How to plant beautiful roses on the site. All about planting roses

  • 13.06.2019

Roses attract any person who is not alien to the love of beauty. Although many people think that growing these plants with their own hands is incredibly difficult, in reality everything is different. If you have an empty space in the garden, then you can easily use it to plant these flowers. Naturally, in this case there are certain nuances that the summer resident should be aware of.

First of all, it must be said that the place in the garden used for growing roses is commonly called a rose garden. Such a flower garden can consist of various varieties of roses that differ in their color. At the same time, if you decide to start a rose garden in the garden, this does not mean that only roses should be present in it. If desired, you can include other colors, forming with their help interesting compositions.

Design styles

When arranging a rose garden in the garden, the owner can choose one of the following design styles:

  • Landscape;
  • Regular.

When choosing a design option, it is necessary first of all to proceed from the size of the future flower garden. For example, if you decide to give preference to a regular style, then be aware that it involves the arrangement of a flower garden made in the form of a geometric figure, for example, a triangle. Its important feature is the presence of a beautiful edging, for which brick or marble chips can be used. Crushed stone or pebbles are also suitable as a material.

When using a regular style, you must give the flower bed the right shape. Often, such rose gardens are complemented by grassy lawns and decorative fences. To give the flower garden more decorative properties, paved garden paths can be arranged.

When arranging a rose garden in a landscape style garden, much more freedom is allowed. Therefore, here the owner can not go in cycles in observing strict rules. Everything depends on fantasy. As a rule, such flower beds are formed by plants that are placed in the form large groups. But some owners often choose country style for landscape design, which they try to extend to all elements of the site, including the rose garden. In this case, ornamental crops can be included in it, for example, reeds, blue lightning, etc.

How to choose a place?

Finding a suitable place for a rose garden is not so easy, because here has its own nuances which must be taken into account:

Having understood in what place you will create a flower garden in the country, then you can select plants, taking into account the chosen design. Planting roses must be done in a certain order, according to their height, which they can achieve during growth. For example, at first, low-growing varieties should be planted, then roses of medium height, allocating space for them along the center line, and finally, tall varieties are planted, providing special supports for them.

Varieties of roses for the garden

These flowers differ in variety, which can also predetermine the final choice.

undersized roses

This group of plants includes ornamental and border varieties. As they grow, they can reach height 300-350 mm, no more. In the process of development, they form many beautiful flowers and leaves. In autumn, they need to be prepared for winter frosts by building a light shelter for them.

A special group is formed by ground cover roses, which in adulthood take the form of bushes or low creeping plants. The latter look especially beautiful, as they help create a continuous carpet of flowers, from which a fragrant aroma emanates. Caring for these roses is very easy, as they do not need frequent pruning. A useful quality of such roses is that they suppress weeds. Therefore, after planting these noble flowers, the owner does not have to worry that weeds can harm roses.

Medium high roses

Among the plants of this group of varieties are very popular are Austin roses. They are distinguished by the magnificent form of flowers. Their feature is abundant flowering. Mature plants can grow up to 750-850 mm in height.

Another representative of this group are hybrid tea roses. These plants can reach a height of 90 cm. Of their features, it is worth noting a delicate aroma and an unusual arrangement of flowers. Roses bloom until the first frost.

Floribunda roses are considered to be tall. Some representatives of this variety can have a height of 1.2 m. They also stand out for their abundant flowering. Up to 10 inflorescences can grow on one shoot. These roses can bloom for a long time. This explains their high popularity. Also, these roses attract attention with a diverse aroma and the presence of a large number of flowers on the stem.

Also in the group among the high varieties should be distinguished roses. They are most widely used in the laying of parks. In general, all other varieties that have not been described above can be included in the category of park roses. Of the features of these varieties, it is worth highlighting the spectacular appearance and flowering, which does not stop for a long time. An important quality for the owner is their unpretentiousness, which is manifested not only in resistance to temperature fluctuations and diseases, but also undemanding care.

tall roses

Before proceeding with the laying of these roses, it is necessary to prepare a suitable place, which should have a sufficiently large area. Unlike other varieties, these roses in adulthood grow up to 1.3 m and above. Climbing roses stand out especially among them, the height of which can be from 4 to 6 m. Curly small-flowered varieties do not please with their flowering very often, since they form flowers only once a year. More preferred in this regard are climbing large-flowered roses, in which flowers form twice a year.

Rosary plan and scheme

Even before the arrangement of the rose garden in the country, the owner needs to develop a future plan for the flower garden. But it will not be so easy to do this, since for this it is necessary to take into account a number of important points.

One of the important questions that needs to be addressed is choice suitable design for the rosary. To do this, you can use one of the following options:

  1. Flower garden, the basis of which is formed by tender plants pastel shades. As a result, you can create a flower garden with a rather romantic design. You can use white, pink and lilac roses for planting.
  2. To create a flower garden with a bright design, you can use roses with a pronounced red or yellow tint.
  3. Owners who have a good artistic taste will be in a more advantageous position here. In this case, they can create a contrasting rose garden that will help make your yard more decorative.
  1. When arranging a rose garden in the garden, it is not necessary to use only roses. Other plants can be added to this. These can be flowers of a different color, for example, lavender or irises, which by their presence will help to focus on the aesthetic qualities of the flower garden.
  2. If you want variety colors, then evergreen shrubs or perennials can be added to the flower garden. To create a background, you can use coniferous plants and ferns.
  3. Before proceeding with the implementation of the plan, it is recommended to outline the location of each element on the plan. So you can better imagine which places are better to choose for certain plants.
  4. Not all plants peacefully coexist and can suppress each other. This is dangerous because it may appear fungal diseases. You can avoid this by correctly calculating the number of bushes that you are going to plant on the site.

How to prepare the ground for a rose garden?

Photos show how diverse the design of a flower garden can be. However, the beauty and longevity of a rose garden largely depends on the soil used for it. Often soil preparation for it can take up to 2-3 months. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare a place for planting roses in the fall. Since it is impossible to say how quickly you can complete everything necessary work, it is desirable to start doing this in July. First of all, you need to dig the area to a depth of about 550 mm. After that, you need to loosen the top layer of soil.

Regardless of the variety of roses that you are going to plant in a flower garden, they need to provide special conditions. Therefore, it is important that the soil in the garden has the most suitable properties and composition. Mandatory for normal development roses is fertilizing. It can be not only organic, but also mineral bait. As the first, you can use rotted manure, compost, humus or peat.

However, it is necessary to correctly calculate feeding rate because too a large number of not good for plants. To do this, you must adhere to the following scheme: one square meter the plot should account for about 10 kg of fertilizer. Of the mineral fertilizers, a mixture of potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate and superphosphate is considered quite effective.

We continue the conversation about the rose - about this magical creation of nature.

From previous articles, we have learned what to be guided by when choosing for your garden and how to choose.

Now another concern has come to the fore - the right one.

It's time for our beauty to grow up and start living in the garden, delighting her owner with the gentle fragrance.

But this will be on condition that the owner knows how to plant roses correctly and skillfully approaches this responsible mission.

After all, it is one of the most important events on which the fate of the rose bush depends.

When is the best time to plant

Roses can be planted in two periods: in spring and autumn. In the conditions of the middle Russian zone, it is more reliable (according to experts) to land in the spring.

But on condition that the soil warms up to + 10-12 ° C and before the start of bud break.

As a rule, this is the middle of April - the second decade of May.

  • Root-bearing seedlings are ideally best taken in containers. Plant them only in the spring by transshipment of an earthen coma. For many varieties of roses, only spring planting is acceptable (ask about this nuance when buying shoots).

But planting roses in the spring has its drawbacks. Such roses may lag behind in growth (compared to autumn seedlings). This delay is about two weeks.

Also, such queens are more capricious and require more supervision and care.

Autumn planting of roses is best planned for mid-September-mid-October.

If the dates of the event are shifted, the roses will not have time to get stronger before the first frost. It is very important that the buds of plants have not yet begun to develop.

  • 10-12 days after the autumn planting, roses form small young roots, which manage to gain strength before frost and feel great in a dry shelter until spring. In the spring, young plants very quickly begin to form a strong, healthy bush.

If you do not have time to plant in the fall and do not want the seedlings to disappear, you can try to save them until spring by digging.

To do this, shorten the stems and cut the roots to 30 cm. In this case, a callus (corn that appears at the site of the wound) forms on the roots. From the callus in the spring, healthy roots will develop.

Planting roses - choosing a place

The rose loves warmth and sunlight (some of its varieties do well in shady places), does not tolerate drafts and at the same time respects fresh air.

The ideal place for planting roses is a well-lit area (but without the midday rays of the sun falling on it), sheltered from the northern cold winds.

It is best to take a look at a small slope oriented to the south. The optimal level of occurrence of preferred groundwater is at least 1.5-2 m.

  • You can’t plant roses in low-lying areas (there stagnate melt water, and accumulate cold air). Also, do not plant young bushes in a place where roses have already grown. If this cannot be done, then replace the soil layer with half a meter of depth.

Designer talking to you

How to plant roses? Traditionally, we all try to plant beautiful plants closer to home.

This is not a bad idea, as the house will serve as a shelter from the wind and hot sun, and at the same time provide a great backdrop for beautiful flowers.

Here you need to apply the knowledge of color ( harmonious combination colors).

  • A light-colored building or fence will effectively emphasize roses with rich, bright flowers. And if the wall of the house is dark, then it is better to use roses in light, pastel or white colors.

But planting roses should not take place too close to the house - it will be difficult for you to care for the plants, and a close landing can harm the building. The optimal distance is 40-50 cm from the wall (fence).

  • Multi-flowered varieties of roses that bloom all summer are best planted in a conspicuous place (near gazebos, benches, recreation areas, etc.).
  • Floribunda looks very impressive along the edge of lawns (it is better not to plant roses in the middle of the lawn, since lawn care has a different specificity). Also, these species are good for creating hedges.
  • Tea and tea hybrid species are ideal for flower beds (it is better to make them small size from 3-5 bushes of the same variety).
  • Climbing varieties. Planting rose seedlings of climbing species will give amazing view gazebo, veranda, any arch, fence, wall of the house. Place for these varieties can be given along the edges of the lawns.
  • Wild roses will decorate the border of the site and will be very useful there: thorny shoots will protect the territory from the penetration of uninvited animals and additionally attract birds that are very fond of the fruits of a wild shrub.

If your plans include dense plantings of roses, then ideal neighbors for rose bushes there will be Crocuses, Primroses, Aubrieta, Rezuha, Violet, Ageratum and Alpine Phlox.

Suitable for admiring roses up close hybrid tea varieties, and to create bright, attractive spots from afar, use Floribunda.

Ideal soil

Roses love fertile, moisture- and breathable loams with an acidic pH of 5.5-6.5.

If the earth is too oxidized, it must be limed. But do not get carried away - on alkaline soil, roses can develop leaf chlorosis.

  • You can determine the acidity of the soil using litmus paper. Mix some soil with water and dip litmus into it. If the soil is acidic, the paper will turn red, if the soil is alkaline, it will turn blue.

Light sandy and heavy clay soils are not suitable for beauties. Such soils can be adjusted: add sand (3 parts), sod, humus and compost (1 part each) to loamy soil.

In clayey - coarse sand (6 parts), leafy, soddy soil, compost and humus (1 part each).

In sandstones - soddy soil and finely crushed clay (2 parts each), compost or humus (1 part).

The land must be checked and prepared in advance (for spring planting of roses from autumn, for autumn 30-35 days before planting seedlings).

This period is enough for the soil components to mix well and the earth to settle.

The soil must be carefully dug up to a depth of 60 cm.

Preparing holes for planting

In a place intended for planting rose bushes, we dig holes with dimensions of 60x60 cm, a depth of 70 cm. We put the upper part of the earth (fertile layer) on the edge of the holes.

At the bottom of each hole we lay a drainage layer of small pebbles, broken bricks and gravel.

On top of the drainage, we fill up a layer of 40 cm of a previously prepared mixture of earth and fertilizers, and sprinkle the pits on top with a fertile layer.

Well mix:

  • Garden soil 2 buckets.
  • Bone meal 2 cups.
  • Superphosphate 1-2 handfuls.
  • Dolomite flour 1-2 cups.
  • Powdered clay 1 bucket.
  • humus, peat, fine sand 1 bucket.

We prepare pits for planting roses 10-14 days before the appearance of seedlings there. The earth at this time will have time to settle, otherwise the rosette may go deep into the ground.

The distance between the pits for plants depends on the type of rose and the purpose of the planting itself:

  • Between bush: 150-300 cm.
  • Low and sprawling: 40-60 cm.
  • Curly (low growing: 200 cm, strong growing: 300-500 cm).
  • Flower beds (weakly growing: 30-40 cm, strongly growing: 40-60 cm).
  • Ground-blooded creeping (weakly growing: 40-60 cm, strongly growing: 100 cm).

Preparing young seedlings

◊ Escape. We need to cut off all damaged and dried shoots under the first bud.

Healthy shoots must also be cut, but (for stronger seedlings, 5 buds are left, for seedlings of medium strength and quality, 3 buds, with a weakened state of the seedling, the shoots must be shortened almost to their entire length, leaving 3 mm at the base).

When planting roses in spring, we save:

  • Floribunda: 3-4 buds.
  • Tea-hybrid species: 2-3 buds.
  • Undersized polyanthus: 2-3 buds.
  • Climbing groups Rambler: shoots are cut to 35 cm.
  • Tall: you can shorten the shoots by 10-15 cm for early flowering.
  • Miniature and park varieties do not cut, the shoots need only be slightly refreshed (cut the tops).

◊ Roots. We examine the roots: cut off the rumpled ones, dive good ones 1-2 cm from the tip. Then we lower the roots into a solution of water and Kornevin, holding them there for several hours.

Before planting roses, the roots of the plant are cut to 20-25 cm, damaged ones are removed before healthy tissue begins.

The day before planting, the roses are placed for 11-12 hours in a container with water. Then we moisten the roots with a mixture of clay and mullein (proportion 3x1), adding a heteroauxin tablet to a bucket of solution (pre-dissolve the tablet in water).

Packaging Features

Rose seedlings can be found in completely different packages. Features of the form in which the young rose was sold must be taken into account when preparing the plant for planting:

♦ Polyethylene cylinders. Baltic growers love to pack rose seedlings in plastic tubes without a bottom.

In this package, the plants are from the very moment of vaccination, so they can be easily planted without destroying the earth coma. But before planting, carefully inspect the roots.

  • If the roots are light, directed outward, the plant can be planted immediately. And if there are few light roots, they are tangled - in this case, carefully straighten the roots, cut off the dry ones. It is imperative to ensure that the roots are directed outward down. If seedlings in cylinders need to be stored, store them in a pot, having previously released from packaging.

♦ Seedlings grown on light peat in greenhouses. Based on the experience of gardeners, such seedlings need to be planted, breaking the earthen clod (by the way, contrary to many literary indications).

As a rule, the pots of such seedlings are small, and the roots tightly entangle the ground, forming a kind of "felt". The roots cannot get out of such a coma on their own, roses do not take root in a new place for a long time and often die.

  • Be sure to remove the seedling from the pot before planting and soak in water so that all the air comes out of the earthy coma. Then, with a sharp knife, remove the outer layer of roots. Wash the roots of the seedling from the soil, but do not touch them at the base. Then straighten the roots and plant a rose.

♦ Mesh packaging. The manufacturer says that seedlings in a mesh container can be planted directly in it. But in the experience of gardeners, planting roses in a net very often gives poor results. Seedlings take root poorly.

Therefore, try to partially break the integrity of the mesh before planting and straighten the surface roots (by cutting off rotten or dry ones).

Planting roses

When planting seedlings, carefully monitor the grafting site (this is the part of the root from where the shoots begin to grow). The inoculation should be 3-5 cm below the soil surface.

Thus, the rose will receive protection from the heat of the sun and the winter cold. And additional shoots will not develop from the vaccination - they inhibit the growth and development of the main ones.

If the soil shrinks, sprinkle the soil mixture so that holes do not form, otherwise the roots may begin to rot from excess moisture.

Drop off methods. There are two methods of planting roses that have proven themselves well:

◊ Dry way. This method is suitable for areas with high humidity. At the bottom of the prepared hole we make a small earthen roller - on it we will lay out the roots of the flower.

It is better to plant a rose together. One holds the bush and carefully places it in the hole. The second straightens the roots and carefully fills them with soil mixture, compacting the plant with his hands.

Then the rose bush is abundantly watered with water (10 liters of water for each bush). After 2-3 days, the soil is loosened and spud up to a height of up to 10 cm (to the level of shoot cuts).

If this is not done, the rose shoots may dry out (especially in hot weather).

  • Loss of moisture often leads to the death of the rose. To avoid this, create an additional shelter for your beauty in the form of mounds of wet moss or damp sawdust. If these mounds are too compacted, loosen them slightly.

If your rose has taken root, after 10-15 days it will have the first young shoots. As soon as you notice them, the plant can be unraveled. This procedure is best done on cloudy days.

◊ Wet way. Such a planting of roses better fit for dry regions. A bucket of water is poured into the prepared pit (dissolve a heteroauxin tablet in it in advance, you can also add a solution of Sodium Humate the color of strong tea).

One person can handle this operation. With one hand, lower the seedling directly into the water, with the other, fill the hole with a water-soil mixture.

A mixture of earth and water perfectly fills the entire space between the roots without the formation of voids.

When planting, you need to periodically shake the bush and carefully compact the ground. Watering is not needed.

If the soil sags, the next day raise the seedling a little, add earth and spud it by 10-15 cm. After planting, shade the young rose for 10-12 days.

The nuances of planting seedlings of various types

♦ Parking. To plant roses of this type of pit, you need to make a little more: 90x90 cm, 70 cm deep. It is important that voids do not form in the row of plantings, if this happens, fill the empty spaces with annual flowers.

Planting density for park roses it is also important to ensure that the plants do not give a lot of root shoots, which then have to be removed.

♦ Teahouses and Floribunda. For these beauties the best time planting - spring. For tea roses, you will need support for climbing shoots.

Pits for plants of these species can be made a little smaller: 50x50 cm with a distance of about 50 cm.

♦ Hybrid Tea. Of all types of roses, hybrid teas are the most sensitive to heat, so you need to plant such roses in May (subject to the onset of stable warm weather).

The landing method for her is better suited "wet". Do not let these roses bloom for a couple of weeks (cut off the first 4-6 buds for this).

♦ Climbing. Roses of these species can be planted in spring and autumn. When planting, immerse the grafting site in the ground a little deeper than usual (10-12 cm).

This species needs support (the distance between the support and the stem of the rose is no more than 50 cm) and shelter for the winter.

Before planting roses, the lashes must be cut to a height of 30-35 cm and the roots shortened.

When planting, climbing roses tilt slightly towards the support, and the roots are directed away from the support.

♦ Ground blood. For such roses, the complete absence of weeds in their area is very important. It is best to sprinkle the earth after getting rid of weeds with bark or sawdust.

After all, the root system of groundbloods covers the entire earth with very flexible and prickly shoots.

Well, dear readers, one of the most difficult and important stages has been completed. Our roses are planted in the garden.

The further fate of gentle beauties will depend entirely on your attention and competent care. About and care for our rose garden, as well as about roses, about possible ones - we will talk in the next article.

See you soon, dear readers!

Almost on every garden plot you can find several roses. One has two or three copies, the other has a couple of dozen, but a rose is always a win-win option for decorating a garden. Every gardener's dream is a rose garden. But not everyone has the opportunity and ability to grow this whimsical and luxurious queen. But it's still worth a try. You just need to follow a few simple tips, and success will be guaranteed!

The time for planting roses does not have a clear time frame. Roses can be planted both in spring and autumn, depending on the weather conditions inherent in a particular region.

Planting roses in autumn begins in September-October. When roses are planted in autumn, the main thing is not to rush into planting. If the plant quickly takes root and young shoots start growing, then it will quickly weaken and will not tolerate frost well. If the planting is delayed, then the plant runs the risk of not taking root until winter. In the spring, this problem disappears, so planting roses during this period is the most optimal. Roses are planted in the spring, when the air temperature warms up to +10 ° C, which usually happens in April.

Preparation of seedlings and soil

Previously, rose seedlings are soaked in water for a day. Starting landing, choose a sunny area, which is sufficiently protected from drafts. Next, dig a hole measuring 50x50x50 cm and fill it with water.

It may seem that the hole is too large, but it is not. Gardeners often make the mistake of digging a hole the size of a plant root. And then, after planting, the rose will feel cramped in space, the roots will have nowhere to grow.

And if you follow these recommendations, then the roots will begin to form a mass of thin roots that absorb moisture, which will serve to develop a powerful bush. Having worked once on preparing a place for her pet, she will thank him a hundredfold with her abundant flowering in the future. So, after the water has been absorbed, 2-3 shovels of humus are placed in the hole and mixed with the ground. It is also recommended to add a handful of wood ash.

Now you need to carefully examine the seedlings. All damaged areas of the plant are cut out. The roots of the bush are shortened, leaving a length of no more than 30 cm. 3-4 of the most powerful stems are left on the bush, the rest are cut out. The remaining shoots are pruned so that 3 formed buds remain on the stem. This action contributes to the development of a powerful, healthy bush.

Planting rose seedlings

The seedling is lowered into a prepared hole and the roots are laid. Slowly fill the hole with earth, supporting the seedling and slightly pulling it up.

Then the earth around the seedling is rammed. Attention should be paid to the place of budding, which is embedded in the soil at a depth of 3-5 cm. If the grafting site is too deep, then the plant will not take root well and the seedling will have to be raised. And vice versa, if the rootstock is not covered with earth, then wild shoots will start growing. The growth is cut out all at the base.

The soil around the seedling is poured with a bucket of water. This must be done, otherwise after the first heavy rain the bush can go deep into the soil.

Rose hilling

After planting a rose bush, they begin to hill it.

This action stimulates the rooting of the seedling, and during autumn planting, to a large extent, protects it from frost. The plant remains okuchin until spring.

In the spring, too, there is no need to rush to open the plant, but this should be done in rainy or cloudy weather, or in the evening. If the plant was planted in the spring and spudded, then after the growth of young shoots, it is necessary to unscramble it so that the earth warms up well enough.

Step by step instructions for planting roses:

  • the seedling is soaked in water for 24 hours;
  • dig a hole 50x50x50;
  • add compost or humus;
  • mix humus with earth;
  • add wood ash;
  • cut the roots and excess stems;
  • the seedling is held and covered with earth;
  • tamp the earth around the bush;
  • cut the stems;
  • the soil around the seedling is poured with water;
  • spud.

The rose is perhaps the most famous flower. It inspires poets and helps lovers, is part of perfume compositions, captivates, attracts and teases us with its incomparable aroma. And the variety of forms of flowers, shades and aromas of this royal plant leaves no one indifferent at all.

Types of garden roses

In the flower garden, you can successfully combine a variety of types garden roses. Flower beds and borders are decorated with bushes, arches, arbors and walls are decorated with climbing roses.

Despite the abundance of varieties of this marvelous flower, not all are suitable for growing in a garden plot. To date, the range of varieties of roses is very diverse and amounts to more than 15 thousand varieties. Therefore, the success of growing by 90% will depend on the right choice (depending on the region and climatic conditions) varieties.

Varieties of roses depending on winter hardiness

Absolutely winter-hardy

Winter-hardy roses will not suffer from frost in a harsh winter

These roses do not freeze in harsh autumn conditions and can overwinter in an upright position.
These varieties include: CharlesAlbanel, JensMunk, Scabrosa, Hansaland, PrairieYouth, PrairieDawn, PurplePavement, Hansa, WilliamBaffin, FoetidaPersiana, SirThomasLipton, JohnDavis, SnowPavement.


These roses also prefer a vertical position for wintering, however, in this case, in a harsh winter, they can freeze.

These varieties include: Agnes, DavidThompson, FeliciteParmentier, GrootendorstSupreme, FantinLatour, KöniginvonDanemark, MargueriteHilling, HenryHudson, Mme. Hardy, WinnipegParks, MartinFrobisher, WhiteGrootendorst, Robusta, FruDagmarHastrup, PrairieFire, Nevada, F.J.Grootendorst ,Mme. Hardy, PrairiePrincess, Maiden'sBlush, LouisJolliet,MordenRuby ,PinkGrootendorst, Harison'sYellow,MordenCentennial.

Medium winter hardy

In such roses, shoots need to be bent down for the winter, because they may freeze to the level of snow.
These classes include: CaptainSamuelHolland, Westerland, Frühlingsgold, Quadra, GoldenWings, RosaMundi, CuthbertGrant, LichtkoniginLucia, SirHenry, J.P.Connell, Champlain, ReinedesViolettes, PrairieFlower, Frühlingsduft, PrairieSquire, StanwellPerpetual, RosedeResht, JohnFranklin, Rugelda, Frühlingsmorgen, JohnCabot, FrauKarlDruschki.

Planting roses

Roses prefer a sunny location

very important for abundant flowering rose bushes is the place to plant. The chosen place should be well lit, be protected from gusts of wind. Right choice- south side, as well as southeast. For climbing roses suitable for shady places.

It is advisable to plant roses in the spring, as soon as the soil warms up, and the buds on the seedlings have not yet blossomed. Roses planted in autumn often die because they can freeze before rooting.
For planting, choose seedlings without damaged and dry roots and with shoots with at least 5-6 live buds.

After planting roses need to cover

The pit for planting should be spacious enough, and the soil should be loose and fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. The dug hole is filled with drainage (expanded clay) and lightly sprinkled with a layer of fertile land. The place of inoculation (budding) is sprinkled with earth, rammed.

Planted bushes should be shed very abundantly with water, and then covered with covering material for the first time. The distance between the bushes depends on the variety and variety and is 70-100cm.

rose care

Basic manipulations:

  • regular pruning and proper formation of the bush,
  • weeding and careful loosening of the soil,
  • timely feeding,
  • watering,
  • fight against diseases and pests.

Roses are pruned before the buds awaken in spring. During pruning, all shoots below the graft should be removed, all dry, old, damaged and diseased stems.
The first dressing of rose bushes is done in the spring, with the first appearance of buds. The second top dressing should be done just before flowering, which stimulates the abundance of flowers.

Roses should be pruned in early spring

Before wintering roses, in order to avoid stimulating the emergence of new shoots, it is strictly forbidden to feed. It is desirable to feed the bushes with special complexes designed for roses.

It is acceptable to use rotted manure or compost as a fertilizer.

Watering roses is best done very early in the morning or after sunset and accompanied by shallow loosening of the soil around the bush.

To prevent diseases and the appearance of pests, several times a season, roses are sprayed with special means.

Roses cover for the winter, when stable, but still weak frosts are established. Roses covered too much for the winter can rot, and not covered enough can freeze.

Growing and breeding roses in the country is exciting and interesting. With such an abundance of options and a wealth of choice, each grower will definitely be able to choose for himself something individual, refined and unique.

And decorated and fragrant with numerous rose bushes the flower garden will remain your pride for a long time, will attract well-deserved attention and become the subject of admiration for guests and neighbors!

Roses adorn the garden from May to October. That is why this flower is so loved by most gardeners. In addition, it is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has a wonderful aroma. Growing this beauty, as well as caring for her, is not at all difficult. You just need to know a few things.

This article will help you figure out when it is better to plant roses: in spring or autumn. What are the differences between such a planting and what an inexperienced gardener needs to know in order to properly equip his rose garden.

Choosing a place for roses and preparing seedlings

Before we start figuring out when is the best time to plant roses, spring or fall, let's figure out how to prepare for this planting. To begin with, we will select a site and prepare seedlings.

Roses do not tolerate well if the air around them stagnates or there are drafts. High location can also be disastrous for them. ground water. Therefore, you should not plant roses in the lowlands. Choose an elevated location where your flowers can be slightly shaded from the midday sun. Planting bushes should not be done densely. This contributes to the development of various diseases.

Seedlings before planting must be inspected with special care. Any branches that are too weak or somehow damaged, as well as those parts of the root system that are not entirely healthy, are subject to removal. All roots are shortened by thirty centimeters. If they have already been shortened, then you just need to update the slices.

Before planting, the roots are lowered into water with the addition of root formation regulators, as well as substances that stimulate growth. Keep the seedlings in this solution should be about two hours.

Features of planting in the spring

To decide for yourself what time of year is best to plant roses, consider both options. First, let's talk about spring planting. On sale, seedlings can be found at the very beginning of March. If the roses have already been bought, but it is too early to plant them, do not despair. For a whole month, you can store them in the basement or refrigerator, wrapped in a special cloth. If after this period the weather is still unsuitable, then you can bury the roses in the ground completely and leave until it warms up. A pit for a rose should be prepared fourteen days before planting. If the ground does not settle properly before planting, the seedling will simply go underground. The hole should be about sixty centimeters deep - for the future volume of the roots.

It is necessary to fill the finished pit, based on the properties of the soil in your garden. If the soil is heavy, dilute the soil with sand with the addition of organic matter. And if the earth has a sandy structure, then it is worth adding a little more clay.

If the humidity in your area is high enough, then the rose is planted in a dry hole, covered with soil and then watered from above. Another planting method - wet - is suitable for dry areas. Water mixed with soil is poured into the pit, and the seedling is lowered. Only then do the roots fall asleep with soil. If, after watering, the earth becomes compacted and a hole forms, it must be filled up immediately, otherwise the root system may rot.

When planting is completed, hilling should be done with compost or black soil. If the seedling is small, then it is better to completely fall asleep for two weeks. So you can protect the shoots and buds. After two weeks, it must be dug up, otherwise roots will appear on the shoots and the rose will grow much worse. The tops of the cuts need to be refreshed slightly to encourage plant growth.

Can roses be planted in autumn?

In the previous section, we covered all the intricacies of spring planting. We figured out how to prepare the pit and seedlings. But many gardeners are wondering if roses can be planted in the fall. The answer to this question is quite affirmative. The plant tolerates autumn planting. It grows and develops well in the future. But late landing has its own characteristics. And immediately the question arises of when it is better to plant roses in the fall. It is best to complete all planting work before the end of September.

How to choose a seedling for autumn planting?

When buying seedlings in autumn, it is important not to miss some details. Roots should be healthy and hydrated. To check, living plant or not, cut the root with a pruner. If the cut turns out to be white, then the seedling is quite viable and you can safely buy and plant it. If the color of the root cut is brown, then such a root must be cut off until a white color appears.

Shoots must be intact. They shouldn't have any damage. If there are leaves on the seedling, then it is necessary to carefully examine them to make sure that there are no pests on them.

Late boarding features

If the question of when it is better to plant roses, in spring or autumn, is no longer relevant for you and you have chosen autumn period for planting seedlings on your site, you need to pay attention to some features.

We prepare the pit in the same way as described earlier. When planting a rose, deepen the root neck into the ground by two centimeters. So you will more reliably protect your plant from winter frosts. Watering should be done with great care. Pour out half a bucket at once and wait until all the moisture has been absorbed. Now you need to water again. Thus, all voids in the soil will be filled, and the roots will take the position that they need. Watering continues to be carried out regularly until the cold sets in.

What time to plant climbing roses?

Speaking about when it is better to plant, it should be noted that both spring and autumn are suitable, but planting in the spring is more reliable. Especially it concerns middle lane Russia.

Truth, spring planting leads to the fact that flowers in development are delayed for fifteen days. And this plant will require more careful care. But gardeners have found the most convenient way. They purchase seedlings growing in containers and simply plant them in their garden in late spring.

When is the best time to plant ground cover roses?

TO ground cover roses are long-term flowering varieties, which not only survive the winter well, but also grow quickly and strongly to the sides.

So, what is the best time to plant roses of this type. If you live in regions with warm winters, it is best to plant these roses in the fall.

For areas where winters are cold and frosty, choose spring planting.

If you are planting in the fall, then the shoots only need to be shortened a little. In the spring, they are pruned so that only two or three buds remain.

So, having considered the question of when it is better to plant roses, in spring or autumn, we can conclude that, in principle, both options are quite viable.

It's already a matter of your preference. Many experts tend to believe that more proper fit for roses - late, but many amateur gardeners say that the bushes planted in the spring grow, in no way inferior to last year's.