The use of computer technology in the work of a psychologist teacher. Presentation on the topic: The use of ICT in the work of a preschool educational psychologist

  • 20.09.2019

Use of information and communication technologies

in the work of a teacher-psychologist with children

The 21st century is called the information age. Modern information communication technologies increasingly being introduced into various areas life, become an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. The use of ICT opens up wide opportunities in practical activities and organically complements traditional forms work, expanding opportunities for interaction with children.

The Internet penetrates into all spheres of pedagogical work. Today, from the Internet you can find out the mostdownload materials for work (presentations, videos, music, literature) and much more; take part in online contests, webinars; exchange experience with their colleagues on the Web, actively participate in online professional communities, use the electronic library, etc.

Opportunities and advantages of using ICT in the work of a teacher-psychologist:

    Improving the efficiency of the educational process due to a high degree of visibility;

    Increased motivation, which increases due to multimedia effects;

    Facilitates the process of development and correction, enriches the lessons with emotional coloring;

    Wide multimedia capabilities (graphics, sound, three-dimensional image);

    Virtual communication in many respects repeats the real one, the principle of transfer operates here, since the interaction takes place in the “man-man” system;

    Modeling of productive activities of children (classification, design, experimentation, forecasting) necessary for the development of developmental and correctional tasks;

    The choice of an individual pace, the amount of information received and the time of training.

Information technologies are actively used in many areas of activity of a teacher-psychologist: in psychodiagnostics, in the organization of psychological education and psychoprophylaxis, in a psychocorrectional direction, as well as in organizational and methodological work.

Organizational and methodological work

    Development of programs, methodological developments of classes, projects, processing of diagnostic results, reporting.

Here I use the Microsoft Office Word program, the use of which allows you to use tables, graphs, charts, insert various drawings, pictures, photographs, etc.

    Recording and storing results .

A very important and often problematic for teachers - psychologists is the fixation of the results of psychological work in the journal of activities. Some educational psychologists keep separate notebooks for each type of activity. Thanks to the electronic journal, a teacher-psychologist can enter data on the work done, which are automatically distributed in different directions. In addition, the information is automatically counted and can be quickly printed if necessary. Access and Excel programs can create reports of varying complexity, both graphical and textual. The electronic journal can be downloaded here:

    Digital library .

In my work, I constantly come across an abundance of information: books, methods, practical and methodological manuals, etc. In this case, it is convenient to have an electronic library. Thus, all information will be electronic form and the problem with lack of space will disappear. Here are the most various options structuring: in the form of folders with various information on the desktop or through the creation of an internal psychologist's mini-site with the design of an information retrieval system. For these purposes, the Front page program is suitable.

Diagnostic work

    Using the Microsoft Office Word program, the diagnostic process becomes more accessible, as the computer allows you to prepare stimulus material for each child separately. These are all kinds of questionnaires, test forms, etc.

    The use of information technology helps to free up a huge amount of time spent on processing the received data. So using the Microsoft Office Excel program, I create different types reports, both graphical and textual, make various selections, compile analytical reports, which are then simply filled out.

    In the process of such work, its own digital library, its own bank of computer tests that will be useful in working with all participants in the educational process. In a short period of time, you can not only explore the abilities of students, but also conduct consulting work, discuss test results, offering your recommendations and advice.

    Carrying out diagnostics on a computer stimulates students' interest in psychological research, contributes to the personal development of schoolchildren, the formation of their educational, personal motivation, and the development of reflection. My piggy bank contains tests on various topics (readiness for school, school motivation, adaptation, etc.). Many tests on the sites listed below can be automated and transferred to a computer version. It also contains information on how to purchase this or that technique:,,,,,,

    There is another possibility - the use of MS Excel resources. To do this, a template is created in it, where the corresponding formulas are entered to calculate the required values. You can quickly get the necessary charts based on diagnostic results, and can also be used to work with data arrays.

Psychological education and counseling.

    To increase interest in psychological and pedagogical knowledge, as well as to raise the level of psychological culture of all participants in the educational process, the use of presentations created using Microsoft Office PowerPoint, OpenOffice Impress programs helps. This method allows me to make any information visually the most perceptible, so in addition to a number of video slides on the topic, various diagrams and graphs are used with the results of diagnosis, the presentation of which in the form of presentations makes the information visual and memorable. My bank of presentations has accumulated more than 40 author's developments of parent meetings, speeches at teachers' councils, meetings using presentations, as well as activities with children.

    Using the Microsoft Publisher office program helps me to make various types of booklets, memos with the necessary information on the problem. On the site you can find ready-made media presentations of seminars, parent meetings.

    Often to provide psychological help I have to use Internet resources. The ability to use these resources allows me to have the latest and most up-to-date information, without which it is impossible to provide qualified assistance in solving difficult and important issues.

    With the help of a number of video slides, listeners will be able not only to get the necessary information, but also to see an important story, watch interesting photos read opinions and recommendations.

    There is another significant positive point in media presentations: there is no need to print and photocopy visual material, everything important points reflected on the screen. In addition, with the help of presentations, the material can be colorfully designed.

CD movies

The use of CD films in the educational work of a teacher-psychologist will make it more interesting and productive. These films can be used on parent meetings, seminars for teachers.

Page of the teacher-psychologist on the website of the institution on the Internet

Here I post information for teachers, parents, children: psychological characteristics of children of different ages, various recommendations, interesting computer games, tests, puzzles for children, as well as educational programs.

Personal page of a teacher-psychologist on educational websites and portals

Here I post mine methodological developments, share experience with colleagues, participate in competitions.

Correctional and developmental work

Computer technologies have also been widely used in the correctional and developmental work of a school psychologist.

    Such technologies include computer programs of an educational and developmental nature. Their use contributes to the development of cognitive processes in students; improving the effectiveness of training and educational motivation of schoolchildren, as well as the development of their intellectual and creative capabilities.

    Developing computer games, which are primarily aimed at developing a particular property, quality or skill, also showed themselves well. These games are most convenient to use in the process of individual correctional and developmental work, since in the course of the child’s work at the computer, the psychologist still has to observe the process, control the correct execution, and help the child if he experiences any difficulties. Moreover, the effectiveness of classes from this only increases. Most of these games exist under common names, such as logical games, cognitive games, educational games, etc. In addition, a number of games can be used to correct basic emotional and behavioral disorders (aggressiveness, isolation, fears, etc.). In correctional and developmental work, individual episodes of a game are most often used, simulating situations of communication that need to be played by a teacher-psychologist with a child.

Educational games can be downloaded from the sites:; line-height: 100%">

    Developing psychological simulators

Psychological simulators are aimed primarily at the development of a particular property, quality or skill. For example, to train attention, memory, thinking, perception. Mostly psychological simulators are found on the sites of educational games.

    Correctional and developmental classes

These include practical individual and group classes that a teacher-psychologist conducts with children as part of correctional and developmental work, but using computer technology. The main idea of ​​such classes is that the main exercises are presented to children not in oral or written form, but on the monitor screen, that is, visually. The advantage of such classes is not only in the brightness and colorfulness of the tasks presented, but also in the fact that the computer makes it possible to show moving objects, animation, audio and video images. Of course, the lesson is not limited to working at a computer. A child can alternate written tasks with computer ones, this will only increase his interest in classes and increase their effectiveness.

To conduct such classes, a psychologist needs to purchase special developing computer programs. Most often, the main purpose of such programs is the development of a complex of properties and qualities of the child. You can download an example of such programs, as well as purchase them on the websites:

Self-development and self-education

Participation in distance olympiads and competitions allows you to expand your professional and pedagogical horizons, present your professional experience, create conditions for self-expression of creative individuality, pedagogical culture and realization of personal potential.

Open class -

Head teacher-info-

School psychologist

Psychology happy life

Use of information - computer technology becomes an integral part of the educational process. The introduction of modern computer technologies into school psychological practice makes my work more productive and efficient. At the same time, the use of ICT organically complements the traditional forms of work of a teacher-psychologist, expanding the possibilities of organizing the interaction of a psychologist with other participants in the educational process.

From the above, I conclude the following:

1. A computer is a reliable assistant to a psychologist at all stages of the educational process.

2. The use of modern information technologies in the work of a psychologist, in addition to solving psychological tasks, helps to improve the information culture of students, parents and teachers.

3. Close cooperation of theoretical psychologists, practical psychologists and programmers can help make the modern information environment more creative, developing and safe. And from our activity, competence and life position will depend on the development and consolidation of information computer technologies in the activities of a teacher-psychologist.


    Bespalova L.V., Bolsunovskaya N.A. Creation technologies automated systems processing diagnostic results in Microsoft Excel. - M.: Vlados. - 2006.

    Duke V.A. Computer psychodiagnostics. - St. Petersburg, - 1994.

    Eremenko N. A. Possibilities of using ICT and Internet resources in the activities of a teacher-psychologist//

    Solovieva D. Computer technologies for a psychologist// School psychologist-2009.-№24

    Shipunova O.A. Pedagogical expediency of using ICT in the activities of a teacher-psychologist//

    Organization of the activity of a school psychologist in the framework of informatization of the education system //

Natalya Obukhova
The use of modern ICT tools in the work of a preschool educational psychologist

The world in which it develops modern child, is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. The continuous growth of psychological problems in preschool education, the increasing requirements for the quality and quantity of work performed work psychologist from the certification commission, administration, parents, teachers, leads to the need to improve the system of psychological service.

At present, information and communication technologies are widely used in teacher's work- psychologist in various fields.

1. Methodical Job.

Working in Microsoft Office(Excel, Word, PowerPoint). Registration of reporting and current documentation, creation of a database based on the results of diagnostics, scheduling. Creation of own presentations, photo albums.

2. Preventive, correctional and developmental work with children.

When implementing preventive and corrective-developing work with the use of ICT, it is possible to include in the lesson a variety of computer games aimed at developing memory, attention, thinking ( "What does it look like?", "Find the Extra", "Remember and Name", "Games for tigers", games - coloring, etc.). Also, it is necessary use audio equipment for relaxation "Voices of birds and animals" and etc.). The Paint application can be used as an art therapy technique, using along with musical accompaniment.

Therefore, information and communication technologies are an effective technical means, with the help of which you can significantly enrich the correctional and developmental process, stimulate individual activity and development of cognitive processes of children, broaden the horizons of the child, educate a creative personality, adapted to life in modern society.

Most part of time teacher It is the conduct of research that takes away the psychologist. Not even so much their implementation as analysis and results processing, since it is often necessary to conduct an examination not of one particular child, but of a whole group of children. In this situation, ICT comes to the rescue of the psychologist. Usage computer disks with a set of tests facilitates diagnostics and frees up a huge amount of time spent on data processing, which can be distributed to other areas of activity, For example: Observing children in play activities.

Carrying out computer psychodiagnostics has the following obvious Benefits:

the first, and not least, is the huge interest of children in everything related to computers;

second - wide multimedia capabilities (good graphics, high-quality sound, three-dimensional image, dynamics) allow better modeling of living reality, which leads to a more complete perception of information;

third, the ability to take into account individual characteristics and opportunities for each child (e.g. individual pace of activity, interests, etc.);

fourth - interactivity computer programs and etc.

When conducting group diagnostics using ICT, the psychologist can print out the necessary stimulus material, test forms. Computer treatment test results allows you to create databases based on the results of diagnostics, to conduct a comparative analysis.

3. Working with colleagues

It is impossible to overestimate the resources provided by ICT for the professional self-development of the psychologist: the ability to find electronic textbooks on the Internet, articles on the necessary topics, acquaintance with the news of psychological research, training in distance professional development courses.

Creating your own blog, website, participation in work professional network communities, chats, on-line conferences, vybinars. Usage information internet- resources.

Sharing information with colleagues using Email;

4. Working as a parent

Parents attend meetings with pleasure and perceive information in the form of presentations, slide films, which reflect different types of children's activities. Stands in the office of any specialist, as well as in the children's group, require constant updating, and it is always a search for new ideas on the Internet.

Online kindergarten parents can ask a question about the development, education and upbringing of children. Also on the DOO website there is a page teacher-psychologist, where information is constantly updated for parents: consultations, memos.

Thus, teacher use- psychologist of information and communication technologies in DO, is a factor in maintaining the mental health of children due to the possibility of solving the following tasks:

development of psychophysiological functions that ensure readiness for learning (fine motor skills, optical-spatial orientation, hand-eye coordination);

enrichment of horizons;

assistance in mastering a social role;

formation of educational motivation, development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, arbitrariness);

organization favorable for the development of subject and social environments.

So a full implementation teacher- a psychologist of professional activity today is impossible without use of ICT. Mobility, timeliness and efficiency depend on it. work psychologist in the model of interaction of all subjects of the educational space.

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Pedagogical expediency of using ICTin the activities of a teacher-psychologist

The 21st century is called the Information Age. And the further - the more: modern information technologies are being introduced into various spheres of life. Computer technologies are becoming an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. The computer has become an essential attribute of a modern specialist, regardless of the field in which he works. Increasingly, the applied nature of the use of modern information computer technologies recedes before its educational and developmental capabilities. Introduction modern technologies education and development of children, allows you to more fully realize the personal potential of each child. The advantages of using ICT open up wide opportunities in the practical activities of an educational psychologist.

I believe that at the present stage of the practical activity of a psychologist, it is no longer conceivable without the use of computer technology. The introduction of modern computer technologies into school psychological practice makes my work more productive and efficient. The use of ICT organically complements the traditional forms of work of a school psychologist, expanding the possibilities of organizing the interaction of a psychologist with other participants in the educational process. The total amount of ICT use in work with various subjects of the educational process, I think, can be distributed as follows:

Information interpretation system , reporting. In this, office programs Access and Excel provide indispensable assistance to me, which can create even complex types of reports, both graphical and textual, make various selections, and calculate analytics. The same programs allow you to create the simplest databases of children.

Holding computer psychodiagnostics allows me to free up a huge amount of time spent on data processing and devote more time to, for example, observing students. It seems to me that diagnostics on a computer stimulates students' interest in psychological research, contributes to the personal development of high school students, the formation of their educational, personal and professional motivation, the development of reflection. My piggy bank contains tests on various topics (health, for family, character, business, for women, safety, personality, etc.). As an indirect psychodiagnostic toolkit, I use various computer games "Adventures on the plan of numbers" company BUKA, "Adventures on hot-air balloon"BUKA company, "Baba Yaga learn to count" and simulators "Super Attention", "Intellect", the encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius "Developing Memory", "Developing Attention", "Learning to Save Time", etc.

planning psychology lessons , cool watch I try to include in the plan the use of presentations "Temperament", "Development and degradation", "Lessons of love", "Say no to drugs", "Success in the profession", "Life is given once", etc. The piggy bank is constantly replenished with the work of children and their own. Tracking the success of mastering the program with the help of tests. The test designer helps to create a computer version of the test, and then use it in your work.

Widespread use of computer technology in correctional and developmental work school psychologist with students. Such technologies include computer programs of an educational and developmental nature. Computer programs are a unique combination of technology, entertainment, psychology and pedagogy. I use some of these programs. I believe that these programs contribute to the development of sensorimotor, perceptual and higher cognitive functions; improving the efficiency of teaching students, increasing their learning motivation, developing their intellectual and creative abilities, etc. One can distinguish the direction of using ICT in correctional and developmental work: the use of ICT for the development of the child's cognitive abilities (a wide variety of computer simulators and game complexes are now offered in this direction aimed at the development of sensorimotor skills, attention, memory and thinking). In my practice, I use the following games: Mushroom Era, Around the World in 80 Days, Mystery of the Old Chest, etc.

When organizing psychological education and group counseling high school students on issues of professional and personal self-determination use a wide range of opportunities offered by ICT: I use the computer program "Information training » LLC "GLOBUS", e-books "You are a parent", "Teenager and his problems", " Bad habits" etc. In the last academic year, we created small relaxation presentations with teenagers, in which we jointly selected photographs of flowers, waterfalls, landscapes, observing the transition of colors, accompanied by certain musical accompaniment, which required students to first familiarize themselves with information about the effect of color and music on mood and physical human condition. Having carried out this huge, in my opinion, work, the guys gained rich experience in the field of flowers, and they successfully defended research work"The influence of color on the human condition" at the district level.

At the moment, computer and information technology are not only a tool and tool in the activities of a school psychologist, but also act as a common basis for organizing joint activities with teachers to solve the problem of informatization of the educational process. Many teachers are just starting to master the “miracle technique”, sometimes they are afraid of the computer, often lag behind their students in their computer knowledge, and most do not have access to the Internet or do not always know how to use it. From the foregoing, I draw the following conclusion that the use of modern information technologies in my work with teachers and parents, in addition to solving specific psychological problems, helps to increase the information culture of teachers and parents and the motivation to use a computer in their pedagogical practice.

To implement these ideas, a page on the school website was developed specifically for teachers and parents. There are two sections for elementary school and secondary, where parents and teachers can get useful information. The materials for the pages are selected taking into account requests, in September I post material on adaptation, in the ten days of quitting smoking and AIDS, information about these diseases, help and support, in April - how to prepare for exams, etc.

I am sure that the site is a kind of virtual psychological service designed to help provide teachers and parents, children with ample opportunities for psychological and pedagogical self-education, self-knowledge, and professional self-development.

Distance learning - a new concept in the psychology of education. Distance learning does not pretend to replace the real work of a psychologist with children, it complements it by building distance forms of interaction between a psychologist and entire groups, and allows to solve development problems more effectively. current situation community development– ordering target groups. It is no secret that now for some teenagers it is easier to access the Internet than to come to a lesson or consultation, they themselves ask to put educational materials on the Internet so that they can access them at any time; therefore, in order to keep up with the times, this academic year I developed a distance career guidance course “Find Yourself” for grades 8-9. The course is a success among students from rural schools who do not have the opportunity to come to every lesson in the city.

In my practice, it also happened that it was more comfortable for a teenager to communicate not directly, but indirectly (in absentia). After all, many students will never come to counseling, so I wondered how to help them. And I found a way out - you can help teenagers through the Internet, using email or ICQ system. I have both. At this stage of my work, there are many students on my lists who need help.

I think that by remote means it is often possible to get an answer much faster, solve a problem, convey information to the majority of schoolchildren.

It is impossible to overestimate the resources provided by ICT for the professional self-development of a psychologist: I often use the opportunity to study electronic textbooks, articles on the Internet, get acquainted with the news of psychological research, read Psychological Consultations, exchange information with colleagues via e-mail, etc. I am sure that the opportunity to show creativity in the development of professional computer tools, albeit simple, but necessary in the work, is very important.

I hope that computer technologies will continue to be reliable assistants in my work. Horizons open and opportunities further development ICT in practical psychology and certain risks. It depends on our activity and life position what information our children will perceive. A tandem of theoretical psychologists, practical psychologists and programmers can help make the modern information environment more creative, developing and safe, as well as reduce its sometimes negative impact on children and adolescents.

Electronic manual "Diagnostic work in the preschool educational institution" series "Preschooler" was created to help educators, psychologists of preschool institutions, primary school teachers, social educators educational institutions, and can also be useful to parents, students of pedagogical educational institutions.

Our society at the present stage of its development is faced with the task of improving educational work with children. before school age preparing them for schooling. To successfully solve this problem, a psychologist needs the ability to determine the level of a child's mental development, to diagnose his deviations in time, and on this basis to outline ways of corrective work.

And this manual is a complex of numerous methods of various authors, combined for the purpose of effective psychodiagnostic work in a preschool educational institution.

The electronic version of the manual makes it possible not only to familiarize yourself, take note or use diagnostic materials in your work, but also optimize your work, save time, using, if necessary, those methods, tests, questionnaires, tables, diagrams that are offered on the disk, with the ability to editing directly in the document. In this case, their own local documents are created, which are archived immediately when working with this disk.

Working with disk materials is built as follows.

When you open the program, you are prompted to select sections:

1. Organizational aspect

This section highlights the theoretical and practical foundations for diagnosing a child's development in the system of preschool education. The principles of conducting and methods of psychological research, types of diagnostics, ethical principles and rules of work of a practical psychologist of education are presented in an accessible way. Here are the forms of documents necessary for a psychologist to determine the level of mental development of a child(psychological representation, a map of the psychological examination of the child, a psychological passport of the child, a questionnaire on the characteristics of the child's development, etc.).

2. Mental processes and speech

The section contains a unique selection of diagnostic methods and tests by various authors to study the characteristics of thinking(“Reproduce the drawings”, “Exclusion of concepts”), attention("Find and cross out", "Remember and dot"), perception("Find out who it is", "What objects are hidden in the drawings"), memory("Remember the Numbers", "Remember the Phrases"), imagination("Make up a game", "Draw something")and speech("Definition of the active vocabulary”, “Tell by the picture”)preschoolers and younger students.

3. Development of fine motor skills

In this section, you can find out how and at what age you need to determine the leading hand of the child and what rules exist, the observance of which will help to obtain more reliable results. To determine handiness, you can use the test system developed byM. G. Knyazeva and V. Yu. Vildavsky, or use the set of tasks of the German researcherF. Kretschmeror a French explorerM. Ozyas. No less interesting is the material of self-testing for children of primary and secondary school age to determine the leading hemisphere of the brain.

4. Ready for school

The material in this section will help educational psychologists determine the degree of readiness for systematic schooling of children and, if necessary, conduct a set of remedial classes.

This section of the disc is devoted to the diagnosis of readiness for school.

5. Drawing tests

Drawing tests allow for a comprehensive diagnosis of the inner world of the child. In the arsenal of a practicing psychologist, drawing tests always occupy a special position. The simplicity of the tools, procedures and ease of interpretation attract the attention of not only psychologists, but also teachers, social workers, psychiatrists, and sometimes parents.

The most popular are the following drawing tests:

"Non-existent animal";

"Family Drawing";


The section also features lesser-known drawing tests:

test "Man in the rain";

Goodenough-Harris intelligence diagnostic test;

graphic technique of M. A. Panfilova "Cactus" for children 37 years;

"Draw yourself" technique.

The subsection will be of great interest."Diagnosis of the emotional state of a child of primary preschool age", which contains a selection of methods, tests, questionnaires, questionnaires for studying the emotional state of the child.



This manual is a collection of psychodiagnostic techniques aimed at the study of interpersonal relationships and the psychological atmosphere in the family.
Tests and methods are accompanied by a detailed description and supplemented by the entire set of necessary forms and "keys", which allows you to use this collection as a practical guide.
A specially crafted annotated index allows you to quickly find necessary materials depending on the goals and age of the study participants.

All information collected on the disc is systematized and divided into 2 main sections:
1. Methods for diagnosing interpersonal relations of children in the family.
2. Methods for diagnosing parental attitudes and the psychological atmosphere in the family.

Within the first section, the methods are arranged according to the age principle: from preschool to adolescence.

Within the second section, the methods are systematized according to the degree of complexity and the amount of time required to carry out diagnostics and process the results obtained: from express diagnostic methods to methods that require deep immersion and careful analysis of the results.

The manual is intended for psychologists and specialists of psychological support services working with families.

Problems of organizing diagnostics and correctional and developmental work with young children with disabilities

Diagnosis of interaction between educators and children;

Materials of the magazine "Game and Children";

coloring pages

Pictures with emotions

“Performed by: Kharchenko Evgenia Sergeevna The use of ICT in the work of a teacher-psychologist The 21st century is called the century of informatization. Modern information computer technologies (ICT) are all ... "

Use of ICT at work

psychologist teacher


Kharchenko Evgenia Sergeevna

The use of ICT in the work of a teacher-psychologist

The 21st century is called the century of informatization. Modern information

computer technology (ICT) is increasingly being introduced into various areas of life,

become an integral part of modern culture.

ICT allows you to automate information processes, long-term and

store compactly, quickly search, quickly process, produce new, transmit over any distance and present multimedia (MM: text, tabular, graphic, animated, sound and video) information in the required form.

Informatization has not bypassed the education sector: kindergartens and schools have begun to take steps in this direction:

Computer equipment appeared in institutions;

It became possible to have access to the Internet;

Information technologies are used in educational, extracurricular, extracurricular activities;

Special educational and methodological complexes focused on the use of ICT, collections of digital educational materials are being created.

Priority national projects "Education", the federal target program "Development of a unified educational information environment" include:

creation of a federal system of information and scientific and methodological support for the development of education;

providing educational institutions with computer technology, access to global information resources, system-wide and applied software, maintenance;

the use of new information and telecommunication technologies in the educational process, including: the creation and use in the educational process of modern electronic teaching materials along with traditional teaching materials;

training of pedagogical staff of educational institutions capable of effectively using the latest information technology in the educational process.

All this makes it possible to develop and implement new ICT-technologies in the activities of a teacher-psychologist in an educational institution.

The use of ICTs in education is viewed from different perspectives;

1. as an object of study, starting from the preschool level;

2. as a means of automating educational, extracurricular, methodological, managerial and scientific activities.

At present, under information and communication technology, we mean a set of methods, algorithms and means of processing and transmitting documented information.

From this point of view, the main information and communication technologies used in the educational process include:

office technologies that allow you to prepare most of the educational, visual materials in Word, Excel, PowerPoint;

network technologies within the global Internet network;

telecommunication technologies that organize interaction between users in the framework of e-mail, teleconferences, forums and chats;

a wide range of specialized software tools that provide document management within a preschool institution (electronic forms of reports, psychological reports, protocols of consultations, etc.);

applied programs of psychologists for testing children (such as 1C), which present batteries of methods and provide automated processing of test data;

multimedia equipment with the possibility of three-dimensional modeling, interactive writing.

The task of the teacher-psychologist is to identify the features of the mental development of the child, the formation of certain psychological neoplasms, the correspondence of the level of development of skills, knowledge, skills, personal and interpersonal characteristics to age guidelines, the requirements of society, etc.

For the qualitative fulfillment of the tasks facing the psychologist, he needs to use advanced technologies in his activities, including information technologies.

Computer technologies in the professional activities of a psychologist can be used in the following areas:

1. methodical;

2. correctional and developmental;

3. diagnostic;

4. organizational and methodological;

5. educational.

The help of a computer makes it possible to increase the volume of work performed by a psychologist, since it frees up time and helps to systematize both theoretical and diagnostic material. The most common and necessary application the computer is at registration and storage of the documentation. The computer makes it possible to store and correct annual planning, to draw up monthly and weekly plans on its basis. Assists in the planning and preparation of training sessions.

The diagnostic process itself becomes more adequate, since the computer allows you to prepare stimulus material for each child separately. These are all kinds of questionnaires, test forms, etc. The results of psychological diagnostics are summarized in summary tables. The presence of a computer allows you to make universal tables, analytical reports, which are then simply filled out.

The use of information technology significantly reduces the time of testing and processing the results. In the work of the psychological service, both ready-made methods and programs are used, as well as those created on the basis of a test shell.

The advantage of the technology is that psychometric data on the main indicators can be accumulated and replenished during the entire required time, and a qualitative, comparative and graphical analysis of the data obtained can be performed.

At the same time, computer technologies make it possible to make any information visually the most perceptible, since a purely theoretical presentation of information leads to the fact that only 30% of the total volume is stored in memory. This is actively helped by the compilation of various diagrams and graphs, the presentation of which in the form of presentations makes the information visual and memorable.

In addition to the software and methodological complex, it is possible to accumulate various computerized tests: Raven's test, Luscher's test, Eysenck's test, professional selection tests (Optant program), which automate the mathematical processing of psychodiagnostic data, thus reducing time and making it possible to cover more students.

The computer is an active assistant to the psychologist, as it allows illustrating and diversifying any material in the preparation and conduct of correctional and developmental classes, research and psycho-educational work among students, teachers and parents.

Particularly noteworthy is the effective combination and use of the capabilities of computer technology.

It can also be noted as a very effective method of using presentations among information technologies:

in correctional and developmental classes with students;

at seminars, workshops with teachers, students;

on pedagogical councils.

The collection of information and the exchange of work experience is necessary for professional growth and high level psychological assistance to students. The psychologist must be aware of all scientific innovations and best practices. Therefore, it is necessary to exchange experience with educational psychologists, as well as to collect and analyze new information in the field of preschool psychology. This is currently not possible without the use of a computer. It allows you to use the Internet as information resources.

Thus, the use of information technology has made it possible:

to classify and systematize the theoretical and diagnostic material accumulated by the psychologist;

to provide for information and reflection the most interesting materials of theoretical and practical research in the field of the psychology of education, education, not only to the direct participants in the educational process (students, parents, teachers), but also to a wide range of interested people on the website of the kindergarten and school.

There is a possibility of continuity in the transfer of psychological data when a child moves from one institution to another, especially within educational complexes that combine preschool and school education.

What is the advantage of using ICT by a teacher-psychologist in working with children?

The first and most important thing is the huge interest of children in everything related to computers. The second is wide multimedia capabilities. The third is the ability to take into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of each child. The fourth is the interactivity of computer programs. Fifth - saving time resources.


In any case, computer technologies are reliable assistants to practical school psychology. It depends on our activity and life position what information our children will perceive.

A tandem of psychologists and programmers can make the modern information environment more creative, developing and safe, as well as reduce its negative impact on children and adolescents.

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