game world, the characters will live, play, communicate, and make new acquaintances. In the fairy-tale world of Webikov, toys from the real world will come to life, and the child will be able to take care of them, play entertaining games, and learn how to work with computers and other useful skills. There are many games on the Webiki site, from simple and amusing ones for any kid to more challenging games allowing children to learn counting, spelling, intelligence, computer work and the rules of behavior on the Internet.

According to a study conducted in 2013 by the Internet Development Foundation with the support of Google among Russian teenagers and their parents, the level of digital competence of adults and children in our country is approximately the same and is one third of the maximum possible. It turns out that adults are afraid for children in the online space, not because they know a lot about it, but vice versa - because they themselves do not know anything about it. There are misconceptions among adults about networks and their harm to students. Often they only increase anxiety and do not contribute to a constructive resolution. conflict situations that may arise regarding the online communication of children.

Misconception 1. If a child starts to communicate in networks, he will not learn to build relationships with people in real life.

Many parents are afraid that the networks will literally entangle the child, and he will not be able to make new friends offline. In fact, if this happens, then this indicates psychological difficulties, the cause of which, most likely, is not the use of social networks. Online communication, on the contrary, sometimes helps to establish contact with those with whom it is impossible to do it face to face, and bring the experience of positive interaction into life.

Misconception 2. The child is not yet mature enough to painlessly experience hurtful comments, which are often provoked by online communication.

Many adults know from their own experience how unpleasant it is to read criticism and caustic jokes addressed to them. And not everyone can boast of the ability not to take it painfully. But, unfortunately, this is part of life. Hurtful comments start on the playground and follow us into adulthood. Online or offline, children face rejection, misunderstanding and other negative things that they need to learn to do something with, to overcome. Networks exacerbate the situation only by the fact that it is very easy to leave any comment on them. But this is a feature of today, in our age it is difficult to avoid online communication.

If you don't know how to use matches, it doesn't take long for a fire to start. Even if a child spends five minutes online, he must imagine that, for example, you cannot give out your personal data strangers that there are online scammers and paid applications that you can buy completely by accident. Limiting the duration of online sessions solves other problems, primarily those related to discipline and health.

Misconception 4. A child should not use social networks until the age of 13 (16, 18, and so on).

The most common online applications are installed in user agreement"age threshold": start your own Accounts only users over the age of 13 can access them. This is due to the legislation in the field of personal data protection. But this does not mean that there is a magical date after which the networks will automatically become safe and harmless for the child. At whatever age a person starts his first page, he will need to get used to the new world of online communication.

For example, this is why Kaspersky Lab employees advise parents not to resist the movement of children towards online communication, but to lead it and tell about all the subtleties along the way. You can start by helping to create a personal page. At the same time, the child should be told about the privacy settings, that the Internet is a public space, so you should always keep in mind who will see the photos and messages you posted.

Most of the problems that arise when communicating on social networks are related to the feeling that everything here is not real, everything is a game. It is imperative to explain that everything here is like in ordinary life, and a sloppy word can really offend the interlocutor.

Just as we explain the rules of conduct in public places, we need to explain the rules of conduct online. The main idea is simple to formulate: your online actions are no less real than your offline actions, and the consequences can be no less real. Children at an early age are taught that it is dangerous to trust unfamiliar adults. They tell how to be in case of obsessive attention from an unfamiliar person. The same applies to networking.

An interesting conversation took place during a broadcast on the radio "Echo of Moscow" on December 21, 2014, dedicated to the safety of children on the Internet. Member working group on the development of rules for the behavior of schoolchildren in social networks spoke about the need to conduct educational courses on safety for children, and a visiting teacher of computer science defended the position that acquaintance with the rules of behavior on the Internet should occur during the student's direct activity. Without dividing the culture online and offline, it is possible during joint classes and communication to pay attention to the rules of safety, dissemination of information, communication opportunities. After all, social networks are created for communication, and they can be actively used in the learning process.

To treat social networks only as something that needs to be banned or strictly controlled means not to notice important point. Did the child start a Vkontakte page? Fine! Now you have another channel through which you can get to know his inner world, hobbies, and friends better. Here you will be able to analyze various life situations. It's so easy to share here. interesting information and connect with like-minded communities. Ultimately, it is the adult who, by his personal example and in joint activities, can show the child what to do with the social network: “hang out” in it or use it as a tool for more interesting tasks.

FOR CONSIDERATION A BILL that requires a complete ban on teens under the age of fourteen from registering on social networks. Russians 14+ are offered to open access to social networks only according to passport data. It's no secret that most teenagers have already managed to create accounts at least on the VKontakte network. We talked to the children to find out what they do on social networks, what groups they sit in, what they post on their instagrams, and how their parents feel about it.


I have been on social media since I was six years old. I spend most of my time on VKontakte - about half an hour a day, but sometimes I manage to take longer; As a rule, I go to social networks through a phone or tablet. On VKontakte, I communicate with friends, we exchange all sorts of interesting things. I myself created three groups, and there were quite a lot of people. Usually I like to sit in public, where they post pictures with cute cats, and in principle I like to learn new things about animals. Sometimes I post cats on my page. I also listen to VKontakte music, usually I just stumble upon some popular songs.

Mom constantly controls me on VKontakte - with whom I communicate or which groups I join. I think social media can be dangerous for kids. You may be offered to join death groups and forced to carry out orders from administrators. They say that if you refuse, they will blackmail you, and you still have to fulfill their orders - for example, jump from the roof of the ninth floor.


Usually I use VKontakte and Instagram networks in my free time or during less important lessons. As a rule, from the phone, but if you need to watch a long video, I turn on the computer.

Usually I surf the Internet for fun - I watch memes, but sometimes I come across interesting serious articles. I am fond of history, so I also constantly look at thematic groups on this subject. Thanks to social networks, learning something new about this is much easier. I also listen to music through VKontakte. I also subscribe to various media, for example, Lentach and The Flow. Our class has its own VKontakte chat, thanks to which it is much easier to find out homework or about some school events, for example excursions. On Instagram, I post pictures from trips or just something interesting from Everyday life. Instagram is a pretty cool social network, thanks to it I found out about the new album of rapper Purulent.

My parents do not control my social networks in any way, maybe only in the third or fourth grade they tried to take the phone away. Now we correspond either in telegram or viber. It seems to me that social networks can be dangerous for children only if they are mentally ill. Much more traumatic is the pressure of teachers and classmates, and sometimes even parents.


I have been active on the Internet since I was eleven years old. Initially, she simply wrote to her mother that she had come to school so as not to spend money on it. Most often I sit on VKontakte and Instagram, not all the time, but every time I have extra time, which is not particularly worth spending on. I don't have my own computer, so I use my phone.

Usually I correspond with someone, scroll through the news or look at photos. I hardly sit in groups, except that I find music in the public “The musicend”, and I read the news in “Lentach” or “Uninteresting Facts”. I have an instagram, but I rarely post photos there, but I constantly look at other people's. I follow my friends and various actors from the series that I like. I almost never get to know each other on social networks, I often communicate with friends or classmates. We correspond very actively with the class on VKontakte, because we decide where and when we will go to have fun, and sometimes we learn homework.

My parents never controlled me on social networks, because I don’t do anything forbidden there. But I know that there are also dangerous groups.


I started using social networks when I was given my first phone. Instagram is quite popular, and there you can express your thoughts, talk about something, so the first thing I did was register there. I especially like the comments, because under the photo you can describe your feelings. I post my dog, selfies, beauty, a lot of travel photos - showing what mood I'm in, good or bad. On Instagram, I mainly follow my friends, their mothers and friends of my aunt (she is a student).

There are a lot of smart posts on Facebook, informative not only for children, but also for adults. You can understand how to behave - take care of loved ones and so on. But there are also funny videos and pictures that I enjoy looking at. On Facebook, I mostly follow my dad's friends and some of my classmates. And I usually post my grandmother there - everyone knows her on Facebook. Usually I write how beautiful she is, and once I joked under the photo: “A drunk grandmother is a misfortune in the family.” In general, I am friends with my relatives on social networks.

Once I registered on VKontakte, but my parents found out about it and forbade me to sit there, because a lot of things for adults are posted on this social network. At first, they told me that Facebook was also for adults only, but then my mother reconciled and allowed it. We usually communicate with her in WhatsApp or call up.

Social media can be dangerous for kids and everyone in my class knows about it. There are people who can hack your Instagram or just get your phone number and then figure out where you live. Therefore, I always make my pages private.


Usually I use VKontakte and Whatsapp from my phone for about 9-10 hours a day. At first I sat on VKontakte only to communicate with friends, but now I read news and interesting posts there. I am subscribed to music and news publics, and also to communities where vines are posted. I also have an Instagram account, but own photos I rarely post. Usually I just watch what my friends and rappers post. I very rarely meet people through the Internet, but I often correspond with former classmates or friends. And in the classroom we have our own chat where we share school news with each other.

Parents do not try to control my behavior in social networks, because the Internet can be dangerous only for a child with an unformed psyche. It seems to me that a much bigger problem is that there is too much unnecessary information on social networks.

Some web application developers seek to introduce their products not only to adults, but also to the younger generation. Companies that present children's media projects on the Web are especially active in this direction.

Recently, web application developers have been striving to introduce their online products not only to adults, but also to the younger generation, who are passionate about digital technologies and spend more and more time on the Internet. Software companies are especially active in this direction, presenting various media projects for children's audiences in RuNet, including social ones. Today we decided to get acquainted with some of these network resources.

"World of Bibigon". A children's social network created by the VGTRK holding on September 4, 2008, and, according to the developers, has every chance of becoming the starting page for all Russian schoolchildren. The project interface is made in the form of a ribbon, and the site itself is divided into information, social, educational and entertainment parts. The first part publishes various kinds of news, the second is intended for users to communicate with each other through chats, online diaries, internal mail and other tools, the third part presents training programs, encyclopedic materials, as well as electronic versions of textbooks and video tutorials. As for the fourth section of the portal, here a young Internet user can play games and participate in all kinds of intellectual contests. According to the authors of the resource, a deeply thought-out security system is implemented in the "World of Bibigon" and there is always a psychologist who can be asked a question both in children's clubs and in the part of the network hidden from children, intended for parents and teachers.

"Tweedy" . A social project launched at the end of September last year by the RosBusinessConsulting company together with the Israeli company Tweegee and aimed at children aged six to fourteen. The website has created a unique environment for the development of a child. Children can play online games, chat, keep diaries, post photos and videos, find new friends, and build virtual worlds and upload files. Thanks to special tools, Tweedy subscribers can quickly create and design their page on the World Wide Web. The system provides special mechanisms for security and content pre-moderation, designed to protect young users from any kind of harmful influence.

Smeshariki. A social network based on the animated series of the same name. In the virtual world of Smeshariki, children can participate in game tournaments, watch cartoons, listen to audio fairy tales, communicate with other network members, look for friends and, with the help of their favorite characters from the series, find answers to any tricky questions. The system maintains a rating of the most active users, provides a forum, and also has a section for parents, which provides information on the correct upbringing and education of the child.

classnet. A social network for Russian schoolchildren, which brings together students from different schools from different cities, allows you to find friends of interest and communicate with them by exchanging text messages and files. Participants of the service created by Intellect can create their own classes and groups, fill them with the most interesting moments from school life, photo and video materials. ClassNet regularly hosts various intellectual contests, by participating in which you can earn virtual coins and receive prizes.

A word to the developers of social services for children

The creators of Internet resources intended for a young audience attach great importance to the security of communication on the network. With questions about how children are protected from persons suffering from pedophilia, and how it is determined that a child has actually registered on the site, and not an adult with certain goals and intentions, we turned to the leaders of children's social networks, and this is what they told us answered.

Tatyana Korneeva, project manager "Children's social network "World of Bibigon":

"World of Bibigon" is a social network with closed registration. There are three types of users who can register themselves: children, adults and teachers. All children's applications are subject to mandatory manual moderation. An adult user can register on the network using an SMS message, having received an activation code on a mobile phone. Invitations are sent to teachers only after telephone communication with company employees.

Of course, even such strict conditions of registration cannot absolutely guarantee the absence of penetration into the children's part of adults with bad or hooligan intentions under the guise of children. Therefore, all user content, be it images, personal correspondence, which was signaled by the updated anti-matter system, the contents of clubs and diaries are monitored around the clock by the project staff. Particular attention is paid to user complaints and even the reasons for adding to the ignore list. The rules of the project are quite strict, and their violation is immediately suppressed by the moderators. Any suspicious activity is logged and analyzed.

Adults can freely communicate in their part among themselves. They have their own interest clubs - parenting, applications. This is some Parent meeting, where the main topic of communication is family and children, and at the same time it’s just common interests parents - from cooking to vacation trips. Also, parents have the opportunity to get advice from experts on health, education, psychology of children, their safe communication on the Internet. And, of course, they can communicate with their child, see who he is friends with, what communities he belongs to. And you don’t have to worry about what their child is doing - we don’t have dangerous options in principle, and moderators are watching everything.

We encourage users to register under their own names and indicate their school, but do not make it a requirement. However, any contacts (phones, icq, addresses and even e-mail) are prohibited from posting and are deleted by moderators.

"World of Bibigon" also closely cooperates with the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of the Internet Network "Friendly Runet". Any user can contact representatives of the Fund and report violations they have encountered on the Internet. In the near future we will hold a joint Olympiad on the safe use of the "Interneshka" Network. The Foundation also provides children's educational aids, which are placed in addition to the materials and recommendations we already have.

Oleg Ulyansky, CEO"Tweedy":

It is much more difficult for an adult to register in the Tweedy system due to special restrictions laid down at the registration stage. Moreover, our user behavior monitoring system provides insurance against the appearance of unwanted people on the site. The online behavior patterns of an adult and a child are very different, and the difference between a child and an adult who seeks children's attention is especially great. It is deviations from children's norms of behavior that the system monitors. And as soon as there are suspicions about the "adulthood" of the user, they check it and in some cases delete it.

In addition, the safety of the child on the site is ensured by global content pre-moderation. Everything that children publicly write on the site, all images, audio and video files that they upload, appear on the site only after passing the verification. Of course, we do not disclose all the details of Tweedy's protection systems, but we can say that the site was developed on the basis of the American COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) standard, and Americans are more than known for their special strictness in the field of child protection.

All services of our site are equally safe and designed specifically for children.

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Social media. Social networks have appeared relatively recently, causing great interest among users of the World Wide Web. Communication, searching for information and friends by interests, sharing news, the ability to listen to music, watch videos and photos, all this seems to have always been and it’s hard to imagine that people once lived without a profile on a social network. Today's children often get the skills to work with a personal computer even before they go to school. At first, children master the games, but as soon as they have the skills to read and write, nothing can stop them from starting their own page on any social network. Registration is usually free, or can be easily paid via SMS with mobile phone therefore, often the help of elders is not required for this fateful action. A child who has access to his own profile on a social network gets new opportunities, but the question is how useful these opportunities are for him.

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In the age of new technologies and a variety of online entertainment, social networks have become an integral part of our lives. Children are recommended to create their own pages only from the age of 13. The same Facebook does not allow you to register if the user is younger than this age. Before reaching adulthood, responsibility for the actions of children rests with their parents or guardians, but the problem is that adults sometimes have less experience in virtual life and cannot properly control this side of their child's development. Establishing passwords and "parental control" of sites does not always help direct children's interest in the right direction, and sometimes it has an undesirable effect: the sweetness of the forbidden fruit only spurs curiosity and makes them look for ways to bypass prohibitions. Moreover, social networks, although formally they must comply with the prohibitions on the dissemination of pornographic extremist and nationalist information provided for by law, in reality cannot always control the content coming from users. In addition, with a high frequency of hacking of social network profiles, such information may be in the focus of children's attention at any time.

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Useful social networks. The benefits of social networks for a child will primarily depend on his personality, which is still being formed at a tender age. Will he use the account to communicate with "good" or "bad" people, will he expand his horizons in social useful area, or interested in "forbidden" topics?

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Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg says that social networks are a wonderful place where a child can learn a lot. A social network for a child, according to Zuckerberg, is a great start for a good education. Another plus - little schoolboy communicates with new people, acquiring communication skills, preparing for adulthood. Socialization is really a big plus for a child, especially if it is difficult for him to communicate with other children in the real world. Sitting at a computer or even surfing the Internet from a smartphone, a student will be better able to find mutual language with his new acquaintances than if he stood next to them. In the future, he will be able to use conversation templates to communicate in reality. Olga Molodenko, child psychologist: “You can't learn relationships in theory. This is just practice. In social networks, the child acquires many acquaintances, friends, buddies, enemies and allies. Here he will learn how to act in conflicts, respond to betrayals, victories, win the attention of people of the opposite sex. He gets invaluable communication experience. If he has time to experience it all in reality, that's great. If the day is scheduled every minute, then there is no need to deprive him of virtual relationships with people.

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But you should always know what your child is doing on social networks. You must have your own account and access to your child's page. You don’t need to follow him from behind when the child is just chatting with friends: it’s better to quietly check his actions. So you do not undermine the child's trust, but keep him safe, because the Internet is a completely unsafe place. In addition, you can gently prompt your student to solve his problems or conflicts with friends. For example, forum member Alexandra says: “My son is 8 years old. He has an account on VKontakte, and I regularly, once a week, check all his correspondence. Be sure: there are many perverts and scammers on the net, and you need to teach your child to recognize them. I know about all the actions of my son, and I can always help him with advice in a given situation. Of course, do not tell him about it, so as not to spoil the relationship, just delicately tell stories like: “I have a colleague at work, so her daughter got into this situation ...”. And then we unobtrusively suggest how to get out of this situation.

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The educational function of social networks will also play into the hands of the child. He can subscribe to groups of interest to him (mathematics, astronomy, etc.). On his own, he is unlikely to look for interesting and useful information in books - in the form of a game training will take place much more efficient and faster. AT modern world it becomes more and more difficult to communicate with relatives. At least on the phone. But VKontakte, Facebook and many other social networks will help to establish contacts even with distant relatives. Psychologists and parents with many children recommend that children communicate with all their relatives - this makes them happier.

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Unsafe world. But not everything is rosy in the world of social networks. Many experts emphasize that the child, having filled in all information fields in the user's profile, exposes himself and his loved ones to a large number of risks. Threats may arise: - for moral values ​​(who will protect him from pedophiles and pornography?); - invasion of privacy (not the fact that with the publication of photos and hobbies, classmates will not support him); - physical security (hooligans, fans, enemies - all of them can wait at the entrance); - the appearance of viruses, fraudulent schemes (the status "Left for the sea" actually gives the thief the key to your door).

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As a rule, the protection that stands at the entrance to social networks or other Internet resources cannot compete with children's curiosity. Who prevents a child from adding a few years to himself virtually in order to gain access to information of interest to him?! In 2011, a Facebook audience study (surveying several thousand American families) showed that 7.5 million children under the age of 13 were registered on this social network. Of these, 5 million have not even reached the age of ten. Sociologists say that about 70% of parents control the actions of their children at the age of 13-14. At the same time, 10-year-old moms and dads are monitored only in every tenth case. Adults don't worry so much about their fidgets until they're in their teens. But it is important to know that children suffer from online aggression just as much as adults. The creator of the social network "VKontakte" Pavel Durov, unlike his American colleague Mark Zuckerberg, said that his resource was not created for children.

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Why are social networks dangerous for children? 1) One of the dangers is a decrease in empathy, the inability to empathize. Children who grew up in social networks lose their interpersonal skills - they do not know how to blush, touch each other, give a spontaneous reaction, and most importantly, receive an immediate response from the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue. Comments and online communication are all imitations of real emotional dialogue. Perceiving another person, the impression of him is formed by 70% of non-verbal information, while this works human brain. So, communicating in social networks, we close ourselves in two-dimensional space. The drug "Ritalin" is prescribed in England for attention disorders. So, over the past ten years, it has been prescribed three times more often, especially to young people and children. Scientists have reason to believe that this is due to computers: children who sit for 4 hours a day playing a computer game develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which then prevents them from studying at school.

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The scale of the negative impacts of social networks, of course, depends on the individual, but children are practically defenseless against such impacts. The child needs to be shown positive experiences in the real world and encouraged to use the virtual world wisely. Otherwise, children will develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is interesting to see how people's communication on the Internet has evolved. In 1999, people wrote on Livejournal that they have a cat, in 2004 they posted photos and videos of this cat, in 2010 they can tweet once an hour that their cat sneezed. Opportunity arose and people began to talk to each other about things that no one needed to know. Social media users are like little children. They seem to say to their mother: “Look, I already know how to wear tights.” Moreover, they are waiting for a feedback, evaluation, i.e. confirmation of their existence on Earth.

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2) Recklessness. Another danger of social networks for children is that a person does not know how to assess risks. Almost all virtual actions do not have irreversible consequences. Pages on social networks can be edited, comments can be deleted and added, dying in computer game, in most cases you can restore your character and continue. This is not the case in real life, but by educating the brain in an environment where actions do not entail consequences, we get a person who simply does not know how to adequately assess risk. This is due to the influence on the area of ​​the frontal cortex of the brain responsible for logical connections - for example, it is poorly developed in children and schizophrenics who have difficulty concentrating, easily react to external stimuli and think the opposite of most adults - from cognitive to sensual. Consider, for example, one worker who survived a frontal injury with damage to the prefrontal cortex. The man recovered, went to work, but it was hard not to notice the change in his personality. He began to make promises that he could not keep, to make risky bets and to show supernatural recklessness. And despite the fact that he was physically quite healthy, he could not lead a normal life.

Dangerous games

The sensational story of the so-called death groups in recent years has made thousands of parents think about what their children are doing on the Internet. Just a few years ago, everything seemed to be calm - casual games, music, clips, funny pictures, virtual gifts.

And then it turned out that the most popular social network among schoolchildren, VKontakte, was crammed with closed communities of varying degrees of suspicion. Moreover, this network allows you to hide the list of your groups from everyone, even from friends.

The first reaction of many parents to the “blue whales” was the decision to ban the child from gadgets altogether, or at least force them to delete their accounts. Depriving a child of a laptop, smartphone or tablet is too radical. Yes, and for study and self-development, they are already indispensable.

What about accounts? Firstly, a child, if he has the opportunity to access the Internet, can always get himself a different profile, his parents will not even know about him. Strict registration rules in social networks, requiring authorization by phone number, are now easy to get around - there is a wide choice of services offering to use a virtual SIM card.

Such services are also free, where the numbers are often “old” - they have already been registered on them. There are also paid ones - the price is low, around fifty rubles, while they can be deposited into your account through the terminal, that is, you can have bank card not necessary.

Secondly, let's not forget that after the story of the “groups of death”, psychologists, almost in unison, said that prohibitions do not help, only trust and understanding help.

So let's proceed from the fact that parents do not want to go to extreme measures and leave the children the opportunity to communicate. And then it turns out that we can promise our schoolchildren that we will not consider any of their experiences and strange thoughts to be nonsense, take a promise from them to tell if the “curator” writes to them, and sometimes look at what the child posts on his page.

If the house has "parental control", some of these programs can track which groups (even closed ones) the user joins and send alerts.

bad dating

Few people have benefited from anonymity on the Internet as much as people who are unhealthy and dangerous. Yes, now we are talking about pedophiles. Social networks offer a lot of opportunities to find your friends, for example, search by city, district, school, gender and age.

Not always thirteen-year-old girls or boys from gymnasium No. 111 are looking for the same teenager who has just come to the same school.

Children must know that criminals catch children not only for flattery, for confidential conversations and compliments.

There are other levers, for example: “I’ll tell your parents that I saw you smoke at school or use foul language”, “you will get it from your father, you flirted with me yourself”, “I’ll show you how you complained about your mother in a group or in personal correspondence.

If the fear of punishment for rash acts in a child is strong, the pedophile can get anything from him with his blackmail. A teenager needs to be sure that his parents will somehow survive various stupid things on his part and will not remember him for life, but either an understanding or a sharp uncle from the Internet can bring real big trouble.

And, of course, geotags - they are especially often used on Instagram. It is convenient if you want to check in at some event. But, if you carefully look at the page of some girl who loves to “check in” wherever she has been, then we can easily find out everything about her: the school number, that she leaves the Assol dance studio at such and such an address at Wednesdays and Fridays at 20:00, and even the fact that every Saturday my mother leaves house 2 on Lesnaya Street and goes to visit her grandmother on the other side of the city, where she will stay overnight, while her daughter and girlfriend eat pizza and record funny videos.

Parental control allows you to track the appearance of new friends in the social networks "VKontakte" and "Facebook", emphasizing the big difference in age or the absence of common friends.


Another danger in social networks comes from the peers of the child. Cyberbullying is the harassment of a person in the network space. Anyone can suffer, and an adult too, but it is the children who experience constant insults in their address most hard.

The difference between cyberbullying and bullying in real life is that attacks do not stop at any time of the day, in any place, you cannot hide from them.

According to statistics, those who were humiliated in real life, at school, most often become victims of virtual bullying.

But sometimes a random child becomes the object of harassment - for example, by writing a naive comment on a social network or posting an unsuccessful, in the opinion of the persecutors, photo.

And then dozens of people suddenly start to mock him, turning it into some kind of flash mob. However, it also happens the other way around – social media users come to the rescue. You probably remember the story of a boy whose mother told on her page that her son is ignored and offended in children's team. And hundreds of people from all over the country wrote kind words to the boy, talked about their problems with peers at his age and made a popular personality out of an outcast.

In Russia, there is no document regulating punishment for cyberbullying yet. Therefore, if it does not come to crime: direct threats to life and health, the dissemination of erotic photographs of minors, slander - fight the persecutors legal methods very difficult, especially if they are anonymous.

In France, for example, internet harassers are excluded from educational institutions. Our main method of helping the victim of bullying, if reconciliation is impossible, is to build a new social environment around her: new classmates, circle of friends, and, of course, changing accounts.

The most important thing is to protect the child from all those nasty things that they write to him. On the other hand, a teenager should know that everything he writes on the Internet has its consequences and participation in bullying can make him an outcast in another company.

An indirect sign of child bullying is removal a large number friends. Parental Control of Kaspersky Lab allows you to track the appearance of posts on the wall, including responding to words typical of bullying.

If a child has been the victim of bullying, they can contact hotline"Children Online" and receive psychological and informational support. Phone 8-800-25-000-15.