Roses alphabetically. Roses (39 photos): Varieties of roses with photos and variety names

  • 16.06.2019

One of the most beloved and common flowers is roses, not for nothing called the queen of flowers. These luxurious flowers at first sight conquer with their tenderness, beauty and incredible aroma. A well-groomed rose garden can be a great decoration for any garden or flower bed. When choosing plants for your site, you need to study in advance information about rose varieties with photos and names in order to choose the most suitable ones. With the right choice of variety, as well as providing seedlings suitable conditions, you can become the proud owner of a luxurious flower garden filled with an atmosphere of romance and passion.

Around the 12th century, the first examples of Asian roses appeared in Europe, with which breeders began to work. Since that time, the number of species of the queen of flowers began to increase extremely rapidly. Breeders improved the original samples, giving them the abilities necessary for the European climate, including winter hardiness. In Russia, these flowers began to gain popularity much later - in the 17th century. Beautiful shrubs served as decorations for manor estates, and eventually spread throughout the country.

Due to the variety of species and the relative ease of care, roses grew well in both open field, and indoors, thereby winning the glory of the most popular flower.

Variety of species

Being such a common and sought-after plant, the rose was not deprived of the attention of breeders; during the work, new species and varieties were bred in large numbers. Each of them has its own characteristics and requirements, which allows you to grow them in a variety of areas and create unusual compositions by selecting suitable varieties.

Hybrid Tea

This species is a hybrid obtained by crossing remontant and tea. The very first varietal representative of this species is La France, bred back in 1867 by the French selector Guyot.

Hybrid tea varieties favorably differed from all known previous varieties and types of roses. Even today, despite the ongoing work to improve the quality, he continues to occupy a leading position. It is he who is most often used for decorating flower beds, creating rose gardens and for cutting.

All varieties of hybrid tea roses are distinguished by a wide variety of colors, elegant shape, large flowers (about 10-14 cm in diameter). Terry rose flowers grow singly or are collected in small inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. Low bushes can reach 60-80 cm.

Varieties of hybrid tea roses:

  • Gloria Dei;
  • Gloria Dei Cl (climbing tea form);
  • Picadilli;
  • Irena;
  • Lady Rose;
  • Berolina.

When growing hybrid tea varieties in Moscow, the bushes bloom at the end of June, flowering is plentiful, and can last until late autumn. This species is considered less winter-hardy than remontants, however, with proper shelter, they are able to overwinter in middle lane no loss.

Floribunda "Bonica 82"

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Danish breeder Paulsen brought out a new hybrid species - hybrid-polyanthus (the result of crossing polyanthus and hybrid tea roses). Representatives of this species inherited their best qualities from their "parents" - the size, shape of rose flowers, the nature of the inflorescence, stability. This type of roses was represented by a large number of varieties that were extremely popular.

As a result of further crossing of hybrid-polyanthus with hybrid tea roses, varieties were obtained, combined into one species - Floribunda. Then, those varieties began to be attributed to this species, which, in terms of the shape and structure of flowers, were an intermediate option between polyanthus and hybrid tea roses.

Varieties of Floribunda are distinguished by a wide variety of colors, and some even surpass hybrid tea in brightness. Single, semi-double and double rose flowers vary in shape from flat cupped to graceful goblet. Their size is somewhat smaller than that of hybrid tea and can reach 4-8 cm in diameter.

The first varietal representatives of this species were odorless, but today a pleasant aroma is an integral property of the Floribunda species. Some varieties are grown for cutting and also as houseplants.

Varieties of Floribunda:

  • Shock Blue;
  • Fragrant Delight;
  • Bonica 82;
  • Margaret Merril;
  • Beautiful Britain;
  • AmberQueen.

All varieties of Floribunda bloom profusely and longer than representatives of hybrid tea roses. They winter well in the conditions of central Russia and are resistant to most diseases.


This species includes flowers with long creeping, flexible, arched shoots that need support. The progenitors of climbing roses are considered to be two wild species native to Japan, Korea, China - R. wichuraiana Crep. and R. multiflora Thunb.

Climbing Rosarium Uetersen

Small double or simple flowers are collected in large inflorescences of various colors - pink, red, white and their shades. These are weakly scented varieties, and some have no smell at all. Climbing roses bloom once, lasting about 30-35 days, although some varieties may experience repeated flowering. The flowers are arranged along the overwintered branches against the background of small, hard leaves, similar to the foliage of polyanthus roses.

Varieties of climbing roses:

  • New Dawn;
  • Rosarium Uetersen;
  • Bobby James
  • snow goose;
  • Super Dorothy.

Climbing roses are frost-resistant, survive the winter well under light cover. They are often used in vertical gardening on supports, as they are characterized by abundant and long flowering.

ground covers

Ground cover "Austrianija"

They have a huge variety of shapes and colors. Among ground cover roses creeping undersized plants or bushes of medium height with drooping shoots are found. The abundance and number of flowers can also vary depending on the variety. However, with all its diversity, this species also has two advantages that are characteristic of all its representatives - an extremely abundant flowering and the ability to continue it until late autumn.

Also among the features of this type of roses can be called frost resistance and the ability to grow in width, resistance to common diseases (powdery mildew, black spot).

Ground cover varieties include:

  • Mainaufeuer;
  • Sommerwind;
  • Akhtiar;
  • Ballerina;

This type of rose is quite unpretentious and tends to forgive care mistakes with regular watering.


Park rose "Pink Grutedorst"

This name was assigned to cultivated dog roses. The type of park roses includes several separate groups, including ordinary wild roses, old garden varieties, and some modern hybrid roses.

All representatives of the species of park roses are distinguished by abundant flowering, which begins at the end of May, a few weeks earlier than other species, and lasts more than a month. The color can vary from white to dark purple, although varieties with orange and yellow coloration are also found. These include varieties:

  • Hansaland;
  • Chloris;
  • Hansa;
  • Robusta
  • Jacques Cartier.

One of the most unpretentious species, does not require special care or compliance with the rules of planting, even shelter for the winter.

Bushes "Grutendorst" in the Garden of the Empress in Pavlovsk

Thanks to the work of breeders park roses have long become no less spectacular and attractive than polyanthus or hybrid tea roses.

Varieties of roses with names

The varietal variety of the Queen of Flowers is amazing - today there are several thousand varieties, each of which has its own unique individuality and attractiveness. It is almost impossible to compile a list of varieties recommended for growing, because each of them is attractive in its own way.

When choosing roses for your site, it is better to first study the available information about rose varieties with photos and descriptions in order to choose the most suitable plants in terms of color, care and flowering conditions. There are several classifications of varieties that make it easier to choose. They are usually divided by color, size and number of flowers.

Color classification

Separation by color is the most common way to classify. The list is quite extensive, because thanks to the work of breeders, their flowers can get absolutely incredible shades:


Varieties of this group can be either completely white or with an additional shade of pink, yellow, red, blue or purple.

One of the most popular varieties of white roses is Schneewittchen. They are odorless, differ in the snow-white color of the petals. Not resistant to black spot, therefore they need special treatments.

This group also includes varieties of roses Schneekonigin, Schneeflocke, Snowflacke, Snow Goose, Amelia, Anastasia, Vendella and others;


One of the most gentle and romantic varieties. This group includes both completely pink flowers, and with additional shades. This category includes varieties of roses Aqua, Aquarel, Engagement, Titanic, Cherri brandi.


Fiery "Westerland"

The presence of areas of a different color is allowed, although orange should be predominant. This category includes varieties of roses Aloha, Ambiance, Miracle, High & magic.


To the best varieties yellow roses include Aalsmeer Gold, Queensday, Konfetti, Limbo, Mohana, Sphinx.


According to the canon, this group includes only roses with flawless scarlet flowers, without interspersed with other flowers, but today the rules have been relaxed, now flowers with the addition of orange or yellow hues are also added to this category. These include varieties of roses Gospell, Grand Gala, Grand Prix, Star 2000, Forever Young.


Completely black roses do not exist in nature, so this group includes varieties with a rich maroon color turning into black: Black Baccara, Barkarole, Black Magic, Black Tea, Black Beauty. The most persistent dark shade the hybrid tea rose Schwarz Madonna is distinguished;


On brown petals, blotches of red are acceptable. The main color is brown, chocolate, coffee. This category includes varieties of roses Coffee break, Terracotta, Leonidas, Delbara, Malicorne, Chocolate Ruffles, Estelle de Meilland;


The varieties of this group are selected quite strictly according to the blue or purple color of the petals, however, the presence of lilac or pink hues on the flowers is allowed. One of the first varieties of this group was the Veilchenblau rose.

After its appearance in the selection of blue roses, a real revolution took place and it became possible appearance really blue flowers, and not named so conventionally. These include varieties Indigo, Rhapsody in Blue, Blue Parfum, Blue river, Charles de Gaulle;


Flowers belonging to this category are distinguished by a variegated color from different colors that do not mix with each other. These can be both two-color flowers, and combining three or more colors, spotted, decorated with strokes or strokes of contrasting colors.

Prominent representatives of this category are the varieties Hocus Pocus, Abracadabra, Alinka, Alliance, Athena, Pink Intuition, Satin, Red Intuition.

large-flowered roses

All varieties of large-flowered roses are distinguished by large elongated buds and very large flowers. Often called flower beds, they differ in the small size of the bush, which needs formative pruning.

Large-flowered (Grandiflora)

Initially, the main efforts of breeders were directed precisely at the size and shape of the flowers, without taking into account the presence of aroma and the nature of growth. However, over time, these traits have also become a priority in development, so modern large-flowered roses, in addition to the size of their flowers, also boast a pleasant aroma and resistance to common diseases.

This species can be attributed to a huge variety of different varieties, the most common of which are the following:

  • New Dawn. Climbing rose, which can be found in almost every flower bed. The beautiful shape of the flowers resembles hybrid tea. This is a hardy plant that does not require special care. Very fragrant shrub with abundant flowering throughout the summer season. In height it can reach 2-2.5 m.
  • Alexander. A hybrid tea variety named after Field Marshal Count Alexander of Tunis. Differs in a bright orange color of flowers, which does not fade in the sun. It is considered one of the brightest varieties in color. The stems are fast growing, reaching up to 2 m in height. Suitable for cutting, blooms profusely, very prickly.
  • Dame de Coeur. Belgian variety of hybrid tea rose with large pale crimson flowers, slightly susceptible to fading. A profusely flowering weak-scented bush, capable of re-flowering, resistant to disease.

Dame de Ker

  • Chicago Peace;
  • Corrie;
  • Mrs Oakley Fisher;
  • Pascal;
  • Peace and many others.

Flowers on bushes of large-flowered roses appear both singly and in small brushes. Flowering can continue until late autumn, while maintaining the decorativeness of the bushes. Most varieties have a pleasant aroma, although there are also weakly scented or completely odorless.

Large-flowered roses blend well with other types of roses or flowering plants, and also look good in a single or group planting. These are large, upright shrubs, adorned with abundant bright green shiny foliage. Most are resistant to disease, tolerate winter well with light cover.


The flowers of representatives of this group, as a rule, are smaller than those of large-flowered ones, not double, but are collected in large inflorescences of 3-4 buds. Due to the great variability of this group, they are often confused with large-flowered roses.

This group includes the following varieties:

  • Amber Queen. Released in 1984. It has an unusual color - apricot flower petals are successfully set off by red-brown leaves. Abundantly flowering, low shrub up to 50 cm in height.
  • Ruffle's Dream. Also an unusually colored variety, the flowers shimmer with a pink-apricot color with a yellow tint. A dense bush, decorated with green leaves, can reach 40-60 cm in height.
  • Burgundy Ice. Medium, semi-double flowers attract attention with an unusual dark purple color with a light, silvery reverse. The bush can reach 80-120 cm in height.
  • eyes for you. A hybrid of hulthemia with a rose, which gives it a peculiar zest in the form of purple specks in the core of lilac-pink flowers. The bush is medium high - from 50 to 75 cm in height.
  • Leonardo da Vinci. It attracts attention with a rich lilac-pink color of densely double large flowers, united in inflorescences. New buds appear during the entire flowering period, maintaining a high decorativeness of the plant. The bush reaches 80-110 cm in height.

Varieties of multi-flowered roses are extremely diverse, they can be very different from each other. In terms of the number of Golden Rose of The Hague awards, they surpass the large-flowered ones, which indicates the enduring popularity of this species.

New varieties

Despite the abundance and variety existing species, the work of breeders continues, and every year new varieties of the queen of flowers appear. The latest selections include:

  • Mainaufeuer;
  • New Dawn;
  • Ruffle's Dream;
  • Sommerwind;
  • Super Dorothy and others

With each new variety obtained, breeders are trying to get better and better flowers, improve their characteristics, and facilitate care.

Undoubtedly, the rose is one of the most beloved and common flowering crops that are grown almost everywhere. The abundance of varieties is amazing and allows you to create luxurious compositions from them. ​

The rose is the most popular garden flower. Her bushes adorn summer cottages and parks. Some varieties are suitable for a small garden, others form the basis of large flowering arrays.

The durability and unpretentiousness of the culture makes it possible to grow roses in areas with different climates. A wide selection of varieties available today allows you to choose series for Central Russia. Residents of the Urals plant both frost-resistant species and those with continuous flowering.

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    Classification of garden roses

    For many centuries of cultivation, more than 35 thousand varieties of roses have appeared. All of them are conditionally divided into types - garden groups. Varietal affiliation is determined by:

    • origin;
    • flower type;
    • shape (habitus) of a bush;
    • plant height;
    • aroma;
    • shade of petals;
    • type of inflorescences;
    • the name of the breeder.

    The World Federation of Rose Societies is an official organization whose committee has included plants in a single register. According to him, the main types of roses are:

    1. 1. Natural (wild) forms - the ancestors of all existing varieties. Belong to the genus rosehip (rosa), differ in a simple (single-row) corolla of 5 petals.
    2. 2. Vintage garden roses, unlike wild ones, have a terry flower shape. Petals are arranged in several rows, their number is a multiple of 5. Most of these roses bloom once (once a season). Some representatives of the variety are Bourbon, Damascus, Portland, Chinese, Tea.
    3. 3. Modern varieties and hybrids are characterized by a wide range of colors. Some have stems without thorns. The leaves can be matte or dense, glossy. Cups - from small (1 cm) to huge (15-18 cm), plant height - from 10 cm to 9 m.

    flower types

    The shape of the flower cup can be in several variants - from widely deployed, open to a tightly folded pom-pom. The main types of flowers:

    • Flat (1-3 rows of petals laid out horizontally).
    • Cupped. Semi-double or double flowers have approximately the same width of the base and height (length) of the petal, the edges are bent outward.
    • The old form got its name due to its resemblance to buds long ago. famous roses, in which the large outer petals are neatly folded in the form of a bowl, and the middle is filled with a mass of slightly smaller petals.
    • The goblet has a higher center than the outer petals. This property has made her popular with florists, who call this flower shape a classic.
    • The lodged type is a bud, in which the numerous petals of the middle are twisted into 4 groups and form a square.
    • The spherical shape resembles a bowl with petals bent inward.
    • Rosette-shaped - a type of terry (multi-petal) rose with a tiled arrangement and a flat center of small petals.
    • Pompom - a rosette with a slightly recessed center and outer petals bent outward.
    • Saucer-shaped - a wide flower with the extreme petals twisted inside.

    flower cup colors

    The range of color of the petals covers almost the entire palette, with the exception of blue and blue tones. Among roses, it is difficult to find varieties with pure white flowers. Most often, the petals have a greenish, yellowish or creamy tint.

    Yellow tones are represented by sand, canary or lemon, as well as amber color. Orange - carrot, brick and salmon; red - coral, scarlet, cherry and raspberry. Pink can have a fawn or saturated hue. Roses of lilac and purple color look especially original.

    Also, the cup is monophonic, two- and three-colored. The edges can be decorated with a contrast border. Some varieties are distinguished by a different color of the inner side of the petal and its reverse. Some varieties have variegated flowers with stripes, strokes or splashes. Not so long ago, roses of unusual shades appeared - coffee (brownish) and green.

    One of the most popular are the so-called black roses. They are really painted in rich colors. The color is closest to black, but in fact it is a shade of beetroot or cherry. Usually the outer petals are more colored. On sunny days, they can char, attracting ultraviolet light to them, or become a little lighter. This protection mechanism prevents the dark flower from burning.


    There are several flower growing companies in the world that are engaged in selection. Many of them gained fame thanks to the bred cultivars:

    1. 1. David Austin Roses rose nursery was born in England thanks to the passion of an ordinary country boy. Now these specimens have become popular all over the world due to their aroma and abundant flowering.
    2. 2. Barni is an Italian family company. Roses of the "Butterfly" series with simple but bright flowers are very unusual.
    3. 3. Delbard is a French company that has been breeding roses since 1954. The pride of the selection was both hybrid tea varieties and a series of romantic flowers: "Great Artists", "Great Chefs" and others.
    4. 4. Evers (Evers) - a German company. She owns the popular varieties of the hybrid tea group and Floribunda.
    5. 5. Fryer represents English roses from Cheshire. The history of the enterprise began more than a century ago, in 1912. Since then, many attractive varieties of various garden groups have been bred.
    6. 6. Carruth. Tom Carruth is an American breeder who until recently worked for Weeks. Its varieties are distinguished by their unusual color and shape.
    7. 7. Guillot - an old French nursery, has existed since the 1st half of the 19th century. Jean-Baptiste André Guillot is the founder of the company. Thanks to his work, roses of the hybrid tea group appeared, which for decades has remained the most popular for creating bouquets.
    8. 8. Harkness is a British rose brand with over 130 years of history. The challenge set by the originators is to create attractive varieties with long flowering and durability.
    9. 9. Interplant is a relatively young Dutch company. For half a century, 3 generations of enthusiastic rose growers have changed. The strong point of the company is exclusive cut varieties of hybrid tea and spray groups.
    10. 10. Kordes (Kordes). The full name of this enterprise from Germany is Kordes and Sons. The goal that is achieved in the selection of varieties is resistance to diseases and flowering in all weather conditions.
    11. 11. Lens (Lens) - a group from the Netherlands. The range of roses that appear thanks to the passionate work of employees is wide. Ground cover and polyanthus varieties are especially interesting.
    12. 12. Meilland is a world famous company from France. Exists for over 150 years. The famous Peace, which in Eastern Europe is known as Gloria Dei, is a product of this particular company.
    13. 13. Poulsen - an old company with a Danish history. Theus Poulsen's achievement is the development of a new group of varieties, later called Floribunda.
    14. 14. Tantau has been producing all sorts of series for over 100 years, which are distinguished by German quality and bright colors.

    Garden groups of modern roses

    Several main groups of roses have won the greatest popularity among gardeners. These include:

    1. 1. Floribunda - numerous section. Includes both low (up to 0.4 m) and high (more than 1 m) varieties. On each shoot there are 3-5 large or medium buds. Differs in continuous flowering.
    2. 2. hybrid tea rosesmost often have a classic form. The middle of the bud of some varieties is beautifully twisted in a spiral.
    3. 3. Grandiflora in translation means "large-flowered". Sometimes a huge amount is compensated by a rarer flowering in 2 waves per season.
    4. 4. Shrubs are strong bushes from 60 to 250 cm tall. The buds are large, arranged 1-5 per branch, flowering is repeated.
    5. 5. Climbing roses are divided into 2 main groups - ramblers with small flowers and long thin shoots and climbers - large-flowered. If the former bloom mainly once per season, then the latter - repeatedly (depending on the variety and principles of care).
    6. 6. Miniature roses are compact and abundant. Spray have a classic bud shape and are used for cutting. Patio roses are grown in small beds and containers.
    7. 7. The ground cover group is named so due to the sprawling habit of the bush. Some of its representatives are able to cover an area of ​​​​more than 3 square meters. m.
    8. 8. Polyanthus roses are distinguished by lush flowering. The calyces may be single or semi-double and appear in large numbers. Musk hybrids also have numerous flowers.
    9. 9. Landscape or park roses most often have a non-double or 2, 3-row corolla. They create a colorful effect due to abundant flowering. Most of the representatives of the group can be classified as Floribunda.

    Austin roses are often singled out in a special category. It's called "Austin's English Roses". Most of the flowers of the series have a dense double (old) form.

    Less fragrant varieties have good cut resistance. The longest preserved flowers with a subtle aroma.

    Outstanding representatives of various groups

    The description of a particular variety of rose includes it external characteristics. Disease resistance and other distinctive features are also taken into account.

    For ease of searching in each subsection of the name rose varieties arranged alphabetically.


    Floribunda group roses are a bright decoration of small and large gardens.

    Variety DescriptionPhoto
    Acropolis (Acropolis), Meilland, 2001. Spherical flowers 5-6 cm each have an unusual color - coffee-pink with a light reverse. Height - up to 80 cm
    (Alabaster) - Evers, 2007. Porcelain-like, white buds open into a terry bowl. 80 cm bush strong, disease resistant, blooms profusely
    Amulett (Amulet), Tantau, 1991. The gusto-double form of pearl pink flowers has a tiled styling. The growth of a neat bush is 50-70 cm. The diameter of the flower is 4-5 cm
    Angela (Angela), Kordes, 1984. Despite the fact that the cups are non-double, it is very popular for the abundance of 5-centimeter flowers in a soft pink hue. Grows up to 1.5 m
    Aspirin Rose (Aspirin), Tantau, 1997. It got its name for the white shade of small (4-5 cm) semi-double flowers and disease resistance. Wide bushes reach 0.9 m
    Bernstein Rose, Amber Queen (Bernstein - Amber), Tantau, 1987. The amber color gave rise to the name. Bushes up to 80 cm bear 1-5 flowers with a delicate aroma
    Betty Boop (Betty Boop), Carruth, 1994. Flowers up to 8 cm, semi-double, open. Attractive bright coral border on a cream background. Reach 1.2-1.5 m
    Blue for You (Blue for Yu - Blue For You), James, 2006. Large purple-blue inflorescences have a bright aroma. A rose grows up to 1 m, this is an excellent option for semi-shady places where it retains its color longer
    China Girl (China Gel - Chinese), Tantau, 1995. On low bushes (0.6-0.7 m) densely double yellow flowers open. On each shoot there can be from 1 to 3 pieces, the diameter of each is 7-8 cm
    Deep Impression (Deep Impression - Deep Impression), Tantau, 2009. The unusual color of the petals - rich red with pink strokes - and unpretentiousness are the advantages of the variety. Plant height - 70-90 cm, on the branch - up to 5 flowers with a slight aroma of raspberries
    Easy Does It (Easy Daz It - So Simple) is a new rose of Harkness selection. The beautiful tone of pinkish-apricot inflorescences is combined with dense foliage. Reaches 90 cm
    Frenesie (Frenesi - Frenzy), Michel Adam, 2006. Flowers are large - 11-12 cm, densely double. Hue - apricot, each petal is decorated with a rather wide carmine blush. Height - up to 120 cm
    Friesia (Freesia), Kordes, 1977. The variety does not lose popularity due to bright lemon flowers and rich green foliage. Petals do not fade, which is rare for a yellow tint. The buds are goblet-shaped, open into flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, showing the middle. The variety is resistant to diseases, height - about 65 cm
    Gebruder Grimm (Brothers Grimm), Kordes, 2002. A wide bush up to 90 cm tall is almost continuously covered with flowers. Their coral-orange petals have a yellow lining (reverse) and carved edges.
    Goldelse (Goldelze), Tantau, 1999. Terry cupped shape, amber-orange tone. Growth - about 0.7 m. Flowers are numerous, resistant to rain
    Jubile du Prince de Monaco(Anniversary of the Prince of Monaco) is a variety bred by Meilland. Registered in 2000, within a few years became famous for its delicate combination of creamy white with crimson edging, which becomes wider as it blooms. Buds of the classical form
    Knirps (Knirps), Kordes, 1997. Translated from German, the name means "karapuz". Some classify the rose as a miniature variety due to its small stature (35 cm), but in most catalogs it is assigned to the Floribunda group for its abundant, continuous flowering. The diameter of densely double cups is 3-4 cm
    La Sevillana (La Sevillana), Meilland, 1978. Bright, powerful (up to 1.5 m tall) rose with bouquets of scarlet-red flowers on each shoot. Cold climate resistant
    Lavaglut (Lavaglut) literally means "glowing lava". Since 1978, the German variety (Kordes) has not lost popularity. Deep red double flowers with rounded petals are beautifully arranged in a bowl shape. Glossy leaves complement the effect. Height and width - 75 cm
    Lions Rose (Lions Rose), Kordes, 2002. Compact Floribunda 0.5-0.6 m tall, has large flowers - up to 7-8 cm. They are densely double, creamy apricot hue, with a light aroma
    Lovely Green (Lovely Green) translated from English - "beautiful green" (Meilland, 2005). The rose is beautiful and unusual due to its spherical shape and greenish color. It is used to create garden groups and cut flowers, it is almost not affected by diseases. It reaches a height of 0.8 m
    Meilove (Meilov) - a series of varieties of French selection (Meilland). Differs in active flowering and a beautiful old form of buds. The spectrum of 8 shades includes white, lemon, sandy yellow, apricot, terracotta orange, soft and deep pink, and cherry. The height of the bushes is about 80 cm, the diameter is 0.6 m

    Midsummer (Midsummer - Midsummer), 2007. A masterpiece of Tantau selection with cup-shaped double flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. They are strawberry in color with a yellowish bottom of the petals. Reach 0.8-1 m
    Novalis (Novalis) - the pseudonym of the German mystic poet of the XVIII century. Kordes, 2010. Large lilac flowers(up to 10 cm) resembles hybrid tea roses. It has an original type of corolla - a rosette with slightly wavy petals. Height - 80-90 cm
    Parade (Parade) - an unusual tall floribunda, which is also classified as climbing. The saucer-shaped form of large dark pink flowers is observed throughout the summer. Disease and weather resistant. Height - up to 3 m
    Pastella (Pastella) is named so in connection with the delicate shade of the petals - white, with a pinkish sheen. A low variety - up to 70 cm - bears a large number of fragrant flowers about 8 cm in diameter. Originator - Tantau, 2004
    Pomponella (Pomponella), 2005,Kordes. Bush 80-90 cm in height bears many flowers-balls. Like most descendants of Cordes, Pomponella has an increased resistance to disease.
    Queen of Hearts (Queen of Hearts - Queen of Hearts) is also bred in the nursery of Cordes (2008). The rose is distinguished by large (up to 11 cm) classic salmon-orange flowers. Height - 0.7-0.8 m
    Red Leonardo da Vinci(Red Leonardo da Vinci), Meilland, 2003. Brilliant cultivar with glossy foliage and pure red nostalgic (antique) shaped flowers with slightly turned out petals. Height - from 70 to 100 cm
    Rotkappchen (Rotkapken - Little Red Riding Hood) - Kordes rose 2007 Slightly fragrant flowers-rosettes of a rich red hue, 6-7 cm, collected in 3-8 pieces. Bush - about 0.7 m
    Ruffles (Raffles - Lace) - a series of roses from Interplant. Its terry flowers look very unusual: the petals seem to be carefully cut along the edge, thus creating the effect of lace. Plants up to 70 cm. cream. A total of 16 colors of the series were created

    Rumba (Rumba), Poulsen, 1958. A vibrant tri-color rose in which yellow-orange fades into carmine red. Brilliant foliage and continuous flowering of a lush half-meter bush complement the attractiveness of the variety.
    Sunset Boulevard (Sunset Boulevard) - Harkness, 1997. Apricot-orange flowers of a classical form are collected in 3 pieces on shoots up to 70-80 cm high

    Hybrid Tea

    Varieties of the tea-hybrid group are not as plentiful as representatives of other varieties, but have proven themselves well as a cut plant.

    Variety DescriptionPhoto
    Akito (Akito), Evers, 1997. Delicate white variety with classic flowers for small bouquets and garden groups . Height - up to 70 cm. 2 more colors of the series - Sweet Akito (Svit Akito) with pale pink buds and Blushing Akito (Blushing Akito) - white with a pink border
    Amalia (Amalia). Differs in goblet flowers with petals of the same length. The inner side of the petal is cyclamen-pink, the reverse is a darker shade. The edges are slightly wavy. Height - up to 1.2 m
    Ambassador (Ambassador), Meilland, 1979. It has a bronze-orange tone of 10 cm flowers. The bush grows up to 1.1-1.2 m
    Ambiance (Ambyans) translated from French - "atmosphere" or "environment". The second name reflects a beautiful clear border - red on a yellow background of a classic bud. This is a large-flowered (10 cm) resistant variety up to 0.8 m tall
    Anastasia (Anestaisha), NIRP, 2001. One of the most popular white cut roses. When opened, it acquires a creamy sheen. Reaches 1-1.1 m
    Aqua (Aqua - Water). An interesting purplish-pink thornless variety from Schreurs. It grows up to 1.2 m. The shoots are even, the flowers are formed in 3 main waves. They stay on the bush and in the cut for a very long time.
    Ashram (Ashram) - Tantau, 1998. The meter plant is covered with flowers of a copper-orange tone. They are very large (up to 15 cm), with a delicate aroma.
    Augusta Luise (August Louise), Tantau, 1999. By all indications, it resembles old romantic roses. The buds are tightly packed, then open into densely fragrant flowers 12-15 cm in diameter. Hue - peach, height - up to 1.2 m
    Avalance (Avalanch - Flow). Lex Voorn from the Netherlands brought out several varieties, united by a similar shape and height of the bush (about 1 m) and an abundance of even goblet buds. The series includes both its ancestor with white flowers, and several new products: Peach Avalance (Peach Avalanche - Peach Stream) of the same tone, Magic Avalance (Magic Avalanch - Magic Stream) - apricot in a greenish "shirt" of outer petals, the same green manifests itself in soft pink Sorbet Avalance

    Candy Avalanche (Candy Avalanche - Sweet Flow)

    Belle Perle (Belle Perle) - so in Italian it sounds "beautiful pearls", Delbard, 1997. Cup in the form of a covered glass - large cream with pearl coating. Height - 1-1.2 m
    Big Purple (Big Purple - Big Purple), Stephens, 1985. Fully corresponds to its name, bearing large purple flowers with a pronounced aroma on a tall (more than 1 m) bush. Cut buds turn purple after a few days.
    Black Baccara (Black Baccara), Meilland, 2004. It is considered the darkest rose. Meter shoots are decorated with neat, dense flowers of an ideal shape that do not fully open. The only minus of the variety, like all resistant varieties, is that the buds do not smell
    Black Magic (Black Magic - Black Magic). In 1997, Tantau breeders bred a rose that had long occupied the first position in the ranking of classic varieties with a velvety red cut. Until now, most florists have successfully used these flowers to make bouquets. The variety is powerful (up to 1.5 m), productive and resistant
    Blush (Blush - Blush), Pressman, 2007. The flowers are goblet-shaped, when opened, the petals are beautifully folded into a triangle. The shade is white, along the edge there is a wide red border
    Charles de Gaulle (Charles de Gaulle) - lilac rose Meilland (1975). Beautifully stacked flowers have a pleasant aroma with hints of citrus. Height - 1 m
    Cherry Brandy (Cherry Brandy), Tantau, 2004. Interesting combination of the main copper-orange tone with a crimson bottom of the petals. Low grade - less than 100 cm
    Cherry Love (Cherry Love - Cherry Love). Appeared in Tantau thanks to Black Magic and inherited the positive qualities of its predecessor. The difference is in a beautiful carmine-raspberry shade of large flowers
    Coffee Break (Coffee Break - Break for a cup of coffee) - also the result of the work of Tantau (2008). The goblet buds are medium, terracotta red. Bush height - 0.8-1 m
    Double Delight (Double Delight- Double Pleasure) has existed since 1977. It is characterized by a contrasting combination of shades - a creamy base with a raspberry edge - and a pronounced fruity aroma.
    Eddy Mitchell (Eddy Mitchell) was named by the originators of Meilland in 2008 in honor of the famous French singer and actor. The petals are very unusual: their inner surface is dark cherry, almost black, and the outer one is yellowish.
    El Toro (El Toro) translated from Spanish - "bull". Dense wavy rose petals have a rich scarlet hue. A variety without thorns and stands in the cut for a very long time. Height - about 80 cm
    Frederic Mistral (Frederic Mistral), Meilland, 1995. The rose, named after the poet, has a powerful growth (up to 1.6 m), large full flowers up to 12 cm in diameter and a persistent aroma. The variety is resistant to diseases
    Friendship (Friendship - Friendship), Meilland, 2004. The flowers have a beautiful long glass, inside - a clear red tone, and outside - pale yellow. Shiny leaves add brightness. Plant height - up to 1 m
    Gloria Dei (Gloria Dei- Glory to the Lord) has been known to the whole world since 1945 and does not lose popularity. Synonyms for the name are Madame Meilland (Mme Meilland) and Pis (Peace - Peace) in honor of the end of World War II. Strong shoots up to 1.3 m tall end in large wide flowers of a pale yellow hue. On the edge of the petals are covered with a pinkish blush, the variety smells very pleasant
    Imperatrice Farah (Empress Farah) - rose of French selection (Delbard, 1992). The second name - Strawberry parfait - characterizes white flowers with a strawberry edge. Slender bush reaches 1.5 m
    Kerio (Kerio) - high bright yellow rose from the Netherlands. The petals are spoon-shaped, the flowers stay on the bush for a long time against the background of glossy leaves.
    Kronenbourg (Kronenburg) - variety of 1966 introduction. Large flowers (12-14 cm) are colored differently on both sides: from the inside - a raspberry shade, from the outside - cream. Strong dense bushes grow up to 1.2 m
    Limbo (Limbo) - Kordes, 1999. Salad green rose with a wavy edge. The buds are densely packed and keep their shape for a long time. The meter bush has almost no thorns
    Louis de Funes (Louis de Funes), Meilland, 1987. The bright orange tone of the flowers is associated with the famous actor after whom it is named. Rose has a small growth - up to 80 cm
    Luxor (Luxor) - a derivative of the word luxury - "luxurious". A meter bush produces dense, slightly prickly shoots with large flowers (13 cm) at the ends. The color of the petal is interesting: its inner side is painted with raspberry watercolor, and the outside of the glass is almost white.
    Milva (Milva), Evers, 1999. The flowers are large, orange hue, appear 1 on low stems - 0.9 m
    New Fashion (New Fashion - New Fashion) launched in France in 2000. Bright and attractive rose blooms profusely with red goblet buds with a yellow reverse. Height - up to 0.9 m
    Papa Meilland (Papa Meilland), 1963. Large dark cherry petals are folded into a very fragrant glass. Resistant variety with the smell of sweet fruits 1 m high
    Pierre Cardin (Pierre Cardin) - Meilland, 2009. Pleasant notes of tea rose aroma distinguish this unusual flower - pink with small raspberry splashes.
    Rafaello (Raffaello) - medium-sized cultivar from Evers. A very long bud, twisted in a spiral in the form of a tower, is interesting. At the same time, both part of the inner side of the salmon shade and the milky reverse are visible.
    Skyline (Skyline - Horizon), Evers, 1991. On upright bushes up to 1 m high, large - up to 11 cm - yellow flowers of a classical form are revealed. Suitable for cutting
    Versilia (Versilia) - persistent apricot rose with many flowers. Sometimes they bloom one by one. The shape of the glass with a slender center is beautiful. Variation - Shocking Versilia (Shocking Versilia) has cyclamen-pink tones

    Shocking Versilia


    Grandiflora roses attract with large flowers on tall bushes.

    Queen Elizabeth (Queen Elizabeth - Queen Elizabeth), USA, 1954 It is still popular due to its unpretentiousness and abundant flowering. Height - 1.2 m, shade - pink
    Tchaikovski (Tchaikovsky) was bred in France by Meilland in 2000. Height - 80 cm, flowers are large, pale sand shade, densely double
    Twilight Zone (Twilight Zone - Twilight Zone) launched in the USA in 2011. Tom Carruth. It quickly gained popularity with very fragrant flowers of a purple hue. Grows up to 0.9 m


    The advantages of scrubs are unpretentiousness and abundant flowering all summer.

    Alba Meillandecor (Alba Meyandekor), Meilland, 1987. Several times during the season, 1.5-meter bushes adorn clusters of terry buds 5-7 cm in diameter. The aroma is barely noticeable. Several more spectacular colors belong to the Meyandekor group: Perle Meillandecor (Pearl Meyyandekor) - mother-of-pearl pink, Rouge Meillandecor (Rouge Meyyandekor) - red with simple forms, Nadia Meillandecor (Nadia Meyandekor) - yellow, Magic Meillandecor (Magic Meyandekor) - lilac. Due to the sprawling habit, roses are classified as landscape and ground cover groups.

    Alba Meillandecor

    Astrid Grafin von Hardenberg(Astrid, Countess of Hardenberg), Evers, 1997. A rich cherry hue, a bright aroma of large flowers (12 cm) are its characteristic features. Bush tall - up to 1.5 m
    Belvedere (Belvedere), Tantau, 2001. Flowers of an old form, apricot-orange tone, singly on shoots. Has a strong sweet smell. Height - 1.2 m
    Cesar (Caesar) - Meilland, 2003. The cupped flowers are filled with pink petals on the inside, while the outer ones are white-greenish. Height - up to 2 m
    Concerto 94 (Concerto) appeared in the company Meilland. The variety is distinguished by a large number of pale sandy flowers with a mother-of-pearl hue, opening at the same time. The bush is wide, diameter - more than 1 m, height - 80 cm
    Emilien Guillot (Emilien Guillot)) - Massad, 1997. Bright orange with a scarlet tint rose of the old form up to 1 m tall. The aroma is strong
    Leonardo da Vinci(Leonardo da Vinci) - pink rose Meyan. Ranked among the scrubs due to a more powerful habit compared to the red variety. Blooms for a long time, resistant to weather and diseases

    Leonardo da Vinci on a trunk

    Paul Bocuse (Paul Bocuse) - Massad, 2002. Apricot-pink terry buds cover a bush up to 1.8 m high. Flowering accompanies the aroma of green tea and fruits
    Polka (Polka), Meilland, 1991. A tall shrab, in a warm climate behaves like a climber, growing up to 3 m in height. Flowers - wide, densely double bowls, up to 12-13 cm in diameter, peach tone
    Rhapsody in Blue (Rhapsody in Blue - Blue Rhapsody) grows over a meter. Original semi-double purple-violet cups up to 6 cm in diameter create a contrast with bright green shiny foliage. Each inflorescence consists of 3-10 buds
    Red Eden Rose (EdEden Rose) - Meilland, 2002. Bush about 1.6 m with large (12 cm) saucer-shaped cherry flowers. Bright aroma. Synonyms: Eric Tabarly, Rouge Eden Rose
    Rokoko (Rococo) - a series of Tantau companies with ball-shaped buds. In 1987, the first variety appeared with cream-colored petals. Later, other varieties joined it. Some of them are more compact - up to 60 cm, they belong to the Floribunda group.

    Sirano de Bergerac (Cyrano de Bergerac) - Meilland, 2007. A plant up to 2 m tall with huge (13 cm) wide open flowers of a light sandy hue. Multi-petal variety in characteristics resembles Polka (Polka)

    Miniature and patio

    Mini roses look spectacular in the form of a living border or planted in outdoor containers.

    Alegria (Alegria) - orange spray rose up to 80 cm tall. spoon-shaped petals
    Clementine (Clementine) - a number of varieties of Evers. On low bushes (up to 60 cm) are terry buds. Depending on the variety, the petals can be pink, apricot-orange, two-color - red with a yellow reverse.

    Peach Clementina

    Heidi Klum Rose (Heidi Klum), Tantau, 1999. Patio rose up to half a meter tall. Purple flowers up to 6 cm, strong and pleasant smell
    Mikado (Mikado) - a spray group that combines a number of shades. The flowers are quite large for varieties of this type - about 5 cm. Height - 0.6-0.7 m

    Meillandina (Meylandina) - a range of roses united in a family. This includes several colors and types of bush. Orange mini-rose - Orange Meillandina - has a height of only 30-35 cm, and peach Peach Meillandina grows up to 60 cm. An interesting novelty - Cumba Meillandina - brick color. Assigned to the young group of mini climbers. Her height is 1.5-2 m

    Orange Meillandina

    Sensation is a series of classic shaped spray roses. Height of shoots for cutting - 60-70 cm


    Repeat flowering climbing plants can tolerate low spring pruning after freezing in winter. They quickly grow and bloom.

    Aloha (Aloha) - climber Cordes (2003). It grows up to 2.5 m. Apricot hue flower, large (10 cm). Variety blooms again
    Eden Rose (Eden Rose - Paradise Rose), Meilland, 1987. The large, cup-shaped flowers are white with a thin pink border around the edge of the petals. Height - up to 2.5 m. Synonym - Pierre de Ronsard
    Elfe (Elf), Evers, 2000. A popular variety of white-greenish hue. Flowers of a classical form, appear all summer on a bush up to 3 m tall
    Handel (Handel), 1965. Goblet-shaped cups, when dissolved, show the middle. Petals creamy white with crimson edging. Height - 2 m
    Indigoletta (Indigoletta) - lilac climber. Up to 3 m tall, has almost no thorns. The flowers are fragrant
    Laguna (Laguna), Kordes, 2004. The bright pink rosette-shaped flowers are strongly scented. Diameter - 11 cm. Height - 2.5 m
    Maintower (Maintower - Main Tower) has even shoots up to 3 m. Flowers - medium, up to 7 cm, brick-orange, full, appear all summer
    Sympathie (Sympathy - Friendliness), Kordes, 1967. One of the best red climbing roses, blooms in several waves. Height - up to 3 m

    ground covers

    Roses of this type are able to quickly close a large area and will not allow weeds to develop.

    Cubana (Kubana) - Kordes, 2001. Abundant semi-double variety of apricot tone. Grows up to half a meter
    Hello (Hello - Hello), Meilland, 2002. Terry red rose about 0.6 m tall
    Rody (Rodi). Strong plant up to 0.7 m tall and over 1.5 m in diameter. Flowers are terry, bright pink
    Sonnenschirm (Sonnenschirm). Literally translated as "parasol from the sun." Delicate yellow small flowers cover a bush 45 cm high
    Swany (Swany - Swan), Meilland, 1978. Hustomahrovye pompom flowers - white with a slight pinkish tinge

    English Austin

    In warm climates, English roses sprout more vigorously, but most require protection from the bright midday sun.

    A Shropshire Lad (E Shropshire Lad). Tall (up to 2 m) variety with flowers of a delicate peach hue. Has a tea rose scent with fruity notes
    Abraham Derby (Abraham Derby). Bears large (up to 13 cm) cups of fragrant flowers. Reaches 1.5 m
    Benjamin Britten (Benjamin Britten) has a fruity smell. Flowers coral tone, bush up to 1.1 m
    Brother Cadfael (Brother Cadfel). Pale pink flowers with rose oil scent. Height - 1.2 m
    Charles Austin Charles Austin) grows up to 1.4 m. Apricot flower cups
    Christopher Marlowe (Christopher Marlowe). Salmon with a yellowish reverse. Bush up to 1 m tall
    Falstaff (Falstaff). It has large purple flowers. The smell is sweet, height up to 2 m
    Gertrude Jekyll (Gertrude Jekyll). Famous variety in the Austin collection. Corollas of a rich pink hue, height - 1.2 m. It smells of rose oil
    Glamis Castle (Glamis Castle). Named after the Scottish castle near the village of Glamis. Despite its small height (up to 0.9 m), it is valued for large white flowers (11-12 cm) and a pleasant smell of myrrh
    Golden Celebration (Golden Celebration- Golden Jubilee). Grows up to 1.5 m, in the south - up to 2 m. Amber-yellow calyx
    Jubilee Celebration (Jubilee Celebration- Anniversary). An interesting shade - salmon pink with a golden reverse - is complemented by a fruity aroma with citrus notes. Numerous flowers up to 10 cm, height - 80 cm
    Othello (Othello). Strong variety about 1.2 m tall. Purple-raspberry cups with a diameter of 10 cm exude a powerful aroma
    Port Sunlight (Port Sunlight - Port Sunlight). It has the smell of tea roses and apricot color. Flowers 7-8 cm, height - 1-1.2 m
    Spirit of Freedom (Spirit of Freedom - Spirit of Freedom). Huge (14 cm) lilac-pink flowers fill the garden with the scent of myrrh. Height - 1.5 m
    Teasing Georgia (Teasing Georgia). Height - 1.2, with good care- up to 2 m. Delicate sandy-yellow flowers (10 cm) smell like tea roses
    Tradescant (Tradescant). The variety is named after the English naturalist of the 17th century. Dark cherry, almost black flowers are densely arranged on arched shoots. Height - 75 cm
    Babylon Eyes (Babylon Eyes - Babylon Eyes). Cycle of hybrid roses based on Persian (Hulthemia persica). Flowers of medium size (5 cm). Attracts their contrasting center. Plant bushes in borders, containers and for horizontal gardening

    Sunshine Babylon Eyes

    Ballerina (Ballerina), Bentall, 1977. A lush polyanthus rose with a volume of up to one and a half meters with numerous simple flowers with a diameter of 2-3 cm. The shade of the petals is soft pink
    Lovely Fairy (Lovely Fairy- Beautiful Fairy). Polyanthus rose from the Netherlands. The series includes several colors. Roses are hardy and bloom continuously. Height - 60 cm. In garden compositions it is often used as a ground cover

    Robin Hood (Robin Hood). Tall (up to 1.5 m) musk rose with many small flowers of 2-3 cm. Hue - raspberry


    Such roses are used to decorate garden areas, parks, etc.

    Drift (Drift - Drift). A series that is used as a background for arrays as a ground cover. Many flower growers successfully grow Drift roses in pots. Presented in 8 shades, corollas simple and terry, 3-4 cm in diameter. Producer - Meilland

    Knock Out (Knockout). Another series of varieties of famous French breeders. The flowers of the series are simple, contain 5-7 petals, size - 7 cm. Plant height - up to 80 cm. Knockout roses are characterized by resistance to diseases and bad weather, abundant flowering

    Varieties with increased winter hardiness

    Most modern roses belong to the 5th and 6th cold hardiness zones. But some varieties even tolerate a decrease in winter temperatures to -30 degrees, they are grown without shelter even in the northern regions (in Eastern Siberia and the Urals).

    F. J. Grootendorst (Grutendorst). A wrinkled rose hybrid with a bush height of about 1.5 m and a width of up to 1.3 m. The flowers are cup-shaped, semi-double, red. Resistant to major diseases and weather conditions. Abundant re-blooming
    Hansaland (Hansaland). 1.8 m in height with a width of about a meter. It has whole garlands of red double flowers with a diameter of up to 7 cm
    Morden Centennial is grown as climbing rose- shoots climb up to 3 m. Pink flowers have a rich aroma. Winter hardiness - up to -35 degrees

Rose is the most popular cut flower, it is hard to imagine a festive bouquet without it. The rose is the most famous horticultural crop. The number of varieties bred is tens of thousands, which is much more than any other. And every year their number increases thanks to the selection work of dozens of nurseries. In terms of variety of color, shape, size, aroma of flowers, abundance of flowering, size of bushes, the rose knows no equal. Therefore, despite the difficulties of care, we breed her in our gardens, and she gives us her bewitching "bouquets".

Rose flowers are the most beloved garden culture without exception. Even photos of rose flowers amaze the imagination with their magnificence. This page offers a general description of rose flowers. The rose flower in the photo is presented below from various angles, which allows you to evaluate its attractiveness. A description of the rose flower can also be found in brief characteristics new varieties.

It is impossible to imagine the perfume industry without roses. Roses are still used in medicine, and rosehip syrup and tinctures are more beneficial than many modern multivitamins. At the same time, the rose continues to amaze us, constantly changing to match our tastes and whims, and breeders create new original varieties.

Roses are distinguished by a variety of flower shapes. For more than one century, we have been fascinated by the goblet shape, now densely double rosette-shaped and cup-shaped flowers are in fashion, especially with a squared center. Flowers with a flat shape have a natural charm. Attractive spherical and pompom flowers. Some roses resemble carnation, camellia, peony, etc.

The color range of roses is very rich, there are not only pure blue ones. The color of the flower can be monophonic, two-color and "striped", mixed and "painted", and even with a color that changes over time - chameleon varieties.

The leaves of the rose are complex pinnate, consisting of a stipule, petiole and three or more leaflets. It is widely believed among amateurs that cultivars have five leaves, but this is not so. Most often, varieties of hybrid tea roses differ in five leaves, but this is not a strict rule. Leaves are leathery, smooth, and may be wrinkled.

Park roses and their photos

A park rose is a group that combines various classes of plant data. They have a natural appearance, rather large size and unpretentious. Do not require winter shelter. The assignment of varieties to this group depends on climatic conditions.

Flowering is usually single with white, pink and red flowers. In autumn, bushes of many roses are decorated with decorative fruits. Park roses in central Russia include individual wild-growing types of roses and their garden forms, as well as varieties of wrinkled (HRg), alba (A), fetida (HFt) and prickly (HSpn) roses.

Look at the park roses in the photo, which show the richness of the colors and shapes of the buds:

Description of varieties of roses with names and photos

It is almost impossible to create a list of recommended species, since all varieties of rose flowers deserve to be included in it. The following are some varieties of roses with photos and descriptions. Here are some names of rose varieties that you can grow in your backyard.

Photos and brief descriptions of rose varieties are offered:

"Amulett", syn. "TANtaluma" ("Amulitt"), - Min / Miniature. The flowers are double, spherical, with petals neatly arranged in a circle, rich raspberry-red. Pink colour. Blooms profusely. Plant 40-50 cm high.

Roses "Burgundy Ice", syn. "PROse", "Burgundy Iceberg" ("Burgundy Ice"), - F / Many-flowered. The flowers are medium, semi-double, of rare color - dark purple with a tone of Burgundy wine, the reverse is light, silvery. Bush 80-120 cm high.

Roses "Charles de Gaulle", syn. "Meilanein", "Katherine Mansfield" ("Charles de Gaulle"), - HT / Noble. A large lilac-lilac flower of a beautiful cupped shape with a strong wonderful aroma. Bush 80-100 cm high.

Rose variety "Comte de Chambord" (Comte de Chambord)- P / Antique. This Portland rose is now in its third century of popularity. The flowers are cup-shaped, densely double, often quartered, pure pink in the center, lighter towards the edges. The abundance of flowering is not inferior to the best modern varieties. Bush 80-110 cm high.

Roses "Eddy Mitchell", syn. "MEIrysett" ("Eddie Mitchell"), - HT / Noble. Velvet black-cherry flowers with a golden yellow outer side of the petal, large, double, elongated goblet shape. Bush 60-70 cm high.

Below you can still see rose flowers in the photo, which illustrate the various varieties.

Roses "Eyes for You", syn. "PEJbigeye", "Pejambigeye" ("Ice fo Yu"), - a hybrid of Hulthemia persica / Many-flowered. A hybrid of chultemia with roses gives it an attractive "zest": purple spots in the center of large open lilac-pink flowers. Bush height 50-75 cm.

The variety of roses Graham Thomas", syn. "AUSmas" ("Sin Thomas"), - S / English. One of the most popular roses in the world. Flexible arched shoots, decorated with rounded double flowers - yellow "lanterns", create a joyful mood. Growth is highly dependent on conditions and weather, it can reach a height of 2.5 m.

Rose variety "Heidi Klum Rose", syn. "TAN00681", "RT 00681" ("Heidi Klum Rose"), - MinFl / Patio. The flowers are medium in size, densely double, rich purple, with a heady aroma. Bush 40-50 cm high.

Rose variety "Hommage a Barbara", syn. DELchifrou, "Heinz Winkler" ("Omaj a Barbara"), - HT / Noble. Single medium-sized flowers of rich red color with a black velvet coating and curved petals create a unique image. Abundant flowering. Bush height 70-90 cm.

Roses "Jacqueline du Pre", syn. "HARwanna", "Jacqueline de Pre" ("Jacqueline du Pre"), - S / Shrab. Large open semi-double fragrant flowers, white with a pinkish "shine" and long bronze-red stamens, make an indelible impression. The bush is large, 130-160 cm high.

Rose variety "Leonardo da Vinci", blue "MEIdeauri" ("Leonardo da Vinci"), - F / Many-flowered. Saturated lilac-pink densely double quartered large flowers, collected in inflorescences, appear throughout the season. Bush height 80-110 cm.

Varieties of roses in the garden

Against the background of a classic lawn, single plantings of tall rose bushes look great. Tall plants with spread branches, covered with bright flowers, immediately attract attention. In this role, many English roses will be beautiful. Against the background of the lawn, ground cover roses will stand out no less effectively. A standard rose causes sincere admiration. Special varieties of roses have been developed in the garden, which can vary in the height of the stems and spreading of the bush.

New varieties of roses with photos

New varieties of roses are more resistant to adverse environmental factors.

Rose variety "Mainaufeuer", syn. KORtemma, Canterbury, Chilterns, Fiery Sensation, Fiery Sunsation, Island Fire, Red Ribbons (Mainaufeuer), - S / Ground covers. The flowers are medium, semi-double, rich red, collected in a brush. Plant height 50-70 cm.

Roses "New Dawn", syn. "The New Dawn", Everblooming Dr. W. Van Fleet" ("New Dawn"), - LCl / Climbing large-flowered. This rose has only one drawback - it grows in almost every garden. Despite the years that have passed, its popularity has not diminished. A beautifully shaped hybrid tea rose, porcelain-pink flowers cover the bush profusely throughout the season. They fill the air with a wonderful aroma. The plant is surprisingly hardy and any gardener can grow it. Bushes are large, 200-250 cm high.

Roses "Ruffle's Dream" ("Raffles Dream")- F / Multi-flowered. The originality of flowers with intricately cut petals is added by a changeable iridescent pink-apricot color with a yellow reverse. Bushes are dense with green foliage. Plants 40-60 cm high.

Rose variety "Sommerwind", syn. "Surrey", "Vent d'Ete" ("Sommerwind"), - S / Ground cover. One of the most popular ground cover roses. The flowers are medium, double, beautiful light pink. They are distinguished by very peculiar wavy petals, cut at the edges, but the flowers appear in such quantity that you do not pay attention to their shape, struck by the beauty of the pink "foam". Bush height 50-60 cm.

Rose variety "Super Dorothy", syn. "HELdoro" ("Super Dorothy"), - LCl / Super Rambler. It blooms in large racemes of small densely double flowers of a beautiful pink color with a paler reverse side of the petals. Shoots are flexible, thin, almost without thorns. Plant height 2-3 m.

Garden varieties of roses

The neglect of park roses, which are even called "rose hips", is surprising. Given the variety in which garden varieties of roses are presented, they deserve wider distribution, because wintering without shelter is a weighty argument in their favor. A single flowering can hardly be called a minus, because we plant other once flowering shrubs.

Five garden varieties roses wintering without shelter:

Rose variety "Hansa" ("Hansa")- HRg / Park. One of the best park roses. Elongated elegant buds develop into large purple-red with a violet tone, double flowers with a free arrangement of petals, with a strong aroma. In autumn, the bushes are decorated with large fruits similar to cherry tomatoes. Plant height 1.5-2 m.

Roses 'Morden Sunrise', blue '91V8T20V', 'RSM Y2', - S / Shrab. Rather large open semi-double flowers, fragrant, yellow with a pink coating on the edges, appear throughout the season. In cold weather, pink shades are brighter. Often shoots freeze above the snow level, in severe winters it freezes a lot, but in spring it recovers and blooms. Bush height 60-80 cm.

Rose variety "Pink Grootendorst" ("Pink Grotendorst")- HRg / Park. Small, pink, carnation-like flowers appear in dense corymbose inflorescences. Plant height 140-180 cm.

Summer residents and gardeners love to decorate their garden plots with flowers. On many courtyards you can see large flower beds and flower beds. Some people even create indescribable beauty from flowers, forming beds of continuous flowering. One of the main beauties is a rose. She is rightfully considered the queen of the flower world. It is to her, to a greater extent, that both amateur gardeners and professionals give special preference. Therefore, many want to choose the best varieties of roses. How to make the right choice and what should be considered?

The main criterion for the abundant flowering of the bush is the environment and soil features. As many gardeners note, no matter which variety of roses is chosen, fertile soil for him, you can create your own and concentrate the beds anywhere you want. Thus, the problem with the difference between the colors you like and the soil conditions unsuitable for them is solved.

The composition of the soil is very demanding roses with the so-called complex colors. The petals of such flowers have a combination of several shades. They can be very different and combine smooth or abrupt transitions. Modern breeders have learned to breed amazing views of this plant, which have not only complex coloring, but also an incredible shape. On unsuitable soil, such plants become depressed, unsightly in shape and dull in color. Their life cycle is significantly reduced.

Very often people choose . Varieties of these flowers are intended mainly for growing in partial shade and in loamy soils. Such conditions are characteristic of many other species. If we consider in general the soil conditions and the location of the flower bed, then these flowers love light breathing earth. It is categorically impossible to plant seedlings in clay, sandy and sandy loamy soil, since it poorly passes moisture and, in practice, does not allow air exchange between the root system and the soil. Experts recommend, in this case, to carry out double digging with the addition of black soil, peat, sod land and well-rotted manure. In this case, the proportions should be maintained approximately equal.

The best place to plant roses is the southeast side of a patio, garden, or backyard. The place should not be dark, shaded by buildings, trees or ornamental shrubs.

As for the climate, one should take into account the resistance of a particular plant species to changeable weather conditions, to cold, heat and lack of air humidity. Absolutely contraindicated for flowers are places of north-western orientation at their summer cottage. Plants are very sensitive to drafts and cold winds, so roses will not grow well in such areas.

Classification of varieties of roses. What types exist and how to distinguish between them?

The opinions of many experts and flower growers come down to the fact that before you start growing these beautiful flowers, you need to learn as much information about them as possible in order to avoid mistakes. After all, in the end, every grower, regardless of qualifications, wants to get high-quality, fragrant and beautiful roses. Species and varieties are divided into several categories. In each of them there are best options which have proven themselves with positive side in every way.

The most beautiful and common types of roses are:

  • floribunda.
  • Hybrid tea.
  • Grandiflora.
  • Ground cover.
  • Climbing.
  • Scars.
  • Collection of David Austin.

When choosing a variety, you must take into account your preferences and tastes, then your favorite flowers will appear on the plot.

Floribunda roses. Varieties, photo, description

The history of these flowers began in 1924, when the Danish originator by the name of Poulsen first brought out the original flowers of this type, which were called hybrid-polyanthus. At first they belonged to the general category of tea roses, and were bred into a separate group in 1976. Some experts note that floribunda roses are varieties intermediate between the two types (hybrid tea and). A distinctive feature of these colors is diversity in everything. This is especially true for the combination of shades and tones. As a rule, they are rich, colorful, juicy.

General characteristics. The height of the bushes varies from 40 cm to 1.5 m, about 35 inflorescences can be collected on one stem. The flowers themselves have from 8 to 24 petals, the edges of which stand out with medium doubleness. In shape - some varieties resemble a narrow or wide glass, while others may bloom with flat or cupped buds.

The description of varieties of floribunda roses also shows that their individual specimens can have clear golden hues, which are distinguished by a glossy surface and stiffness of the petals. These plants have an average height (about 1 meter). They are also characterized by larger flowers, which are collected in small inflorescences.

It should be noted that floribunda are roses of continuous flowering. They are also resistant to frost, fungal and viral diseases. This is a great solution for decorating your suburban area or home patio.

The best floribunda roses, varieties with photos:

  • Golden Vedding (Golden Vedding) German selection.
  • Samba. Germany, W.Kordes selection.
  • La Paloma (La Paloma). Germany, Tantau selection
  • Lion rose. Germany, Kordes selection.
  • Leonardo da Vinci. France, Meilland selection.
  • Tchaikovcki. France, Meilland selection.
  • Gebruder Grimm. Germany, Kordes selection.
  • pomponella. Germany, Kordes selection.
  • Jubile du Prince de Monaco. France, Meilland selection.
  • Koncerto (Concerto). France, Meilland selection.
  • Purpl Tiger (Purple Tiger). France, Meilland selection.

Tea-hybrid roses: varieties, photos, description

This group has very interesting story. Back in 1867, the Frenchman J.-B. Andre Guyot was engaged in breeding unique flowers at that time. He experimented for years on the variety La France (La France), namely, he crossed remontant and varieties of tea roses. As a result of this, he created a beautiful plant that had many differences and its own unique zest. Then Andre Guyot positioned his offspring as a variety of Bourbon roses.

In the description of varieties of hybrid tea roses, their main feature is the continuity of flowering. Also characteristic of these flowers are lightly cranked or straight stems, which have enhanced strength. They create upright, slightly spreading shoots. Varieties of hybrid tea roses were classified into a separate group in 1997.

Bushes are characterized by low shoots. Their length is slightly less than a meter, they have large brushes with 4-7 leaves. Most often, flowers are collected in small inflorescences of 4-6 pieces. The shades are very different (in some varieties several colors can be combined). There are new varieties of hybrid tea roses that have complex large double flowers.

Almost all varieties of hybrid tea roses have a beautiful appearance and are perfect for decorating not only the country yard, but also the premises. Middle period initial, active flowering lasts about a month. Then it's time to move on to the next stage - the emergence of new flowers (15 days for early varieties and 30 days for late ones). Then they bloom continuously until the first frost.

The best varieties of hybrid tea roses:

  • Double Delight (Double Delight).
  • Blue Moon (Blue moon).
  • Gloria Dei (Gloria Day).
  • Paradaiz (Paradise) .
  • Nikol (Nicole).
  • Cherry Brandy (Cherry Brandy).
  • Alpine Sunset (Alpin Sunset).

Medium varieties:

  • Eiffel Tower .
  • Virginia.
  • Sphinx Gold.
  • Cool Water.
  • Bella Pearl.
  • Ambias.
  • Goldshen Pearl.
  • Anastasia. white variety.
  • Papillon.
  • Sultan.
  • Landora.

Red-pink varieties:

Varieties of roses of the Grandiflora group

Relatively new type flowers bred to decorate gardens. They have the appearance of a stunted tree, about 1.5-2 m high. This group of flowers was obtained by crossing floribunda and hybrid tea varieties. Grandiflora embodied the best qualities of these varieties. They have a very attractive appearance and have a wonderful aroma. Remarkable properties are resistance to disease and frost.

The best varieties of Grandiflora roses:

Ground cover roses: varieties, photos, description

The name of this group contains the main answer to the question about the main characteristics of the plant. Ground cover - low-growing roses that are able to cover a vast area of ​​​​a flower bed with long shoots with many flowers blooming on them. The length of the shoot can sometimes reach up to 4 meters. Thus, nature creates a natural, beautiful carpet.

There are also such ground cover roses, the varieties of which, in addition to creeping along the ground, also shoot with drooping shoots. This method of growth provides indescribable beauty to the bushes. Some species bloom once a year (they are rarely used by gardeners). They are continuously popular flowering varieties ground cover roses.

Roses also have ground cover varieties (see photo), which are characterized by a variety of shades (light pink or pale raspberry, red and dark red, light red or pure white). Buds are characterized by a variety of sizes.

Another feature of these flowers is resistance to frost. Many varieties do not shed their foliage until spring. They are good for decorating columns or walls in the yard. Despite this, the base of the plants should be covered for the winter.

Ground cover roses, winter-hardy varieties (photo):

  • Bonika (Bonica).
  • Haidekind (Heidekind).
  • Swany (Svani).
  • Sia Foam (Sia Foam).
  • Elloy Fleurett (Yellow Fleurett).
  • Red Bells (Red Bells).
  • Sommerwind (Somperwind).
  • Super Doroti (Super Dorothy).

Scrub roses: varieties, photos

Speaking about this group of flowers, one can note their main feature - a great aroma, neat, upright bushes, abundant and continuous flowering. Flowers can be of various shapes (there are small ones, and there are large ones, the diameter of which reaches up to 12 cm). Petals are terry, semi-double or simple. The leaves do not have a glossy surface, they can be dark green with a burgundy tint.

It should be noted that in 1954 roses-shrubs were bred into a separate group. It was then that a lot of very beautiful views this plant.

Due to its structure and powerful root system, the formation of a bush is very easy, the main thing is to trim in time. For example, very often flower growers form a ball, a cone or a strict square. It is quite easy to do this. Some summer residents use this plant to form a decorative hedge to highlight one or another area of ​​​​the backyard.

Shrub roses (see varieties with photo) are grown by gardeners, both in separate flower beds and in combination with other types of flowers. They are often used in the planning of gardens or parks, so shrab roses are called landscape or park roses.

There are three groups of scrub (park) roses:

  1. curly- length of shoots from 5 to 16 m.
  2. Climbing- length of sprouts up to 6 m.
  3. Semi-climbing- the length of the zero shoot reaches a little more than 3 m.

Upright bushes can reach a height of up to one and a half meters. Among the advantageous properties is frost resistance (especially Canadian park roses, varieties of which can withstand temperatures down to 35 0 C below zero). They bloom all summer until late autumn continuously, delighting the eye with their indescribable beauty and aroma.

The best varieties of scrub roses:

  • Schwanensee (Schwanensee).
  • Grandessa (Dornreschen).
  • Gruss an Geidelberg (Gruss an Heidelberg).
  • Westerland (Westerland).
  • Feuerwerk (Fireworks).
  • Modern Senteriel (Morden Senteriel).
  • Parkland (Parkland) .
  • Belvedere (Belvedere).
  • Artemis (Artemis).

We have compiled here an extensive catalog of rose varieties. The main focus is varieties of cut (cut) roses, also called cut roses, for sale in flower pavilions and shops.

The catalog of roses contains photographs (photos, pictures) of varieties of roses, we tried to find and fill in the descriptions of each of them, if there is information on this variety, you can follow the link and read the description.

Data rose varieties they are mainly grown on plantations in Ecuador and get to the Dutch stock exchange by plane, then by truck to Russia, through customs, through a wholesale warehouse they get on the counter of flower shops.

We have accumulated over many years of experience in the field of floristry. It is customary for us to take a creative approach to each order, we try to do everything exactly the way the client wants. We participated in many all-Russian and city exhibitions. A large number of public city institutions use our services. For regular customers we have a system of discounts of 5-10%.

We have tried to make a complete list of varieties of roses. Here are varieties of varieties of Dutch roses, red roses, white rose varieties, yellow rose varieties, green rose varieties, blue rose varieties and pink rose varieties. You can also learn new names of varieties of roses.

All names of varieties of roses are sorted alphabetically. In Rostov-on-Don, the cultivation of roses is mostly rare. private business, on the territory of Bataysk there is a small greenhouse, but unfortunately the supply of roses from it is very weak and inconsistent.

Ordering a bouquet via the Internet is becoming an increasingly popular service every day. This is no coincidence. Our online flower shop is an ideal solution for people who value their time and money, as online ordering has become not only one of the most quick ways to congratulate relatives or friends, but also often one of the most profitable, because. The whole range and prices are presented before your eyes. Ordering flowers with delivery makes it possible to make a spectacular, unexpected gift to your loved one, relatives, colleagues and friends, without wasting your own time.

Flower delivery in Rostov-on-Don with our flower online store has become even more convenient, profitable and faster. We have removed all limits. Do you need an urgent flower delivery at night? Do you want to order flowers with delivery next Sunday? Now this will not pose any difficulties for us. For you we work round the clock, without breaks and days off. You no longer need to go to the flower shop in person to buy the desired bouquet. You just need to place an order for flowers, without worrying about anything - flower delivery in Rostov-on-Don will be carried out strictly in accordance with your application.

Just choose the bouquet you like from the catalog and tell the florist who answered you. Indicate the date and time of delivery, the recipient's details, his exact address and phone number. And your order will be completed on time.

The main parameters are height, freshness, specific shade and of course the variety itself. We will be happy to help you find exactly the kind of rose that you need!

Our salon works around the clock, the main profile of our activity is flower delivery in Rostov-on-Don. On the website of our salon and in the flower shop there are catalogs of flower bouquets, examples of wedding bouquets of the bride, flower design, flower toys and flower baskets.

Florists will professionally advise you, tell you which flower is better to choose, help you choose color scheme and desired type of flower arrangement.