Construction game in the middle group “Building a city. Methodological developments on the organization of constructive and building games with children of senior preschool age Completed by: educator mdou - Methodological developments

  • 30.09.2019

The importance of building games for preschool age.

A building game is such an activity for children, the main content of which is the reflection of the surrounding life in different buildings and the actions associated with them.

Children acquire the basic building skills in design classes: they master the elementary structure of those objects that can be created - the walls of the house, the roof, windows, etc. Significant changes are taking place in the building games of the children of the preparatory group, which distinguish them from the games of the children of the younger and senior groups. The games of children of 6-7 years old are distinguished by broader and more varied ideas. Children 6-7 years of age are physically more enduring, which makes it possible to develop long building games with them.

Building games under the influence of classes become more meaningful, children discover more advanced technical skills, more accurately differentiate the size of parts, better feel symmetry, and place parts of the building more correctly. In this regard, games with small building materials are of great importance in the development of building games for children. In these games, children develop the accuracy of visual analysis of the size and shape of parts that differ slightly from each other, the small muscles of the hands.

These games contribute to the development of analytical perception. They are especially useful for children with insufficiently stable behavior; with a developed imagination, but with a lack of control over their actions.

The construction game is somewhat similar to the role-playing game and is considered as its variety.

In a kindergarten, building games contribute to the improvement of children's speech: they share their ideas, explain their actions, discuss ideas, motivate, defend their proposals, and agree on a joint construction. Children's speech is enriched with new concepts, terms, the use of which makes it more accurate, to some extent technically literate.

Small building set game can be used in preparatory group along with those didactic games that contribute to the accuracy of visual perception.

The tasks of building games.

Development of greater sociability, mutual assistance, sustainable collective games, joint labor processes.

The development of stability of attention, the ability to conceive a building and execute it, to achieve the intended result.

Development of accuracy of perception, visual analysis, sense of proportion and symmetry.

Development of children's initiative and creativity, artistic taste, ability to plan their activities.

Game tactics of the teacher (motivation).

The management of older children's games is more focused on a combination of intellectual and practical activities. The teacher teaches them to think about the upcoming game actions, compare one with the other, develops ingenuity, encourages conjecture, encourages implementation decision. To interest children, you can combine them for joint buildings from the designer, introduce elements of competition. 2-3 subgroups can participate in the competition (no more than 5-6 people in each). Children will also be interested in the idea of ​​organizing an exhibition of crafts from the designer, auxiliary material. You can also work at home with your parents. To attract the attention of children to building and constructive games, the teacher can use a number of non-standard techniques, for example, to make beautiful building in the absence of children, then invite them to carefully consider it and express their opinion. After that, you can remove the building and invite those who wish to do the same from memory, or bring your creativity and build something else.

Thus, an important condition for the educational and educational impact of building and constructive games for children of the seventh year of life is the guidance of a teacher while maintaining the creative initiative of children, developing their interest in technology, teaching how to translate a planar image into a three-dimensional building.

Thoughtful game management techniques produce tangible results. Building games are becoming richer in content, buildings are more diverse, better technically executed

Irina Yankevich
Card file of design games (junior group)

1 Games by construction

(younger preschool age)

"Building a house for a cat, dog and goat"

Target: To develop children's ability to build a house. Learn how to build in the right order. Promote the formation of joint play


Game progress. - Look, it's raining, and our puppy Bimka is wet, he sits under a tree and trembles. He needs to build a warm house - a booth. The teacher suggests building a house for the dog. Children themselves select the material, they themselves come up with a house.

"Animal Pen"

Target: Learn to build with vertically placed bricks. Cultivate a careful attitude to the building. Activate dictionary: brick, corral

Material: bricks.

Game progress. The caregiver brings a set of plastic pets and offers to build a pen for them so that they do not run away, so that the wolves do not eat them. It is necessary to build from bricks placed vertically.

5 games by construction

(younger preschool age)

"Building a truck, roads"

Target: To consolidate the ability to tightly apply the bricks flat to each other with a narrow short side (road). Steadily and evenly place the cube on the second brick (car).

Material: cubes and bricks.

Game progress. The teacher brings in traffic light group, children remember what they know about traffic lights. Let's build a road and a car with you, shows how to build, beats buildings.

"Gate for Aibolit's car"

Target: Learn to build a gate from two vertically standing bricks, on which another brick is placed .. Material: bricks

Game progress. Attention at the zoo, the tiger fell ill. Good doctor Aibolit is driving a car to cure a patient. The car enters the park, the trees prevent us from moving on. We urgently need to build a gate for the car. Children offer their buildings.

9 games by construction

(younger preschool age)

"The doll has a housewarming party"

Target: To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with building materials, learn to play with buildings, enrich the experience of children. Construction of furniture, rooms in various ways.

Material: cubes and bricks. prisms, plates. cylinders.

Game progress. The teacher invites the children to become builders and build entire rooms with furniture for the dolls. Choose by yourself construction material. Friends to work, and put the dolls in new house.

"Doll Town"

Target: Continue to create buildings according to the general plot. Form skill design as desired, cultivate the desire and ability to build calmly together

Material: cubes and bricks prisms, plates. cylinders.

Game progress. - Look, our dolls were very upset, they had a fire, all the houses in the city burned down. Therefore, they need help to build new houses. Let's help our toys., create our own houses., come up with our own buildings.

13 Games by construction

(younger preschool age)

"Putting Shapes"

Target representations constructive activity Material

Take out the inserts, such as circles, and invite the child to collect them on the table, and then put them in the appropriate windows. Then assemble triangles and squares in the same way.

15 games by construction

(younger preschool age)

"Inventing Shapes"

Target: To develop logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, development of fine motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing, development of fantasy, creative activity.

Material: a set of planar geometric shapes in primary colors, frames, cut shapes.

The child can come up with and put together figures from various elements, give them names.

"Trace the Outline"

Target: Acquaintance with the concepts of shape, color, size, creating initial mathematical representations: acquaintance with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship of the whole and the part, constructive activity: folding an object from parts, development logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, development of fine motor skills, preparation of the hand for writing, development of fantasy, creative activity. Material:

The set includes frames. If a child likes to draw and color, then he can quite easily draw a figure himself, tracing the frame from the inside with a pencil. Then this drawing can be shaded or painted over; to cut

3 games by construction

(younger preschool age)

"Ladder for a turtle"

Target: Continue to teach children how to create buildings, overlay parts on top of each other and put them side by side; recognize and name building materials and buildings.

Material: bricks and plates.

Game progress. V group children find a family of turtles. The educator builds in advance group pond and invites the children to build a ladder so that the turtles get to the pond. Bricks must be stacked on top of each other.

"Narrow bench for Bunny - Long Ear, wide bench for Mishutka"

Target: Learn to build a narrow bench of two bricks and a plate and a wide bench of four bricks and two plates.

Material: bricks and plates.

Game progress. Funny toys come to visit the children, which tell the children that there are not even benches in the forest. The teacher offers the children to build a narrow bench for the bunny, and a wide bench for the bear. The children themselves choose the material for the construction.

7 games by construction

(younger preschool age)

"Collect Circles"

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to navigate in homogeneous objects (more, less, even less, small, picking them up in a certain sequence; to learn to enrich sensory experience when acting with a certain shape and different sizes, learning their physical properties.

Material: planar circles of different sizes and colors.

Game progress. Let's create a fabulous room with you and arrange the circles by size, by color, by your mood.

"Pedestrian Bridge"

Target: Continue to learn two ladders and make an overlap (put a plate on top, play with the building. Dictionary: ladder, height, from above, bridge, near, plate.

Material: cubes and bricks, plate

Game progress. Here we have a wide river. And you and I need to translate toys. - What should we do? Of course, build a bridge. (The teacher builds a sample)

Invites children to build their own bridge and transport toys.

11 Games by construction

(younger preschool age)

"Different Cars"

Target: To consolidate in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe color and name of building parts, ways construction. Teach children to compare buildings, to notice their differences.

Material: cubes and bricks, plates.

Game progress. We have already built the road and the car. and now you will invent your own cars and build a whole garage of various cars. Children compare buildings. They name their cars.

“Building a steamship, boats. Doll's trip to visit "

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to attach bricks tightly to each other, placing them on a long narrow side, depicting a boat or steamer. Distinguish the details of the nose, feed.

Material: cubes and bricks, plates.

Game progress. Our toys are very fond of traveling, but in order to sail the sea, you need to build a ship. Let's help our toys and build a ship and name it "Friendship."

14 Games by construction

(younger preschool age)

Finding Geometric Shapes

Target: Acquaintance with the concepts of shape, color, size, creating initial mathematical representations: acquaintance with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship of the whole and the part, constructive activity: folding an object from parts, developing logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, developing fine motor skills, preparing a hand for writing, developing fantasy, creative activity.

Material: a set of planar geometric shapes in primary colors, frames, cut shapes.

Scatter the game and invite the child to find triangles, circles, rectangles. Ask to list geometric shapes, count their number, compare according to the main features (angle, sides, their number)

17 Games by construction

(younger preschool age)

"Make an Ornament"

Target: Acquaintance with the concepts of shape, color, size, creating initial mathematical representations: acquaintance with geometric shapes, their main features, learning to count, understanding the relationship of the whole and the part, constructive activity: folding an object from parts, developing logical thinking, attention, memory, speech, developing fine motor skills, preparing a hand for writing, developing fantasy, creative activity.

Material: a set of planar geometric shapes in primary colors, frames, cut shapes.

The basis of the ornament is the arrangement of repeating elements on the plane. Ornaments can be made both from the same and from different figures, arranging them along a line, in a fan, flower, or partially overlapping each other

Construction games.

Younger age.

"Let's build a shop for dolls."

Target: Strengthen the ability to build a store from cubes, bricks, bring things to the end, cultivate friendships in the game.

The game: The teacher introduces small dolls into the group. Each has a handbag. He asks: “Why did our dolls take bags?”. Together they decide that the dolls are going to the store, but they cannot find it. Children are invited to help dolls and build a store out of cubes and bricks. The guys build: some - according to the model given by the educator, some - on their own.

Zoo for wild animals.

Target: To consolidate the skills of joint activities with the educator (to build cages for animals); continue to learn to beat your building.

The game: The teacher shows toys - figurines of wild animals, specifies where they live, and together with the children decides to build a zoo for them.


Target: To consolidate the ability to build houses from cubes for different animals; develop respect for animals.

The game: The teacher reminds that animals in the zoo have houses where they hide from the rain, and causes a desire to build houses for them. On the table is a set of figurines of wild animals. After the construction is completed, they are played with.

"Let's build a house for animals."

Target: Develop memory, speech; encourage children to create design options by adding other details.

The game: Children are invited to choose one or two pets and build a house for them using building parts.


Target: To consolidate the ability to build from the details of a large builder; beat the building.

The game:Game situation: small cars are in different places, and it's hard to find the one you need. The teacher clarifies where the cars “live” and leads the children to the idea that it is necessary to build garages. The guys choose a car for themselves and independently build a garage for it. If desired, complete additional structures. Then, if they want, they beat the buildings.

"Let's build a house for a bunny."

Target: To develop the constructive skills of children, the ability to build simple structures on display, enjoy the results; fix in speech the names of details, verb forms; develop motor skills, the ability to correlate movements with words.

The game: The snow bunny came running, but he has nowhere to live ...

"Let's build a house for the bear."

Target: To develop the constructive abilities of children, to learn to correlate the size of the building with the size of the object; consolidate knowledge of building details; develop the planning function of speech.

The game: Three bears from a fairy tale come to visit the children and ask them to build a house for them, each separately.

"Terem for animals".

Target: To develop the constructive skills of children, learn to measure buildings with the size of an object, learn to pronounce a sequence of actions in speech.

The game: The bear ruined the Teremok of animals, they have nowhere to live.

"At the request of the children."

Target: Improve the skills of children when working with the designer, learn how to decorate the structure, beat it; to enjoy the game, collective activity.

Middle group.

"Garages for cars".

Target: Consolidate knowledge of the names of building materials; nurture the desire to build together, amicably.

Main content: children are invited to build garages, different in size and shape.

"Home for Gnomes"

Target: To consolidate the ability to design objects (houses) in accordance with certain conditions.

Main content: children build houses of different designs.

Doll Furniture.

Target: To form the constructive abilities of children, the ability to create the simplest buildings; consolidate knowledge about furniture, its purpose.

« Construction of houses for kittens of different sizes.

Target: To consolidate knowledge of the concepts of "big - small"; develop constructive skills, speech.

The game: The doll draws attention to the fact that the kittens meow plaintively, because they have no houses, they are cold. Asks the children to build houses for the kittens with building material to fit the kittens in the house.


Target: To develop the constructive abilities of children, fine motor skills of fingers, learn to build cars from the LEGO constructor; learn to play without conflict, together.

"Garages for transport".


Senior group.

"Autumn in the Forest"

Target: Mastering the ways of constructing a landscape composition.

The game: from geometric shapes different color, size, shape to make a picture - a landscape.

"Home for Thumbelina".

Target: To consolidate the skills of working with paper, cardboard; develop accuracy of movements, attention, perseverance, interest in activities, speech.

The game: Thumbelina has nowhere to live and the children, using colored paper, matchboxes, glue, brushes, scissors, napkins, make furniture and arrange a home for Thumbelina in a box.

"Gifts for kids".

Target: Increase children's self-esteem; practice manual skills; bring joy from crafts made with your own hands.

The game: Samodelkin invites children to make gifts for kids, in the New Year's week everyone should receive gifts. So that the children do not feel sorry for giving away, Samodelkin offers to make two crafts.

"Mosquito from natural material".

Target: Develop fine motor skills of fingers, accuracy of movements; consolidate the skills of connecting the parts of the craft; consolidate knowledge about appearance, distinctive abilities of insects; teach to pronounce preparation for work, sequence of actions.

Material: maple lionfish, dried leaves, acorns, sticks, thin wire, plasticine.

"Insects from natural material".

Target: Consolidate knowledge about insects; offer to choose from natural material suitable components for the insect they want to make.

"Making crafts - paper frogs."

Target: To consolidate the ability to fold paper crafts; develop accuracy of movements, eye, attention, perseverance.

The game: So that Zhanna the frog does not get bored, you need to make her girlfriends. Beat crafts: whose frog will jump further. Fill paper lilies on the "pond" with frogs.

"In the world of fantasy".

Target: Invite the children to dream up, dream of building a fantastic city on another planet, come up with a name for it and what the inhabitants will be called. To teach children to collectively build buildings, jointly plan future work, and jointly carry out their plans.



"Children's Choice"

Target: To teach children to build buildings and unite in one group, together come up with a plot and beat it. Learn to play together, not to quarrel, to give in to each other.

"Beautiful buildings".

Target: To teach children to build, unite in groups, come up with stories and beat them. To teach how to make buildings sustainable, diverse, to coordinate an individual plan with a common one.

"My city".

Target: To learn how to creatively realize an idea, develop imagination, consult with peers when performing work, distribute responsibilities.

Garages and cars.

Target: To teach children to organize themselves in groups and unite with a common plot, to learn to play without conflict, together. Offer small toys to play with.

Preparatory group.


Target: To activate the ability to create subject structures from building material according to the condition. Improve constructive skills.

The game: children are offered wooden building material, with attributes for playing around - cars, trees, figures of people, etc.

"Let's build a house in the village."

Target: To develop the constructive skills of children, ingenuity, imagination, the ability to navigate in space; activate the verb dictionary.

The game: offer to build the kind of house they would like to have; propose to first draw it schematically, and then build, using the builder, elements of decorations.

"Napkins for the festive table."

Target: Develop aesthetic taste, the ability to do something with your hands; cause a desire to do something pleasant.

The game: invite the children to cut napkins on the tables, arranging the edges in different ways.

"Magic Field".

Target: To consolidate the ability to engage in collective activities, develop aesthetic taste, the ability to compose a composition, navigate on a sheet of paper; develop imagination, creative thinking.

The game: invite the children to imagine that they are in a magical meadow and it needs to be decorated with beautiful flowers. Think about what flowers, color, shape will be, how to place them and where. Make not only flowers that children know, but also fabulous, unusual flowers.


Target: To develop children's creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game, using a constructor, building material.

Card file of games with building materials for senior preschool age

group 3

  1. "Let's build a house"

Target: Composition of houses different sizes. To teach children to select doors, windows, roofs corresponding to the size of this house.

Material: Parts of houses of different sizes to make up 5 buildings that differ in size.

Stroke: Kits of parts are laid out in a mess. The child selects the appropriate parts. The number of houses made up depends on the capabilities of the child.

  1. "Collect and Build"

Target: To consolidate the ability of children to recognize and name geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval). Lay out various objects from geometric shapes.

Material: a cube with glued geometric shapes, geometric shapes cut out of cardboard; contour samples of buildings.


Option 1.

The child throws a die, names the figure he sees on the top face and takes the same cardboard of any color. From the figures collected in several moves, the child makes up any image.

Option 2.

The child chooses a figure by color. Form, in this case, can be any. For example: A green triangle fell on the top face of the die. The child is invited to choose any green figure. The building is also made up of the collected figures.

  1. "Which building collapsed?"

Target: Development of attention; logical thinking. Ability to recognize and name geometric shapes.

Material: Cards with buildings made up of geometric shapes (slide, house, gate, etc.); and the same geometric shapes, but placed in a chaotic manner.

Game progress:

An adult shows the child a card with geometric figures scattered across the field (the figures are pasted) and offers to find a card with a building of the same figures. First, two cards with buildings are given a choice, then, when the children begin to easily cope with the task, the number of cards increases.

  1. "Form Workshop"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of geometric shapes. Lay out geometric shapes and objects according to the conditions.

Material: Counting sticks, geometric shapes.


Option 1.

Children are invited to lay out geometric shapes from sticks according to samples. Samples are various rectangles, squares, triangles.

Option 2

Children are invited to lay out various objects from sticks according to the conditions. For example: a triangle of 3 sticks, 5, 6; rectangle of 6, 8; house of 6, 11, etc.

  1. "Architect"

Target: Develop the ability to compose a serial series. Exercise the child in the ability to create a building plan.

Material: Strips of different lengths (up to 10 gradations); a sheet of paper, a simple pencil.


Option 1 .

Lay out the strips in a mess. Invite the children to arrange them in order: from smallest to largest or from largest to smallest.

Option 2.

Lay out the strips in a mess. Invite the children to draw a plan of the stairs without touching the strips. Then, offer to take the strips and build the stairs according to the plan.

  1. "Happy Island"

Target: The development of the imagination. Skill to work in team. Fixing the names of geometric shapes.

Material: Multi-colored geometric shapes and their parts.

Stroke: The teacher determines the topic. Children create a building together. The building must correspond to the nature of the theme.

  1. "Different Houses"

Target: To teach children to compare a drawing and a drawing (diagram) of an object.

Material: Cards with contour images of buildings of complex shape (houses with different roofs, outbuildings). Children are offered 4 schemes. Three detailed pictures for each scheme. In each picture there is a slight discrepancy with the scheme: the difference is in the shape of the roof of one of the extensions, in the location of the extensions, in their height, etc.

Stroke: An adult tells the children that once the builders built a house according to the drawing and made small mistakes. And although the houses turned out beautiful, they were still slightly different from the drawing. Offers to consider each building and find inaccuracies. The teacher shows the children the first diagram and a picture for it. Children find a mistake. Then the teacher shows the next picture to the same scheme, then the third. Then they move on to the second scheme and consider three more pictures in sequence. If the children cannot find the correct answer, the teacher helps them. The rest of the drawings and drawings are considered in the same way.

In this game, you can use a variety of drawings and drawings.

  1. "We construct from sticks"

Target: consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes,development of logical thinking of children.

Material: outline cardsobjects, sticks of different lengths.

The purpose of the game. Offer the children sticks of different lengths,ask to select the longest, shorter and shortest. Lay out some figure from the sticks at the suggestion of the child. Then give the child a card, examine the contours of objects with him, let him recognize them, name them. Then offer to lay out any figure. In the process of work, fix the names of familiar geometric shapes that will appear in the process of laying out. Ask to lay out the figurines with sticks according to your own plan.

  1. "Build according to the scheme"

Purpose of the game: teach children to do elementarybuildings based on diagrams.

Material: building plans, building set.

Game progress. Recall building details with children,which they know, show them their properties. Show the card, ask what is shown on it, offer to consider, and say from what details of the building. Ask to build the same buildings from building parts. It is important that the details are depicted in actual size.

  1. "Putting Details"

Purpose of the game: teach children to post picturesoverlay method.

Material: outline cards,construction set or planar geometric figures.

Game progress. Children are taught to post imagesway of superimposing volumetric details of one of the faces on the drawing. Offer the children a map and ask them to create beautiful pictures(Show on the example of installing one part).

  1. Building a fence game

The teacher says to the children playing with building material: “Is this a construction site? What are you building? Sasha, what do you have? House. What about you, Gena? Also a house? I see. There is good building material at the construction site. For your houses you can build nice fence. We are starting a new building. Let's see what the fences will be.

We decided to build a house

For your animals.

The house is built and now

We need a fence.

The boards were trimmed

They nailed it hard.

Knock - knock, knock,

The boards were trimmed

Knock - knock, knock

They nailed it hard.

  1. "Laying out figures"

Purpose of the game: exercise children in laying outimages from geometric shapes using diagrams.

Material: image diagrams, building set.

Game progress. Children are offered schemes and geometricshapes for posting images. After completing the task, they ask: "What figures did you make up this car from? How many figures did you need for this cancer? How many identical figures are there?"

  1. "Match"

Purpose of the game: development of logical thinking preschoolers.

Material: drawings depicting geometricfigures and real objects familiar to preschoolers.

Game progress. Children are offered two drawings, on one geometric bodies are depicted (a cube, a cylinder, a ball, a cone, etc.), on the other, real objects that are well known to preschoolers are asked to name which geometric body this or that object looks like. Invite the children to play the game "What does it look like?" - to find objects in the surrounding space that resemble familiar geometric bodies. Ask the children to show and name round, square, shapes in one and the other picture.

  1. "Calculate and Design"

Purpose of the game: Development of logical thinking preschoolers.

Material: robot picture cardsgeometric shapes, building kits or planar geometric shapes.

Game progress. Children are shown a picture ofrobots from geometric shapes. The teacher offers to count the robots of men, asks how many robotic dogs. He asks to choose any robot, to tell what figures it is made of, how many identical figures-details went into it. Then the children are given geometric shapes and asked to lay out their favorite images.

  1. Game "Let's build a tower for the princess"

The teacher brings a princess doll to the group, puts her on a chair and tells her: “Princess, your house will be built soon. Gotta choose a good place. I'll call the builders. Who will build a house for the princess? Lena and Lisa, do you know where the construction site will be? Then find us a suitable place where there will be a home for the princess. (The girls find a place to stay at home.) Now we need building materials. Gena and Sasha, help us, please, choose everything you need for the construction. What do we need? (children name materials: bricks, boards, stones, sand.) Children, you will be builders. Build good house tower-like.

Children, together with the teacher, build a tower using

building kit and improvised material. In the end

games educator shows a new home to the princess and

says: “This is your new home - the tower. You are satisfied

Princess? Our builders did a great job! They

can build other beautiful houses.”

  1. "Build by model"

Purpose of the game: teach children to build structures according to the finished models.

Material: volume models, building designer.

Game progress. Build with building materialnot complex structures and glue them with paper or cloth, you get three-dimensional models. There is a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe design, but you have to guess what parts it is assembled from. Invite the children to build buildings according to these models. (Children of the preparatory group construct more complex structures according to the depicted undivided three-dimensional models.)

  1. "Scheme Modeling"

Purpose of the game: Teaching children how to model according to the scheme.

Material: geometric cardsfigures and diagrams of structures, construction details.

Game progress. Children are offered two cards: on one geometric figures are depicted, on the other - schemes of structures. The task is given - to select the necessary figures according to the scheme and start modeling. The task can be complicated by offering construction details instead of geometric shapes.

  1. "Let's build a shop for dolls"

Target : Strengthen the ability to build a store from cubes, bricks, bring things to the end, cultivate friendships in the game.

The game: The teacher introduces small dolls into the group. Each has a handbag. He asks: “Why did our dolls take bags?”. Together they decide that the dolls are going to the store, but they cannot find it. Children are invited to help dolls and build a store out of cubes and bricks. The guys build: some - according to the model given by the educator, some - on their own.

  1. Zoo for wild animals.

Target: To consolidate the skills of joint activities with the educator (to build cages for animals); continue to learn to beat your building.

The game: The teacher shows toys - figurines of wild animals, specifies where they live, and together with the children decides to build a zoo for them.

  1. "Zoo".

Target: To consolidate the ability to build houses from cubes for different animals; develop respect for animals.

The game: The teacher reminds that animals in the zoo have houses where they hide from the rain, and causes a desire to build houses for them. On the table is a set of figurines of wild animals. After the construction is completed, they are played with.

  1. "Let's build a house for animals."

Target: Develop memory, speech; encourage children to create design options by adding other details.

The game: Children are invited to choose one or two pets and build a house for them using building parts.

  1. "Garage".

Target: To consolidate the ability to build from the details of a large builder; beat the building.

The game: Game situation:small cars are in different places, and it's hard to find the one you need. The teacher clarifies where the cars “live” and leads the children to the idea that it is necessary to build garages. The guys choose a car for themselves and independently build a garage for it. If desired, complete additional structures. Then, if they want, they beat the buildings.

  1. "Let's build a house for a bunny."

Target: To develop the constructive skills of children, the ability to build simple structures on display, enjoy the results; fix in speech the names of details, verb forms; develop motor skills, the ability to correlate movements with words.

The game: The snow bunny came running, but he has nowhere to live ...

  1. "Let's build a house for the bear."

Target: To develop the constructive abilities of children, to learn to correlate the size of the building with the size of the object; consolidate knowledge of building details; develop the planning function of speech.

The game: Three bears from a fairy tale come to visit the children and ask them to build a house for them, each separately.

  1. "Terem for animals".

Target: To develop the constructive skills of children, learn to measure buildings with the size of an object, learn to pronounce a sequence of actions in speech.

The game: The bear ruined the Teremok of animals, they have nowhere to live.

  1. "At the request of the children."

Target: Improve the skills of children when working with the designer, learn how to decorate the structure, beat it; enjoy the game,collective activities.

  1. "Garages for cars".

Target: Consolidate knowledge of the names of building materials; nurture the desire to build together, amicably.

Main content:children are invited to build garages, different in size and shape.

  1. "Home for Gnomes"

Target: To consolidate the ability to design objects (houses) in accordance with certain conditions.

Main content:children build houses of different designs.

  1. Doll Furniture.

Target: To form the constructive abilities of children, the ability to create the simplest buildings; consolidate knowledge about furniture, its purpose.

  1. "Construction of houses for kittens of different sizes."

Target: To consolidate knowledge of the concepts of "big - small"; develop constructive skills, speech.

The game: The doll draws attention to the fact that the kittens meow plaintively, because they have no houses, they are cold. Asks the children to build houses for the kittens with building material to fit the kittens in the house.

  1. "Trucks".

Target: To develop the constructive abilities of children, fine motor skills of fingers, learn to build cars from the LEGO constructor; learn to play without conflict, together.

  1. "Garages for transport".


  1. "Autumn in the Forest"

Target: Mastering the ways of constructing a landscape composition.

The game: from geometric shapes of different colors, sizes, shapes, make a picture - a landscape.

  1. "Home for Thumbelina".

Target: To consolidate the skills of working with paper, cardboard; develop accuracy of movements, attention, perseverance, interest in activities, speech.

The game: Thumbelina has nowhere to live and the children, using colored paper, matchboxes, glue, brushes, scissors, napkins, make furniture and arrange a home for Thumbelina in a box.

  1. "Gifts for kids".

Target: Increase children's self-esteem; practice manual skills; bring joy from crafts made with your own hands.

The game: Samodelkin invites children to make gifts for kids, in the New Year's week everyone should receive gifts. So that the children do not feel sorry for giving away, Samodelkin offers to make two crafts.

  1. "In the world of fantasy".

Target: Invite the children to dream up, dream of building a fantastic city on another planet, come up with a name for it and what the inhabitants will be called. To teach children to collectively build buildings, jointly plan future work, and jointly carry out their plans.

  1. "Builders".

Target: To develop children's creative imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game, using a constructor, building material.

  1. "Children's Choice"

Target: To teach children to build buildings and unite in one group, together come up with a plot and beat it. Learn to play together, not to quarrel, to give in to each other.

  1. "Beautiful buildings".

Target: To teach children to build, unite in groups, come up with stories and beat them. To teach how to make buildings sustainable, diverse, to coordinate an individual plan with a common one.

  1. "My city".

Target: To learn how to creatively realize an idea, develop imagination, consult with peers when performing work, distribute responsibilities.

  1. Garages and cars.

Target: To teach children to organize themselves in groups and unite with a common plot, to learn to play without conflict, together. Offer small toys to play with.

  1. "Playground".

Target: To activate the ability to create subject structures from building material according to the condition. Improve constructive skills.

The game: children are offered wooden building material, with attributes for playing around - cars, trees, figures of people, etc.

  1. "Let's build a house in the village."

Target: To develop the constructive skills of children, ingenuity, imagination, the ability to navigate in space; activate the verb dictionary.

The game: offer to build the kind of house they would like to have; propose to first draw it schematically, and then build, using the builder, elements of decorations.

A variety of activities with the use of building games in kindergarten provide a real chance for every kid to reveal their constructive abilities, develop logical and spatial thinking, imagination, independence and interaction skills, and teachers are allowed to captivate children with technical creativity. The key role of the educator is to organize the spatial educational environment, create the necessary conditions, awakening the cognitive activity of the child and his desire for self-improvement.

The value of the construction game in kindergarten

The game is a huge bright window through which spiritual world the child is infused with a life-giving stream of ideas, concepts about the world around him. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Construction games are the most interesting form of children's technical creativity, opening up opportunities for active motor and intellectual activity of children.

Tasks of the construction game

Tasks of building games in different preschool groups the following:

  • Junior preschool age (1.5–4 years):
    • to form the ability to compare, distinguish, remember the shape and color of objects;
    • develop fine motor skills and coordination.
  • Middle preschool age (4–5 years):
    • develop spatial thinking (higher - lower, longer - shorter, right - left), the ability to distinguish between magnitude, perceive proportions, embody the mental image of an object in a building;
    • learn to plan your actions;
    • to form an artistic taste, develop creative imagination and the ability to see the beauty of an architectural solution.
  • Senior preschool age (5–7 years):
    • develop the skills of collective interaction, mutual assistance;
    • develop self-organization and purposefulness;
    • develop skills in designing from diagrams or drawings.

Construction games often precede the plot of a role-playing game: we built a boat, we go on a trip

Most often building games:

  • intertwined with the plot of a role-playing game: they built a plane and went flying, built a sports complex and played the Olympic Games;
  • take place in the form of a role-playing game in a construction site: masons build a building from bricks, building materials are delivered by train drivers or car drivers, during a break, builders go to the canteen, after work to the cinema, etc .;
  • are limited to the construction of individual buildings or entire complexes, which are repeatedly dismantled and redone.

Building games are actively used in kindergarten:

  • during a variety of planned activities (design, mathematics, reading fiction, development of speech, etc.);
  • during the walk;
  • during free play in a group.

Construction games are actively used during the walk

Pedagogical techniques

Methods of organization and pedagogical management of the game:

  • Creating an age-appropriate, rich and engaging play environment in the group:
    • Sets of building designers:
      • wooden and plastic desktop and floor constructors (bars, bricks, cubes, cylinders, arches, sticks, pyramids), flat geometric shapes;
      • special thematic sets "Town" and "Architect";
      • metal sets for senior and preparatory groups with wheels, plates, wrenches for modeling cars, carts.
      • large soft building modules;
      • Lego constructors (small, medium, large).
    • Small toys for playing up the plot (animal figures, dolls, cars, trains).
    • Natural material (sand, pebbles, cones, twigs, chestnuts, etc.).
  • Demonstration of practical construction techniques with pronunciation keywords, for example, how to properly connect parts, build walls by attaching bars, storey ceilings, stairs, decorate window openings, build a roof, etc.
  • Creating a problematic situation, for example:
    • V Kindergarten Letters with photos came from different fairy-tale characters, in which they ask for help. In their messages, they talk about the fact that a strong, gusty wind came up and broke fences and roofs. They do not know how to build, they do not know what material to use, so they ask the guys to come to their aid.
    • Matryoshkas came to visit the children, the teacher offers to arrange a tea party, and for this you need to put the nesting dolls somewhere.
    • Our city was instructed to hold an international sports day, but the city does not have modern hotels, convenient transport interchanges, parking lots, an ice palace, a large stadium, a swimming pool, etc.
  • Playing with buildings (building a farm for pets, a hotel for astronauts, a fortress for knights, a spaceship, a palace for the royal family, a seaport with ships, etc.).

    The teacher can invite the children to build a ship, then to go on a trip on it

  • Chatting with older preschoolers and discussing a project they would like to implement, such as what cities will look like in the future or building space stations for earthlings on other planets in the solar system.
  • Examination of interesting pictures, photographs with images of houses, roads, bridges, cities of the world, as well as schematic representations of buildings. In the senior and preparatory group, illustrations can serve as models for buildings.
  • Reading poems and works of fiction: Yu. Lyubimov "The Cat on the Fence", "Three Little Pigs", "Cat's House", S. Ya. Marshak "Children in a Cage", A. M. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City", etc. e. Reading helps to connect fantasy and imagination, which stimulate the birth of a mental image and plan.
  • Application and modeling on the theme of the game, for example, “A cheerful fence”, “Kindergarten of my dreams”, “Streets of our city”, drawing sketches of imaginary structures.
  • Excursion around the microdistrict, observation of the buildings.

Construction game and other types of play activities for preschoolers

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Construction games have a number of similarities with other types gaming activity preschoolers:

  • Role-playing game. Building games are similar to role-playing games in that they are also based on building relationships. Children come up with an idea for a future building (fortress, bridge, city street, etc.), agree on the distribution of roles, spontaneously compose a game plot (someone becomes an architect, someone becomes a driver, and someone gets the role of a builder), while sometimes they quarrel, failing to understand each other, and not wanting to give up their favorite toy to anyone. but hallmark construction game is its focus on the practical development of construction activities, and not on the game immersion in the sphere of human relations.
  • Didactic game. Building games organically include a cognitive component, since in the process of construction the child involuntarily compares the shapes, sizes, color of parts, then selects them according to a certain attribute and counts the required number. It is important for the development of the monologic and dialogic speech of the baby to speak out his own actions aloud and discuss the design of the building with other children or adults. Combining elements in the building, planning the location of houses, bridges and roads, the child along the way develops spatial perception, trains the eye and develops architectural thinking. All this brings construction games closer to didactic, that is, educational games.
  • Mobile game. The element of movement is also important: the guys move from place to place, transfer materials for construction, depict the energetic movements of the rowers on the ship, prepare spaceship to the launch, imitate the control of a rocket. At the same time, the hands are actively involved in working with small details, the muscles are strengthened and fine motor skills are improved. Presence physical activity brings construction games closer to outdoor games.

Having built houses for their cars, the children continue the game

In the independent building games of children, elements of role-playing, didactic and outdoor games are mixed and interpenetrated, but the main content is creative creation.

Conducting building games in kindergarten

Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should this not be interfered with, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.

Ya. Comenius

Table: card index of building games

Age group Name of the game Description
Junior "A house for a kitten, a puppy and a goat" It's pouring rain, the kitten named Woof got wet. He hid under a bench in the yard and was completely cold, he needs to build a warm and cozy house. Building materials are distributed to children, and they independently come up with a house for a kitten.
  • I'll take two cubes
    I'll put them close.
    I'll put a roof on them -
    There will be a pussy house.
"Housewarming for a Doll" The teacher offers the children to build a house of cubes and bricks with rooms and put the dolls in a new house.
"Town for fairy-tale men" A fire broke out in a fairy-tale land, all the houses in the city burned down. The task is to build a new beautiful city for guests from a fairy-tale land.
"Turret for a cockerel" Materials:
  • figurines of cockerels;
  • 3 cubes of the same color for each child.

The teacher pronounces a riddle and asks the children to guess who came to visit them today (cockerel). Children greet the cockerel, look at the bright scallop, wings, beautiful boots and a fluffy tail, listen to the sonorous song that the cockerel wakes everyone up in the early morning, read nursery rhymes, and spend a physical education session.

  • Here comes the cockerel, (Children walk, raising their legs high)
    Proudly raised the comb. (Heads up high)
    Red beard. (pull hands back)
    Important walk. (Wave hands).

The cockerel asks the children to build a beautiful tower so that he can joyfully meet each new day with morning singing. The teacher shows the kids how to correctly and accurately lay brick on brick. Then he invites each child to build a tower for his cockerel. At the end of the game, the cockerel thanks the children for the buildings and invites them to take part in the mobile game "The cockerel sleeps soundly."

  • The cockerel sleeps soundly
    Scallop on the side.
    Peter, open your eyes
    Sing a song out loud!
    - Ku-ka-re-ku!
    I'll catch up with the kids!
Medium "Farm" The teacher offers to play with a set of pet figurines (cows, sheep, horses, piglets, chickens). Children independently choose the material and build a fence for the farm out of the bars. The teacher asks the kids to check if the fence is high enough so that the animals do not run away. Shows an example of building a fence in height using alternating cubes and inverted arches mounted on the bottom row of bars. Then, in the form of a question, he reminds the kids that they need to design a gate through which cars can enter the farm. During the game, the teacher asks the children the following questions:
  • What animals live on the farm?
  • How do farmers use horses, how are they taken care of?
  • What do they get from cows, pigs, chickens? How are they taken care of?
  • Why is there a dog house on the farm?
  • What machines do farmers use?
"Building a Garage" At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher reads a riddle about the car house, the children guess that we are talking about a garage. The teacher proposes to build 2 garages, each of them will be able to drive 2 cars. Children's attention is drawn to the fact that the machines must fit in height and width. The guys build based on the drawing, select the elements, name the shape of the parts, count and name the quantity (plates are needed for the walls, and prisms for the roof). Having built houses for their cars, the children continue the game.
senior and preparatory "Cosmodrome" The game is aimed at developing cognitive interest, interaction skills and constructive abilities.
The teacher invites the children to prepare for the flight to the orbital station, along the way explaining that this is such a space house for holding scientific research. Before the flight, astronauts receive assignments from engineers, doctors, biologists, and astronomers. Children, together with the teacher, choose a team of astronauts, a group of doctors who will prepare the astronauts for the flight. Then engineers, designers and builders are appointed who will create aircraft according to the drawn pattern. Builders plan the sequence of their actions: they build a platform from bars, fuel departments from bricks, a rocket body and nose from cylinders and a cone. The astronauts are given a task: to draw oncoming planets, stars, to study the behavior of plants in space.
The rocket goes on a journey, doctors, engineers and designers are watching the flight, the radio operator is responsible for intermittent communications.
“We are going to the Emerald City on a difficult road” To the sounds of a children's song, the figures of the main characters of the fairy tale appear. Ellie and Toto say that their house was blown away by a fierce hurricane, but they really want to return home. The teacher discusses with pupils how to help the girl and her friend. Children remember that Emerald City leads the yellow brick road. Then the construction of the road for Ellie and Totoshka begins, and the teacher reads out fragments of the road description that sound like a game algorithm:
  • at the very beginning of the journey, a blue hedge adorned the yellow road;
  • then there was a meeting with the Scarecrow, and the journey continued along a rough road with holes;
  • behind the forest in which the friends met the Woodcutter, the road turned left and changed color, some time later, followed by a turn to the right, the road widened and turned green;
  • after Leo joined the company of travelers, the road was completely interrupted by a huge ravine and a river (the children decide to build a bridge across the river);
  • beyond the bridge, the road narrowed considerably, turned right again and changed color, but soon appeared Brick wall and the gates of the Magic City, from which a green glow emanated.
"Steamboat trip to the zoo" Materials and attributes for the game:
  • animal figurines,
  • building designer,
  • tickets,
  • peakless cap,
  • binoculars,
  • steering wheel

The children, together with the teacher, decided to make an amazing journey by boat to the zoo, which is located in a distant and very beautiful city. A friendly team of boys started building a steamboat, a team of girls, together with a teacher, started designing a zoo. The teacher asked the boys what details would be most suitable for creating a durable vessel, and asked the girls where and which cages would be best placed.
In order to go on a sea voyage, you need to choose a captain, appoint a helmsman, passengers purchase tickets at the box office from the cashier, and the controller checks whether all passengers have paid their fare.
Finally, all the passengers took their places, and the ship set off. But something starts to spoil the weather, the wind blows, the sea is worried, high and strong waves rock the ship. The captain offers to sing a cheerful song that will help disperse the clouds and cheer up the travelers. So the city appeared on the horizon, all passengers carefully get off the ship and go on an excursion to the zoo, during which they solve riddles about forest animals, remember what they eat, how they settle down for the winter, etc.

Construction games in younger groups

The duration of the building game in the younger groups, as a rule, does not exceed 10-15 minutes. The most common and effective methods in working with pupils of 2–4 years old are:

  • The game of the teacher with the children. The teacher offers the pupils the plot of the game, shows and explains the design methods, helps to select the details, prompts with leading questions, encourages the kids if something does not work out, reminds them that they should try to do everything neatly and beautifully. At the end of the game, the teacher, together with the children, evaluates the buildings, asks to tell which structures turned out to be the most durable and beautiful.
  • Toddler games with older kids. Research shows that building games between younger preschoolers and older children stimulate the creation of buildings according to the plan, evoke positive emotions and activate the desire to get involved in the game.
  • The use of a toy character as a motive for action or a pretext for plot play. The game plot revolves around a favorite toy (funny bear, eared bunny, cute nesting doll, funny clown). The teacher, on behalf of the toy character, asks the children to restore the destroyed tower or build cozy houses for the forest gnomes.

Building a house for your favorite hero, the kid will work with great interest

It is important to introduce kids 2–4 years old to building materials and show how to build. Imitating the actions of the educator, children take their first steps in the world of building design. Buildings should be simple and understandable, for example, a path made of even bricks, a gate made of two columns and a crossbar, a fence, a table, a turret made of a cylinder and a cone, etc. In order for the kids to have a desire to build and play with the building, you need to choose durable material of medium size. It is desirable that by connecting 2-3 parts, a small builder can recognize the object that he has conceived. Gradually, children will master the ability to fold more complex structures, for example, a house of 5 parts.

It should be borne in mind that at 2–3 years old, children do not build so much as pile up one detail on another, poorly understanding what they are building, quickly switching from one idea to another. For example, a child lays out a row of bricks, moves them, imitating the sounds of a train running along the rails with the help of his voice, puts 2 more bricks, tries to move them, but the design is broken, he immediately forgets that he played a train, and builds a round fence.

The building material for the games of younger preschoolers should be stable, and the buildings should be simple and understandable.

Construction games in the middle group

Children 4–5 years old can be shown samples that provide more than high level technical complexity, for example, multi-storey garages with elevators and parking platforms for cars, a wide bridge for multi-lane traffic, a round circus building. The teacher can safely rely on the initiative and curiosity of children of this age, be limited to a verbal explanation without a detailed demonstration of the algorithm of actions. For four-year-old children, the main stimulus for the transition to the story game is still the appearance of a toy, around which the subsequent action will be built. The duration of the game is increased to 20 minutes.

When working with pupils of 4–5 years old, it is worth considering the uniqueness of preferences and interests, for example, boys will perceive the idea of ​​​​building a spaceport with animation and interest, while girls will be inspired by the offer to become furniture designers for dollhouse or build a farm out of houses and fences for pets. It should be borne in mind that most children will prefer role play to a beauty salon, daughter-mothers or a treasure trove than building construction. Some guys know how to create interesting buildings, but they don’t show interest in playing the plot, so a differentiated approach on the part of the teacher is very important, who, taking into account individual interests and needs, will offer one child to become a builder, and another - to take an active part in the role-playing aspect of the game.

You can invite the guys to build a zoo for toy animals that have nowhere to live

The following building games may be interesting for pupils of the middle group:

  • "Fences and Fences"
  • "Farm",
  • "Zoo",
  • "Car Garage"
  • "Circus",
  • "bridges of the big city"
  • "Room for the doll", etc.

Children independently choose the material, build a fence for the farm and pens for animals

Building games with older preschoolers

The main task of the teacher is to develop interest in the building game, for which it is necessary to orient older preschoolers to the result necessary for organizing a plot game. For example, build a city with bridges and roads, and then arrange interesting game with cars and trains. To arouse interest will help reading a fascinating story, interesting conversation, which stimulates gambling excitement and the desire to create. The story game will, in turn, have a positive impact on the involvement of children in role-playing activities.

Let's give an example of a combination of story and construction game.
Girls play with dolls, the plot of the game is a trip to summer camp. Children put doll clothes, toys, dishes in cars and "drive" to another part of the group room. One of the girls offered to build a house for dolls and brought building materials, two other girls took the initiative and set about building a veranda, a kitchen, and a bedroom. Having finished the construction, the children divided the roles among themselves: a teacher in the group of older ones (large dolls), a teacher in the group of younger ones (small dolls) and a cook. The teacher who watched the game suggested that the girls equip a playground, build beds, wardrobes and tables for small dolls. Children learned how to build partitions and furniture in the middle group, but the experience of joint planning of rooms and interior design turned out to be new and useful for them.

Having completed the construction, preschoolers enthusiastically develop the plot of the game

The building becomes a kind of epicenter around which unfolds story game. During the pair game of children at the same table, the teacher advises to combine two structures into one, for example, to combine two houses into a two-story building. Then you can watch how the children come up with a plan together. apartment building, pre-coordinate the placement of rooms, corridors, stairs, etc. Gradually, the duration of the building game for older preschoolers increases to 30 minutes.

At the age of 6, children's interest in the architectural expressiveness of buildings increases, they try to improve designs, create beautiful, symmetrical and artistically attractive structures. But sometimes the idea turns out to be too complicated for practical implementation and requires serious mental work from the preschooler, and this is where the teacher's hint is needed, showing new possibilities for using the material. For example, a child is busy building a metro station, but when trying to connect the columns with arches, he discovers that the distance between the bars is too large, if you move the columns closer, the whole structure will collapse. An attentive teacher will advise you to use additional long plates for floors and put arches on them.

With older preschoolers, you can conduct didactic games according to the model scheme:

With children who are quite confident in designing according to a model, you can start working on diagrams and drawings. It is not enough just to offer drawings, you need to consider and disassemble them together with the children, if necessary, show how to fasten the parts.

Photo gallery: schemes for constructing the simplest buildings

Younger preschoolers can be offered to build a gate for a bear or a doll. When building a bridge, a teacher can set a condition: it must be stable and withstand toy cars. Girls will be happy to build beds for their dolls. A garage is built taking into account the size of the car that they plan to place there. learns to observe the correct sequence of colors With the built slide for toys, the children will be interested in playing in the future

Table: an example of a summary of a building game for older preschoolers (fragment)

author Zobenkova E. Yu., educator MADOU No. 224, Kemerovo.
Name "City and Village"
Target Promoting the improvement of skills in constructive activities.
Tasks Contribute to the formulation of a self-assessment of the end result;
contribute to the creation of a positive emotional atmosphere;
to promote the development of coherent speech;
to form the ability to perform construction in a certain sequence, taking into account the plan;
educate collective relationships in the process of constructive creative activity;
instill patriotic feelings, consolidate children's knowledge of the symbols of the state.
  • building plans,
  • design attributes,
  • constructor.
preliminary work
  • Individual, subgroup, frontal work on the design of various buildings, the construction of a city, a village;
  • familiarization with elementary mathematical concepts.
Introduction B: Let's say hello.
Round dance game "A boat is floating on the river" (own work).
  • A boat floats on the river
    And we go hand in hand. (Walk in circles)
    And the rivers are a blue stream, (Waves show)
    And across the river there is a bridge, (Join hands, elbows higher)
    And there are houses behind the bridge, (Hands above your head)
    And in those houses the kids sleep. (Palms under the cheek)
    Soon the sun will rise (Hands up, stretch)
    The rooster will sing a song "Crow",
    And all the kids will stand here (Walk in a circle)
    And together they will run to the kindergarten! (Run)
    Everyone ... ran to kindergarten?
Main part Q: What are the names of children who come to kindergarten? (Preschoolers).
What will you be called when you go to school? (Pupils)
There is such a type of work - construction. What professions are called builders? (Answers of children).
And we have building material... Can we be builders? (Can). What did you think? It turns out that every builder, where he wants, builds there?! (No, according to the architect's intention).
The teacher conducts a conversation about construction professions, draws the attention of the children to the building plan. Children distribute roles, who will build what in the city and in the countryside.<…>
Final part Q: Construction time is over. Let's discuss the development of the city and the countryside. You will probably agree that it is good for the city and the village to be beautiful, comfortable, and, of course, for the buildings to be durable? (Yes).
While the children are approaching the teacher, you can offer to play a game, for example, “Guilty Cloud”.
Q: What country do we live in? (In Russia). What are those who live in Russia called? (Russians). What city do we live in? (Kemerovo).
What is the name of the city you built? (Children suggest names).
What country is the city you built in? (In Russia). Excuse me, how do you define it? (There is a flag on the main building of the city).
What else can be symbols of the state? (Coat of arms, anthem).
Is it convenient for residents in your city to live? Why? (Explain). Well, so your residents are just relaxing, but they have nowhere to work?! All unemployed? (At the factory). Well, if there is a plant, then, probably, someone is working at the plant, which means that there is a result of labor?! (Children fantasize about what they produced at the factory, for example, a wood processing plant).
Where do raw materials come from for the plant? (Guys point to village houses).
Where is the product sent and to whom? (In town).
Conversation about transport communication and trade relations between town and country.<…>
V: Well done! You are real builders!
Cit. by:

Analysis of the construction game in kindergarten

At younger preschool age, it is recommended to conduct a study of gaming skills 3 times a year in order to correct the teacher's activities. In work with older preschoolers, the analysis is carried out at the beginning and at the end of the school year. The analysis of the professional skills of the teacher is carried out by the senior educator or methodologist.

Criteria for the analysis of games with building materials:

  • Correspondence of the set developmental, educational and upbringing tasks to the age of children.
  • Quality preparatory work, its expediency (excursion, conversation, reading, observation during a walk).
  • Pedagogical methods of stimulating and managing the game.
  • Type of construction, compliance with age-related intellectual and psychological development standards:
    • according to the sample;
    • according to the conditions;
    • by design;
    • according to diagrams and drawings.
  • Space and time of the game.
  • Interaction of children (cooperation skills, grouping preschoolers into subgroups, distribution of roles, taking into account individual characteristics, stimulation of children's improvisation).
  • Conditions for playing with buildings (the plot of the game, additional toys and materials).

Watching the progress of the game, the teacher evaluates the buildings of the pupils and their beating by the children

To fill in the protocols of the game activity of the pupils, objective data on the game of each child will be required. You can get them by observing the games of children in a group, on a site, as well as creating game problem situations with the tactful participation of a teacher.

Table: preschoolers play activity protocol

Development areas Evaluation parameters Points
Game content The idea of ​​the game appears:
  • with the help of an adult
  • on one's own.
Variety of intentions.
The number of game tasks.
Variety of game tasks.
Independence in setting tasks:
  • tasks are set by an adult;
  • with the help of an adult
  • on one's own.
Ways to solve game problems Variety of play activities with toys.
Degree of generalization of game actions with toys:
  • deployed;
  • generalized.
Game actions with substitute items:
  • with the help of an adult
  • on one's own.
Game actions with imaginary objects:
  • with the help of an adult
  • on one's own.
Accepts a role.
Variety of role play.
Expressiveness of role-playing statements.
The presence of role-playing statements.
Role statements arise on the initiative of:
  • adult;
  • child.
Role-playing occurs:
  • with an adult
  • with a peer.
Role-playing conversation occurs on the initiative of:
  • adult;
  • child.
The content of the role-playing conversation.
Interaction of children in the game Enters into interaction:
  • with an adult
  • with a peer.
Sets game tasks:
  • adult
  • peer.
Accepts game tasks:
  • from an adult
  • from a peer;
  • refuses.
Interaction duration:
  • short-term;
  • long.
Note: the identified skill is indicated by the “+” sign, the missing skill is indicated by the “-” sign.