How to get training in labor protection. Organization of labor protection training

  • 12.10.2019

06.04.2017 6:34:00

In accordance with the requirements of Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide training for employees safe methods and methods of performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, conducting labor protection briefings, internships at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Training in labor protection is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 “On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations”.

In accordance with the requirements of Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to provide training for employees in safe methods and techniques for performing work and providing first aid to victims at work, instructing on labor protection, internships at the workplace and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements. Training in labor protection is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/29 "On approval of the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees of organizations" (hereinafter - Order No. 1/29) .

Alena Petrovna LYSAK,

Director of the Department of Additionalvocational education
JSC "Klin Institute of Safety and Labor Conditions"

All employees of the organization, including its head, are subject to training in labor protection and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements. Managers and specialists of organizations should undergo special training in labor protection in the amount official duties upon admission to work during the first month, then - as needed, but at least once every three years. In order to ensure these requirements, the organization must build a system of training on labor protection, as well as ensure strict control over compliance with the terms of training for each employee.

Labor protection training for managers and specialists is carried out according to the relevant labor protection programs by educational institutions of vocational education, training centers and other institutions and organizations engaged in educational activities, if they have a license for the right to conduct educational activities, teaching staff specializing in the field of labor protection, and the corresponding material and technical base. Organizations providing training in labor protection, in addition to a license for educational activities, must have a notification from the Ministry of Labor of Russia (formerly the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation) on inclusion in the register of organizations providing services in the field of labor protection, in particular, training employers and employees in labor protection issues.

The register of organizations that train employers and employees in labor protection issues is posted on the website " Automated system analysis and control in the field of labor protection. Reference information» - . To date, the number of organizations in the register exceeds 2200. Employers face a choice - which organization to entrust with training employees in labor protection?

The following situation is currently developing on the market for advanced training in the field of labor protection: the dumping prices for training offered to potential customers are often much lower than the cost of the services provided, and, accordingly, training centers cannot provide a decent level of training quality. Some companies undertake to deliver ready-made certificates to the customer within 24 hours for 1,500 rubles. They openly declare this on their websites.

However, it is important to understand that the real cost of high-quality training of one specialist is about 3,000 rubles. This is primarily due to the fact that the list of the main costs of organizing the learning process includes:

- rent and / or maintenance of classrooms (from 8,000 rubles per day);
- payment for the work of a qualified teacher (from 5000 rubles per day or more).

Thus, for example, the main costs of the organizer of a 40-hour training course will be (8000+5000)*5=65000 rubles. The income received from a group of 20 people, based on the cost of training one specialist at 3,000 rubles, will be 60,000 rubles. It is obvious that such arithmetic is not at all interesting for most educational centers. Therefore, some unscrupulous educational organizations try different ways save on the quality and volume of services provided. Which option for training employees to prefer is up to the customer. Let's try to weigh all the "pros" and "cons", assess the possible risks of the employer when choosing the option of organizing employee training.

METHOD FIRST. Do not conduct training at all, but simply “print certificates”

Employer risk: the activities of an unscrupulous training center may be recognized as illegitimate, and, accordingly, issued certificates may be declared invalid.

Thus, the employer actually violates the requirement of Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and may be held administratively liable under part 3 of Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses for allowing the employee to perform job duties without undergoing training in labor protection in accordance with the established procedure and without testing knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Penalties: up to 130,000 rubles for each employee.

Employer actions: it is important to categorically exclude the possibility of "cooperation" with such dishonest training centers.

METHOD SECOND. Conduct employee training to a minimum

Employer risk: violation of the requirements of the law in terms of the duration of the training course, which is clearly regulated by the Exemplary Curriculum for Training in Occupational Safety and Health and Testing Knowledge of the Occupational Safety Requirements of Employees of Organizations, approved by the First Deputy Minister of Labor and social development Russian Federation May 17, 2004.

Penalty for violation of state regulatory requirements labor protection in accordance with part 1 of article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses can be up to 80,000 rubles.

Employer actions: it is necessary to choose those training centers that use a combined approach to teaching: part of the training is full-time, part - using distance learning technologies.

METHOD THREE. Conduct employee training using remote technologies

Employer risk: the financial risks of the employer are minimal, since clause 2.3.5 of Order No. 1/29 does not prohibit the conduct of training in the course "Labor protection for managers and specialists of organizations" in a remote format.

However, at the same time, there are risks associated with the safety of work, and therefore risks for the life and health of workers, if the employee has not really been trained.

Actions of employers: necessary make high demands on the quality of distance learning systems (hereinafter referred to as LMS), including the quality of the content provided by the training center.

All workers, from ordinary workers to managers, are required to undergo training in labor protection. The exception is not businessmen conducting individual entrepreneurial activities. Employers need it to ensure the level of labor protection required by law at the workplace, and hired specialists for the safe performance of job duties.

For failure to comply with the requirements for the protection and safety of labor for employers, the law provides for administrative liability. Since 2015, after making adjustments to the Code of Administrative Offenses, penalties have been significantly tightened.

Why get trained

The importance of OSH training should be understood by both employers and their subordinates. It is designed to reduce the level of injuries in the course of production, improve the quality of working conditions at enterprises, and observe the rights of working citizens guaranteed by the state.

It is necessary to undergo training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements to occupy leadership positions. It is required by leaders:

  • for self-guided briefings;
  • monitoring the knowledge of subordinates in the field of ensuring and maintaining safe working conditions;
  • monitoring compliance with regulatory requirements of OTs in their areas.

Responsibility for violation of the rules and norms on labor protection determined by law is assigned to the superiors. To control their compliance with employees, training is indispensable.

The Labor Code obliges employers to provide safe working conditions for personnel and protect their work (Article 212). To do this, they must:

  • train employees in the safe performance of labor functions in accordance with the requirements established at the federal level;
  • provide personnel with protective equipment in cases required by law;
  • instruct on the creation and observance of conditions and measures for labor protection in the organization (initially, repeatedly, for separate purposes, etc.);
  • check the level of knowledge and requirements of OT with mercenaries;
  • conduct practical training in the production process.

Who must pass

Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the requirement for who should be trained in labor protection and control of knowledge of its requirements: all workers, including company managers, and individual entrepreneurs. The difference lies in the curricula developed according to the characteristics of positions and activities.

The state is obliged to protect labor and control its safety, therefore, it takes this task with particular seriousness. The laws establish norms and standards that guarantee the safety of life of citizens.

Read also Basic requirements for the qualification of a labor protection specialist

Representatives of various professions and positions are required to undergo labor protection training and inspections:

  • management of firms in charge of OT issues;
  • employees and managers who organize, manage and carry out work;
  • teachers educational centers and institutions;
  • management and organizers of production practices of students;
  • personnel of labor protection departments, members of labor protection commissions and trade unions;
  • representatives of federal and municipal authorities who control knowledge on labor protection;
  • workers of production sites at the enterprise.

It is allowed to accompany the completed compulsory training in OT by checking the acquired knowledge in an organization where there is a commission with the authority to exercise such control. This norm is due to the impossibility of detaching the management of companies from the production process for a long period. Therefore, on-the-job training is the most effective method gaining knowledge of OT.

OSH training of personnel is organized on the basis of legal documents developed and approved by authorized state bodies.

Who conducts

According to Art. 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the process of studying in OT and monitoring competence in it is established by the federal executive body, which is appointed by the Government of the Russian Federation. The participation of the Russian tripartite commission regulating social and labor disputes is obligatory. So, on January 13, 2003, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation approved the current throughout the country procedure for training personnel in labor protection and conducting knowledge and requirements tests by Decree No. 1/29 (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

The requirements for training in OT for the management and subordinate personnel of firms are enshrined in clause 2.3.2 of the Procedure. It is carried out according to training programs by authorized entities:

  • by the enterprises themselves;
  • institutions of specialized education;
  • training centers and other licensed educational companies.

In addition to the license, educational subjects are required to have material and technical equipment and teachers specializing in OT.

Attention! It is allowed to take courses on OT and control the knowledge of its requirements for management and employees at the employer. To do this, a commission must operate within the company, created to test professional knowledge in the field of labor protection.

The formation of the commission is carried out on the basis of the order of the director. It must include at least three people who have successfully completed OT courses and passed the test. According to clause 3.4 of the Procedure, it has the right to work:

  • senior executives of firms;
  • heads of individual divisions of companies;
  • personnel of OT departments;
  • chief specialists (such as power engineers, engineers, technologists).

Read also Tasks and powers of employees of the labor protection service at the enterprise

When organizing studies in the company, representatives of the trade union and their authorized (authorized) persons may participate in the activities of the commission. But their presence is determined by the employer independently and is not a prerequisite (clause 3.4 of the Procedure).

Within the company, training for management and staff is carried out by specialists from the HSE department. At the same time, clause 2.3.6 requires that they have a qualification level and work experience in the field of labor protection.

Thus, it is possible to train the company's personnel in labor protection at the employer's if the staff includes three persons holding managerial positions and professionals who have successfully completed earlier occupational health and safety courses in accordance with the legally established procedure.

If the subordinate has not coped with the test of knowledge of the rules and regulations on labor protection, the employer has the right to remove him from the performance of his official functions. Upon passing the exam positively, the worker receives a certificate with an imprint of the company seal, certified by the chairman of the labor protection commission working in the company. Upon receipt of a negative mark, the employee must be retested.

The employer and the OSH commission established in the company are responsible for the quality of in-company training. Its control is under the jurisdiction of the local labor inspectorate. Most companies try to prevent increased attention of this body: it is more expedient to comply with the requirements and rules for labor protection at the enterprise than to neglect them and conduct educational courses formally.

Clause 2.3.4 of the Order says that OSH training in the company should be based on training programs. Their development is carried out on the basis of exemplary educational plans and curricula approved by the representative of the employer. Unlike courses conducted by specialized institutions, in this case, these programs do not require approval from the authorities.

Clause 2.3.2 of the Procedure imposes the requirement to license educational activities in accordance with OT and the availability of teachers only to third-party educational institutions, and not to the employers themselves. Therefore, the company is not required to obtain a license to train its own personnel in OSH.

Since the company provides training and knowledge testing for its own employees in the field of labor protection, and does not provide services in this area to other companies, it does not apply to the need to obtain accreditation (Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 205n of 2010).

The organization of training on labor protection and testing of knowledge on labor protection is an important component of the labor protection management system at the enterprise. The quality with which employees are trained in safe working methods directly affects the likelihood of an accident.

Read our article:

The order of training in labor protection

When investigating an NC of any severity, the commission is obliged to analyze the state of the training in labor protection. Therefore, it is important to arrange training on time so that you do not have to pay dearly for labor protection lessons.

Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is fully devoted to the training of employees in labor protection at enterprises. OSH training includes briefings, internships, in some cases duplication and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements.

Regulations on the order of training on OT 1/29

The main regulatory legal act in OSH education was and remains the Procedure for training and testing the knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by a joint resolution of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on January 13, 2003 for. In a professional environment, everyone is used to calling it 1/29 or the Order of Learning.

1.29 The order of training in labor protection consists of three parts. The first part gives general information on the organization of training in OT. For these purposes, both training centers and the employing organization itself are used.


The employer is obliged to execute only regulatory documents that have been registered with the Ministry of Justice and published in the prescribed manner ().

GOST is a guiding methodological document (Article and Law of June 29, 2015 No. 162-FZ “On Standardization in the Russian Federation”). It does not cancel the special requirements of the legislation for the procedure for training, briefing, training and testing the knowledge of personnel.

Here is the provision on the procedure for training and testing knowledge on labor protection 1/29 is mandatory in all cases, this is a regulatory legal document. Therefore, you do not need to revise your internal regulations. The status is always below the established Order.

step by step algorithm

Step 1. Development of local regulations

Prepare an order for the organization of OT training. Familiarize all employees with this order. Make two lists - workers who should be trained in OT in off-the-job training centers, and workers who are trained internally.

Approve these lists and bring them to the employees. Take note of the opinion of representative bodies of employees. Provide department heads with training programs, internships, initial briefings, and a job briefing log.

Step 2. Appointment of responsible


Not all employees are subject to training in training centers. in training centers managers and specialists must undergo training, and only there they must pass a knowledge test.

The following should be sent to the training center for training:

  • Head of the organization;
  • employees of the labor protection service;
  • authorized for labor protection of the trade union or council of the labor collective;
  • union members;
  • members of the permanent commission of the enterprise for testing knowledge of labor protection requirements, including a special test of knowledge (on electrical safety, on working at height, etc.);
  • responsible work managers, work foremen, responsible work executors, issuing work permits, allowing access to workplaces, approving and developing construction organization projects, projects and work production plans, signing an admission certificate for construction and installation and other contract work;
  • persons appointed by the responsible order of the head of the organization for labor protection, as well as those responsible for labor protection by divisions (departments, sections, workshops, workshops, construction sites, etc.);
  • instructing on the program of briefings at the workplace.

If the organization has created conditions for training on labor protection, there is a knowledge testing commission trained at the training center of the Ministry of Labor of Russia in accordance with the second paragraph of paragraph 2.3.2 of Procedure 1/29, as well as managers and specialists not specified in the previous paragraph of this article, should be trained in occupational safety by their employer.

For these purposes, the organization should be equipped with occupational safety rooms and corners, information stands, posters on occupational health, should promote safe work and a healthy lifestyle.

Step 3. Design programs and visual aids

It is necessary to conduct labor protection training at enterprises according to those approved for each group of positions or for each profession.

Programs for conducting briefings and training on labor protection should be developed by those responsible for labor protection in the subdivision, heads of structural divisions, chief technical specialists and managers.

Great when an OT specialist knows technological process to such an extent that he can write or write a training program with exam tickets, but this rare duty is no longer included in the functionality of an occupational safety specialist. The specialist can only provide methodological assistance in the preparation of programs and coordinate it. The perfect model, right?

Step 4. Charting

The OT training schedule must correspond to the thematic plan in the Training Program.

To do this, make a separate line with the dates of classes to the table "Thematic training plan for labor protection". Familiarize everyone who will be enrolled in this training program with this schedule. Try to make sure that everyone passes only during working hours.


You cannot call an employee to an OT class on his day off. An exception can only be the voluntary desire of the employee to attend the lesson to repeat the material covered.

Therefore, make a schedule taking into account the shift of workers.

Do not forget to sign the schedule and familiarize employees with it.

How to ensure that the OT training system in the enterprise functions without failures

The schedule must be kept. If a class has been rescheduled for business reasons, it must be held at a different time and employees must know which day the class is being rescheduled.

Workers should be provided with conditions for employment. It is necessary to give the employees training teaching materials so that they can repeat at home, in their spare time, questions for the exam.

It will not be superfluous to remind employees that they will be suspended from work without pay.

Practice should be interspersed with theory, classes should be conducted in a form convenient for the listeners, speech turns that are incomprehensible to blue-collar workers should not be used. This is annoying and distracts from the learning process.

During the training, the teacher also receives a lot of knowledge from the students. Therefore, you need to fix for yourself what the training group is strong in, and what questions cause a stupor. Consequently, in the workplace, one situation does not cause difficulties, and the other, with incorrect actions of the personnel, can lead to an accident.

If the knowledge test reveals poor training, the commission should develop a strategy to overcome the difficulties of workers in OSH training. It should be taken into account that the training is conducted not for schoolchildren who are open to perception, but for blue-collar workers who believe that there is nothing to surprise them with.

By the way, the most dangerous age in case of accidents is just “experienced”, “hardened wolves”.

A young trainee still remembers the school program and is afraid once again to go where there is not enough knowledge and experience, and workers of 30-40 years old consider themselves to be experts in the profession, increasing their self-esteem due to victories in minor production situations.

Employees over 40-50 years old are already becoming more fearful due to the experience of traumatic situations that have occurred, and they perceive fresh knowledge better, as they do not want to lag behind modern trends.


Regulation on the procedure for organizing and conducting labor protection training 1/29 does not establish requirements for the employer to record labor protection classes in a separate journal.

But they note that where classes are recorded in journals, where attendance to classes and topics is noted, and questions from students are recorded, the quality of knowledge is better. Many, for example, lead classes with a mark in the “school magazine”.

On the other hand, if an organization conducts training in OT formally, buying “crusts” for members of the commission in dubious offices that call themselves no less than the Moscow Schools of Construction and Management of the construction industry, and other adventurers from additional vocational education, instead of that specified in clause 2.3 .2 or a CA of a constituent entity of the Federation, then when communicating with an expert, there will be nothing to present, and no fictitiously compiled log of occupational health and safety classes will help to recognize the training as valid and avoid a large fine for the organization.

Therefore, conduct training in quality training centers. The cost of education is the same everywhere, and it will always be cheaper than paying a million dollar fine and then paying the tuition again. Miser pays twice. Do not try to deceive the inspector, deceive yourself. Thus, you end up deceiving the worker, sending him, untrained properly, under the influence of harmful and dangerous production factors. And this is already a criminal offense.

Who decided that the leader should study labor protection

Managers often have doubts about whether it is really necessary to undergo training in labor protection. And it happens that the general director of a company is generally surprised when he hears that “labor must be protected”, and even more so that this still needs to be learned.

However, to undergo training in labor protection is the duty of the heads of organizations, directly established by law. Namely Labor Code(Article 225 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003 No. 1/291.

One cannot but agree that in a busy work schedule, it is difficult for a manager to allocate time for training, which lasts an average of 40 hours. And often it is not possible to convince the director to sit down at the desk. Let's see what is more profitable for the leader, to study or not to study?

warns Elena KAZANOK, Leading HR Specialist, PRIORITET Law Company (Moscow)

All employees, including the heads of organizations, undergo the next test of knowledge on labor protection at least once every three years. This is controlled by the federal labor inspectorate. The state labor inspector has the right to issue an order to remove the head of the organization from work if he has not been trained, instructed or tested on labor protection (Article 357 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If the leader does not comply with the requirement of the inspector, he may be fined, and in the worst case, disqualified.

What does training in labor protection give to the head of the organization

After completing the mandatory training in labor protection, the manager will be able to:

  1. avoid fines during inspections by various regulatory authorities and save the company money;
  2. get a guide in a complex area of ​​legislation and select a reliable specialist who can be delegated the authority for labor protection in an organization;
  3. competently distribute labor protection responsibilities in the company and be calm for the safety of their employees.

The director of Cyclone LLC attracted an employee who did not have access to such work to work on a day off at a transformer substation. A subordinate entered the substation to repair a failed unit. He was sure that the electricity was out, but it turned out that it was not. In the process of repairing a worker hit electric shock from the transit cable, and he died on the spot.

Relatives of the deceased worker, considering the employer responsible for the death, demanded compensation. In court, the manager stated that he did not know where the transit cable was located. However, he was found guilty. As a result, 230,000 rubles were recovered from the employer for the death of the employee. If the manager had passed the mandatory training in labor protection, organized the necessary briefing for the employee, the accident could have been avoided.

To whom can the CEO delegate authority for labor protection

There are several typical situations when the general director transfers his powers for labor protection to another employee.

Situation 1. In an organization with more than 50 employees, the position of a labor protection specialist is introduced. He must have experience in the field of labor protection or higher education in the specialty "Technospheric Safety", or higher education and additional vocational education in the field of labor protection.

If the number of employees is more than 100 people, then it is better to organize a labor protection service. Its head must have experience in the field of labor protection for at least five years and higher education in the field of "Technospheric safety" or higher education and additional professional education in the field of labor protection.

In cases where there are harmful and dangerous factors at work, it is desirable to introduce a labor protection specialist with less than 50 employees.

Situation 2. The labor protection service or the position of labor protection specialist has not been introduced, because there is no hazardous production and the number of employees is less than 50 people. Then any worker can be entrusted with labor protection. Usually the choice falls on the personnel officer, less often on the accountant. In any case, the decision remains with the employer.

The selected employee must be sent for training in labor protection. After that, he will be able to fully and legal grounds fulfill their duties.

Situation 3. In an organization with up to 50 employees, the employer deals with labor protection issues independently. More often this option is possible at micro-enterprises with up to 15 people.

Situation 4. In organizations with up to 50 employees, labor protection issues can be outsourced to a specialized organization. It must have state accreditation for the right to provide labor protection services.

In any case, for violations of labor protection, identified, for example, by a labor inspector, the head of the organization is responsible. Therefore, it will be useful for him to have knowledge in labor protection issues. And without training it is impossible.

How to allocate labor protection responsibilities among company employees

V large companies where there is a specialist or even an entire labor protection service, the heads of departments, along with their main duties, are also responsible for labor protection in their departments.

The distribution of labor protection responsibilities can be drawn up in the form of a table and enshrined in a collective agreement or other local regulatory act.

Table. Distribution of responsibilities for labor protection in the company

Responsible executor Basic responsibilities for labor protection
General manager - ensuring safe working conditions for employees;
- control over the state of labor protection in the organization
Head of labor protection service - monitoring compliance with labor protection standards throughout the organization;
- development normative documents on labor protection;
- conducting an introductory briefing;
- organization of training on labor protection;
- organization of certification of workplaces;
- compiling a list of employees who need to be issued with PPE and undergo a medical examination.
Head of Human Resources - organization of preliminary and periodic medical examinations;
- registration of benefits and compensations to employees for harmful conditions labor.
Head of the administrative and economic department - Purchasing and issuing funds to employees personal protection;
- maintaining personal PPE records.
Heads of structural divisions - conducting initial and repeated briefings at the workplace;
- training in safe working methods;
- ensuring safety when working with equipment and tools;
- control over the use of protective equipment, etc.
What is more profitable - to study or not to study

Speaking about labor protection training, one cannot fail to mention the banal truth: the lack of training is a violation of labor protection legislation. He has been fined:

  • for officials who do not fulfill labor protection duties - from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles;
  • for organizations - from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days (part 1 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

If an official repeatedly violates the law, he will be disqualified for a period of one to three years (part 2 of article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

For comparison, in Moscow the cost of training a labor protection manager in a training center is from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles.

If such a method of monitoring the state of labor as attestation of workplaces was used by the manager, unforeseen expenses could be dispensed with.

V small organization with a staff of 14 people engaged in small-scale wholesale trade, the labor inspectorate conducted an inspection and found that the premises occupied by the company were not certified for working conditions. The labor inspector issued a fine. Moreover, both the organization and its head, responsible for labor protection, had to pay.

As a result, the organization lost 40,000 rubles, and its head parted with 4,000 rubles (part 1, article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Safety violations are also mentioned in the Criminal Code. If an employee is injured due to non-compliance with labor protection standards, then at least a fine of up to 200,000 rubles will be imposed on the person responsible for safety, and at the maximum, they will be imprisoned for up to one year (part 1 of article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The death of a person due to a violation of security rules entails imprisonment for up to three years (part 2 of article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Article 225 establishes that all employees of enterprises, as well as managers and individual entrepreneurs, must undergo training in labor protection. After training, regular tests of knowledge and skills in the field of labor protection, first aid for victims, actions during emergency and dangerous situations should be carried out. To do this, the employer must conduct regular health and safety briefings for both new employees starting to perform their duties at the enterprise, employees who are transferred to another position within the organization, and permanent employees in accordance with the established briefing schedule. If there are dangerous and harmful working conditions at the enterprise, then it will be necessary to conduct not only training, but also on-site training, and then carry out periodic briefings and knowledge testing according to a special schedule.

Safety briefings are divided into several types. When hiring, an employee undergoes an introductory briefing in a classroom or in a labor protection corner. Then, at the workplace, an initial briefing is carried out with him. Also, the health and safety system provides for repeated briefing, unscheduled, targeted. All these classes can be conducted by any employee appointed by order of the director or entrepreneur, as well as trained in a specialized center and received permission to conduct briefings.

Each briefing is recorded in a special journal, next to the entry are the signatures of both employees and instructors, and the date of the lesson.

Primary briefing

Primary briefing is carried out directly at the workplace, the time of its implementation is strictly before the start of independent activity. It is organized for everyone who is newly hired by the organization, including those who get a job under a contract or for seasonal work, or in combination, regardless of the period for which the contract is concluded. Homeworkers are also instructed if the equipment provided by the company is used in the process of work, as well as if it is purchased by the employee at his own expense.

Initial briefing must also be carried out with employees who are transferred from one structural unit to another, or in the event that the working conditions and tasks in the same place change for employees. Seconded employees of other organizations, students of secondary and higher educational institutions internships at the enterprise must also undergo primary and introductory briefings. Any person participating in the production process in one way or another, touching machines, lines, equipment, capable of receiving even the slightest harm to health or well-being due to production reasons during working hours, must be instructed, trained. A signature should appear in the briefing log this person with the date of the procedure.

If the new employee in his production activities will not be associated with work on the equipment, with its testing, repair, adjustment, commissioning, then he may be exempted from instruction by the decision of the employer. The exact list of positions that are exempt from training in labor protection is approved by the employer. The entrepreneur must understand that if he establishes such positions, then he will personally be held responsible if the employee still receives an occupational disease or injury.

Other types of briefings

Repeated briefings are held more than once every six months or even more often, depending on the specifics of the activity. There are also unscheduled briefings that are held when certain conditions arise. This happens with the introduction of new legislative acts in the field of labor protection, as well as with the adjustment of existing ones, with a significant change in the production process, if technological lines are replaced, equipment is modernized, a new tool is bought, which may affect safe conditions work. Unscheduled briefings are mandatory in case of violation of labor protection and safety regulations, when a threat to the life and health of employees has been created, for example, such an occasion may be an accident, injury, accident, etc.

Conducting unscheduled briefings can be initiated by representatives or inspectors from state supervision and control bodies. If the production was closed for a certain period, then it will also start only after unscheduled briefings. For hazardous industries, the downtime period is 1 month, for ordinary ones - 2 months. In addition, unscheduled briefing and knowledge testing on OT can be carried out on the personal initiative of the employer, if he saw good reasons for such an event.

And another type of briefing is targeted. The need for its implementation arises if it is necessary to eliminate accidents, consequences natural Disasters, as well as when performing one-time work packages and holding events with a large crowd of people.

The procedure for conducting briefings, the timing and conditions are established by the internal regulations of the enterprise. Managers who are responsible for labor protection at the enterprise must undergo training once every three years, but they must complete the first (not introductory) briefing during the first month of work. Who can become such a leader? Any person appointed by order. Be careful when appointing, if you do not properly issue an order, then this can cause many troubles, as a result of problems, the responsibility may lie entirely with you personally. But it is best, of course, not to allow such situations to arise.

It is possible to appoint heads of departments and their deputies as a head in the direction of "labor protection", such a load can be taken on by the head or individual entrepreneur. If you have a technically competent employee who is not a manager, then he can also become a good responsible worker in labor protection.

If a commission on labor protection is created at an enterprise, then it includes the heads of departments who control this area in their structures, representatives of labor protection training centers, representatives of local governments, and representatives of various levels of government.

If the organization has such a commission, then it can carry out both briefings and an independent knowledge test, which is held once every three years. Such a commission must have at least 3 people, and all of them must be trained by an enterprise that has an educational license in the field of health and safety. In many cities, this is done by staff development centers. The committee must have a chairman and a secretary. There must also be an order to create a commission, drawn up in compliance with all the rules. If a trade union committee functions at the enterprise, then its representatives must be present on the commission and defend the interests of workers in the event of difficult situations and incidents.

If the employee has not passed the next briefing and knowledge test, the employer has the right to remove him from work. If the employee has successfully passed the test and passed the exam, then he is issued a certificate, signed by the chairman of the commission, and the seal of the organization is affixed. If a positive mark was not received, then in a month the employee must come for a second exam. It should be noted that all responsibility for the quality of internal training lies with the employer and the labor protection commission. This quality is controlled by the local labor inspectorate, and many employers prefer to avoid heightened attention by this body. Therefore, it is most logical to follow the rules and requirements for labor protection, and not to consider this area unnecessary, not to conduct training only on paper for show.

All training activities on labor protection bring serious benefits to the enterprise. We must perceive them as an investment in our economy, in improving the image, customer loyalty. For example, there was a gas explosion at the plant, and two people died. Will buyers of products think that someone will not follow the rules of TB? Customers will simply stop using the products of this plant, because the media will describe the events in such a way that it will be possible to completely forget about the image for many years. And it was only necessary to regularly spend a small amount of money on labor protection measures, then significant losses could have been avoided.