Rose Sins Thomas description encyclopedia. Bush rose Graham Thomas

  • 16.06.2019

The Graham Thomas rose variety is, without exaggeration, unique. It has a special history and interesting description. From its name alone one can conclude that the culture belongs to the group of English roses, distinguished by their refined beauty and elegance. Even the most experienced gardeners cannot ignore this beauty.

General information about culture

Representatives of English roses are sophisticated and elegant flowers, which were very popular at the beginning of the 20th century, and returned to fashion again in the second half of the 80s. The famous breeder David Austin developed a unique variety in 1983, which he decided to name in honor of his friend Graham Thomas.

The homeland of the Graham Thomas rose is England, and here, when declaring their love, lovers are always given two beautiful yellow roses.

Due to the incredible aroma and unusual cup-shaped buds, this variety of roses left absolutely no one indifferent during the exhibition in Chelsea. It is also worth mentioning that the Graham Thomas variety was obtained by crossing two varieties of roses - Iceberg and Charles Austin.

Attention! Inexperienced flower lovers often distort English pronunciation. As a result, they are incorrectly called Graham Thomas rose or Thomas Graham rose.

Rose Graham

Characteristics and features of the variety

The color palette of Graham Thomas rose petals includes many different shades yellow color, which tend to differ depending on what climatic conditions prevail in the landing region.

To the group of main distinctive features plants include the following:

  • the buds are cup-shaped and have an amazing terry structure, their diameter is 7-10 cm;
  • one peduncle, on average, consists of 75-80 petals, which serve as protection for the center of the bud and only slightly open it due to its curved shape;
  • As for the inflorescences, they consist of 8 flowers, distinguished by a sweet and light aroma.

The shoots of rose bushes are very branched, droop towards the ground and have dark green shiny foliage. The width and height indicators depend on the climatic conditions in the region where roses are grown. But, on average, the width of one bush is 1 m, and its height can reach 1.5-3.5 m. The flowering period of Graham Thomas rose bushes lasts all summer.

To plant Graham Thomas rose seedlings, you need to give preference to sunny areas, as well as those in partial shade. When choosing a site, you need to be guided by the fact that the English Graham Thomas rose should be in direct sunlight for at least 6-7 hours a day. Experienced gardeners recommend making sure that the garden bed is well ventilated.


The growth and development of the plant depends on how the right bed is chosen: in sufficiently illuminated and sunny areas you can grow compact bushes that will bloom profusely, and in a shaded place tall shrubs with small inflorescences grow.

Attention! When planting rose seedlings, it is necessary to maintain the distance between the holes: fruit trees and shrubs should be kept 1 m away from rose bushes. If you neglect this important point, you can provoke a struggle between plants for the nutrients necessary for growth and development.

The procedure for planting a Graham Thomas rose can be carried out with the onset of spring or in the second half of autumn. The landing algorithm consists of several points, namely:

  • Planting material should be pre-prepared for planting. To do this, you need to keep it in root-forming liquid for a day, and then plant it in open ground according to the scheme 50*50*50 cm (width, depth and distance between seedlings must be equal).
  • In the process of preparing planting holes, they need to be watered abundantly, using at least 1 bucket of water for each hole.
  • You need to carefully straighten the root system, place it in the hole, and then pour the substrate on top so that the deepening of the grafting bud is 7 cm. The final stage is compacting the soil, and the next day the English Graham Thomas rose must be spudded and watered with plenty of water.

The Graham Thomas variety is distinguished by English pedantry, and it is for this reason that plant care procedures must be carried out regularly and correctly. If you follow the basic rules of care, this will definitely lead to a beautiful, well-groomed plant that will delight the eye with its lush flowering.

An important component of success when growing this variety of rose is humidity. Watering should be timely, but at the same time be moderate. When the top layer of soil dries out, you should immediately begin watering. Water volumes always depend on climatic conditions.

At the beginning of the growing season, the planted seedlings will need to be fertilized, which includes calcium and phosphorus. This is necessary so that the buds on the bushes set safely (it is best to feed roses in early May or June). With the onset of autumn, it is recommended to feed roses with potassium.

Important! You need to fertilize such a delicate plant as the Graham Thomas rose very carefully, following the principle “it is better to underfeed a little than to overfeed.”

You need to prune a rose based on intuition and personal preferences, as well as how the gardener sees landscape design your site. Mandatory pruning is required for those drooping shoots that have been affected by various diseases. You also need to remove faded flower stalks.

Methods for propagating roses Graham Thomas

As for the propagation of roses, this can be done using layering and cuttings. The most popular method of propagation is layering. To do this, you will need strong young shoots, from which you need to cut off the tip, and then insert a small stick or match there. Then you need to attach the stem to the ground, sprinkle it with drainage and water it with water.

Rose shoots

Attention! The land for layering must be prepared in advance: it must be cleared of weeds, fertilized and loosened.

The propagation process should be carried out in the second half of July or early August, and with the onset of spring, ready-made seedlings can be separated from the mother bushes.

If we take into account propagation by cuttings, it is not as popular as the previous method. For cuttings, you need to give preference to those branches that are already fully grown. Successful seedlings are those that already have 2-3 leaves, but 2 of them must be removed. The cuttings should be planted at a distance of 20 cm in the ground, which should first be fertilized, loosened and moistened.

Disease and pest control

Almost all varieties of English roses react negatively to excess moisture, which is often the causative agent. various diseases. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to add drainage to the soil, and also avoid excessive watering of the rose. During the rainy season, be sure to shake off drops from the buds and foliage of the plant.

Gray rot

The most common disease of these beautiful flowers is gray rot, caused by excessive moisture and prolonged rains. This is a fungal infection that affects the root system of the bush. The first warning sign of the disease is rotting of shoots and inflorescences. Areas that have been affected by infection should be immediately pruned, and then the soil should be disinfected using substances such as Alirin-B or Fitosporin-M.

Attention! If provided proper care for a rose, they will be exposed to diseases and pests very rarely, since the plants have a very high immunity.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Any plant has a number of specific pros and cons that you need to pay attention to before you start growing a crop, and Graham Thomas rose is no exception.

So, the advantages of this variety include the following:

  • due to high and stable immunity rose bushes in rare cases they are affected by diseases and various pests;
  • the variety is able to quickly take root when planted in open ground;
  • shrubs bloom luxuriantly not only in areas illuminated by direct sunlight, but also in partial shade;
  • On each shoot, buds are formed in abundant quantities, which serves as a bright decoration of the bush and summer cottage, generally.

This variety of rose has some disadvantages, but it is worth noting that there are significantly fewer of them than advantages. So, the disadvantages of the Graham Thomas rose include monotony color range, which differs only in one shade of yellow. But, in most cases, they are very bright, which completely suits flower growers. Also, the Thomas Graham rose reacts sharply to the slightest excess of humidity, which leads to unwanted diseases.

Even a novice gardener can grow these sophisticated and elegant plants. The main condition here is compliance with all tips and recommendations regarding correct landing and care. Proper cultivation of a rose bush will certainly lead to the desired result in the form abundant flowering in the park area.

Originator: David Austin, UK, 1983.
Shrub (“English roses”) or climber, depending on the conditions of formation and cultivation.
Height from 100 to 300 cm.

A very popular English rose with yellow flowers.

The Graham Thomas variety is difficult to identify by color. In some areas it is warm yellow, in others it is pale orange... [Click photo to enlarge.]


The flowers themselves, in shape and number of petals, are typical of classic Austin roses. Flowers are about 10 cm in diameter, double.

Color - from pale yellow to dark yellow, depending on the composition of the soil. Practically does not fade.

The aroma is medium to rich, with a scent of rose oil.

Flowering can be either single flowers or clusters of 5-7 flowers. Since flowers do not bloom on different shoots together, the flowering is long, but not very abundant. Repeated flowering continues until autumn.

The flowers are quite resistant to rain.


The plant is highly variable and can be grown either as a typical English shrub, about 120 cm high, or as a small climbing rose, with shoots up to 250-300 cm. Here you should focus on your region. If you have a longer warm season, then you can easily make a climbing rose from Thomas.

When pruning, it is worth considering that this variety tends to bloom more at the tops of the shoots, so it makes sense to leave spring pruning different lengths of branches so that some bloom lower and others higher. However, you probably have your own ideas on what a rose should look like in your garden, but here we are simply sharing our observations and experiences 😉. For example, if you decide to plant this rose in the background of the rose garden, where it might belong, then you need to cut it lightly - so that it blooms as nature intended - along the tops.

There are roses that inspire, that give smiles and joy, and there are those that bring spiritual harmony, sometimes on the cloudiest days. In any case, they become a bouquet of our feelings. English rose Graham Thomas (Graham Thomas)- this is an incredible cocktail of positive emotions, thanks to sunny and radiant flowers.

Distinctive feature Graham Thomas roses is its changing color. The bush of this rose can shine with yellow, peach, cream and lemon lights at the same time! This feature depends on various factors: climate, soil composition, number of sunny and cloudy days. From early summer English rose Graham Thomas will generously give you flowering, which occurs in waves and is not so violent during the rest of the season.

It grows with majestic bushes Rose Graham Thomas, in the northern regions growing up to 150 m, and in the southern regions sometimes reaching 3 m. Long arched shoots slightly droop under the weight of dense flowers with a diameter of 8-12 cm. It has a delicate sweet aroma with subtle notes of tea. The flowers are not suitable for cutting as they quickly fall off. But any flowerbed or rose garden will come to life when this beauty is in bloom.

Carry out preventive treatments against diseases and pests, timely removal of faded flowers, and also do not forget about a reliable shelter for this roses And Graham Thomas will delight your eyes for many, many years.

Root system seedling English rose Graham Thomas (Graham Thomas) To be sent to the customer, it is packaged in an individual package of peat mixture, wrapped in film, so your seedling will arrive alive and full of energy.

Buy seedlings of English roses Graham Thomas (Graham Thomas) You can click the “Add to Cart” button and place your order.

Type of packaging: Rose roots are packed in a moist nutrient substrate, tightly wrapped in film, and have a label indicating the variety. The permissible shelf life in packaging without loss of quality, subject to storage conditions, is up to 3 months.

Orders with rose seedlings are sent during the autumn and spring planting seasons (shipping restrictions in accordance with climatic zone customer).

Rose Graham Thomas has a rich yellow color. The height of the bush is usually about 100-120 cm. The width is about 120 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Disease resistance of the Graham Thomas rose: gets sick in unfavorable years.

Description: Graham Thomas roses

Despite the fact that many have already been developed yellow varieties roses - perhaps more than varieties of any other color - this variety remains one of the most popular of all English roses. This is easily explained: Graham Thomas is an excellent variety in all respects, but besides, there are few roses, even among hybrid teas, that have such a pure, rich yellow color. The flowers are cup-shaped and smell like tea roses. Graham Thomas has a beautiful bush shape, the rose branches well and blooms regularly throughout the summer. (DAER)Grows into a large bush, especially in hot climates. One of the best varieties Austin. Blooms like crazy. (RRC) This magnificent variety is one of the most popular English roses, and also one of the most variable. The buds vary in color from peach to red, they open into cup-shaped double flowers of 7-10, usually bright yellow, in some conditions with peach tones, fading to lighter colors with age. At the same time, flowers of several shades can be seen on the bush. Flowers appear in clusters, the aroma is medium to rich. Blooms profusely in early summer, followed by waves of moderate blooms the rest of the season. The shoots are long, arched, the foliage is dark green and shiny. The bush is vigorous and erect. In cold climates it grows up to 150, in hot countries it produces very long shoots of 250-300, and it can be planted along a support. IN temperate climate The rose can exhibit both characteristics: let the shoots stretch out and run them along the support, or cut them halfway after the first bloom to encourage branching. Some argue that growing from your own roots also encourages branching. Disease resistance is good. (TGR)

Namely, let's get acquainted with unique variety"Graham Thomas."

History of selection

Seedlings must be prepared in advance for planting, having previously kept them for 24 hours, and only after that should they be planted in the ground at the rate of 50x50x50 cm, that is, the depth, width and distance between plants should be equal.

Having prepared the planting holes, it is necessary moisten them well- It is recommended to use 1 bucket of water for each hole. After this, you can proceed directly to planting the seedlings. You should carefully straighten the roots and place them in the hole, then cover them with substrate so that the grafting bud goes at least 7 cm deep. Compact the soil, and the next day you need to hill up the bushes and water them generously.

Variety care

This variety of roses is characterized by English pedantry, so all care procedures must be performed in a timely and proper manner. Subject to simple rules you are guaranteed to receive a beautiful well-groomed shrub with abundant flowering.


Humidity- one of the components of success in growing the Graham Thomas variety. should be moderate, but at the same time timely. As soon as upper layer has dried up around the bush, you should start water procedures. The amount of water depends on climatic conditions, therefore it is not possible to define it unambiguously: here you need to rely on your experience and intuition.


Immediately after planting, at the beginning of the growing season, it should be applied. Phosphorus and guarantee the successful setting of buds - this is best added to -. In August-September you can nourish roses. It is better to approach fertilizing this delicate rose with caution, and also adhere to the principle that it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

It all depends on your imagination and on how you see the plant in yours. Be sure to trim only affected and drooping shoots, as well as flower stalks that have faded. However, you can carry out other manipulations with pruning and shrub formation to your taste.

Protection from diseases and pests

All English roses cannot tolerate excess moisture: this is what most often causes plants to get sick. As preventative measure It is necessary to drain the soil well and not flood the plant. In rainy weather, you should shake off the bush and buds from drops.

I would like to emphasize that “Graham Thomas” roses get sick and are affected extremely rarely, since they are very viable and resistant.

Features of reproduction

These roses are propagated cuttings and layering.
Propagation by layering is considered the simplest and most manageable method even for amateur gardeners. To do this, you need to select a strong young shoot, cut off the tip, and insert a match there. Then you need to attach the stem to the ground, dig it in lightly and water it.

The procedure is carried out in August, and in the spring you can separate the finished seedling from the mother plant.

It is considered less successful, but is also quite widely used. For cuttings, choose strong branches. A successful seedling is considered to be a cutting with 2-3 leaves, with 1 or 2 lower ones removed, leaving only one leaf. Then planting material planted in prepared fertilized, loosened and moistened soil at a distance of 20 cm from each other.