Paving slabs factory choice. Paving slabs in the country: the choice of material, how to choose the right one and laying with your own hands The history of paving slabs

  • 29.08.2019

More and more common is the situation when paving slabs or paving stones are used to cover the ground surface in private households, near public buildings, on the territory of industrial enterprises and gas stations. This material rightfully took a dominant position in sales volumes not by chance. low price, attractive appearance, durability of operation, ease of installation, environmental and fire safety, where else is so harmoniously combined in one product.

What parameters you should know when choosing paving slabs

Anyone who has decided to opt for it has to think about how to choose paving slabs. Which paving slab is better and what you need to know so that the purchased products last for a long time and at the same time extra money would not be spent?

The overwhelming percentage of all paving slabs is:

  • polymer sand (made from sand, polymer, dye);
  • concrete (made from sand, cement, dyes, crushed stone or granite screenings).

Polymer sand products are more resistant to moisture and abrasion, but are more expensive. In addition, the production of this type is several times less than that of concrete tiles. The reason for this is the more complex technological process. Therefore, almost all such products on the market are produced by professional enterprises and have full compliance with standards.

Another thing is concrete tiles. Its production is carried out not only by handicraft workshops in almost every locality, but also by private individuals at home without the use of special equipment.

Concrete tiles are divided into:

  • vibrocast (produced by molding liquid concrete into molds and subsequent drying;
  • vibropressed (the same concrete, but less wet, is pressed into molds using vibration);
  • vibropressed (a semi-dry mixture is pressed with pressure and vibration, and moistened after pre-drying).

The less water used initially in production, the more durable and the more expensive the product will be. Therefore, the most expensive concrete tile- it is vibropressed.

How to choose high-quality paving slabs yourself

With the acquisition of large industrial enterprises, there should be no problems with the purchase of quality products. Products of such companies are certified and checked for compliance with standards. The release of each batch of concrete is controlled by a specialized laboratory that checks the dustiness of the fractions, the brand of cement, the water ratio of the mixture. It is enough to study the reviews about the manufacturing plant, study the range of its products, and you can add up the first idea of ​​​​the compliance of the products of these firms with your requirements. It remains only to pay attention to the selection of colors and shape configuration.

However, the purchase of factory products is sometimes quite costly. Not every city or region has its own ZhBK. And to transport concrete products from afar has always been an expensive affair and greatly affects the final price of the goods.

It is absolutely not worth ignoring small tile manufacturing enterprises. Most of them have been around for a long time and have a good reputation, but here you need to show some care and competence. Here are some tips on what to pay attention to when making an independent choice of paving slabs.

  1. The grade of concrete for such products is 300 units. It is recommended to use cement M-500 for production. But when using plasticizers, it is permissible to use M-400 cement, the main thing is that it be portland cement. Any seller will most likely swear that the cement in the product is the best and the concrete is the strongest. It's easy to check in a simple way. M-300 concrete is stronger than iron. That is, you can sharpen a coin or a knife about it. In this case, nothing should fall off the product. If, when scratching on concrete, metal remains on concrete product deep traces, then the brand of concrete is less than 280 and you should not buy such a tile.
  2. The next thing you should pay attention to during a visual inspection is the geometry of the products. All elements must have smooth edges, the same thickness and a uniform bottom (rough) side. On its surface there should not be large pieces of rubble sticking out. The rear surface itself should not be smeared with lime.
  3. The front side of paving slabs should be smooth, without air bubbles in the dried concrete structure;
  4. If it is possible to determine the density of concrete by weighing and measuring the volume of the product (this can only be done on rectangular elements), then the density of concrete should be 2.2 kg per liter.
  5. If all these indicators turned out to be normal, and the price is low, then such a tile can be bought. But if it is possible to purchase exactly the same type from competitors, it is better not to buy the entire batch at once. The fact is that the weak strength of the tile can manifest itself in the process of laying or cutting. In this case, it will be possible to purchase better products at the most important places (for cars and for paths with heavy traffic of people).

Good paving slabs, the choice of which was made by a competent person, will last for many years. The main thing to remember is that the materials that were used for its production were not refractory and acid resistant. Therefore, washing the car with a touchless car wash or burning leaves on surfaces with such a coating should not be. This can lead to the destruction of PEMs and the need to replace them, which is not a very simple process.

Today, paving slabs are considered one of the most demanded building materials. the best way suitable for paving suburban, park and pedestrian areas. Wear-resistant, helping to turn a wide variety of design ideas into reality, it is distinguished by a variety of colors, shapes, types and a long service life. However, when purchasing this wonderful building material and deciding on the huge choice provided by the domestic market, you need to know how to choose paving slabs and what should you focus on before buying?

Tile Features

The popularity of paving slabs is explained by a considerable choice of outlines, shapes and its undeniable advantages, such as:

  • environmental friendliness, due to its production from natural, highly environmentally friendly raw materials without harmful dyes and additives;
  • high strength (about 30 MPa / cm²) - the ability to withstand strong mechanical loads;
  • low abrasion (no more than 0.7 g / cm² per year), significantly extending the period of its use;
  • moisture absorption - no more than five percent by weight;
  • resistance to very low temperatures (about two hundred freeze-thaw cycles) and various climatic conditions;
  • elementary care and ease of cleansing from dirt;
  • the possibility of creating numerous laying options, thanks to a variety of combinations of tiles of different colors, sizes and textures;
  • an organic combination with any landscape, whether it be a suburban or urban area;
  • low costs for laying, care and maintenance.

With all the pluses, paving slabs also have some, albeit few, disadvantages that must be taken into account when choosing a building material. This:

  • uneven drawdown with illiterate installation;
  • sliding on tiles winter period sometimes leading to injury.

Tile types

What paving slabs to choose? This question worries every potential buyer. When deciding with the purchase of a tile, one must keep in mind the way in which it is produced. This determines its structure, color uniformity and properties. The most common are two ways to make tiles that are used for different purposes, and therefore do not constitute mutual competition.

    Vibrocasting is a tile made manually, for country and garden paths, where there is no active movement. Not much inferior in strength and quality to pressed, it outweighs it several times in visual perception, thanks to a smooth, even and shiny surface, a variety of shapes and, often, the content of the pattern. It is possible to repaint its original light tone to any one that suits the user. The most persistent colors are yellow, red, black, brown.

    Vibropressing - tiles with a rough surface, designed for laying roads, creating car parks, gas stations and entrances, at low temperatures and in areas with negative weather conditions. This square, rectangular or hexagonal tile is durable, frost-resistant, abrasion-resistant and viable. However, it does not stand out for its special attractiveness and sophistication. Products created by the vibropress have a discreet natural color (light gray). Its advantages are in low cost and excellent "geometry", which greatly facilitates installation. It is optimal, of course, to purchase a small tile, since a large one can crack more quickly.

In order to acquire excellent high-quality tiles that will serve you long time, you need to know about it:

    What is it made of. The paving should include 500 grade cement, clay-free gravel, sand, plasticizers, and concrete modifier additives to improve certain characteristics.

    Production method - vibrocasting or vibrocompression. When choosing a vibrocast tile, pay attention to the ringing when two products are struck. If it happens, then the tile has dried perfectly and is quite ready for laying. An extremely bright color indicates a high pigment content. And the more dye in the product, the weaker it is - the pigment affects its strength properties. The entire tile batch must be evenly and uniformly colored. You can test all this by examining the tile for a break. The vibropressed product is expensive. The underestimated cost indicates that the quality of the raw materials used in production leaves much to be desired.

    The conditions for its hardening - after all, the quality of the product depends on a third of how it hardened. If on outdoors or in a draft, in principle, it should not be chosen. If in a dry chamber, without moisture, these specimens are suitable for work, but in the absence of more good option. After all, at this method hardening, drying of the tile is possible and, accordingly, low strength. The best quality factor of the product is ensured when it hardens in the steaming chamber.

    Visual inspection, in which you want to focus on front side tiles (without pores, microcracks and shells), purl (roughness) and staining. The smoothness of the inside, pores, bubbles and shine indicate a high water content in the composition of the tile, which negatively affects the quality of its manufacture and strength, that is, the abrasion of the front part will be greater, and frost resistance will be lower. In addition, high-quality tiles must have the correct geometric proportions. And it should not contain foreign inclusions.

    Is there a quality certificate, a guarantee from the manufacturer, and what is its duration.

A sample of high-quality paving slabs is determined by GOST. If there are serious requirements for strength and operational durability, then tiles with a thickness of 80 mm are mainly used, when paving sidewalks - 60 mm. The strength of the tiles of both thicknesses is approximately equal. The durability of the coating is determined to a greater extent by the quality of the preparation of the base before laying. For a longer service life of building materials, the prepared base must be concrete (sand and cement - 3: 1) or asphalt.

And, of course, before purchasing paving slabs, you need to carefully calculate the amount that you need, since it will not be so easy to get it later. After all, the same type of tile from different batches does not always correspond in size and shade. It should be noted that the most time-saving and energy-saving tiles are large ones. And the most popular and cheap - unpainted tiles.

Laying paving slabs

And a little about the technology of laying tiles:

  • paving slabs are not recommended to be laid in bad weather and rain without a protective canopy;
  • the composition of the sand cushion should not contain clay and lumps;
  • the required inter-tile distance is from three to five mm;
  • a small tile (30×30) is laid on cement;
  • it is better to sweep the seams with a cement-sand mixture;
  • paving slabs can not be sprinkled with sawdust.

Do not forget that competent laying of high quality paving slabs, with a well-prepared base and excellent drainage, without deviating from the recommended technologies, will serve you for many decades without losing its appearance!

If you can not decide which paving slabs to choose, our article will help you understand the wide range and choose the material that is ideal for your purposes.

History of paving slabs

This material has been used in ancient times to create durable and strong roads. In ancient Rome and Greece, it laid out city sidewalks, as well as embankments and the largest roads that were of national importance. Paving slabs in our country began to be mass-produced in the 70s of the twentieth century. The technologies of those times made it possible to create only very large slabs, which cracked or deformed after several years of operation.

Modern technologies for the production of this material not only significantly reduced the size of the plates, but also brought their quality to a whole new level. All currently existing types of paving slabs characterized by increased strength and long service life. Laying such material is very simple, it is cheap and does not require any special care.

Advantages of modern paving slabs:

  • It can withstand sudden temperature changes, so this material can be used in any climate zone.
  • paving slabs absolutely safe for the environment and human health, when it is heated in the sun, toxic fumes are not emitted into the air, as happens when asphalt overheats. Therefore, it can be used to create paths, playgrounds around residential buildings, near children's institutions, hospitals.
  • One of its main advantages is durability, if the material laying technology is fully observed, then it will serve for decades.
  • Sidewalks made of such tiles are very easy to dismantle if repair of underground utilities is necessary. After carrying out the work, the material is laid again, while the sidewalk takes on a neat appearance, as it was before.
  • Any kind of paving slabs looks much more beautiful than asphalt. With its help, you can create decorative paths in the garden, decorate the territory of private houses, sanatoriums, educational institutions and various institutions. Often it is used to create a neat sidewalk in front of shops, offices, shopping malls. It is also ideal for creating durable pedestrian paths in the city center, on the embankments. The scope of this material is extensive.
  • There will be no puddles and dirt on such sidewalks if the tile laying technology is followed. Rain and thawed water will quickly seep through the seams into the ground.

Disadvantages of paving slabs:

  • A layer of ice can form on such a sidewalk if frost sets in sharply after wet weather. In this case, the tile becomes traumatic, it must be sprinkled with sand.
  • If the laying technology is violated, then after a while the tile can sag, sometimes quite significantly, forming holes and cracking.

Depending on the material and production technology, the following main types of paving slabs are distinguished:

  • Cement-sand tiles. It is made from cement, crushed stone (gravel) and water, so it is environmentally friendly. It is produced in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. The colors of paving slabs of this type always remain bright and do not fade in the sun. It is suitable for creating urban sidewalks, which will pass a huge number of people every day, as it is durable and does not wear off. The water in it will not stand on the surface, it seeps through the seams into the ground very quickly. Also, it can be repeatedly dismantled and laid back if necessary, this will not affect its strength.
  • If you need safe paving slabs, opt for clinker. On such a sidewalk or path, it will not be possible to accidentally slip in shoes with a smooth sole, since its surface is rough. It is made from clay of special grades by high-temperature firing in furnaces. It is absolutely safe for human health and the environment, as it will not emit any hazardous fumes. This tile has excellent indicators of durability and durability. It also turns out very beautiful natural colors.
  • If you are interested in which paving slabs are best for creating paths in the courtyard of children's institutions or for landscaping the area around the pool, rubber is best suited for these purposes. It is made from polyurethane, rubber mass and filler, processing these materials at high temperatures. This tile is ideal for use on playgrounds, it is impossible to slip on it or hit hard when falling. Even during icy conditions, its rough soft structure ensures excellent contact with the shoes.
  • If you need indelible paving slabs, stop the choice on plastic (polymer-sand). It is made from sand, polymers and dyes, this whole mixture is melted at +260 degrees and above, and then pressed. This type of tile is the most durable, as it has zero abrasion. It does not contain toxic substances and cement dust. It is able to withstand high mechanical loads, while it will not be chipped or cracked. It is very easy to care for, if it gets dirty, it can be washed with water or with a soapy solution. The colors of paving slabs of this type will pleasantly surprise you, a wide range of shades will allow you to create real masterpieces of landscape design and ennoble the territory with taste.
  • Granite tiles are produced by sintering crumbs natural stone. It is the most resistant to aggressive substances. If you do not know which paving slab to choose so that it looks rich and is durable, opt for granite. This material is good because it does not allow lifting ground water Also, it won't fade in the sun. If necessary, it can be repeatedly disassembled and laid again.

The most common is the tile, which is made of concrete.

Depending on the production technology, it is divided into three types:

  • Made by vibrocasting. The concrete mixture is poured into molds, which are placed on a vibrating table that provides continuous vibration. Thanks to this, an excellent tamping of the mixture occurs. Then the tiles are dried for about 12 hours at a temperature of +40 degrees. Such types of paving slabs are characterized by increased frost resistance, they can withstand up to 200 cycles of complete freezing and thawing. It turns out high-strength and is suitable for city sidewalks with a large flow of people. On average, its lifespan is about 10 years.
  • Made by vibrocompression. The concrete mixture is poured into molds on a vibrating machine, and pressed from above with a piston, which also creates continuous vibration. As a result, the mixture thickens quickly. The tile created in this way turns out to be rough, it has a strict geometric shape. Due to this, subject to all laying technologies, the surface of the sidewalk is perfectly flat. If you are wondering which paving slabs to choose for a busy street, opt for this option. The vibropressed tile perfectly is suitable for operation in the conditions of differences of temperatures and high humidity. It can withstand about 300 complete freeze and thaw cycles.
  • Made by hyperpressing. The manufacturing technology is similar to the previous method, but everything happens without vibration. The hydraulic press puts high pressure on the mixture, making it compact quickly. This method of production is fully automated, which significantly reduces the level of defects that may occur due to the human factor. Due to the lack of manual work, it is cheaper.

Depending on the shape, there are such main types of paving slabs (photo):

  • Tile in the form of "clover" can often be seen in parks and squares. It is made of concrete, to which crushed granite is added. The main advantage of this tile is its smooth surface, which is not impregnated with dirt, so it remains clean and aesthetic under any weather conditions.
  • The "Brick" tile perfectly withstands high loads due to its regular geometric shape in the form of a parallelepiped.
  • Tiles with wavy edges are good because they do not move during a long service life and high loads on the surface. The pavement is very durable due to the “puzzle effect” achieved by the uneven edges of the tiles.
  • Tumbled tiles with rounded corners are ideal for suburban area or the territory of a private house, where there will be no huge loads on the surface. It is inferior in strength to the previous types, but with its help you can create very beautiful paths and landscape design.
  • English cobblestone tiles look like gray or brown natural stone. It is made of concrete by vibration casting. It turns out a quadrangular shape with a textured surface. This tile looks simple and stylish.
  • Tiles with scalloped side profiles are ideal for creating pavements on which vehicles will drive. It is characterized by the highest strength of joining elements.

Now you know what paving slabs are. But besides its standard varieties, there are very unusual and original ones.

marble tiles

This is an incredibly beautiful natural material that is used to decorate terraces, paths on the territory of a private house, and it can also be used to create a very durable indoor floor. Marble is ideal for decorating theaters, museums, temples. It is unique in that each tile will have its own unique natural pattern, even if the entire batch is made from one marble block. This material is characterized by high resistance to abrasion and temperature extremes.

Luminous tiles

This is a unique modern invention, such a tile emits a soft light in the dark. With its help, you can create an amazing landscape design. Luminous paths on the territory of a private house, hotel, restaurant will look amazing.

No wires or electricity are needed, because such a tile emits light thanks to LEDs that work on solar panels. No expenses are needed for the maintenance of such luminous paths, they are completely autonomous. You need to lay such tiles where the sun hits during the day so that the glow in the evening and at night is as bright as possible.

It is especially important for owners of private houses to know the main characteristics of such a coating as paving slabs, how to choose it and in what ways it can be laid. After all, this coating will be constantly subjected to heavy loads, as garden furniture and tubs with plants, cars can park here, lie Construction Materials. Coating garden paths in summer it is strongly heated by the sun, in autumn it is flooded with rain, and in winter it freezes and thaws again. Therefore, the material for paths and platforms must withstand any adverse effects and the most intensive use. How to choose paving slabs to meet such high requirements?

Production method, source material and quality characteristics

Paving slabs can be made from various materials. For example, relatively recently, wood and rubber coatings have appeared on the market. However, while such varieties remain exotic. Coatings made of burnt clay and natural stone are widely used. But the most affordable, durable and practical is concrete tiles. This is a classic option, the main advantages of which are considered to be relatively low production costs and the ability to withstand heavy loads.

In order to choose the right coating, you need to consider its purpose. For example, if you want to buy quality tiles for paving a parking space or for laying a driveway, you need a more durable floor. It is better to purchase a tile produced by vibropressing. Such a coating is made from cement and crushed granite, adding plasticizers and pigments to the original mass.

With the help of this technology, paving slabs of different sizes are produced. However, for a parking space or driveway, it is worth choosing small tiles, since large specimens under such loads can crack faster. The advantage of this technology is the exact geometry of the individual elements, which allows the formation of a more durable hard coating during laying.

But for small garden paths, it is better to choose tiles made by vibrocasting. This technology does not imply a high degree of automation, therefore, in terms of geometry accuracy, tiles are inferior to vibrocompression. It looks more impressive because this method allows for a greater variety of shades. In addition, with vibrocasting, it is possible to apply patterns to the surface of the tile.

Choice of design and size

Both methods of tile production (both vibrocasting and vibrocompression) make it possible to obtain a variety of shapes.

Manufacturers' catalogs include classic paving stones, hexagons, and more interesting varieties, conventionally called "racquet", "coil" or "wave".

The choice of paving slabs depends on which laying method you are going to use.

Paving stones, which is an ordinary rectangle, is considered the most versatile option. After all, when laying, it can be used in various combinations. by the most simple options are "pillars" and imitation brickwork, but schemes with a pairwise arrangement can be used: "herringbone", "checkerboard", "ladder", etc. These schemes look more interesting, but require a more careful approach.

When choosing tiles of a more complex shape, be prepared for the fact that you will need at least the simplest design project for laying it so that the coating looks harmonious.

Tiles can be found in catalogs different colors. Although only natural raw materials are used to produce this material, coloring pigments are still added to it to make the shades softer. If white cement is used to make the coating, then brighter colors, such as green or yellow, can be obtained.

But they don't always look good on garden paths. It is worth choosing a tile of such tones only when the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site is large enough.

Which tile to choose: small or large? In addition to the nuances described above, it should be noted that the size also depends on the overall design of your site. There is one more important point: the smaller the individual elements, the more seams are made between them. This means that they better distribute the loads that occur during intensive use, which is important for a parking space, but practically does not matter for straight garden paths, since they can be paved with elements of any shape and size.

For irregularly shaped terraces or arcuate paths, it is better to choose small paving stones, since this material allows you to create curves of any radius. There are, however, separate types of tiles that are designed specifically for circular shapes, but they are expensive.

Some nuances of quality

Beautiful design does not mean that this paving slab is high operational characteristics, so it is safest to choose products that have been validated. This means that its quality is confirmed by the relevant certificates. Such documents are not always available for the products of small enterprises, although they are cheaper. If you want to find a quality tile, you should choose it according to the main criteria: frost resistance (this means that the product tolerates not only freezing, but also thawing), strength, moisture capacity, and concrete density. All these data should be reflected in the documentation.

However, some indicators can be assessed independently. How to do it right? For example, if you want to know how strong paving slabs are, you can try breaking off a piece from a sample using a special tool. Pay attention to the break. A durable tile made from quality, high-density, low moisture-holding concrete will look smooth when broken. If the fracture turned out to be uneven, with protruding grains, this indicates that the product is made from a mixture with an inhomogeneous structure and low density, and a high moisture capacity. Over time, this paving stone can crack. The fracture should be painted over evenly - this is important, and on the very surface of the product there should be no cracks, no bubbles, or any irregularities.

It is important to pay attention to the color of the tiles.

You won't be able to see all the elements of the party. But even on the samples there should not be pronounced dark or light stripes. Such bands usually indicate that the original components were poorly mixed. But it should be remembered that sometimes a light limescale coating appears on the paving stones.

Unlike stripes, it is considered normal. Plaque is the result of natural chemical processes that occur during the curing of the mixture, and it does not affect the quality of the product. This plaque can be easily cleaned by special means, which are sold in stores selling goods for the home and garden. A slight difference in shades of different tile elements should also not confuse buyers. This difference arises due to the fact that natural ingredients with different characteristics are used in the manufacture of the mixture.

Too bright a shade of a tile may indicate that an excessive amount of pigment has been added to it. This reduces the strength of the product.

There are a few more important nuances. So, if you hear a ringing sound when two elements hit each other, this means that the tile has dried up and you can already start laying it.

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If you are going to pave the yard, sidewalk or garden path, you will have a choice - which paving slabs to use for this.

After reading the article, you will learn how to choose the right paving slabs for the courtyard of a house or cottage, which experts recommend using and what parameters they choose. Learn to determine which varieties and types are preferable in a given situation.

Before proceeding with the choice, ask the question: why tile? Why not asphalt, not concrete, not poured and compacted gravel? Why is it important for you to lay tiles here? This question will help you better understand what expectations are associated with coverage, and help you choose necessary material, shape and other tile settings.

If you need to fit a walkway or sidewalk into exquisite design plot, choose porcelain stoneware or natural stone tiles. If you need to create a feeling of antiquity and monumentality, choose natural or cast wild stone. To evoke memories of the last decades Soviet Union, choose colored vibropressed tiles.

The cost of high-quality tile laying (with appropriate preparatory work and creating the right foundation) will cost 3-5 times more than pouring concrete or laying asphalt. Even when using inexpensive materials. If you choose expensive materials, laying tiles will exceed the cost of creating a concrete or asphalt path by at least 10 times. The reason for this is the high price of the material and the large volume of expensive handmade that require high qualifications.


The main characteristics of the tiles include:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • size and shape;
  • price.

Abrasion resistance

Abrasion resistance determines how long the tile will last under the influence of external factors (shoes and car tires). The higher this parameter, the greater the load the tile can withstand and the longer it will not need to be replaced.

The abrasion resistance of concrete paving slabs depends on the materials from which the concrete was made. The use of quartz or river sand, high-quality cement grade not lower than M-500 and crushed stone of hard rocks (granite, marble, basalt and others) improve abrasion resistance.

This property is a conditional value, which is determined according to GOST 13087-81. To determine the value of this indicator, a sample of a concrete or reinforced concrete product is abraded using a special machine and abrasive powder.

After a certain exposure time, the sample is cleaned and weighed. The difference between the weight of the original and the resulting sample is the abrasion resistance. It is indicated in grams per square centimeter (g / cm2). How less value resistance to abrasion, the more difficult it is to destroy a product made of concrete or natural stone.

The best value of resistance to abrasion in porcelain stoneware and paving stones made of natural stone. Somewhat worse is polymer concrete made of granite (marble) chips and clinker bricks (tiles). In third place is a vibropressed paving slab made of concrete, which includes crushed granite or marble. In last place are cast concrete tiles and rubber paving slabs.

Frost resistance

Frost resistance is indicated either in the number of freeze-thaw cycles (based on GOST 10060-2012), or by concrete grade F100, F200, F300. The higher this value, the more hard frost withstand tiles. Concrete grade F300 is used to make products that can withstand temperatures below minus 45 degrees Celsius. Concrete brand F100 is designed for operation at temperatures above minus 5 degrees.

Size and shape

The thickness of the tile depends on the load that it can withstand. Tiles with a thickness of 3-4 cm are used for footpaths and other places where there is no any transport. A thickness of 4-7 cm is used for areas where the movement of cars is possible, over 7 cm is used for any areas.

The greater the length and width of the tile, the more quality the foundation is needed. This is due to the fact that when the base subsides, the tile with one or two edges tilts towards the failure, the other side, on the contrary, rises above the surface of the bulk of the tiles, forming a kind of "hummock".

The choice of laying pattern and the complexity of joining the extreme tiles and the border depend on the shape of the tile. Tiles of a simple shape - quadrilateral and hexagonal are the easiest to install, but the choice of schemes is limited.

For a one-dimensional square shape, “checkerboard” and “half-row shift” schemes are available, so the pattern is created using tiles different colors. For rectangular paving stones, chessboard, circular laying and herringbone patterns are available, and the pattern is also created by a combination of colors.

Square tile with half row offset

For a hexagon, the "mosaic" scheme is applicable. There is no laying scheme for wild stone, because all stones various shapes and size. Therefore, instead of a diagram, a drawing is laid out. Decorative (artistic) tile itself is a pattern, so there is no laying scheme for it.

If you want to lay out a particular drawing or pattern, make a plan of the site on a convenient scale and create a drawing on it. This will help determine what color and shape tiles are needed.

If the stores do not have the required tiles, contact the manufacturer directly. Most of these firms undertake the manufacture of custom-made tiles, however, at a price 2-5 times more expensive than that which is mass-produced.


In 50 percent of cases, the choice of tile determines the cost. The more expensive the tile, the more expensive the services of the worker in laying it. For the installation of cheap cast tiles, which will last ten years at most, you can hire a team of guest workers, they do it quickly and cheaply. But this approach to laying expensive tiles will lead to the need overhaul blind area after 3-5 years.

Laying tiles is the final stage, it requires heavy and hard work for soil preparation and arrangement of underlying layers. If one of the operations is performed poorly or with errors, the blind area will not last long.

The cost of tiles depends on the price source materials, manufacturing technology, brand popularity, manufacturer's revenues and various transportation and sales costs. Therefore, the price spread for various models one type of tile reaches 100 percent.

Do not rush to buy tiles in the first store. Look at the offers of other outlets, visit several companies that produce tiles. There is a high probability that you will be able to find what you need, and at a lower price than they ask in the store.

Remember, more expensive tiles are not necessarily better quality than cheaper ones. After all, the quality of tiles (within the same type or model) depends on the experience of workers and technologists. If the workers do not violate the technology, check and repair (adjust) the equipment in time, use the right ingredients, then this approach ensures high product quality.

The choice of tiles for paving sidewalks, garden paths or recreation areas is not an easy task. Now you know what to look for when choosing a tile, what qualities and parameters are really important, and what exactly can be safely ignored. This will help you choose a tile that suits the price, quality and is ideal for your design.