Towel for the christening of an adult. The rite of baptism in the church

  • 14.10.2019

The Significance of the Preparatory Rites

The Russian Orthodox Church is passing through a unique historical stage. Today, as in the ancient Christian Church, adult, formed personalities come to Baptism. That Sacrament, which over the past few centuries, until the tragedy of the 20th century, was performed almost exclusively on babies, at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries became the lot of adults.

In this regard, according to the logic of things, the institution of the catechumens, that is, those who are consciously preparing to join the church, should be restored. After all, in ancient church, those who were preparing to receive, were gradually introduced into her life. For a long period of time, which in different years ranged from 40 days to three years, they studied the truths of the faith, read the Holy Scriptures, and took part in common prayers. It is noteworthy that the bishop, to whom the wishing to be baptized came, tested his moral qualities and the sincerity of his desire to become a Christian.

It is clear that much of this practice of the early Christian church in modern conditions, for various reasons, is unfeasible. But the catechumens before Baptism, the reading Holy Scripture, Orthodox literature, participation in divine services, common prayers in the temple, are not only available, but should be required.

The Sacrament of Baptism should not be profaned and become an ethnographic rite performed for purposes that have nothing to do with the essence of Christianity. Moreover, the preparatory rites, which were of significant importance for the early Church, and composed specifically for the Baptism of adults, did not disappear and did not subsequently become “infantile” (due to the age of those brought to Baptism), but to this day they have retained the “adult” service , which has always been an integral part of this Sacrament.

Therefore, the Baptism of an adult must be preceded by preparation, which, in essence, will be his gradual entry into church life.

Before Baptism

An adult who wants to be baptized must have an idea of ​​the most important components of the Orthodox faith. Must Read New Testament, as well as to know the main part of the dogmatic teaching about the Holy Trinity, About the Incarnation of the Son of God, His Cross Sacrifice and Resurrection, about the Church of Christ, About the Sacraments - Communion, Baptism, Chrismation.

Announcements are held in many churches, and those who sign up for Baptism are required to visit them. If there is no such practice in the temple, you can talk with the priest and find out everything you need about the rite of Baptism. The basics of Orthodox dogma will need to be studied independently. In addition, those who wish to be baptized must know by heart the most important Christian prayers - the Creed, the Lord's Prayer "Our Father", and "Virgin Mother of God, rejoice." These prayers are in any prayer book.

It is advisable for an adult to prepare for the rite of Baptism, if possible, by a three-day fast, that is, refusing to eat meat, dairy foods, eggs, alcohol, and smoking. Before proceeding to the Sacrament, Christians, according to the word of Jesus Christ, must be reconciled with everyone with whom they were in a quarrel. Fasting also implies abstaining from entertainment and watching entertainment TV shows. Married persons should renounce marital relations during this period.

The rite of Baptism for an adult

The divine service of the Sacrament of Baptism consists of the rank of announcement, the follow-up of Holy Baptism, which includes several rites: the blessing of water, the blessing of oil, Baptism and the dressing of the newly baptized in white baptismal clothes. After Baptism, the Sacrament of Chrismation is performed.


Before reading the catechetical prayers, the priest performs the following sacred rites: he blows three times in the face of the person being baptized, this is symbolically connected with the moment of the creation of man, when God took the one created from the dust earthly man, and breathed into his face the breath of life, and the man became a living soul (Gen. 2; 7).

After reading the prohibition prayers (prayers for the prohibition of evil spirits), a rite of renunciation of Satan is performed. The one who receives baptism turns his face to the west - a symbol of darkness and dark forces, the priest will ask him questions, and he must consciously answer them. After renouncing Satan, the baptized confesses fidelity to Christ (combines with Christ), now facing east, as in the previous rite, answers questions repeated three times. Then the catechumen reads aloud the Symbol of Faith - one of the main Christian prayers, containing in summary, all orthodox dogma. This prayer must be known by heart. After reading the prayer, questions from the priest follow, this is repeated three times. Now the catechumen is ready to receive Holy Baptism.

Baptism begins with the blessing of water. Before this, the priest dresses in white clothes, a symbol of the new life brought to earth by Jesus Christ. Candles are lit if godparents participate in the ceremony, which is also acceptable for adults, they are also given candles in their hands. The consecration of water is followed by the consecration of oil, the person being baptized is anointed with it: his forehead (forehead), chest, back between the shoulder blades, ears, arms and legs, the meaning of the anointing is. to sanctify the thoughts, desires and actions of man. entering into a covenant with God.

After anointing, baptism is performed by immersion in the font three times, with the pronunciation of sacramental words, that is, the baptismal prayer. But when they leave the font, the new member of the church is dressed in white clothes from christening set - a symbol of purified, renewed human nature.

For men, this is a baptismal shirt, for women - a long shirt, like a nightgown, always with sleeves, or a baptismal dress. Baptismal clothes must be new, clean white color.

The newly baptized priest puts a pectoral cross around his neck, with the pronunciation of a special prayer. After this, the Sacrament of Chrismation is performed. Then the priest with the newly baptized goes around the font three times, which is a symbol of eternity. After solemn hymns, the Epistle of the Apostles and the Gospel are read. In conclusion, the ritual of cutting hair takes place, this is a sign of the Christian's surrender to the will of God.

What is required for adult baptism?

To participate in the rite of Baptism, you need to buy a baptismal set in advance: baptismal towel - a new, white towel, large enough to wipe dry after the font, baptismal shirt. pectoral cross, several candles and slippers (slates), since at a certain moment of the Sacrament a person must be without shoes, without socks, stockings, etc. - for anointing with holy oil.

The practice of committing Adult Baptisms different in different temples. In some churches, when women and girls are baptized, the font is surrounded by a screen. then the immersion is performed without clothes, the priest sees only the head of the baptized. In other churches, women are baptized in shirts or long shirts. Women, in all cases without exception, must be in the temple in a headscarf or other headdress. Signing up for Baptism, you can find out in the candle shop all the details of the Sacrament in this temple.

Online store "" is happy to offer clothes for Baptism different sizes, for adults and teenagers, as well as all the necessary accessories: terry towels, scarves, festive sets of candles. You can also buy a pectoral cross from us, gold or silver, made of white or blackened 925 sterling silver.

Clothes for baptism can also be purchased at a church shop, or sewn on your own, traditionally embroidered on the back of a baptismal shirt Orthodox cross, the christening towel can also be decorated Orthodox symbols. Baptismal clothes are not used in everyday life and, as a rule, are not washed.

It is advisable that everything necessary for Baptism be prepared in advance, you will be much calmer on the day of the Sacrament, since at the last moment there may not be shirts in the church shop right size or suitable in shape and size crosses.

Believers wear the pectoral cross all their lives, without taking it off, except perhaps in special circumstances (at the request of a doctor, etc.)

The baptism of an adult is a thoughtful and conscious step. According to church canons, a person's age is not any restriction for the adoption of Christianity. We offer you to learn more about how the rite of baptism for an adult takes place in Orthodoxy and what precedes it.

Preparation for the sacrament

An adult who has consciously chosen Orthodoxy is obliged to comprehend the basic tenets of faith. This includes mastering the concepts of the main commandments of the Lord and the Holy Trinity, familiarity with the Bible, the study of prayers. Of course, the basic requirement is a person's desire to lead a pious life, to adhere to religious canons. Many churches hold catechumenical interpretations for everyone who wants to be baptized, during which the clergy talk about the foundations of Christianity and Orthodoxy, and answer basic questions.

Ideally, adult baptism should be preceded by a series of events, including:

  • visiting church prayers;
  • conversations with a mentor on spiritual topics;
  • pious deeds;
  • moral way of life;
  • Sunday school education;
  • the study of Holy Scripture and the Lives of the Saints.

Immediately before the ceremony, it is necessary to confess and fast for at least three days.

Baptism of an Adult Rules and Some Customs

You can come to God at any age, from birth to death. If we recall the history of religion, then the son of God was baptized far from a young age, by that time he was thirty years old. The sacrament implies deliverance from original sin committed by the progenitors of mankind, Adam and Eve. The person himself must also repent of unseemly deeds and cleanse himself by telling the priest about them.

It is believed that after the completion of the sacrament of baptism, the soul is born to a new life. A person is forgiven of past sins committed by him before he turned to the Lord. The rules for baptizing adults are somewhat different from conducting a similar ceremony for children, but the difference lies in the preparation for the sacrament, and not in the order in which it is performed. For an adult, the adoption of the Orthodox faith should be a conscious step, and not a desire to receive any preferences. Know that the sacrament is possible only once in a lifetime.

In every church there are days on which the rite of baptism of adults is held. However, the date of January 19 was and remains the most popular. As you know, it was on this day that Jesus was baptized in the waters of the Jordan River. Many temples hold the sacrament on this day, but you need to take into account the influx of those who wish. Some would like to combine the ceremony with the traditional bathing in the hole for Epiphany. But be careful, it is necessary to prepare the body in advance for such shock procedures: harden, lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, adequately assess your own strengths.

Just before baptism

Choosing a temple is an important part of preparing for an event. It is necessary to find a suitable church, familiarize yourself with the schedule of days for the baptism of adults. It should be noted that fonts, in which a person is completely immersed during baptism, are not in every church. During the ceremony, the majority dispenses with a bowl of holy water, which does not change the essence of the sacrament. But if you want to be baptized without deviating from tradition, check in advance whether there are separate room with a dome.

For details on how to prepare for baptism as an adult, it is better to learn not from the Internet, but directly from the clergy. Not only the soul of the baptized needs cleansing, but also his body. Therefore, on the day of the sacrament, special attention should be paid to hygiene procedures. It is better to buy everything you need in advance so as not to be distracted from the ceremony by household trifles.

What is required for adult baptism

For church rite an adult must present a passport and a certificate of passage public speaking. The fulfillment of the sacrament involves the conduct of appropriate ritual actions on a person. This requires suitable clothing that reveals some parts of the body, as well as church paraphernalia. Before baptism, you need to prepare:

  • baptismal shirt or shirt (for a woman);
  • sheet;
  • removable shoes (preferably waterproof);
  • candles for all guests present at the ceremony;
  • pectoral cross with braid or chain.

In order not to freeze, leaving the font, you need to take a large towel with you.

Cross symbol of faith

Any Christian wears a pectoral cross all the time. The meaning of the symbol is revealed by the words of the Apostle Paul "I have been crucified with Christ." The cross denotes a person's belonging to the Orthodox Church. It is believed that the symbol of faith protects from evil, moves to charitable deeds and a righteous life. It is often heard that a precious metal cross is unacceptable to be used for baptism. However, this statement is fundamentally wrong, since the main thing is not what the creed is made of, but for what purpose a person wears it.

The cross can be made of gold, silver or wood. However, the precious metal is preferred because it does not oxidize and is strong enough. It is believed that the baptismal cross has the greatest power, and a gold product will last for many years. The main requirement for an attribute is that it must be consecrated. The clergyman can do this directly during the ceremony.

Christening clothes

You can buy clothes for the rite of baptism of adults in a church shop, towels are also sold there. An adult christening shirt or shirt must be below the knee length. Girls and women often use a nightgown as a baptismal garment. This is not forbidden by the Church, the main thing is that the thing is new. It is better if the outfit and accessories are white, because it is he who is considered a symbol of spiritual purity. However, others pastel shades are not prohibited. christening clothes and towels after the sacrament are kept as a commemorative relic; it is not customary to use or wash these things.

Prayers required for the ceremony

The rite of baptism of an infant or an adult is accompanied by the reading of prayers. Since the person being baptized will have to repeat them after the priest, the text must be memorized. The main prayers you need to know are: "The Symbol of Faith", "Our Father", "Lord, have mercy" and "Our Lady Virgin, rejoice."

Choice of godparents

Traditionally, so-called heirs take part in the baptism of a person. The church does not require the obligatory presence of godparents at the ceremony. However, the baby needs an assistant during the sacrament, since the baby cannot yet independently answer the questions of the holy father or read a prayer. It is unambiguously difficult to answer the question of whether an adult needs a godfather at baptism. A person at a conscious age is able to go through the ceremony himself, but there is nothing wrong with a new Christian having a good mentor in later life. It is obvious that the decision on whether to invite a godfather to the sacrament must be made by a person on his own.

The selection of a candidate is based on a basic requirement. Only an Orthodox, leading a moral, from the point of view of the church, way of life can become a godfather. There should be no intimate relationship between him and the person being baptized.

Fasting before baptism

Preparation for the baptism of an adult involves a short rejection of fast food. We can say that this is the first test of the seriousness of the intentions of the future Christian. It is necessary to fast before baptism for at least three days. During this period, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products are prohibited. Eating before the sacrament is prohibited from midnight. Fasting involves not only the rejection of animal protein foods, but also spiritual cleansing. Preparing for the sacrament, you need to give up alcohol, smoking, entertainment, intimate relationships. Free time is devoted to reading religious literature, prayers, visiting the temple.

Conversation with a Spiritual Father

Having made a decision about baptism, you need to talk with the priest. The basic postulates of Christianity should be learned before the conversation, so that the priest understands that the desire to accept the faith comes from a person’s personal conviction. Preparation for the sacrament includes a procedure catechesis. So it is customary to call the conversations held before the baptism of an adult. Of these, the future Orthodox Christian will be able to learn about creeds and their obligations to God. Pre-registration for attending such talks is not required, it is enough to find out their schedule and come to the appointed time. The duration of the event is 2.5 hours. After passing the catechesis, each listener is given a certificate.

The rite of baptism

The order of the ritual does not depend on age, the sequence remains the same for adults and infants. Depending on the presence of a separate ceremonial room at the temple, the procedure varies slightly. How exactly does baptism take place in the church of your choice, you can find out in advance from its ministers or volunteers.

The order of the sacrament

In order not to experience embarrassment during the sacrament, it does not hurt to know in advance how adults are baptized according to Orthodox rite. The first act of the clergyman is the naming of the baptized church name, which does not always coincide with mundane. Next, the minister of the church performs ordination, symbolizing the receipt of the blessing of the Lord by the new Christian. It is believed that from this moment a person is under the protection and patronage higher powers. After the blessing, prayers begin. The baptized person is asked questions that need to be answered clearly and clearly.

During the ceremony, the baptized renounces the forces of evil and takes an oath to the Lord, after which he reads the “Symbol of Faith” prayer together with the priest, the text of which is a summary of the main Christian dogmas. Three times immersion in water symbolizes the purification and spiritual rebirth of a person. The baptism of an adult into the Orthodox faith involves the constant wearing of a symbolic crucifix, which the priest puts on the neck of the person being baptized.

If the ceremony took place with immersion in the font, after that everyone will be asked to change wet clothes to dry ones. Then a prayer is read again and chrismation is performed. The priest applies oil on the forehead, mouth, chest and hands of the baptized, after which he goes around the font three times with him. The next step is to cut off a small lock of hair from the newly baptized, the priest says the prayer “Let us pray to the Lord God” and offers a crucifix for a kiss.

What is the difference between adult baptism and infant baptism?

In Orthodoxy, the baptism of an adult and a baby differs little. The sequence of actions remains unchanged, but a person of conscious age independently pronounces the text of the prayer and answers the questions of the priest. For resurrection after the ceremony, women approach the church gates, overshadowing themselves with a sign. Male babies are carried to the altar through royal doors, according to the canons of Orthodoxy. Adult men after baptism are led through the diaconal gates.

Feminine features

Unlike men, church canons prescribe for the fair sex to be in church with their heads covered. The headscarf or scarf is removed along with clothing immediately before immersion in holy water. In some churches, the font is fenced off with a portable screen, so that the priest sees only the head of the person being baptized. However, this is not the case in most churches.

The baptism of adult girls and women has some nuances. For example, during menstruation, it is not customary to conduct a ceremony, this is more likely due to hygiene considerations, because the volume of the font is small and the water in it is not running. When choosing the date of baptism, it is worth considering this circumstance.

Under the baptism of an adult, the church understands the participation in the rite of those who have already passed the age of a baby. Simply put, women and men, girls and boys of different ages can participate in the procedure. Therefore, if you are embarrassed by a shirt that, after getting wet, will shine through, you can wear a separate swimsuit under it.

Rite cost

Trade in the temple is prohibited by religious canons. Therefore, it is not customary to charge a fee for performing ceremonies. However, modern realities are making their own adjustments, and the church has to establish a firm fee for wedding, baptism, and funeral ceremonies.

It is difficult to determine the exact cost of the ceremony, because. it can vary greatly depending on the size and fame of the temple, the size of your city, village. In addition, you will need to pay for a baptismal certificate, church candles and possibly other church expenses.

V. Vasnetsov. Baptism of Prince Vladimir

The problem of preparing adults for baptism has long been discussed in the Russian Orthodox Church. The results of a sociological survey conducted by the Levada Center in February 2009 once again confirmed its relevance. Although 72.6% of Russians identified themselves as Orthodox, of these 72.6%, only 15.4% have the Gospel at home, 15.6% have a prayer book, and 39.5% have no religious books at all. Only 6.4% of the "Orthodox" knows the Creed by heart, 49.2% - "Our Father". Every year (at different intervals) only 14.7% receive Communion, and 55% do not receive Communion at all. When asked about their worldview, 11.8% (again, out of 72% who consider themselves Orthodox) answered that they do not believe in God, but believe in some higher power.

Perhaps, the hasty, without preparation, mass baptism of people 15-20 years ago led to such results. The need for serious preliminary preparation for baptism has been repeatedly discussed, but only at the level of verbal recommendations from the hierarchy. The initiative of the Yekaterinburg diocese is the first attempt to streamline catechesis. With the blessing of Archbishop Vikenty of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye, the Missionary Department of the diocese developed a “Summary of the Basic Principles for Preparing Laity for Baptism” and a thematic set of 12 categorical conversations with those wishing to be baptized. These are 4 blocks of 3 conversations each: about the meaning of life from the point of view of the Holy Scriptures and the Orthodox faith, about God's purpose, about man during his creation and about the fall as the destruction of this purpose, about God's attitude to man and the world. The last, fourth block "consists of conversations that help the catechumen to realize his personal spiritual path of salvation in communion with God and His Church." “In these conversations it is necessary to reveal the following questions: 1. baptism as dying and resurrection with Christ; 2. The Church as the house of God, the Body of Christ, the spiritual family; 3. the duties of faithful Christians; 4. service in the church community,” the document says. As the NA was informed in the diocese, although some priests doubted the validity of a long announcement in rural parishes, the meeting decided to take the proposed concept as a basis.

Everyone recognizes the need for catechesis, but the question of its forms remains open. When can a person be considered ready for baptism? Is it necessary to take into account his educational level and health? Are there things that cannot be understood before baptism? We interviewed priests from different dioceses, opinions were divided.

Priest Alexander SANDYREV, cleric of the Bishops' Ascension Metochion of the city of Yekaterinburg, head of the missionary and youth departments of the Yekaterinburg diocese:

- At the diocesan meeting there was a discussion about which catechism to conduct in small towns and villages, some priests expressed doubt that they would not be able to conduct a long reading. But Bishop Vincent is uncompromising: before baptism, 12 conversations must be held. In our church, for more than a year, we have been holding 12 conversations with everyone who wants to be baptized, within 3 months. A person must at least know the 10 commandments and the gospel, understand that in the sacrament of baptism he is literally combined with Christ, that is, he gives his will into His hands. Today, many have a consumerist attitude to faith: when it’s hard, it’s hard, they pray, and when it’s good, they forget God. And this spiritual infantilism begins with a formal attitude towards baptism.

In addition, after baptism, a person must enter the community. Become not just a parishioner (he defended the service and left), but a responsible member of the Church participating in the life of the parish. All this we try to convey in these conversations.

Of course, it is necessary to speak with rural residents in a special way, taking into account their living conditions. Ideally, in general, you need your own catechism for each social and age group: for young people, for teachers, for the military, for doctors. But the principle must be general - a person must be prepared for baptism for a long time, and each person must be approached individually.

Priest Sergiy KRUGLOV, cleric of the Spassky Cathedral in the city of Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory, also ministers to the House of Invalids:

– In the first centuries of Christianity, people who sincerely believed in Christ nevertheless prepared for baptism for a long time. Until now, we remember this at every liturgy, when the deacon proclaims: “Elitsy, annunciation, depart.” Previously, after these words, the catechumens - that is, those preparing for baptism - left the temple, today this prayer only reminds us of the traditions of the first centuries. Probably, in our time it is impossible to return to them, the conditions are completely different. But there is no doubt that even today an adult needs to be prepared for baptism. I think that a person must first at least know by heart the Creed, understand its content, as well as the essence of the main gospel events. Of course we need general rules, blessed by the hierarchy, but in the Church everything, including the canons, is applied not according to a single standard, but in accordance with a specific person, taking into account his characteristics, age, health, education, and upbringing. Obviously, in a hospital, even the minimum requirements I have listed can be presented to few people. Here the priest must act according to the situation. But even a seriously ill old person can at least explain the basics of faith.

At the parish, too, each must be approached individually. You can demand more from a young man with a university education than from a simple old woman. But elementary ideas about Christianity, about the spiritual meaning of baptism, we must give to everyone who wants to be baptized. I hope that Yekaterinburg's initiative will eventually be supported by other dioceses. And the nuances will be refined on the ground, taking into account experience and mistakes.

Archpriest Roman BRATCHIK, rector of the Dormition Church in the city of Kurchatov (Kursk region), teacher of the course "Science and Religion" at the Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies of Kursk state university:

— From the Gospel we know how many people departed from Christ. Therefore, no matter how well we prepare people for baptism, it is naive to hope that after baptism everyone will begin to actively become churched. But to tell everyone that by being baptized, he becomes a member of the Body of Christ, and in accordance with the fourth commandment, he must go to church every Sunday for services, participate in other church sacraments, we are obliged. The rest depends on the will and conscience of the person himself.

But I see danger in any formalism. The previous rector of our church, Father Georgy Neifakh, whom I knew well for many years, never conducted a special catechism. He approached everyone individually, with some he could talk five or even ten times, and sometimes limited to one conversation. And after baptism, a person could approach him with any question of interest to him, and Father George gave him as much time as needed. He helped hundreds of people come to Christ, including many highly educated people (Kurchatov is a city of nuclear scientists).

At that time I served in a village on the border with the Belgorod region. People from the cities of Stary Oskol and Gubkin often came there to be baptized. They tended to take an active interest in Christianity. And for the villagers, baptism was most often just a good tradition. For example, the mother of her son brought him to be baptized before the army, but he himself does not show any interest. But I thought: “I will let him go unbaptized, what if something happens to him? And if he is baptized, maybe God's grace will make up for what I do not have time to give him. And baptized. But when people were baptizing a child, and three years later they brought the second to be baptized, I asked if they had communed the elder at least once. “No time,” they replied. I said that since they don't go to church, I won't baptize their child. He advised me first to come to the temple with the elder, to take communion with him, then we will return to the conversation about the baptism of the second. Offended. When I told this story to Metropolitan Yuvenaly of Kursk, he grinned: “Well, try!”. I think that every priest's soul hurts, and he is looking for options on how to bring people to church.

Once again, I refused to baptize the villagers when I found out that they were ordered to be baptized by a grandmother, to whom they went to remove the evil eye. He explained to them that this is not only not a basis for baptism, but even a baptized person who goes to such grandmothers, until he repents, cannot be communed.

Basically, I did not refuse baptism to the villagers. Had one talk and relied on the mercy of God. It is natural for an educated person to read the Gospel, but many simple people they don’t read books at all, to demand from them that they read the Gospel, in my opinion, is unreasonable, it’s more correct to retell the main things. But an educated person can be approached with higher requirements. Not only by knowledge of the texts. If a person knows the text of the Gospel well, quotes, but is esoteric in spirit, considers Christ one of the great initiates, wants to be baptized because, in his opinion, there is good energy in the temple, it is unacceptable to baptize him - it's like throwing a shrine to dogs. Behind last years I had several such cases, I, of course, refused everyone, offered to talk so that they would understand how far their views were from church ones. I think it would take more than one or two conversations, but, unfortunately, people left more often. This is their choice, but in conscience I could not baptize people with such views. I also categorically refused to baptize those who, on principle, did not want to learn anything about faith.

Yet we must not forget the power of God's grace. Any priest can give more than one example, when a person got into the temple by accident, he was hardly persuaded to take communion, and suddenly, by God's will and mercy, everything miraculously opened. For the first time I myself went to the Pskov-Pechora Monastery for company. My wife was baptized, and at that time I was fond of Eastern philosophy, yoga. Soon after her baptism, Father Georgy Neifakh came to visit us, with whom they studied together at the university. He persuaded me to go there. At the same time, Father Vladimir Volgin arrived there, with whom my wife was baptized, we got to know each other. But Father John (Krestyankin) made the biggest impression on me, of course. Then I began to come to Father Vladimir (he served then in the Kursk diocese), rode a bicycle around the Vologda region, attended services there too (not all churches were still functioning, it was in 1985), and read the New Testament. The words of the Apostle Paul made the greatest impression on me then: “If I speak with the tongues of men and angels, but do not have love, then I am a ringing brass or a sounding cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries, and have all knowledge and all faith, so that I can move mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing. And if I give away all my possessions and give my body to be burned, but I have no love, it does not profit me at all” (1 Cor. 13:1-3). In the context of my then passion for yoga, where everything is aimed at gaining some higher knowledge and strength, this was especially shocking. Father Vladimir Volgin had love, he lived modestly, ascetically, and people who came to him felt that they had met a person of a different spiritual level. I'm not talking about Father John (Krestyankin). It seems to me that this is very important - trust in the priest. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to prepare priests, to ordain those whose life will inspire other people.

When grace touches the heart, many things open up on a different level. And we first of all receive the grace of God in the sacraments of the Church. Therefore, our priestly task is not to look for a reason not to admit people to these sacraments, but to bring them to them as soon as possible. The first of these sacraments is baptism! It is impossible to write down all situations. Much depends on the conscience and experience of the priest. I think they will tell him how best and faster to prepare a particular person for baptism.

Hieromonk MAKARY (Markish), cleric of the St. Alekseev Ivanovo-Voznesensk Theological Seminary, head of the communication service of the Ivanovo-Voznesensk and Kineshma diocese. From 1985 to 2000 he lived in the USA, was baptized in 1987:

Baptism is the door by which a person goes to the Savior. No wonder our attention to this sacrament, and the obstacles that Satan puts on the very threshold of the Church. These obstacles are to be eliminated by the joint efforts of the laity, the clergy and the hierarchy.

Every priest (including myself) could give dozens of practical examples, both typical and rare, when the performance of the sacrament of baptism is forced to depend on certain external factors: illness, age or other special twists in the fate of the person being baptized, his high level education or, on the contrary, lack thereof, informal acquaintance with church life and Christian doctrine, and finally, personal characteristics and specific life situation. I remember how an unfamiliar girl came to the temple with a request to baptize her. I had a conversation with her, as it should be, handed the Gospel and a prayer book, told about the procedure for preparing for baptism ... She listened attentively, but when she realized that she would not be baptized now, copious tears flowed from her eyes. What happened next, you can probably guess: I confessed her and baptized her. I think I did the right thing.

In this regard, the fears of some clergymen are understandable that strict regulation of the preparation for the sacrament of baptism can be harmful: if before we performed the sacrament at our own discretion, now we will have to adhere to strict formal norms. The above example seems to confirm this fear - but only as if.

The decision of the Yekaterinburg Diocesan Assembly to prepare for Baptism must be welcomed and hoped that similar measures will follow in other dioceses. It is aimed at healing perhaps the most serious systemic shortcoming of our church life: the lack of connection with ruling bishop. As they say, "Roman papists have a pope in Rome, while Orthodox have their own pope in each parish." This must be overcome by any means, and immediately. I imagine a conversation with that girl in a new environment. I would tell her: “You want to be baptized - that's great, the Lord hears you and will take you to Himself. But now, immediately, it’s impossible to baptize you: our Orthodox church life is arranged differently, in such and such a way ... ”But I could not have uttered this last phrase if there hadn’t been a clear and precise order of the hierarchy on baptism in our diocese .

But we still have to finish with the question of infant baptism. After all, the message from the Yekaterinburg diocese does not say a word about the difference between the baptism of adults and babies, and it seems that it is about adults. But, according to my observation, today only one out of ten of us is baptized at a conscious age: what to do with the rest, with their parents and godparents, who also (and to a much greater extent!) require enlightenment and teaching the basics of faith? Will a priest be able to tell parents who want to perform a “solemn ceremony”: “According to the order of the bishop, you need to take a course of twelve catechumens lectures ...”? Will they not say something completely unchurch in response and will they not rush to some sectarians and self-saints? And in order to prevent this from happening, what serious efforts in the matter of general Orthodox education should we undertake?! ...

Archpriest Boris BALASHOV, Rector of the Church of the Icon Mother of God"Joy of All Who Sorrow" in the city of Klin, Moscow Region, teacher of the Orthodox gymnasium, theological correspondence courses (Klin), theology department of the Klin branch of the Moscow State Social University, head of the Christian Life publishing house, Chief Editor newspapers "Orthodox Wedge" and the TV program "The Road to the Temple":

- I have heard optimistic reports from one speaker about how many thousands of people have been baptized in their diocese for reporting period. The believers in the hall enthusiastically applauded. And I, an irresponsible and not so young priest, did not clap, but recalled how we were accepted as pioneers in childhood and only one loser in the class was not accepted. But for some reason, the slogan: "Pioneer - an example for all the guys" was not implemented in any way.

Now, if the speaker said that in his diocese all the churches are full of people, that many young people aspire to become priests, that every second church has a Sunday school, if not for children, then at least for adults, I would stand up and applaud the loudest !

But who said, "According to your faith, be it to you"? Oh, it's Jesus Christ. What strange words we still hear in the Gospel reading during the sacrament of Baptism: “Go, make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you all the days to the end of the age. Amen” (Matthew 28:19-20).

How amazing! Christ promises to be with us always, all the days of our life and even after its end, even after death to be with us. Does that mean we're not afraid of anything? Well, as you say, for this you still need to do something. And what?

Since the Gospel presents the relationship between Jesus Christ and the human soul like the relationship between the bride and groom or husband and wife, let's think about how a young man and a girl can build a strong happy family?

The first stage is getting to know each other. People met and liked each other. Further, in order to deepen the acquaintance, a conversation begins - a dialogue. They tell each other about themselves, share their thoughts. Mutual understanding is built between them, friendship deepens, love can arise.

The second stage is building a family. When a relationship of mutual understanding is built, the connection of two souls has become strong, the time has come to unite two lives into one. A family was born. This usually ends all children's fairy tales about love. And in happiest marriage the good tale is just beginning.

Third stage. And now we must learn again, only now learn to live together, to coordinate all our actions, to mutually forgive each other all insults, to bear the cross of family life together, to help each other in everything. So the family becomes strong and complete.

And the words of the Savior quoted above are very similar to what we said about building a good family.

The first stage is “teach”: that is, introduce people to Christ, help build a personal relationship with Him. Reading and comprehending the Gospel, we hear the words of the Savior addressed to us. We learn to understand Him and what He wants from us. By praying, we learn to open our souls to God and respond with our hearts to God's love. Through reading the Gospel and praying, we begin to see our sins, which we previously considered, at best, to be simply shortcomings or mistakes. And now we are ashamed before God and ourselves. Here we are preparing for repentance.

When the Apostle Peter was asked how to become heirs of the Kingdom of God, he replied: “Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38).

And if there is no faith and no repentance for sins past life Is it possible to be cleansed from sins through baptism and receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit? If we believe the apostle Peter, we are forced to give a negative answer. After all, the point is not only that God forgives our sins, it is necessary that we be cleansed from their spiritual consequences.

When a person accepts the sacrament of baptism without repentance and changing his life and without conscious faith, sins and temptations are often thrown upon the newly baptized with redoubled force.

The second stage is the sacrament of baptism. The man entered the family of Christ - the Holy Orthodox Church. Enter - entered, but to build a new spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ did not start and does not even try to start. What good will come of it? Is it a deception of the Lord? He promised to love and believe, but he is not going to fulfill.

Here we often hear an indignant chorus of voices: “Well, we do believe in the existence of God, don’t we?” So what? Demons also believe in His existence (James 2:19), however, this faith of theirs does not at all save them from sin or from being condemned to the world's garbage dump - fiery Gehenna. Faith is a personal connection of faith, as complete trust in God. We say sometimes: "I believe in this person." So after all not about faith in existence this rights speech.

The third stage is churching, that is, the acquisition of the spiritual experience of life within the Christian community - the parish.

But only if these spiritual stages are observed in building a personal relationship with God, the promise of Jesus Christ will apply to us - to be with us always.

And what about us now, in our post-Soviet era, when the vast majority of people want only formally to become Christians? Talk to them about God, about His love, about immortality. And for a better understanding of the truth of faith, take examples from earthly life, including examples of how relationships between people can be built, and many others.

Is it possible to baptize without preparation, without repentance and without faith? To baptize is baptized, but where are the fruits of baptism?

How did Christ feel about the barren fig tree? After all, it grew, and was covered with leaves. But she met on the path of Christ, He did not find any fruit on her, cursed her and she immediately withered (Matthew 11, 12-20).

First, we must try to convince a person that he does not treat God lightly. Second, help him begin to build his relationship with the Savior. Let him read at least three times the Gospel of Luke or Mark, make an effort to understand Christ and His love, try to answer it, see your sins, looking at His image. So that repentance can ripen. At a minimum, he must learn and comprehend at least the prayer “Our Father” and begin to pray in his own words for himself and for those close to him.

I think that in most cases it is not worth trying to teach these people elementary dogma. The preaching of the apostles to the Gentiles was Christ-centered. This is how it should be now at the stage of initial catechesis. The main thing is that relationships of trust, faith and love begin to develop with Christ. It will be, we can expect in the future, although not immediately, the fruits of baptism - the renewal of life.

It seems to me that this is the real minimum when a person can be led to the sacraments of baptism, repentance and communion. But then many who want to be baptized, become a godfather or baptize their children will go to other churches. Yes, the cash desk of other parishes will be replenished once. But many of those who accept these conditions will become related to your temple. In addition, many people who have taken the easy path will come back to you later. After all, patients prefer to go to doctors who are trying to treat, and not just write out sick leave.

How to be? Shall we calmly trust in the all-sanctifying grace of God and the magical effect of the sacraments? But the Church categorically denies all magic. The grace of God, of course, is omnipotent, but Jesus Christ nevertheless entrusted His Church with the apostolic mission for all ages, which is why the Orthodox Church is called Apostolic. And for some reason, the apostles themselves gave their lives for the preaching of the Gospel?! They would sit at home and wait for God to do everything for them!

So maybe oblige everyone to conduct catechesis? But will catechesis be of any use if it turns into formally performed activities? Before the revolution in all educational institutions The law of God was a compulsory subject. This did not save the country from the catastrophe of the revolution and spiritual degradation. In addition, the older generation is fed up with the formally carried out ideological work in our long-suffering country. Faith without love is dead, and love cannot be forced!

What to do? I think it is necessary to carry out educational work with all our might and, if possible, encourage it. To promote catechesis in all forms, of course, also in preparation for baptism. Publish relevant contemporary literature. To prepare in parishes not only priests, but also active believers for educational work. And candidates for the priesthood should be prepared in educational institutions not formally, as only performers of the liturgical ritual, but as educators of the people. And, most importantly, you need to love your job!

Today, most baptize their children at an early age, but more recently, in Soviet times, religion was banned, so many remained unbaptized.

If a person who was not baptized in childhood felt the need for it in adulthood, the doors of the church are always open for him. At any time he can undergo the sacrament of baptism.

Features of the baptism of an adult from the point of view of religion

The baptism of an adult, from the point of view of the church, is different from the baptism of children. The fact is that children, especially babies, do not yet master all Christian dogmas, and therefore they are introduced to the House of God as if in advance.

Adult baptism is an independent mature decision, and therefore a person who decides to be baptized as an adult must thoroughly prepare for this sacrament. First of all, he needs to carefully study religious dogmas and doctrines. He can do this both independently and with the help of a church minister.

To be admitted to baptism, an adult is required to know two important prayers Christian rite:

  • "Our Father";
  • "Virgin Virgin".

In addition, he must know the catechetical foundations, religious teachings and, of course, be guided in his life by the commandments of a righteous Christian.

In order to be baptized by adults, godparents are not needed. They are compulsory only for children who have not reached 12 years of age.

Preparing for an Adult Baptism

In order to be admitted to the ceremony, an adult must prepare himself for this sacrament. To do this, he will need:

  • During the week, observe a strict fast, which excludes meat, eggs, milk. Of course, smoking and alcohol are also prohibited.
  • During this time, abstinence from intimacy, quarrels, manifestations of aggression, anger will also be required.
  • Before you stand before the cross, you need to ask for forgiveness from everyone you could offend, repent of your deeds and make amends in every possible way. You also need to forgive all your offenders, let go of all bad thoughts.

The baptism of an "adult child", that is, one who has reached school age, possibly only with the consent of him and his parents.

How is the baptism of an adult

On the day of baptism, before proceeding directly to the sacrament, the clergyman conducts a rite of purification from worldly sins. The next step is the renunciation of Satan by all who are present during the ceremony. After all, they must recognize a single god.

Next, the priest consecrates the water with the help of a special candle - Paschala (a candle that burned on Easter, or an Easter candle), while reading special prayers. By holy water the head of the one who is being baptized is washed, or the head is immersed three times in water. Meanwhile, the clergyman pronounces the words of baptism in the name of God and the holy spirit.

At the end of the sacrament, the baptized person dresses in white clothes, which is a symbol of divine purity and sinlessness, and picks up a burning candle. The rite is considered completed after the priest draws an oil cross on his forehead, symbolizing opposition to the temptations of the evil one.

Baptism is a very important and serious step. It must be remembered that after you have accepted baptism of your own free will at a conscious age, each sin is perceived much more strongly, because it is assumed that a person must consciously follow all the commandments of God, to whom he himself came.

People are accustomed to the fact that the Sacrament of Baptism in the modern world takes place in infancy. But there are those who, for whatever reason, have not joined the Orthodox Church and the Lord through this spiritually cleansing rite. Wanting to accept Orthodoxy, many at first do not know what is needed for adult baptism and how to prepare for this. The main thing is a conscious desire to follow the Savior, and organizational moments will not take so much time and effort.

spiritual cleansing

Baptism is not only an entry into Orthodox Church, but also a symbol of the fact that a person is ready to become a faithful ally and servant of God. It entails mutual obligations. For his part, he who wishes to receive the rite of Baptism must be fully aware that he is doing this of his own free will. With such a step, a person renounces worldly petty fuss, evil and serving Satan. Heresy, superstition and the occult are the strictest prohibitions for a believing Christian.

When preparing to be baptized, adults must be aware of their actions, because from the moment they take the rank, they must be ready to reconsider their life principles in favor of the Laws of God.

It is impossible to perform the Sacrament of Baptism because of third-party considerations: the desire to improve health, financial situation, or hopes for a change in fate for the better. Coming to the Lord and faith in Him is not a guide to a simple and carefree existence. It is always a struggle with one's physical and base needs in favor of a righteous, God-pleasing existence.

To fully understand the significance of such a decision and enter the true faith, it is very good to read the New Testament, the dogmatic teachings about the Holy Trinity, the Lives of the Saints. You need to know the basic prayers that are the stronghold of faith Orthodox person, namely: “Our Father”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice”, “Symbol of Faith”, “Living in help”. Communion with churched people has a positive effect, that is, with those who have long come to God through the Christian faith and hold fasts, attend church, pray and repent of their sins.

Before Baptism, so-called church catechumens are always held - obligatory visits to the temple 3-4 times a month to talk about the dogmatic essence of the Creed. In the process, moral and moral aspects may also be affected. human life. Everything depends on the people who gathered at the conversation, their answers to the questions asked by the priest, and the interests of those who came to him. This is a kind of introductory course into the spiritual life of a person who follows the Lord, and into the basis of Orthodox dogma.

Without going through categorical conversations, one who wants to be baptized will not be admitted to the Sacrament, because their omission testifies to the frivolity and fragile conviction of a person to follow God and live according to His commandments. Usually clergy keep a strict record of attendance at such events.

But all this helps more precisely to spiritually tune in to accepting the rite of Baptism. And what needs to be done for physical cleansing, and what stages are to be passed?

Physical cleansing and practical training

Usually, before performing this Sacrament, a person keeps a strict fast for three days. It is forbidden to eat animal food, consume pleasure drinks, smoke, use foul language (this is taboo for a believer at any time), and have marital relations, and even more so engage in fornication. It is advisable to stop watching TV and using the Internet. If there were quarrels with someone, you must definitely forgive these people with all your heart and, if possible, make peace. All this time a person should pray.

On the eve of Baptism or on the same day, it is advisable to confess and take communion, although today this item is not considered mandatory, since the Sacrament itself washes away all sins from a person, both original and committed already in conscious life. If a decision is made to confess, then nothing can be concealed from the priest. Of course, first of all, the person being baptized must admit all sins to himself and realize that in the subsequent righteous life they cannot be committed. A frank conversation helps to look deeper inside yourself.

For an adult over 18 years of age, there is no need to have godparents, since he himself is ready to bear responsibility for himself and his decisions, and he makes a conscious choice of the path of following the Lord.

For the Sacrament itself, you will need new light-colored clothes and shoes, a white baptismal shirt (shirt with sleeves), a pectoral cross and a large towel. Also, the person being baptized should know that the procedure itself is still paid. If you have any doubts about the cross or what kind of towel you need for baptism, it is better to consult with the priest. The most detailed recommendations are in special church brochures that tell about phased preparation to any Sacrament of all existing. Questions can be answered by the priest with whom the person is going to be baptized.

You can not come to the ceremony with cosmetics or jewelry. A woman can receive the Sacrament only after the end of the natural monthly cycle of cleansing the body. It is worth remembering that Baptism is performed only once in a lifetime, since this is the birth of the human soul, and it occurs only once.

The sacrament of Baptism: the sequence and features of the process

The process begins with the naming of the baptized according to the holy calendar. If, for example, the girl's name is Victoria, then during the ceremony she receives a Christian Nike. After that, the renunciation of Satan and the combination with the Lord begins. The priest says exorcisms against the devil and asks the person if he is ready to serve God. As a sign of his consent to follow the Savior, the person being baptized reads the Creed (it is advisable to know by heart) and bows three times towards the altar. Thus ends the first stage - the "rite of announcement".

Then begins the Sacrament of Baptism itself. The priest sanctifies the water, first shaking it, and then adding oil to it and smearing it on the person being baptized. This stage is called "anointing with holy oil." It has long been believed that he gives strength to free himself from the shackles of Satan and his troops.

By this time, the person remains in his underwear. Women are allowed to wear a white one-piece swimsuit if there is a three-time immersion in the font. But in most cases, adults are not completely dipped in holy water, but only poured over their heads from a ladle. Such a process endows the baptized with the power of the Holy Spirit for the subsequent struggle with the temptations of the dark side. After leaving the water, they put on a cross and a baptismal shirt (for a man) or a shirt with long sleeves (for a woman), and give a lit candle in his hands.

Next comes Chrismation with fragrant oils, through which the priest conveys to the newly baptized the grace of the Holy Spirit. A person walks around the font three times against the movement of the sun as a sign of entering into an alliance with the forces of light. This is called a "cross procession".

The clergyman reads some passages from the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Romans and the Gospel of Matthew, revealing the essence of the rite being performed. This is followed by prayers for the newly baptized, washing off the fragrant oil and cutting off a strand of hair.

The last stage is churching, which consists in the fact that a woman is brought to the iconostasis, and a man is taken to the altar. It is considered a symbol of joining the faith, the church and God.

After a few days, you need to take communion. An adult should discuss all the nuances of preparation with the priest. Communion symbolizes complete cleansing through the eating of bread and wine and union with the resurrected Jesus Christ in spirit and flesh.

The believer must every year on this day mark the date of his new spiritual birth by coming to church for confession and communion. In addition, a baptized Christian is obliged to regularly come to the temple for services and observe fasts. If it is not possible to attend church once a week, then at least once a month or on established holidays, he should do it. Fasting implies not only the refusal of food, but also in the first place spiritual cleansing. If health does not allow you to fast according to all the rules, then you need to limit yourself to something that you especially like to eat. You can exclude bread and sweet tea or completely abandon chocolate and muffins. Advice with a priest or church people will help clarify some unclear and controversial points.