Pros and Cons of an Acrylic Bathtub: Which Acrylic Bathtub is Best? How to Choose an Acrylic Bathtub: Professional Tips Acrylic bathtub pros and cons.

  • 15.06.2019

Along with traditional cast iron and steel bathtubs, acrylic bathtubs make up a significant share of the market for these sanitary wares. The advantages and disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs have been repeatedly described, and yet there is no consensus on their account.

Some people think that acrylic bathtubs are the best option of all possible, others - what to install acrylic bath possible, only if no other is suitable.

Replacing an acrylic bath

The truth, as you know, lies somewhere in the middle. And yet, in order to ensure the most objective choice, in this article we will not dwell on the merits, but will analyze the shortcomings of acrylic bathtubs. Maybe not everything is as bad as skeptics say?

But first, what are they?

Acrylic bathtubs: general information

Acrylic bathtubs (as their name implies) are made from a special polymer substance - acrylic.

There are two technologies for the production of acrylic bathtubs, and accordingly, all acrylic bathtubs are divided into:

  • extruded
  • cast

The plasticity of acrylic allows you to make baths from it yourself. different shapes and size, which is why it is used to make designer bath models.

Acrylic bath

For durability, acrylic bathtubs are coated on the outside epoxy resins and installed on a special metal carcass .

The disadvantages and advantages of acrylic bathtubs are widely described on the Internet, and we will try to analyze all these facts as impartially as possible.

Acrylic bathtubs: a critical analysis

Disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

So, we have received the necessary minimum of information about what acrylic bathtubs are. It's time to analyze what, in fact, is bad for an acrylic bath: whether these are really disadvantages, or features that, under certain conditions, can be put up with.

cracks in acrylic

So, disadvantages:

  • Insufficient resistance to high temperatures. As a rule, acrylic, which is used to make bathtubs, has a melting point of up to 160 degrees Celsius.
    Naturally, an acrylic bath will not be subjected to such a temperature load - but there are precedents when filled hot water acrylic bathtubs are deformed.
    Of course, this applies to bathtubs from the economy segment, but if, for example, you have a steel bathtub, you can generally ignore such disadvantages, unlike the situation with an acrylic bathtub.
  • Another disadvantage of acrylic bathtubs is their mechanical fragility.. Firstly, under your weight, an acrylic bathtub can bend and “play”, which may well cause some discomfort.
    And secondly, when a sufficiently heavy object falls into an acrylic bath, a crack or hole may form in it. Again, you can fix it - but the situation itself is not pleasant.
  • The third disadvantage is the sensitivity of acrylic to household chemicals . If steel or almost any means (excluding very aggressive chemicals and abrasives), then for an acrylic bath you will have to purchase a special cleaning agent.
    And if you try to "walk" on an acrylic bathtub with more traditional cleaners, be prepared for scratches, haze, and discoloration of the acrylic.

  • The cost of acrylic bathtubs (given their limited service life) cannot be attributed to the advantages either..
    A bathtub made of quality acrylic is quite expensive, and its service life of 10-20 years makes it financial investment even less justified.


"By eye" to determine the quality and authenticity of acrylic is quite difficult. Therefore, there is a risk that the bathtub you bought will lose its luster and turn yellow after a few months of operation.

This means that either extremely low-quality acrylic or simple plastic was used in the manufacture of the bathtub.

Advantages of acrylic bathtubs

And yet, despite the impressive list of shortcomings, it is often the advantages of acrylic baths that outweigh:

  • Acrylic bathtubs retain heat well, and the water poured into such a bath stays warm much longer.
  • Acrylic bathtubs are not afraid of damage- the scourge of steel and cast iron baths.
  • Acrylic bathtubs (of course, if they are made of high-quality acrylic) are easy to clean.. In most cases, rinsing the tub is sufficient. warm water and wipe dry.
  • And finally - the design of acrylic bathtubs is much more diverse. than the design of bathtubs made of steel and cast iron.

Acrylic bath design

Which bath to choose: acrylic or cast iron? Comparing these two types, it should be noted that acrylic tightly holds the first position due to strength and elasticity, while cast iron is a less durable material and damage is possible during the impact. Paying attention to the properties, plasticity, lightness, a huge selection of shapes, durability and ease of removing scratches are inherent in an acrylic bath.

Cast iron bathtubs have screw feet that allow for height adjustment and excellent heat retention.

Putting it all together, we conclude that, based on the weight of the product, acrylic bathtubs are in the lead, while cast iron bathtubs can withstand maximum temperature conditions.

Thus, the conclusion suggests itself quite obvious: acrylic bathtubs, as well as bathtubs made of any other material, are not ideal. They have a number of shortcomings that will be insignificant for someone, but for someone they will become critical and will serve as a reason for refusing to buy.

In any case, when choosing plumbing, you should not fundamentally ignore acrylic bathtubs: the advantages and disadvantages of these bathtubs very often balance each other, and at least it is still worth evaluating one or another model!

A bathtub is one of the most expensive plumbing fixtures. People are willing to pay decent money, because it serves not only for swimming, but also for relaxation after a hard day. The whole question is what exactly you have to pay for: for a quality durable product or for a product that will create problems and quickly require replacement.

Typically, a bath is chosen according to the following criteria: material, size, design, brand. As for the materials, among the most popular are cast iron, steel, acrylic. However, there are glass, faience, marble and even wooden models. trend recent years- acrylic bathtubs. Opinions about them are very different. What are the pros and cons of an acrylic bath compared to other types?

Acrylic baths are made from polymethyl methacrylate. This is a special polymer composition, which in everyday life is called sanitary acrylic, since the material is widely used in the production of modern shower cabins and bathtubs. Products made of polymethyl methacrylate are durable and lightweight, which greatly facilitates their installation.

Acrylic keeps the temperature well, does not contribute to the growth of microorganisms. The plasticity of the material is successfully used by designers: you can find acrylic bathtubs of all shapes and sizes.

For the manufacture of acrylic sanitary products, two technologies are used - extrusion and casting. The first method is simpler and cheaper, so finished products sold at a more affordable price.

But the products do not differ in particular strength or high technical and operational characteristics, tk. a layer of 1 mm acrylic covers the bath only from the outside. They are made from acrylonitrile butadiene tyrol, which is a type of plastic.

Sometimes extruded models are called fake acrylic bathtubs. This name is not entirely correct, but it fully reflects the estimated attitude of consumers to the quality of the goods.

The too low cost of an acrylic bathtub is a reason to be wary. It is possible that the product is made of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Tirol and is not of high quality.

Cast bathtubs are made of acrylic, reinforced with fiberglass and polyester resins, and the bottom is reinforced with special embedded chipboard sheets. Products are installed on metal frames with anti-corrosion coating. Certificates of conformity are attached to the products, and the seller is obliged to provide them to the buyer.

A high-quality acrylic bathtub made by casting can last about 20 years. Cast products are installed for permanent use, and extruded products can be purchased for summer cottages, where they are used occasionally.

One of the features of an acrylic bath is "capriciousness" in relation to care. To keep it in good condition for many years, you should strictly adhere to the rules for caring for the bathroom. The product should be cleaned only with special non-abrasive household chemicals.

Cleaning products can be purchased at any store. The label must be marked that the composition can be used to care for acrylic plumbing fixtures. If cracks, chips or other defects appear, the surface is repaired with liquid acrylic. It is better to entrust this procedure to specialists.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic plumbing

Like any other product, acrylic bathtubs have their own pros and cons. Among the benefits, the most valuable are:

  • Light weight. Acrylic bath standard sizes weighs an average of 30 kg. It can be transported, lifted, carried, installed even alone.
  • Easy installation. Bathtubs made of other materials are usually placed on legs. A special adjustable frame is provided for mounting the acrylic product. It comes with a kit, no parts needed.
  • Wide range of models. Among all the materials that are used to make bathtubs, acrylic is the most plastic. It can be given any, even the most intricate, shape. This property is successfully used by designers who create stylish models. For connoisseurs of a unique and aesthetic interior, this is a real find.
  • Easy maintenance and repair. To wash the bath, you can use dish detergents, liquid soap, but it’s better to buy special formulations. If there is a slight scratch, it is cleaned with sandpaper. Large cracks require restoration of the coating with liquid acrylic, and this work is performed by specialized companies.
  • The ability to keep the temperature. For lovers of relaxing treatments, this quality is priceless. The water cools slowly, and the surface itself is not as cold as in metal bathtubs.
  • Anti-slip coating. The surface of acrylic bathtubs is smooth, but non-slip, so the risk of injury is significantly reduced.
  • Hygiene. Acrylic does not rot, is not attacked by a fungus, does not promote the growth of bacteria.
  • Additional accessories. If desired, the owner of an acrylic bath can purchase nozzles and massage devices that will make water procedures even nicer.

The main disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs include low static strength, insufficient scratch resistance of the coating and high cost. As for the price of products, it is quite justified, because high-quality acrylic bathtubs are made using complex technologies.

However, when choosing, you should weigh and compare: perhaps a cheaper cast-iron analogue will do.

Due to the plasticity of the material, you can create unique designer models bathtubs of complex shapes, any size

Static strength is provided by a metal frame; without it, a bath filled to the brim changes shape. Special bath mats will help protect the product from scratches. They are used for washing pets and the like.

When bathing, you have to be careful: the material is easy to spoil with a sharp, hard or heavy object.

Oval-shaped plumbing fixtures are not always easy to install if the size of the bathroom is small, but in a spacious room they look incomparable

What are acrylic models?

If metal baths have predominantly simple shapes, then acrylic allows you to create unusual models of bathtubs of any size, incl. and non-standard. This expands the possibilities for decorating bathrooms.

Each owner can find the most convenient form that will fit into the style of the interior and will fully meet the needs of the family living in the house. Another plus is the ability to combine acrylic with various materials. This is an additional "bonus" when creating original products. Let's see what acrylic bathtubs come in shape.

Option #1 - Rectangular

These are universal models that can be installed in rooms of any size, except for very cramped ones. They look nice, are comfortable, but most often they do not differ in originality and sometimes seem too bulky.

Baths rectangular shape in small room may seem too voluminous, but in spacious rooms they look great

Option #2 - oval

The smooth curves of the oval bath are suitable for any interior and blend well with other shapes. However, many are simply tired of rectangles and ovals, which were very popular in Soviet times.

In a spacious room decorated in classical style, the oval bath complements the smooth shapes of the rest of the objects

Option #3 - Asymmetrical

The interior of the bathroom with an asymmetric model is completely transformed. The room looks ultra-modern and stylish. Asymmetric products are made right and left. Depending on the shape, they can be installed in a corner.

The only caveat: when buying, you need to purchase a special panel for finishing, since tiling can be difficult.

Asymmetry is always advantageous in the interior. Fancy bath from combined materials attracts increased attention and therefore require special care

Option #4 - corner

In popularity, they compete with asymmetric ones. Corner models are installed in order to individualize the interiors, visually ennoble and at the same time arrange the plumbing as compactly as possible.

These bathtubs are very easy to use, but when washing, there is a slight difficulty: due to the large width of the product, you have to climb inside it to reach all surfaces.

Corner models are not only beautiful, original, but also very convenient due to the fact that they fill the space in the corners.

Option #5 - round

These baths are usually large diameter and are suitable only for large rooms. In a modest room, they will occupy the entire area. Washing round models is just as inconvenient as corner ones.

Acrylic round hot tubs are a real luxury. If you install such a model in the middle of the room, this will solve the problem of the inconvenience of caring for a sensitive surface.

Compare materials and draw conclusions

To understand which acrylic bathtub will be better for specific operating conditions, it is necessary to compare their advantages and disadvantages. The most common materials are steel and cast iron, which were often used to make bathtubs in the recent Soviet past.

Many are simply tired of them, and this is one of the reasons for the growing popularity of acrylic models. Owners of apartments and houses are looking for diversity. But how justified is the replacement of cast iron or steel with acrylic?

Cast iron is durable, with proper care for decades does not lose appearance, extremely durable. The disadvantages of cast iron are a large mass (up to 120 kg), the lack of a variety of models. It is impossible to make an exquisite product of complex shape from this material. Acrylic is significantly inferior to cast iron in strength, durability, resistance to mechanical stress.

But it is many times lighter, easier to install, and varied design strikes the imagination. Water in an acrylic bath cools twice as slowly. If you compare the cost, then buying a cast-iron bath will cost about 20% cheaper.

Steel is inferior to cast iron and acrylic in almost all respects. The material does not hold temperature well, the water in such a bath cools quickly, and the noise that occurs when a jet of water hits can be heard throughout the apartment.

The ductility of steel is higher than that of cast iron, but lower than that of acrylic. It can be used to create models various design, and yet there is no such diverse assortment offered by manufacturers of acrylic bathtubs.

When buying a steel model, you need to remember about its instability. It is better to mount the product on the frame, because. it can wobble on its feet. The advantage of acrylic bathtubs in this case is completeness. Models are immediately delivered with frames. The advantage of steel is that it is cheap.

It is worth mentioning the existence of quartz baths. They are made from a material that is a mixture of acrylic and quartz. These bathtubs, like acrylic ones, can be of any shape and size, they look very attractive. The advantage of quartz over acrylic is less susceptibility to cracking. Otherwise, the materials are very similar.

However, the prices for quartz products stop many buyers.

Acrylic-steel models are made using sophisticated technology. Bathtubs consist of several layers - sheets of steel and acrylic, between which a special fastening layer 1 cm thick is placed.

These products are light, keep their shape perfectly, have clear contours, and are easier to tile. But they cost significantly more than conventional acrylic models and not every buyer can afford.

For the manufacture of baths, more exotic materials are also used - faience, wood, marble, glass. Exquisite designer faience and glass bathtubs are extremely expensive and impractical, but incredibly beautiful and look status. Wooden models perform an aesthetic function more than a practical one, and only a very wealthy person can afford marble.

Models made from these materials may look more presentable than those made from acrylic, but the price is too high.

A beautiful branded bathtub with additional nozzles can be of any size. Some manufacturers offer bathtubs designed for two

Compare the pros and cons of different bathtubs, decide which product is right for you. If you opt for an acrylic model, it makes sense to find out which brands are in demand among our compatriots. Ravak (Czech Republic) is considered the best brand. The advantage of Czech baths is the wall thickness of 5-6 mm. These models can withstand heavy loads without problems.

Usually, stepping on the bottom of the bath, a person feels some "fragility". Products from Ravak are pleasantly different from analogues of other companies. The walls of the baths are stronger, but this does not affect the plasticity of the material and the variety of shapes.

Also check out the products trademarksСersanit (Poland), Kolo (Poland), Pool Spa (Spain). When choosing a particular model, try to collect as much information about it as possible, read consumer reviews.

Every morning starts from the bathroom modern man. Our mood for the whole day largely depends on how we spend it. This means that comfort and a pleasant atmosphere at the beginning of the day are very important for any of us. How to create such conditions in the bathroom? Of course, with the help of the design of the room, tastefully selected furniture, as well as beautiful and high-quality sanitary ware.

The bathtub is rightly called the "heart" of the bathroom. This is an important attribute of any home and the very first thing that catches our eye when we enter the bathroom. During renovation it is very important to choose high quality product according to the tastes and interests of your family. Before choosing, you need to weigh the pros and cons, as changing something in the interior of the bathroom will be an extremely long and costly affair.

Today, bathtubs made of cast iron and acrylic occupy a leading position in sales. Both options are different quality and convenience, however, there are differences between them. Understanding what is right for you will help familiarity with the advantages and disadvantages of each product, as well as comparing their main characteristics.

Pros and cons of cast iron bathtubs

Probably, it is not necessary to explain to our compatriots for a long time what cast iron bath. Anyone who has lived in apartment building in Soviet times. A heavy, firmly installed product was located in every apartment and served its purpose for decades. Available for sale today many light, compact bathtubs various shapes from other materials. Why are modern buyers still leaning towards cast iron? The answer to this question is very simple: for most people, the main adviser in choosing is their own experience.

  • Despite some shortcomings, cast-iron baths faithfully served every city family. over two or even three generations. Thus, the main advantage of cast-iron bathtubs known to all is their durability.
  • The next very important advantage is strength. Over the years of operation, the bathtub has been repeatedly hit and dropped by various objects, however, this does not affect its appearance and the integrity of the coating. The only thing that can damage the enamel by splitting it is a blow with a heavy metal object. The top layer of old products that have served for a long time is sometimes covered cracks, but modern technologies allow you to quickly get rid of them. Therefore, many owners today simply restore the old cast iron bath and have been using it for many years.
  • Cast iron as a material has low thermal conductivity, which makes a bathtub made from it capable of holding the heat of water for a long time. This allows you to save hot water and comfortably carry out all the necessary procedures.
  • Cast iron baths are good noise reduction. If, for example, water is drawn into a booming steel bath, it will be heard in every room. Cast iron perfectly absorbs all sounds and splashes.
  • Cast iron bath easy to keep clean. It is not exposed to the abrasive effects of cleaning products and does not suffer from temperature changes. Too hot water will not harm it, and the gloss of the coating does not fade.

The main disadvantage of cast iron baths is their weight. On average, it is 120 kg. This creates difficulties during transportation and installation, but is considered a positive quality in operation. Heavy weight makes a bath more sustainable, it will not swing, which will allow you to put the tile close to the product.

Another disadvantage of such baths is slippery coating. For the safety of taking bath procedures, the use of a special rubber mat is required.

Most often you can find rectangular bathtubs, which differ mainly in their size. Sometimes the buyer prefers to purchase corner cast-iron bathtubs. It is difficult to give a cast iron product elegant forms, so the variety is not so great.

Advantages and disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

Acrylic bathtubs appeared on sale not so long ago, but have already gained great popularity. Acrylic is a type of plastic. The material is very flexible, therefore, in the manufacture of the bath, it is reinforced (strengthened). Because how strengthened the bath will depend on it quality and price. Like any product, an acrylic bathtub has its advantages and disadvantages.

Among the main advantages of acrylic baths are:

  • light weight, which reaches an average of 30 kg. This simplifies the delivery of the product and lifting to the floor. One person can do the job.
  • Variety of forms. Acrylic is a very flexible material. To make a bath, it is heated and the product is blown using a vacuum. This is a great advantage for those who love individuality in the interior. Depending on the characteristics of the bathroom and your taste, you can order a product of the required shape, height and width.
  • Acrylic bath care is easy. The contaminated surface is wiped with a sponge moistened with dishwashing detergent or liquid soap. If there is a scratch on the bath, it can be removed with sandpaper. Read more - how to wash an acrylic bath.
  • The bathtub is easy to install. This process is similar to installing other types of baths, but instead of traditional steel legs, the product is placed on an adjustable frame.
  • Acrylic retains heat remarkably, which is appreciated by lovers of bath procedures.
  • Non-slip bath surface will not allow you to fall even without the use of special rugs.

Disadvantages of acrylic bathtubs

  • The main disadvantage of an acrylic bathtub is the ability to spoil the appearance of the product. sharp metal object. A fallen, unextinguished cigarette will easily melt its surface, and the animal will easily scratch the top layer with its claws. In the case when you need to wash your pet, you must use a rubber mat.
  • Over time bath deformed, and its edges may shift. This will entail additional repairs in a few years.

Many people think that an acrylic bathtub is very “flimsy”. She flexes, creating a feeling of insecurity. But, over time, they get used to it and stop noticing it. After all, in fact, such a product can withstand up to 600 kg.

Comparison of the main characteristics

More specifically, the difference between the two bath options is shown in the following table:

Acrylic bath
Average weight 120 kg 30 kg
Strength Very high Depends on the degree of reinforcement. The most durable are based on a metal mesh and can withstand an impact greater than a cast-iron bath.
Appearance Shiny and smooth finish. Does not paint over when in contact with dyes. If the coating is deformed, restoration is possible. Differs in variety of flowers which are put in production. Upon contact with the coloring matter, it may permanently acquire an undesirable shade.
Price The price for the classic version of a rectangular bath 150x70 cm is 7-9 tr. About 8-10 tons there is a rectangular bath 150X70 cm. A product with additional reinforcement is more expensive. Also, the price may vary depending on the design.
Heat resistance Water cools down by an average of one degree in 8-10 minutes. Water cools down by one degree in 25-30 minutes.
Care Dislikes the use of caustic detergents. They can lead to tarnishing and yellowing of the coating. Does not tolerate cleaning with solvents. It is better to use liquid detergents.
Bath shape It is difficult to pour products of bizarre shapes from cast iron, so when choosing, you will not find a wide variety. Basically - bathtubs of rectangular shapes. The properties of the material allow the creation of bathtubs of all shapes and sizes. Moreover, some companies offer to pour a bath if for some reason the chosen option is not suitable.
Durability With proper care, both options will last a long time.

And yet, cast iron or acrylic?

It is believed that a cast-iron bath is the best option. for home, cottage or cottage. It does not need to be raised to the floor, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba private house usually allows you to install large-sized products.

Acrylic bathtub is perfect for small apartment. The rise to the floor will not cause difficulties even in the absence of an elevator, and the shape and size can be chosen according to the area and features of the bathroom.

Thus, both cast iron and acrylic baths have a number of advantages and disadvantages. The practicality of a cast-iron bath or the elegance of an acrylic one - choice of each buyer. The main thing is that the “heart” of your bathroom should last for many years and please everyone with its beauty, elegance and high quality.

If you decide to purchase an acrylic bathtub, then you need to know about its advantages and disadvantages. Almost all of these products are made from Dutch and Austrian acrylic. This raw material has antibacterial properties. General characteristics for all types of acrylic are resistant to UV and chemicals.

Acrylic bath: pros and cons in terms of care

These devices can be easily washed, their appearance does not change very much. long time, that is, a gloss that is pleasant to the eye remains for a long time. The only thing that can spoil the appearance of acrylic bathtubs is mechanical damage as deep scratches. However, we can easily eliminate such a drawback, since in places where such bathtubs are purchased, you can easily buy special kits of the appropriate color for repairing and caring for them.

Acrylic bath: pros and cons of using

A very important advantage is high level temperature preservation. In half an hour, water in an acrylic bath loses only a degree in temperature. It is this property that makes such baths so popular for use in treatment rooms of hospitals and sanatoriums. In home use, they also proved to be very good.

Acrylic bath: pros and cons when choosing

It is worth choosing such a device very carefully. A significant factor is the outer rim. It is necessary to evaluate its thickness and the number of layers from which the bath is made. by the most top layer acrylic itself serves. Its thickness should be 4-5 millimeters. If you decide whether an acrylic or cast-iron bath is better, then you should understand that the first should consist of three layers: acrylic, fiberglass frame and special resins. The cast iron bathtub is a cast product that is of high quality and strength, but very heavy. Buy new bath stands exclusively in specialized plumbing stores that have all the required documents for products, as well as having the right to print. If the store specializes only in an acrylic bath, the pros and cons of which we consider, then it is guaranteed to offer quality products. In addition, there are always new models in stock.

At the moment, the best purchase option is to buy domestic products. For example, the company "Triton" gives its customers a guarantee for bathtubs up to ten years, and for fittings and hydromassage devices - up to a year.

If you decide to purchase such a bath, then you should know that it can be of any shape and size. The most common option is a square and a rectangle, and can also be asymmetric and less often on the market you can find products of fantasy shapes. However, if necessary, the manufacturer can order a bath of any shape. Of course, the cost of such a product will be slightly higher, but it will fully meet the requirements of the owner.

At the moment, this choice is optimal for completing the bathroom. Only the question of how to install an acrylic bathtub will remain unresolved, but it is worthy of separate consideration. It can only be noted that the process of installing such a bath is not particularly difficult, since each product is usually accompanied by instructions. Convenient design and thoughtful installation mechanism allows you to do it very quickly, even in the absence of the necessary experience.

The design of the bathroom, the choice of style, specific elements of sanitary equipment and design is a matter of taste and financial capabilities of the owner. But whatever option you choose, from a minimalistic, austere bathroom to aristocratically sophisticated bathrooms, the bath has been, is and will always be the queen of this most important room.

When choosing a bath, the determining factors are dimensions, functionality, design solutions. But the first, fundamental question - what material will the home pond be made of? Cast iron bath or acrylic will decorate your bathroom? Or maybe steel? Or marble?

Main advantage steel bath- relatively low cost. Marble structures by weight positive qualities not yet available to most families. Therefore, here we will consider bathtubs of the average price range. Let's take a look at the known pros and cons and hopefully this will help you decide between a cast iron or acrylic bathtub.

Cast iron - strict classics

The experience of using cast iron bathtubs is huge. A few decades ago, this material was a practically uncontested solution. But even today, with all the richness of choice, cast-iron bathtubs are still one of the most popular in the plumbing equipment market. To understand the reasons for this stability, consider the main pros and cons of using cast iron bathtubs.

Pros - why consumers choose cast iron

  1. The first and perhaps most important reason is durability . The mechanical strength of the material used, plus the enamel's chemical resistance to virtually any type of cleaning agent, make this an attractive choice. With care, a cast iron bath will last as long as you want.
  2. Reason two - low thermal conductivity of cast iron and its high heat capacity keep the water poured into the cast-iron bath hot for a long time. Thick walls store heat hot water and then gradually give it back, allowing the bather to soak up longer.
  3. Enamel used to coat cast iron is highly durable, smoothness, its colors are saturated and bright, the enameled surface is shiny and gives the whole structure an elegant look. The absence of pores on the surface of the enamel facilitates cleaning from contaminants.
  4. Another one distinguishing feature cast-iron bathtubs - their big mass . Even the most modern lightweight models weigh at least 100 kg. This is not always convenient, but positive sides such heavy weight yes - cast iron bathtubs are exceptionally stable and usually do not require any additional strengthening measures during installation. In addition, thick walls dampen the sounds of running water without requiring additional soundproofing.

Cons - why they refuse cast iron

  1. The first minus is the reverse side of the plus and the consequence of the large weight of the cast-iron bath. Due to the massive structure there are considerable difficulties during transportation and installation . In addition, for some buildings, additional load acting on floors should be taken into account. This is especially true for large bathtubs.
  2. Another disadvantage of cast iron baths is also directly related to their advantages. Enamel, for all its strength and hardness, is a rather fragile material. , and, in the event of an impact, chips may form on its surface. Such a chip cannot be eliminated with improvised means, it is necessary to call a specialist with special tools, materials and relevant skills for the restoration of enamel coatings.
  3. In addition, even with external integrity, over time, the top smooth layer of enamel is destroyed , the coating acquires a porous rough structure. Especially often, housewives who use products based on oxalic or phosphoric acid to maintain cleanliness face such a nuisance. In the future, damaged enamel, like a sponge, absorbs the iron salts contained in tap water, turning yellow at the same time and practically not being cleaned with mild agents, so that in order to maintain the whiteness of the bath with damaged enamel, one again has to resort to acidic preparations.
  4. And finally, the third minus of cast-iron bathtubs - conservatism of form . Cast iron does not have enough malleability to allow designers to experiment with fanciful configurations. Therefore, the strict classic form of cast-iron bathtubs remains unchanged. However, this drawback for someone turns into a virtue, because strict classics never go out of fashion.

Cons - more work to be done

  1. However, not everything is so rosy. And the pros often go hand in hand with the cons. Perhaps the most unpleasant minus of an acrylic bath is its low mechanical strength . A heavy object dropped into the bathtub can cause very serious damage to the material, up to the formation of holes. So, having decided to buy an acrylic bathtub, you should be more careful with potentially dangerous tools. By the way, if large dogs live in your house, protect the bath from their claws.
  2. Like many polymer materials, Acrylic softens when exposed to high temperatures. . There are cases when an acrylic bathtub was deformed at a water temperature slightly above 70 ° C. True, in this situation it is not necessary to talk about high-quality material. High-quality acrylic softens at a temperature of about 160 ° C. In general, lightweight construction often creates a feeling of instability and insecurity. Especially this minus of an acrylic bathtub is noted by large people.
  3. When caring for acrylic baths, you should use only mild cleaning products . The use of organic solvents is strictly prohibited. It is easy to remove dirt from the surface immediately, but if you leave the cleaning procedure for later, it will be very difficult to remove ingrained dirt. It is not recommended to drain the drain from the bath washing machine- when washing colored fabrics, dyes that have entered the water can leave traces on acrylic.
  4. And, of course, acrylic bath is inferior to cast iron in durability . Leading manufacturers give a guarantee for their products for 10 years, with due care this period can be significantly extended, however, acrylic still cannot compete with the reliability of cast iron. However, for some, this minus of an acrylic bath turns into a fat plus - the opportunity to please yourself with a new bathroom in ten years.

What this bath will be made of - who knows. Progress does not stand still. In the meantime, when choosing what to buy, a cast-iron bath or an acrylic one, weigh all the pros and cons. And let the purchase please you for many years with the opportunity to soak up your favorite home pond.