Insulation of walls from foam blocks outside. Tell me, what is the best way to insulate a house from foam concrete blocks? How to insulate walls from foam blocks

  • 23.06.2020

Foreword. Consider in the article how to independently insulate a foam block house from the outside under siding and under plaster. For many owners of foam block houses, thermal insulation of the room comes to the fore. Let's talk about the technology of using mineral wool, polystyrene or foam plastic when insulating the facade from the foam block, at the end of the article, see the video instructions for warming the facade from the foam block of the house with mineral wool.

Under the concept of "foam block" private developers mean blocks of foam concrete or gas silicate. This material is used today for the construction of low-rise buildings. The foam block itself is a heat-insulating layer. Earlier we talked about how to insulate a house from gas silicate with your own hands. Today we will analyze the issue of self-insulation of the foam block facade from the outside.

Due to their porous structure, foam concrete blocks provide excellent adhesion to any finishing material (plaster, putty). many owners country houses from foam concrete blocks often resort to its insulation. Is it worth it to insulate the foam block from the outside and how to properly insulate the house from the foam block for the winter? What materials are best used when carrying out work, read in this article.

Do I need to insulate the house from the foam block from the outside

Many will ask, is it advisable to insulate a foam block house? Since, foam concrete was invented for the construction of buildings without additional thermal insulation, as they have a minimally low heat transfer coefficient. At the same time, the problem of condensation between the insulation and the foam block wall disappears by itself. However, during Russian winters, a lot of money will be spent on heating the house.

Insulation of the foam block with foam plastic with cladding

For the high heat-saving qualities of the foam block, you have to pay with the low strength of the walls. Walls made of this material are quite fragile and will not be able to withstand the heavy load of "wet" or "ventilated" facades. In addition, the foam block is afraid of moisture and freezing; foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam and mineral wool are often used for thermal insulation of a foam block house from the outside.

Experts advise against self-insulation houses from the foam block from the inside, from the side of the heated room. However, if it is simply impossible to finish the walls from the street, and in winter a lot of money is spent on heating the room, then thermal insulation of the house is simply necessary. A layer of thermal insulation can keep the room warm and a pleasant microclimate.

How to insulate a foam block house from the outside

What is the best material to choose for thermal insulation of the foam block from the outside? The ideal option for this is slab material: Izover mineral wool mats, polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam. When using mineral wool, it is necessary to protect the material with waterproofing and it is imperative to equip a ventilated gap that will remove excess moisture and possible condensate from the surface of the film.

Mineral wool is an environmentally friendly, vapor-permeable material that can shrink if improperly installed. Expanded polystyrene and polystyrene are moisture-resistant and vapor-tight materials with a low heat transfer coefficient. When laying foam or foam plastic boards on the facade, it is necessary to protect thermal insulation material decorative layer from mechanical damage and ultraviolet.

How to insulate a foam block house from the outside

Advantages of foam block insulation from the outside:

1. when the walls are insulated from the outside, living space is saved;

2. insulation outside the house will prevent the walls from freezing in winter;

3. insulation in the room, shifts the dew point to the heated room;

4. Thermal insulation outside the building will greatly extend the life of the block walls.

How to insulate a foam block with foam plastic from the outside

Do-it-yourself steps for insulating a foam block house with foam plastic:

2. the facade is primed to even out the absorbency of the foam block surface;

5. the plates are glued to the facade of the house in a checkerboard pattern relative to each other;
6. We fix each expanded polystyrene plate with a dish-shaped dowel in the center and at the corners of the plate;
7. a reinforcing mesh is glued to the insulation to give the necessary strength;
8. at the end, the insulation is finished with facade putty or sheathed with siding.

How to insulate a foam block with foam plastic from the outside

Do-it-yourself steps for insulating a foam block house with foam plastic:

1. the surface of the wall is cleaned of dirt and dust, sagging or excess is knocked off cement mortar on the facade
2. the facade is treated with a primer, which will provide better adhesion of the adhesive to the surface;
3. a starting profile is fixed to the bottom of the wall, protecting the insulation from the penetration of rodents;
4. following the manufacturer's instructions, the preparation of glue for polystyrene foam is carried out;
5. Glue is applied to the slabs with a spatula, and they are laid on the facade in a checkerboard pattern;
6. each plate is additionally fixed with a plate-shaped dowel in the center and in the corners;
7. on the sheathed facade, a reinforcing mesh is glued to give strength to the surface;
8. a layer is applied over the grid facade plaster, after drying the facade is painted.

How to insulate the foam block with mineral wool from the outside

Do-it-yourself steps for insulating a foam block house with mineral wool:

1. the surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, if necessary, it is additionally leveled;
2. the wall is covered with a waterproofing film to protect the thermal insulation from getting wet;
3. the starting profile is fixed on the wall, on which the first row will be mounted;
4. further, guides from a bar are attached to the facade, between which mineral wool is attached;
5. following the manufacturer's instructions, basalt wool is installed between the bars;
6. further, the entire structure is covered with a vapor barrier or a superdiffusion membrane;
7. bars are fixed on top of the vapor barrier to create a ventilation gap of 20-30 millimeters;
8. The facade is sheathed with siding, PVC panels are fixed on the bars with self-tapping screws.

Foam blocks are very often used for the construction of private houses, this is due to their affordable cost, as well as high rates heat and sound insulation.

All work on the insulation of the house can be divided into those that are carried out outside and those that are performed inside the house.

It doesn’t matter if you decide to insulate the walls of the house on your own or will invite specialists for this, first you need to decide where it is better to do this, outside or inside?

Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and to understand which one to choose in your case, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

Benefits of insulating walls inside:

  • does not change appearance Houses;
  • such work can be carried out at any time, regardless of weather conditions;
  • small expenses will be required;
  • work is done quickly.

But this method There are a number of significant disadvantages that must be considered when choosing it for home insulation:

  1. before performing work, you will have to completely free the room from furniture and other items;
  2. there is a reduction in the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, which is very important in small rooms;
  3. the dew point shifts inside the wall, from which it becomes wet, and fungus and mold begin to form on the walls inside the room.

Holding specified works the outside of the house is also not ideal option because it has some disadvantages:

  • in order to carry out such work, it will be necessary to build scaffolding, and these are additional costs not only of finance, but also of time;
  • the appearance of the facade changes, and this is not always acceptable;
  • performance of work depends on weather factors: rain, snow, strong wind they cannot be carried out;
  • in case of violation of the technology of work, after a while such as may disappear.

Among the advantages of this method of insulation, it is worth noting the following:

  1. there is no need to move and take out furniture;
  2. does not take away the free space of the room;
  3. the dew point moves to the outer part of the wall, so the room will always be dry and fungus and mold will not form on the walls.

If you want to insulate the walls of your house as much as possible, then it is recommended to carry out this both outside and inside the room at the same time.

But if you finish the facade with facing stone or tiles, you will have to do the insulation from the inside.

How to insulate

Since the foam block has not very high strength, it is necessary to use lightweight materials for it.


The most commonly used insulation for the exterior walls of the house:

  1. Mineral wool. This is an inexpensive material with high thermal insulation characteristics. It is vapor-permeable, so moisture does not linger inside the blocks, has a long service life, and is not combustible. It is necessary to protect the material well from moisture, otherwise its characteristics are reduced, and it is necessary to work in a respirator.
  2. Expanded polystyrene (polystyrene). This stuff is not afraid high humidity, it is frost-resistant, has an affordable cost. Please note that under the action of sunlight, the foam is destroyed, so it requires additional coverage.


If you decide to carry out these works inside the house, then first decide whether you need to do this.

Foam concrete has high heat and sound insulation characteristics, and if you additionally insulate it from the outside, then there is no need to do this inside.

If you decide to perform insulation only inside, you will get a result in which the walls will freeze through, steam will condense and therefore fungus and mold begin to develop inside the room.

If you decide to insulate the walls of foam blocks inside, then this must be done at the same time outside the house.


Indoors, it is best to use fiberglass or basalt wool as a heater, and so that you can lay it yourself, it is recommended to take it not in rolls, but in slabs.


This material acts not only as a heater, but can also be a finishing coating.

Before using it, the walls must be properly leveled with, they must be clean and dry. The only drawback of cork is its high cost.


If you insulate them with foam concrete walls, then about 95% of the heat will remain inside the room. Thanks to the presence of foil, heat returns to the room.

The plates are laid tightly, and all joints are glued with adhesive tape, after which you can proceed with the installation finishing material.

polyurethane foam

This is a foamy material, with the help of which all cracks and voids are sealed, so cold bridges are not formed.

This material hardens within 20-30 seconds after application and will serve for at least 50 years.

The disadvantage of polyurethane foam is its low vapor permeability and the fact that additional equipment is required for its application.

Do-it-yourself external thermal insulation

When insulating walls made of foam concrete, it must be taken into account that this is a rather fragile material, so experts recommend mounting the insulation not on ordinary screws or dowels, but on glue or plastic screws so that cracks do not form in the block.


For insulation, it is recommended to use board materials, it can be mineral wool or penoplex:

  1. at first walls are cleaned of dirt, stains and dust if required, they are aligned;
  2. surface primed, which will prevent the glue from soaking into the wall and act as a waterproofing;
  3. for the installation of plates, use special glue for outdoor work;
  4. a metal guide is fixed at the bottom of the wall, which in its width corresponds to the thickness of the insulation;
  5. glue is applied along the edge and in the center of the plate, after which it is pressed against the wall and held a little, the work is done from below and gradually moves up;
  6. after installing the insulation, a reinforcing mesh is used, which sits on glue, after which, instead of plastering, the house can be sheathed with clapboard.

under siding

You can do this in another way: first, a waterproofing film is attached to the wall, then vertical guides are mounted, mineral wool is inserted between them.

Then it is covered with a vapor barrier film, a crate is made to create a ventilation gap and the walls are sheathed with clapboard.

Thermal panels

Thermal panels are another way to insulate walls from the outside. This material is a layer of foam, which is finished with cement mortar.

You can choose the thermal panel of your choice, it can imitate almost any facing materials.

Between themselves, the panels are fastened with the help of special locks, and they are fixed with the help of dowels, after which the fastening points are massaged with a cement mixture.

Installation of thermal panels can be performed at almost any time of the year, the main thing is that the walls are dry and even.

  • If you primed the walls of foam blocks with a deep penetration primer, then you do not need to additionally lay a waterproofing film inside the hanging.
  • The frame is made from metal profile, fasten to, the step corresponds to the size of the insulation. The foil located on the plates should be directed inside the house.


As you can see, after, you can insulate different ways and materials. When performing these works, it must be remembered that in this case, it will be enough to do only the insulation of the walls from the outside.

If you decide to do this inside, then be sure to carry out the same work outside the building.

Useful video

Insulation outside the walls of foam blocks, video:

In contact with

A house built from foam sides is already guaranteed to retain heat, since this material itself is an excellent insulator. Most often, it is quite possible to do without additional insulation. But in some cases, such a need arises due to the design features of the walls or the small thickness of the used foam blocks.

Characteristics of a foam concrete house

When using foam concrete blocks for the construction of houses, laying out single-layer walls is provided. The idea of ​​creating such materials, including the provision of thermal insulation of the home with little effort. They reliably retain heat in the house, but this is not the only argument in favor of choosing foam concrete for construction.

The advantages of this building material:

  • The cost of a foam block is much less than a brick.
  • The walls do not freeze through, so that the life of the house is longer.
  • There is no fungal infection and mold.

It must be admitted that the foam block still has a drawback, not too high strength of the building built from it. But this problem is solved with the help of reinforcement. The steel frame balances the load, which makes it possible not to worry about the integrity of the house. Nevertheless, when working with a facade made of foam blocks, it is necessary to avoid excessive weighting of the structure.
Important! Wall cladding with heavy materials, such as stone, or installation hinged facade or "wet" can lead to a violation of the integrity of the foam block structure.

Determining the need for insulation

Foam concrete, invented to avoid additional work on building insulation, is indeed an excellent heat insulator, but this is not always enough. First of all, we are talking about regions with the lowest temperature indicators. A house that will have to endure severe Russian frosts is better to additionally insulate.

Important! Thermal insulation work is best done outside the building. The materials used for this should be lightweight. It can be polystyrene, polystyrene or mineral wool.

External mounting of thermal insulation has a number of advantages.

  • The service life of the facade is extended. A barrier appears that protects the wall from the outside from the harmful effects of the environment.
  • The living space is not reduced. If the insulation is carried out from the inside, part of the space will have to be occupied by a heat-insulating structure.
  • The "dew point" is shifted outside the walls into the insulation. Steam does not condense inside the walls of the house, there is no dampness, which increases the service life.
  • Frost protection for walls. Internal thermal insulation, as opposed to protection from the outside, can lead to the damaging effects of low temperatures on the facade.

Pros and cons of heaters

When preparing for insulation work, the choice of material should be made in favor of one of the most popular, foam or mineral wool. Both types of material are able to insulate your facade with high quality and have a number of advantages as a heat insulator. Explore all the options offered by the market and comparing the characteristics of these materials, you can choose which one is best for your particular home.

The benefits of foam

  • The cost is low - from 200 rubles per square meter.
  • Long service life.
  • High thermal insulation performance.
  • High quality waterproofing. Styrofoam will protect the walls from moisture from the outside.
  • Resistant to frost and temperature extremes.
  • Additional soundproofing.
  • Low susceptibility to the action of various chemicals and biological influences.

Disadvantages of foam

  • Destruction under the influence of direct sunlight and high temperature.
  • The inability to combine foam with wood. Insulate the building with this material wooden structures will not work.

Benefits of mineral wool

  • The price is quite acceptable, although a little higher than the foam. From 300 rubles per square meter of material.
  • Provided high level protection against heat loss.
  • Long period of operation.
  • Mineral wool provides good sound insulation.
  • Reliable protection of the walls of the foam block from the effects of water.
  • Ensuring fire safety. The mineral wool is refractory.
  • This material perfectly passes steam, which prevents the formation of condensate.

Disadvantages of mineral wool

  • Mineral wool absorbs too much moisture, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of the material.
  • Requires extra care during installation. If the work is not done correctly, shrinkage may occur.
  • When using this material, safety precautions must be followed. Respiratory protection equipment, such as a respirator, must be worn.

Step-by-step instructions for warming

The stages of thermal insulation work, depending on what material is used, are as follows.

Installation of foam insulation

The foam plastic model with the best properties of protection against heat loss and steam passage is M25. The thickness of the material of this brand is 50 mm.

Installation of mineral wool insulation

It is important to know that there are other methods to keep the heat in the house. You can purchase a foam block with low density. They need to overlay the house outside, and then make the finish to their liking.
Do not forget that thermal insulation is needed not only for the facade. It is also necessary to insulate the outer part of the ceiling, the foundation and the basement.

In private construction, foam concrete and gas silicate products are widely used. Buildings erected with their help hold heat well and hardly freeze through, but for this it is necessary to comply with technological standards.

If the masonry was carried out incorrectly and the thickness of the walls is insufficient, then to maintain a normal microclimate, you will need additional insulation houses from foam blocks. Maximum thermal stability is achieved by placing the insulator in the middle of the three-layer building envelope.

Benefits of outdoor insulation

The bubble structure of the material itself is a good thermal insulator, but sometimes this is not enough. If the need for thermal insulation nevertheless arose, for example, when housing was built in an extreme climatic region, best solution external insulation will become (foam blocks are usually not insulated from the inside).

Its advantages for the property owner are:

  • high-quality sound insulation;
  • reduction of heating costs;
  • preservation of the overall integrity of the building and its protection from temperature extremes (constant freezing and thawing can lead to the destruction of blocks in just one weather season);
  • removal of the dew point outside the building, which allows to increase the dryness of the walls (in the normal state, condensate accumulates in the depth of the foam block product, creating an ideal environment for mold growth);
  • preservation of usable space from inside the house;
  • protection of enclosing structures from freezing and cracking.

Thermal insulator selection

Foam concrete structures are often insulated with mineral wool, polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene. These fillers are characterized by low cost, ease of installation and a variety of configurations.

When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the vulnerability of foam blocks to high humidity and correctly calculate the area of ​​​​the insulated space. In the case of vapor-permeable and cellulose), an additional layer of waterproofing will be required.

For water-repellent substances (polystyrene and expanded polystyrene), it is necessary to install ventilation ducts to remove possible condensate from the surface of the walls.

The main advantages of mineral wool are its fire resistance, resistance to heat loss and environmental safety. It is widely used both for insulation from the inside of the building, and for external insulation.

Individual particles of mineral wool repel water, but the entire canvas absorbs it well, and therefore, when installing such material from the outside, it is necessary to lay a waterproof film. In addition, improper installation of insulation can lead to its shrinkage and the need for repeated finishing work.

The low heat transfer coefficient of foam and its derivatives makes it one of the the best heaters for private construction. Insulators of this type do not let steam through, do not absorb water and do not lose shape over time.

The disadvantage of this substance is its vulnerability to ultraviolet radiation when used outside a building. Unprotected walls are destroyed under the influence of sunlight, and therefore, the better the foam is plastered, the longer the building will stand.

When using foam from the inside of the building, it is necessary to consider the issue of fire safety, since when melted, the material can release toxic substances.

This type of foam is especially effective as a heater for foam block buildings. During the production process, raw material granules are not sintered together, but are fused into one mass, which significantly increases the strength of the material and its protective properties.

A negative factor will be the high price of such thermal insulators. The cost of expanded polystyrene starts from a thousand rubles per square meter.

All measures for thermal protection of enclosing structures are carried out in accordance with technical standards. Studying the documentation will help you correctly calculate the thickness of the insulation layer, as well as understand which material is best suited for a given region.

To complete the work you will need:

  • pre-prepared foam boards;
  • construction adhesive for their fastening;
  • plastic dowels;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • primer material;
  • plaster;
  • facade paints.


Before laying, the surface must be cleaned of dirt and debris. The remains of the dried mortar are knocked off the walls, and all cracks and irregularities are carefully primed. The priming procedure is important for the arrangement and does not allow the glue to seep into the thickness of the blocks.

Outside, starting metal profiles are fixed on the walls. In the future, the first layer of insulator will be installed on them.

For effective adhesion of the material to the treated surface, an adhesive solution is needed. Its mixing is carried out in a separate container using a special nozzle on a drill.


Styrofoam, intended for wall insulation, is sold in the form of finished slabs. The coincidence of the joints worsens the tightness of the structure, and therefore the laying is carried out in a checkerboard pattern from the bottom up. To avoid drying of the solution and overspending of the material, at one point in time, not the entire wall is covered with glue, but a separate section. It is necessary to attach a sheet of thermal insulation to it and fix it.

Additional fastening is carried out using dowels cut into the edges and in the center of each plate. The fragility of foam block products makes it impossible to use metal screws, and therefore the insulation is carried out using plastic fasteners.

Excessive load experienced by the insulation often leads to damage. Timely installation of the steel mesh will strengthen the wall structure and prevent the material from expanding beyond its limits.

Proper reinforcement involves lubricating the foam with glue, fixing a fine-meshed mesh resistant to chemical attack on it, and applying an additional layer adhesive solution. In order to avoid cracks, the laying of the mesh at the joints is overlapped.


After finishing installation work the surface outside the building must be brought into an aesthetic and finished form. To do this, it is plastered and applied facade paint. Different types decorative plaster increase the moisture resistance of the surface, keeping the house from mold and fungal infection.

Is it necessary from foam blocks? The answer to this question depends on the thickness of the walls of the building and climate zone. If there is such a need, then it is enough to isolate the facades with one of the common insulation materials, for example, foam plastic, and the house will become more comfortable, and the structure itself will be additionally protected from negative external influences.

Foam blocks are called special building blocks white color, consisting of gas silicate and foam concrete. Such material is excellent for low-rise and high-rise buildings. The structure of the raw material has high adhesion to any finish, however, some owners of the premises still decide on additional insulation. Mounting process various kinds thermal insulation is simple, it can be done independently.

The relevance of insulation of houses from the foam block outside

Initially, foam concrete blocks were developed specifically for the construction of houses with single-layer walls. Due to the good heat retention properties, the building, lined with foam concrete, does not require additional thermal insulation. Due to the fact that winters are harsh in the vastness of the country, builders recommend additionally insulating houses with various materials.

House built from foam blocks

On the other hand, foam blocks are considered fragile raw materials, and with prolonged exposure to sub-zero temperatures, they can freeze and absorb moisture. For this, the walls are insulated from the outside, which gives the following advantages:

  • significant space savings, which cannot be said with insulation from the inside;
  • the integrity of the blocks is not violated, as if using internal insulation: a layer of insulation additionally protects the blocks from freezing;
  • condensate does not accumulate inside, but is brought out, from where it is removed with the help of air currents.

As a finishing material on top of the insulation, it is better to use light options. For example, a finishing brick will be too heavy, so most builders use paint.

Types of insulation

Foam application

One of the most popular types of insulation for finishing and thermal insulation of the facade of a building is polystyrene or expanded polystyrene. The material has gained success due to its properties: it does not allow moisture to pass through at all. Polyfoam has good resistance to sub-zero temperatures, low cost can significantly reduce the cost of insulation.

Insulation of the house from the outside with foam

An important point is that on top of a heater of this type it is necessary to produce Finishing work. Styrofoam is unstable to ultraviolet radiation, so additional finishing is needed so that the raw material is not destroyed.

The most popular types of expanded polystyrene for insulating a house from foam blocks outside are the following brands:

  1. Styrofoam Knauf Therm. Possesses good vapor permeability, is issued in sheets 1х1 meter. The thickness starts from 50 mm, it is used at temperatures from -140 to + 80 degrees. The cost of one sheet starts from 150 rubles, the cost for a pack of 10 pieces is 1450 rubles.
  2. carbon eco. The size of one sheet is 1180x580x30 mm, the latter indicator indicates the thickness of the material. Operating temperature from -70 to +75 degrees. The cost for a pack of 13 pieces is from 1250 rubles.
  3. Thermal insulation Ursa XPS. Styrofoam is suitable for insulation of foam block facades. Sheets are sold in dimensions of 1250x600x50 mm. For a pack of 8 pieces, you will have to pay from 1100 rubles.

Thermal insulation URSA

When insulating, you should pay attention to the side of the house: for example, on the south side you can install a thinner insulation than on the north side.

Use of mineral wool

An inorganic material made up of a large number interwoven fibers, is called mineral wool. This insulation is in demand no less than the above polystyrene foam. The composition of the material contains rocks and sedimentary rocks, as well as metallurgical slags. The main advantages of mineral wool when insulating foam concrete:

  • high thermal insulation properties;
  • heat resistance;
  • high sound insulation;
  • resistance to moisture absorption;
  • service life: 30-40 years.

Warming with mineral wool

The most common brand of mineral wool for insulation is TechnoNIKOL. It offers Technolight Extra basalt-type insulation material. Products are supplied in a pack of 8 boards measuring 1200x600x50 mm, while the assortment includes options with increased thickness. The cost of such a pack starts from 554 rubles.

Penoplex - an analogue of foam

This material looks like foam, however, their production technologies differ. In the manufacture of penoplex, pressure and exposure to high temperatures are used. The output is a very light but durable material, which is also called extruded polystyrene foam. This raw material has compression resistance, environmental friendliness and resistance to moisture and mold.

On the market building materials for insulation of facades made of foam concrete, they offer the following foam options:

  1. Thermal insulation Penoplex Comfort. Plates are produced in dimensions 1185x585x30 mm, while the thickness may vary. The material is produced in 4, 7, 10 and 13 boards per package. For a pack of 13 plates, you will have to pay from 1400 rubles.
  2. Penoplex Facade. Produced specifically for the insulation of facades, available in various thicknesses from 30 to 100 mm. The cost for one sheet is from 100 rubles according to the thickness.

The use of foam for thermal insulation

The thickness of foam insulation must comply with modern standards, it ranges from 30 mm. The material slabs are attached to the foam concrete wall with glue or dowels.

Features of insulation technology with various materials

When the heat-insulating material is selected, you can proceed to the preparation. To do this, you need to make appropriate calculations of the amount of insulation, as well as pick up tools. In almost every case, it is better to do the work together with a partner, since it is more convenient to fix the overall sheets together.

Of the tools, you will need special dowels with caps; when laying the foam, it is also necessary to mount metal profile guides. You will need a drill, screwdriver, puncher. When warming the "wet" method, specialized glue is useful. Materials for sealing seams are also needed.

How to insulate a foam block house from the outside with foam plastic?

Before insulating the facade of foam blocks, it is recommended to make careful preparation. Walls must be free of excess sand, dirt and debris. If there are influxes of the building mixture on the surface, they are removed with a perforator. The process of foam insulation step by step looks like this:

  1. Applying a primer - it will provide increased adhesion of the adhesive to the surface of the foam concrete.
  2. Installing a basement profile at the bottom of the wall - it will serve as a support for the insulation.
  3. Preparation of glue - carried out using a special nozzle for a drill like a mixer.
  4. Styrofoam preparation - the material must be roughened with a spiked roller.
  5. Applying glue to the foam with a spatula.
  6. Fastening of foam plates to foam concrete: carried out from the bottom up, umbrella dowels are attached at the corners and edges.

Styrofoam insulation outside

When the installation process of the insulation is completed, it is necessary to wait a little time for the material to shrink, and then proceed to the finishing work.

Insulation of foam concrete with mineral wool: stages of work

When choosing mineral wool as insulation, you must have certain skills to work with it in order to complete the process in accordance with all the rules. It is better to carry out the procedure together with a partner, according to the following instructions:

  • clean the walls, achieving a flat surface;
  • treat the area for insulation with an antiseptic;
  • install fasteners for the crate;
  • attach thermal insulation pads;
  • place a guide plinth at the bottom of the wall;
  • insert the insulation, fixing it on the dowels: they must be screwed into the wall to a depth of 40 mm;
  • lay the windproof membrane on top of the mineral wool.

Using mineral wool for thermal insulation outside

To finish the facade of a house insulated with mineral wool, it is recommended to use plaster and further painting.

Insulation with foam: rules

In order to use penoplex for thermal insulation of a foam concrete house from the outside, it is recommended to follow a number of rules that will help to keep the heat inside the room as much as possible without loss. Step-by-step instruction looks like that:

  1. Leveling the surface of the facade, sealing cracks.
  2. Soil treatment.
  3. Glue making.
  4. Gluing foam boards and then fastening them to dowels.
  5. Installation of reinforced mesh for finishing.

In this case, the work can be done by one person, since foam sheets are lightweight and can be quickly installed. It is not worth using additional materials for vapor barrier, because foam plastic already has good vapor penetration properties.

Which material is most preferred: possible harm to health

If you are puzzled by the issue of operational safety, then all of the above materials will not harm a person when competent installation. Each of the presented types of raw materials is manufactured using anti-combustible additives, which prevents ignition in case of fire and leads to self-extinguishing.

Comparison of different heat preservation materials

Despite the fact that formaldehyde binders are used in the production of mineral wool, it will not emit harmful substances due to its location outside the building.

When answering the question of whether it is necessary to insulate a house built of foam blocks, it should be noted that additional thermal insulation never hurts. The use of polystyrene foam, mineral wool or foam plastic will only enhance the thermal insulation properties of foam concrete and allow you to keep the heat inside the room as much as possible.