Key note in Provence style. Provence style interior

  • 30.05.2019

Very romantic and unusual Provence style

Endless expanses, lavender fields, gentle sea breeze, aromas of spices and fresh milk, colors painted by nature itself - all this is His Majesty Provence! The great artists Picasso, Van Gogh, Chagall painted pictures of the famous French province. And why not embody the splendor of the region in the interior? The Provencal style appeared in the 17th century, when representatives of the bourgeoisie, in an effort to retire, surround themselves with natural landscapes and the peaceful atmosphere of a measured rural life, get away from the bustle of large cities, erected houses outside the city. Simplicity and naturalness, the charm of delicate colors, comfort and elegance in every detail - all this is short description style. Is it possible to recreate such an atmosphere in a city apartment? Yes, of course, knowing the secrets of design, furnishing rooms and finishes, full of charm, French Provence can “settle” in your home.

Characteristic features of the style

What is a province? Many associate the interior direction with it. Provence is a region with a long history in the south-east of France. Today it is a part of the famous Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region, the most visited and beloved by many Hollywood stars and other celebrities. Thanks to the favorable climate, endless fertile fields, and the diversity of the plant world, Provence is rightfully the pearl of France. In ancient times, these lands were inhabited different nations- brave Phoenicians, wise Greeks, resourceful Romans. Therefore, the region became the most Romanized province of Gaul. Over time, the region of the Mediterranean fell in love with the representatives of Bohemia, artists and poets, who erected miniature houses entwined with grape vines and emerald ivy, gardens with juicy fruits sprawled in front of them. Authentic features, originality, hospitality and charming simplicity of Provence organically “merged” into the modern interior of apartments.

Provincial style in the kitchen

Who chooses this style for themselves? These are, first of all, people with a delicate taste, creative natures, thinkers and philosophers at heart, fans of a harmonious combination of rural simplicity and French charm.

Characteristic features and features of the Provence style:

  • Natural colors in the interior, muted tones. Provence does not tolerate flashy or neon shades, expression, only neutral tones, delicate, even cold, pastels and muted colors, as if slightly faded under the hot sun.

Delicate tones in the design of French chic
  • Elements of antiquity. This unpretentious style has one feature - the effect of antiquity, a touch of time. It can be decorative elements, aged surfaces, simple rustic furniture.

Elements of antiquity are visible in the interior
  • Finishing. Here everything happens according to the principle "the simpler the better." No need for ornate prints and intricate shapes. Classic wall painting is the best option for anyone who wants to create an aura of French Provence at home.

A very simple decoration of a room is its painting.
  • Lots of decorative details. The interior is born in small things. It is decorative things that will help enhance the effect of style, emphasize its character. Preference should be given to hand made gizmos. You can make such a decor with your own hands, there are many interesting and simple master classes.

crafts handmade in the interior
  • Minimalism in furnishings. Provence is a region with a hot climate, coming home, the inhabitants of the region were looking for coolness. A minimal but functional set of furniture, simple graceful forms and natural materials are the main principles of Provence style furnishings.

Minimalism with natural materials
  • Big windows. Provencal style means a lot of sunlight in the room. If it is not possible to install panoramic or large windows, you can “play” with the arrangement of artificial light, achieving the effect of maximum natural light in the apartment.

Thanks to panoramic windows, more light enters the house
Window on the attic floor

In a modern, even small-sized, apartment, you can fully realize the Provence style or simply place accents, transparently hinting at the French style. Let's deal with the features of creating an interior in more detail.

Secrets of Provence style

Color palette

Designers note that the interior in the Provence style is created on the basis of the same colors. This does not mean at all that the design will turn out to be boring and monotonous.

Let's designate the most relevant color accents:

  • White. Usually, White color adjacent to other shades: bluish white, milky white, white with a pink tint.

Due to this color, the space of the whole room is filled with light.
  • Blue. Blue notes are always present in the design of the living room, bedroom and kitchen. It can be azure, a shade of field cornflowers and a sea wave. Often blue color is dominant in wall decoration, but can also be used in small decor details.

Kitchen decoration in cornflower blue
  • Pink and red. Delicate shades of pink, halftones of red will help create a romantic flair in the interior. The most commonly used are ash pink, light purple, delicate coral, light salmon and other beautiful shades.

Curtains and sofa in coral pink shades
  • Pastel range. Pastel tones and powdery shades are the leitmotif of the whole design. Nude beige, delicate cream, faded blue, spring lilac, cool mint will help bring freshness, coolness and lightness to the design.

All the colors in the room are very calm and soft.
  • Lavender.

Highlight the bathroom with lavender tiles

Picturesque lavender fields are, in a way, a symbol of the French region. Lavender in all its manifestations will help subtly emphasize the theme of the interior.

  • Natural shades. Terracotta, sand, olive or pistachio can be used in decoration or decorative details.

Kitchen with a hint of mint, very fresh and stylish

Dark or gloomy colors such as black, dark brown or gray are only used for accents. Color solution designed individually, the main idea is to create an airy, sophisticated, but cozy atmosphere. It is recommended to choose colors that are as close to nature as possible, which will evoke thoughts of a paradise with a warm sea, golden sand, olive trees and the scent of lavender.

french provence

Provencal finish

Each direction in the interior has its own design rules.

And this means that, as in mediterranean style, Provence is characterized by the use of such materials:

  • Wood. It could be natural wood valuable breeds or its successful imitation. Remember that the natural style does not tolerate falsehood, so the wood material must have a clear natural texture with minimal processing.

Wood texture emphasizes the French interior
  • Stone. The most commonly used masonry, imitation brick wall, painted in white, will bring original notes to the design.

Imitation of a brick wall on a kun
  • Metal. Such material is rarely used in decoration, but may be present in decorative elements or furnishings, for example, wrought iron furniture, flower stands, antique candelabra.

Metal towel holders highlight the interior of the bathroom
  • Plaster. Walls can be plastered, but not achieved smooth surface, and leave deliberately careless textured touches.

The walls are plastered and painted with textured paint
  • Ceramics. Decor elements, figurines, vases, mosaics on the walls, frescoes - all this will help to most fully recreate the Provencal picture.

Ceramic tiles on the floor look pretty nice

Surfaces can be aged, there are many artistic techniques to achieve the noble effect of antiquity - decoupage, patina, craquelure with a mesh of small cracks. All this can be done by hand. Turning the routine finishing of walls, floors, ceilings and even furniture into an exciting process.

Finishes and types of fabric

To Provencal style in the interior of the apartment looked harmonious, you can use the following tips:

  • It is important to organize the lighting correctly.

Kitchen-Living room with original lighting


When shopping for a chandelier for your living room, bedroom, or kitchen, don't look for sparkling, deliberately luxurious lighting fixtures. The chandelier should not be bulky, it will destroy the lightness and airiness of the interior.

  • Lamps, floor lamps can be selected from wood or metal. The surface should not be glossy, it is better if it is bronze, brass with patina elements.

This interior loves a lot of light.
  • Use as many textiles as possible. Light floral print curtains, hand-embroidered linen tablecloth, lace doilies, knitted blankets, multi-colored sofa cushions - all this will help create comfort in the house.

Sofa with muted flowers
  • When choosing decor, give preference to gizmos hand made. Boxes, candlesticks, ceramic figurines, a picture on the wall with a Provencal landscape will help to decorate the interior. To hint at the French theme, you can use the image or figurine of a rooster - an ancient symbol of the Gauls.

How can you do without a figurine of a rooster in the interior - an ancient symbol of the Gauls
Paintings in decoupage technique
  • Furniture should harmoniously complement the style. Main principle- lightness, maximum space. In the living room you can place an elegant table with forging elements, chairs woven from rattan or wicker, a sofa with wooden armrests.

The wicker armchair complements the interior very much.
Very cozy living room in Provencal style

In the Provencal style, the main thing is accents. The whole atmosphere should be hospitable, radiate comfort and warmth. You can decorate a house or apartment in such a relaxed, romantic style on your own, focusing on a successful synthesis colors, furnishings and decorative details.

Decor items

We create an interior in the French style

The province of the same name is known for its fragrant lavender fields, fragrant spices, delicious cheeses, cozy houses, as well as the charm of the sea and sunlight. These components have become an integral part of modern Provence design.

Delicate, as if slightly sun-bleached colors create home warmth and comfort. The interior of a house in the Provence style does not include pretentious and defiant elements. The atmosphere exudes calmness and tranquility.

Despite the fact that the atmosphere is discreet and is not associated with luxury, a person feels homely warmth and naturalness in it. Rough plaster, slightly shabby furniture, lavender shades, textiles - this is Provence.

Despite the authenticity, the style looks impressive not only in France, but also in other countries. Moreover, it can be created not only in country houses but also in ordinary apartments.

The history of the Provence style

As an independent style, Provence in the interior began its development in the 19th century in France. At that time, many people sought to move away from the atmosphere of noisy cities and factories. They strove for comfort and a calm rhythm of life, expressing this in the atmosphere of the home.

Some experts argue that the Provence style in the interior appeared much earlier - back in the 18th century, when the middle class began to form. Doctors, lawyers, large merchants began to equip their homes with hints of the charm of the province against the backdrop of the fading baroque. This period coincided with the Great French Revolution, which left its mark on all spheres of life of the French, and preferences in the interior are no exception.

In the 18th century, Provence in the interior of the house was more popular in country buildings. In urban apartments, people created a more restrained and classic environment.
The style owes its name to the region of the same name, located in the southeastern part of France. It was from there that French Provence in the interior began to spread throughout the world.

Main features

We list the main features of modern Provence in the interior:

  • Light colors predominate. The main colors of Provence in the interior are lavender, white, light yellow, turquoise, light blue, cream, beige, light brown. All colors are muted, without pronounced contrasts.
  • Bright rooms with large wooden windows, most often with white frames.
  • An important element of Provence interior design is a fireplace. It is best to overlay it with a stone, and put decor on top - forged candlesticks, porcelain, photographs in an aged baguette.
  • Antique, slightly shabby furniture without rich decor and massive elements. Furniture is made from wood, which is artificially aged. Upholstery is most often made of fabrics with a small colorful pattern.
  • Interior design in the Provence style provides for an abundance of textiles - light curtains, tablecloths, ruffled bedspreads, mostly handmade carpets. Only natural fabrics are used - wool, cotton, linen.
  • Minimalism is unusual for the style, so in order not to overload the atmosphere with colorful prints and decor, the rest of the things are hidden in cabinets or chests of drawers with spacious drawers.
  • Forging elements - frames of mirrors, clocks, railings of stairs.
  • Domokatny paths of characteristic color scale.
  • Floral arrangements, porcelain, forged candlesticks are used as decor. Provence interior items do not differ in rich colors and modern design.
  • Patterns are predominantly vegetable - fragrant flowers, shrubs, low trees, flying dragonflies.
  • Provence in the interior of the apartment provides a lot of light. Large windows, central chandeliers with many lamps, floor lamps with light-colored lampshades, and forged lamps will help to achieve this effect.
  • The dishes are used in a simple form and most often with a floral print.

Provence and country - what's the difference?

Country style, like Provence, symbolizes measured village life and the charm of nature. But unlike the French roots of Provence, country is characterized by transformation, depending on the region.

For example, there is English, Russian, American country style. Features of the direction in each region depend on the climate and cultural subtleties.

The country atmosphere is restrained, with elements of minimalism. It may even be characterized by coldness, especially in the northern regions. While the design of a room in the Provence style provides for warmth, due to the origin of the style in a warm climate. Also, country does not always provide large windows that provide good lighting.

Is the Provence style popular today and who will it suit?

Beautiful interiors of Provence-style houses have not lost their popularity for a long time. This trend is due to the fact that people are tired of the urban environment and they want to immerse themselves in comfort and peace.

Images of flowers and other vegetation of delicate colors have a calming effect and cause positive emotions. And the color scheme itself does not overload the eye.

Provence style in the interior of an apartment most people do not get bored for a long time, so they may not change their style for years; and if there is a desire to make changes, you can always change the accents in the setting.

Provence style design is suitable, first of all, for people with a calm type of temperament. It can also have a calming effect on choleric people, restraining their temper. The direction will appeal to creative people - writers and painters. Many world-famous artists love Provence for its magnificent play of colors and light, for its naturalness and picturesqueness.

Finish options

  • Walls

For walls, stucco with a rough texture is most often used. Sometimes designers intentionally leave a gap in the brickwork, thus creating the effect of antiquity.

Also used wallpaper with a floral pattern, brickwork especially in the fireplace area. Another type of decoration is wall cladding with boards painted in the colors of Provence. For rooms with high humidity, tiles without a glossy sheen or natural stone are used.

Provence style house design includes floors made of wooden boards, stone or large fragments ceramic tiles. Sometimes boards with minimal processing are used for the floor.

The main colors of the floor are beige, cream, light brown. Parquet, carpet and linoleum are not used.

  • Ceiling

Ceilings are painted or plastered. Surface colors are only light. You can give them a zest by adding them wooden beams light brown or beige colour. Too much dark tones beams are not used.

We equip a house in the style of Provence

Consider the options for arranging the interior of rooms in the Provence style.

Living room

Since the living room is the visiting card of the house, it is important to let the style unfold in it as much as possible.

  • To realize the Provence living room design, choose a spacious and bright room with large windows.
  • The walls can be made in pastel or white with plaster. Be sure to make a textured surface. Such a solution for the Provence living room interior provides for the presence of paintings with flowers and other floral decor on the walls.
  • The design of the living room in the style of Provence is emphasized by wallpaper with a colorful print.
    If you think an all-over floral print will overwhelm your decor, choose a wallpaper with vertical stripes, along which a not too expressive floral decor winds.
  • Decorate the floor with a light wooden board, and paint the ceiling white and complement it with wooden beams.
  • Hang light curtains made of cotton or linen on the windows. Their main color should match the color upholstered furniture and walls, but do not merge.
  • Equip the sofa area - put a sofa with a medium-height back and a few easy chairs.
    Choose upholstery with subtle, subtle floral prints.
  • Place decorative pillows depicting larger flowers on upholstered furniture.
  • Place a low wooden table in white color on which there will be a vase of flowers, for example, lavender or a bouquet of wildflowers.
  • Lay a walkway on the floor.

A fireplace will complement the interior of the living room in Provence style, which will warm during the cold season. Make trim around it natural stone. The wall to which it adjoins can also be completely finished with stone.


Provence style in modern interior already in itself disposes to rest. Therefore, it is the best way to fill the bedroom with an atmosphere of relaxation and tranquility.

  • For wall decoration, it is best to choose beige or cream colors with a beautiful floral pattern. To do this, choose the appropriate wallpaper.
  • Provence bedroom interior walls can be made by choosing white as the base color.

But if you can’t fall asleep for a long time, choose warm shades, as white will not promote sleep.

  • Finish the floor with a light brown wooden board. The Provence-style bedroom design will be complemented by a walkway or a wool rug.
  • The headboard and footboard of the double bed can be made of white forging.

Place a lavender-colored bedspread on the bed, which will be associated with fragrant lavender fields; it can be quilted and ruffled. This decision will be the highlight of the Provence bedroom design. Put easy chair light color, put on it decorative pillows with the image of flowers.

  • Place white wooden bedside tables on the sides of the bed, on which you can put lamps with lavender shades.

Hang curtains in a delicate lavender color combined with white tulle. Try to use textiles as much as possible.

  • Place clothes in wooden cabinet light color (white, cream) or in a dressing room with a white, wooden door.

The interior of the Provence-style bedroom will be effectively complemented by picturesque paintings with landscapes of the Provence region or with fragrant flowers. Frame your paintings in artificially aged frames. The same frames are suitable for mirrors in the bedroom.


For the French from small towns, eating is a special ritual. Dinner can last up to four hours. They enjoy leisurely feasting on wine, cheeses and light snacks in a Provençal setting. The Provence-style kitchen interior in an apartment or house should arouse appetite and evoke positive emotions.

  • For walls, you can choose a combination of delicate lavender and turquoise color with hints of light yellow.
  • Finish the stove and sink area with white tiles with a floral pattern.
  • The floor can also be finished with tiles or stone.
  • Make the ceiling white.
  • Provence in the interior of the kitchen will emphasize wooden dinner table white with dainty legs.
  • Place wooden chairs around it with upholstered with floral print.
  • Disguise modern household appliances behind the doors of wooden kitchen cabinets.

Complement the interior of the Provence style kitchen with paintings of lavender fields or still lifes consisting of elements of French cuisine. Also, the design of the Provence-style kitchen is emphasized by vases with bouquets of wildflowers.

Most gentle style in the interior of residential spaces - this is the Provence style or Provencal style.

The style is gentle, sophisticated, romantic and has not lost its relevance for many years.

What is the secret of his popularity?

Let's figure it out.

Provence style history

The word “provence” literally translates from French as “province”. Historically, the lands of Southern France were named that way, then the whole region, and the style of interior design typical for local dwellings was named after him.

As such, the style began to emerge in the 17th century, in contrast to the rigor and pretentiousness of the Baroque, which was relevant in the “urban” France of that time.

In fact, the Provencal style is a national variety of country style, which is so authentic that it has become an independent stylistic direction.

This is the style of a leisurely countryside with cozy country houses and endless lavender fields, the romance of the sea coast and magnificent sunrises.

Southern France was very popular as a resort among French bohemia and aristocracy. Van Gogh, Cezanne, Matisse, Balzac, Dumas came here to spend the summer, and soon Provence became popular thanks to paintings and literary works great creators far beyond their borders.

Provence style colors

The palette of shades of the Provencal style is a complete reflection of the natural shades of the nature of Southern France, the Cote d'Azur and the Mediterranean Sea.

There is a lot of purple (lavender) in the Provencal interior, as the region is famous for its endless flower fields, resting directly on the sky. By the way, due to the fact that Pantone Ultra Violet was officially recognized as the color of 2018, the style was at the peak of popularity.

Along with purple, pink is used.

Since Southern France is also a famous seaside resort, colors such as blue and blue are used in the interior.

Green in the Provencal interior often acts as an accent color rather than the main one. But there are exceptions.

The base color of the style is white. It was in white that it was customary to paint country houses in Provencal villages. White color was used for walls, furniture, ceilings, textiles.

IN modern interpretation style it is allowed to use a variety of shades of white: ivory, ivory, snow white.

Sometimes in the interior you can find yellow and terracotta shades.

A distinctive feature of the Provence style color scheme is that all colors are not saturated, but as gentle and pastel as possible.

This is explained very simply: under the scorching rays of the sun of southern France, all colors (even the brightest and most saturated) simply ... burned out. And they became those weightless and translucent shades by which the Provencal style is unmistakably recognized all over the world today.

Distinctive features of Provence style

As we have already said, the main hallmark Provence style is its color scheme: white combined with pastel shades of purple, blue, blue, green, yellow.

Since Provence is a kind of rustic style (country), materials and their textures play a special role in it. First of all, it is natural wood, stone and textured linen fabrics with floral patterns and ruffles.

Important! Furniture in Provencal villages has served more than one generation, so wear and tear and even traces of some dilapidation were always very noticeable on it.

IN modern apartments surfaces can be artificially aged.

Another feature of Provencal furniture is that almost all of it is man-made. Well, since not every villager was a wood sculptor, the processing of this very tree was quite rough and primitive.

The style is dominated by floral patterns and floral ornaments. And not only in textiles, but also as wall painting, furniture and ceiling decoration. In addition to floral motifs, the cockerel is very common - in France it is considered a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

In the Provencal villages there was practically no electricity, so the main source of light was the sun.

Particular attention was paid to serving, because the dishes were a full-fledged and equal part of the interior.

Differences from Provence style from country style

Provence style, although it is an offshoot of the rustic country style, it has a number of distinctive features:

  • light palette of characteristic shades
  • painted surfaces
  • floral motifs and ornaments
  • grace and sophistication

Provence style kitchen

The kitchen is the most favorite place"habitat" of Provence in city apartments.

Light colors fit perfectly into the small kitchens of Khrushchev and panel houses.

Do you have a classic kitchen set? Make it a Provencal style headset!

Repaint white, artificially age the surface and replace the fittings with a larger “antique” one.

Dining room in Provence style

Provence style bedroom

The Provence-style bedroom is characterized by canopies and curtains at the head of the bed.

It is better to replace ordinary tulle with curtains on the floor.

Add houseplants, a chest of drawers with legs and a cozy armchair with colorful upholstery and your bedroom is ready!

Provence style living room

Light walls, artificially aged furniture, wrought iron sconces and an ornate chandelier, sideboards with dishes - what could be more beautiful than a Provencal style living room?

The best accessories for her will be bouquets of wildflowers, houseplants in painted ceramic pots, candlesticks, lanterns and decorative cages for canaries.

Provence style nursery

Children in the Provence style are most often equipped for girls or for very tiny babies. It is the girl who will like the floral ornaments, the canopy at the head of the bed, her own dresser and dressing table in the spirit of the French country.

And don't forget the houseplants! They will not only create an appropriate atmosphere, but will enrich your child's room with oxygen better than any technology!

Bathroom and toilet in Provence style

A Provence-style bathroom is best done if it is large enough and / or has a window.

After all, French country is a style built on details, accents and trifles. And if there is not enough space, then all the details, accents and little things will annoy and interfere rather than please.

Entrance hall and corridor in Provence style

There were no village houses wardrobe cabinets, as a rule, they simply used an ordinary hanger-rod or copper hooks nailed directly to the wall.

It is better to line light walls from below with wooden panels or stone slabs - this is how they appearance will be preserved much better in its original form.

If the ceiling height allows, they can be decorated with wooden decorative beams that imitate wooden floors.

Provence style office

Just like a Provence-style nursery is more suitable for girls, a Provence-style office is the prerogative of working women.

In order for a Provence-style office for a man not to look too feminine, you need to minimize (but not completely refuse!) ruffles, floral ornaments and pink colors.

A floral ornament may well replace a checkered or striped pattern.

Loggia (balcony) in Provence style

The unhurried and measured resort life on the shores of southern France is ideal for rest and relaxation. A balcony or a loggia can become such an island of liberation from routine and worries. Paint the walls white, sky blue or lavender, set up a small sofa here and a tiny coffee table decorate the balcony indoor plants and enjoy marvelous evenings with a glass of Burgundy red wine.

Country house in Provence style

A Provence-style country house is the perfect place to experiment and make dreams come true.

Since the Provencal style was originally born in village houses (which is why it is considered an offshoot of the country style), and not in apartments, it will fit perfectly for a cottage, summer house or just a private house.

Floor finish

Wood or stone can be used as flooring in a Provencal-style apartment.

Stone flooring is suitable for areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms, hallways - that is, where there is usually a lot of dirt and / or water.

Is natural stone flooring out of your budget? Replace it with porcelain stoneware or tile.

In living rooms - bedroom, nursery, living room, dining room - it is better to use natural wood or its analogues.

The shade of the finish for the floor can be any in harmony with the overall color palette. It is possible to paint the floor white, but as this is often impractical, darker colors are acceptable.

Ceiling finish

Provencal style, as we have already said, is primarily a design style country house in the village.

And here they never bothered with finishing the ceiling!

Painted white - and enough.

But what was common for a ceiling in a village house, namely wooden beams and ceilings, is independent in an apartment. decorative element requiring special installation.

It is important to remember that such decor will not be appropriate in every apartment: it is better to refuse it in Khrushchev apartments with low ceilings. But in a country house, experiment to your heart's content!

wall decoration

Provence-style walls are either painted or wallpapered. Less commonly, brick cladding is used for their decoration.

As in any interior, it is important to keep a balance here: if the furniture is bright, with decor, a lot of textile products with bright floral patterns, then the walls should be neutral and become a backdrop that will emphasize the rest of the interior. To do this, the walls will be quite enough to paint white.

If the furniture is neutral - highlight the walls with a shade or floral pattern on the wallpaper.

window trim

Have you seen plastic windows in village houses?

Therefore, try to choose wooden frames for your windows.

The slopes can simply be leveled and painted white - because of the bright curtains with floral patterns, few people pay attention to them.

Well, the best decoration for windows, of course, will be indoor plants.

Door trim

To get Provencal-style doors, it is enough to paint them white and artificially age them.

Doors are often paneled or with glass inserts.

Sometimes they may have curtains.

Also, the doors can be decorated with a painted floral ornament - it will look very interesting!

Curtains in the Provencal style

Windows in a Provence-style apartment cannot be without curtains! Textiles are one of the most important components of a Provencal country house.

French country is a riot of floral motifs, ornaments and patterns, which is most often found on curtains and curtains.

In addition, any configurations and models of curtains are allowed, including those with a large number of flounces and ruffles.

But it is better to choose natural fabrics - linen, cotton, chintz.

Provencal style furniture

Furniture in the Provencal style, as a rule, is painted in light colors. pastel shades traditional colors of Provence.

To achieve charm and charm, wooden furniture can be artificially aged.

Like rustic country style, Provence-style furniture is characterized by large outdoor fittings made of bronze or brass.

Facades are rarely solid and monochromatic, often they are decorated with panels or false decorative frames. Sometimes glass inserts or slatted gratings are used.

Provence-style furniture is characterized by the presence of legs: beds, chests of drawers, cabinets, try not to choose on the plinth.


The main source of lighting in Provencal houses is the sun shining through the windows.

Backlights, decorative lighting and other achievements modern design the interior should be minimized and as inconspicuous as possible.

But traditional chandeliers and sconces are a must have.

Use forged metal lamps with decorative floral elements: buds, bindweed leaves, vines.


The French were happy to use not only curtains in their country houses, but also tablecloths, decorative napkins and even curtains instead of some doors and cabinet fronts. You can limit yourself to bright upholstery fabrics for upholstered furniture with floral patterns, checkered or striped.


What is country life without flowers?

Living plants - both indoor and simply plucked from the garden - this is the important highlight of the Provencal style, the finishing touch that makes the style so romantic and charming.

Use fresh flowers in table settings, decorate bedrooms and living rooms with potted plants, even put a tiny bouquet in the bathroom to make you happy every day!


Zoning space in a Provence-style apartment is quite simple:

  • using a color scheme, highlighting different zones with color
  • using carved wooden or openwork forged partitions
  • using finishing materials, combining and combining them in different areas in a variety of ways
  • using curtains and curtains instead of screens.

Which of these methods do you prefer - write to us in the comments.

Style provence very popular and loved. It is perfect for decoration country houses. Separate elements of style are able to give comfort and warmth to a city apartment. Below is a small "instruction" for creating a home paradise.

This style came to us from the south of France, namely from, which is located on the Mediterranean coast and is famous for its magnificent landscapes. They say that no other province of France gives so many emotions and feelings as Provence.

Provencal house is heaven on earth. It is literally permeated with warmth, comfort and delicious smells. It is filled with aromas, colors and energy of the surrounding nature.

In such a house you relax your soul, lead a leisurely lifestyle, work for pleasure and experience a sense of serenity.

Initially, a Provencal house is a rural house with small windows and small rooms. Residents of Provencal houses sought to make their rooms bright, visually more spacious and also cool, as the region is very hot and sunny.

As a rule, more than one generation has grown up in a Provencal house. Provencal house is a house with its own rich history, it has a lot of old memorabilia, which are treated with care and love.

The external simplicity of the Provence style is deceptive. Its implementation requires impeccable taste and painstaking work. The style that has evolved over the years of life in the south of France cannot be exactly repeated in Russia, realized in our conditions. But! It is in our power to create the necessary associations and convey the spirit of an old, neat, charming and very, very cozy style provence

In order to properly stylize a Provencal-style setting, you need to understand its philosophy and know its main characteristics.

If you want to see Provencal style in your house, then remember that you only need to take to create Provence natural materials- stone, wood, metal, natural fabrics.

We also choose only natural colors. We take light colors as a basis: white, milky, cream, beige, sand, light brown, light gray, pale lemon, pale orange, pale green, olive, blue, lavender.

We use green, blue, lavender, brown, ocher as accents.

It must be remembered that the interior in the Provence style is light, without excessive contrast. Therefore, the colors are only natural, pastel, muted, as if burnt out in the sun.

Provence is characterized by a combination of pastel blue and pale yellow flowers, symbolizing the flowering meadows of Provence. But the combination of red and white in Provence is rarely used.

A typical feature of the Provence style is the aging and wear of surfaces and things: a wooden floor with cracks, worn terracotta tiles laid out unevenly, slightly peeling furniture facades, sun-bleached surfaces.

In Provence, if a stone: then rough, if metal, then with a dull sheen, if furniture, then with scuffs, cracks and chips.

Finishing should be rough, up to negligence, as if it was not done by professionals.

Walls, frames, doors

We put plaster on the walls. Moreover, the plaster is applied clumsily, with irregularities and “bald spots”, through which the masonry can shine through.

We can decorate the walls with glazed bricks and natural stone. We can sheathe the walls with clapboard or facing board.

If we paint brick, wall paneling or just masonry, it will also be very Provencal.

And here are the walls paper wallpaper not characteristic of the Provence style.

As a rule, the walls are white, light yellow, light blue, milky white, less often pastel gray, pastel beige, very rarely light pink.

Wooden doors and window frames should be painted white and have an aged and worn effect.

We can decorate the walls with friezes and decorate with stucco in the form of flowers, vines, oak branches. Doors can also be decorated with floral painting.


We paint the ceilings with white paint, decorate with wooden beams - dark for contrast or bleached. Beams should be chipped, with the effect of darkening with time.


As a rule, in the premises of the ground floor, the floor is stone, terracotta or sandstone, and on the floors in the rooms there is a wooden, plank floor.

Boards should look raw, painted, aged, and tiles should have cut corners, jagged edges.

The Provence style wooden floor is usually light.


Furniture in the Provence style is wooden, wicker and forged, or wooden with forged or wicker details. Definitely dyed, bleached.

Of course, the furniture should look like it has faithfully served more than one generation. The paint on the furniture should be peeling off, the surfaces themselves should be scuffed, with small chips.

The main colors of the furniture are white or any discreet color heavily diluted with white - cream, light green, lavender, brown or light wood color.

Often furniture can be decorated with floral designs carved from wood, or painted with floral patterns, blue, green and orange swirls.

Mandatory pieces of furniture - a sideboard, sideboard, low chests of drawers,

bookcases, cabinets with mezzanines and drawers, chairs with wicker seats or wrought iron backs, round dining tables made of aged white wood,

forged beds:

Provence loves a lot of small tables and console tables that find their place everywhere (in the living room, bedroom, hallway).

Furniture should not be solid, rough and rustic like in other countries (American, German or). The French are graceful. And this is one of the main features of the Provence style. Forged products a la "provincial France" are very elegant, openwork, which is not inherent in every country.

Often, furniture is complemented with wrought iron elements, copper handles, hooks, coasters.


Since Provence came to us from rural life, we will use simple fabrics of natural origin: bleached linen, light chintz, coarse cotton with a printed floral pattern and wool. We can use cambric, muslin, satin and silk.

Textile colors are beige, milky, yellow, terracotta, ocher, lavender and sky blue. As you can see it is not bright. And there is no need to give textiles excessive pomp and sophistication, because we are not creating aristocratic luxury, but a sweet rustic cosiness.

It would be better if you take floral textiles, since the strip and cage in Provence are used less frequently.

Let's fill the bed in bed linen with sewing, ruffles, embroidery, lace. Make the bed quilted all in the same flower. Let's not forget the canopies.

We will put covers on chairs, put more pillows on sofas, place embroidered in the technique of embroidered and crocheted napkins on the table, and woven rugs on the floor.

Let's do window decoration. As mentioned above, initially Provence developed as a style of a small rural house, in which the windows were small. But later, when Provence became popular, he switched to villas, cottages, country mansions, that is, houses with large windows. But one thing remained unchanged - light transparent curtains (developing in the wind) or even their absence.

Provence is not compatible with tightly drawn curtains. The fact is that not curtaining a window is typical for rural styles. After all, the window overlooks private territory and, as a rule, the garden in which they grow flowering plants and the sun is shining. The window is constantly open, so a light curtain is enough.

Openness, transparency, maximum access to air and light - these are the main attributes when decorating a window.

Curtains can be decorated with ruffles, cords, bows, hairpins, ribbons, but it's better not to be smart.

Decor and lighting

Provence is very fond of many small, pretty, charming and, for all that, useless trinkets: candlesticks, vases, baskets, fruit bowls, boxes, planters, etc.

The trinkets are made of ceramics, glass, wood (aged), cardboard. Also, decorative details can be forged (lamps, candlesticks, photo frames).

The more cute trinkets you have, the better - the more Provencal.

On the walls we place still lifes and flower landscapes, decorative ceramic plates, wall clocks with paintings, candelabra, elegant shelves, mirrors in wrought iron or simple painted frames.

Provence is very fond of white or porcelain dishes, wicker things (baskets, plates, trays).

One of key elements Provence style - flowers. Moreover, flowers are present at home all the time (from the garden), and not “on occasion” like ours.

We arrange flowers in every room of the house: on the windowsills of the kitchen, on the dining table, in the bedroom on the dressing table or bedside table, in the bath.

If the house is a country house, then the flowers should be outside the house - on the terraces, at the porch, along the paths. In general, bouquets and bouquets should be literally everywhere.

Lavender is my favorite flower.

A characteristic feature of the style is the use of flower utensils according to the “whatever comes to hand” principle: in ceramic pots, in zinc buckets, in kitchen faience, etc. There is a special charm in this.

Make flower arrangements with fruits and vegetables. The composition should be simple, not intricate and necessarily colorful.

You can play with the marine theme, relevant to the Provence style. Decorate the room with shells, seagull figurines, fishing net.

Use textiles in white and blue stripes. The nautical theme is especially popular in the design of bathrooms.

In Provence, it is important that the living space is sufficiently illuminated by the sun. In Provence, it is customary to arrange the kitchen on the east side in order to enjoy the first rays of the sun during breakfast. In a Provencal house, a person seems to follow the sun. Dinners are often organized on outdoor terrace located in the west.

Chandeliers, sconces, table lamps, floor lamps are usually forged. The lampshades of the lamps are often made of flowered fabric.

The Provence style is worth exploring and perhaps decorating something in this style at home.

Provence style in the interior is a romantic design direction for those who see sophistication in simplicity. Provence is a romantic place on the Mediterranean coast. Beautiful scenery, warm climate and the spirit of authentic France have served as an inspiration for poets and artists for centuries. The naturalness of the interior design and the measured slowness inherent in the European province formed the basis of the spectacular Provence style. Floor, ceiling, walls - find out how best to arrange them later in the article.

Provence style for romantics: what are its features?

For those who love nature and the measured way of life, appreciate the simplicity and naturalness in the surrounding things, this style is perfect. If family values ​​are important to you and the spirit of romance is not alien, pay attention to Provence.

In the interior of an apartment or house, decorated in the style of provincial Europe, all objects, shades and textures are so organically combined with each other.

Among the characteristic features of Provence:

  • the presence of only natural materials;
  • natural colors in interior design;
  • a large number of flowers;
  • good room lighting;
  • floral prints;
  • ceramics;
  • light curtains;
  • furniture and accessories with traces of aging.

The touch of antiquity, characteristic of the style, makes it possible to introduce vintage elements into the interior. Additionally, artificially aged furniture and accessories are actively used in the design.

The shades characteristic of Provence have absorbed all the beauty and nature of the south:

  • light tones of pink, mint and blue;
  • lavender;
  • olive;
  • White;
  • warm brown gamma;
  • gray tones.

The style is characterized by spaciousness, created by high ceilings, good lighting and light colors.

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Decoration of a Provencal house

Before you arrange the furniture and take care of the accessories, you should repair the walls, ceiling and floor. The combination of different textures should be organic and most authentic.

How do we start design? From renovation. It must be carried out in compliance with all the conditions of the Provence style.

Ceiling - the choice of color and decor

The provincial style is characterized by the use of natural materials and the emphasis on natural beauty and texture. The abundance of sunlight and the feeling of fullness of the room with air are created by high light ceilings. Well suited as a finish plaster, whitewashing or painting. Priority is white.

The height of the walls in the house allows you not to restrain your imagination? Then you can use decorative wooden ceiling beams. As a material for the embodiment, you will need a natural tree.

Coloring can be done with light tinting to emphasize the texture of the material. When painting, for example, in white, the paint layer is applied very thin, translucent.

Natural color looks best wooden surface.

Walls - background for furniture

Among the features of Provence is the deliberate simplicity in the design of the walls. The following materials can be used for decoration:

  • natural wood;
  • stone or brickwork;
  • decorative plaster;
  • wallpaper.

Stucco finishing is one of the most popular and versatile wall decoration options. For decoration, both a fine-grained and a rather coarse mixture can be used, which is applied to the walls with wide strokes. This gives the necessary texture.

How not to make a mistake with the choice? If the room has a modest size, then it is better to apply fine-grained plaster carefully, without pronounced strokes. For a spacious country house, it will be more interesting to look like a stylization for a rough application that will emphasize the texture.

In the kitchen, you can experiment with such materials for wall decoration:

  • tile;
  • brick;
  • stone (artificial or natural).

Brick or stone masonry, as well as wood trim, look especially advantageous when combined with others. finishing materials. The simultaneous use of several textures within the same room will emphasize the style and give the room individual features.

Gender: strive for authenticity

In the design of the floor for the Provence style, natural materials are also welcome. Very good natural wood. These can be wooden boards with traces of scuffs or painted with a thin layer of light paint.

Antique stylized tiles can be used in the hallway or in the kitchen. Its rounded edges and accentuated cracks add style to the room. In priority warm colors characteristic of the Mediterranean.

For living rooms good choice become natural wood. Natural shades look natural and give the interior a noble chic.

Is it possible to replace wooden board on the floor on linoleum? Definitely - no. Also, carpeting that completely covers the entire floor cannot be laid.

Windows and doors

The simplicity inherent in the Provence style is reflected in every design element. Doors should be not only wooden, but also aged. This styling emphasizes the texture of the wood.

A universal option is white for painting and subsequent aging of the surface. In Provence kitchen interiors, the surface can be decorated with a floral theme painting.

The fittings on the door, as well as on other items, should only be matte. Antique styling in bronze, brass or copper colors looks good. If the overall design allows, forged elements are used.

Chrome-plated surfaces in Provence are not allowed.

The windows and their design in the style of the interiors of southern France are given a place of honor. It is desirable to have large window openings that let in a lot of sunlight. The color of the frames in most interiors is chosen by designers as white.

Curtains are selected light, without complex draperies and heavy lambrequins. Natural weightless fabrics for curtains can be attached to wooden or forged cornices. If a forged model is chosen, it is desirable that the shape of the elements and color overlap with other objects in the room, for example, candlesticks, a chandelier, wall sconces, etc.

Provencal furniture: the spirit of history in every item

Furniture is the main and most significant component of the interior. The choice of furniture for a Provence style room is both wide and limited. To recreate the spirit of southern France, only natural wood is taken.

Many species can be used, but noble varieties are preferred:

  • cherry;
  • beech;
  • oak, etc.

If we compare Provence with other country styles, then it wins due to its lightness and grace.

In addition to wood, wicker and wrought iron furniture can be used. But it is not at all necessary that it be all forged. In the bedroom it can only be a bed, and in the living room it can be the base of a coffee table.

Wicker chairs will be in place in the dining room, on the veranda or in the garden. They emphasize the relaxed atmosphere and are very comfortable for relaxation.

Famous not only for its aristocracy, but also for its simplicity, the Provence style does not require strict rules in the arrangement of furniture and the selection of individual items. The impression of the objects in the room should be created as if it had been used by several generations, passing it on to each other.

In village houses, they were very careful about the environment - dishes, textile elements, furniture. Long service life left its mark on things. The furniture was getting scuffed around the edges, and the fabrics were fading.

It is permissible to combine furnishings from separate sets. They may even differ in color. The main condition is general harmony, so that none of them creates dissonance.

The arrangement of furniture in the room should not be symmetrical.

All pieces of furniture should be functional and elegant. The carving adds sophistication and sophistication, while the absence of gilding and bright colors emphasizes style.

Provencal furniture features:

  • beautiful furniture legs;
  • using only natural wood;
  • the presence of a thread;
  • light plain or with a small floral print upholstery;
  • additional design of sofas, armchairs and beds with small decorative pillows;
  • the presence of open shelves, cupboards, racks and showcases;
  • pieces of furniture should be low.

Provence is best perceived in those houses in which all rooms are designed in a common style.

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