What are roof windows. Unusual light sources: skylights

  • 29.08.2019

A prerequisite for the transformation of the attic into a full-fledged living space is the installation of window openings in the roof, without which it will remain dark and uncomfortable. Obviously, as their filling, special structures should be used that can withstand the loads characteristic of the roof. Such windows are called dormers.

Types of roof windows

Skylights are classified according to several criteria:

  • location;
  • the material from which the frames are made;
  • type of glass unit;
  • opening method, etc.


Two options available roof windows:

  • vertical;
  • inclined.

Vertical roof window

Installed in the pediment or in the so-called cuckoo - a ledge in the roof with a vertical outer wall.

The vertical masard window is not subject to extreme loads

The advantages of vertical windows are as follows:

  • extreme loads do not act on them, therefore, in terms of simplicity of design and cost, they do not differ from ordinary front windows;
  • can be large;
  • being located in the lower part of the room, such windows contribute least to heat leaks (warm air rises up).

Despite all its advantages, vertical windows are not very common. If you install them in the gables, the central part of the attic will be poorly lit. And in order to install such a window on the slope, you have to build a "cuckoo", which somewhat complicates the rafter system and leads to the appearance of potentially dangerous places in terms of leaks (adjoining the main roof). At the same time, both in the "cuckoo" and in the pediment, the vertical window gives less natural light than the inclined one.

"Cuckoo" should not be seen only as a burden, which has to go in order to install a vertical window. Such an element allows you to increase the volume of the attic, therefore it can be quite appropriate in small houses.

Sloped roof windows

They are installed in slopes and are located in the same plane with them. The slope of the ramp must be 15 degrees or more. If he does not satisfy this condition ( flat roof), you should install a window with a special structural element, which will give it the necessary bias.

Sloped roof window provides comfortable natural light in the room

Sloped windows are superior to vertical ones in that they give more light and do not require changes to the roof structure, but you have to reckon with some of their features:

  • due to significant loads, the dimensions are limited: the area of ​​a glass unit rarely exceeds 1.4 m 2;
  • when located in the upper part of the room, heat loss is noticeably increased, as a result of which it is recommended to pay attention to energy-saving models;
  • in summer can lead to overheating of the room.

The latter circumstance should be taken into account when choosing the location of the window, more precisely, its orientation relative to the cardinal points. The hottest thing will be in the attic, the windows of which face south or west. It is recommended to equip them with blinds, with which it will be possible to regulate the sun exposure.

To a lesser extent, the heat is created by windows facing east, and not at all - facing north.

Frame and sash material

At the moment, they produce aluminum, wooden and metal-plastic windows for the attic.


Actually, not pure aluminum is used, but its alloy with silicon and magnesium. This type of window has the following advantages:

  • durability: the structure will last at least 80 years;
  • resistance to UV radiation, oils, gases and acids;
  • strength;
  • incombustibility;
  • presentable appearance.

However, in a residential area, the installation of an aluminum window will be impractical - too much heat is lost through it. It is customary to install such structures in large pavilions, airports, exhibition halls, etc.

The aluminum frame is characterized by high thermal conductivity, which negatively affects the energy-saving properties of the window

Windows with aluminum parts cannot be installed on roofs covered with sheet copper: on contact, both metals will corrode.


Made from glued laminated timber, which is collected from well-dried and therefore non-shrinking boards. Coniferous wood is commonly used.

Outside, the wooden elements are covered with aluminum overlays. For installation in bathrooms and toilets, wooden windows with a waterproof polyurethane coating are produced.

The wooden window fits harmoniously into the interior of the attic, finished with wood

In a living room, it is wood that looks the most natural. In addition, this material retains heat well. But have wooden windows and a significant drawback: they are quite expensive.

The user should take into account the fact that such products require careful handling, since wooden elements can be relatively easily damaged. Care may be required: it is necessary to restore the varnish coating in places of abrasion.

Reinforced plastic

The frames and sashes of such windows are made of galvanized steel profiles, enclosed in a PVC sheath. Various additives are added to the plastic to make it resistant to solar radiation and weather factors.

When heated, metal-plastic windows can emit harmful substances into the living area

Reinforced-plastic windows are very practical:

  • do not require maintenance;
  • more resistant to damage than wood;
  • are absolutely moisture resistant;
  • are 4 times cheaper than wooden ones.

Plastic does not go well with the interior of the living space. In addition, PVC can release the harmful PVC gas into the air, especially when it gets slightly hot (summer heat or heat from a battery may suffice). Sellers assure that, if there is any harmful fumes, then within acceptable limits, but the fact remains: in Western Europe Reinforced-plastic windows in residential buildings have not been installed for a long time.

In addition to the outer walls, steel profile there are piers dividing the internal cavity into longitudinal chambers (not to be confused with chambers in a glass unit). The more such elements there are, the warmer the window will be. By the number of cameras, the profiles are divided into:

  • 3-chamber: installed in regions with a warm climate;
  • 4- and 5-chamber: designed for regions with cold winters;
  • 6- and 7-chamber: they are significantly more expensive than the previous version, but in terms of thermal resistance they slightly exceed them, therefore, the acquisition of such windows is considered by many to be impractical.

The number of cameras in the profile is selected taking into account the climate of the region

In regions with especially harsh winters, experts recommend installing windows with a wider glass unit instead of 6- and 7-chamber profiles.

Glass unit type

Skylights tend to be made as light as possible, therefore, they are most often equipped with 1-chamber double-glazed windows, that is, consisting of two sheets of glass. Less commonly installed 2-chamber double-glazed windows (3 sheets).

For roof windows, single-chamber double-glazed windows are most often used.

Glasses are of the following types:

  • float glass: also called heat-polished, it is characterized by a complete absence of optical distortion;
  • glass with a transparent metallized coating (I-glass): a version with an energy-saving effect - the coating reflects infrared radiation that carries heat away from the home;
  • hardened: when cracking, it forms not large dangerous fragments, like ordinary glass, but a scattering of small ones, which also have blunt edges;
  • triplex: double-layer glass with a polymer film between the layers, which, when cracked, holds the fragments in place.

In triplex double-glazed windows, a polymer film is placed between the glasses, which increases its impact resistance

Double-glazed windows with I-glasses are filled with inert gases - xenon, argon, etc., which, together with spraying, gives an increase in thermal resistance by 30%.

Double-glazed windows made of ordinary glass without spraying and filling with an inert gas, contrary to the assurances of unscrupulous manufacturers, are not energy-saving. Such a glass unit will be warmer than usual with air filling by no more than 2%, so you should not overpay for it.

Opening method

Most often, a dormer window is pivoting, that is, its sash rotates around a horizontal axis. Hinges with a friction brake are used, thanks to which the open window can be fixed in any position.

The horizontal rotary axis can be positioned in one of four designs.

  1. At a distance of 2/3 or ¾ of the length of the window from its bottom. Such structures are called raised-axis windows. This is the optimal solution for long windows, which in the center-hung version would block half of the attic when opened. There are models with a pneumatic drive, which pushes the sash outward, so that its upper part does not protrude into the room. The use of a raised axis allows, by increasing the window area, to achieve greater illumination, however, it is quite difficult to wash the outer glass in this case.
  2. At the top of the window. Products from the top rotary axis, as well as center-hung ones, have the usual sizes. They are convenient in that when opening, the entire sash is outside the attic, respectively, nothing prevents you from coming close to the window. But with this design, washing the glass from the outside is also quite difficult.
  3. Top and middle. This opening method is the most practical. If the window needs to be washed, it is opened as a center-hung window, in other cases - as with the upper axis.
  4. In the middle of the frame. Such windows are called center-hung. They are the most common and lowest cost.

The advantage of the latter solution is that the user can easily clean the outer glass by turning the sash through a significant angle. The disadvantage is that the upper part of the sash in the open position protrudes into the room, so you cannot come close to the window, and besides, you can hit the sash.

Each pivot axis arrangement has its own advantages.

The handle on the pivot sash can be positioned either from the bottom or from the top. If the edge of the window is not too high, the top handle is preferable: a small child will not be able to open the sash and flowers can be placed on the windowsill. If the window is too long and you cannot reach the top without a stool, you should install the handle at the bottom.

Hinged roof windows are also produced, opening like ordinary ones. Such models are used if access to the roof is required. They are equipped with a pneumatic shock absorber, which prevents gusts of wind from closing the sash.

Video: how to choose the type of roof window opening


The construction of a roof window may include:

  1. Ventilation valve. Installed in the upper part, it can be opened and closed regardless of the position of the sash.
  2. System remote control... A window with this option is purchased if it is supposed to be installed high relative to the attic floor. The remote opening device can be mechanical - in this case, the user opens the window using a pole attached to it and electronic consoles. In the second case, the sash is opened by an electric or pneumatic actuator (the second is for rooms with increased explosion hazard), and the user controls all processes by pressing buttons.
  3. A rain sensor, on the signal of which the motorized window will close automatically in case of bad weather.
  4. Two shutters located one above the other, when opened, the window turns into a balcony. The lower one plays the role of a balustrade, the upper one - a canopy.

You can open and close the window using the remote control

Type of salary

The flashing is a part that seals the gap between the window frame and the roof covering. The profile of the lower part of the flashing must correspond to the relief of the roofing material, otherwise the dormer window will protrude too much beyond the roof plane.

Thus, various salaries are issued for:

  • a soft roof that does not have a wave at all;
  • metal tiles;
  • corrugated board with different wave heights;
  • ondulina;
  • ceramic tiles.

In the marking of the dormer window, the type of flashing is usually indicated by one letter or another.

Video: dormers - pros and cons

Dimensions of roof windows

In relation to roof windows, there is a size range that is considered standard:

  • 54x83 cm;
  • 54x103 cm;
  • 64x103 cm;
  • 74x103 cm;
  • 74x123 cm;
  • 74x144 cm;
  • 114x144 cm;
  • 134x144 cm.

The dimensions of the roof windows depend on the design

In the model range, different manufacturers may have their own standard sizes. In addition, the window can be made to order with any dimensions that are convenient for the buyer.

In order for the insulation to be fixed around the window, thereby excluding its freezing and moisture condensation, the width of the frame should be 12 cm less than the distance between the rafters. If necessary, this parameter can be reduced, but it should not be less than 8 cm. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to select a window at the stage of roof design - then the designer, in accordance with the customer's choice, will assign a step for the location of the rafters.

The dimensions of the roof windows and their number are selected in such a way that for every 8-10 m 2 of the floor there is 1 m 2 of glazing.

To make it convenient to look out of the window, its bottom should be placed at a height of 90–120 cm (this value is taken based on a seated person), and the top should be placed at a height of 200–220 cm from the floor. With a gentle slope, it is difficult to follow this requirement, since the window in this case will have to have a significant length. The solution is as follows: products with a so-called wedge are used, due to which the window is located at a steeper angle.

The smaller the angle of the roof slope, the longer the window should be

If the window is in the upper slope sloping roof, where nothing will be visible through it, then they tend to place it closer to the ridge in order to minimize the effect of falling snow and flowing water.

Installation of roof windows

To install the window between the rafters, two transverse beams of the same section as the rafter leg are nailed. On slopes with a large slope, the upper beam can be omitted - instead, the frame is simply attached to the crate.

Before starting the installation, it is necessary to separate the frame and the sash.

Before installation, the window should be disassembled by disconnecting the sash from the frame. This operation must be performed with great care and after careful study of the manufacturer's instructions. Otherwise, the hinges may be damaged.

Fixing is done by means of mounting brackets, which are screwed to the frame on one side and to the mounting bar on the other. Brackets are included.

It is imperative to install a drainage gutter above the window - water will flow around the opening along it. This part is not always included in the kit. If there is no gutter, in this capacity you can use a strip of waterproofing material folded in half lengthwise.

A gutter installed under the window is designed to drain condensate

The technology of sealing the gap around the window is largely determined by the type of roofing material used. It is necessary to follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly, without trying to simplify it, otherwise water will seep through the window into the room.

In order for the attic window to serve properly, attention should be paid not only to external, but also to internal work:

  1. It is necessary to fix the slopes correctly: the lower one - vertically, the upper one - horizontally. Their arrangement will provide warm air blowing, without which the glass will be covered with condensation.
  2. The slopes should be insulated with a thick layer of mineral wool. If instead of using thin "Penofol" or something else like that, as it is sometimes done unknowingly, condensation will appear on the slopes in winter. Mineral wool must be protected from moisture penetration by a vapor barrier.
  3. Likewise, you need to insulate the side gaps between the frame and the rafters.
  4. It is necessary to install a heating battery under the window.

When blowing out seams with polyurethane foam sealant (polyurethane foam), it should be applied little by little, in several steps. This compound increases significantly in volume when cured, so if applied abundantly it can distort the frame.

Violation of the order of installation of elements and assemblies of the kit will lead to a negative result.

When installing a window, do not use flashing, seals or other parts from other models, even if they seem to be quite suitable in size. Minor, visually undetectable deviations are possible, due to which the window structure will allow water to pass through.

Video: installing a roof window on a finished object

Manufacturers of roof windows provide customers with the widest choice, producing products in a wide variety of designs. The main thing is to think carefully about everything before installing. design features to choose the model that best suits your home. We hope these tips will help you with this.

Until recently, the attic was associated only with a place for storing old and unnecessary things. Today, in the premises under the roof, called mansards, comfortable living rooms, delicate bedrooms, and offices are equipped.


The word "attic" comes from the surname of the 17th century French architect François Mansart, who was the first to make a living space out of the attic. There were no openings for light in such a room; darkness and stuffiness were constant companions of the person who lived there. Changes to the design only took place during World War II, when the Danish engineer Willum Kann Rassmunsen proposed to make glazed openings in the roofs, allowing them to enter the stuffy attic. Fresh air and natural light.

So, the main function of roof windows is lighting. Experts believe that their right choice and high-quality installation increases the amount of transmitted light by 40%. Due to the possibility of ventilation, the air quality is significantly improved. The rooms are filled with coziness and mystery. If necessary, the opening in the roof makes it possible to get out of the house or, conversely, get inside.

Types and characteristics

The first skylights were glazed openings. The variety of models that exist today is the result of many years of development, the use of new technologies and the wishes of customers.

Vertical openings are made on the gables or in specially made external structures of the roof slope (the so-called "birdhouses"). They are easy to install, decorate a cottage or summer cottage, but, however, let in little light. Among the advantages are the absence of extreme loads acting on them and a variety of sizes.

The location of vertical windows in the lower part of the room prevents heat leakage."Birdhouse" allows you to slightly increase the area of ​​the upper room, but, on the other hand, complicates the rafter system and can lead to possible leaks at the points of attachment to the main roof.

Facade (cornice) windows are installed at an angle of 90 degrees directly under the roof. They allow you to make an exit to a terrace or balcony, enjoy a beautiful panoramic view, decorate the house with flowers. A small amount of natural light is the main disadvantage of these elements.

Inclined models installed in line with the ramp are more common. They are believed to transmit up to 30% more light. The advantages are optimal use of the usable area and space saving.

One of the key differences between skylights is how they open. The most popular are mid-swing models. The only sash opens by turning around its axis, located either in the center or 3/4 closer to the upper edge. Such models are easy to operate and maintain. However, full access to the outside can be difficult.

The choice of balcony-type windows is the desire to create a charming, beautiful mansion, unlike others. When folded, the structure resembles a double sash, and when unfolded it looks like a small balcony. The top opens up and the bottom opens to the side. Balcony models can only be installed on a roof with a slope angle of 35-55 degrees.

Sometimes the architectural features of the roof prevent the installation of full-size models. Then hatch windows with a "light tunnel" will be an excellent solution. They represent a tube, one end of which goes up, the other remains in the room.

Installing a "light tunnel" requires a lot of space between the attic ceiling and the roof.

Such hatches are also used in non-residential premises, but without a "light tunnel". The structure consists of one sash that rises upward.

Swing models are another popular option for the attic. However, it is not very convenient to use them - in order to wash them, you must either stretch out strongly or go out onto the slope.

The roof window can be equipped with a rain sensor and an electric drive. Remote control technology makes it possible to adjust the structure without leaving the couch and even staying on the lower floor of the house. Wall switches can be used instead of remote control.

The choice of the type of window depends on the purpose of the room in which it is installed, the goals and aesthetic wishes of the residents. It is more expedient to determine how this architectural detail should look even at the time of construction - this will avoid unnecessary costs associated with the reconstruction of the ramp. Installation of this product in a private house, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

It is important to decide which window options are right for you, for example, deaf, transformer, oblique or non-opening. Each of them has both its pros and cons.

Installation features

Skylights are located so that external factors - wind, precipitation, snow and ice pressure, heat, have a strong influence on them. The process of installing them requires attention, knowledge and skill.

The most common mistakes when installing on metal tiles are improper installation of insulating flashing, poor insulation of slopes and the use of polyurethane foam... Anyway, Before starting installation work, read the installation instructions.

For a better understanding of the installation process, it is necessary to understand the structure of the window: a double-glazed window is inserted into the sash with an inert gas contained inside - argon, which provides excellent thermal insulation. The standard equipment includes aprons for waterproofing and vapor barrier, a drainage gutter, a flashing, thermal insulation material and internal slopes.

Before starting the installation work, you need to prepare tools: a tape measure, a building level, an electric drill and scissors for cutting metal, a hacksaw, electric scissors, a stapler, a screwdriver, pliers.

Installation is carried out on a beam laid at the bottom, or rafters. It is important to ensure that the clearance on each side of the frame is at least 3 cm. The frame is installed at a height of 80 to 130 cm from the floor level. Several factors determine the height of the installation: the location of the handle, the type of roofing material, the structural features of the roof, the wishes of the customer. If the handle is at the bottom, the frame is placed higher, if at the top - lower.

The sheeting can be cut to any part. If the surface is covered with ceramic tiles, it cannot be cut, and the hole can only be made over completed rows.

Marks are made on the waterproofing material where the holes will be located, the cut is made taking into account the margin - about 20 cm on each side. A waterproofing apron is placed on top of the waterproofing for complete tightness. Next, the roof covering is removed, the crate is cut, stepping back 2 centimeters from the support, and a bar is nailed from below - about 10 centimeters from the crate.

When performing work, it is imperative to use a level. The upper edge of the waterproofing is attached to the lathing, and the lower edge to the timber. The side pieces extend outward.

Before installing the frame, it is necessary to remove the glass unit and the flashing. Mounting brackets are placed on the box. It is important to remember that models from different manufacturers can have different shapes and are attached in different ways: only on rafters or on rafters and crate. An insulating material is attached to the top of the box, which is later pressed against the timber. Once the bottom edge is adjusted, tighten the bottom brackets firmly.

To improve waterproofing, a waterproofing apron is laid along the perimeter of the window opening. Usually it is included in the package, but you can make it yourself. Above the frame, a part of the lathing is removed along the width of the drainage gutter. The gutter is run under the waterproofing material, cut in the middle, and installed around the perimeter of the frame. The top of the apron is pulled under the gutter, and its edges - under the crate. The apron itself is attached to the box with a stapler. The design allows moisture to drain exactly into the gutter.

Upon completion of the waterproofing installation, the protective flashing is installed and fastened. Installation is carried out in the following sequence: at the bottom - a corrugated apron, then - the side parts and finally - the top element. At the end, the pads are placed until the auditory click. The lower apron is attached to roofing material, and parts of the frame - to the lattice and box. The sash is returned to the frame, protective film removed.

From the inside, it is recommended to install slopes - strips framing the frame. An opening stick must be present. Right installed slopes(the top is parallel to the floor, and the bottom is vertical) help to provide gentle air circulation and natural heating. In addition, they have an aesthetic function.

It is quite difficult to mount a triangular window, so it is better to entrust this work to a professional.

Materials (edit)

Roof windows are made from various materials. Depending on preferences, capabilities and goals, you can choose wooden, plastic or metal products.

In country style mansions and chalets small houses and cottages look great wooden structures... The main raw material is northern pine. The high density of glued timber makes the products flexible and allows the use of fewer fasteners. The big advantage of wood is the manufacture of products of various shapes and sizes - arched elements, balconies.

Wooden products are susceptible to the negative effects of moisture, however, if the frame is varnished with water-based varnish once every 2-3 years, their service life will increase.

Wood is an ecological, natural, breathable material. It is much easier to breathe in a wooden house, which affects the level of living comfort.

Products from a plastic profile, in contrast to a wooden one, do not require special care. It is waterproof, does not rot and deteriorate under the influence of water and dirt, and can last 40-50 years. The ventilation issue is solved with the help of special valves. Resistant to adverse conditions environment and also the low price made such products very popular. The problematic point is that When heated, the plastic profile can emit PVC - a gas harmful to living organisms.

The plastic profile looks great in mansions, regardless of what they are built from. A special film makes it possible to adapt the color of the frame to the general appearance of the building.

Sometimes roof windows are made on the basis of an aluminum profile. This material is resistant to corrosion and deformation, allows the manufacture of products of various shapes and sizes. Aluminum products can be used for a long time (at least 80 years) in aggressive environmental conditions at a variety of temperatures. They are unpretentious to care for, have protection from precipitation and ultraviolet rays... A wide range of colors allows you to adapt the profile to any design option for the roof and the house itself.

Products from an aluminum profile are cold and warm. Cold ones are used for glazing openings of non-residential premises. Warm structures are installed in the attics of residential buildings. Their profile consists of three parts with a thermal insulating insert. This structure prevents the penetration of cold air inside, and warm outside. The space between the thermostats is filled with polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene.

There are windows made of wood-aluminum profiles for sale. The outside is made of aluminum and the inside is made of wood. Thus, adverse external conditions do not significantly affect the profile.

One of the requirements for structures installed under the roof is low weight. Often they consist of a 1-chamber double-glazed unit with four types of glass: heat-polished (float glass), with a transparent metallized coating, tempered and triplex. Thermo-polished glass prevents optical distortion. Metallized glass reflects ultraviolet rays.

When tempered glass is cracked, many small particles with blunt edges are formed to avoid cuts. Triplex is a two-layer glass with a special film that holds cracked fragments.

Reflective double-glazed windows, which help to keep cool in constantly illuminated rooms, are made to order.

There are also self-cleaning double-glazed windows - their outer surface is covered with special means which breaks down organic pollution when exposed to the sun.

When choosing windows for the attic, you need to pay attention not only to the material from which the frame is made. It is important to make sure good quality accessories - handles, hinges and others. It is preferable that the used fittings are original and made of stainless steel.

Dimensions (edit)

The choice of the size of roof windows must be approached very carefully. Lighting, the appearance of the house, its perception will largely depend on this. Aesthetic preferences alone are not enough when sizing. Consideration should be given to the area of ​​the room and the possible location of window openings.

In accordance with the accepted norms, the window area should be at least 1 square meter by 10 square meters premises. For the living room, studio and bedroom, the proportions can be different, for example, 1 to 8. Smaller proportions are possible for the toilet, bathroom, wardrobe, pantry and other utility rooms. However, the given proportions can be realized different ways: in some cases one large window can be installed to create a feeling of beauty and freedom, in others several small ones will create coziness.

When designing an attic, it should be remembered that, according to experts, two or three window openings on opposite sides of the bevels will give better lighting than one large one of the same area.

The intervals between the openings and their width depend on the distance between the rafters. Usually it is 80 cm, because the standard width of the roof windows is 78 cm.For a rafter system with a larger pitch, frames with a width of 94, 114 cm are used.If the distance between the rafters is small, you can purchase products with a width of 55 or 60 cm.

The tall window allows you to enjoy a wonderful view. However, the choice of height does not only depend on beauty. Roof layout has a major influence. On a flatter roof, a longer hole is made. For a roof with a slope of 35 degrees, the optimal length will be 160 cm, for a roof with a slope of 70 degrees - no more than 120 cm. The length is also determined taking into account that the lower edge of the structure should be at a distance of at least 1 m from the floor.

So, standard sizes frames are as follows: 78x118 cm, 78x140 cm, 78x160 cm, 94x140 cm, 114x118 cm, 114x140 cm. Non-standard glazing options are made to order.


Roof windows are an interesting architectural solution. Their design can be original, attractive, and an excessive amount of additional decorative elements, in turn, can harm the external and internal image of the house. Correctly selected design gives a sense of organicity, romance, freedom, comfort, grace. But before choosing a design, you should figure out whether it is needed to provide protection against burglary, from the sun, or just as a decorative element.

External shutters, the so-called roller shutters, are usually used to protect mechanical damage and excessive sunlight; they provide sound insulation. It is better to install them outside, since being installed inside, they contribute to additional heating of the glass and the entire inner space of the attic.

External shutters, however, are not very pretty and graceful and are more suitable for people who prefer functionality.

Another option for sun protection is thin nets, the so-called awnings. They allow light to pass through, scattering it and thus reducing heat input. Separately installed awnings also function as a mosquito net.

Curtains are a classic way of decorating window openings. On vertical structures, ordinary curtains are used, on inclined ones - two cornices. The first cornice is installed on top, and the second is placed where it is convenient - it will not let the canvas fall and hold it in the desired position. Velcro, eyelets, braid, clamps, clamps are used to fix the canvas. These elements are also used as decoration. Curtains bring elegance and tenderness to the visit.

Blinds are less original and aesthetic. However, they are easy to install and adapt to openings of various shapes, which makes them quite a popular attribute.

Pleated pleats are indispensable for non-standard forms of window openings. The canvas is held by a special cord or electric drive, which allows you to assemble the curtain or hold it in the required position.

In the interior, you can arrange windows exclusively to your liking. All decoration and finishing can be done by yourself.

Leaving the site, the measurer often not only fulfills his direct duty, but also advises the client on construction issues, helps to navigate the choice of interior design. Of course, you have to talk a lot about the features of the installation of roof windows. Sometimes the measurer is forced to dispel the customer's vain hope for a certain result, which the person saw in a magazine or TV show - since the initial data of the house and the financial capabilities of the client are very different from those of the owner, whose house or apartment turned out to be an inspiring picture.

Today we will get acquainted with the reviews of people who have already installed skylights and admiring the results of the transformation of the space under the roof.

Since when arranging the attic, many nuances are taken into account: the number of windows and the size of window openings, and the direction of opening, construction material, etc., using someone else's experience, you can avoid common mistakes and achieve what you want with less effort and expense


We are all familiar with attics since childhood. Who hasn’t "hid" there with Carlson and the Kid, reading about their joint adventures in a house under the roof? Or did he not "watch" the communication between Kai and Gerda, who also lived in separate attics and grew beautiful roses there? For the first time, the space under the roof began to be used as a living space in the second half of the 17th century, when the Frenchman François Mansart, a famous enterprising architect, drew attention to the empty "territories".

Most of the European attics are made using Finnish technology. In Russia, attics began to get involved relatively recently - with the emergence of interest in individual, affordable, durable and airtight housing.

It is typical for mansards when the windows are located in the roof. Because of this, the installation of structures, and the frame, must comply with certain technical requirements... The most popular manufacturers of roof windows for the European market are Danish Velux, Polish Fakro, German Roto. It is these names of firms that are most often found in discussions on thematic forums.

We study the disadvantages of skylights from reviews

The most active discussions on the forums concern various difficulties with the installation and operation of roof windows. Sometimes in dialogues there are also very negative statements from people who have worn out the renovation of the attic.

On the advantages and disadvantages of roof windows in the video:

Possible problems and solutions


“... In winter, the snow on the window thaws and freezes all season, then it starts to flow. Ice builds up at the junction of the window and frame. And I also tortured the condensation - I clean the snow systematically, but the window is still crying ... ”. In response to such statements, they often write about the suspicion that the window has become problematic due to the installation by the owners themselves, and not by specialists. And this advice is difficult to refute - hire specialists to solve complex construction problems.

Increased temperature in summer

"... I would like to achieve that it would be cooler in the attic of the parent's summer cottage ...".

The problem can be resolved using one of the following methods:

  • by building up an insulating layer under the roof;
  • using blinds, reflective sheeting or curtains;
  • change the shape of the roof so that in summer the overhang will shade the window.


“Everything suits in the attic window: there is no blowing anywhere, it fits well into the interior, it is convenient to use. But the price! Twice the cost of an ordinary glass unit ”.

Which manufacturer's products you prefer is entirely your choice. If you want better quality, you will have to pay more.

What is the advantage of roof windows: we study the experience of the owners based on reviews

Attractive view

“The attic rooms are much nicer. At night all the stars of the world are yours! "

Saving energy

“Skylights have been installed in the study and in the bedroom. Comfort and light have definitely increased. "

Scientists also confirm the statements of this user: due to the angle of arrangement, inclined windows transmit more light than ordinary ones, that is, standing vertically (about 40%).

Handle placement based on user preferences

The location for installing the handle is best chosen taking into account the age and physical characteristics of the inhabitants of the attic. For families with children, it is better to give preference to sash with handles installed in such a way that it is extremely difficult for children to use the levers without substituting a ladder or high chair. It is even safer to use handles with key locks.


The equipment requires a separate type of fittings and you cannot buy it at retail. It is produced by the same firms that produce windows for attics.

If it is necessary to replace or update some element, the application must be sent to the window seller.

Despite the similarity with the hardware for ordinary PVC double-glazed windows, the attic has some technical differences.

Skylights are a good option for arranging office and residential premises. What designs do users like and what to look for in order to be satisfied with their choice?

What problem can you face

The installation of roof windows by non-specialists is absolutely typical and growing, considering that the flow of complaints about leaks has been steadily increasing lately. And with the arrival of heat, the number of dissatisfied people will increase, since this is a natural phenomenon when the technology for installing tilted windows is violated. However, leaks can still occur after a flawless installation. What can cause moisture to seep under the frame?

“Yesterday I received an application from client P, complaining about leaks in dormers. Moisture seepage is observed under the lower porch of the sash. The caller claims that the installation of double-glazed windows was carried out by experienced specialists. "

After arriving at the indicated address and inspection, it turned out that the installation was really done professionally. The cause of the leak was an excess of snow mass on the outer surface of the window glass. Under the sun's rays, the snow melted, and the resulting water ran down an inclined plane to the lower frame. With a decrease in temperature, the water solidified and increased the load on the seal. Over time, it deformed somewhat, and the water was able to seep out little by little.

The key to solving the problem is to clear the snow from the window and remove any moisture on the glass surface by wiping it down with a clean rag.

To restore the functionality of the seal, a lubricant containing liquid silicone is required.

After a while, it turned out that the recommendation fully justified itself: the leak did not appear anymore. The problem was eliminated with "little blood" due to the fact that the attic window was installed according to the rules. If the technology was violated, then the owner of the house would have to incur much higher costs than was expended to call and consult a specialist.

About the technology for installing mounting windows in the video:

Real owner reviews of roof windows

Getting acquainted with the dialogues on forums where dormers are discussed, it becomes clear that the leading topic of conversation is related to the problem of leaks. Someone claims that no one will be able to avoid moisture seepage, someone insists that double-glazed windows from a normal manufacturer can fail only if installed by a non-professional. Others argue that neither the brand name nor the qualifications of the installers will save from leaks - over time, even expensive double-glazed windows begin to leak water.


When you hear statements, the essence of which is "Velux windows or, say, ROTO windows serve for 10-15 years and have never flowed", you start to think that today's double-glazed windows of the same companies are made not in Denmark or Germany, respectively, but somewhere in Egypt or even near the town of Starye Pyrki.

Where do the legs grow from for such a suspicion? It's simple: most of those complaining about leaking dormers assure that the structures were installed by specialists, and do not understand what kind of workers. It turns out that the root of the problem is a factory defect. And the fact that double-glazed windows let water through not in the rain, but after the formation of ice, is confirmation of this.

How does the leak occur in the latter case:

  • due to heavy snowfalls, a snowdrift forms on the outer glass;
  • after a thaw, under the melted snow, ice forms in the evening, reliably "digging" into the window frame;
  • because of the heat from the window, the ice gradually melts, but the water formed as a result of this has nowhere to run away - an ice crust on top;
  • if there is a gap between the frame and the sash - if the glass unit was assembled at the factory in violation of the technology - water seeps under the seal.

The sealant can begin to let water through and due to the long-term operation of the glass unit without preventive maintenance. If the leakage of water is caused by the old age of the seal, then the rivulets will leave dark smudges, and if the seeping moisture is transparent, then the cause of the problem is poor assembly.

So that over time a good sealant does not lose its properties, it must be lubricated. But even careful care is powerless in the face of time - then a replacement for a new one the only way avoid leakage. Interestingly, for double-glazed windows with doors that open according to the principle of a hatch, the rubber bands last longer.


Of course, roof windows also have a lot of advantages! No one has ever complained about their poor thermal insulation or drafts. Owners of the latest Aereco windows will not rejoice at the pre-installed systems in the form of a self-regulating inlet valve that provides ventilation.

There were rave reviews from the owners of double-glazed windows with wooden frames.

Unlike conventional ones made of the same material, the former are absolutely not afraid of decay, do not climb and do not require systematic painting, since they are treated with a special impregnation and have a protective coating.

The users are also pleased with the strength of the glass of the roof windows, tested in practice: among the dialogues of the farmhouse.ru forum there is a description of a mini-incident that led the narrator to financial expenses, but convinced him of the strength of the glass in such windows. Because of the lost key, the man was forced to enter the house through a locked dormer window, the glass in which resisted attempts to break it for a long time.

The window owners also like the loyalty program of manufacturers FAKRO, Velux, ROTO to their customers, expressed in the ability to replace defective elements for double-glazed windows free of charge.

Skylights: selection based on basic characteristics

Like anyone purchasing a product, a roof window buyer expects the quality of the glass unit to match the amount paid. Most of the special double-glazed windows for installation in the attic are affordable for a wide range of consumers, and at the same time pleases with democratic prices.

By purchasing such a roof window, you get:

  • product with a high safety factor;
  • reliable product whose functional characteristics will protect the premises from drafts, low temperatures, excessive humidity;
  • durable construction with a 10-year warranty period.

Glasses of high-quality dormers are made of triplex. In addition to strength, this material has a valuable property: upon a crushing impact, the glass does not fly apart with a splash of fragments, but cracks, covered with a web of cracks of different lengths, but remains in the window opening.

The skylights of the skylights scatter the sun's rays, so the light inside the room will be pleasing to the eyes and harmless to things prone to fading.


If we were engaged in the construction of housing for ourselves with a frequency of 5-10 years, then when preparing the third project, we would have significant experience in arranging houses for our needs. But since we perform such a feat much less often, we have to apply for practical recommendations on a variety of construction issues. Further, we will present a lot of applied information about dormers, collecting valuable information with the help of Prozarovskaya Marina, who works as a chief engineer. If we missed something, then later we are ready to answer all your questions.

In general terms

What is the difference between a roof window and a conventional vertical glass unit? What are the advantages of the former? Can a regular glass unit be installed at an angle in a mansard roof?

The main difference between windows is their purpose. Vertical double-glazed windows are mounted exclusively in the window openings of the vertical walls of buildings for various purposes.

Skylights are designed for roof mounting and are therefore capable of carrying loads similar to those experienced by a roof.

The procedure for installing windows into the roof also has a number of nuances that are not needed for the installation of ordinary double-glazed windows.

The cost per square meter of a roof window and the difference in price between it and the usual

The cost of roof windows is determined not by the number of square meters in it, but by the combined amount for all the elements that make up the structure. The larger the area, the more complete the equipment and the newer the model of the attic double-glazed unit, the higher the price for it.

For example, let's say that a basic design without a salary with a size of 78 x 118 will cost the client 9,800 rubles. What is the purpose of the salary? This is an element for connecting a glass unit with the roof of your house. If it is profiled, then you need to choose a special salary worth 4,150 rubles. But the indicated amounts are the price for each of the products. Work, additions in the form of kits providing heat, hydro, vapor barrier, are paid separately.

In most cases, pine wood from our northern regions is used for the manufacture of roof windows. This material was preferred because of its special density and heat-conducting qualities.

If you prefer PVC double-glazed windows, we recommend choosing a product made by Roto or Factro. Or take advantage of an absolutely innovative proposal - choose a structure made of wood covered with polyurethane on the outer layer. It protects wood from moisture impregnation, is not afraid of exposure to heat, does not turn yellow and is resistant to mechanical stress.

Algorithm for installing roof windows in the video:

Why vertical windows are made using a different technology

They have different purposes and different volumes of loads. The roof should have the same heat loss coefficient over the entire area, therefore, the windows in the roof should also be a reliable barrier to heat escape from the room.

Is fogging possible?

All modern double-glazed windows are cladding structures and have similar problems with condensation. Therefore, this manifestation of excess moisture can be observed even in the highest quality structures.

How to deal with the resulting condensation:

  • thoughtful organization of air convection;
  • the creation of a ventilation gap if the technology is violated when creating slopes.

The fact is that the upper slope of the roof window should be horizontal, and the lower one - vertical.

Then the warm air flow rising from the heating element under the window opening will spread parallel to the area of ​​the roof window. If the lower slope turns out to be horizontal, then there is a need for a ventilation gap from special gratings.

Special requirements

Often these windows end up overhanging people in the room.

Therefore, special safety requirements have been put forward for structures:

  • internal glasses must be made of triplex that will protect people near the window in case of damage to its transparent elements;
  • external glass must be of the tempered type which are much more durable than usual.

What is triplex technology? It is a complex of two glasses bonded with an interlayer between them in the form of a film. It is she who prevents the glass from "exploding" by fragments when hitting the window.

To familiarize yourself with some of the characteristics of a double-glazed window, purchased or already installed in a permanent place, study the data on the plate located at the end of the window.

To get to it, open the sash so that its upper part looks into the room. Usually a plate with information of interest (class, type of glass unit, size) is located on the right. For more details on what you can find out by reading the information on the nameplate (plate), find out in a special section.

How to use during the hot season

In the summer, the space under the roof is the hottest area of ​​the house. All the heat that comes to us with the sun's rays is directed to the roof. Understanding the source of the problem, manufacturers of roof windows propose to deal with it through the use of sun-reflecting glass, interior curtains, roller shutters, blinds, awnings. When choosing a suitable option, remember that using roller shutters, you will be forced to illuminate the room. artificial lighting because such protection will completely obscure the room.

If the roof has sufficient thermal insulation, then the atmosphere under the roof on a hot day warms up to 26 degrees. With poor insulation, this indicator greatly increases and the presence of a window on the south side of the roof will only exacerbate the problem. All protective methods of reducing the amount of heat entering through the windows are able to reduce it by no more than a degree. Therefore, it is advisable to put windows in the roof, provided that its slope faces the north side of the world. Otherwise, in the summer without an air conditioner in the attic will be pretty tight.

Operation in winter

If the house is heated, then the skylights will not freeze. But due to their inclined arrangement, snow can accumulate on top of the glass. If the precipitation is light, then the snow will quickly disappear. And in case of significant snowfall, the snowdrifts need to be shaken off periodically so that the amount of light entering the room does not decrease and the visibility of the windows does not decrease.

Due to the temperature difference outside the window and inside the room, condensation drops form on the glass. When they flow down, they can cause a mini pool to form on the floor under the window. If you do not know about this and do not visit the attic for a while, then you may find yourself in front of the fact that the area of ​​carpet, parquet or furniture located directly under the window gets wet. To prevent unpleasant consequences, you can use a thick towel or rug.

As for the difficulties with caring for roof windows. Yes, they get dirty more quickly, because on inclined surfaces, dust and dirt are better retained. However, it is easier to clean the doors of such double-glazed windows due to their location. Provided that the window is located in the living area, and not high above the flight of stairs. In the latter case, cleaning without a telescopic mop will be difficult.

If you are afraid that children will try to use the dormer window as a mansard access to the roof, use fittings with a key locking system.

Reliability and duration of the operational period

Based on the above, we can conclude that when choosing a high-quality dormer window, you will receive a reliable and easy-to-use structure that will delight your eye and soul for more than one year. Manufacturers who are confident in their product indirectly confirm the quality of their products with a twenty-year glass guarantee. At the same time, they emphasize the need for systematic lubrication of fittings accessible to moisture and recommend periodically refreshing the appearance of the frames with paint.

What problems can the owner of a roof window face?

Don't believe that there are no problems with roof windows? Right. Any design may not serve as flawlessly as we would like if, during its operation, the recommended rules of use are violated.

For example, for a long service life of an attic double-glazed window, it is extremely important to observe the installation technology: take into account the angle of inclination of the roof, floor level, professionally mount the structure in a permanent place. Often, if errors are made, then they are noticeable even to a person who has no experience in construction.

If the developer is inexperienced, an incorrect project was used when arranging the house, then the result may be, for example, the inaccessibility of a free view - when you cannot reach the window without a chair, or you need to bend in three arcs to look out into the street. A similar situation is observed in the attic of one of the forum users. Taking into account the parameters of the project, she ordered 78 x 140 double-glazed windows attic, but in practice the last figure should have been 160 cm.As a result, the owners of the room must bend over to review the situation on the street, which is not very convenient, whatever one may say.

To avoid inconvenience, calculate so that the lower edge of the glass unit is at a distance of 80-110 cm from the floor. A more specific reference point: when sitting on a chair, your line of sight, when looking straight ahead, should coincide with the lower edge of the glazing. You also need to take into account your height: if you get up, you should not be afraid of hitting the sash of an open window.

The following memo will help you not to overshoot with the choice of the desired design: when determining the length of the window, take into account the angle of inclination of the roof. If the angle is 30 degrees (or 35), then there should be at least one and a half meters between the lower and upper edge of the sash. If you suspect that you can miss the size of the attic window due to errors in the project, then before choosing specific structures, do not be too lazy to measure the attic yourself or by inviting an experienced measurer. Then you will definitely be sure that the skylights will decorate the room and allow you to admire the beautiful landscapes without requiring unnatural body curves from you.

If the attic is located in a house with attic walls, then the expediency of double-glazed windows is questionable. You will not be able to admire the views through them, unless you study the sky. But save a lot on electricity. In general, the choice is always yours if you are smart about solving any problem.

About the use of roof windows in winter in the video:

By design features:

  • extensions. As a rule, this is the upper additional element of the window, creating a decorative combination window construction... It can be semicircular, triangular.
  • balcony windows. Together with roof glazing, they create front (sometimes side) glazing of the space with the ability to exit as to a balcony. There is also a type of structure when, when closed, the windows repeat the slope of the roof, and when open, the upper part comes off upward from the bottom, and the lower part opens forward from the top.
  • light tunnel. This is a type of roof window that does not have direct contact with the room. Therefore, a reflective tunnel (pipe) runs from the window into the room, and a plafond is installed in the room, which evenly diffuses the light. For example, such a tunnel can be made if you do not have an attic, but an attic, under which there is an unlit space in the room, but there is no artificial lighting.
  • additional lower window element under the roof window (installed in the same plane). It is installed when the roof height is not enough for 2 vertical windows, and one window does not provide sufficient illumination.
  • cornice windows. They are installed under roof windows, but vertically (they also have a hinged opening). Their presence is due to the high wall under the roof (wall). Thanks to this design, a person can look at the surrounding landscape as if through an ordinary window.

Types of roof windows

By opening method:

  • the central swing axis of the sash. The popularity of such windows is very high (mainly due to the fact that they can be scrolled in both directions and are easy to clean).
  • raised pivot. It is installed closer to the upper border of the window (3/4 of the height).
  • combined pivot axis (top and center). The upper axis allows the window to be opened exclusively outward, but up to an angle of 45 degrees. And the central axis allows you to rotate the windows for easy cleaning.
  • lateral pivot axis. These windows are also called skylights.
  • in the balcony windows, about which it was written above, the lower window has a lower pivot axis, thanks to which it opens forward.
  • opening with the remote control (remote control). As a rule, such windows need remote opening if the height of the attic and its roof is quite large, and it is not so easy to reach the window. Or simply from an aesthetic point of view and additional personal comfort.

There are also systems for automatic opening and closing of windows that react to rain and smoke. They can be configured for specific times.

Inclined euro-windows differ from auditory windows in that they are mounted directly into the roof at an angle. Oven windows were invented in the 19th century, and dormer windows in the post-war fifties of the 20th century. The inclined euro-window is characterized by tightness, practicality, high light transmission and sound insulation. With an excess of penetration of sunlight into the room, the roof window is closed with a canvas or blinds. The light output of a tilted euro-window is 35% higher than that of a gable or auditory window.

Blinds are installed on inside windows.
Outside the windows can be protected with roller shutters.

The gable window is mounted vertically into the gable wall using a gable collar. Frontal frames can be openable or non-opening. Such models serve to increase the view of the surroundings.

Window-hatch for access to the roof

The roof hatch should organically fit into the appearance of a private cottage. A wonderful solution is a hatch window, which can be built into the roof without any problems and looks like an ordinary inclined euro-window. The hatches harmonize wonderfully with external appearance the entire building and the windows installed in it. A variety of roof inspection hatches:

  1. The roof emergency exit looks like a tilted Euro window. It is endowed with all the functions of simple windows. It is used for technical inspection and exit to the roof. To open the doors, you just need to press the handle and the hatch will open automatically using gas shock absorbers. Such structures are installed on the roof with a slope of 15 to 55 degrees.


  • opening angle up to 70 degrees;
  • combined opening and ventilation system;
  • laminated inner glass;
  • outer layer - hardened surface treated with self-cleaning agent;
  • size from 700 x 1200 mm to 1006 x 1200 mm.

The roof hatch makes roof maintenance much easier.
  1. The operational exit looks like an ordinary mansard hatch-window and serves as an exit to the roof. Installed on roofs with a slope of 15 to 55 degrees, equipped with supply valve for ventilation of the attic. Opens outward along the lateral axis.


  • the euro window opens with a handle;
  • the hatch is equipped with a multifunctional glass unit;
  • the sash can open both to the right and to the left;
  • hatch size - 500 by 930 mm.

Operational exit to the roof from the attic.
  1. A hatch window is installed in the attic of buildings for technological inspection and access to the roof. You can select the type of opening and side. Supplied with a provision for room ventilation. Installed on roofs with a slope of 20 to 65 degrees.


  • the lower frame overlap serves as a step;
  • sash fixed in 3 places;
  • opening angle up to 89 degrees;
  • size - 490 x 760 mm.

Mansard hatches can have a wide variety of opening types.

How to choose the right roof windows?

When choosing a roof window, a number of features should be taken into account:

  • moisture protection;
  • the presence of seals;
  • profile or frame material;
  • opening method;
  • the strength of the glass unit.

Design features of roof windows https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlwbG2I_Hss In the design of inclined windows, a single-chamber double-glazed unit is used, which greatly facilitates the load on the fittings and supporting elements. For attic euro-windows a frost-resistant heat-saving glass unit is used, which is filled with argon.

Sectional attic double-glazed window.

Double-glazed windows made using the "triplex" technology will save the inhabitants of the attic from debris accidentally broken glass... Since the two glasses are glued together with a special film that allows you to keep the fragments. The Easy Clean coating splits the dirt accumulated on the euro windows under the influence of sunlight, which makes it easier to clean the glass.

Laminated triplex glass will provide excellent protection for your windows.

Important! It is important to pay attention to the location window handle... It should be at a comfortable height for use.

Additional options such as: roller shutters and retaining supports will protect the house from noise, hail, sun and serve as protection against penetration into the home.

Roof window design features

The simplest design of a recessed euro window. You can use the already erected overlap and mount the window under the already finished roof. Such windows are mounted at any time.

This design is not only easy to assemble, but also very practical.

A projecting skylight must be designed during the construction phase. The structure can be installed for flat and gable roofs. It is much easier to mount protruding ceilings on a flat roof. The assembled side walls of the structure are sewn up with boards and covered with a roofing covering material that covers the entire roof.

This design can also be a good addition to the exterior of the house.

An inner roof window can be installed between the beams that hold the roof rafters. The support board is installed between the supports, then a window frame is placed on it. From above, the frame fixes the fixing bar. The side walls and the drain are covered with a covering material that covers the entire roof.

Installation of a roof window.

Installation of a roof window

After the final choice of the model and location of the roof window, they proceed to its installation. Tilt window installation sequence:

  • an opening must be cut in the roof to install the frame;
  • the roof is reinforced with additional lags and a frame for the window frame is mounted;
  • insulation and waterproofing is laid;
  • roofing material is being laid;
  • a window block is installed.

Master class on installing a roof window https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7mQz8E8v9A Before you start installing the eurowindows, you need to strengthen the roof structure and mount the frame for the window frame. Strengthening is done with the rafters next to it. Jumpers are mounted between them, between which beams are mounted under the window frame. A window frame is installed in the resulting frame. The unit should be mounted without glass. The frame should be installed above the level of the roof to ensure that the water is drained. After installing the frame, it is necessary to install a waterproofing covering to ensure water drainage. Modern models roof windows are equipped with additional features. These include remote control window opening, roller shutters and safety fences forming a small balcony. Remote control roof window https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLKzwRMPCig