Yellow smoke torch. Smoke torch with check white Violation of the terms of the user agreement

  • 15.05.2019

Colored smoke torches are products that are widely represented in the assortment of the Derzhava online store. It is in high demand among tourists, hunters, active fans, organizers of paintball and airsoft battles. We offer you to buy a yellow smoke torch produced by the Ural Pyrotechnic Plant inexpensively at the best price.

Features of the presented colored smoke plume

The proposed smoke bomb provides the formation of a persistent and highly visible cloud of bright yellow smoke. Therefore, the use of such a device will be most effective in daytime days. It can be used to create unusual visual effects, and to send a distress signal from the water or on land.

Technical characteristics of the smoke torch:

  • actuation - pulling out the cord;
  • body dimensions - 20.5x3.5 cm;
  • operating time - 20 s;
  • special effect - yellow smoke.

Please note that the pyrotechnic device shown can only be used on open areas territory. The radius of the hazardous area of ​​action of a colored smoke plume is 0.5 m.

You can place an order for the presented products in one click. If necessary, our managers will provide you with consulting support.

Colored smoke, smoke torch blue, smoke grenade UPZ. Operating time about 30 sec. The body of the torch is made of thick glued cardboard. The scope of the torch is very extensive. The smoke torch is designed to create colored smoke and can be used for a variety of purposes. Colored smoke is non-toxic. The difference between Chelyabinsk smoke bombs is the high density of smoke.

Torches are very popular with football fans and wedding organizers.

Tourists use colorful smoke bombs to mark a place for a group to gather, or to call for help in difficult situation. Torches are used in sports and military games - paintball, airsoft as a means of communication between teams and to simulate a gas attack or a grenade explosion. Torches are very popular with football fans and wedding organizers.

The undoubted advantage of torches manufactured by Ural Pyrotechnic Plant LLC is that when they are activated, it is not necessary to light a match or lighter. It is enough to pull the ring with a sharp movement. To avoid errors when starting the torch, read the instructions on the product label.

Video: Torch of blue smoke.

Take the torch in your hand with the cap up. Tear off the lid by the loop, carefully remove the cord with the ring. Holding the torch by the handle (the handle is a hollow cardboard tube marked "Hold here!"), pull the cord with a sharp jerk along the axis of the torch away from you. Hold a burning torch in the wind at an angle of 45-75 ° to the horizon on an outstretched arm. After the end of the torch, extinguish the cardboard case.


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Delivery and Payment in Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road)

1-3 working days, from 9.00 to 21.00, on weekends we deliver.

There is a possibility of self-delivery, only after placing an order (Teply Stan area).

Delivery in Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road) 350 rubles.

It is possible to choose the delivery time interval.

Convenient time and date of delivery is negotiated with the store manager after placing the order.

Payment - in cash upon receipt. Sberbank, Yandex.Money, Qiwi - payment before receipt, after order confirmation.

The minimum order amount is 1000 rubles.


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