Juniper planting in the spring - selection, step-by-step guide and plant care. We grow juniper in the summer cottage How to plant juniper in the spring in the country

  • 15.06.2019
Juniper: planting and care open ground

A place for planting is preferably sunny, as junipers do not grow well in the shade and lose their decorative effect. Some species tolerate partial shade. It is recommended to plant juniper in open ground in May, when the soil warms up enough. Seedlings grown at home can also be transplanted "before winter", but before the onset of frost - in early or mid-October.

The depth of the planting hole is 70 cm, the root neck should be placed above the ground. The distance that it is desirable to observe between plants depends on the type of crop: from 0.5 m (short species) to 1.5-2 m (tall).

It is recommended to observe the following composition of the substrate: sand (1 part), turf (1 part), peat (2 parts), the ratios can vary depending on the composition of the soil. Be sure to prepare high-quality drainage from sand and fragments of bricks with a layer of up to 20 cm, juniper does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Detailed information on growing juniper in the country can be found in our article.

Top dressing is optional, since junipers are undemanding to the nutritional value of the soil. If desired, you can fertilize in the spring with "Kemira wagon" (20 g per bucket of water), or nitroammophos (30-40 g per 1 sq.m) to stimulate development. Some species, such as Cossack juniper, grow better if lime is added to the soil.

Most types of juniper are drought-resistant, but feel better in normal humidity conditions. Junipers of average and ordinary are especially sensitive to droughts. Therefore, plants need watering, two to three times over the summer will be enough. Abundant irrigation of the above-ground part will also not interfere, once a week is enough, preferably in the evening.

Junipers do not need loosening the soil. Shallow processing of the top layer of soil during weeding will be enough.

Mulch with peat, chips, or bark, do it once, when planting. Heat-loving species - annually pour mulch in late autumn. In the spring, the mulching material is removed from the root collar to prevent it from damping out.

Junipers do not need shelter for the winter, except perhaps in the first winter after planting in open ground.

Pruning - both sanitary and forming are possible. There are no fixed deadlines for its implementation.

Junipers are highly decorative, do not require complex care and special conditions for growing. It is important to initially properly prepare the soil, and in the future - just follow the timely fertilizer, and so that the juniper plantings do not thicken.

If you grow juniper in the country, you will probably be interested in how to cook from it

Juniper is blown, and high-grade seeds with good germination ripens a little. Collect seeds in the second year of the plant's life, when the berries are just beginning to darken. This usually happens in September. After the berries darken completely, the seeds will go dormant and will not sprout quickly.

Find a suitable site where you plant juniper. The soil must be fertile and loose. Make furrows in it two centimeters deep, compact their bottom. Sow the seeds in these furrows and cover with humus. Mulch this entire bed with peat or sawdust with a layer of one centimeter. Such procedures will not allow the seeds to dry out and help them sprout at the time of germination.

Can pre-seed juniper in boxes with fertile soil. In winter, take out the boxes for storage in the air under the snow. There, the seeds should stand for about 130 days. In the spring, plant the seeds that have overwintered in this way in the area intended for them. Just wait for shoots next year.

Behind the crops juniper care in the same way as you care for the rest of the seedlings. Weed, loosen the soil and water it so that the soil with crops is slightly damp. 3-4 years, before planting in a permanent place, seedlings juniper must sit in one place. Every autumn, mulch the ground with humus sprouts so that its layer is four centimeters thick.

Juniper bears fruit after 5-10 years of life. Gather berries using a piece of cloth spread under the plant bush. Just shake the juniper and the berries will fall. Dry the crop in the shade and use in the preparation of kvass, beer, liqueur, syrup and other dishes.

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Juniper- small evergreen trees or shrubs with scaly or needle-shaped needles. The genus of this plant has more than 70 varieties. Such a spectacular and fragrant shrub will decorate the facade of any suburban area, especially since it is absolutely unpretentious in its care.


When planting a plant, leave a distance of 1.5-2 m for tall forms, and 0.5-1 m for low and medium-sized shrubs. Directly hold the earthy lump of juniper for about 2 hours in water, to which you can add a little potassium permanganate.

Prepare a planting hole 2-3 times larger than the size of the earthen coma and root system. Be sure to make a drainage layer at the bottom. To do this, mix sand and broken brick in equal proportions and cover the resulting mixture with a thickness of 15-20 cm. Cover the juniper roots with special soil. To prepare it, mix 1 part sand, 1 part soddy soil and 2 parts peat. Juniper plant so that the root neck is slightly higher than the pit itself. If the plant is very young, then it should be on the same level with the ground.

When caring for juniper, remember what benefits this plant will bring to you. An adult shrub evaporates useful phytoncides, which has a beneficial effect on environment and clean air. And the cones (berries) of plants have been widely used in folk culture since ancient times. Branches and roots are also used in the manufacture of various decoctions and tinctures. Juniper is no less popular in cooking - it is used as a spice.

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If you have visited the Crimea at least once, then most likely you have caught yourself thinking about how easy and free it is to breathe when you are near an evergreen coniferous shrub called juniper. And it turns out that you can make your breathing easier at home. Fortunately, there are a great many varieties of this plant (about 70 species), and due to natural weather disasters, the average annual temperature allows you to grow juniper, as they say, without leaving your home.

You will need

  • - juniper
  • - soil
  • - wood chips or peat
  • - water
  • - place to land
  • - shovel


To get the best juniper transplant result, you need to choose the right place in which your "inhaler" will grow. It should be sufficiently lit, should not have other plants in your garden nearby - the juniper does not like closely nestled neighbors. The optimal distance from other plants is from 0.5 to 2 m. The place should be chosen taking into account the future growth of the plant and be a permanent habitat for it, since the juniper does not tolerate frequent transplants.

The plant itself can be purchased at special landscape design stores, but there is an easier way: just dig up the plant you like in the forest, meadow or edge. At the same time, the plant must be dug up, capturing some land around it for better acclimatization in a new place.

If a teenage plant is transplanted, it is better to plant the planting procedure at the end of winter. Since the rhizome of the juniper is pivotal, it is impossible to dig out the plant without hitting the root. But in winter, a frozen clod of earth will not damage the root system. Large, adult plants are still not recommended to be transplanted - it is likely that they will not acclimatize and they will simply die.


Juniper is resistant to many pests and diseases, but one type of rust fungus can still develop on needles. To combat this pest, immediately after the appearance of rust on the needles, spray the plant with fungicides, repeating the procedure twice in 15 days.

600 03/10/2019 6 min.

Juniper - coniferous ornamental shrub, slightly reminiscent of . This plant makes a wonderful decoration. garden landscape giving it zest and charm. In addition, the special phytoncides that juniper exudes can make the air around healing. Both fruits and juniper needles are useful - prepared drugs from these parts of the shrub can get rid of many diseases.

But the main value is, of course, decorative. In the article, we will consider the features of growing juniper in the open field: we will find out how to plant a plant, and how best to take care of it later. In addition, we will find out what is the specifics of growing juniper in Siberia.


A wonderful plant is very much appreciated by gardeners and landscape designers for its decorativeness, versatility, indispensability in various compositions. In addition, the shrub is very frost-resistant - it can withstand up to -60 degrees. This circumstance makes it possible to grow it even in the conditions of the Far North and Siberia.

The plant exudes healing phytoncides that, when inhaled regularly, can relieve lung diseases, asthma, allergies, and other diseases.

Juniper begins to bear fruit, on average, 10 years after planting, sometimes a little earlier. Berries of a characteristic blue hue ripen only on "female" individuals. Juniper cannot boast of a frequent harvest: the berries ripen only once every 3-4 years.

It is most convenient to collect them by spreading a film or dense fabric under the shrub and shaking the plant. Medicinal drugs are prepared from the berries, syrups and even jam are cooked. And when dried, they turn into a spicy seasoning that gives a pleasant taste. meat dishes. In addition, juniper fruits can be used to make an excellent alcoholic tincture that has unique healing qualities. But what juniper seeds look like, you can see in the photo

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Juniper is an evergreen shrub, which makes it possible to make the garden attractive at any time of the year. In height, the plant reaches from half a meter to 19-20 meters. But very tall species are rarely grown in gardens, as they are not very decorative. But what the Chinese juniper Blue Alps looks like, and how good such a plant looks in the garden, you can see on

Juniper is used in the backyard landscape for both single and group plantings, as well as for creating hedges and alpine slides.

Location selection

We will find out on which part of the garden the juniper will feel best.

The plant loves sunny clearings, so find an appropriate site for it on the south side of the garden. Although some of its species may be quite adapted to life in the shade. However, constant shading negatively affects the decorative qualities of the plant, so it is better to avoid such areas after all. Growing in the shade leads to the fact that the needles of the plant become not dark green, but faded, inexpressive, mottled.

The plant loves clean air, so it will be best to feel in nature: outside the city, in the country. In a gassed and dusty urban environment, juniper is unlikely to please with an outstanding decorative effect.

As for the soil, the shrub can adapt to any kind of land substrate. In this regard, the plant is undemanding. It is advisable not to plant juniper in the immediate vicinity of the walls of the house. Since in this case, snow falling from the roof can break the branches of the plant. But how the Blue Chip juniper is planted will help to understand the information from this


The best time to plant juniper is early spring. The hole must be dug in advance, and its volume should be approximately 2-3 times larger than the diameter of the most widely spread roots.

Please note that the seedling is not too large and tall: such "adult" specimens do not take root well, they often get sick after transplantation. In addition, it is almost impossible to dig out of the ground without damaging the roots of an adult plant. Best to choose small size compact seedling with strong, healthy roots.

For a young seedling, a 1mx1m square pit is enough. Deep into such a hole should go about half a meter. Make sure that the size of the hole exceeds the volume of the earthy coma by about 2-3 times. A layer of drainage must be placed at the bottom of the excavated pit. And in this article you can see

On the video - how the juniper is planted:

The seedling must be well watered, and then, after softening the earthy coma, carefully remove the plant from it. It is necessary to bury the seedling so that its root neck is no deeper than the previous level of deepening.

As for the soil for shrubs, it is important that sand and peat be present in it: this will make the soil more loose and suitable for evergreen shrubs. However, if you have a juniper of the virgin variety, then, on the contrary, it needs heavy clay soil. But this is rather an exception.

After the seedling is in the ground, it must be watered and mulched on top with sawdust or peat. Juniper mulching can also be done with wood chips, bark. Shell pine nuts, as well as chopped coniferous cones are also suitable. The thickness of the mulching layer is 5-10 cm.

When planting plants in a group, leave a distance of half a meter to four meters between seedlings: this distance is chosen depending on the height of an adult plant of this variety. Keep in mind that the plant does not like to be in close proximity: it needs "personal space".

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You may also be interested to know which one is the most popular.

How to care

The plant, in general, is unpretentious in care. You can even say that special care is not required at all. But consider, all the same, the main points for the care of juniper.

In the first year after planting, a young seedling must be watered regularly, but as the plant matures, this procedure can also be eliminated.

Watering an adult plant is recommended only in dry summers, and even then infrequently: once a month will be enough. But with such a rare watering, it is recommended to spray the needles of the shrub - in this case, it will always delight with its decorative effect, freshness and a beautiful dark green tint. You can spray juniper from a garden shower. It is recommended to carry out the procedure only in dry summers, and at a time when the sun is just rising or already setting: this precaution will avoid burning out the juniper needles. As one of the means proper care the plant can be properly watered, but this information will help you understand how to install a pop-up sprinkler for watering

On the video - how to care for juniper:

If there are especially hot days outside, it is advisable to shade the juniper, since its needles can turn yellow and crumble from intense sunlight.

The plant requires rare but periodic weeding. However, you can minimize the frequency of this procedure by simply mulching the roots.

Before the first winter, young juniper, and especially its roots, are recommended to be covered with spruce branches or some kind of mulching component on top. After the winter is over and it gets warmer, it is imperative to move the winter mulch layer away from the plant trunk: this will prevent root rot.

In the spring, juniper must also be covered with burlap from the sun until its branches dry out. Otherwise, the scorching rays can literally burn the needles wet from winter snow.

The juniper does not need top dressing, however, in the spring it is possible to apply nitroammophoska to the root circle. At the same time, make sure that the root circle corresponds to the diameter of the crown. Nitroammophos should be made at the rate of 45 grams per square meter. meter. And if the soil is very poor, then during the summer you can fertilize the plant with additional mineral or organic nutrient compounds: no more than once a month. But if the shrub grows well and looks great, then even in the case of poor soil, there is no need to feed.

The plant does not require shearing, as the juniper grows in height and width rather slowly. However, it is advisable to remove dried and lost decorative branches so that the plant has an aesthetic appearance. If you want to form a beautiful decorative crown, then pruning is still needed. But do not immediately cut a lot of branches, because after that the juniper can get sick.

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As for diseases, juniper is practically not susceptible to them. However, pests can attack it: spider mites, moths, aphids, juniper sawfly. Special insecticides will help to cope with this scourge. Experienced gardeners recommend not planting Cossack juniper next to an apple tree, as this fruit tree rust can pass to the bush.

The plant should not be transplanted unless absolutely necessary. Juniper does not like this procedure very much, and there is no guarantee that it will take root in a new place. Therefore, it is recommended to immediately choose for him a place suitable in all respects, where he will not interfere. He will have to grow in one area for many years, so do not rush to choose a place, and think carefully.

Juniper - amazing plant. Juniper trees and shrubs stay green all year round, under favorable weather conditions, they can grow up to 3000 years. Juniper oil has long been used to treat and prevent tuberculosis, various skin diseases, and asthma. The aroma of juniper branches has a beneficial effect on nervous system helps relieve stress. That is why, and also due to the effective appearance plants, juniper trees and shrubs are actively used in landscape design and design of the urban environment.

Choosing a place to land
Juniper is a photophilous plant. This means that it should not be planted in the shade of buildings and tall trees. It is best to plant juniper in an open, sunny place so that its crown is well lit at any time of the day. However, if there are such places on your suburban area a little, you can try planting common juniper (veres). Veres tolerates winter cold well and reacts less painfully to lack of sunlight.

When to plant?
As the others coniferous plants, juniper does not like excessively wet soil. Therefore, it is best to plant it from April to May. If the autumn turned out to be dry, then you can try to plant a juniper in the country in late August - early September. But not all plants planted in the fall are guaranteed to survive until next spring, so it's best not to risk it.

Step by step landing instructions

  1. Prepare the landing hole. If you plan to plant several plants at once, which will be located close to each other, then be sure to measure the distance: between juniper bushes it should be at least 50 cm, between juniper tree seedlings - at least 1.5 m.

    In size, the pit should be 2 to 3 times larger than the earthen ball with the root system of the plant. At the bottom of the pit, there is necessarily a drainage layer about 20 cm thick, consisting of sand and crushed stone (you can also use broken bricks), mixed in a 1: 1 ratio.

  2. To properly plant juniper, you need to prepare seedlings. To do this, an earthen ball with roots is lowered into a container of water for 2 hours before disembarking. It is useful to add a little potassium permanganate to the water.
  3. After placing the roots of the plant in the planting hole, cover them with the soil mixture prepared in advance. It consists of sand, turf and peat (proportions - 1:1:2, respectively). The root neck of the plant should be slightly above the boundaries of the pit. If you are planting a very young seedling, then the root neck is flush with the ground.
Watering and care
Juniper grows quite slowly. Special fertilizers can help it develop more actively: nitroammophoska (30 - 40 g per 1 m²) and Kemira Universal (20 g per 10 l of water). It is advisable to use them when watering every spring.

In the first year after planting, the soil must be loosened. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system. You can add a little peat, shells to the soil pine nuts or pine bark (shredded).

In summer, juniper should be watered only in very dry and hot weather, no more than 2 - 3 times for the entire season. About 10 to 30 liters of water is consumed per adult plant. You can also spray it from a spray bottle (no more than 1 time per week).

Already the one that grows nearby. When you inhale the resinous aroma, the soul sings and rejoices. I could not understand: why do I have such sensations? - until I found out that juniper, it turns out, purifies the air around it, killing pathogenic microbes. It calms the nervous system, relieves headache and contributes good sleep.

Juniper Features

Juniper is a long-lived evergreen tree or shrub of the cypress family, from half a meter to 20 meters high. Depending on the species, its branches are decorated with scaly needles or straight needles. It happens to be a sprawling shrub with flexible branches on which you can sit like on a carpet. It can be tree-like, with a lush pyramidal or cone-shaped crown.

Juniper has same-sex flowers: female, in the form of round greenish cones, and male, in the form of catkins with 3 or 4 stamens. It flowers in June and bears fruit from August to September. cone berries juniper contains loose brownish pulp, which is widely used for medicinal purposes. In general, juniper is a forest inhabitant of the northern regions. But it is successfully grown on suburban areas. After all, in addition to medicinal properties and incomparable smell, he is surprisingly beautiful and is able to decorate absolutely any place with his person.

After reading about this decorative healer, I wanted to plant a juniper in my dacha, and I already chose a place. And in order not to forget the rules of planting and care, I will describe them here, maybe it will come in handy for you))

juniper planting

The juniper sapling should be 3 or 4 years old. Planting and / or transplanting a plant is carried out in April - May.

They plant it with a clod of earth, trying not to damage it:

  1. The hole is prepared twice as deep as the height of the seedling itself.
  2. Then the plant is carefully placed there, and the earthen ball should rise 8-10 cm above the soil.
  3. After planting, the seedling is watered abundantly and covered with any "breathing": peat, withered foliage, even with ordinary newspapers and / or cloth. The mulch layer should be 10-12 cm high.
  4. In addition, a coniferous baby needs periodic spraying of the crown.
  5. Although juniper is picky, for better survival of seedlings, it is still better to replace the soil with a nutrient mixture: soddy soil, peat and sand in a ratio of 2: 1: 1: 2 parts of the earth and one part of peat and sand.
  6. When planting in the soil, it is good to add 200-300 grams - a universal fertilizer that is suitable for almost all garden and vegetable crops.
  7. When planting juniper seedlings on loamy soils, it is advisable to first do drainage(withdrawal ground water) from , large or broken .
  8. If you are doing group planting, then the distance between seedlings should be from 1.5 to 4 m, taking into account the size of the plant in adulthood.
All types of juniper are not particularly demanding on the soil, it can grow both on sandstones and on rocky ground, however, for full growth, it is preferable to use highly or medium-fertile ones.

You will find juniper seeds and seedlings in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores.

Juniper Common "Green Carpet", 5 pcs. 76 rub LOOK

Juniper hard-seed, 3 pcs. 60 rub LOOK

Juniper Rocky, 5 pcs. 52 rub LOOK

Juniper Common "Arnold", 5 pcs. 60 rub LOOK

juniper care

Caring for juniper is not at all problematic. In the spring, nitroammofoska is poured into the soil: 40-50 grams per square meter. meter. You can not make any more, but if you still want to feed your pet, do it in moderation, no more than once a month. Juniper is very drought-resistant, but periodically needs it if the summer is dry. He loves spraying the crown very much, it is better to spray him once every ten days: in the early morning or late evening.

Juniper does not need, only in spring and autumn, dried or broken branches should be removed. But if you form from it, then, of course, protruding shoots should be cut.

This member of the Cypress family is quite frost-resistant, but seedlings of the first year of planting should be covered for the winter. If an adult plant has a spreading crown, then for the winter the branches of the crown must be tied with twine.

juniper species

And now I present to you three popular types of juniper:

Withstands any adverse conditions. It grows as a multi-stemmed tree up to 18 m high or as a spreading shrub up to 6 m high (depending on the variety). Branching is chaotic, spreading, blooms with yellow and light green flowers. Cone berries are blue-black, with viscous healing pulp, their ripening period is 2 years.

The common juniper has tall ornamental varieties:

  • "Pendula" - up to 5 meters high, with an elegant weeping crown;
  • slender "Echinoformis" up to 4 meters high, with a crown in the form of a lush ball;
  • columnar tree "Goldcone", etc.
lovers low creeping shrubs can choose from the following varieties of juniper: low "Hornybrook" with flattened shoots, shrouded in silver-green needles, or dwarf "Nana Aurea" with densely curly branches.

Daurian juniper is undemanding to the soil and easily tolerates frost and drought. It has been successfully used in our gardens. ornamental variety"Expanza" up to half a meter high, with light green needles, growing strongly in breadth (up to 3 meters).

On thick, flexible branches, there are both scaly needles and long needles. The tips of the young shoots are slightly raised by powerful flexible branches and form a lush hemisphere, which gives the "Expanza" a unique charm.

Caucasian juniper, or long-leaved (Juniperus oblonga)

Caucasian juniper is most often represented by a shrub up to one and a half meters high, less often by a tall tree.

It has scaly needles, saturated essential oils. Moths do not like this smell very much. A sprig of coniferous "Caucasian" in the closet will save your belongings from this harmful insect. Caucasian juniper has several varieties, the most popular of which are:

  • "Tamaristsofoli" - a shrub with thin needles of a silver-gray color;
  • "Erekta" - a tree up to 2 m high with a pyramidal crown;
  • "Variegata" is a creeping shrub with yellow-white tips of needles.
Decorative varieties of Caucasian juniper fit perfectly into the exterior of a country house.

All types of juniper have excellent healing properties, and many of them are listed in the Red Book.