Name meaning: Rose. The meaning of the name rose Famous people with the name rose

  • 22.05.2019

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: "Rose" (lat.)

Name energy and character: If parents give a child the name Rose, then it is not surprising if they begin to treat their daughter in the same way as a gardener treats a flower of the same name that requires care, and in relation to Rose herself, education. This, by the way, is favored by the calm energy of the name, in which quite clearly expressed firmness, openness and constancy are noted. The only thing, perhaps, lacking in this name is some liveliness and mobility.

It is difficult to unequivocally determine what Rosa's upbringing will be, nevertheless, most chances are that it will be successful, and maybe even successful. First of all, parents try to teach Rose to order and patience. There are very few spoiled persons among women with this name, although they usually know their own worth, they are quite tolerant of others. However, in which case, the Rose can stand up for itself, showing its thorns and thorns hidden from prying eyes.

In general, a good upbringing opens up wide opportunities for Rosa to succeed in a civilized society. The same applies to her family life. It is unlikely that she will strive to get married too early, rather, Rosa will approach this issue seriously and thoroughly, choosing a person who, in her opinion and in the opinion of her parents, deserves every kind of trust both materially and morally. The only pity is that very often hidden and not always noble passions and vices are hidden behind the good-looking appearance of a decent person. Unfortunately or fortunately, but in such matters the heart often understands better than the mind.

Another pitfall of good upbringing is that Rose herself, behind a mask of calmness and restraint, can develop any passions, which, combined with her correctness, can often thoroughly ruin her life. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to release passion outward even before it has acquired some forms that are perverted due to long containment. This, by the way, could significantly help Rosa in her career. And the last thing: sometimes it happens that parents in their upbringing go too far and cause a feeling of protest in Rosa. In this case, her firmness can sharply aggravate the conflict, and instead of the expected correctness, her complete opposite will turn out.

Communication secrets: In order to communicate normally with most women with the name Rosa, you must at least learn the rules of etiquette. Although, to be honest, often in the depths of her soul she wants to do something completely different, so it is possible that poor Rose will burn with passion for some adventurer and rogue.

The trace of a name in history:

The legend of the rose

An ancient Indian legend says that once the supreme god Brahma argued with the god Vishnu about which flower is more beautiful.

“The lotus is more beautiful than all the flowers in the world,” said Brahma.

In response, Vishnu simply showed him a rose, and Brahma immediately recognized himself defeated.

Indeed, this beautiful flower not only gave its name female name, he is one of the most common mythological and poetic images with which different peoples linked their associations. For example, in Rome and Greece, the rose became a flower that personifies death, while in other nations, on the contrary, it means joy and glory. And prudent Jews for some reason believed that the rose symbolizes the number "5".

However, in most cases, the rose is still considered the flower of passion, and many of the legends, songs and poems associated with it eloquently testify to this. Thus, the "Romance of the Rosary", written by the poet C. Brentano, tells about three sisters with the names Scarlet Rose, Golden Rose and White Rose, who are threatened with an incestuous relationship with their siblings - and only the intervention of Divine grace saves the girls from a terrible fate .

As for the color of this beautiful flower, then, according to one version, the rose turned red when a drop of blood fell on its petals from the foot of the goddess Aphrodite - she was barefoot looking for the Adonis she had killed. According to another legend, the rose simply blushed with embarrassment, while Eve, the foremother of mankind herself, kissed her, walking in the Garden of Eden. Another story is connected with the origin of pink thorns: once, while inhaling the fragrance of a flower, the god of love Cupid was stung by a bee flying out of him. In anger, he drew his bow and fired at rose bush, intending, probably, to hit the insect - but, contrary to his expectations, the bee remained intact, while his arrow turned into a sharp thorn.

But there is another option. They say that once the god Bacchus, known for his debauchery (it was from him that the word "bacchanalia" came from), pursued a frightened nymph. He had almost caught up with her, when suddenly a barrier appeared in front of him - a fence of thorns. The nymph began to make her way through the thickets, and the clumsy Bacchus decided to make it easier for himself to capture by turning the thorns into a fence of roses. However, after a few moments, he realized his mistake: it was also not difficult for the nymph to make his way through the roses. It was then that Bacchus, seized with passion, made the roses grow thorns - and only after that the fugitive was completely in his power.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

She will sort out men until she meets her ideal man, and then she will already be devoted to him in body and soul. Rose is charming, outwardly sexy, men feel a deeply hidden passion in her. She is not a modest flower, lost among other flowers, but

luxurious rose.

She loves physically strong men, but balanced, calm disposition, so that it is easier to defeat them, and she prefers the young. Rosa generally has a weakness for a man somewhat younger than her, not very experienced, so that, introducing him into the world of sex,

show all your abilities.

Rosa reacts very nervously if she does not receive what is expected from a man - a real hysteria can happen to her. Although Rosa herself values ​​freedom above all else, she strictly controls her lover, wanting to know his every move. She seems to do this out of good intentions - the desire to instruct him (especially when it comes to a young man) on the right path, to protect him from mistakes, but few people like such tight control, and men often leave Rosa. This woman cannot stand loneliness and quickly finds a replacement for her ungrateful lover. It happens that Rosa has several lovers at the same time, not at all considering this reprehensible. She is looking for the one she needs, and is free in her search.

She is very interested in everything that has to do with sex: films, postcards, magazines, she is able to discuss intimate issues for hours. The “winter” Rose often fails in love, inventing a non-existent ideal for herself and comparing all real men with it.

The comparison, of course, is not in favor of the latter, and as a result, Rose remains alone. The life of the "autumn" Rose is the most happy.

1. Personality: singing women

2. Color: blue

3. Main features: will - susceptibility - excitability - intuition

4. Totem plant: sweet cherry

5 Spirit Animal: Cicada

6. Sign: lion

7. Type. They often intrigue: you never know if they will explode or sing. From childhood, you need to keep them in your hands.

8. Psyche. They can never sit still, they need to move all the time, dance and sing. Such women lack balance and stability. Often, for greater courage, they show their anger in order to impress others. Strive for active public life. Overconfident.

9. Will. Strong, sometimes just despotic.

10. Excitability. So strong that it makes them irritable and nervous. They express their feelings extremely violently, after which a long depression sets in.

11. Speed ​​of reaction. Very fast, especially when it comes to loved ones. They are ready to defend them with teeth and claws. However, they are also active in public life.

12. Field of activity. More interested in their inner world than work. The best thing for them is the improvement of their own hearth. These girls love to help, they can be allowed to cook and do other things early. homework. Most of all, they are suitable for professions that require communication with people - in the field of catering, trade, education.

13. Intuition. associated with their impressionability. They are charming and charming and perfectly able to use these qualities to their advantage.

14. Intelligence. They have a synthetic mindset, they have a lively, well-developed imagination and an excellent figurative memory, they remember for a long time what struck or alarmed them.

15. Susceptibility. Although they try to keep a distance, but this hides a highly developed sensitivity and susceptibility. Too restless.

16. Morality. They are equally pleased with both their own and other people's successes.

17. Health. Good, but they tend to be overweight. Possible disorders of the genitourinary system. You should lead a healthy and active lifestyle, play sports, especially water sports. They tend to abuse drugs, especially tranquilizers.

18. Sexuality. Strong and shows up early. However, they are sentimental and more loyal friends than it might seem. Family and social taboos can contribute to the emergence of their sexual complexes.

19. Activity. Depends on the circumstances. They expect sincerity from friends, and if one of them deceives, they are able to take revenge.

20. Sociability. They love to receive guests ideal housewives. They adapt well and feel light and free everywhere. They sparkle with the joy of life. They achieve some success not so much in the professional sphere as in the realization of their own personality.

21. Conclusion. These interesting women are as charming as their totem - cherry blossoms, the tree of wisdom and happiness.

By Higiru

This is a man of rare purposefulness, although her whole life seems to be spent on the run and fuss, since nothing human is alien to her. It gives the impression of a frivolous person, from whom nothing good will come of it. But she will surprise any of her classmates who met her in a couple of decades, because by this time Rosa, quite possibly, will have defended her dissertation.

Rosa is largely characterized by mimicry.

Adapting to the circumstances, she enters the role so that she begins to live in this role. This quality is especially characteristic of "summer" women. At the first meeting, Rosa usually charms everyone, she is pretty and is a success with men. They differ sharply from the "summer" "winter", in particular the "December" Roses - they are too

straightforward in order to adapt to the situation in such a way, pretense is not very successful for them. Rosa is a good psychologist, she seeks to know a person, but as for the male sex, she herself comes up with an ideal for herself and falls in love with him, not seeing in real man shortcomings. Perhaps that is why her marriage is successful. Rosa has one “fad” - love for order, with which she is simply obsessed, and is able to be completely disappointed in a person who does not share this addiction of hers. She is talented and hardworking and achieves success in life.

Among women with this name there are excellent teachers, translators, artists, actresses, journalists. Giving herself entirely to the profession, at the same time she will raise wonderful children, striking those around her with her thriftiness, she will watch all the fashionable films and performances, she, burdened with worries and loaded with bags of groceries, quite possibly has a lover who knows her as a woman free, independent and cheerful.

Alas, overloads affect old age, and Roses acquire a lot of diseases. Their weak point is the heart nervous system, legs.

  • Roza Baglanova, Kazakh singer (b.1922)
  • Rose Bertin is the pseudonym of Marie Jeanne, the court dressmaker of Queen Marie Antoinette, who received the nickname "Minister of Fashion" (1744-1813)
  • Rosa Derine, Hungarian actress and singer, one of the founders of the Hungarian theater (1793–1872)
  • Roza Jamanova, singer, People's Artist of the USSR (b. 1928)
  • Rosa Luxembourg, one of the leaders and theorists of Polish social democracy (1871–1919)

The legend of the rose

An ancient Indian legend says that once the supreme god Brahma argued with the god Vishnu about which flower is more beautiful.

“The lotus is more beautiful than all the flowers in the world,” said Brahma.

In response, Vishnu simply showed him a rose, and Brahma immediately recognized himself defeated.

And indeed, this beautiful flower not only gave its name to a female name, it is one of the most common mythological and poetic images, with which different peoples have their own associations. For example, in Rome and Greece, the rose became a flower that personifies death, while in other nations, on the contrary, it means joy and glory. And prudent Jews for some reason believed that the rose symbolizes the number "5".

However, in most cases, the rose is still considered the flower of passion, and many of the legends, songs and poems associated with it eloquently testify to this. Thus, the "Romance of the Rosary", written by the poet C. Brentano, tells about three sisters with the names Scarlet Rose, Golden Rose and White Rose, who are threatened with an incestuous relationship with their siblings - and only the intervention of Divine grace saves the girls from a terrible fate .

As for the color of this beautiful flower, according to one version, the rose turned red when a drop of blood from the foot of the goddess Aphrodite fell on its petals - she was looking barefoot for the Adonis she had killed. According to another legend, the rose simply blushed with embarrassment, while Eve, the foremother of mankind herself, kissed her, walking in the Garden of Eden. Another story is connected with the origin of pink thorns: once, while inhaling the fragrance of a flower, the god of love Cupid was stung by a bee flying out of him. In anger, he drew his bow and shot at the rose bush, probably intending to hit the insect - but, contrary to his expectations, the bee remained intact, while his arrow turned into a sharp thorn.

But there is another option. They say that once the god Bacchus, known for his debauchery (it was from him that the word "bacchanalia" came from), pursued a frightened nymph. He had almost caught up with her, when suddenly a barrier appeared in front of him - a fence of thorns. The nymph began to make her way through the thickets, and the clumsy Bacchus decided to make it easier for himself to capture by turning the thorns into a fence of roses. However, after a few moments, he realized his mistake: it was also not difficult for the nymph to make his way through the roses. It was then that Bacchus, seized with passion, made the roses grow thorns - and only after that the fugitive was completely in his power.

the Rose Abraham Darby. Abraham Derrby III (1750-1791) - English ironworks manufacturer, considered the founder of the British Industrial Revolution.

the Rose Adelaide d'Orleans. Louise Marie Adelaide of Orleans (1777-1847), one of the daughters of the Duke Philippe of Orleans, a French politician who took the side of the French Revolution.

the Rose Alain Blanchard named after French artillery captain Alain Blanchard, hero Hundred Years War.

the Rose Alberic Barbier bred in France in 1900 by Barbier Freres & Compagnie. Named after a member of the Barbier family.

the Rose Albrecht Durer. Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) is a great German painter.

The variety was bred in Germany in 1996 in the Tantau nursery, breeder Hans Jürgen Evers.

the Rose Alister Stella Gray bred in the UK in 1894, the author of the variety Alexander Hill Gray.

the Rose Anna Pavlova Introduced in the UK in 1981. Breeder Peter Beales. Belongs to a group hybrid tea roses.

The variety of roses is named after the great Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova (1881-1931), dedicated to the 100th anniversary of her birth. Since 1914, Anna Pavlova lived in the UK.

the Rose Anne Harkness bred in 1979 in the UK in the nursery Harkness ( R. Harkness & Co.), author of the variety Jack Harkness. The variety got its name in honor of the 21st birthday of the breeder's niece, daughter of Peter Harkness Anna.
Belongs to the group of floribunda rose varieties.

the Rose Archiduc Joseph. Archduke Joseph Karl of Austria (1833-1905), member of the Habsburg dynasty.

the Rose Astrid Lindgren. Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002) - famous Swedish children's writer, author of "The Kid and Carlson" and others.
Rose variety bred in Denmark in 1989, Olesen/Poulsen.
Among other awards has Baden Baden Gold Medal 1988.

the Rose Augusta Louise. Countess Augusta Luise zu Stolberg-Stolberg (1753-1835) is known for her correspondence with the young Goethe in 1775-1776, but they never met in person.
Matthias Tantau created this rose variety in 1999 in honor of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Goethe.

the Rose Baron Girod de l'Ain named after the prominent French politician Baron Girod Ain (1781-1847).

the Rose Bobbie James. Graham Thomas bred this rose bush in 1961 in the UK in the garden of Lady Serena James, St. Nicholas, near Richmond.

the Rose Botticelli. Sandro Botticelli (1445-1510) Florentine painter. the Rose Botticelli belongs to the group of floribunda rose varieties.

the Rose Brenda Colvin bred in the UK in 1970, the author of the Colvin variety.

the Rose Captain Hayward. Captain Hayward - English sailor who commanded the first ferry across the English Channel on the Folkestone-Boulogne route in June 1843

On that day, the official delegation of the English Parliament made the first trip from London to the Continent and back within 1 day.

In honor of this event, the English gardener Henry Bennet named the variety of roses he bred Captain Hayward.

the Rose Camille Pissarro. Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) - French Impressionist painter.
Rose variety bred in France in 1996. Breeder G. Delbard. Belongs to the group of floribunda rose varieties.

the Rose Cardinal de Richelieu. Cardinal Richelieu (1585-1642).

the Rose Caesar named after the French sculptor Cesar Baldacchini (1921-1998), creative pseudonym Cesar. World famous Cesar brought sculptures from scrap metal.

In honor of Cesar Baldacchini, the César Prize of the French Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Techniques is named.

the Rose Madame A. Meilland was withdrawn just before the start of World War II in 1935-1939. French breeder Francis Meilland. He named the rose variety after his mother Madame Antoine Meilland.

To save new variety roses during the occupation of France by Nazi Germany, Meillant sent his rose sprouts to friends in Italy, Turkey, Germany and the United States. During the war, the connection between gardeners was lost, so this variety of roses in different countries received a different name. In particular, in the USA and English-speaking countries, this rose is called Peace(World), in Germany Gloria Dei , in Italy Gloria. In the USSR, this variety of roses came from Germany, so we call it Gloria Dei.

the Rose Madame A. Meilland- one of the most popular varieties of roses in the world. Some gardeners even call her "the most famous rose XX century. "Belongs to the group of tea-hybrid roses.
The flowers are double, bright yellow with a pink border, large - up to 15 cm in diameter. Has a strong pleasant aroma.

Photo: 4028mdk09, Kosebamse, Arashiyama.

the Rose Papa Meilland. Antoine Meillant ( Antoine Meilland) "Papa Meiyan" (1884-1971) - founder of the Meilland Nursery, a French family company engaged in the selection of rose varieties.
rose variety Papa Meilland bred in France in 1963 by the grandson of Antoine Meyyan and the son of Francis Meyyan Alain Meilland.

Belongs to the group of tea-hybrid varieties of roses.

Has awards Baden Baden Gold Medal 1962, Worlds Favorite Rose 1988 and etc.

the Rose Madame Alfred Carriere bred in France in 1879 by J. Schwartz.

the Rose Madame Caroline Testout. Madame Carolina Testo lived at the end of the 19th century, she was a French dressmaker, according to the modern couturier, from Grenoble, she owned fashion salons in London and Paris.
Madame Testo often visited Lyon, where she bought fabrics. At that time they were very fashionable. hybrid tea varieties roses. Madame Testo was quite a shrewd entrepreneur. She turned to the famous Lyon rose nursery to Joseph Pernet-Ducher with a request to name one of the new varieties of roses after her. The deal went through. Rosa Madame Caroline Testout had big success and made good publicity for Madame Testo's firm.
This legend was told to us by the Internet. What happened in reality - who knows?

the Rose Madame Gregoire Staechelin withdrawn in 1927

the Rose Maman Cochet. The variety was bred by the breeder Cochet in 1893.

the Rose Marcel Pagnol. Marcel Pagnol (1895-1974) - French playwright and film director. The first of the filmmakers, selected in 1946 to the French Academy.

rose variety Marcel Pagnol bred in France in 1996 at the Meilland nursery (for Meilans, see above).

the Rose Maria Callas. Maria Callas (1923-1977) - famous American opera singer, soprano.

Variety Maria Callas bred in 1965 in France in the Meilland nursery.

the Rose Marie Curie. Maria Sklodowska-Curie (1867-1934) famous physicist and chemist, of Polish origin. She has lived most of her life in France.

Variety Marie Curie bred in France in 1997 at the Meilland nursery. Belongs to the group of floribunda rose varieties.

the Rose Michelangelo. Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) - the great Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet of the Renaissance.

Variety Michelangelo bred in 1996 in France in the nursery Meilland. Belongs to the group of hybrid tea roses.

the Rose Mister Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln (1805-1865) - 16th President of the United States.

the Rose Mountbatten. Lord Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (1900-1979) - British naval and statesman, Admiral of the Fleet. The last viceroy of India (1947), under which India gained independence, the first governor-general of independent India (1947-1949). Killed in an IRA attack in 1979.
rose variety Mountbatten bred in the UK in the Harkness cattery in 1982.
Photo: Georges Seguin.

the Rose Mozart. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) is a great Austrian composer.
The variety was bred in Germany in 1937 by breeder Peter Lambert ( Peter Lambert). Belongs to the group of park roses.

Name Description: Rose - from the Latin "rose".

Giving the child such a name, parents begin to treat the girl in the same way as a gardener treats a rose flower. This is facilitated by the calm energy of this name, which is characterized by clearly expressed openness, firmness and constancy.

Parents accustom Rosa to patience and order. There are quite a lot of spoiled persons among women with such, as a rule, they know their own worth, but they are very tolerant of people. If necessary, the Rose can stand up for itself, while showing thorns and thorns hidden from strangers.

The good upbringing received gives Rosa the opportunity for success in society and family life. Rosa will not strive to get married early, she will approach this thoroughly and seriously, choosing a person who, in her own opinion and in the opinion of her parents, deserves trust both morally and materially. But often, behind a decent appearance, not very noble vices and passions are hidden.

Often, serious passions ripen behind the mask of Rosa's calmness, which, together with her correctness, can ruin her life. Sometimes it is useful for her to let out passion before it reaches perverted forms. Sometimes parents overdo it when raising Rosa, which causes Rosa to feel protested.

Rosa is a purposeful person, although her whole life passes in fuss and on the run. In her youth, she may give the impression of a frivolous person, but after a couple of decades she may turn out to be a candidate or doctor of science.

Some mimicry is quite strong in the rose. She enters the role so much that sometimes she forgets about the real herself and continues to live without leaving the role. This is especially true for "summer" Roses.

At the first meeting, Rosa charms everyone, she is quite pretty and enjoys great popularity among the males. "Winter" Roses - quite straightforward, can not adapt to the situation and pretend.

Rose can be a good teacher, artist, translator, journalist, artist. She devotes herself entirely to the profession, but at the same time she raises wonderful children, amazes everyone with her thriftiness.

Date of birth by Orthodox calendar: September 4, August 30, August 23, July 17, May 7

Personality Character: imperturbable, strong-willed, intelligent, excitable, irritable, active, purposeful, decisive, talented, hardworking, contradictory, economic, neat, caring

Name abbreviations: Rose, Rosette, Rosulya, Ruzya, Ro

Suitable middle name: Arsenovna, Alievna

Suitable for boys or girls: only for girls

Name pronunciation: soft

Name nationality: latin

Most suitable for zodiac signs:

the name Rosa (Rosalia) has Latin roots and means the same as in Russian - a rose.

name energy

If parents give their child the name Rose, then it is not surprising if they begin to treat their daughter in the same way as a gardener treats a flower of the same name that requires care, and in relation to Rose herself, education. This, by the way, is favored by the calm energy of the name, in which quite clearly expressed firmness, openness and constancy are noted. The only thing, perhaps, lacking in this name is some liveliness and mobility.

It is difficult to unequivocally determine what Rosa's upbringing will be, nevertheless, most chances are that it will be successful, and maybe even successful. First of all, parents try to teach Rose to order and patience. There are very few spoiled persons among women with this name, although they usually know their own worth, they are quite tolerant of others. However, in which case, the Rose can stand up for itself, showing its thorns and thorns hidden from prying eyes.

In general, a good upbringing opens up wide opportunities for Rosa to succeed in a civilized society. The same applies to her family life. It is unlikely that she will strive to get married too early, rather, Rosa will approach this issue seriously and thoroughly, choosing a person who, in her opinion and in the opinion of her parents, deserves every kind of trust both materially and morally. The only pity is that very often hidden and not always noble passions and vices are hidden behind the good-looking appearance of a decent person. Unfortunately or fortunately, but in such matters the heart often understands better than the mind. Another pitfall of a good upbringing is that even behind the mask of calmness and restraint, some passions can ripen in Rosa herself, which, combined with her correctness, can often thoroughly ruin her life. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to release passion outward even before it has acquired some forms that are perverted due to long containment. This, by the way, could significantly help Rosa in her career. And the last thing: sometimes it happens that parents in their upbringing go too far and cause a feeling of protest in Rosa. In this case, her firmness can sharply aggravate the conflict, and instead of the expected correctness, her complete opposite will turn out.

Name characteristic

By temperament - a choleric, able to hide his feelings behind a mask of equanimity. It has a strong, sometimes despotic will, a synthetic mindset, a good memory, and a rich imagination. The reaction speed is fast, excitability is strong. Often irritable and nervous.

After a violent emotional outburst, she may experience a prolonged depression.

Rosa knows how to take care of herself. She is very active in social life. Sometimes she gives the impression of a frivolous person, but in reality she is very purposeful and decisive in her actions. The work is given in its entirety. Successfully chooses a profession.

Rosa is largely characterized by mimicry. Adapting to the circumstances, she enters the role so that she begins to live in this role. This quality is especially characteristic of "summer" women. They differ sharply from the "summer" "winter", in particular, the December Roses - they are too straightforward to adapt to the situation in this way, they do not succeed in pretending.

Not envious, Rose rejoices in other people's victories. But dishonesty, lies and deceit does not forgive, she is able to take revenge. Achieving success, she fulfills herself as a person.

A talented and hardworking Rose often achieves success in life. It is as if woven from contradictions: at the same time principled and frivolous, sharp and flexible, she loves to be in the thick of things and retire, withdraw into herself. Most likely, this is due to her ability to mimicry.

Professional field of activity - journalism, painting, acting field, linguistics, trade, catering system, service sector. Marriage is always successful. Economic, neat, caring mother. Rosa lives full life, without being isolated within the framework of everyday life and professional interests.

This is a man of rare purposefulness, although her whole life seems to be spent on the run and fuss, since nothing human is alien to her. It gives the impression of a frivolous person, from whom nothing good will come of it. But she will surprise any of her classmates who met her in a couple of decades, because by that time Rosa, quite possibly, will have defended her dissertation.

Among women with this name there are excellent teachers, translators, artists, artists, journalists. Giving herself entirely to the profession, at the same time she will grow up wonderful children, striking those around her with her thriftiness, she will watch all the fashionable films and performances, she, burdened with worries and loaded with bags, may have a lover who knows her as a free, independent and cheerful woman.

Rosa is a good psychologist, she strives to get to know a person, but as for the male sex, she herself comes up with an ideal for herself and falls in love with him, not seeing flaws in a real man. Perhaps that is why her marriage is successful.

Rosa has one "fad" - love for order, with which she is simply obsessed, and is able to be completely disappointed in a person who does not share her addictions. She is talented, hardworking and achieves success in life.

Charming, outwardly sexy, with a deeply hidden passion. He loves physically strong men, but balanced, calm disposition, so that it is easier to defeat them, prefers the young.

She cheats on her husband and does not consider it reprehensible, but skillfully hides it. Lovers also do not know that she is married. It is of interest to men even at a respectable age.

Alas, in old age, overloads affect and Roses acquire a lot of diseases. Their weak point is the heart, nervous system, legs.

Secrets of communication

In order to communicate normally with most women with the name Rosa, it is necessary, at a minimum, to learn the rules of etiquette. Although, to be honest, often in the depths of her soul she wants to do something completely different, so it is possible that poor Rose will burn with passion for some adventurer and rogue.

Diminutive and affectionate forms of the name

Rose, Rozonka, Rosulya, Rosulenka, Rosulechka.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac correspondence of the name: Fishes.
Planet: Pluto.
Name colors: black, green, red.
Most Favorable Colors: White.
Talisman stone: agate, diamond, rock crystal.

The trace of a name in history

An ancient Indian legend says that once Brahma argued with Vishnu about which flower is more beautiful.

“The lotus is more beautiful than all the flowers in the world,” said Brahma.

In response, Vishnu simply showed him a rose, and Brahma immediately recognized himself defeated.

And indeed, this beautiful flower not only gave its name to a female name, it is one of the most common mythological and poetic images, with which different peoples have their own associations. For example, in Rome and Greece, the rose became a flower that personifies death, while among other peoples, on the contrary, it means joy and glory, and prudent Jews even believed that the rose symbolizes the number "5".

However, in most cases, the rose is still considered the flower of passion, and many of the legends associated with it eloquently testify to this. Thus, the "Romance of the Rosary", written by the poet C. Brentano, tells about three sisters with the names of Scarlet Rose, Golden Rose and White Rose, who are threatened with an incestuous relationship with their siblings - and only the intervention of divine grace saves the girls from a terrible fate .

As for the color of this beautiful flower, according to one version, the rose turned red when a drop of blood from the foot of the goddess Aphrodite fell on its petals - she was looking barefoot for the Adonis she had killed. According to another legend, the rose simply blushed with embarrassment, while Eve, the foremother of mankind herself, kissed her, walking in the Garden of Eden. Another story is connected with the origin of pink thorns: once, while inhaling the fragrance of a flower, the god of love Cupid was stung by a bee flying out of him. In anger, he drew his bow and shot at the rose bush, probably intending to hit the insect - but, contrary to his expectations, the bee remained intact, while the arrow turned into a sharp thorn.

But there is another option. They say that once the god Bacchus, known for his debauchery (it was from him that the word “bacchanalia” came from), pursued a frightened nymph. He had almost caught up with her, when suddenly a barrier appeared in front of him - a fence of thorns. The nymph began to make her way through the thickets, and the clumsy Bacchus decided to make it easier for himself to capture by turning the thorns into a fence of roses. However, after a few moments, he realized his mistake: it was also not difficult for the nymph to make his way through the roses. It was then that Bacchus, seized with passion, made the roses grow thorns - and only after that the fugitive was completely in his power.

Other famous namesakes

  • Rose Bertin(1744-1813) - the pseudonym of Marie Jeanne, the court dressmaker of Queen Marie Antoinette, who received the nickname "Minister of Fashion".
  • Roza Tazhibaevna Baglanova(b. 1922) - Soviet opera (soprano) and pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR, People's Hero of Kazakhstan. Since 1949 she has been a soloist of the Kazakh Philharmonic, then the Kazakhconcert. Roza Baglanova's repertoire includes works of world opera art, Kazakh folk songs and songs by contemporary composers.
  • Rosa Derine(1793–1872) - Hungarian actress and singer, one of the founders of the Hungarian theater.
  • Roza Jamanova(b. 1928) - singer (soprano), People's Artist of the USSR.
  • Rosa Luxembourg(1871 - 1919) - leader of the German, Polish and international labor movement, one of the organizers of the Spartak Union and the Communist Party of Germany. One of the most influential figures in the European communist movement.
  • Rosa Ivanovna Makagonova(1927-1995) - modern Russian film actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  • Rose Harriet Newmarch(née Jefferson) (1857–1940) was an English musicologist and music critic, one of the first interpreters and propagandists of Russian musical culture in England. Translated to English language a number of librettos of Russian operas and texts of Russian songs. Author of books about P. I. Tchaikovsky, J. Sibelius, Russian opera.
  • Rosa Isidorovna Pasternak(née Kaufman) (1868-1939) - pianist, music teacher, mother of the poet Boris Pasternak.
  • Roza Kuanyshevna Rymbaeva(b. 1957) - Kazakh singer, People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR (1986), Laureate of the State Prize of Kazakhstan (2004).