The future of the Internet, how the Internet affects the development of the information field of the earth and the development of the individual. The influence of the Internet on human life

  • 11.10.2019

Municipal general education institution

"Secondary school No. 6"

O. Murom, Vladimir Region

Intermediate certification
2010 – 2011 academic year year

Abstract on the topic:

"The influence of the Internet on the life of a modern person."


student 8 "G" Klimova Julia



Korchagina Elena Nikolaevna



Every person has a computer at home, every second person has a computer connected to the Internet. Nowadays, we cannot do without a computer. Its influence adversely affects us, starting with the simplest games, ending with electromagnetic radiation.

Today, the computer is an integral part of Everyday life. People spend most of their time at the computer (including their free time), and there is no hiding from it. Computers surround us everywhere: at home, in shops, in offices. Without a computer, it will be extremely difficult for a person.

Usually it all starts with a simple one: a person has entered the Internet for the first time, he wants to know what can be found there, what it is all about. There is an interest in everything that happens there - the thirst for information prompts more and more new sites, chats, etc. Further, a person learns that the Internet is not only a “picture book”. At any time, there are millions of people in it, and the Internet is, as it were, a subworld - an alternative. You can participate in it and influence it. Thus, in about a quarter, addiction appeared after six months of communication with a computer, in half after a year. Everyone "sits down" on his own. Many "hang out" in chats and chat for hours about nothing with virtual interlocutors.

It is especially easy for teenagers to "get hooked" on the Internet (according to own experience communication, the bulk of “Internet travelers” suffering from this addiction fluctuates within 15-23 years).

Do you think, a person who sits on the Internet for hours: benefit or harm does him at first sight a harmless computer network? My work consists precisely in revealing to a person the whole essence of what this Internet really is.

What is the Internet?

The Internet is, first of all, a huge variety of computers and programs. Among the latter, you will find not only those who can solve your specific problems well, but also many more whose abilities you will probably find it difficult to even imagine at first. Today, the Internet has about 112 million subscribers in more than 150 countries around the world. The size of the network increases by 7 - 10% monthly. The Internet - forms, as it were, the core, provides the connection of various information networks belonging to various institutions around the world, one with the other.

The Internet itself has been around for quite some time. However, it was only very recently - around 1990 - that the Internet finally gained the critical mass of users and resources necessary for the network revolution taking place before our eyes. High-speed modems, allowing ordinary users of personal computers to enjoy all the benefits of the Internet without restrictions, appeared even later.

However, this is only part of the answer to the question “what is the Internet”. The Internet today is not only a huge number of computers, but also an incredible number of people. , for whom the network is a fundamentally new way of communication, almost unparalleled in the material world. Man is a social being, and communication with his own kind is one of his primary needs. Perhaps, until now, not a single technical invention (except for the telephone) has made such a revolution in this ancient occupation - human-to-human communication.

So, one of the important dates in the history of the Internet can be considered 1957, when a separate structure stood out within the US Department of Defense (Department of Defense, DOD) - the Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In the 60s, the main work of DARPA was devoted to the development of a method for connecting computers to each other. It is very important that he led the first research program dedicated to the system of global communication, launched by DARPA on October 4, 1962, J. Licklider (see Appendix No. 1), who published the work "Galactic Network". Also one of the important persons who are directly related to the opening of the Internet is a researcher at the Massachusetts Technological Institute(MIT) Lawrence Roberts (see Appendix No. 2)

Undoubtedly, the explosive growth of the Internet would have been unthinkable without the World Wide Web. In 1989, at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN, Switzerland, Geneva), Tim Berners-Lee developed the technology of hypertext documents, which allows users to access any information located on the Internet on computers around the world.

Why is the Internet needed?

The Internet provides services to man. Within the Internet there are thousands, if not millions, of various services and services. The main Internet services are:

· Access to the information.

· Communication.

Access to the information.

Before the advent of the Internet, traditional sources of information were:

mass media (both paper (newspapers, magazines) and electronic (radio, television));

publicistic literature;

scientific and special literature;

documents of official institutions;

· materials of conferences, round tables and other forms of direct public discussion - text, audio and video;

· analytical studies, marketing reports, market reviews;

reference books, catalogs, personalities, data banks, encyclopedias;

· interview;

graphics, video and audio recordings.

The Internet suggested the following sources:

online media;

· online literature;

· chats, forums, sites, the content of which is formed on the principle of a forum, and other forms of mediated public discussion;

web statistics collected and processed by specialized sites;

· online directories, catalogues, personalities, databanks, encyclopedias;

video and audio podcasting.

Communication via the Internet.

Features of communication via the Internet:

· Anonymity. A person in the network can and does show greater freedom of expression and actions (up to insults, obscene expressions), since the risk of exposure and personal negative assessment by others is minimal.

· Voluntariness and desirability of contacts. The user voluntarily makes contacts or leaves them, and can also interrupt them at any time.

· Difficulty in the emotional component of communication and, at the same time, a strong desire for the emotional content of the text, which is expressed in the creation of special icons to indicate emotions or in the description of emotions in words (in brackets after the main text of the message).

· Striving for atypical, non-normative behavior. Often, users present themselves from a different angle than in the conditions of a real social norm, they lose roles, scenarios, and abnormal behavior that are not implemented in activities outside the network.

If you stop and think for a moment about how many means and methods of communication there are in the world today, you will have to admit that there are quite a lot of them and, most importantly, a considerable part of them are somehow connected with modern technical capabilities and, in particular, , with the Internet. Agree that Email, all kinds of forums organized in the network space, numerous Internet magazines, etc., and the Internet itself, for many, have become an equally important aspect of everyday life (and its inherent communication) than a TV or telephone, and sometimes they (means Internet) and completely displace their "backward" brothers.

The impact of the Internet on people.

The first thing to consider is the impact of the Internet on human health.

The Internet is human health.

Internet and vision.

In fact, it is not the Internet that badly affects vision, but the computer, but the Internet is definitely to blame for this. Let's look at the statistics of those whose vision deteriorates more. (see Appendix No. 3)

This means that those users who communicate on the computer are more likely to worsen their vision. Such users communicate using the Internet, which means that the Internet negatively affects our vision. Vision deteriorates due to greater fatigue, when a person sits at a computer for a very long time and continuously, vision weakens. Also, vision deteriorates when reading from the monitor screen.

Today, the Internet and a person are an inextricable link in the chain of communication. The life of a person who exists in modern society is literally “saturated” with social networks, personal blogs, photos on instagram, etc. The line between the real and the virtual world disappears, leaving behind various consequences, both for the individual and for society as a whole.

In my research, I would like to study the problem of human interaction with the Internet, as well as to identify the possible psychological and behavioral consequences as a result of this interaction.

So, we can distinguish two types of influence of the Internet on the psyche and human behavior: firstly, positive, and secondly, negatively. Let's take a look at each of them with different implications.

1.Internet addiction. It is the most common negative consequence for the subjects of communication. As a rule, Internet addiction becomes the main source of all other negative consequences. For example, wasting time. Due to the obsessive desire to access the Internet, time that could be spent on productive activities is spent on sitting in the social. networks, news portals, in other words, is wasted.

There are other points of view that say that there can be no question of any Internet addiction. For many, the Internet is just entertainment, an opportunity to have a good time, without causing psychological dependence.

However, a study by Kimberley Yang, a psychologist at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, showed a very different take on this view.

According to Yang herself, network addiction develops relatively quickly. Young's research is based on the results of the answers of 196 people to the test she compiled. Average age patients - 33 years. About 70% of them are men. In 25% of the respondents, addiction arose within six months of active life on the Web, 58% became addicts (addicted) during the second half of the year, only about 17% of respondents got addicted after a year or more 10 . Also, according to the results of the study, real life addicts are often conflict people, they have a more pronounced tendency to depression. The researcher believes that the greatest damage to a career, friendships and family relationships is caused by an increase in time spent online, and, as a result, pushing real life into the background. According to the results of the study, the psychologist gives a technique for overcoming addiction.

Also, this point of view is confirmed by Nicholas Carr, a well-known American scientist and publicist, who, together with a group of psychologists he created, came to disappointing conclusions - fast and regular browsing of sites leads to the fact that the human brain loses the ability for in-depth analytical thinking, turning permanent network users into people who are not capable of intellectual work.

The second opinion is based on the fact that the Internet contributes to a noticeable increase in the speed and volume of data perception, the discovery of new possibilities for the human brain, and a fundamentally new perception of information. Also, it is believed that Internet users have more intelligent and logically correct thought processes. That allows them to express their thoughts more clearly and more accurately, to organize themselves. This point of view is very appealing to many Internet users. However, if some research can support the first opinion, then the second opinion, at the moment, has not yet been confirmed by researchers. Thus, there is no reason to hold the second opinion.

3. The problem of communication. In this aspect, the Internet acts as a new communication environment, the leading place in which is occupied by a person as a subject of communication. Thus, communication has moved to a new virtual plane, changing the standards and the communication process itself as a whole. The most obvious example of such communication is the Internet. are social networks.

The "online" mode has formed some features that have both their disadvantages and advantages. As for the benefits, the use of social networks has greatly facilitated the life of a person, both in the role of the addresser and the addressee. The new communication tool allows you to instantly exchange the necessary information, which can be presented in completely different types of messages (text, photo, video, audio). Also, with the help of social networks, a person can restore lost connections, find former friends, acquaintances, classmates and even distant relatives. Search system for friends and acquaintances, provided in the social. networks, makes it possible to make new acquaintances and relationships. The network can also act as an effective tool for notifying your friends about events from your life. It should be noted that an important advantage of interpersonal communication in a social network over other forms of communication is complete freedom in choosing your interlocutor, there are no barriers such as distance, limited financial resources, and, most importantly, due to the peculiarities of virtual communication in social networks. networks, a person's degree of manifestation of psychological factors (shyness, fear, cowardice, complexes), which only complicate the formation of a dialogue, decreases. This form of communication has made it possible for many people with disabilities to communicate without difficulty.

In addition, the positive side of communication in networks is anonymity. The ability to speak out while remaining anonymous heals neuroses, since all hidden complexes come out, becoming the property of the network public.

But you should not idealize communication on the network, because it, like other means of communication, has its drawbacks.

Let's draw a parallel with such a positive effect as the convenience of communication at a distance. On the one hand, social networks allow you to communicate "without leaving your home", on the other hand, such convenience leads to a global decrease in the intensity of communication between people in a real, authentic form (communication "live"). This leads to low mobility of people, which negatively affects their health, psychological state and worldview. Communication in social networks is devoid of emotions, and this is a huge minus: you can’t see the expression on the face of the person who writes to us, you can’t hear the intonation of the speech, you can’t touch the person, and also do all the many things that live communication gives a person.

In addition, the information flow in networks provides Negative influence on the psychological state of a person. The reason for this is the lack of censorship as such, namely the increased amount of information of an erotic, violent, antimoral nature, the content of obscene vocabulary. Such information, first of all, has a negative effect on the upbringing of the younger generation, making it cruel, immoral and mentally unbalanced. Together, this impact has a strong impact on the process of social communication itself, deflecting it towards imbalance.

So, based on the study, we can conclude the following:

The Internet is a new means of mass communication that combines certain features that, on the one hand, simplify and make the life of an individual more convenient in terms of social mobility, the speed of information exchange, etc., and on the other hand, lead to the degradation of the individual, both moral and physical, globally destabilizing the process of communication in society. Such inconsistency, first of all, indicates that the development of mass communication today is going through an adaptation period, which is characterized by the imperfection of its ideas, the presence of trial and error, due to the insufficiently studied segment in which this innovation takes its place.

Thus, it can be determined that the process of development of mass media leads to certain consequences, therefore, in order to minimize the threat of their occurrence, each of us needs to improve the technology for the development of mass media, in particular the Internet.


The Internet today is a reality of the life of society, penetrating into all its spheres and institutions. The Internet, as a means of mass communication, includes very important social aspects of informatization of society, allowing it to both function in a communicative environment and change the information reality of society.

To select a theme term paper, I was served by the relevance of the problems associated with the development of the communication environment of society and the processes occurring within it. Also on the basis of this, I also determined the purpose of the work. In accordance with the established goal, the tasks of the course work were set. The work carried out to solve the problems led to the following results.

In the first section, I disclosed the concept of the Internet as a means of mass communication, on the basis of which its components were considered, such as the groups of communications that arise between the addresser and the addressee and the main functions of the Internet, which most fully revealed its content and direction. At the end of the section on the analysis of the above, a conclusion was drawn.

In the second section, on the basis of the given statistical data, I gave a characteristic of the Internet audience, according to the content of which, at the end of the section, a conclusion was also formulated.

In the third section, the final stage of my research on the problem of human interaction with the Internet was presented, in which, using the example of certain consequences, taking into account different points of view and research on this issue, I singled out and described two types of the influence of the Internet on the psyche and human behavior.

The final stage of the study, as expected, was the formulation of a general conclusion based on the entire content of the work.

List of used literature

Main literature

1. Bogdanov D. Social functions of the Internet / Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University. N.I. Lobachevsky. Series Social Sciences”, 2011. – P. 114–120.

2. Enikeev M.I. General and social psychology. - M .: Norma, Infra-M, 1999 - 624 p.

3. Castells M. Internet Galaxy. Reflections on the Internet, business and society. - Ekaterinburg.: U-Factoria, 2004 - 328 p.

4. Lukina M.M., Fomicheva I.D. Mass media in the Internet space. - M .: Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, 2005. - 87 p.

5. Morris M., Ogan S. Internet as mass media. Journal of Communication. - 1996 - No. 1. - p. 42

Internet resources

6. - FOM database. Internet audience research in Russia.

7. - Pingdom official website. The results of the Internet audience research.

8. - Article by Egorov A.Yu. about internet addiction.

9. – The free encyclopedia Wikipedia. The concept of the Internet.

10.– Dictionaries and encyclopedias at Academician. The concept of the Internet.

1 – The free encyclopedia Wikipedia. The concept of the Internet.

2– Dictionaries and encyclopedias at Academician. The concept of the Internet.

3 Morris M., Ogan S. Internet as mass media. Journal of communication. - 1996 - No. 1. - P. 42

4 Enikeev M.I. General and social psychology. - M .: Norma, Infra-M, 1999 - 624 p.

5 Castells M. Galaxy Internet. Reflections on the Internet, business and society. - Ekaterinburg.: U-Factoria, 2004 - 328 p.

6 Bogdanov D. Social functions of the Internet / Bulletin of the Nizhny Novgorod University. N.I. Lobachevsky. Series Social Sciences, 2011. - S. 114-120.

7 Lukina M.M., Fomicheva I.D. Mass media in the Internet space. - M .: Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, 2005. - 87 p.

8 - Pingdom official website. The results of the Internet audience research.

9 - FOM database. Internet audience research in Russia.

10 Article by Egorov A.Yu. about internet addiction.

The Internet has long ceased to be just a source of information. People make friends online, create communities and even earn money. We can say that the network has become a kind of fundamental factor in the formation of a person's personality. After all, it is the Internet that creates idols and changes the worldview.

Social networks as a way of social standardization

The birth of social networks was a turning point in the development of the Internet. It is social networks that have become a kind of standardizing factor, equalizing everyone with the same brush. In social networking communities, trends are born, and individuality dies there.

Take the same example with statuses on social media pages. It is impossible to write statuses on your own, sharing your emotions and vision of the world, it is much more popular to make reposts, copying quotes from famous people from communities. By the way, often the "personalities" themselves do not know that they are the authors beautiful words about love, friendship and life in general.

Another, perhaps the main, fact of the influence of social services on the formation of personality is the very existence of accounts on such sites. Almost everyone strives to create a page in one of the popular networks, everyone has their own goal, but, most often, the goal is only the desire not to stand out from society, because everyone has a page, which means I need it too.

Information overdose

Due to direct access to most information sources, a person today is forced to oversaturate with information. Our ancestors did not even imagine that an engineer, for example, should understand the varieties of German mayonnaise, and a designer simply must be familiar with the political trends of African countries. Now, those who are not up to date with the latest news are becoming the subject of sidelong glances from others. But information overdose is not always useful.

Internet as a time waster

The network today is not always a helper. The abundance of services leads to total laziness of society. And this is a proven fact, because the regulars of the global network spend dozens of hours playing Frenzy Farm or trying to make themselves an amazing avatar through a popular service.

Interestingly, most of these time wasters have come across articles about the fight against chronophages more than once. But after reading interesting material, they sighed heavily, felt sorry for themselves and their time, and again sat down to their favorite game.

Work on the Internet

The opportunity to earn online is a godsend for people with disabilities. Yes, those who do not have the opportunity to move closer to the capital, and in their hometown there is total unemployment, have the opportunity to work and earn money. In addition, the money earned on the network can be spent on quite real purchases in the same place, on the Internet. Internet commerce can also be called the achievement of the new time, which has a significant impact on society. When ordering goods through the network, time is dramatically saved, and goods that are not massively imported into them literally seep between countries.

Global network connects hearts

Online dating is a double entertainment. On the one hand, hundreds or even thousands of single people on dating sites have found their soul mates. The reverse side of the coin is the numerous deceptions that are based on human feelings. Therefore, the opportunity to fall in love and make friends online cannot be unequivocally called a positive moment.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the benefits of the Internet are indisputable, but its harmful effects on humans are also obvious. In other words, like any invention of mankind, the Internet has a positive effect on the formation of personality only in skillful hands, and uncontrolled and irrational use of the network leads only to negative consequences.

We all know how important the Internet is, that without it we can’t go anywhere and “how we used to live without the Internet at all.”

With full confidence it can be called one of the most significant inventions of man. And, like all global discoveries, it is able to have a significant impact on the development of society, having both a positive and a negative impact.

It's good to live with him! The positive impact of the Internet

So, let's consider the questions of how the Internet affects a person, why the global network is so popular today, and is it possible to imagine life without it today.

1. The Internet and money are now at the same time.

Now you can earn money without leaving your apartment. Even 50 years ago, this was possible only thanks to manual applied labor. Now, as practice shows, many programmers, designers, specialists in other fields, earn large sums of money through the Internet, using their mental abilities and skills that they have trained, again, thanks to the Internet. Some lead completely legal and profitable business exclusively online. But, if there is no desire to sit at home alone, then on the network you can find a huge number of sites with great deals office work different cities and countries. Today, the influence of the Internet on a person is practically unlimited.

2. Ability to purchase goods or services around the world.

Modern people, unlike previous generations, can afford it, even if it is not sold in the city where they live. Commissions and selling from under the counter have long since sunk into oblivion. Now you can buy absolutely everything on the Internet, from paper clips by the piece, to large appliances or uninhabited islands. And in order to take advantage of this opportunity, it is not necessary to spend a huge amount of time on the road, stand in traffic jams or go to another country to negotiate. It is enough to connect your computer to the Internet, open the site and place an order.

3. The Internet expands the circle of communication.

The Internet offers users the opportunity to show themselves and their talents to the world. Newspapers and bulletin boards at stops have now been replaced by social networks, forums, discussions and comments under current news. This is how the Internet affects a person: it simplifies all processes, up to finding a company for the evening, friends with narrow interests or a partner for life. This great way search for new acquaintances and profitable contacts. Undoubtedly, it can fill people's lives with new emotions, and even save someone from loneliness.

4. Stay up to date with the latest news.

The Internet always publishes the latest news from around the world. Today, users can not only learn about events and incidents on a global scale, but also view the air temperature outside the window in their city or check the state of traffic on the roads.

These are just the main benefits of how the Internet affects a person. But, do not forget that the needs of people are different. Someone goes to the Internet to download a new software application, someone picks up documentation related to professional activities. An incredible amount of information can be found on the web. And this is undoubtedly a positive impact of the Internet on a person. But where there is an opportunity for growth, development and gaining knowledge, there will inevitably be a place for danger, deceit, and psychological problems.

The negative impact of the Internet

The advantages of the Internet, whatever one may say, are many, otherwise it would not have gained such popularity. Unfortunately, in addition to the benefits, the Internet has brought to life modern people and many negatives.

1. The main disadvantage of the Internet is the creation of an illusion.

The essence of the people in the network very often comes out. Therefore, on the Internet, you can easily find anonymous clubs of suicides, drug addicts and other dysfunctional individuals. In such clubs, you can learn how to take drugs or create weapons. And, unfortunately, the participants will not get anything for it. Such communication via the Internet will only bring problems and disappointment.

2. Forbidden films.

Another negative influence of the Internet is the huge number of pornographic sites. Do not confuse such videos with erotic films for adults, which can be purchased in city stores. We are talking about perverted videos that are not always adequately perceived by teenagers and people with a sick psyche.

3. Impunity.

According to psychotherapists, people who spend most of the day on the Internet experience difficulties with communication in life. They have low self-esteem and are very shy, they do not adapt well in society. Such people feel completely safe on the Internet. They know that they will not be punished for rash comments or for using obscene language with opponents. As a result of such actions, there is a negative impact of the Internet on society as a whole.

4. Health.

Listing negative sides influence of the Internet on a person, one should not forget about health. Vision, hearing, cardiovascular system of regular users of the global network always suffer. Virtual communication, games and watching entertainment videos have a negative impact on society. Especially when it comes to children.

5. Internet addiction.

And yet, the Internet is “addictive”. Some people lose interest in life if they do not have an Internet connection. There is a feeling of emptiness, irritability and depression. Arises. People who spend a lot of time on the Internet may begin to lie to their family members, colleagues or friends. They feel the feeling of euphoria and pleasure only when they open their favorite sites or launch games.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the influence of the Internet on modern society, cannot be assessed unambiguously. Each person is responsible for his life, therefore, he must independently control his behavior and, in case of negative symptoms, pay attention to this influence.

Timur Bekmambetov's Bazelevs film company, together with VKontakte and RuTube, launched. For two weeks now, 8 people have completely replaced real life with a virtual one: they live in a closed space with a minimum set of clothes, food and water - and without money. They earn money by completing the tasks of the audience. "Afisha" turned to a doctor and a psychologist who are watching the characters, who are locked in the rooms, for answers to the most pressing questions.

Maria Zatulovskaya, producer: “The idea of ​​“On Screen” was born by Timur Bekmambetov even before the release of the film, which was also filmed in the screen share format. We began to develop this idea, tweaked the format together with director Alexei Repnikov and creative producers Natalia Kapustina and Victoria Repnikova. We focused on the chat forum as a familiar format for viewers of online broadcasts. We moved gradually. Much has changed when we added interactivity to the site, made it playable, added tasks.

The project is completely unpredictable. In my opinion, this is the first reality show in which reality is shaped by the audience on the air. They not only give tasks and vote for them, thus forming the content, but also constantly communicate directly with the participants - tell them what is happening on the screens of other guys, suggest how to complete the tasks. Every day we have some surprises - in fact, everything is changing right now. We are constantly finding some new solutions to how the dialogue with the audience should be set up. How should the day of heroes be built. What content should they create. It's a very living organism."

The influence of the Internet on personality

Olga Kuznetsova, psychologist of the On Screen project: From the point of view of psychology, a complete withdrawal into virtual reality leads to a loss of emotional empathy, emotional emasculation. If there is the right balance between online and offline communication, then this, most likely, does not affect the psyche in any way. But this is the ideal situation. The world is becoming virtual, and the Internet is now our new reality.

Modern man often loses the ability to dialogue. On the Internet, we do not need to immediately respond to witty or offensive comments of the interlocutor. We can think, weigh everything, and then respond or ignore the message altogether. This significantly reduces the anxiety that is present in live communication, because you can get away from an unpleasant conversation. This makes online communication less honest and more limited. We can learn something objective: political and religious views interlocutor, for example. But otherwise, we are easily deceived by some, for example, a funny emoticon. After all, we do not hear intonation, we do not see facial expressions. Perhaps, only with a very close person, we can relatively accurately predict the course of thoughts, reactions and actions. But even in this case, communication remains within the framework of the world of our fantasies.

How social networks, chats and instant messengers affect offline communication

Olga Kuznetsova: It is unlikely that Internet communication will greatly affect an adult with a formed model of behavior, which cannot be said about teenagers and people with a mobile psyche, who may well be affected by such a manner of communication. As a rule, the consequences can be sad: up to the loss of a sense of responsibility for their words.

Here we get a vicious circle. A person goes online, he watches the cat of some blogger, and is not interested in the affairs of friends and relatives. This is such a saving escape from reality, from the unbearable sensations from contacts with other people who constantly owe something. People sit in social networks, play online games, turn off their brains and run into the world of their fantasies.

How strong is the influence of public opinion on the network

Olga Kuznetsova: Everyone reacts to negative comments, but everyone experiences it differently. Someone avoids certain resources, someone is rude and swears. Unpleasant emotions affect everyone. Even, for example, Sergey Shnurov, who says that he does not care about the reaction on the network, would hardly have made such statements if his clips had not collected 2 million views per day. If there is no instant feedback, then it saddens sometimes even more.

How specific Internet humor affects the psyche

Olga Kuznetsova: The Internet does not teach morality. Ideas about what is good and what is bad, a person receives from the family, and the Internet will not be able to influence this. Therefore, it is very important for an adult not to conflict with the interests of the child, but to integrate into his hobbies, be with him and share values, teach him to finish what he has started, and not rush to different tasks (this, by the way, is very typical for clip thinking).

The formation of clip thinking and a decrease in the ability to memorize

Olga Kuznetsova: Clip thinking has become our reality thanks to social networks and the Internet. The brain gets used to quickly receiving information in small portions. Modern teenagers for the most part, they read and are interested in what they see in their social media feeds. It's convenient, fast, spontaneous and very affordable. The percentage of read articles found through search engines is much less than those found on VKontakte or Facebook.
However, if we are talking about the already formed type of thinking, then new technologies affect to a much lesser extent and will not change its essence.

In addition, addiction to search engines reduces the ability to remember. In order for bodily memory to form, it is necessary physical exercise. If we do not train memory, then it does not develop. This is especially reflected in people with clip thinking, who, instead of memorizing something, quickly find what they need on the network. Also, clip thinking assumes that a person receives information in a dosed manner, and this does not strengthen memory. Remember school: you could read a paragraph of text, learn it, tell it in class and immediately forget it; but if you have read a whole chapter, then, as a rule, you nevertheless took something out of it, which means that you are unlikely to forget it quickly.

What if you completely abandon real life for the sake of virtual

Olga Kuznetsova: Too active involvement in social networks can lead to the loss of live communication skills. These skills are mostly practiced only in real life, and active virtual life atrophies them. Socialization problems may result: inability to communicate, lack of real friends. Empathy and emotional reactions may also decrease: after all, on the Internet you do not need to blush and quickly answer questions. Since actions in the network have almost no irreversible consequences, a person will not be able to assess the degree of risk from his actions to himself and others. This means that he will not be able to adequately evaluate his own behavior.

Work on the Internet from home in terms of psychology

Olga Kuznetsova: Freelance work is not for everyone. Someone copes well, for someone Groundhog Day comes - within four walls at a computer in a dressing gown and without much joy about it. For many people, rituality is important: get up in the morning, drink coffee, get dressed and go to work, where there is communication with colleagues, smoke breaks, planning meetings, not always needed meetings and scheduled lunches. The lack of rituals and change of scenery often leads to the development of depression. Not so long ago, it was fashionable to quit your job “for your uncle”, leave the office to implement your own projects. But then a whole wave of people arose who dreamed of returning to a measured and stable office life.

How internet addiction is formed

Olga Kuznetsova: There is different variants formation of Internet addiction. Let me tell you about two main ones. First, social media irritates our pleasure centers. We rejoice when someone comments on our smart posts or likes our pictures. Therefore, we, like Pavlov's dog, come to the Internet again and again in order to get the attention that we lack in our real world.

Secondly, the Internet and social networks are like a kind of chewing gum for our brain, which gets used to constant information flow. It is difficult for us to stop: we need changing information. We need to twist and chew something new all the time. Otherwise, our brain gets nervous. We do not think about our problems, but fill the resulting vacuum with empty news. This is a way to relieve anxiety and escape from reality. Someone gnaws seeds, someone aimlessly scrolls through the Instagram feed, someone bursts soap bubbles in a game about a frog and sorts fruits on an iPhone.

One of the participants in the show "On the Screen" before the project almost did not surf the Internet and did not communicate on social networks. Now he is happy, because new opportunities have opened up before him. The Internet still gives a huge amount of bonuses. We can communicate with people in New York, Paris or Prague without leaving our room in Teply Stan. It’s easier for us to say no or say something unpleasant when we don’t see the other person. We send a message - and the job is done.

Physiological changes with excessive interest in the Internet

Roman Fishkin, doctor, vascular surgeon: You are sitting at the computer and, perhaps, will spend more than one hour at the screen. Already watery and red eyes, the lines are floating, and the back is aching. Sitting at a computer for a long time causes fatigue and pain in the shoulders, but this is not the most big trouble which may be waiting for you. Fatigue can be relieved by getting up and stretching. Sitting at a computer for a long time can threaten the development of quite serious pathologies on the part of the musculoskeletal system and organs of vision. In addition, a sedentary lifestyle threatens to overweight and delicate diseases - such as hemorrhoids. I would divide the evil that the computer brings to our health into several groups.


From constant sitting in front of the monitor, vision may decrease and the so-called false myopia may form. Small vibration of the text and flickering of the screen overloads the muscles of the eyes, and this leads to a gradual decrease in visual acuity. When working at a computer, the blinking frequency of the eyes decreases by about a third, due to which there is a partial drying of the tear fluid film, which is the cause of the development of the so-called dry eye syndrome - this is the most common disease of people working at a computer. Fatigue, photophobia, pain, a feeling of mote in the eye, accompanied by itching, burning, irritation and redness of the eyes, are all symptoms of dry eye syndrome.


When you work on a computer, you long time sit in one position. This leads to a constant load on some muscle groups and to a constant absence of it on other muscle groups. The lack of load on the back muscles leads to their degradation, and since the metabolism in the spine occurs with their help, accordingly, it is also disturbed, as a result, degradation (destruction) of the intervertebral discs occurs - osteochondrosis. It is also worth noting that in a sitting position, the load on the intervertebral discs is much greater than in a standing or lying position. Thus, all these negative factors can cause the appearance of a herniated disc, and it can cause pain in the head, limbs and internal organs depending on its location.

Small pelvis

One of the problems for people who just like to sit at the computer is the stagnation of blood in the pelvic area - these are the genitals, rectum and urinary system. This can lead to the development of such unpleasant and sensitive issues, as hemorrhoids, prostatitis, cystitis and sexual impotence in men, and in women - the development of disorders menstrual cycle, sexual dysfunction and infertility.

All this is not as scary as it seems, and many problems can be avoided if you do gymnastics for the body and eyes once an hour, as well as monitor your physical and mental health.

Olga Kuznetsova: Now people have the opportunity not to sit constantly at the computer, but to go online from mobile devices - tablets and phones. It relieves a number of back problems, for example. But the fact that we cannot tear ourselves away from the Internet in principle thanks to these gadgets affects our fatigue. The brain is terribly overloaded, tired and stressed. We are in a constant flow of information and cannot get out of it and relax even on vacation.