What wallpaper to choose for the bedroom? Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom: recommendations What kind of wallpaper is suitable for the bedroom.

  • 27.06.2020

Decorating the walls of the bedroom is an important step in creating a harmonious and peaceful interior. The most popular and economical option is considered to be wallpaper. In this article, you will learn how to choose the right wallpaper for the bedroom.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom. Their choice depends on the style, practical and aesthetic aspects of the interior of the room, the taste preferences of its owners. Due to the variety of textures, colors and patterns, the use of wallpaper will allow you to realize any design ideas, create unique images, combinations and effects.

What wallpaper to glue in the bedroom

When choosing wallpaper for a bedroom, it is better to rely on your own vision of its aesthetics, practicality and beauty. This will determine which wallpaper is best for the bedroom, their type, colors, and texture. Given the characteristics various kinds considered finishing material, you can choose the perfect option for any interior.

When choosing wallpaper for a bedroom, there are many factors to consider. One of them is harmonious combination wallpaper colors with furniture. When deciding which wallpaper is better to choose for a room, it is necessary to take into account its size. V small rooms with light or dark furniture, it is better to stick wallpaper in light shades. Such a solution will visually expand the space, fill the room with light and air.

Various types of wallpaper for a large bedroom can be both light colors and rich, bright colors, with patterns, floral prints. They are perfect for light and dark furniture.

Different wallpaper options for the bedroom have their own advantages and disadvantages. There are several types of them, each of which can be used to decorate a room in any style.

Let's first decide which wallpaper to choose for the bedroom so that they are safe for health. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with their properties indicated on the package. In a highly competitive environment modern manufacturers pay great attention to ensuring that their products comply with generally accepted environmental safety standards.

paper wallpaper

The most budgetary finishing material for the bedroom is paper wallpaper, which can be single-layer and double-layer. The latter are slightly stronger, which undoubtedly affects their durability. Paper wallpapers allow the walls to “breathe”, are easy to install, and do not require special care.

For those who care about the environmental friendliness of finishing materials, it is better to stick paper wallpapers in the bedroom. But unfortunately, they quickly lose their original appearance under the influence of moisture and sunlight. This wall decoration will have to be updated every 3-4 years.

Non-woven wallpaper

Non-woven wallpaper is made by interlacing cellulose fibers with subsequent application of various patterns. They are environmentally friendly, durable and breathable. They are very easy to glue: just apply glue to the wall and press the canvas tightly against it. Such wallpapers cannot be washed or cleaned, besides, they fade in the sun.

A wide variety of textures and colors allows you to choose non-woven wallpaper for the bedroom that matches its style and design.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpaper - a type of synthetic wallpaper on a paper or non-woven base. This is a very durable material with good soundproofing properties. They can be washed, repainted and they will last 10-15 years.

To disadvantages vinyl wallpaper refers to a rather complicated gluing process, after which the bedroom will be present bad smell. They are absolutely breathable.

Therefore, when choosing vinyl or non-woven wallpaper for the bedroom, it is better to give preference to a short-lived, but healthier material - non-woven.

Wall mural

Wall murals are often used to decorate an accent wall. Such wallpapers in the interior of the bedroom will give it a unique look. interesting view. They can be used to decorate rooms in different styles.

Made from natural materials: bamboo, cork or leather. Therefore, they are absolutely harmless. They are quite easy to glue and do not lose their appearance over the years. Dirt can be easily removed with a damp cloth.

Textile wallpapers

Textile wallpaper will make the interior of the bedroom luxurious and sophisticated. This finishing material is made by applying various types of fabric to a paper or non-woven base.

Its gluing is a complex and painstaking process. In addition, they are quite expensive. Such wallpaper must be vacuumed every one to two months.

A wide range of fabrics, patterns and shades will allow you to choose the most beautiful wallpaper in the bedroom.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is a modern stylish wallpaper that fits perfectly into the interior of the bedroom. They are similar to decorative plaster in the way they are applied, but unlike it, they have a silky surface.

This finishing material is easily applied to the walls, unpretentious in maintenance, and does not require replacement for several years. The walls will complement the design of the bedroom with exquisite patterns and textures.

Glass fiber

Glass fiber - very fashion wallpaper, which designers began to often use in the decoration of the bedroom. This strong, thin, eco-friendly material from fiberglass threads. It is easily attached to the walls, and will last about 30 years.

Such wallpapers allow air to pass through, do not fade in the sun, and are not afraid of moisture. If the interior of the bedroom changes, then the cullet can be repainted.

Types of wallpaper, their advantages and disadvantages

Paper Cheap;
easy to glue;
big choice;
hide small flaws in the wall.
Erased quickly;
do not wash;
burn out in the sun.
non-woven Acceptable price;
environmentally friendly;
easy to wash;
can be painted;
hide cracks in the wall.
Small assortment; transparent;
average sound and heat insulation.
Vinyl durable;
moisture resistant;
have very interesting decorative qualities.
heavy in sticking;
have a specific smell, which is felt for several days after gluing.
Textile natural;
good sound and heat insulation;
antiseptics; very beautiful; lack of joints.
Very expensive;
require professional gluing;
dust collectors;
strongly absorb odors;
Dry clean only.
Wall mural A wide range of images, including unique ones (you can print your family photo);
acceptable price.
Require professional gluing;
do not hide the flaws of the wall.
Liquid Environmentally friendly;
high sound insulation;
do not burn out;
lack of seams and joints.
small selection;
cannot be washed.
Glass fiber Environmentally friendly;
fire resistant;
increased strength;
pass air;
can be repainted;
applied to any surface;
can be washed.
Difficult to remove later;
very expensive;
small selection of patterns.

How to choose the right wallpaper for the style of the bedroom

The interior of the bedroom will be harmonious and cozy with the perfect combination of texture and color of the walls, furniture, textiles and decorative elements. To do this, you need to choose a wallpaper that matches the chosen style.

It is better to paste over the walls with smooth, plain wallpaper in light shades. It is relevant to use wallpaper with monochrome drawings, graphics and abstractions in the decoration of an accent wall.

Suitable for wallpapers of warm shades with golden or silver patterns. You should choose wallpaper with a relief surface, which, in combination with other decorative trim elements, will give the room a luxurious and sophisticated look.

By sticking striped wallpaper in the bedroom, complementing it with moldings and stucco, you can create a classic English interior.

When choosing wallpaper, it is better to give preference to natural materials in pastel colors with floral prints. So that the walls do not look monotonous, you can combine plain and floral wallpapers in the most different options. Wallpaper in a small flower on the walls of the bedroom will create a cheerful and perky atmosphere.

It involves decorating the walls with wallpaper in white, gray, silver, blue and light green. The texture of the wallpaper should imitate linen or wooden surfaces.

For an art deco bedroom, you can choose wallpaper with abstract, intricate patterns in rich, but not flashy colors.

What wallpaper color to choose for the bedroom

The right color of wallpaper for the bedroom is important not only for creating beautiful interior but also for relaxation and healthy sleep. Different colours can create a different atmosphere in the room and affect the human psyche in different ways.

Color Impact on physical healthInfluence on the psyche
YellowTreats depression, helps to strengthen the nerves.Helps to concentrate, increases creative activity.
BlueSuppresses appetite, helps to relax, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.Causes a feeling of peace, relieves emotional stress.
GreenStrengthens the immune system, stabilizes blood pressure and cardiac activity.Relieves stress, calms.
OrangeIt has a beneficial effect on the condition of bones, teeth, hair.Invigorates, relieves fatigue, fights depression.
VioletStimulates the brain.Contributes to the emergence of depression.
RedImproves digestion, stimulates physical activity.Increases irritability and aggressiveness.

When developing a design, one should take into account its style and taste preferences of the owners. For the main background, it is recommended to use light warm shades. And to add zest to the interior and dilute its monotony, bright wallpapers in the form of accents on certain areas will help.

For a romantic airy bedroom, pink, blue, green, lavender wallpapers are suitable. They can be combined with floral patterns, paintings, photo wallpapers on an accent wall.

Fits perfectly in the interior of the bedroom modern style. It is better to combine it with bright textured wallpaper.

Shades soothe and promote relaxation. These wallpapers go well with white, gray, beige, purple, dark brown shades of furniture and interior items.

The successful selection of wallpaper colors for the bedroom will make it possible to enjoy its design, which will have a unique and cozy look.

How to choose wallpaper for a small bedroom

Light wallpaper with small patterns or a glossy surface with reflective particles is ideal. The light background of the walls will visually expand the space of the room. In addition, it goes well with furniture and decor items of any color.

You can decorate an accent wall, combined with common style rooms. An excellent choice would be landscapes, images of the sea, photographs of cities, sweet corners of nature.

You can stick wallpaper with an enlarged family photo, portraits of idols.

Also, wallpaper with floral patterns, abstraction, fantastic drawings will look great on it. The main thing to remember is that they should be small.

For a bedroom with dark furniture, you should choose wallpaper in light pastel shades. Thanks to this technique, the furniture will not look bulky, and the interior will be harmonious.

Wallpaper trends in 2019

Fashion in the design of bedroom interiors changes very often. In this regard, the trends in the choice of finishing materials are also changing.

In 2019, plain wallpaper of different colors will still be relevant. They can be used alone or in combination with wallpaper with applied patterns and ornaments. The combination of several colors in the decoration of the bedroom will allow you to divide it into zones, and give the interior a more expressive look.

Wallpapers with floral and abstract prints will be popular. They can be used for rooms in modern and classic style.

Recently, designers often use dark wallpapers that create a warm and cozy atmosphere in the bedroom. This trend will continue in 2019.

The most popular will be wide wallpapers, which can significantly reduce the duration of finishing work.

A bedroom is a room whose interior allows you to relax after an active day, relax and restore mental and physical balance. To create a cozy and comfortable environment, it is necessary to think over everything to the smallest detail in design and decoration.

Wallpaper for the bedroom is an economical, convenient solution. There is a large selection of textures, tones, patterns, from which you can create an interior of your favorite style, achieve unusual effects. Rationally selected wallpapers visually increase the space, make it proportional, light, light, hide minor defects in the base, focus on bright elements. But before purchasing the material, you need to understand the types of finishes, combination methods, color variations.

Types of wallpaper for the bedroom

The demand for paper rolls has existed since the twentieth century. But modern wallpaper for the bedroom already then differed in texture, color, material of manufacture. Now manufacturers offer a wide range. The consumer is often confused, cannot make a final decision, since the purchase depends on the chosen style, personal preferences, and financial capabilities.


The surface is silk, cotton, velor. Linen looks nice. textile materials consist of two layers. On the thick paper fabric is placed. There is an option with interlining and threads. The choice of surface depends on the decision of the homeowner.


  • cloths are unstable to moisture, dust;
  • walls are difficult to clean;
  • wallpaper exposed mechanical damage therefore, pets with claws should not be allowed in the bedroom;
  • specially trained people are engaged in gluing;
  • exclusivity is expensive.

Wall mural

Such canvases exquisitely decorate the space. beautiful pattern, landscape. In the manufacture of high-quality materials are used. The reverse side is treated with adhesive. Suitable for halls, bedrooms, kitchens. Pasting one wall, you can zone the space.

There are no drawbacks, but before purchasing it is advisable to clarify whether the canvases are washable.


Buyers have long appreciated the properties of the material, practicality, reliability, attractiveness. Modern technologies create high-quality products. Manufacturers regularly release new collections, replenishing the variety of goods. Finishing is used in all rooms. The surface made under silk-screen printing looks especially impressive.


  • a huge selection of colors and textures from light wallpaper to black;
  • affordable cost for the average consumer;
  • the surface of the cloths can be wiped with a damp cloth;
  • the use of detergents is allowed;
  • wallpapers are resistant to mechanical damage and are designed for long-term operation.

The disadvantage is that the composition does not allow air and evaporation to pass through.

Liquid wallpaper

Products are akin decorative plaster. It is a powder mixture that is dissolved in water. The material is referred to as wallpaper due to the presence of cellulose (paper) in its composition.


  • soundproofing;
  • no seams, just a flat surface;
  • part of the coverage can be replaced at any time, which is important for owners with small children, pets, negligent neighbors;
  • wallpaper hides wall irregularities and minor defects.


  • there is no possibility of wet cleaning;
  • high price.

Glass fiber

The interior is easy to transform with the help of innovative wallpapers that differ in density. The view allows you to create the most complex drawings, patterns. Walls covered with such material will last as long as possible without violating fire safety standards.


  • material is difficult to remove if repairs are required;
  • the number of stains depends on the severity of the relief.

The high cost is offset by a long service life.

We select the color of the wallpaper

The choice of materials is not an easy task. It is important to select products taking into account how certain colors affect the psyche. Active tones (red) suit the dining area. In the bedroom, it is more appropriate to choose calm shades. Yellow will make the northern space slightly warmer, while blue will cool the room.

Monochromatic options from white, gray can be used without restrictions. Chocolate, purple, black are recommended to be dosed so that the room does not turn into a pantry due to light absorption.

Options color design rooms:

  1. White. Wallpaper with this shade is a well-known classic. The background is suitable for any furniture, paintings, photographs. The bedroom looks neat and clean.
  1. Pastel. Delicate, light tones of pink, green, lavender will create a romantic mood in the relaxation room. The colors match and look great on their own. Furniture is chosen in white.
  1. Grey. Neutral shade, suitable for a modern interior created in the loft style, modern. For men, a combination of rich blue tones with strict lines with furniture is suitable. Women will love silver curls on white gloss. Multi-colored accents based on a gray tint will become universal.
  1. Blue. Sky, water - a pacifying palette for the human psyche. It is ideal for a relaxation area. Suitable purple, brown shades. Appropriate white, gray tone. Photo wallpaper will complement the interior.
  1. Burgundy. It is considered to be the color of kings, people of noble birth. It is used to decorate the walls of the bedroom, as the shade adds warmth. It goes well with muted tones of yellow, pink. The interior will change if you add it wooden furniture. The space will expand thanks to multi-level lighting.

The choice of color depends on the location of the bedroom, the personal preferences of the owners. To understand whether the chosen solution is suitable or not, a special computer program, viewing catalogs, photos of finished interiors.

Option for a small bedroom

The savings in space made it possible to give housing to many families in the last century. But small bedrooms are a price to pay. Then people needed a place for a bed, wardrobe, cabinet. Today, it is necessary to install appliances and furniture in such a room without compromising beauty and comfort.

You can add spaces visually. For this, the following types of wallpapers are suitable:

  • monochrome - will create the illusion of a free area;
  • with a small vertical pattern - visually raise a low ceiling;
  • textured - increase the space due to the play of shadows, light;
  • with glitter - sun glare will add volume.

The idea with dark monochrome wallpaper is better to postpone for a large room. Visually lost 40% of the space.

In a small room, you can not use wallpaper with large pattern, which will narrow the area. From a frequent pattern in the eyes will ripple. Wavy lines will distort the room unfavorably, and narrow straight lines will limit it.

The color range is quite wide, but all tones should be soft, non-flashy. Otherwise in narrow space motley saturated shade can cause migraine.

The bedroom does not belong to wet rooms. Any materials are suitable for finishing. The right combination, even with paper options, will create a stylish interior.

  1. Low ceiling. Wallpapers use only light colors, the pattern is vertical. The border is narrow, discreet.
  1. Lack of lighting. Furniture is selected in pastel shades. If partitions are used, then they are transparent.
  1. Additional window. A frame is installed on a blank wall. A landscape, drawings, a mirror are pasted into a fake opening. A cornice is attached above the structure, curtains are hooked. The bedroom seems more spacious. An artificial window is replaced with a large picture that attracts attention.
  1. Wallpaper. The image will concentrate interest on the wall, the size of the room will fade into the background. A photo of a green forest, a sandy beach, a busy metropolis is suitable.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

Wallpaper is chosen after the purchase of furniture. It is much easier to find the right material for the walls than a bed. In style, it is better to stick to minimalism.

The bedroom is a room closed from prying eyes, its design can be trusted to intuition, as you need a cozy, relaxing atmosphere.

The choice is given to restrained tones, patterns.

Wallpaper is selected from the preferred design. For the classics, silk-screen printing with curls, rhombuses is suitable. Provence is impossible to imagine without small flowers, pastel shades. Modern design created by graphic stripes, achromatic palette.

Monochromatic canvases select adjacent colors of similar saturation. With one shade, its brightness may vary. It is important for prints to match in size.

Important! The interior should not be overloaded with mixed finishes.

Manufacturers create wallpapers called companions. They are made in perfect color harmony with the same density, smoothness, wear resistance.

  1. Vertical. Wallpaper is glued from the bottom up. A person without experience will be able to alternate the desired rolls. It is required to carefully work out the joints. The room will visually stretch in height. The interior will be balanced. The wide bed, framed from the sides with a contour, looks beautiful.
  1. Horizontal. Lines visually expand the space. This method is used in rectangular rooms. Usually, the demarcation is carried out at a height of one third from the floor level. Dense panels are let in at the bottom, a monochromatic texture, a calm pattern, is placed on top. The low ceiling suggests horizontal lines at the top. Both coatings are connected with a border.
  1. Geometric. Sticking is carried out at broken corners. It turns out exclusive unusual interior. This also includes the application technique, when the paper fragments you like are glued to the main background.

In every house, the bedroom is a small world that reflects the essence of the owner, his aspirations, hobbies and way of thinking. Each person has his own criteria for creating comfort in a room, and therefore it is necessary to carefully select the interior of this room. The general atmosphere of comfort creates the appearance of the walls, so it is very important to decide on their appearance and characteristics.


At the moment, the manufacturer's market offers several types of wallpapers:

  • Vinyl;
  • Non-woven;
  • Paper;
  • Textile;
  • fiberglass;
  • liquid;
  • Acrylic.


Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you need to familiarize yourself with before making a choice.


The material for these wallpapers is a paper base with a polymer applied to it. Thanks to this polymer, wallpapers are durable, resistant to water and detergents. Vinyl must be glued, carefully preparing the walls (it is necessary to eliminate all irregularities). After gluing, the wallpaper may emit a pungent odor, but it disappears after a while.

Vinyl is considered to be a toxic substance and is made from poor quality materials, but modern technologies and strict quality control of manufacturers allows you not to be afraid of harm to the body. At the moment, fake products are rare. When choosing an adhesive for vinyl wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the composition. It should include the following components: a bactericidal agent, methyl cellulose, glue (PVA). Properly selected adhesive will save time and money during repairs.


This wall covering also has two layers: interlining and vinyl applied on top of it. The main advantage of non-woven wallpaper is the ease of working with them: glue should only be applied to the walls. In addition, if desired, the sheets can be repainted several times. The walls can be left untreated before starting work, the wallpaper itself hides irregularities. However, after work, you can feel an unpleasant smell, which disappears after a while.

When choosing an adhesive, you should pay attention to its composition. For non-woven wallpaper, the glue used for gluing vinyl wallpaper is quite suitable. It is believed that the most suitable Exclusive Non Woven.


This is the safest wall covering for health, which does not cause allergic reactions and has the ability to freely pass air. The composition of this type of wallpaper includes paper and cellulose, which makes them quite affordable. When decorating a room with paper wallpaper, it is necessary to level the surface of the walls, otherwise all irregularities and imperfections will be noticeable after gluing. In the room where the work will be carried out, all windows and doors must be closed; drafts should not be allowed, otherwise the work will go down the drain and the wallpaper may simply fall off.

The best adhesive for paper wallpaper among domestic manufacturers is CMC.

A significant disadvantage of this material can be attributed to low resistance. Paper wallpapers very quickly lose their original appearance, they cannot be washed, subjected to physical impact and repainted.


Part textile wallpaper includes a paper base and an outer layer of fabric elements. Most often, linen, cotton, polyester are used as fabrics. The cost varies depending on the material of the fabric present, but still remains quite high. Textile or fabric wallpaper, as a rule, are also quite environmentally friendly and do not harm those living in the house. A significant plus can be considered the fact that the wallpaper for a long time does not fade from the sun's rays. In addition, textile wallpapers have increased level heat and sound insulation of the room.

Working with this material is a very difficult task, so it is best to entrust the matter to a specialist. There may be some irregularities on the walls that do not require alignment, as the coating is able to hide them. However, the fabric wall covering also has disadvantages: it is the ability to absorb moisture and, along with it, dirt, leaving stains. Also, this type of wallpaper retains the smell of the room.

Textile wallpapers are best suited for the bedroom.


To create this type of wall covering, specific fibers are made from special glass. These fibers are then used to create yarn, which is used as material for looms. Fiberglass wallpaper is a durable material, has protection against cracking, and is able to withstand fire and moisture. There are two types of such wallpaper: smooth (used to eliminate wall defects) and embossed (used to decorative finishes walls).

As a rule, such wallpapers are used to later repaint the walls in a more preferred color.

When sticking, you need to take into account that the wallpaper does not have the ability to change its size. Typical adhesives will not work with fiberglass material. The easiest option is to use PVA glue. Among the minuses, one can single out the high price and fragility of the canvas, which is why it is necessary to work with fiberglass wallpaper very carefully so as not to break the coating. In addition to the bedroom, wallpaper can be glued to the nursery, living room or bathroom.


Part liquid wallpaper includes cellulose flakes, glue, color pigment. Additionally, they may include various decorative elements (dust, sparkles, mother-of-pearl). A distinctive feature of this coating is the method of application. Initially, "wallpaper" is a dry powder that must be diluted with water and stirred with your hands, because any other mechanical devices can damage the structure of the material. The resulting mass is applied to the walls in a thick layer, which is very convenient if the walls have pronounced irregularities and defects.

The main advantages of this coating include its environmental friendliness, high vapor permeability, lack of seams, additional sound insulation.

If a section of the wall is damaged, the incident can be easily eliminated: it is enough to carefully remove part of the applied coating and again carry out the “sticking” procedure. There are no traces of work after drying . The only negatives are the rapid fading from sunlight and the absorption of odors.. Most often, liquid wallpaper is used in bedrooms and children's rooms.


Acrylic wallpaper in composition, they are a prototype of vinyl. The only difference is in top layer these wallpapers are half the size of acrylic. Thanks to the point application method, they have the property of breathability. Before starting work with acrylic wallpaper, it is necessary to prepare the walls, clean them of the old coating and apply a primer to them. Then you can get to work, taking into account the subtlety of the material used. Do not allow drafts during and for some time after gluing.

Acrylic sheets are more fragile than vinyl sheets. Therefore, these wallpapers have the worst performance. They can be repainted, but much less times than vinyl. In addition, care must be taken wet cleaning so as not to damage the fragile surface.

Color and pattern

Any room can be visually adjusted with the help of a properly similar wall covering: playing with the color, tone and pattern of the selected canvas . For small bedrooms, you need to use lighter colors, and for large ones, on the contrary, dark ones. Choosing the color of the wall covering for the bedroom in accordance with its influence on the visual shape and volume of the room is possible only after a detailed consideration of each color separately. It is also necessary to choose a beautiful combination of these colors and their patterns.


Grey colour is the most neutral in terms of saturation of whites and blacks. Bedroom given color gives a feeling of relaxation and calmness, what people need to relax after a working day. But this color is contraindicated for melancholy people, as it can evoke boredom and sadness. On the contrary, hyperactive individuals can safely use this color scheme in the design of the walls.

The gray color is ideally combined with any other colors, which makes it versatile.


White- this is the most suitable, albeit bold choice for a dark long bedroom. Such a room needs visualization of space, which this color does an excellent job of: it expands and gives more light to a dark room. When choosing this background, you should not forget about the furniture. It is the furniture on a white background that will play the main role, because it should be bright and expressive.

Better not to use White color in its purest form. Like gray, white color looks harmonious with any color palette.


Black color traditionally considered mournful and sad, therefore it is not recommended to use it in its pure form, especially for sleeping quarters. In modern times, black is often combined with brighter colors, but it should be borne in mind that these colors should be combined with each other.

Black color is most combined with gray, white, bright blue, bright green, orange and peach.


This color is characterized as calming and cold. It can be used in sunny areas to give a feeling of coolness. In addition, different shades of green can visually enlarge and narrow the space of the room. Green color suitable for the bedrooms of impulsive individuals, giving them peace.

This color is most successfully combined with white, gray, black, brown.


blue tones considered a symbol of friendliness and kindness. This color can help a person relax after work, as well as give the opportunity to rest the eyes. It is also believed that blue helps in the work of the human cardiovascular system. This color in the room is characterized by the characteristics of green.

The most successful blue is combined with yellow, gray, silver and beige.


Blue color symbolizes reliability and stability. However, this is a very dangerous choice: if there is a lot of this color in the room, then it can create certain problems with concentration. It is highly recommended to use blue in sunny rooms where it will absorb excess brightness.

A combination of white, gray, black, yellow is well suited to blue.


If the room in which the repair is being done has a large area, then it is most suitable purple, which will narrow the extra space. This choice often means oppression and coldness, but in fashion circles it is considered elegant. It should be noted that sometimes this color has a bad effect on sleep.


The brown tone reflects reliability and stability in the owners. Suitable for bright rooms of medium size. The color of wood is acceptable for any room in the house, but is most suitable for bedrooms and offices. It is worth considering the shade when choosing: dark tones can inspire depression, while neutral ones are used in any quantity.

Often brown goes in combination with green, gray, less often - black.



Usually this color is used in girls' bedrooms and gives the owner optimism and dreaminess. Since an excess of pink can lead to a feeling of sugary and simply boring, you should combine it with other colors. You can glue part of the wall in a pink solution, and part in beige, white or gray. Thus, the bedroom can be made more sophisticated.


It is an atmospheric color that dominates everything else in the interior. This color will look best in bedrooms. strong people giving them a sense of passion. However, a glut of red may not give the household a sense of complete relaxation, so in the bedroom it is better to use it in combination with furniture in soothing light colors and the following colors: white, gray, beige.


This color gives the room coziness and is usually used when there is a lack of light. Pure, bright yellow is not suitable for the bedroom, but its pastel shades, on the contrary, will look appropriate in the bedroom. Yellow It is considered to be universal and suitable for the entire palette. But it should be noted that in combination with a black tone, it can give a feeling of anxiety, since these two colors are considered the most striking contrast in existence.

When choosing a wallpaper pattern, it should be borne in mind that a large ornament can be admired much longer than a small one: frequent ripples soon become boring and are not noticed in the future.

The direction of the pattern affects the perception of the shape of the room. The pattern, directed horizontally, is suitable for rooms with high ceilings, but small in volume. A vertical ornament, on the contrary, should be glued in bedrooms with low ceilings, but large in volume. It is better to glue a checkered pattern not with one canvas, but with an alternation of a monochromatic coating. Such a pattern is often used to divide the space in a room. Similar separation techniques are used, using a large ornament of flowers, geometric shapes, and less often - vertical lines.

It should be borne in mind that the pattern on the wallpaper tends to be embossed, which also matters for the room. In the bedroom it is recommended to select a not too pronounced texture. It is best to choose a fine-grained relief, otherwise you can overload the room. Embossed wallpaper can be made from different material: paper, vinyl, non-woven and glass. If desired, you can create a relief using liquid wallpaper. But it is worth remembering that any relief visually reduces the space, so these wallpapers are not suitable for small bedrooms.


The variety of design styles at the moment allows you to decorate the bedroom completely unpredictably. Wallpaper, which is the face of any room, should most accurately convey for given style, therefore, before buying them, you need to decide on the style of the room as a whole.


The classic is identified with sophistication, aristocracy, so the wallpaper must correspond to this stereotype. Classic wallpapers have a soft large or medium pattern. Various flowers are considered to be such a pattern, but not all of them are classics. Flowers presented in surrealism and abstraction cannot be called a classic style.

Also in the classical style, you can use materials that create the effect of plaster or wood. It should be noted that in this case it is customary to use borders in combination with stucco.


This style involves plain wallpaper. Graphic elements are allowed in it, but only as an accent. Often such a stylistic decision includes a combination of several or two drawings that complement each other. For a bedroom, a monophonic wall covering, made in mint, yellow, pink, blue, is considered ideal. The main focus of this style is on furniture.


The Provence style immediately evokes associations with France and small floral patterns on the walls. All colors should be restrained and soft, the most suitable shade is pastel. Since such wallpapers can ripple in the eyes, you should combine them with other design options. The most suitable would be a horizontal combination: part of the wall from the floor is plain, and above is a floral print.


This style is based on the desire for comfort, so the wallpaper takes on pastel colors with silver and bluish hues. Textured wallpapers are considered the most acceptable choice. It is worth noting that this style, although it involves cold tones, needs warm colors, which can be used in the color palette of furniture.


The palette of colors and shades in the Japanese style is not limited. The main thing here is drawings of bamboo, hieroglyphs, a sakura branch and an image of a fan. In 2017, in all areas of life, the minimalist style, the desire for nature, and hence the demand for photo wallpapers is gaining popularity. Speaking about minimalism in wallpapers, one should note their monotony and calmness. Light geometric patterns and lines are acceptable, the complete absence of floral prints is important.

Wall murals require maximum accuracy in order to avoid congestion of the room with patterns. They should be glued on one wall in the room. In the part of the room where the wallpaper is pasted, there should be a minimum of furniture. Better if they are on the wall next to the bed. It is better to leave the rest of the walls as monophonic as possible, they should not have a pattern, and their color should be combined as much as possible with the pattern on the photo wallpaper.

Choosing wallpaper for the bedroom should be based on its size and style in which it is made Healthy sleep is a key process in a person's life. Therefore, a competent decoration of the bedroom, as a place to relax and sleep, has importance both decorative and practical. What you need to consider in order to choose not only attractive, but also functional, safe wallpaper in the bedroom that will contribute to comfortable rest and sound sleep - read the article.

What determines the choice of wallpaper for the bedroom

Wallpaper is the most common finishing material that allows you to achieve both a decorative effect and a practical one (visual expansion of space, changing the proportions of a room).

Thanks to the right wallpaper, you can significantly improve the aesthetic properties of the bedroom and give it originality.

Which wallpaper is better to choose for finishing the bedroom depends on factors such as:

  1. Room location. For bedrooms with windows facing southeast, designers recommend choosing wallpaper in cold colors: they will create the impression of freshness and coolness on hot summer days. For rooms on the north side, light wallpaper in warm colors will be the best choice: such canvases will visually make the room lighter and more comfortable (especially in winter, when daylight hours are shorter).
  2. Lighting in the room. If the bedroom has many sources of natural light, then the choice of wallpaper saturation is not limited. As for the bedrooms with exclusively artificial lighting(this happens when one large room is artificially divided into two), then you should choose light wallpaper, preferably with reflective particles or shiny patterns. Dark wallpaper, in this case, will create the impression of a gloomy and cold space.
  3. Bedroom dimensions. A versatile wall color that can be used in bedrooms of any size is white. Dark wallpapers are not recommended for gluing in small bedrooms, but in large rooms designers advise using companion wallpapers that will gracefully zone the space.
  4. The nature of the design. good choice for classic bedrooms will be liquid wallpaper, striped canvases, lattice, damask pattern. Stylish and beautiful modern interiors houndstooth wallpapers, canvases with geometric patterns, 3D effects, textured elements will look. When choosing wallpaper for the nature of the design, the direction of the style should also be taken into account.

Related article: The practice of applying wallpaper for painting in the kitchen

At the same time, the color and texture of the wallpaper determines the furniture and textiles (curtains, bedding) in the room. So, the choice of wallpaper in the bedroom with light furniture is practically unlimited. But if the room has bright fittings of non-standard shapes or rich-colored textiles, then the wallpaper should be neutral.

Psychological perception of color: what wallpaper to choose in the bedroom

Most often, we choose wallpapers according to their appearance: texture, pattern. At the same time, the choice of the shade of the canvas is influenced, in most cases, by our personal preferences. But, the choice of wallpaper color for the bedroom has its own nuances associated with the direct purpose of the room. So, the wallpaper in the bedroom should promote healthy sleep, rest after a working day, and relaxation.

Blue and blue are the ideal colors to promote a restful and long sleep.

To create a joyful mood at the beginning of the day, you can choose a yellow wallpaper. A romantic atmosphere will be created by wallpapers of pink, lavender color, photo wallpapers in these colors. Green color and its shades will help to remove nervous tension and relaxation.

At the same time, more delicate shades of purple and red are suitable for use with other types of wallpaper. To pick up the best combination for partner wallpapers, you can use the color wheel.

What wallpaper is better to glue in the bedroom: the rules of gluing

The decoration of the walls in the bedroom with wallpaper depends on many factors, among which are both the personal preferences of the owners of the apartments, and the practical purpose of the material for decoration, the features of the room.

If you have a sunny side and a large number of windows in the bedroom, then it is better to stick vinyl, light-resistant wallpaper on the walls: such canvases will not fade over time under the sun's rays.

Related article: Home textiles: choosing bedspreads and tablecloths

Both vinyl and non-woven wallpaper are perfect for the bedroom.

If your bedroom is combined with a nursery, you are prone to allergies or just take care of your health, then you should choose environmentally friendly wallpapers that are safe for humans and the environment to decorate the room. These include paper, vegetable, fabric, cork coatings. The price range for such wallpapers is quite wide: paper wallpapers are considered the most affordable, fabric and vegetable wallpapers are the most expensive.

To ensure that safe wallpapers do not lose their properties, they must be glued with special, environmentally friendly compounds.

If you plan to re-repair in a year or two (for example, when the baby grows up and mom no longer needs to be with him all the time), then it makes sense to glue wallpaper in the bedroom for painting, for example, non-woven. Such canvases can have a different relief, which can easily withstand several color changes.

Small room: what wallpaper is best for the bedroom

Properly selected wallpaper for a small bedroom can not only make the room comfortable for sleeping and relaxing, but also visually enlarge a small space. So, light wallpapers are ideal for these purposes.

If the bedroom is small, then you can visually enlarge it with the help of light-colored wallpapers.

In addition, to make the room visually more spacious, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose wallpaper with diagonal patterns, vertical stripes.
  2. Refuse dark models (even if it is only one or two strips of paired wallpaper): dark color visually “eat” at least 40% of the entire area of ​​​​the room.
  3. Avoid wallpapers with excessively large elements: such wallpapers will look ridiculous due to their size mismatch with the dimensions of the room and visually reduce the area of ​​​​the bedroom.
  4. Avoid small prints around the entire perimeter of the room, otherwise such wallpapers will give the impression of a small, cluttered space.
  5. Choose canvases with glitter, reflective particles, shiny patterns: they will scatter light and visually enlarge the room.

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Of all the rooms in the house, the bedroom occupies a special place, because it is here that we spend almost a third of our lives. Not only our mood, but also the quality of rest depends on how well and competently the interior of the bedroom is thought out, so creating a design, you need to take care of all the little things. There is not so much furniture in the bedroom, so wallpaper will play the most important role in its design.

Today, the market offers a huge variety of wallpapers that differ in color, texture, type of material, and other performance qualities. In order to answer the question, what wallpaper to choose for the bedroom, you need to know their features well, as well as represent the main advantages and disadvantages of a particular type.

What to choose wallpaper for the bedroom

Currently, you can purchase the following types of wallpaper: paper, vinyl, non-woven, textile, acrylic, silkscreen and glass. There is also liquid wallpaper, which is inherently a variety textured paint, after which the surface acquires a characteristic relief.

The main criteria for choosing wallpaper for the bedroom:

  • color (this will be discussed below);
  • environmental friendliness;
  • possibility of combination.

Before you go to the store and buy wallpaper, decide for yourself what style you want to embody in your bedroom and what type of wallpaper suits you best. Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of each type of wallpaper and how they are suitable for the bedroom.

paper wallpaper

This is the most common and affordable type of wallpaper. They are inexpensive, easy to glue and look very attractive. Paper wallpapers pass air well, providing a normal microclimate in the room, so they are perfect for the bedroom. In addition, they will improve the sound insulation of the room.

Paper wallpapers are single-layer (simplex) and two-layer (duplex). Single-layer wallpapers are the cheapest, but due to their low density, they last less. Wallpaper "duplex" consists of two layers of paper glued together, so they are stronger and more durable. Duplex can have a relief surface obtained by pressing during the manufacturing process.

If you want to buy paper wallpapers for the bedroom, then keep in mind that they are very easily soiled and have low strength. Any contamination on such wallpaper is unlikely to be removed, and their service life does not exceed 4 years. As a rule, paper wallpapers have to be re-glued every 2-3 years, however, the low cost fully compensates for the short service life.

Vinyl wallpaper for the bedroom

Such wallpapers consist of a paper base on which a vinyl layer is applied, covered with embossed or patterned. They are highly durable and easy to clean. The service life of high-quality vinyl wallpaper exceeds 10 years.

Due to the considerable thickness of the wallpaper, their installation requires some experience. After applying the glue, the paper gets wet, and the vinyl backing can stretch a little. In the process of drying, the material shrinks again, so the seams between the stripes diverge slightly.

Today in hardware stores you can find a huge variety of different types of vinyl wallpaper, which differ not only in color, but also in texture. For example, there are samples with a foamed polyvinyl coating, which perfectly hides all the flaws in the wall: small cracks, bumps and bumps.
If you want to buy vinyl wallpaper for the bedroom, then keep in mind that they do not allow air to pass through, as a result of which the room will need frequent ventilation.

Textile wallpapers

This is one of the most expensive and elite types of wallpaper for the bedroom. They consist of a paper layer to which a fabric of natural or artificial threads is glued. Textile fabric is characterized by increased resistance to wear, environmental friendliness, excellent thermal insulation and noise-absorbing properties. It can be made from viscose, cotton or linen.

Textile wallpapers have amazing aesthetic properties and can satisfy the tastes of the most sophisticated aesthetes. A wide variety of shades, rich textures and excellent reflective properties will create a truly sophisticated interior and unsurpassed style in your bedroom.

The main disadvantages include a very high price and the need for constant care. Such wallpapers need regular cleaning from dust, which should be carried out very carefully and carefully.

When using textile wallpapers in the bedroom, you will have to regularly clean them using special products. If this is not done, the dirt will penetrate deeply between the fibers, and the wallpaper will quickly lose its attractive appearance.

Acrylic wallpaper

This is a cheaper analogue of vinyl wallpaper. On the paper base a layer of foamed acrylic with a thickness of 1.5-2 mm is applied. On the acrylic surface an image is formed by foaming the material. Acrylic has excellent performance, it is easy to clean and absolutely harmless to health. Due to the porous structure, such wallpapers allow oxygen to pass through, providing a good microclimate in the bedroom.

In a room with such wallpaper, normal temperature and humidity will be maintained. They have good vapor permeability, so excess moisture will not accumulate in the bedroom, contributing to the violation of the microclimate.

Non-woven wallpaper

Such wallpapers have a sufficiently large thickness, so they successfully hide all the irregularities of the wall. They consist of a vinyl base and a synthetic fabric - interlining.
The main distinguishing feature of non-woven fabric is the possibility of its painting. You will be able to repaint the walls in the bedroom with latex, water-based or acrylic paint up to 10-12 times without any harm to the wallpaper. The cost of interlining is quite high, but it fully pays off due to the long service life.
Another important advantage is the large width of the roll, which can reach 1-1.5 meters. Thanks to this, pasting the walls is carried out much faster, while the seams between the strips are several times smaller.

Non-woven wallpaper contributes to a normal microclimate in the room, which is very important in the bedroom, since we spend a significant part of our time in this room. Such wallpapers are easy to clean and serve for a very long time without compromising their properties and appearance.


This is a type of vinyl wallpaper that uses silk threads to give the surface of the canvas a characteristic sheen. Screen printing has all the advantages of vinyl wallpaper, while it is very pleasant to the touch, does not fade or scratch. Such wallpapers can be both smooth and embossed.

The high strength of the wallpaper and excellent appearance are combined with low vapor permeability. The bedroom will be observed high humidity, so you will have to ventilate the room more often.

Glass fiber

Glass fiber is made of fiberglass and has excellent fire-fighting properties. They adhere well to any surface and are great for any room, including bedrooms.

Fiberglass is not afraid of mechanical stress, is easy to clean and can serve for more than 30 years. Depending on the structure of the fiberglass, the cullet may have a diamond or herringbone pattern. There are also original design solutions with complex geometric patterns.

Glass fiber is of high quality and does not cause allergies. They consist of fibers that perfectly pass air, maintaining a normal microclimate. By sticking glass wallpaper in your bedroom, for example, Wellton Classika, you will not only get a reliable and durable coating, but also be able to create the most favorable conditions for a comfortable stay. (Read more about wallpaper for painting, their properties and main manufacturers in Best-Stroy.ru)

Liquid wallpaper

In this case, the name "wallpaper" is rather arbitrary, since it reflects only the functional compatibility of this type of coating. Liquid wallpaper is a multicomponent composition, which includes cellulose or cotton fibers, dye and glue. The dry mixture is diluted with water and applied to the wall, forming a uniform porous coating of a certain color and texture after drying.
Liquid wallpaper can be used for the bedroom if the wall surface is replete with various protrusions, sharp corners and other irregularities. Thus, you will not only ensure a uniform coating, but also reduce labor costs during its application.
When using liquid wallpaper, any damage and dirt can be easily repaired by local application of additional material without replacing the entire coating. In this regard, they are the most convenient and practical.

  • Since the bedroom is designed for relaxation, you should not experiment with contrasting color combinations and bright geometric patterns. Even if at first such a decision seems original to you, over time it will quickly get boring and you will want something more calm and peaceful.
  • In order to “dilute” the interior, you can stick photo wallpapers depicting nature on one of their walls: a seascape, mountains or forest. Wall murals are best placed in front of the bed. They will look best if there is a minimum of furniture in the bedroom.
  • When choosing a wallpaper, visit several stores and check out the range of products on offer. Before making a purchase, consider the size, location of windows, the condition of the walls, as well as other features of your bedroom. The right wallpaper will transform the room, make it more comfortable and attractive.