Rosa mona lisa encyclopedia of roses. standard roses

  • 16.06.2019
They gave me a standard rose. Mona Lisa, red, stem height 80 cm, in a pot there is a support to which a stem is attached. I would like advice on landing.
I understand that the support needs to be removed, the stem should be planted at an angle of 45 degrees, the support should be placed vertically on the other side of the bump (by the way, how? The roots will not be damaged when you insert it) ...
Correct or not? Please help with advice!

I'll tell you about my method of planting boles. I think that this method is the most acceptable, because it removes the problem of annual root injury, rather than sticking and pulling out a support stick every time in spring and autumn. I came up with this combination last spring. So I planted it.
I took a metal-plastic pipe 1 meter long, picked up an aluminum tube for it in diameter so that it entered the first one with a little effort (thus one does not dangle into the other). Metal-plastic, when planting, is driven into the ground by about 70 cm, respectively, a permanent base for an aluminum removable insert-holder of the trunk sticks out on the surface. Very comfortably.

Does it matter how to plant relative to the cardinal points. If like fruit seedlings, then with a bump to the south (and then bend to the south for the winter). Or does it matter?

When planting, it is necessary to take into account only that moment - WHERE you will lay your stem in the fall. So that it doesn’t work out on the path or, when laying down, suddenly don’t rest against the top of the pink stem against a cherry or apple tree.

We get a vertical support and an inclined trunk for 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, attach the stem to the support, thereby bringing it to a vertical position.

Yes, I did too.

Photo N1-schematically, as I planted.

Photo N2-preparation for winter

Watch on our channel a video review of the Mona Lisa variety. Subscribe to our channel, constant replenishment of videos and photo reviews. Comments and advice on growing and caring not only for roses, but also for other plants!

In Russia, this variety, from the "Romance" series, is not widespread. Bred, or rather open Meilland in 2007, receives only positive reviews rose growers. Despite the fact that the variety is relatively new, it does not leave a potential buyer indifferent, thanks to the beautiful densely double flowers of the old form and the beautiful shape of the bush (height about 80cm, width about 50cm), saturated with glossy dark green foliage, excellent disease resistance and frost, excellent remontant, abundant flowering, self-purification and resistance to rain. Also, rose growers who grow this variety note that its flowers wilt on the bushes only at the end of flowering. The buds of Mona Lisa are densely double, of medium size, reaching a diameter of 6 to 8 cm, practically odorless. Color from dark red to crimson. Highly worthy grade, very similar in characteristics to the Red Leonardo Da Vinci.

Reviews from Rosebook.

Rose planted this year. Even in extreme heat it bloomed and grew very well. Beautiful, healthy foliage, nothing hurt. The flower is very full and lasts a long time. Excellent rose.

Rose overwintered perfectly, once again I want to praise her. The rain holds not 2 drops, but all 3. (according to the description)

The rose has grown over the summer from a small bush to the size of a satellite dish! Bloomed all summer, flowers are not afraid of anything. Of the diseases - powdery mildew from September on the tips of young shoots.

A wonderful rose. Planted the first year. Favorite. Flower of noble form. There are roses - disheveled, and this one is a lady. Petal to petal, bright saturated color, does not fade in full sun, lasts up to 2 weeks on a bush, keeps rain well. It blooms profusely, foliage is not visible behind the flowers.

Just smart! Very beautiful color, and amazingly long-lasting flowers! Aging flowers do not look bad, the bush is constantly in bloom until late autumn! It has had 2 transplants and is blooming beautifully. Hardy and highly ornamental variety!

Wonderful rose! Grows and blooms continuously in the company of Larissa and Jean Cocteau. Everyone supports each other and looks in perfect harmony in a color company. Overwintered without problems. A bush of a beautiful shape, about 70 cm high. The foliage is healthy, in ch.p. not seen.

The rose is my best purchase of this year. The bush has grown to H80cm, curly, all in flowers. There are no breaks in flowering at all, there are at least 5 flowers on a bush. Flowers do not respond to rain or constant sun. Didn't get sick at all. (N. Novgorod, sand, full sun)

Tip for judging a rose variety (click to see)

Decorative flowering and beauty of the flower

This is a complex, purely subjective assessment, reflecting only the personal preferences of the gardener - the rose grower. After all, both a lush, densely doubled beauty and a simple shy woman with five leaves can "hook" and "fall in love with yourself" with equal success. The assessment includes a general attitude to the color of the rose, the composition and quality of the flower, the abundance and continuity of flowering.
★ very low. Completely dissatisfied with the type of flower and the nature of flowering (friability, inconspicuousness, weak fast flowering)
★★ low. Dissatisfied with the type of flower and the nature of flowering (the flower is not impressive, there are few of them, the duration of flowering is normal)
★★★ average. Satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the bloom, but was expecting (a) more, although the flower and bloom are normal
★★★★ high. I like the flower and the bloom. The flower is interesting, flowering in abundance and duration corresponds to the species
★★★★★ very high. Delight from a flower and flowering, beautiful, plentiful, long


★ no or barely perceptible aroma of freshness
★★ weak light, thin, subtle
★★★ medium, moderate, with different notes
★★★★ strong, intense, with certain notes
★★★★★ very strong, outstanding, with a complex aroma, audible from a distance

Disease resistance (various blotches, powdery mildew, rust, etc.)

★ very low (constantly ill, despite prevention)
★★ low (sick only in unfavorable summer, prevention does not help)
★★★ medium (it only gets sick when there is a mass disease of all plants in a very unfavorable summer, prevention and treatment help)
★★★★ high (if there were initial signs of the disease, then everything went through prevention and treatment)
★★★★★ very high (no disease observed)

winter hardiness

★ very low (requires strong shelter, but can freeze despite a favorable winter without recovery)
★★ low (requires proper winter shelter, optimal conditions, but can freeze in unfavorable winter)
★★★ medium (winters well, but requires proper winter protection, recovers when freezing)
★★★★ high (winters well, practically without losses under winter protection appropriate for the region)
★★★★★ very high (winters without or under light cover, no losses)

Rain resistance

★ very low (the decorative effect is completely lost, the buds rot, the flower falls off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorative effect, the buds rot a little, the flower quickly falls off)
★★★ medium (slight loss of decorative effect, buds and open flowers are slightly spoiled or withered)
★★★★ high (slightly reacts, e.g. cannabis appears, without loss of decorative effect)
★★★★★ very high (does not react to rain)

Sun resistance

★ very low (complete loss of decorative effect, buds and flowers are baked and fall off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorative effect, edges of buds and flowers are baked, color is lost)
★★★ medium (a slight loss of decorative effect, the buds are intact, the edges of open flowers are baked, the color may change slightly)
★★★★ high (no effect on decoration, lossless flowering, color does not change)
★★★★★ very high (there is no effect on the decorative effect, on the contrary, the color will improve, the abundance of flowering increases)

Foliage and bush form

★ not attractive foliage and bush shape
★★ low attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★ medium attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★★ high attractive foliage and bush shape
★★★★★ very high foliage attractiveness and bush shape

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Megasad online store seedlings is of impeccable high quality. However, when working with live plants, their packaging and transportation, unexpected unpleasant situations can occur. Such moments occur extremely rarely, but in this case, if the seedling is damaged or completely destroyed, we guarantee its free replacement or a full refund of the cost of the goods.

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This rose belongs to the "Romance" series and is becoming more and more popular every year. Similar in stability and character of inflorescences with polyanthus, the shape of the flowers is similar to hybrid tea roses. Its flowers are large (up to 9 cm) have a luxurious dark red color, densely double (up to 90 lp.) Buds are large, in small inflorescences up to 5 pieces. The scent is very light, barely perceptible. The stem is decorated with small shiny dark green leaves..

Bushes reach a height of 70 to 80 cm. Re-flowering: blooms until late autumn (from June to October), almost continuously. Unpretentious, frost-resistant (the fifth zone of winter hardiness from -26⁰С to -29⁰С), resistant to diseases (black spot, powdery mildew), moderate resistance to rain. Received the ADR award, the silver medal of the Monza Competition.

See how this flower looks in the photo.

History of occurrence

The floribunda family was obtained by crossing hybrid-polyanthus roses with hybrid tea and other garden groups. "Floibunda" literally means "abundantly blooming".

The variety itself, Mona Lisa, is fairly new, as it was discovered in 2007 by the French company Meilland International.

Differences from other types

Mona Lisa roses differ from other varieties in their amazing winter hardiness, disease resistance and long flowering.


Roses bloom from June to October, each flower is collected in an inflorescence, on one peduncle there can be up to 5 flowers at the same time.

Care before and after

In order for flowers to please you with their marvelous flowering for as long as possible, you need:

  • regular and abundant watering;
  • seasonal top dressing (alternating mineral impurities and organics);
  • loosening and mulching the soil;
  • pruning.

In early spring, you can add peat and manure to the soil, so the bush will receive additional nutrition.

With the onset of winter, roses need protection. Despite their unpretentiousness, they need to be covered:

  • cut bushes in half;
  • remove the remaining leaves;
  • pile up the earth;
  • cover oak leaves, spruce.

Your snow cover is ready.

What to do if it does not bloom?

Everyone can face the fact that this abundant flowering variety ceased to please with their buds. This indicates improper care. The reasons may be:

  • defeat by fungal diseases that inhibit the development of flowers;
  • unsuitable soil (soil acidity should be 6-7 pH);
  • severe frosts (the plant must be prepared in advance for winter).

Attention! Keep the flower bed where roses grow clean, treat the soil from grass that prevents moisture from entering.

Use in landscape design

For these beautiful flowers there is a place in any garden. A rose can become the basis of a flower garden, transform a mixborder, be used in a group or single planting. The plant is suitable for any landscape style.

Step by step care instructions


The health of a rose depends largely on where it is planted.. It is necessary to find a lighted place where the plant can be in the shade in the midday heat, this will help to avoid burns on the petals. Also, roses will be comfortable in a corner where there is no constant drying draft.


Floribundas love the warmer months. The best option is from mid-April to the end of May. However, if you decide to plant flowers in the fall, then you should start by mid-September, because they will have time to take root before the onset of frost. Deadline for landing - the middle and end of October.

What should be the soil?

Rose bushes do well in breathable soil. where the plant will be provided with a sufficient amount of moisture and air.

In order for clayey heavy black soil to become light, peat, compote, sand or humus should be added to them.

If the soil is too light, then you need to add clay soil with the addition of sod land, compost or humus. Favorable soil reaction is slightly acidic. Optimal depth groundwater- not less than 100 cm.


We list the known landing methods.

Growing from seeds

It is very important to purchase quality seeds. They are planted in the ground in compliance with the care regimen. It cannot be said that such a planting will give one hundred percent pecking, usually several shoots are obtained from a pack.

Important! At home, this method is ineffective, since it is difficult to preserve the specific features of roses.


How to choose a seedling? The seedling should have three mature lignified shoots with intact bark and a developed root system with many thin roots. The diameter of the root collar should be the same below and above the grafting site and not exceed 5-8 mm.

  • First way. Landing is carried out by two people. Pour the finished mixture into the pit, then lower the seedling into it to a depth of 8 cm. The second person straightens the roots and fills them with soil mixture, compacting with his hands. After that, the seedling is watered until moisture is completely absorbed and spudded with earth, leaving until spring. When planting, try not to damage the bark on the neck and skeletal roots.
  • Second way. A bucket of water with a tablet of heteroauxin or sodium humate is poured into the pit. Hold the seedling with one hand, lowering it into the center of the pit, and slowly fill in the soil mixture with the other. Compact the soil periodically and shake the plant. Watering in this case is not needed. If the ground has sagged, raise the seedling a little by adding earth and spudding it by 15 cm. After the seedlings need to be shaded, it will take 10-12 days.


Rosa Mona Lisa tolerates the Russian winter well, its frost resistance allows it to endure low temperatures down to -29⁰C.


Every plant needs water. Do not forget that water consumption is not the same in different growth phases. During the period of intensive development (bud break, the appearance of leaves) and after the first flowering, the rose (new shoots) really needs watering. Do not water the flowers in the heat, spray, without falling on the leaves, settled water from a watering can without a nozzle to the base of the bush.

Infection with fungal diseases wet leaves increases at night.

With the onset of autumn, it is worth refraining from watering. The need for moisture arises if the soil is not moistened by precipitation.

top dressing

Combined and organic fertilizers are used for top dressing. Please note that floribunda reacts to salts in the soil solution, refrain from high doses of fertilizers.

Before planting roses, the ground should be fertilized cow dung . He is sent to upper layer, bringing about a kg per 1 m2 on light soil, about half of this value on heavy soil.

Do not let the roots come into contact with fresh manure, this will have a detrimental effect on the seedling.

Fertilizers are applied from the second year, doing this every spring and summer.


Regular weeding will protect the plant from root rot.


Cover the soil before mulching special material(leaves, peat, hay or old manure). For proper care use mulch or flooring. Spread an eight-centimeter layer of mulch between the flower bushes after trimming and working the beds.


For growth and development rose bushes need loose soil where moisture, air and heat penetrate. Loosening will help save water for irrigation and fertilization. Processing is carried out at a depth of no more than 10 cm.


First year

  • Autumn. Shorten stems, trim diseased roots before planting.
  • Spring. Shorten the main shoots by 3-5 poeks from the base of the bush.
  • Autumn. Pinch off main stems, flowering shoots, and cut off non-lignified shoots.


  • Spring. April-March. Trim off any dead stems and crossed shoots.
  • Autumn. September October. Pinch off flowering shoots and main stems. Cut off non-flowering shoots. Subsequent years.
  • Spring. It is necessary to remove dead parts of flowers, weak stems and shoots that grow inside. The thickened middle of the bush should be rid of the old stems.

Use a sharp pruner or garden pitch.


For this, cuttings are suitable. The algorithm is simple:

  1. cut stiff shoots;
  2. remove thorns and leaves;
  3. treat sections with special preparations;
  4. install the cuttings halfway into the holes;
  5. stick to an interval of 20-30 cm;
  6. cover with a film until rooting;
  7. water, air the seedlings and loosen the soil.

Hide young shoots for the winter, only after that the bushes can be planted in a new place.

Preparing for winter

Before shelter, cut the roses and spud the ground at the base of the bush. Build a frame from greenhouse arcs, rails, a profile or wire, it should be 20-30 cm above the plants. A heater is laid on it, a film is stretched on top, side air remains.

Roses calmly tolerate light frosts, so you should not rush into shelter.

Types and methods of reproduction


We cut the cuttings up to about 10 cm long, up to 0.7 cm thick, remove the leaves and thorns. Place them in a phytohormonal preparation for better rooting. The hole should be more than 10 cm, with one straight side where the cutting will lean against. Recommended planting distance 15-20cm. Then we cover this system with a film and periodically remove it for maintenance (ventilation, watering, etc.). Do not forget to remove weeds, they will prevent the growth of flowers.

Cuttings are prepared from young strong bushes.


The method is quite complex, subject to professionals. A graft is grafted onto the donor, a wild rosehip, they are tied to each other for a month so as not to disrupt growth. Slices are covered with garden pitch. After two weeks, we check the kidney, if it is green and swollen, everything is fine, otherwise the result is unsuccessful.

Diseases and pests

The most famous pests are spider mites, rose aphids or sawflies. spider mite and the rose sawfly are exterminated by DDT, Isofen or Akrex. Aphids can be removed by hand or with the help of Rogor, etc.

  • Rust. Orange-red spots on the leaves are treated with zinc preparations.
  • black spot. Black spots on leaves that are interconnected. You can use mullein infusion, if this does not help, then treat with Captan.
  • powdery mildew. Red-brown spots that are covered with bloom. It should be treated with mullein infusion or insecticides Benlat, Karatan should be used.

Eliminate acidification of the soil near the planting area to protect the plant from this disease.

Amazing properties, easy care and amazing appearance will not leave indifferent any nature lover. This rose is suitable for both a novice gardener and a true professional. Thanks to its flowering, Mona Lisa will delight you for more than one year.

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