Prayer for Anger: Prayers. Orthodox prayer for insults

  • 14.10.2019

Anger, irritability, anger and other emotions that precede a person's aggressive behavior towards others are not uncommon in modern world. These feelings are often uncontrollable, flare up for no good reason and completely take over the person experiencing them.

Psychotherapists struggle with such emotional manifestations, which interfere with many in life, and often lead those who experience such feelings to the manifestation of aggression, violence. Doctors often consider unconditioned aggression, negative emotions and other manifestations of anger to be a direct consequence of constant stress. Meanwhile, the clergy have a different view on this problem.

What is anger?

According to the scientific definition, the term "anger" is a special emotional state that borders on affect and is characterized by a negative connotation. As a rule, anger arises when confronted with any manifestations of injustice and accompanies the desire to eliminate them.

In this case, the concept of "injustice" should not be taken literally. This term also hides everything that contradicts the ideas and beliefs of the angry person, his understanding of any things, life postulates. That is, anger is an emotion caused by a collision with annoying contradictions.

Religions, including Christianity, understand the nature of anger, irritability or anger somewhat differently. Although not contrary to the scientific definition. Anger is one of the grave sins in the Christian faith. This is one of the traps of the devil, contributing to his mastery of the human soul. Other religions interpret these negative emotions similarly. In any of the religions, anger is a poison that poisons both the soul and consciousness of a person, changing his nature and moving him away from God. Of course, anger is not alone. He is accompanied by anger, irritability, rejection of other people's beliefs or lifestyle.

Prayer from anger and anger can save a person from such feelings. To recall this way of dealing with one's own or someone else's aggression is often advised not only by clergymen, but also by psychologists.

Why are people angry?

Reasons for anger, at first glance, in the modern world abound. Everyone knows the days that do not go well from the early morning. Someone steps on his foot, tea spills, the boss shouts, and so on. When there are many such small annoying failures, a person emotionally explodes. Such anger can be directed at any person who happened to be nearby, family members, and even at oneself.

Another variant of the emergence of this emotion is associated with constantly experienced, accumulating negative emotions. Notorious stress, excessive expectations for a person, disappointments, resentment, envy - these are the reasons for getting angry. The anger that arises in this way rarely has the character of a sudden outburst. It grows in the soul for a long time and manifests itself with care. This type of anger can become the true cause of crime - from stealing the results of other people's work to murder, or turn against the person himself, for example, leading him to alcoholism.

The Church, on the other hand, considers the weakness of the soul to be the cause of anger. Indeed, one person succumbs to the experienced negativity, allows anger to poison his consciousness, while the other does not seem to notice irritating factors. It is worth thinking about why some people are susceptible to negativity and anger is born in their souls, while others remain emotionally unapproachable and do not experience anger. You need to think before deciding what will help to cope with the negative - sessions with a psychotherapist or a prayer from anger and anger.

To whom and how to pray?

To whom, in an hour of need, without hesitation, do all people turn? Of course, to the Lord himself. Often, when asking for help, many do not even suspect that the phrase said in the heat of feelings is a prayer from anger and anger.

You can ask the Lord for deliverance from harmful passions both with the help of ready-made texts and with your own in my own words. There are no other restrictions. You can pray both in the temple and in any other place. It does not matter the time at which the sufferer asks for help.

The main thing that distinguishes prayer from irritability, anger, anger from other requests is its essence. One should ask God not only for getting rid of these emotions, but also for giving others - mercy, purity in the soul, gratitude. Gratitude to the Lord for every day lived, food and shelter, loved ones and occupation in life is the opposite of anger and malice. Prayer from anger and anger, in fact, is built not only on faith in the power of the Lord and hope in him, but also on gratitude.

Prayer Examples

The simplest and most famous prayer is the phrase "Lord, forgive, save and have mercy!". In various interpretations, it is present in folk customs everywhere, wherever they believe in Christ, regardless of denomination. For those who find it more convenient to come to the temple and turn to the Lord in front of his image with a longer and more detailed text, other prayer options will come in handy.

“The Lord is all-powerful and all-merciful! I beg you to deliver my soul from weakness, from being led into temptation by the devil. I pray to save me, a sinner, from envy and anger, anger and rage, unworthy of a believer. I pray to grant me clarity of mind, purity of spiritual impulses, steadfastness against sin. I beg you to grant me meekness and humility, kindness and attention, I ask you to fill my heart with gratitude, and thoughts with piety, amen.

A prayer from one’s anger and anger can also sound like this:

“Lord Jesus, redeemer of human sins! I pray you for salvation for my soul. Lord, have mercy on me, (name), for I am a sinner before people and you. Forgive me cursed malice and fierce anger, deliver my soul from destructive passions. Do not leave to perish without the kingdom of your father. Help me cleanse myself of filth and find a charitable path. Help resist hateful sins. Grant, Lord, firmness to my soul and deliver me from the machinations of the evil one, amen.

We need to control, because what we have Bad mood others are not to blame, so you don’t need to throw out your irritation on them. In addition, a person screaming, screeching, splashing saliva with anger is an extremely unpleasant sight. We all understand this very well, but in reality, unfortunately, not all of us are able to cope with anger. In a situation where there is a chance of breaking loose and talking too much in a fever, of course, you can take the advice and try to count to 10-20-30 ... 100, and only then, having cooled down a bit, enter into a dialogue. But the best way to quickly come to your senses and calm the raging emotions is a Christian prayer from anger and anger.

Strong prayer to the Guardian Angel from the wrath of the boss

Many people are familiar with the situation when they like the work they do, they are satisfied with their relationships with colleagues, there is a prospect career development but that's absurd makes staying in the workplace unbearable. Such a leader is usually dissatisfied with everything - he does not like appearance employees are not satisfied with the quality of work, even if everything is done “excellently”, he will always find something to complain about. A quick-tempered character prevents such a person from calmly explaining what exactly does not suit him in your work, just a little, and he starts screaming. It is possible that someone can easily survive the anger of the boss and quickly forget about the incident, but many cannot recover for a long time after this. Such people simply need to read an Orthodox prayer every day out of anger, then the irritation of the authorities will bypass them.

Orthodox prayer to the prophet David, protecting from anger and irritation

For family relations It is very important to be able to control your anger. It is very easy to hurt loved ones with a careless word. The bitterness from the insult inflicted by the dearest person does not go away for a long time. It must also be remembered that our children are unwitting witnesses to all family scandals. Our anger can greatly frighten them, so at the slightest sign of growing irritation, you need to read a prayer that protects from anger.

A strong prayer to your Guardian Angel from the wrath of the authorities

By the will of the Lord, you were sent down to me, Guardian Angel, my protector and guardian. And therefore, I appeal to you at a difficult moment in my prayer, so that you protect me from great misfortune. Those clothed oppress me earthly power and I have no other protection than the power of heaven, which stands over all of us and governs our world. Holy Angel, protect me from oppression and insults from those who have risen above me, protect me from their injustice, for I suffer innocently for this reason. I forgive, as God taught, to these people their sins are before me, for the Lord has exalted those who have exalted themselves above me and thus tests me. For all that is the will of God, from everything that is beyond the will of God, save me, my Guardian Angel. This is what I ask you in my prayer. Amen.

love killer

An expert on family and marriage issues once called anger the killer of love. He spoke this way in relation to family life, but this expression can be applied to human relationships in general. Irritability, anger not only cause conflicts, but also kill those feelings of love, friendship, sympathy, respect that we have for people. In a moment of anger, our attitude towards a person changes; his features, peculiarities, endearing habits, which perhaps aroused our admiration, now appear in a distorted, ugly, caricatured form. From love to hate, as they say, one step.

If a person sees himself in a mirror in a fit of anger, rage, he will simply be horrified and will not recognize himself, his appearance has changed so much. But anger darkens not only and not so much the face as the soul. An angry person becomes possessed by a demon of anger. Most murders do not occur for the purpose of robbery, not to remove witnesses or competitors, but simply in the heat of a quarrel or fight. Of course, as a rule, the matter here is not complete without alcohol. And now friends, buddies, and sometimes the closest people, relatives to each other, who until recently drank together, in a fit of drunken anger grab knives, heavy objects - and the irreparable happens. In the mean police reports, this is called "domestic murder." And such murders, I repeat, are the vast majority.

Murder is, of course, the ultimate expression of anger. But even if it does not come to physical violence, any manifestation of anger kills our soul from the inside and destroys our relationships with others. How many marriages have broken up due to constant quarrels and disputes between spouses, how many relatives and former friends have not communicated for years, having once quarreled over some trifles!

Reasons for anger

Consider the main causes of irritability and anger.

Saint Theophan, the Recluse Vyshensky, writes: “Anger and resentment come from self-price (that is, self-love. - holy P.G.), according to which we recognize and feel ourselves O there are many; therefore, when someone dares not to pay us their due, we rage and plot revenge. Self-conceit, self-love, inflated self-esteem - this is a common cause of resentment and anger. It's easy to be calm and condescending when everyone praises you, but just touch your finger, you can immediately see what we are worth. Hot temper, irascibility can, of course, be the result of an overly temperamental character, but still character cannot serve as an excuse for anger. An irritable, ardent person must know this trait of his and fight it, learn to restrain himself. The greater will be his crown for his work. It is easier for a calm, phlegmatic person to deal with irritation and anger. There are people who have an imperious, dominant character, they want everything to be according to their desire, they do not tolerate objections. It is also very difficult for such people to overcome outbursts of irritability and restrain outbursts of anger. St. Theophan advises such people: “I see that the reason… is that you don’t want to sacrifice anything from the established accuracy… this is your sore. Drive her away, useless, and it will be quieter. Show this self-sacrifice: for here is the whole egoism with both hands and feet.

The holy fathers name another reason for anger - envy. This sin is very often associated with the love of money, and it is not for nothing that this passion stands before the passion of anger. They usually envy those who are richer, more successful, who have been given more. Even very rich people have constant competition, rivalry, "who has more zeros in the bank account." Envy leads to hatred, even pushes to kill. “He who is stung by envy and rivalry,” says St. Ephraim the Syrian, “is pathetic, because he is an accomplice of the devil, whose envy “death is entered into the world” (Wisdom 2:24). His heart is always exhausted with sadness, his body is consumed by pallor, and his strength is exhausted. Envy and rivalry are a terrible poison: slander, hatred and murder are born from them.

Types of anger

Anger can have different manifestations. This is irritability, irascibility, passionate disputes. This is vindictiveness, hatred, a thirst for revenge, unforgiveness of insults.

Love for word disputes, disputes can also become a source of anger, lead to conflicts, quarrels. The danger is great, because a dispute is most often not a clarification of the truth, but a kind of verbal duel, a duel that comes from the desire to amuse pride, to assert oneself. In a dispute, there is almost always resentment of the loser. In the heat of an argument, it is very easy to cross the line and fall into irritation and anger. When the arguments run out, shouting and even mutual insults often come into play. Therefore, disputes should be avoided at all costs.

We will talk about irritability and temper a little later, but now I would like to dwell a little on vindictiveness and resentment. Generally speaking, rancor (as this sin is called in Church Slavonic) is a terrible feeling. It, like acid, corrodes the soul of the touchy and destroys it from the inside. Anger, resentment is a double-edged weapon, and it is directed, first of all, not at our offenders, but at ourselves. To be offended is a verb with a reflexive particle; "-sya" - in Slavonic myself, that is, we offend not someone, but ourselves. The hated and offended do not know, perhaps that we are angry with them, do not suspect how we suffer and worry. They sleep peacefully and do not think about anything, and the offended hatch plans for revenge, do not sleep at night, fall into despondency, longing, lose their appetite and peace, thinking only about their offense. A touchy person terribly punishes himself, sometimes bringing him to complete exhaustion. The state of anger is a very severe stress. Therefore, the ability to forgive enemies and offenders is of great benefit not only to spiritual, but also to mental and physical health.

How to learn to forgive? First: to understand that we need it, first of all, by ourselves. We ourselves will benefit greatly if we learn not to be offended by people. Second: we need to understand that the person who offended us did not know what he was doing. After all, even the most inveterate villain has his justification version. When our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, the Jews really thought that they were doing a godly deed: they did not see in Him the Son of God. Another thing is that their soul and mind were blinded by sin and the passion of anger and envy, but they did not understand what they were doing. And so Christ prayed from the cross: "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34). And this is also “not known” by all criminals and offenders. For if they knew that they were committing a sin, a crime for which they would surely answer to God, they would not do it. They either do not understand what sin is, or do not realize the full measure of responsibility for it. Therefore, these are people worthy of pity, people who are unhappy, erring and spiritually sick, and one cannot be offended by the sick.

All our grievances, I remind you, are the product of pride. And there are very few truly serious ones among them. Malicious, conscious offenders, in principle, are few. Basically, people offend each other either by accident or from a lack of intelligence and tact, again not thinking at all to offend anyone.

Since touchiness is a product of self-love, you need to cultivate humility in yourself. Be less offended and pay more attention to yourself, asking: “What is my fault here? What did I do wrong that caused a conflict? Maybe the unflattering epithets that I was awarded are really not far from the truth? After all, some people never quarrel or conflict with anyone at all, while others get annoyed, argue and take offense at every step.

Another good way: try to take the place of the offender, enter into his position and justify him. Act not as an accuser, but as a lawyer. Then it will be easier to forgive. For example, a saleswoman in a store offended us with something. We gave her banknotes not unfolded, but folded or crumpled, and she said something very sharply and irritably to us. But imagine that once a day we were too lazy to open them, and she stands at the counter all day from morning to evening, straightens crumpled money, releases goods, gives change, and even bears a very large financial responsibility. Or maybe she has problems at home, her children are sick, her husband left, etc. So it will become immediately clear to us why she does not smile sweetly at us, but, on the contrary, is angry. And by justifying a person, we will learn not to condemn him, but to pity, to understand.

Anger and prayer are two things that don't go together.

Holy Scripture categorically forbids praying in a state of anger, intransigence with others. “So if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go, first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Matt. 5:23–24). And again: “If you forgive people their sins, then your Heavenly Father will forgive you; but if you do not forgive people their trespasses, neither will your Heavenly Father forgive you your trespasses” (Matthew 6:14-15).

The prayer of an unreconciled, vindictive person is hypocrisy. How can we read the Lord's Prayer "Our Father", which contains the words: "And forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors," and at the same time have an unforgiven offense in our hearts. The Lord does not accept insincere, hypocritical prayer. It is absolutely unthinkable to proceed to the sacrament of communion without forgiving the offenders wholeheartedly. If we dare to partake of Communion in such a state, then we accept the holy mysteries for judgment and condemnation, like Judas the traitor. Therefore, all means and ways to reconciliation must be used. As the apostle Paul says, “if it is possible for you, be at peace with all people” (Rom. 12:18). And if it is impossible, if a person does not want to go to reconciliation? In this case, you need to at least reconcile with him in your soul and forgive him all offenses from the bottom of your heart. And, of course, pray for him.

Intransigence, enmity diverts the grace of God from us. Here is an example cited by St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) in his Fatherland: “Two brothers were at enmity with each other. During the persecution of Christians, they were seized and, having subjected them to many torments, they were put in prison. One of them said to the other: “Brother! We must be reconciled and not be angry with one another, because tomorrow we must die and stand before the Lord.” But he refused to reconcile. The next day they were taken out of prison to cut off their heads. The brother who wished to be reconciled had his head cut off before, and he departed in faith to the Lord. The other, who did not want to be reconciled, denied Christ. The tormentor asked: “Why didn’t you reject yesterday, before the torture, in order to avoid wounds, but rejected only today?” He answered: “I transgressed the commandment of my Lord: I was not reconciled with my brother. For this God left me and withdrew His help from me. Deprived of it, I renounced Christ.”

Anger, hatred takes away from a person the restraining grace of God, deprives him of reason. Possessed by a demon of anger, he is able to raise his hand even to the people closest to him. We have already said that most murders are due to anger. And the very first murder on earth was also committed for this reason. Why did Cain commit fratricide? The reason is pride and envy of his brother. The Lord accepted Abel's sacrifice, but did not regard the gift of Cain, because he saw that he was not brought from a pure heart. Seeing the gloomy thoughts of Cain, the Lord warns him: “... sin lies at the door; he draws you to him, but you rule over him” (Genesis 4:7). Let us remember that every sin begins with the acceptance of the thought of it. Cain sowed the seeds of hatred for his brother in his heart, did not try to "dominate" anger and went as far as killing.

Let me give you another example showing the state to which a person who succumbed to anger can reach. The father of the Great Martyr Barbara Dioscorus was a pagan. Having become a widow, he concentrated all his spiritual affection and care on his only daughter. Raised her, hiding from prying eyes; prepared for marriage with a rich and noble person; hired pagan teachers for her education and upbringing. Dioscorus thought he loved his daughter. But Varvara secretly accepts Christianity. When his father found out about this, his anger knew no bounds, he drew his sword and chased after her. Barbara was saved then by a miracle. Having found his daughter, her father beat her, took her into custody, starved her for a long time, and then handed her over to the ruler of the city for terrible torture and torture. Dioscorus himself executed his daughter by cutting off her head with a sword. The wrath of God was not slow to punish Dioscorus and the ruler: they were both struck by lightning.

What happened to Dioscorus? Why did he, who until recently surrounded his only daughter with care and care, dealt with her so cruelly and mercilessly? The devil found his weak point - anger. Without conquering the passion of anger in himself, the wicked father was completely captured by it, he no longer controlled himself, turning into an obedient toy in the hands of Satan.

The passion of anger, like the prodigal one, is not in vain compared by the holy fathers with fire, flame, conflagration. “A spark will ignite a flame”: starting with a small flash, anger can engulf the soul in a matter of minutes and lead to irreparable consequences. How to prevent a fire, how to extinguish a hellish flame in yourself?

The Monk Abba Dorotheos gives the following analogy: “Whoever kindles a fire, he first takes a small piece of coal: this is the word of a brother who has inflicted an insult (that is, an external factor that caused anger and irritation. - holy P.G.). This is still only a small coal, for what is the word of your brother? If you endure it, then you extinguished the coal. If you think: “Why did he tell me this, and I will tell him this and that, and if he did not want to insult me, he would not say this, and I will certainly insult him,” so you put a splinter or something or something else, like one who kindles a fire.”

Irritation and anger must be dealt with right away, at the very beginning, while they are still like coals. Coal is easy to trample, extinguish. But if you not only do not extinguish it, but, on the contrary, inflate it, keep it burning, a fire is inevitable. Just as a thought, while it has not yet entered the heart, is easily driven away, but when it has nestled in the soul, it is more difficult to cope with it, so the initial anger, irritation must be overcome at the very approach. An internal response to some unpleasant event or action is a completely natural thing. For example, we were accidentally pushed on the street. The first reaction, of course, is indignation, but it must be immediately extinguished so that it does not turn into anger further.

St. Theophan advises: “Outbreaks overcome... Learn not to let them go, but as soon as they appear, suppress them. Flare up as if nothing, but here is all selfishness or a sinful person. Pray and collect thoughts yourself that would be water against this fire. Keep the memory of God and the memory of death. These two thoughts are the power of everything good and the expulsion of everything unkind ... There is nothing in the world, because of which one could seriously quarrel, except for the salvation of the soul.

In the fight against irritability and anger, the principle of weighing is very helpful. Its essence is that when we want to give free rein to our emotions, quarrel with our neighbors, get angry, we need to pause and weigh it on mental scales. On one of their cups is what we were annoyed for, what drove us crazy, and on the other what we lose as a result of a quarrel, conflict: this is peace of mind, our good, peaceful relations with our neighbors, their disposition, trust in us. Again, we need to remember how we usually feel after a quarrel, when we gave vent to anger, let off steam, said a lot of unnecessary things. Emptiness and darkness form in the soul, we are haunted by a sense of shame for incontinence, weak will. And when all this is weighed, usually the desire to quarrel somehow disappears. The most important thing here is to be able to pause in time and imagine what we are losing because of anger and irritation.

Reading the Gospel and the Psalter helps a lot to cope with irritation, gloomy, vindictive thoughts. And although in a moment of irritation it can be very difficult to force yourself to read, but then calmness comes. You can completely distract yourself from angry irritated thoughts with some work. To a person sitting idly, the demons of anger come especially often. By the way, this applies to all other passions. Laziness, idleness, idleness - a nutritious broth for the cultivation of almost all passions.

Helps to overcome anger and sense of humor. After all, resentment, angry thoughts are the product of pride, pride. Therefore, one must treat oneself with self-irony, and also not take any insults and taunts against us too seriously, to heart. Jokes, humor, used in moderation, were never denied by the holy fathers. Saint Theophan the Recluse in his letters different people often uses good jokes; Saint Ambrose Optinsky even composed special humorous rhymes, instructing those who came to him. Moderate gaiety, a sense of humor is a kind of safety valve, which is installed on a steam boiler or on gas-balloon equipment. It protects the boiler, the cylinder from excessive pressure, from an explosion. If you take some things too seriously, such as everyday troubles, you can just go crazy. Once, a hunter was passing by the cell of St. Anthony the Great and heard the reverend telling something to the brethren, and they all laughed together. Then he asked the elder: “How can the monks joke and laugh?” Then the abba asked the hunter to pull his bow harder. He complied with the request. Then the Monk Anthony said: "Even stronger." This man objected: “Then the bow will simply burst!” “That's how a person cannot be constantly in tension, he needs relaxation, rest,” said the reverend.

Annoyed, angry conversation, quarrels must, of course, be avoided. But what if there really are serious contradictions and problems between people, and they need to be somehow resolved, otherwise the relationship may come to a standstill? Of course, there are very serious problems that cannot be hushed up, pretending that nothing is happening. Sometimes a really serious conversation is needed. But just such a conversation should never be conducted in a moment of irritation and anger, otherwise nothing good will come of it. It is imperative to choose a time when passions subside and opponents calm down. In a state of irritation, emotions, a person is not able to accept the right decision. He is in a state of passion, confusion, he is not adequate. In the moment of anger, it is no longer I who speak, but my anger. The Monk Moses, Elder of Optina, seeing some fault in one of the monks entrusted to him, did not immediately reprimand him, but after a while, when both he and the offender were in a calm state of mind.

There was a law in the German army: complaints from military personnel against each other were not accepted immediately after the incident, but after a certain time had passed. It helped make the right decision.

V Holy Scripture it is said: "Let not the sun go down on your anger" (Eph. 4:26). St. John Cassian the Roman says that in the minds of those who are angry, the Sun of Truth, Christ, sets, for the mind is darkened by anger. Therefore, of course, no sober decision in a dispute in an indignant state of mind can not be taken.

But back to the topic of "serious conversation." Foreign psychologist writer Len Macmillan formulated the basic rules for a peaceful and constructive "showdown". He does this on the basis of the same quotation from the apostle Paul: “When angry, do not sin; the sun shall not set in your anger. And give no place to the devil” (Eph. 4:26-27). How to "be angry without sinning"? We must seriously take up the problem itself, and not get annoyed, attack the interlocutor. Indeed, for this, a serious conversation is being held, so as not to offend each other, but to come to some kind of decision. In a dispute, the most important thing is often forgotten - the subject of the dispute, people become personal. Focusing on the problem itself, "Let's not give place to the devil." In a conversation with loved ones, we, first of all, must let them know that we still love them, but we need to discuss and resolve certain issues. It is important not to cross the line and not to change your attitude towards your neighbor during the conversation, not to become angry with him. Our relationship should not suffer because of the discussion of the problem.

"The sun must not set in our anger." It is impossible to delay the solution of an important issue, because there is no point in solving the problem when both interlocutors are no longer in control of themselves. It is not necessary to allow anger to develop into hidden bitterness and resentment. Controversial issues must be resolved quickly: resentment can take root in the heart.

Discussing the current situation, you need to speak directly, sincerely, without slyness. If we hush up something, the question will soon arise again. Don't leave the issue unresolved.

Of course, these basic postulates of "serious conversation" I stated briefly and in my own words. Permit conflict situation you need to be guided not by your ambitions, but by the desire for peace and love, asking God for help, then there will be an effect.

Many people in a quarrel, in conflict, are afraid to take the first step towards reconciliation. It is clear that this is not easy, but there is no need to fear that we will be misunderstood. Most of the time this is taken very well. Our opponent, most likely, is also burdened by the current situation, but he is also afraid to be the first to meet halfway. Going to reconcile with your neighbor, in no case should you point out his mistakes (so we will quarrel even more), but humbly acknowledge your own and ask for forgiveness for them. The aforementioned Len Macmillan describes an example of such reconciliation: “We have just moved into our house. Opposite him, a large tree grew in the meadow, and now the time has come when the foliage crumbled. A special truck was driving around our city, removing garbage. Every Monday, she collected leaf litter, which the residents raked to the side of the sidewalk. One fine day, after finishing this work, I was relaxing in the living room. Looking out the window, I saw our neighbor coming out of his house kicking my pile of leaves back onto the lawn. Apparently, some leaves got into his territory.

I was overcome with anger when I saw what he was doing. As soon as he entered the house, I went out and again raked the leaves to the edge of the sidewalk. But as soon as I myself returned to the living room, he again came out and began to kick my heap back. I don’t remember how long this stupid competition went on, but I was really furious. However, it did not occur to me to talk to a neighbor and try to immediately resolve the conflict. For the next three months we looked at each other with hatred. As soon as he left the house, when I was in the backyard, I immediately went to my place. If I went out into the street, he left. The tension reached such intensity that it seemed that my neighbor and I were about to smoke. Finally, when I came to my senses, I told my wife that this could not go on any longer. I didn't have the courage to meet my neighbor face to face, so I came up with the following: I called him on the phone. “Hi, this is Len,” I said. Please don't hang up, I have something to tell you. I'm sorry I acted so stupid. I'm sorry that I hurt your feelings by placing this pile of leaves in front of your house. Sorry". Before I could finish, he said, “Len, I feel the same way. I kept wanting to muster up the courage to call you too. Thank you for doing this for me."

If I had followed God's rules, which He left for us in case of disagreement, I would have spared myself and my neighbor three months of useless worries. If I had tried to solve this problem at once (on the same day, before the sun went down), we would have slept peacefully that night, as well as all subsequent ones.

St. Ephraim the Syrian says this about such situations: “If there is a quarrel between brothers, then the first one who repents will receive a crown of victory, but the other will also be crowned if he does not reject repentance, but willingly does what is necessary for the world.”

They say that the first to ask for forgiveness is the one who is smarter. Generosity, humility, the ability to forgive - these are, of course, the properties inherent in strong natures. Scolding, shouting are the weapons of the weak, the weak-willed. But, having conquered anger, irritation, we will avoid the temptation to fall into pride, otherwise we can simply replace the passion of anger with the passion of pride. One monk was often ridiculed and outwardly calmly and patiently endured them. When the brethren asked him how he managed not to get irritated with the offenders, he told them: "Why should I pay attention to these dogs." It turns out that pride and contempt for people reigned in his soul.

In conclusion, I will talk about the most important thing - about how you should always start the fight with anger. And it must begin with a prayer for those with whom we are angry, who offend us and bring trouble. The Gospel gives us a direct instruction on how to deal with such people: "Pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you" (Matthew 5:44). Praying for the offenders, we are already struggling with anger, we stop seeing enemies in them, and we begin to realize that they need our prayerful help. It is also necessary to pray not only for those who offend us, but also in general for the resolution of any tense, non-peaceful situation. In such cases, they also ask for help from the apostle of love, John the Theologian. Prayers "For reconciliation in the enmity of beings" and "For those who hate and offend us" are in any complete prayer book.

(To be continued.)

If you want to, to God actually answered your prayer Please pay attention to the following details. These details have been noticed by people through constant practice and finding ways to get God's attention to themselves over the years! You can get acquainted with the results in people's lives in a special section or by coming to the service, where you will hear real stories the lives of those people who have already won what they prayed for.

Below is the text part of the church service:

Prayer It is a personal communion with God, a conversation with God. Conversation with God(prayer) is the foundation of a relationship with God. Sometimes when I pray, I don't want to hear it, but I hear people in the audience repeating after me. This shows that there is a lack of relationship with God. A man repeats the pastor's prayer, because he still does not know how to. We say: “Pray!”, but the person is silent.

We ask that did you close your eyes while praying in order to you concentrated! If a person prays with open eyes, he looks somewhere, he starts looking at the pastor, people, notices who enters or leaves, considers what color the pastor's tie is. And what's going on? Man is not prays He is cold and passive.

Easy to take prayer and read, but it's just someone else's repetition prayers. Prayer which is pleasing to God prayer that comes from within the person. How prayed David? — when, going through a difficult moment, I speak in my own words, pouring out everything that worries me, I concentrate and already imagine how God answers me and imagine what I will do.

Here I am writing to you prayer example which you can use when you start pray. Reading this prayer, concentrate and imagine that you yourself wrote it, and everything you read comes from you, from inside your heart. And be sure to develop this prayer, add your own words that you want to say to God. Pour out your heart! Remember, God wants sincerity from you, and He will help you, no matter how terrible a sinner you are. Most importantly, make the decision to fight to change, and the Lord God Jesus Christ will help you!

All people are sinners, but God wants us to sincerity!

Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me get rid of the spirit of irritability. I don't want to be an irritable person, I know it doesn't glorify You. For it is written: “Let all irritation, and rage, and anger, and outcry, and slander, with all malice, be put away from you” (Eph. 4:31). I often get annoyed that things don't work out as well as I thought they would.

I plan one thing, and instead, someone interferes with my plans, and as a result, I can't do anything. It happens that irritation appears when you tell a person one thing, but he does not listen and says his own. Lord, help me to properly respond to people's words. And even if they say something strange that does not correspond to my concepts.

If a person does not share my faith, help me to be calm about this. Lord, help me calmly endure failure and not worry about what didn’t work out. If someone is in a hurry and nervous, let them react calmly to the anger of others and not respond with rudeness. Lord, put a filter on my ears so I don't hear negative words.

Help, Lord, to treat those who are hostile to me with compassion, let me look with kind eyes at those who do not accept me. Don't let yourself get annoyed by any temporary inconvenience.

Help me to accept everything with humility and with the thought that You are in charge of everything, and all this is only for my good. For it is said: “Tell the righteous man what is good for him, for he will eat the fruits of his deeds” “” (Is.3:10). And if the devil wants to provoke irritation in me, in the name of Jesus, I bind him and forbid him to act.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I absolutely calm person and from today I will never be annoyed! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!

We are pleased to present you with audio recordings of prayers - now on the site


Human life is surrounded by stress and resentment. It is not uncommon for people to face injustice and aggression, which causes a response in the form of anger and malice. Without noticing it themselves, people begin to hate their enemies, causing them irreparable harm, but at the same time harming themselves, because they become hardened, sowing chaos and dark malice in their souls. As a result, people close to them begin to suffer. Some try to relieve this ailment by using alcoholic beverages, others use the advice of a neighbor, or a psychologist. But in spiritual culture there are more effective methods- these are Orthodox prayers from anger and irritation.

How to prepare and read a prayer

It is necessary to retire in a separate room so that no one distracts during prayer. Here is the procedure:

  1. It must be understood that prayer is communication with God and his helpers.
  2. Place one or more icons next to each other.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Close your eyes and focus if you know the prayer by heart. Or, just keep the text of the prayer in front of you, and trying to understand the meaning more accurately, read the prayer sincerely.
  5. Read this prayer several times.
  6. Be quiet, listen to yourself.
  7. If you feel anxious, read the prayer a few more times.

Prayer from anger and anger to Ephraim the Syrian

Anger in the Christian tradition is considered one of the main sins of man. The remedy for this mental illness is Orthodox prayer. Especially effectively helps in the fight against anger and irritation of the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian. Ephraim himself during his lifetime was a quick-tempered man, but hard spiritual work and with God help, found the gift of goodness and humility. And using the experience and gifts of this associate, one can be cured of the disease and find peace in the soul.

O saint of Christ, our father Ephraim! Bring our prayer to the merciful and all-powerful God and ask us, the servants of God (names), his goodness is all for the benefit of our souls and our bodies: faith is right, hope is unquestionable, love is not hypocritical, meekness and gentleness, courage in temptations, patience in misery , in piety progress. Let us not turn the gifts of the All-good God into evil. Do not forget, holy miracle worker, this holy temple (house) and our parish: save and keep them with your prayers from all evil. To her, holy of God, make us worthy of a good end and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, let us glorify the wondrous God in His saints, and all glory, honor and power are due to Him, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is not uncommon for people to face injustice and aggression, which causes a response in the form of anger and anger. Orthodox prayers allow you to fight these ailments, and for this, you need to turn to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints, asking for help and support. In everyday fuss, faced with manifestations of anger and anger, it is better not to pay the attacker with the same coin, but to say to yourself several times short prayer. If this is done often, then the power of prayer will increase, and the brewing clouds of conflict will quickly dissipate. But the main thing in this case is not to rely on laurels, but to continue prayer work.

Prayer for Anger

Prayer for Anger

Wonderworker Nikolai, pacify my anger and attack, do not let me fall into a sinful abyss. May your will be done. Amen.

Prayer appeal to the icon "Softening hearts"

Remembering what a terrible destructive force anger is, a believer should try to soften his heart. For this, in Orthodoxy there is an icon "Softener of Hearts" ("Seven-shot"). When reading a prayer, the heart of the praying one gradually thaws and warms up and acquires the ability to let in the rays of light and goodness. Of course, the feeling of anger is very persistent and does not immediately let go of the heart, but patient and persistent prayer work leads to good results. The bitterness recedes, the person softens and gradually opens up to spiritual truths.

Akathist to the Mother of God in honor of her miraculous icon "Softener of Hearts"

Oh, long-suffering Mother of God, who exalted all the daughters of the earth, in her purity and in the many sufferings you endured on earth, accept our painful sighs and save us under the cover of your mercy. We don’t have any other refuge and warm intercession for You, but as having boldness to the One born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we unstoppably reach the Kingdom of Heaven, even with all the saints we will sing in the Trinity to the one God now and forever and forever centuries. Amen.

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and quench the misfortunes of those who hate us and resolve all the narrowness of our soul.

At Thy holy image, looking at Thy suffering and mercy for us, we are touched and Thy wounds are kissed, but our arrows, which torment Thee, are horrified. Do not give us (names), Mother, merciful, in our hardness of heart and from the hardness of our neighbors, you will truly die evil hearts softening. Amen.

Prayer for irritability and anger (Abba Dorotheus)

The Monk Abba Dorotheos taught that one must learn not to show anger and irritability towards one's neighbor, putting one's humility above, so that the soul of the believer rises above strife and conflicts. In this case, a person put himself and the values ​​of life in harmony, above everyday conflicts and avoided head-on collisions, and his opponent, without meeting opposition, could not stay in a state of anger and irritability for a long time, and was forced to retreat. Turning to God in prayer, he was already clearing the atmosphere of his life and eradicating the very cause of the conflict.

Prayer text

Merciful and merciful God! By your indescribable goodness, creating us from nothing, for the enjoyment of Your blessings, and by the blood of Your Only Begotten Son, our Savior, who called us who deviated from Your commandments! Come now, help our infirmities, and as You once forbade the troubled sea, so now forbid the revolt of our hearts, so that You do not lose both of us, Your children, mortified by sin in one hour, and so that you do not say to us: “What is the use in of my blood, descend upon us always into destruction," and: "Amen, I say to you, we do not blow you," because our lamps went out for lack of oil. Amen.

Prayer for husband's aggression

When family conflict and aggression of her husband, it is very difficult for a woman to remember big prayer and therefore the prayer must be short. When reading a prayer, one must mentally overshadow the husband with the sign of the cross. The prayer must be repeated several times and then the demons retreat and the conflict subsides. But you can't stop there. It is necessary to pray every day so that advice and love will be fully restored in the family. According to reviews in in social networks, the women who used this prayer said that they managed not only to calm down the raging husband, but also the evil neighbors.

Prayer text

May God arise and scatter his enemies!

Prayer from anger in the soul

Keeping anger in the soul is dangerous both for the soul itself and for the body. Realizing that anger has settled in the soul, it is necessary to turn in prayer to heavenly helpers. As a result of this, the believer receives the support of the Heavenly Patrons, finds comfort and care. He gradually begins to understand that he is not alone, and in fact, he is surrounded by attention and a desire to help him, he just needs not to alienate those who are happy to come to his aid. It must be understood that peace in the soul is created by the efforts of two parties, the believer and the Forces of Heaven, and help comes as a result of his conversion.

Prayer text

Bind the union of love to Thy Apostle, Christ, and us, Thy faithful servants, to yourself firmly binding to do Thy commandments: love one another without hypocrisy; With a flame of love they kindled for me, a servant of God (...), the hearts of all, Christ God, before kindling their hearts, thoughts, souls and all human strength, they will love me sincerely, as if they preserve themselves and my commandments glorify me and you, all the good giver. Deliver, O Lord, the servant of God (...) from hatred, malice, non-peace and dislike. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayers for resentment and anger

Without noticing it, a person sometimes takes offense at his loved ones, thereby causing them suffering, and hating his enemies, he himself becomes the property of demons. Therefore, one must accustom oneself to spiritual work by turning to Jesus Christ or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Prayer is a spiritual work and its fruits do not arise from scratch. You must first sow the seeds of goodness in your soul, take care of them and protect them from ailments, patiently cultivating them. It is no coincidence that everyday prayer work is called a spiritual feat. It is even much more difficult than ordinary worldly labor, but the values ​​grown as a result of this are of great importance for all people. The fruits grown in the field of spiritual labor can become the property of other people, and therefore it is difficult to overestimate the efforts of the prayer book. No wonder they say: "Acquire a peaceful spirit within yourself and thousands around you will be saved." Therefore, one must accustom oneself to everyday, albeit short, but sincere prayer.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Deliver me from resentment towards my neighbor at the command of the Most High God. May it be so. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Wonderworker Nikolai, calm my exorbitant anger, clear the wrong path. May your will be done. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God

The prayer to the Theotokos from anger and irritation was included in the book "Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos" as the eleventh prayer. The history of the creation of the book "Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos" goes back to Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov). The Metropolitan said that the sole purpose of creating the book was for people to turn and pray to the Intercessor. Outstanding hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in the United States, a theologian, reported on the reasons that prompted him to write this book, and bitterly wrote in 1940 that “prayer disappears from life”, people have forgotten how to pray and do not turn to the Most Holy Theotokos at all. In his books, Benjamin tried in every possible way to convince and prove that prayer is the work and life of the soul and is the basis for its spiritual growth. He said that turning in prayer to the Mother of God, a person partakes of her holiness and in everyday prayer work transforms his soul, being cleansed of filth and disease.

Prayer text

Holy Mother of God! Hear my prayer and fulfill it; in you is the hope of all the ends of the earth, I trust.

Extinguish the flame of my body. Curb the storm of anger. To the end, destroy the vain exaltation of my vain youth. Weaken the crafty dreams of the heart, induced by evil spirits. Dry the incessantly finding stream of impure thoughts that tempt me.

Teach my language to speak only useful, my eyes behold the one beauty of the shrine. Open my ears, so that I can be saturated with the sweetest honey of the broadcasts of Holy Scripture and I can create with Your help. Cleanse my mouth, that I may be vouchsafed to call the Most High God my Father. Grant me the time of repentance and deliver me from sudden death. Cleanse and wash from all filth of the flesh and spirit. Give your servant a contrite heart, pacification of thoughts, chastity to the mind, sobriety of the soul, humility in thoughts, a right spirit, a prudent life, and also peace, which our Lord gave to His disciple. Save me in undisturbed silence; rejoice me with unspeakable and unceasing joy; as if I had repented, I walk the right path of the commandments of Your Son, and the rest of the field of my life I pass over already beyond the judgment of my conscience. Give me, now praying to You, a pure prayer; May I worthily glorify Thee, even to the very death, all the days of my saving feat. At the end, free me from the evil tortures of air publicans.

You, about the Lady Mother of God, the light of my darkened eyes, the consolation of my soul, my hope and salvation, I offer this prayer.

Until now, and still, I pray to Thee, my Guide Preglazhaya: vouchsafe me, who repented and contrite for sins, uncondemned, if I am unworthy in every way, partake of the Most Pure Blood and Body of Your Son and God, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body and as a pledge eternal life. In the future age of the sweetness of the Heavenly Supper, partake of the heavenly inexpressible graces of the Kingdom of God. But, having been honored with the acceptance of these blessings, I will glorify Thy Son and God with His Beginningless Father and the Life-Giving Spirit, for ever and ever, even now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer "Invoking the help of the Holy Spirit"

A person lives and makes mistakes, sometimes cursing himself and others for misdeeds, accumulating anger in his soul. Anger begins to eat him from the inside, looking for a way out and an object of revenge. This is a terrible period of the birth and development of a mental illness, and if it is not stopped, it can result in a serious illness or crime. When a person feels that anger has accumulated inside him, you need to admit this to yourself, and then direct this energy not to the one who causes anger in you, but to a good cause. The best remedy, in this case there will be an Orthodox prayer. Turning to the highest values ​​in everyday prayer, he thereby gradually purifies his thoughts and soul, transforming himself, not only internally, but also externally. Fierce malice no longer blackens in the eyes of a person, but the light of love of the heavenly world begins to appear. In this case, the prayer “Invoking the help of the Holy Spirit” helps well. She the best way suitable for a person with a mental illness and therefore short and easy to understand and remember, allowing you to read it many times, including when there is mental confusion.

Prayer text

Creator and Creator of all kinds, O God, the work of our hands, to Your glory begins, hastily correct Your blessing, and deliver us from all evil, as the only omnipotent and Humanitarian.

Prayer for hate

Hatred for a person is grave sin and evil, which burns from within both the hater himself and his enemy. And here, in fact, it is not so important who was right and who was not. There is no winner or loser in this fight because both will suffer. When both opposing sides receive the ripened fruits of evil and weigh them by measure and at the cost of loss and suffering, they will be horrified at what they have done. It is easier to punish or kill an enemy than to understand and forgive him. But the retribution for this will be inevitable. No wonder they say that best fight, this is the one that did not take place. Therefore, the Holy Scripture says that we must love not only our neighbor, but also the enemy, learn to forgive and be merciful. Therefore, it is necessary to turn in a prayer petition for help and support to the Lord Jesus Christ.