Why are conversations necessary? Conversation about baptism

  • 14.10.2019

The Sacrament of Baptism in the Orthodox Church is very important and has a deep meaning. The bodily birth of a person is a miracle of God. We know that before a baby is born, it spends nine months in the womb. During this time, it grows, forms, prepares for life in airspace. Small child he cannot consciously prepare himself for the Sacrament of Baptism, therefore, instead of him, this should be done by his parents and godparents, who will be responsible before God for the proper upbringing of the baby. Just as a child in the womb was preparing for its bodily birth, so its parents and godparents must prepare their consciousness for the spiritual birth of this baby. The image of a child in the womb can be compared to our temporary life. When we live here on earth, we obviously do not see our Creator with our bodily eyes, but we can feel His care for us through everything that surrounds us. The Lord created for us the earth, plants, animals, natural conditions. A child in the womb also cannot see her with his own eyes, he only feels her care, love, affection and warmth. When a baby is born, he experiences great stress: for a small creature, this is a jump into the unknown. The moment of the birth of a child is compared with the death of a person. When the human soul separates from the body, various images appear before its spiritual eyes, various feelings visit it. For her, especially at first, it is not known where she will go. As for small child after his birth, it is important to snuggle up to the body of his own mother as soon as possible, so it is important for the human soul, after parting with the body, to fall into the arms of the Lord himself. The Creator foresaw this, He gave a person the opportunity to save his soul, and the first step to salvation and leading a Christian lifestyle is participation in the Sacrament of Baptism in the Orthodox Church. Therefore, the interview before Baptism is an integral part of the preparation for this great Sacrament.

Interview of godparents before the baptism of a child

The interview with the godparents before the baptism of the child is usually conducted by the priest himself. He tells during the interview about what prayers you need to know, what to bring with you, how to prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism.
Many priests, during an interview with godparents before the Baptism of a child, not only touch on those points that are directly related to the performance of the Sacrament, but also go deep into how to properly raise a baby in the Christian faith. Nowadays for modern man thanks to modern technologies great opportunities have opened up. This is an opportunity to exchange information in the shortest possible time. Unfortunately, most information - both visual and otherwise - can be harmful to the salvation of a person's soul. During the upbringing of the godchild, you need to try, together with your parents, to protect him from the harmful influence of the media. To do this, you need to offer the child a worthy alternative. This alternative could be Orthodox books, films and holy icons.

How is the interview with the priest before Baptism in the church

For an interview before the Baptism of a child, you need to be ready to come at the time that you will be told in the church. During the interview, the priest may ask for specific information about the child's parents, about the baby himself and about his godparents. These data include full names, addresses, date of birth of the child. When preparing to go to a church interview with a priest, you need to think in advance what questions you have for him. You can take a pen and paper with you just in case, to write down some moments that you may forget. In different dioceses of the Orthodox Church, the requirements for godparents may vary slightly. In most dioceses godparents before the Sacrament of Baptism, it is required to know by memory such Christian prayers as “King of Heaven”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice” and “Our Father”. Usually, the priest reminds the godparents during the interview before Baptism that before the Sacrament, you need to prepare pectoral cross, christening clothes, a soft towel and possibly a baby blanket.

Is an interview required?

An interview before Baptism is one of the mandatory requirements for the parents of the child and his godparents. Such are the Mystery of Baptism, which is the first step towards the ascent of a child up the spiritual ladder. This ladder must lead to the salvation of the soul through right conduct and Christian upbringing. Christian upbringing of the child should be given by his parents and godparents.
To do this correctly, you need to constantly check your views on the principles of education with the teachings of the Orthodox Church. During the interview before the Baptism of an infant, you can ask the priest for advice on what spiritual literature and films you can watch about raising children in the Orthodox faith.

Information about the interview.

There are cases when the godparents and parents of the baby on the eve of the Sacrament of Baptism are in different cities. Since an interview before the Baptism of a child is a mandatory requirement of the Orthodox Church, the godparents must be interviewed in the city in which they are located. After passing the interview, the priest who conducted it must write out a special certificate of passage before Baptism. With this certificate, godparents come to the city where Baptism will be performed. It will need to be given to the priest who will baptize the baby. A certificate of passing an interview before Baptism may not be issued on the day you passed the interview, but during your next meeting with the priest, because during the interview the priest may tell you to memorize and learn to read some Orthodox prayers. During next meeting you will have to demonstrate your knowledge to the priest. After he makes sure that you have completed his task, he will be able to issue you this certificate. So that there are no difficulties during the performance of the Sacrament, try to carefully remember where you put it, and do not forget to take it with you during the Sacrament.

Announcements have long been important preparatory stage before Baptism. The priest had to make sure that the person’s decision to accept the Christian faith or baptize the child in Orthodoxy was conscious and only after that conduct the ceremony. Today, church interviews before christenings are mandatory. They must be passed by the parents and future godparents of the child.

What is an open conversation?

Announcement is the first step for entering Christianity. It is a teaching of those who wish to be baptized or become a godparent to the main canons of Orthodoxy. The main goal of the conversation is to convince of the truth of Christian doctrine and to promote a more serious and responsible approach to the Sacrament.

At general conversations, the priest talks about God as the Creator, about the creation of the world and the fall of Adam and Eve, about the salvation of mankind through redemptive suffering and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as about the Creed - the foundations of the Orthodox Faith, which were approved on the 1st and 2nd m Ecumenical Councils.

At meetings dedicated specifically to the Sacrament of Baptism, the Church Sacraments and the need to participate in them are discussed. This also includes a description of the rites of Baptism and Confirmation, an explanation Divine Liturgy, conveying the meaning of Confession and Communion. The topic of the role of godparents, the Orthodox family and the upbringing of children in the faith, observance of church rules, posts.

In addition, the announcement makes it possible to get to know the rector of the temple better, so that at any difficult situation the person was not afraid to turn to the church for help.

Why are they passing?

An adult who accepts faith consciously, during the interviews, must become stronger in faith and accept the laws of the Orthodox Church. Parents who want to baptize their child need to go through public discussions in order to gain knowledge for the Christian upbringing of the baby.

Future godparents need categorical conversations to understand the degree of responsibility that is assigned to them after Baptism. If, as a result of the interview, the prospective godfather refuses to baptize the child, this will not be a sin.

Is it necessary to pass?

Today is Epiphany in Russian churches Orthodox Church without an interview. Announcements are obligatory for both godparents and both parents of the child, as well as adults and children over 12 who are preparing for the Sacrament. In different temples, the number of interviews may vary: from 1 to 12-16 sessions. For a person who regularly attends church services, one meeting with the priest may be enough. More classes are needed for people who are not sufficiently churched, who have little knowledge about Orthodox dogma and the Sacrament of Baptism itself.

Interview in the church before the Baptism of a child for godparents and parents

As a rule, there are two public conversations with the recipients. At the first lesson, the priest voices the main dogmas of Christianity, talks about spiritual life, gives the task to learn the prayers offered at the Sacrament.

At the second lesson, the priest explains to the future godparents their role in the life of the godson, introduces them to the sequence of the ceremony, so that the recipients are not just present at Baptism, but take part in understanding what is happening.

One or two weeks before the Sacrament, the godparents should study the main sections of the New Testament, read the Gospel of Mark in full.

One or two days before the Sacrament, the recipients need to visit the temple to confess and take communion. Before Baptism itself, it is necessary to observe a three-day fast: do not eat animal products, do not swear, do not live a married life.

In the process of the Sacrament of Baptism, biological parents do not take an active part, but it is they who will have to raise the child in the commandments, take them to services, take communion, pray for him, so the priest must find out during the interview how often they attend church, whether they know prayers. The priest must hold at least one categorical conversation and remind the parents that they, like the godparents, are responsible for the spiritual upbringing of the baby until he comes of age.

How is the interview before the Sacrament of Baptism: what you need to know

What does the father ask at the interview

In some churches, mostly those with large parishes, catechumens are held systematically. On certain days (each church has its own schedule), group classes are held in the form of introductory lectures, where the priest or a specially trained layman (catechist) talks about faith, the Sacraments, answers questions, and gives recommendations on preparing for Baptism.

Many small churches practice individual meetings in a question-and-answer format, where the priest determines the level of a person's readiness to accept Baptism or become a godfather. After the first interview, the priest may appoint another meeting or advise you to take a whole course at the church on the basics of Christian life, the New Testament, the Creed.

The very first question that a catechist usually asks in an interview is, “Why do you need to be baptized?” If the person answers: “To be baptized” or “For protection from evil forces”, then he is probably not ready for Baptism, since his understanding of the Sacrament is distorted. Baptism is cleansing from sins and being born into a new spiritual life in conjunction with Christ; it is a new perception of oneself and others, life in general.

How long does the conversation last

The duration of classes in different temples may vary. One conversation usually lasts from one to one and a half hours, and if there are additional questions, even longer.

After listening to the announcement, a certificate is issued allowing you to proceed to Baptism. In some temples, upon completion of classes, a certificate is awarded only after passing the exam. At the first meeting, the priest warns that it may take from two to four weeks to receive it, so you should not plan the date of Baptism in advance.

What you need for an interview before Baptism

You need to prepare for the interview. Before the first lesson, parents and godparents need to read the Gospel of Mark and John or the entire New Testament in order to talk with the rector of the church about what they have read. If during the conversation an unwillingness to understand the meaning of the Orthodox dogma or a dismissive attitude towards the Church is revealed, the clergyman has the right to refuse to conduct the Sacrament of Baptism.

Most often, two categorical conversations are held, and the second of them determines the readiness to become godparents or to accept Baptism as an adult. During the lesson, the priest checks the knowledge of the prayers "Symbol of Faith", "Our Father", "Virgin Mother of God", the commandments of Christ, asks questions about the Gospel. Also at the second interview they talk about the order of Baptism, what needs to be done before and during the Sacrament.

Unfortunately, in modern practice there are cases when godparents take up their duties as spiritual mentors, formally. They perceive Baptism as a ritual or rite. In very rare cases (when a person opposes the Christian dogma, does not express readiness to bear responsibility for spiritual development godson, or not baptized himself), the clergy may ask to postpone the Sacrament in order to.

Interview before the Baptism of an adult

A baptized adult must come to the interview with sincere faith in the Almighty and the desire to start a new righteous life according to the laws of God. The role of announcements in this case is exploratory. The priest will tell in more detail about the Orthodox dogma, the duties of every Christian, the importance of participating in the Church Sacraments.

An adult for Baptism needs:

  • Understand and observe the commandments of God, accept the basic provisions of the Orthodox dogma.
  • Recognize the need to attend worship services, participate in the life of the Church.
  • Know by heart the prayers "Our Father" and "The Symbol of Faith."
  • Be familiar with the text of at least one of the Gospels.

Announcement talks are also allowed to be attended by already baptized parishioners, who at one time were not announced.

Announcements before the wedding

Couples wishing to marry in church must also be interviewed before the wedding. In churches where classes are held regularly on certain days, they are invited to general categorical discussions dedicated to God, the service of the Church, the Creed. When the time comes to discuss the sacred Mysteries, the priest dwells separately on the ceremony of the Wedding.

At individual meetings, the priest is interested in whether young people realize the seriousness of the vows they make, whether they understand the meaning of Christian marriage. Also during the conversation, the priest tells how to build family relationships, avoid conflicts, get out of difficult life situations while maintaining mutual respect for each other.

Such interviews are held one to two weeks before the wedding. Before the Sacrament, the bride and groom must observe a three-day fast, confess and take communion.

Certificate of completion of public speaking

At the end of the interview, the godparents before Baptism, as well as couples who want to get married, are issued a certificate of having passed the categorical conversations. The document is signed by the catechist, rector of the church and certified by the seal of the temple.

If the recipients do not have the opportunity to attend the church where the Sacrament will take place, they can listen to the announcement and receive a certificate of the interview in the temple at the place of residence, and before Baptism, submit the document to the priest.

A short text of the prayer "Symbol of Faith"

Text in Church Slavonic Text in translation
1. I believe in one God the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. I believe in one God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, of everything visible and invisible.
2. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, who was born of the Father before all ages; Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, Whom all was. And in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, born of the Father before all ages: Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not created, one being with the Father, by Him all things were created.
3. For us, man, and for our sake, who descended from heaven and became incarnate from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became human. For the sake of us people and for the sake of our salvation, he descended from heaven, and took flesh from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became a man.
4. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. Crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffering, and buried.
5. And resurrected on the third day according to the Scriptures. And risen on the third day according to the Scriptures.
6. And ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Father. And who ascended into heaven, and who sits on right side Father.
7. And the packs of the coming with glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end. And coming again in glory to judge the living and the dead, His Kingdom will have no end.
8. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who with the Father and the Son is worshiped and glorified, who spoke the prophets. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father, who is worshiped and glorified with the Father and the Son, who spoke through the prophets.
9. Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Into one holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
10. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
11. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead, Waiting for the resurrection of the dead
12. and the life of the age to come. Amen. and the life of the next century. Amen (that's right).

Photos provided

The baptism of a child cannot now be performed without a preliminary conversation with the priest.

The conversation before the baptism of the child with the priest is held in the temple chosen by the parents and in which the baptism of the child will take place.

You can have a conversation before baptism on the allotted days, this can also be clarified in the temple. The so-called categorical conversations take place with godparents and parents of children over whom the Sacrament of Baptism is to be performed. It is necessary to have a conversation with the priest not only for the godparents, but also for the parents themselves. As a rule, not one couple, but a whole group of people gather on the allotted days.

Is it possible to baptize a child without preparation?

Conversation before baptism, questions.

The questions of conversations before baptism are both introductory and instructive. For godparents, questions related to the responsibility for the spiritual upbringing of the child. Announcement before baptism with the question of spiritual education is the most important thing in preparing for baptism.

The priest will explain who God is, what spirit, faith are, and tell the basic rules and requirements for parishioners. He will tell you what prayers you need to know and how to pray for the godson to the godparents. Having a conversation before baptism is not all; before baptism, you should fast, confess and take communion.

What questions are discussed with the priest before baptism?

We will try to sort out some questions in our articles so that your conversations with the priest before baptism pass quickly. If you read all the articles on the topic of baptism of a child, then the public talks in the church before baptism will be a joy for you.

Why baptize children

What people should know about God, in the name of which God they baptize a child

Who will be the godfather, and what is the role of the godfather in the life of the child.

What people should know about God.

Spiritual education of the child.

Organizational matters.

Depending on how the questions are sorted out, several more public discussions may be scheduled before baptism. In any case, do not spare your time and by coming to a conversation with the priest you will be able to learn a lot of new things about the spiritual. Do not forget that the Sacrament of Baptism will not be held without public conversations with the priest, who will conduct the baptism of the child.

The reasons why people decide to baptize their children are sometimes very original in the sense that they have nothing to do with the Church.

Baptism can be seen as following a family pattern:

« Our family has a tradition of baptizing children. And I don't want to back down from her", - says one of the users.

Sometimes baptism is perceived as a national tradition:

« I won’t call myself a churched person, for me it’s more a matter of continuity and some kind of identification: a Russian person is an Orthodox Christian».

This statement is accompanied by a lengthy justification:

« People (for the most part) profess (feel belonging to) the religion that has historically developed on the territory of their state. Hindus do not convert to Christianity, the Japanese do not aspire to Judaism, and the Iranians are indifferent to Zen. Everyone minds their own business».

Such non-church people, "Orthodox in culture", sociological surveys reveal in Russian society from two-thirds to 80%. We even like to appeal to this number on occasion. But it seems that with these people, when they turn to the church, wanting to baptize their children, what happens the largest number misunderstandings, sad and comical situations, the essence of which is the same: they don’t really know what they are asking for, but they demand that they do what they ask.

Godparents without "fanatical piety"

« I baptized two of my children and an older relative, and everything was easy, sincere and festive ...

Now the priest sternly asked me when I went to confession and took communion for the last time, how often I go to church and which one, what prayers I know. I do not differ from many compatriots in excessively fanatical piety, so I honestly answered that I do all this at the behest of my soul, not rarely, but not every day. I received an answer: “I am tired of baptizing atheists!»

The commentator was offended. But how can she explain that baptism is not just a “holiday”, and Christianity is not only “God in the soul”?

Another case:

« Our godfather was the brother of a relative. In general, he is a hard-working guy, from the village, where all the aunts go to him for help, and he does not take a penny from anyone, he is always happy to help. Also unworthy».

Is a godfather and a “good man” the same thing?

« A friend asked me to be a godmother to her baby. I prepared thoroughly - I bought everything I needed in the Epiphany store, mentally tuned in, and now I read about the interview and got upset. I don't really follow Orthodox customs, and suddenly the priest will not allow me to this sacrament».

Obviously, in the view of such people, baptism is just a beautiful rite. So the complaints about the refusal to “carry out the ritual” are rushing over the Web. Or the fact that for some reason the “ritual” was carried out not individually or not in the main church (which was chosen by the applicants for being beautiful and old), but in a small baptismal church (or in general in a separate baptismal room), where not the photographer and the operator with the camera could normally turn around.

Is the church simply beautiful?

Baptize ... without an interview

However, the main wave of indignation is caused by the requirement for parents and godparents to undergo public discussions. As the main argument against them, participants in online discussions cite the practice that existed in the Church in the 1990s, when all those who came were baptized at the first conversion.

However, let's look at what general conversations are and why they arose.

The introduction into church practice of preparatory conversations for the baptized themselves (in the case of adults being baptized), as well as for parents and godparents (in the case of the baptism of an infant) is regulated by the document “On Religious Education and catechetical service in the Russian Orthodox Church”, which entered into force on December 28, 2011.

It says in particular:

« It is unacceptable to perform the Sacrament of Baptism on adults who, not knowing the basics of faith, refuse to prepare for participation in the Sacrament.

“The Sacrament of Baptism cannot be performed on a person who denies the fundamental truths Orthodox faith and Christian morality. People who wish to be baptized for superstitious reasons cannot be allowed to participate in the Sacrament of Baptism.

That is, the main goal of the conversations preceding baptism is not to conduct a “test for good man”, as the authors of some of the above entries considered. Their goal is to explain to a person the basics of the religion to which he converts himself or converts a child.

At our request, the cleric of the Church of St. Nicholas at the Straw Gatehouse, Priest Dimitry Turkin, comments on the situation:

For many years the priests had to baptize almost everyone who asked for it. A very small number of the baptized became parishioners. At times, people were accepted as members of the Church who were very far from the true faith and did not seek to know this faith. There is hope that this situation has passed forever.

So, you need to accustom yourself to the idea that you need to prepare for baptism, and if there is no such readiness objectively, then there will be no baptism.

Currently, preparation for baptism consists of listening to lectures mainly by future godparents. Of course, like any new business, it is not without flaws. In fact, we are trying to revive the practice of catechumens before baptism. This is an obvious good for the Church, so the world does not want to accept it.

The mistake of those who critically assess our attempts to oppose the formal attitude towards the Sacrament lies in the fact that it seems to them that we are trying to force someone to teach something. In fact, we are still trying, sorry for being rude, just to filter out those who do not want to learn anything themselves. They, believe me, do not need either Christ or His Church.

It is very good that someone declares: “the baptism of a child is the reason to start going to the temple.” Attending preparatory lectures is precisely the beginning of going to the temple. In addition, it is also a way to begin to understand something in church life. But we can no longer count on “suddenly start”.

Imagine the feelings of a priest forced for years to baptize everyone who comes. Believe me, it is very difficult and painful for the soul to pray with and for those who themselves do not want anything and simply indifferently defend the time of the Sacrament.

In fact, we do not refuse anyone. If a person has been trained, then he is allowed to be baptized. It’s just that those who have decided for themselves that they don’t need anything from the Church other than the fact of baptism do not come to our talks and therefore do not come to be baptized and baptize their children.

There were many and different cases of baptism, but I don’t remember a single one when a person who at first showed indifference became a parishioner.

In general, in the time that has passed since the introduction of catechetical conversations into church practice, the attitude towards them has become calmer. However, the phrase placed in the title of this section still occupies a leading position in the list of search queries.

Interview stumbling blocks

In addition to the very fact of their holding, public discussions cause more whole line questions.

Firstly, at the very beginning of the conversation, apparently, they conducted, as they say, "with zeal beyond reason." The correspondent knows of a case when, several years ago, in the summer, an Orthodox couple from Moscow tried to baptize their third child in Vologda with their parents.

After serving a two-hour lecture with three children from zero to four years old in her arms, the mother then tried to talk with the priest about "softening the procedure." To which she received the answer: Either sit out two more meetings, or go to be baptized at the place of residence».

In Moscow, after asking the same couple a few questions, the priest told the parents to prepare for communion. The child was baptized on the next convenient day for them.

Priest Dimitry Turkin comments:

Participation (NB, not presence) of godparents and (or) parents is mandatory in cases where they are not churched or are not parishioners of this temple. If parishioners who confess and receive communion in the church ask for baptism, they receive permission without preparation.

If these are people from another parish, then in a short conversation they should show their degree of churching and, then, according to the results, they will either receive permission for baptism, or they will be offered to undergo preparatory conversations.

Cases of a diligent attitude towards catechesis (both on the part of the participants and the organizers) were also noted in the online recordings:

« It's just like a lecture. Went for three Saturdays. Dad was sitting with the baby. I don't regret it. Even though I took a nap».

In other cases, the very content of the conversation raised questions. The regulation "On religious, educational and catechetical service" provides:

“The announcement of adults involves several conversations, including the study of the Creed, selected places Holy Scripture, the foundations of Christian morality, including ideas about sins and virtues, an introduction to the liturgical life of the Church.

The official document prescribes: when they are necessary, there should be at least two conversations, but their content and duration is determined by the catechist "with love and discretion." However, life practice can often differ significantly:

« I went last year, so they gave me videos on my laptop to watch the speeches of the clergy about the benefits of the very conversation that I came to».

Sometimes the meaning of the conversation, according to the testimonies of those who were announced, was reduced to maintaining the superstitions associated with baptism:

« The interview was more like a conversation about life. The main thing that worried them was whether we were meeting with the godfather, whether we were living together as a man and a woman, or whether we were married ...»

In other cases, the content of the conversation itself is generally difficult to understand:

« The inadequate lady who conducted this interview took the liberty of telling why children die young, but there was no logic in this».

Sometimes those who came were clearly not ready for the fact that the teaching would go "into a practical plane." Although, perhaps, the tone of the conversation was chosen not quite right:

« The abbess of the church (I could be wrong) conducted a monologue about how irresponsible, sinful, low people we are all.

There were many godparents and parents, some tried to ask questions, to which they received short answers in the style: “There is a book, everything is written there, why is it unclear?»

True, our godfather, convicted of fornication to the whole crowd (he had already lived with a girl for a long time), got married. Perhaps we are wrong Orthodox and should not be baptized, but this is not the way to convey it.”

According to the Decree of the Patriarch and with the blessing
hierarchies of the Northern Vicariate, in our temple icons Mother of God"Sign" in Khovrino, public discussions are held with those wishing to accept Holy Baptism adults, as well as with parents and future sponsors (godparents) who have baptized infants and children under 15 years of age. The purpose of the conversations conducted by the full-time catechist of the parish is to check and possibly increase the level of conscious readiness both to receive the Sacrament on the part of those being baptized, and to participate in it as godparents. In the absence of circumstances that threaten the life and health of those wishing to be baptized, interviews are considered mandatory. In our Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" in Khovrino, the decision to set the date of Baptism is made by the rector of the temple or the serving priest replacing him, based on the results of the interview. Attendance at least two interviews is required.

For baptized adults, the following requirements are recognized as mandatory :

2. Awareness of the need for everyone Orthodox Christian regular and constant participation in the sacramental life of the Church.

3. Acquiring the basic skills of attending Orthodox services (presence at the Divine Liturgy).

4. Knowledge of fundamental Christian prayers, such as "Our Father ..." and "The Creed."

5. Preliminary acquaintance with the text of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament (at least, reading from the beginning to the end of the Gospel of Mark).

The baptism of adults should also be preceded by a conversation with a priest of a repentant (confessional) nature.

In the case of the baptism of infants, as well as children under the age of 15, it is recognized that it is mandatory to have at least one godfather (godfather) of the same sex with the baptized child. If said person is a permanent parishioner of any other parish of the Russian Orthodox Church, then he may be exempted from the interview upon presentation of the relevant supporting document (certificate signed by the rector or confessor with the seal of the specified church). Also, godparents have the right to take advantage of the opportunity to have an categorical conversation in any temple of subordination of the Moscow Patriarchate, subject to the subsequent provision of a properly executed supporting document (see above).

For godparents (grandparents) of a baptized child, it is obligatory :

1. Understanding and acceptance of the Commandments of God, agreement with the main provisions of Christian doctrine and church ethics.

2. Conscious and regular participation in the Church Sacraments (primarily in the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion), as well as in the prayer life of the Church.

3. In addition to the satisfactory reading aloud of such prayers as “Our Father ...” and the Song of the Most Holy Theotokos (“Virgin Mary, Rejoice ...”), during the interview, special attention is paid to teaching the godparents to read clearly and properly comprehend dogmatically important prayer"Symbol of faith".

4. Sufficient familiarity with the text of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament (at a minimum, reading from beginning to end of the Gospel of Mark).

5. Shortly before Baptism, godparents need to confess and Communion of the holy Mysteries of Christ.

6. The absence of unlifted church prohibitions (excommunication from Communion, as a rule, also means a ban on reception).

When choosing godparents, some statutory restrictions should be taken into account, namely :

Parents of those being baptized, as well as siblings and half-brothers and sisters, cannot be godparents.

Spouses do not have to be godparents of the same child; young people who have become godfather and godfather cannot be married to each other.

Monastics cannot become godparents.

Persons suffering from mental illness are not allowed to participate in the Sacrament as godparents.

For baptized (except infants), parents and godparents (godparents) mandatory participation in at least two categorical conversations. At the first conversation, the catechist must fill out a questionnaire for the baptized and the recipients, and also give individual recommendations and instructions for implementation. , which all need to be done before the second conversation starts.

Interviews in our Znamensky parish are held:
every Thursday at 18:20,
every Saturday at 15:00
in the Nikolsky (lower) church.

For those wishing to attend these Announcements, please arrive early without delay.

Attention! On the appointed days, interviews may be canceled if they are on the eve or on the day of the Twelfth and Great Feasts.

If you have been interviewed in another church, then you need to bring to the beginning of our interviews on Saturday at 15:00 the original Certificate (certificate) of the passage of catechumensal conversations with the signature of the person in charge and necessarily with the seal of the temple where you had these conversations.

Baptisms in our church take place only on Sundays in the first half of the day. Registration for baptism is carried out only one day in advance on Saturdays at 15:00 in the premises of the lower church. For registration, it is necessary to have an identity document of the person being baptized (birth certificate or passport).


Question: We have already scheduled the Sacrament of Baptism in another church the very next day. Can I go through one interview in your temple and immediately get a certificate?
Answer : No, It is Immpossible; since this is a direct violation of the patriarchal order. Be sure to adequately prepare for the Sacrament and go through at least two categorical conversations. At the first conversation, after the lecture, the catechist must fill out a questionnaire for the baptized and the recipients, and also give individual recommendations and instructions for implementation. At the second conversation, these instructions you followed are checked and, based on the results, a decision is made on admission. In your case, it is better to transfer the Sacrament of Baptism.

Question: How long does it take to go through all the conversations and prepare to become a godfather at the Sacrament of Baptism?
Answer : It is necessary to pass at least two interviews at which lectures are given on the basics of the Christian life; as well as to follow the individual recommendations and instructions that will be given to you. As a rule, it takes 2-4 weeks to fully prepare to become a godfather.

Question: I am a busy person. Is it possible to have an interview in absentia or at another time?
Answer : No, It is Immpossible. You must be present in person at all interviews, and only at the specified time.

Question: We want to baptize a baby in your church, the godfather was interviewed in another church. He was given a certificate of the passage of catechetical conversations, it bears the signature of the catechist, but it does not have the seal of the temple. Can you accept such a certificate?
Answer : No we can not. We cannot accept a certificate that does not have the seal of the church where the talks were held. Since the seal confirms the authenticity of the signature of the catechist who issued the certificate, and without the seal, the certificate cannot be considered a properly executed document. In addition to this, the Patriarchal Order clearly states that the document is certified by the seal of the temple. In your case, you need to go to the parish administration of the church where the interviews took place and ask them to put a stamp on your certificate.

Question: Our godfather lives in another city, and he was interviewed at the temple in his place of residence. We currently only have a copy of this certificate. Is it possible to bring a copy of the interview certificate instead of the original to apply for Baptism in your church?
Answer : No you can not. For registration, we need to bring one day before the Sacrament of Baptism, namely on Saturday at 15:00, only the original certificate, which remains with us. Moreover, any of the persons trusted by you can bring this certificate.

Question: I passed an interview in another church, but they didn’t give me a certificate of passing catechumens. What should I do?
Answer : If, after successfully passing the categorical conversations in another church, you were not issued a certificate, then this is the basis for filing a complaint with the local diocese or patriarchy. Since this is a direct violation of the Patriarchal Decree No. R-01/12 of April 3, 2013 No.

Question: We have already successfully passed the interview. How do we set the day of baptism?
Answer : Baptisms in our church take place only on Sundays in the morning ( exact time appointed catechist). Registration for baptism is carried out only one day in advance on Saturdays at 15:00 in the premises of the lower church. For registration, it is necessary to have an identity document of the person being baptized (birth certificate or passport).