Fashionable wallpaper for a small room. Wall murals to increase space: nuances, design techniques, photos

  • 17.06.2019

Choice finishing materials to repair a small room is not such a simple matter, especially if you want to at least visually enlarge the room with wallpaper. And here you can not be guided by any one principle of visual expansion of walls and raising ceilings. In real life, it is fashionable to achieve the desired effect only when the color ratios and the overall gamut, proportions and lighting work together. Interior designers also use some finds that give an additional spatial effect, which is worth talking about in more detail.

Techniques that create the effect of increasing space

In modern city apartments, it seems to tenants that there is not enough space in a particular room. Traditionally, most of all "deprived" of free square meters:

  • hallway;
  • bedroom;
  • children's;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom.

But even in a large apartment or a country house there is always a room that it is desirable to make more at least visually. Redevelopment is not always effective, especially by combining a room with a narrow balcony - additional meters cluttered with furniture and large plants just clutter up this place. When there is too much furniture and small items in the house, even wallpapers that visually enlarge the room will not help. Yes, and mirrors, traditionally expanding the space, will only increase chaos and disorder in any room.

Tip: Use glass shelves and folding furniture, and small items should be sorted and organized on racks and shelves.

In a house cluttered with cabinet furniture, it always seems that there is not enough space and even air is not enough, and in a half-empty and well-cleaned room, one can even breathe easily. In part, this is not only a feeling, and oxygen is absorbed by the microflora that lives and actively reproduces in old things. So getting rid of old things is useful not only for the sake of visual magnification space.

When updating a room, even before making repairs, it is advisable not only to take out the old bulky furniture, but also to replace it with a new, lighter one. But when buying new interior items in small room important to consider:

  • the general style of the apartment;
  • the functionality of the room and its lighting;
  • the age of the people living in the room;
  • the overall color scheme and shade of wallpaper that increase the space of the room;
  • number of family members, their interests and preferences.

Often, the expansion of space is solved in the most obvious way - the removal of a wall or partition between adjacent rooms. They are also recommended to be replaced with glass doors, folding stained-glass windows or a transparent wall.

Curtains play an important role - voluminous multi-layer curtains with draperies cut off part of the space. But the transparent tulle, as it were, dissolves in the air and lets in a lot of light and air. And it was also noticed that a large window expands the rooms with any wallpaper.

How is wallpaper used to visually expand a room?

When choosing wallpaper for a small room, it is important to focus not only on the type of wallpaper, but also on the features of the room itself. Usually, the narrowest wall most of all needs to increase the area, but it can be “doubled” with mirrors on the adjacent plane, and the room can be pasted over with light wallpaper of warm colors.

Blue ceiling wallpapers that increase the space of the room seem to open the sky above. In this case, ceiling chandeliers are not used. But this technique is not suitable for people with a fear of open space. But such a ceiling looks very picturesque with sprigs of cherry blossoms or hanging needles on photo wallpapers. Then not only the effect of expanding space and open sky is obtained, but also a feeling of closeness with nature is created. The effect of the starry sky on the ceiling is also appropriate in the bedroom.

In a small room, the arrangement of flowers from the bottom up also plays a big role. The floors are preferably darker, plain or with a pattern of natural wood. Dark ceilings always seem to hang visually, and with light floors there is a feeling of "upside down". This is a special design technique that is appropriate in an avant-garde interior or for solving some other artistic tasks. Sometimes in a small square room striped wallpaper is glued diagonally on the shelf, and this is also special creativity as if expanding the room.

The combination of wallpapers of similar shades or the same color, but differing in texture, looks original. However, only a professional interior designer can predict the final result. So it's not worth experimenting, especially when you don't know which wallpaper will visually enlarge the room. But even if there is a desire to try your creative inclinations, it is better to use classical techniques. For instance, dark shades should be in the lower plane or the first third of the walls.

Dark large drawing against a light background of wallpaper, it often looks spectacular only in rolls, and in a small room it is too full of colors and creates unnecessary rowanness. But the rare large flowers on the wallpaper are very effective only on one wall, the others should be light, and the background of all rolls is of a common shade. Then a large drawing, as it were, pushes this plane further, for example, when large lilies or poppies are drawn behind the head of the bed in the bedroom.

A very large wallpaper pattern requires sufficient space, otherwise it will narrow the walls or, as it were, break the room into fragments. A light large pattern on a dark background looks elegant and noble. A very effective combination of a golden pattern on a burgundy background or white and golden curls on blue was often used in palace interiors. Betting on contrast must be done very carefully.

Good examples of which wallpaper enlarges the room - photo:

Plain wallpaper with a jacquard effect also looks good, that is, a glossy pattern on a matte background or vice versa. Perceived as 2 different colors, while the space is not overloaded with patterns. Thanks to the glare and the high light reflectance, a dark color in a glossy finish is always perceived as lighter, even when the wallpaper is black. This technique is widely used in classical and historical style.

It is traditionally believed that striped wallpapers visually lengthen the room, that is, they raise the ceilings and increase the length of the walls. But this does not always work out, it all depends on the width of the stripes, on the frequency and pattern. Large stripes break up the space, while small stripes often create an unpleasant ripple in a small room, especially if this is not justified stylistically. Sometimes the expanding effect has an alternation of segments of striped wallpaper with plain ones.

An interesting effect can be achieved if you use photo wallpapers with a 3D effect, when a distant perspective on one wall leads to nature, and on the other hand imitates a door. True, you get the feeling of a passage room, but it will seem much larger than it really is. Even more impressive are the artistic wallpaper collages and visual illusions, where the three-dimensional image seems to be moving all the time. However, suspicious and shy people, as well as individuals with mental disabilities, such wallpapers are contraindicated.

Choice of wallpaper colors

If you are interested in how to enlarge a room with wallpaper, pay attention to the properties of color. The perception of shades is individual for everyone, but there are general principles. For example, the cold part of the spectrum expands the space, the warm part narrows it a little. But this does not apply to very light shades, which are always perceived as giving space, light and a lot of clean air.

Very cozy and friendly look pale and light shades of yellow, peach, caramel, milk and beige colour. They elevate mood, stimulate the digestive tract and stimulate appetite. And pale green, gray, light blue and metallic silver, on the contrary, suppress appetite, relax, plunge into drowsiness and apathy. They are not recommended for people prone to depression and mood swings. Although bright colors help fight depression and chronic fatigue, they sometimes overload the nervous system.

Light pastels and transitional colors are the perfect solution to increase the space, especially when there is no need to emphasize the pronounced "cold" or "warm" part of the spectrum. The greatest effect can be achieved when all the objects in the room are of the same color, and there is a minimum of furniture in the room. For this, the following shades are perfect:

  • color of natural sheep wool;
  • light sand;
  • milk or cream;
  • ivory;
  • pale yellow;
  • soft peach;
  • pale orange;
  • beige light;
  • light pink;
  • shades of light wood, etc.

Light cold shades not only visually expand the space, but also give a feeling of emptiness, sometimes even perceived unfriendly. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, you should listen to the advice of your family and close associates, and not just rely on personal preferences. For example, lilac or pale purple and blue "aqua" are not pleasant for everyone in terms of atmosphere. But it is visually easier to enlarge the room with just such wallpaper.

Tip: Do not abuse an excess of golden color - an excess of "gilding" often looks vulgar and vulgar, as if emphasizing the mercantile interests of the owners of the house.

When choosing the color of the walls, they also focus on where the windows of the room go. If the room is on the south side, then use matte wallpaper in cold colors. Accordingly, when the windows of the room face north, it is better to choose light warm shades with a glossy effect.

Take into account the fact that the color of the wallpaper will be different in daylight and artificial lighting. For example, pink wallpaper with a lilac tint will seem warmer and darker during the day, and the room will be slightly smaller than the actual dimensions. But in the evening they will be more beautiful and cold, with a blue tint, but such a room looks a little more spacious.

How does wallpaper texture affect spatial perception?

Iridescent and shiny wallpapers always give more light and, as it were, push the walls apart. It has been noticed that walls with a pearl effect have such an effect, Venetian plaster or silk-screened wallpaper. The effect can be enhanced with stretch glossy or mirrored ceilings. But this only works with light walls, and there should not be many small details in the room, otherwise they will “double”.

Textured wallpapers with a small pattern are preferred for a small room, while smooth ones with a small pattern are more suitable for a large room. Beautiful relief patterns in themselves distract attention from the volumes of the room, as visual analyzers seem to glide along intricate lines. At the same time, the ceiling must necessarily be a tone lighter than the wallpaper with a pattern that visually enlarges the room.

When the design of the room is built on contrasts, in which it is supposed to combine different wallpapers, the uneven lighting is also taken into account. So, for example, the wall farthest from the window looks darker, and in order to balance the proportions, it is better to make it lighter, with an interesting texture. The combination of different wallpaper textures in one shade always looks more noble than smooth rolls of different colors.

Tip: If several rolls of wallpaper are sorely lacking during repairs, and it is not possible to purchase them in addition, use the effect described above, or make an unusual collage of different wallpapers.

You can, for example, cut out large silhouettes of a male and female face from different wallpapers, as if striving for a kiss. Such a romantic plot will look like an art object - without a hint of a lack of finishing materials. And such a drawing will also subconsciously distract from the real volumes of space.

Do not re-paste the entire room or hide the lack of wallpaper behind bulky furniture or obsolete carpets on the wall. It is better to make an original panel of wallpaper on a central solid wall without a window, or hang a large picture with a perspective, as on the canvases of Levitan or Shishkin. This will expand the space better than the other accept. And in a room where a marine theme is appropriate, it is recommended to hang a large picture with an endless expanse of water against the background of blue or blue wallpapers in blurry shades. This will also visually expand a small room.

1. If it was possible to use at least some of these tips, but there is no desired effect, you should reconsider your preferences for the style of the premises. Some styles look somehow empty, for example, minimalism. It also suggests a light space with large windows and a minimum of furniture, and this The best way room extensions.

2. Use secret cabinets, sliding screens and partitions, behind which it is easy to hide all the small things that literally "absorb" the space. Although it seems that it is impractical to “cut off” a whole piece of the already missing square meters, they will help to visually expand the space cleared of rubbish. Complement a small room with large or long and narrow mirrors - the effect is guaranteed.

3. In a small room, multifunctional furniture such as transformers or samples with folding planes is appropriate. If necessary, it will be possible to remove the countertop, fold the sofa to the most compact state, or put the chairs one-on-one.

4. Wall mural is a popular way to increase the volume of a room, but it all depends on the pattern itself and its location.

Connoisseurs of space in the interior should take a closer look at a fashionable means of visually changing the room - photo wallpaper expanding space. Thanks to this technique, you can not only smooth out the existing layout flaws, but also create a unique interior. When choosing wallpaper for a certain room, it is worth considering not only its purpose and style, but also possible additional visual effects from using this or that image on the walls.

Space Expansion Options

Designers have come up with many ways to visually expand the space. If we consider photo wallpaper as a means of expanding space, it is worth considering the following points:

  • The use of horizontal and vertical stripes allows you to expand the room in breadth or up. If the ceilings in the apartment are low, you should choose wallpaper with the image of trees, tall buildings, ears of wheat, etc. If you want to visually push the boundaries of a narrow or simply small room, you should stop at a wide water surface, an image of the sky, mountain peaks in the distance, etc.

Advice! Since photo wallpapers with realistic images are best perceived, it is better to choose them, although reproductions of paintings, various textured panels, etc. are suitable for certain interior styles.

  • Glossy surfaces also have the ability to visually increase the area. Thanks to the reflection, the effect of additional space appears, as with the use of mirrors in the interior.
  • To visually expand the space, you should think about the color palette, remember how certain colors are perceived by our eyes. If warm shades make any room more cramped and cozy, then cold shades push the walls apart. Airiness and lightness will give any room light blue shades. Dark, bright accents should be avoided, as they will only emphasize a small area of ​​​​the room.
  • When the wallpaper depicts a certain continuation of the room, the room is perceived as large in size. It doesn't even matter what kind of continuation it is - long corridor, door, balcony, window or open veranda. It is important that the room takes on wider boundaries.

Advice! Particularly popular are the “view from the window” photo wallpapers, since in this case there is an effect of the presence of more light due to additional “light sources”. Images of open windows have an interesting effect, when it is possible to view beautiful nature, a metropolis in lights or a seething ocean behind a non-existent window.

Pattern selection

There are a huge number of options for drawings that can visually enlarge the room. Different themes are suitable for apartments of different purposes and styles:

  • One of the most popular themes for photo wallpapers is nature. Forest, park, field, mountain peaks, sea, animals, flowers - all these objects can be found on the walls of our apartments. When choosing, it is important to know that large parts on foreground(for example, mountains) will make the room cramped and emphasize its small area. Mountain peaks, if the owner dreams of them so, in the photo should be located far away, next to the horizon line.

Advice! When using nature themes, you should be careful with macro photography. If a large lonely flower, stone or wild cat on a light background of one of the walls can become an interior decoration, then a huge bee or any other insect can scare.

  • Urban images are popular in modern styles- high tech, loft. Skyscrapers, city streets, bridges or world-famous landmarks will decorate the walls in any such apartment.
  • In a separate category, you can define the so-called architectural images, when it is assumed not the whole building, but part of it. It could be a wall old house, ivy-covered stairs leading up or deep into the stairs, the already mentioned images of windows, doors, etc.

Advice! Wall murals of this kind are perfectly complemented by real objects when Brick wall continues in decorative brickwork, a light curtain is hung next to the window in the picture, the first step of the stairs is made out as a podium, etc.

The expansion of space is provided by the image in which there is a perspective. There are special photo wallpaper 3D, expanding the space, which can contain completely different pictures: if it is a city, then roads or streets necessarily stretch into the distance, if it is a forest, then distant trees are hidden in the fog, if a plantation of flowers, then they converge in orderly rows at one distant point.

Decoration of different rooms

Wall mural can be used in almost all rooms. They are most often chosen for living room decoration to create the desired accent in the interior. It is worth remembering that when using photo wallpapers, they should become the brightest “spot” in the interior, so that later there is no competition with a massive red sofa or an antique statue in the center of the room. In this case, we are no longer talking about expanding the space: a lot of bright and large-scale elements do not contribute to maintaining the necessary space. That is why only one of the walls is decorated with photo wallpapers in residential premises.

To slightly push the boundaries of a bedroom or study, designers resort to using photo wallpapers that are slightly foggy. In this case, the image turns out to be fuzzy and pale, and therefore attracts less attention to itself. Bright accents are generally not needed in a place of rest and sleep, so you can choose black and white

Compact furniture and visual tricks in this article will help you visually enlarge the interior of any room in the house. You will learn how to save space, visually expand the area, raise the ceilings and make a small room as light and bright as possible. We bring to your attention 7 secrets on how to visually enlarge the room!

1. How to save space in a small room: smart furniture

When shopping for furniture for a small room, you can save a lot of space by opting for shallow cabinetry (especially for kitchens, bathrooms, and entryways), narrow armrests, and thin legs. The latter will help not only visually enlarge the room, but also simplify the cleaning process, while furniture without legs will look much more massive and accumulate dust under it.

  1. A sliding or folding table that can be expanded when guests visit. Just stock up on extra folding chairs that can be hidden against a wall or in a closet. Choose a table model with wheels to make it easier to move.
  2. Bar counter, which can also act as a narrow dining table, kitchen island, window sill or even a partition between the kitchen and the living room.
  3. Sofa with lifting mechanism and storage space. It is convenient to hide bed linen, bedspreads and various old things in it. Armrests can be equipped with additional shelves for decor and accessories.
  4. A folding wardrobe bed that solves the problem of decorating small single or two-room apartments as well as .
  5. Banquettes and ottomans with a hinged lid and a cavity inside.

Finally, built-in and corner furniture allow you to make the most of the available space. Corner hallways, a reading chair in the living room, a built-in wardrobe above the head of the bed and similar solutions will make the interior of the home more comfortable and interesting.

2. Optical illusion: transparent and mirror interior items

3. How to visually expand the room: horizontal lines

Choose wallpaper with horizontal lines or plank up the walls to make a narrow room look bigger. The striped path will play the same role in the hallway or corridor. In general, in small rooms it is better to refuse to use carpets, as they visually break up the space and make it narrower.

4. Enlarge space with lighting

Lighting up every dark corner and avoiding massive pendant lights is another way to make a small room look bigger. Use oversized ceiling lights, behind the sofa and armchairs, sconces above the tables, built-in spotlights and led lights that will not steal your free space.

5. What color expands the space of the room: choose wallpaper for the walls

What wall color is best for a small room? And how to visually enlarge the room with wallpaper? Here are some photo ideas!

For a free and fresh atmosphere, choose light, natural and pastel shades of beige, gray, green and blue. Fashionable olive and mint tones will be an excellent choice. Pair them with white and different textures for a more expressive design. Please note that wallpaper for walls is best chosen with medium to large, but not small patterns, which can make a small room look crowded.

A good option is to design the walls and furniture in one color. The interior will look cohesive and spacious, and colorful accents can be introduced with vases, indoor plants, sofa cushions and other accessories.

High shelves, shelving and cabinets to the ceiling will help you make the most of the space and also make it look taller. How horizontal stripes expand the room, and vertical accents help to "raise" the ceiling. Therefore, instead of one wide wardrobe in the living room, it is better to put two narrow, but high ones. Two tall showcases for decoration, kitchen cabinets to the ceiling and shelving with open shelves are also suitable for this role.

7. How to visually enlarge a room with curtains

A small room needs good natural light. Therefore, the curtains here should emphasize the windows, leaving them open. Ordinary long curtains work well for this, which can make the room look taller if they are decorated in a bright color (like vertical stripes). On the other hand, for a small room, you can safely choose curtains for wallpaper, stripes and sheer tulle. simple cut. From lush French curtains it would be better to refuse, as well as any decor on the windowsills.

Thank you for your attention!

Small space: how to visually enlarge the room? updated: December 5, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko

Quite often, modern masters use various kinds in order to give the room a certain appearance, which is limited by the design itself. At the same time, most often they try to expand the space visually, do not make changes to the layout. That is why the question of what color of wallpaper enlarges the room is of great interest to many craftsmen who create the project of the room on their own.

Features and varieties

To begin with, it must be said that this effect is achieved only by using a special color. None technical features using wallpaper will not allow this to be achieved. Given this, the instruction on design skill, first of all, recommends paying attention to the color that will be used to decorate the room ().

Wall mural

  • This type of material is best suited for solving such problems. The fact is that there are simply no photo wallpapers that increase space, since any similar product does an excellent job with such work.

  • Creating a panorama makes it possible to almost completely erase the boundaries defined by the wall and create the illusion of additional volume. Wherein right choice pictures will allow you to achieve the effect of free space almost indefinitely. Especially if wallpapers are used that increase space with a 3D effect.
  • It should be noted that this type of material requires a special approach to the choice of interior items. They should perfectly match the pattern and complement it. This often recommends a manual that talks about how to enlarge a room with wallpaper, indicating that it is desirable to select furniture exactly for a given image so that it becomes part of it.

  • Given these features, professional craftsmen recommend purchasing material with certain structural elements that create the appearance of additional windows or terraces.
  • Also, wall murals that increase the room are best chosen in a light shade. The fact is that such a coloring in itself contributes to the visual expansion of space and can enhance the desired effect.

Advice! It is necessary to select photo wallpapers taking into account the personal wishes of the people who will operate this room. This is due to the peculiarities of the psyche and physiological perception. Otherwise, you can get beautiful interior, which will not create the necessary level of comfort for a particular person.

Colors and patterns

  • Many manuals that talk about how to visually enlarge a room with wallpaper recommend, first of all, pay attention to colors. It should be light, because it is these tones that will achieve the desired effect, and dark coloring will produce the exact opposite result.

  • Also, do not choose colorful wallpaper or material with a clear distinction between color transitions.. They will either be neutral or create a kind of zone.
  • The manual, which tells about which wallpaper visually enlarges the room, recommends paying special attention to the drawing. The fact is that ordinary ornaments or patterns will not give a special effect, but clear and straight lines can give the room special properties.

  • Using vertically directed elements in the form of drawings, you can create the illusion that the ceiling is slightly higher than its actual location. Also, if you use horizontal elements, an elongation effect will be created.
  • Given these features, manuals that talk about which wallpapers increase space recommend using volumetric elements in the form of a pattern.

Advice! It must be said that the simpler the drawing, the better the effect will be. Therefore, professional craftsmen recommend using the simplest forms.

  • It is important to mention that the price of furniture and other interior items is much higher than wallpaper and their installation. Therefore, it is worth not only thinking about creating a certain effect, but also taking into account the whole situation in the room.

  • Some specialists in pursuit of such properties often neglect appearance. The result is spacious rooms with a tasteless design.
  • When planning the interior with your own hands, it is worth using all available aids, from sketches to appropriate programs. This will greatly facilitate the work and will prevent mistakes.
  • When using special software, it must be taken into account that it cannot fully convey the visual component of the volume created by finishing materials.


After watching the video in this article, you can get more detailed information on how to use wallpaper to visually expand the space in the room. Also, based on the article presented above, it is worth concluding that such design solutions are used quite often and allow solving a lot of problems with interior design (

Few of the owners of their own homes are satisfied with the number of square meters in it. Most of the apartments need to be improved, which requires a lot of money and effort. Solve the issue “without noise and dust”, without breaking partitions and without making extra costs on an expensive designer, choosing the right wallpaper that expands the living space, freeing the interior from accumulated rubbish.

Color influence

The chosen color scheme directly affects how the household will feel at home. Lilac, bright blue give a feeling of spaciousness, but not everyone likes them. When choosing wallpaper, you should take into account not only the advice of professionals and personal feelings, but also listen to the opinions of home.

Choosing the color of the walls, guided general principle: The cold part of the spectrum makes the room more spacious, and the warm tones narrow it a little. For very light warm shades (pale yellow or peach, caramel and milky with beige), this rule does not apply. They give a feeling of spaciousness, fullness of clean air.

Pale silvery, bluish, green shades relax, slow down. Those who are prone to depression, mood swings, it is better not to use them. Bright colors activate, help overcome chronic fatigue, but do not always have a good effect on easily excitable people. This is especially true for babies. Colorful wallpaper in the nursery will provoke the whims of a hyperactive child.

When choosing the color of the wallpaper, take into account which side of the world the windows of the room face. On the north side, warm colors and gloss are used. Windows to the south will require a colder range with a matte effect.
The ideal solution, which significantly increases the volume of the room, is the choice in favor of pastel, transitional tones, light shades of natural wood, wool, delicate pinkish, sandy.

The effect will enhance the minimum of furniture, the correspondence of all furnishings to the color scheme.

The influence of texture and texture on spatial perception

Relief wallpapers are in demand, with the help of which they not only decorate the room, but also make the space more free. Discreet three-dimensional patterns are appropriate in any style, indispensable for those who prefer the classics.

Walls with glitter, overflows fill the house with light, push the walls apart. The effect is enhanced by adding glossy or mirrored ceilings. It is only necessary to remember at the same time that a lot of small furnishings in the interior will double.

Intricate embossed lines distract the attention of the incoming from the volumes of the room. A small room looks advantageous if it is pasted over with textured wallpaper with a small pattern. Such walls are pleasant to the touch, form an exquisite background. More preferably, the coating is in one color range.

The most popular invoices are:

  • Linen. The surface of the wallpaper reproduces a dense fabric surface.
  • Dust. The surface is fine-grained, a good basis for decoration.
  • Canvas. The outer layer imitates a porous structure.
  • Plaster. Deliberately careless relief over the entire surface.

To place modern accents, to decorate the room in the old direction, a coating that imitates masonry, brick, leather or metal helps. Interesting design create structural materials that can be repainted more than once.

If you have difficulty choosing, smooth and textured coatings are easily combined.

Which drawing to choose

A well-known rule: to decorate a room with light wallpaper without any drawings, and if there is one, then only small and directed vertically, it greatly limits the flight of fantasy, makes the room boring. Special techniques will allow you to use bright colors, and even a large pattern.

  1. The base color really should be light. Others will take away from the room about 40% of its volume. White is also better not to use. A room less than 8 squares will resemble a hospital or bathroom. Focus on the color of carpets, furniture, basic accessories.
  2. Desirable textured walls. Even a slight relief of the "matting" creates a play of shadows, which makes you see more space.
  3. Use glossy finishes. If you like screen printing, you can safely apply it.
  4. Patterns are also not contraindicated. If they paste over the whole room, then the geometry should not be large. With a sufficient ceiling height, it is better to direct the pattern horizontally, which will add space to the room. If you are planning a bright carpet or a lot of paintings, photographs, you should buy plain wallpaper.
  5. Sometimes they use bright geometry, large prints. But then they make out only one wall. Allocate one of the functional areas, headboard, TV, fireplace.
  6. The walls are glued diagonally. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will add visually if the pattern or texture is not directed in the usual way.

Enlarging a room by combining wallpaper

The combination technique will help increase the room in height and width.

  1. Covering one colors but with different intensities. Use as one-color wallpaper, and with a pattern. The lower part of the wall is covered with darker ones, the upper one with light ones. In order not to "steal" the height, the curb is selected thinner. The lower part of the finish should not exceed a meter.
  2. A room up to 10 squares can be trimmed vertically with two types of wallpaper. In a more spacious room, even 3 types are glued various materials. "Companions" should be well combined in color, pattern. It is better not to “overdo it” with horizontal and bright combinations; in a small bedroom, it is better to place “ripples” at the head so that it does not irritate the eye before going to bed.
  3. The accent wall, on the contrary, is placed in the field of view. They cover it with expensive beautiful wallpaper and admire the beauty while sitting over a cup of coffee in the kitchen or relaxing on the sofa in the living room.
  4. Sometimes attention is moved to the ceiling. Then it becomes a continuation of the accent wall. A small room is not finished with dark materials so that the ceiling does not “press” on the psyche. The combination of "companions" is smoothed out by redistributing attention to the surrounding decoration.
  5. A small bedroom can be covered with dark wallpaper only if it is close to a square in shape. Dark walls are made by the window or any other part of the room, except for those walls that should reflect sunlight.
  6. In a cramped space, large flowers cut out of the wallpaper you like, silhouettes of a kissing couple at the head of the bed or houses, elephants in the nursery pasted over a discreet background, will be useful in a cramped space.

A low ceiling, especially in a small kitchen or hallway, can make them even cramped. To visually lift it, use the following techniques:

  1. Wallpaper with a glossy surface will increase the height of the room, make the space deeper.
  2. A vertical drawing will pull the walls up. In this case, it is better not to use borders.
  3. The ceiling is pasted over with photo wallpaper depicting the heavenly heights.
  4. If the walls and ceiling are finished in the same shade, the border between them is blurred, the eye does not fix a certain border, the space visually increases.
  5. Furniture should be chosen light, it is possible with glossy facades. They prefer cornice lighting, place LED strips around the perimeter, and LED lamps under the cornices. Spot lighting of wall cabinets is directed to the ceiling.
  6. Doors and windows stretch as much as possible. The ceiling is made multi-level by combining its parts with mirror tiles, "heavenly" photo wallpaper, equip it with a false window.

Photo wallpapers and frescoes

The quality of photo wallpaper now is much different from that offered in the era of the USSR. Modern photographs, now fashionable frescoes, are of excellent quality, realistic, and serve for many years. Any room will become more spacious, original, warm, if you use materials with the right patterns when decorating.

Stylish canvases are made to order, in accordance with the size of the room, the general situation. Consider not only the design, but also the purpose of the room. For the kitchen, images of flowers, fields, waterfalls are suitable. A picture with a terrace, a space story is appropriate in the bedroom. Urban, natural scenes are popular in the living room. The visibility of three-dimensional space will be created by patterns of 3D format.

To expand a cramped space, it is important to choose the right not only a picture, but also its location.

The frescoes used in decoration are applied using various technologies, have different sizes, forms. Even in a small room, they can completely occupy the ceiling or one of the walls, provided that the image has a perspective, imitates an open balcony, an alley that goes into the distance, and sea space. The theme is chosen based on the style of the room.

We select canvases for rooms of different configurations

Wallpaper is used not only for decorative purposes. With their help, you can change the visual perception of space, increase its height, lengthen or expand. Professional designers think over combinations of colors, patterns, select wallpapers of different quality. Certain difficulties arise with disproportionate rooms, but following the established principles of selection and adjustment, even the most awkward room can be given an original stylish look.

For a narrow room

  1. correct narrow space the easiest way is through the play of colors. A narrow wall is decorated with bright canvases, light ones are glued to a long one.
  2. If you want wallpaper with a pattern, choose medium-sized ornaments that do not crush with color.
  3. Geometric images, such as rhombuses small size, slightly blur and expand the space.
  4. The old trick with stripes is applicable in narrow rooms. The narrower they are, the stronger the effect.
  5. A win-win option is the choice of a light palette. In a wallpaper store, material with a fuzzy, chaotic pattern is selected.
  6. Use 2-3 transitional colors from top to bottom from light to dark, add, if desired, narrow borders.
  7. "Push back" one of the walls will help the correct selection of colors, the use of photo wallpaper. long wall they trim with a vertical pattern, a short one with a horizontal one, hide it behind a beautiful drapery curtain.
  8. The best "friend" of the volume of the room is good lighting.