What a popular small business. The best and unusual business ideas from around the world

  • 16.10.2019

Any novice entrepreneur thinks about how to optimize the income received from running their own business. The question of which areas and areas of business are the most promising and profitable in the shortest possible time with minimal investment is always on the agenda. After all, no one wants to invest and waste precious time on a project that is obviously a failure.

Consultants at trainings assure entrepreneurs that any project can be made profitable. But the risks can be significantly reduced if you carefully analyze the needs of the target audience, as well as think over the strategy and calculate the business plan of the intended enterprise.

What you need to know before starting a business

Factors to be taken into account when business planning:

  • First you need to draw up a plan of expenses that the initial capital of the entrepreneur should cover.
  • The factor of competition must be taken into account. The smaller the settlement, the lower the competition and the wider the field for the implementation of their ideas. But you also need to take into account that the needs of the target audience can naturally be lower in a small city, as well as sales volumes.
  • Of course, satisfying the basic needs of people can be a good business idea for an aspiring businessman. This includes the following areas: medicine, food and household goods, clothing industry and points of sale. Therefore, the opening of pharmacies, food, hardware or clothing stores, hairdressers is a win-win option. Especially in high traffic areas.
  • It is better to rely on ideas for business and areas for their implementation, in which the entrepreneur is well versed.

In order to determine which business is the most profitable, it is necessary to highlight factors that determine its "profitability":

  • The speed of the return of money plays an important role, because it is more profitable when the sales income is returned as soon as possible from the moment of cash investment.
  • A profitable business should focus on an area in which there is a great demand from consumers.
  • Profitability, that is, income should increase in parallel with the amount of goods or services sold.
  • The low price at which raw materials are purchased increases the profitability of the business.
  • The return on assets shows how correctly the investments were made and whether they pay off with the profit received.

Small business

Starting a small business will require minimal labor and financial investments. You can gather a small group of people from among your acquaintances and do repairs, clean apartments, or open a budget fast food, cafe or kiosk selling inexpensive goods, such as hot dogs or soft drinks.

Not so long ago, the most sought-after business was network marketing, the principle of which was the sale of goods directly from hand to hand without renting premises. Examples of such successful projects are Oriflame or the Forex exchange.

The most promising business areas

Let's take a closer look at the most profitable areas business where you can implement a successful business project.

  • About meeting the basic needs of people has already been listed above: food, medicine, clothing.
  • An important area in which there is a high demand covers the computer industry, the implementation of technology. Installation and repair of computers, sale of equipment are always in demand.
  • Plumbing: sinks, bathtubs, toilets. Services for their repair, sale and installation are highly valued in Russia.
  • Design services as the most profitable business. People love to be surrounded by not only functional, but also beautifully designed things. In demand: logo design, advertising design, PR services.
  • Real estate services for the purchase and sale of real estate. The need for housing is also included in the list of basic needs of people according to Maslow's pyramid.
  • Another important need is the desire to feel safe. Therefore, alarm installation services and security companies are popular.
  • The sale of cars, their repair and maintenance, replacement of spare parts - all this is one of the most profitable business areas. The means of transportation is an important attribute of the life of a Russian in a country with large distances between settlements.
  • Education, opening private universities, conducting trainings. Any field of activity has a need for well-trained specialists.
  • Brokerage. stock markets rapidly gained popularity in the last decade. An example is the Forex exchange, whose turnover is about 4.7 trillion. American dollars. Profits are received by brokers, banks and market makers, that is, people who organized the exchange, while customers basically lose their money.

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  • One of the most profitable types of business in Russia has become the sale of alcoholic and tobacco products.
  • vending business. Requires only the cost of buying and installing vending machines that sell coffee or replenish telephone bills. It does not require large investments and efforts, you only need to occasionally change consumables. Brings passive income.
  • Promising areas of business include the development of high technologies, PC maintenance, and programming. Today, the Internet business is also actively gaining momentum and is rightfully included in the TOP of the most promising business areas.
  • The construction of small forms of real estate remains promising. Corruption in this segment is lower than in others. The demand for spacious housing built according to European standards in Russia is currently very high.

It is worth taking a closer look at online business as the most relevant business in the age of high technology. E-commerce is a type of small business that operates financial and trade flows through the Internet. This type of business guarantees:

  • the ability to quickly and dynamically exchange information;
  • perform electronic marketing;
  • trade on the Internet;
  • convert electronic currency into rubles;
  • transfer large amounts of money in electronic monetary units;
  • use Internet banking services;
  • insure your business on the Internet;

You also need to take into account the circumstances, the time of year. For example, in summer you can make good money selling air conditioners, and in winter - heating systems.

The easiest business

Simple types of business, as a rule, are not very profitable. These include the following.

  • Growing and selling food. Many have summer cottages where they grow vegetables: cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, etc. Further, food products can be sold on the open market, because they will always be in price.
  • If you learn how to cook exclusive dishes, you can sell them through an online store, arrange the delivery of your goods to restaurants or as business lunches to offices.
  • If a person knows how to deal with children, then you can organize a private kindergarten right at home or in a special room, eventually recruit educators and continue to receive income from parents.

In addition to the last point, the sale of children's toys should also be added. Now hand-made products are especially popular, made by hand using only environmentally friendly materials. An example is the business of selling Bumvyazhiki.

A new, unique and promising franchise. By purchasing it for 59 thousand rubles, the franchisee will have a great opportunity to earn big money, as well as devote himself to an interesting and promising business.

Paper bags are unique, funny and very cute dolls. They are made from completely safe and very soft material. These dolls are loved by children, especially girls. Flapjacks combine simplicity, usefulness and unique appeal.

Not every toy can be as simple and interesting as Paper Bags. This ensures a great consumer interest in this product, and, consequently, a high profit for the franchise owner.

The most unprofitable areas of business, or how to protect yourself from bankruptcy

Perhaps, the sale of book products becomes an unprofitable area of ​​activity in the era of the popularization of the Internet. Of course, there is a need for educational book materials, but almost any other type of book products can be downloaded on the Internet. Therefore, it is more profitable to open an online bookstore, as the owner of the Amazon website did, quickly becoming one of the richest people peace.

Also, with the increase in computerization and the spread of personal computers, computer clubs are losing their popularity.

But if the business becomes unprofitable, then you can try to fix it by paying attention to the following factors.

  • Pay attention to a thorough check of cash costs, cutting unnecessary costs.
  • Attracting partners interested in business development.
  • The company's expense and income statements must be up-to-date and accurate.
  • Increasing the qualifications and interest of employees.
  • Compliance with generally accepted industry standards.
  • Prevention of the possibility of theft by employees.
  • Interview with employees to get acquainted with the problems existing at the enterprise.
  • Position in the market, familiarization with similar products presented by competitors, drawing up a new business plan that would include points on which the company can overtake competing firms.
  • Development and implementation of a PR campaign emphasizing strengths business, as advertising among the target audience.
  • Revision of the company's policy regarding the target audience. Conducting surveys to accommodate her needs.
  • Comparison of price and quality of the company's products. Decrease in the cost of goods in case of their non-correlation.
  • Classification of the client base to develop an individual strategy for approaching each group.
  • Accounting audit.
  • High protection of company data.
  • Investing money in the acquisition of new technologies and industries.
  • Structure analysis.
  • A flexible social ladder for well-performing employees.
  • Reassessment of staff actions and staff reduction.
  • It is possible to reorient the company's activities to more interesting and promising projects.
  • If necessary, the division of the company into a part that performs old tasks, and a part that has to deal with new projects.


In order to determine for yourself which business is the most profitable and relevant, and subsequently open your own successful business project that is guaranteed to work in a short period of time, you need to think it over, plan well, taking into account many circumstances and nuances that can dramatically affect the course Affairs.

  • You need to decide for yourself in which area it is better to open a business, based on the requests of potential customers, geographic location and the market for the goods presented in a particular region. After all, it is demand that generates supply, and this is perhaps the key factor that will affect the course of business - a skillful analysis of the target audience that the final product is aimed at.
  • It is necessary to bet on promising and simple areas of business development.
  • You also need to be able to come up with an innovative solution that can quickly gain a wide customer base, find advantages that will advantageously distinguish your business from competitors.
  • It is necessary to take care of advertising and promotion of goods. A close-knit team will be an important attribute of success.

Comprehensive consideration of the tasks set and ways to achieve them is the key to success in building your business in Russia. Small business is quite young, and many niches are still unoccupied, and the inexperienced Russian consumer has a wide range of potentially profitable requests.

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Every novice businessman thinks about how best to optimize their income.

After all, no one will ever agree to waste their time and money on a project that is obviously unpromising.

What areas of business today are the most relevant and profitable, always remains on the agenda.

What you need to know before opening

Factors to know before starting your own business:

  1. Compose detailed plan expenses that will have to cover the initial cash investment.
  2. Take into account the possibility of competition. For example, the smaller the settlement, the less competition, but at the same time, the smaller the possible sales volume.
  3. Choose the type of business in which the entrepreneur is most well versed.

Before choosing the scope of future activity, it is worth highlighting the key factors that determine its profitability:

  • The time interval for the return of the initially invested funds.
  • The chosen business area must necessarily be characterized by high demand from consumers.
  • Acceptable level of profitability. Profitability should increase in parallel with the volume of goods or services sold.
  • Low price threshold, at which the purchase of materials and raw materials contribute to increasing profitability.
  • Positive rate of return on assets.

Small businesses need minimum labor resources and cash. For example, you can gather friends and do cleaning of apartment premises, repairs. You can also open an inexpensive fast food, kiosk or bar.

Not so long ago, network marketing was in demand, operating on the principle of selling the goods or services produced directly to the consumer, bypassing intermediaries, which significantly reduced costs and increased profits.

A striking example of network marketing is the space company Oriflame.

Most Profitable Small Business 2016

The vast majority of professional analysts agree that the most profitable and cost-effective type of business is construction, consumption and catering.

The most promising features are repair, installation and construction works. Profitability within such a business can reach 100 percent of the cost.

  1. Beauty and health. No less profitable business area at all times has been beauty services. Everyone wants to be not only healthy, but also beautiful. Today, the business of providing beauty services is in demand and highly paid. People of all financial abilities and ages will always spend money on maintaining their health and beauty. That is why massage parlors and hairdressers are so popular.
  2. Construction industry. As mentioned above, one of the most advantageous species business in Russia is construction and installation work. This is explained primarily by the growth of the real estate market and the coverage of a wide range of activities. One of the advantages of this type of entrepreneurial activity is the minimum monetary threshold. For example, if there are not enough funds to open a construction company, then you can form a team of professionals and gradually expand the list of services it provides. If you have significant funds, you can safely build real estate.
  3. Trade in food products. Equally in demand and profitable is the satisfaction of the primary human needs - food. It is best to start trading in a residential area, which does not yet have any outlets that can have any significant competitive impact. In the absence of large investment opportunities, you can open a small stall, gradually expanding the range and, as a result, sales. Having collected enough money, you can safely open a grocery store or a small restaurant. The most important thing in this business area is the right selection of suppliers.

More and more women are trying to realize themselves in entrepreneurial activity and they are doing it well. become successful. Where to start and what areas to choose?

Read about how to open your own cafe. How to choose a location and what documents you need to have.

If you have experience with children and like it, you can open a private kindergarten. Iui l detailed information about the nuances of the business and how much you can earn.

Top 20 most promising areas

In the vast majority of cases, medium and small businesses form the basis of the entire economy of the state.

The reason for this is low costs and considerable profits.

True, in many respects the success of an entrepreneur depends on his preparedness and the area of ​​business in which he decided to act.

Let's highlight the top most profitable businesses:

  1. Private audit companies. The average rate of return is 16.5 percent.
  2. Manual therapists. Profitability at the level of 15.3 percent.
  3. Clinics (specialized). Profitability within 15 percent.
  4. Services of professional accountants. The average rate of return is 14.9 percent.
  5. Private dental clinics. Profitability within 14.7 percent.
  6. Tax calculations. Profitability up to 14.7 percent.
  7. Dentist-orthodontist. The services of these specialists provide a yield of 14.4 percent.
  8. The layer's services. The average rate of return fluctuates around 13.4 percent.
  9. Lending to individuals. The average profitability is 13.3 percent.
  10. Financial management (private services). Yield up to 12.2 percent.
  11. Drilling of gas and oil wells. Profitability rate at the level of 12 percent.
  12. Spectacle Specialists. The yield level is within 11.5 percent.
  13. Rental of housing and unnecessary premises. The average profit margin is 11.3 percent.
  14. Valuation of real estate. Profitability in the region of 11.3 percent.
  15. Leasing storage rooms or small warehouses. Profit up to 11 percent.
  16. Insurance agencies. The rate of return is within 11 percent.
  17. credit intermediaries. Profit up to 10.7 percent.
  18. Investment project consultants. Profitability in the region of 10.7 percent.
  19. Audiologists speech therapists. The rate of return is within 10.6 percent.
  20. Services of a private therapist. Profit up to 10.4 percent.

No less profitable is the creation of small children's institutions. As a result of today's shortage of places in many public kindergartens, small development groups, children's clubs and private kindergartens are in great demand.

What type of business is the most profitable

One of the most relevant areas of small business in Russia is the provision of advertising services. Business owners are willing to pay a lot of money for a competent and creative marketing campaign.

In the realities of today's market economy - advertising is what is most relevant.

Small business example - own bakery

For starters, you can limit yourself to pasting services advertisements, creating various booklets and business cards, etc. Everything directly depends on the initial financial capabilities of the entrepreneur.

There are other most profitable types of business. An equally relevant type of business, and at all times, is the sale of services and consumer goods. People will always need food, clothing and various entertainment services. True, it is worth remembering that the higher the popularity of the chosen business area, the higher the competition will be and, as a result, the more difficulties in increasing turnover.


If there is no desire to come up with something new and creative, you can always pay attention to the simplest areas of small business. In particular:

  • Growing products with their subsequent sale in markets or large retail chains;
  • Creation of exclusive dishes and drinks that can be sold through your own store on the Internet. Similar goods can also be delivered to various offices and restaurants as business lunches.

True, it is worth remembering that the simpler the chosen business, the less they bring profit. In order to determine for yourself the most acceptable type of business (in terms of profitability and profitability), and in the future to open your own successful business project that is guaranteed to make a profit in a short period of time, you need to carefully consider and calculate everything.

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Own business is not only an opportunity to improve financial well-being. Entrepreneurs get a great chance to improve the world and give others new perspectives. Many believe that the modern world offers fewer and fewer opportunities to start, all niches are occupied, and spheres of influence are distributed. The era of making profits by only meeting the minimum requirements in terms of customer satisfaction is indeed over. The consumer really has the right to receive the best services and goods. But also each of us is looking forward to something new. Customers, like children, want to be surprised and pampered with new “toys”. The world is evolving and new needs are emerging. Their satisfaction, fresh and original ideas become the basis of successful business projects. We will introduce you to these ideas.

“Fresh and good ideas for trading”

Shop that pays to enter

In the small Australian town of Kurparu, there is a shop that specializes in selling gluten-free products called Celiac Supplies. Recently, the store has become famous, and its name began to appear even in the headlines of foreign publications. The reason is an innovation invented by the hostess. Customers pay for the right to enter the store. The price of the entrance ticket is low and is 5 Australian dollars. Pensioners, people with disabilities and children are exempt from payment. A visitor who buys a product in a store receives a discount that is equal to the amount paid for entry.

Store owner Georgina explains the innovation quite sensibly: “People come in, look at products and prices, go out and buy the same products in another store. Why should I waste my time and energy and work for free?” Georgina is trying to convey a simple concept - there are things in the world that get for free (sun, air, birdsong), but someone else's work should be appreciated with dignity.

The innovative approach to trading was met with mixed reception. Many criticize the entrepreneur, someone openly ridicules her. On the shop page on Facebook, there is a serious debate about the appropriateness of such approaches.

But Georgina nevertheless achieved a certain result. Although there was no tangible increase in profits, there were much fewer thefts and idle onlookers in the store. But in terms of advertising, Georgina has achieved an outstanding result.

What is the essence of this Australian store example? Look for non-standard options approach to customer acquisition. Ads with offers of "the best" or "lowest" prices are rather boring and do not attract the expected influx of visitors. Promotional poster that reads “We are the greediest salespeople in town. We are so insolent that we demand money for entry!” will produce the effect of an exploding bomb and will attract many new customers to your store. They will come to you only for the sake of watching and having fun. And be sure to buy at least some trifle.

Without packaging

The lack of packaging significantly reduces the cost of any product. This technique does not always work, but in some situations it brings additional income. This principle is used in the work of Bulk Barn (Canada). The network of trading establishments has installed special glass vending machines in which customers can choose various goods. More than four thousand items are sold without packaging: loose tea and coffee beans, cereals, flour, spices, nuts, dried fruits, sweets and many others. In addition to a pleasant price, the network is developing a new direction to refuse plastic packaging materials that pollute the planet. It is worth noting that the idea works and brings huge profits to the owners of the company.

We sell muesli

This business idea was awarded the title of the best young enterprise in Germany in 2013. The business was created by three friends from the city of Passau. Young entrepreneurs managed to meet the starting capital of 3,500 euros.

The essence of the idea is simple and ingenious. The guys created an online store selling muesli. Customers are given the opportunity to choose a variety of, but always only organic ingredients and mix them as they wish. The assortment includes several types of cereal bases, a huge variety of fruit additives, nuts. The store also offers high-quality varieties of tea, fresh juices, healthy cereals, coffee.

In 2007, when the business was just being created, it consisted of one outlet and an online store. Now it is a developed network with about 200 employees.

Master class on the correct sale of men's jeans

It is generally accepted that shopping is an exclusively female occupation. For most men, any trip to the market or to the store turns into a real torture. Standard shelves, on which various items of clothing are laid out in piles in several rows, cause melancholy and despondency in men. Search and fitting right size most of them consider it a waste of time.

Nadia Shurabura, who founded the pioneering jeans store Hointer in Seattle, USA, made the wise decision to consider male psychology and create the most comfortable conditions for customers.

The store sells only men's jeans, flocks of ladies chirping and choosing goods do not distract or embarrass the representatives of the stronger sex. There are no endless racks with folded jeans. Only hangers located on the beams. The product is facing the buyer with the front. Each model is presented in the hall in only one size, although all options are in stock.

Customers are offered a convenient application for a mobile device. With it, you can scan the QR code of the model you like and specify your size. Literally within a few seconds, a notification arrives on the buyer’s device indicating in which of the fitting rooms the ordered jeans are waiting for him. The model that you like and fit is paid at the checkout. Everything that does not satisfy the buyer is sent to a special hole in the fitting room.

Men will agree that such shopping conditions can be considered ideal.

Freeosk - a special tasting machine

The very first devices of this type were created by the German confectionery company Stollwerck in 1887. Customers were offered the opportunity to try sweets before buying. Since 2013, Chicago supermarkets have revived this tradition and installed special Freeosk machines. To install a free tasting machine, it is important to choose the right location and place for the maximum concentration of the target audience.

The benefit of customers is obvious - the opportunity to try new products for free. The benefit of the supermarket is less obvious to the uninitiated layman - cheap marketing research of the interests and tastes of buyers. It is not worth talking about how much the positive image of the trading network rises.

Delivery of purchases to the airport

The popular Australian retail store Woolworths offers its customers a new service - the ability to order and pay for goods through mobile app. The purchase is delivered to the airport and handed over to the client after the aircraft has landed.

This service aroused great enthusiasm among business people and tourists and immediately began to be in great demand. A tired traveler upon arrival in the city no longer needs to head to the store to fill an empty refrigerator with food. Everything can be ordered in advance and received at the exit from the airport.

“Ideas for restaurant business”

Entrance with pre-purchased tickets

The owner of the Chicago restaurant Nextrestaurant Grant Achatz spied this idea from the airlines. You can enter the territory of the airport only with a plane ticket purchased using an online service. A similar system works in this restaurant. It is simply unrealistic for a visitor "from the street" to get into it. Entrance is allowed only for those who have paid in advance for a certain menu in advance through the system of applications on the Internet.

The innovation was liked by the visitors, who now do not need to wait for a vacant table and order fulfillment. Menu prices depend on the day of the week and time of day. The most expensive option is Saturday evening, in weekdays and at lunch the cost of the order is much lower.

The menu of the restaurant changes drastically at least once every 3 months. The previous option is never repeated. The restaurant offers dishes of different national cuisines and has an endless supply of ideas. The institution is extremely popular, there are no free tables here.

Creative from Blockbuster

While watching a movie in cinemas, they offer a standard set: drinks, popcorn and other snacks. While at home, many people like to eat well with a good movie.

Entrepreneurs catering to patrons at a Toronto film festival had the perfect idea to offer restaurant guests food from movies that are featured in movies today.

A restaurant that counts calories consumed

Restaurant Hitzberger (Switzerland) offers guests an original service. The waiter brings the bill, which indicates not only the prices, but also the number of calories in each portion eaten.

This idea can be developed. For example, offer a low-fat or low-carb menu. Protein options are available for those who monitor weight and care about health. You can arrange contests and reward customers who have used the largest number calories.

The idea is a success, because most of the catering establishments offer very high-calorie and unhealthy food. An additional opportunity to control the composition of dishes and their impact on health is the gratitude of the guests.

A restaurant where guests create their own drinks

A simple and very cool idea was offered to visitors by the owners of the Japanese bar Logbar. Here the client is given the opportunity to create new cocktails by mixing different ingredients. Be sure to come up with the original name of the drink, which is included in the bar menu and offered to other guests.

If a drink is successful, its creator makes good money. Under the terms of the project, part of the bar's profits is offered to the creator of the cocktail.

“Ideas for the hotel business”

Twitter hotel

On the island of Mallorca, there is an interesting hotel SolWave, which is used to attract guests to this super-popular social network. Each guest is given the opportunity to download a branded application and get access to original entertainment. The corporate social network allows you to participate in contests, communicate with other guests and make appointments at hotel parties, get to know each other and flirt.

The hotel also has original rooms. In one of them, a huge mirror with painted luxurious mustaches hangs on the wall. You can instantly send a funny photo with your reflection in this mirror to your friends. Using special hashtags, you can order drinks to the administrator.

"Earnings on the Internet"

Online dining

Sociability, attractiveness and the ability to cook are characteristic features of many girls. Seo-Yun Park from South Korea, that these underestimated talents can make good money. The girl quit her boring office job, bought a camera and started broadcasting her lunches online. From a cool hobby, a worthy source of income has developed. From ads and views, Seo-Yun earns about $10,000 every month.

The secret of this show's popularity is simple. V developed countries the number of single people who are entirely focused on their careers is noticeably increasing. For them, lunch with a virtual interlocutor becomes a real find, brings the joy of communication and brightens up loneliness. The girl also helps those who are forced to go on a diet, but are not ready to give up the traditional dinner in society and a pleasant conversation.

Everyone wants to earn a huge amount of money, and someone does not want to give everything 100, while getting the maximum profit, while someone, on the contrary, devotes himself completely to the “idea”.

Social surveys over the past few decades have shown that many people consider profitable (as they decrease) oil, financial, tobacco, alcohol, pharmacy, dental, hairdressing, investment business, daily rent of an apartment. This opinion is widespread among the masses, who do not go into the details of the development and nuances of doing business.

Of course, everyone has the right to choose their own business. I like to engage in animal husbandry or grow and sell flowers - please, because the main thing is to reach the top - wealth.

Nuances of doing business in the Russian Federation

At all times, in any country of the world, a business that met several conditions for its conduct was considered a profitable and profitable business:

  • A business can be considered profitable, where the source is passive income, and which is constantly increasing. In other words, this is an income that does not depend directly on you. Examples of businesses with passive income include chain stores, pharmacies, websites.
  • A profitable business is a business where goods, regardless of place, region and services, are in constant demand among buyers and tend to run out, and neither political aspects nor climatic conditions affect their purchase. Examples are food, clothing, detergents, goods and services, thanks to which the buyer can save (fuel), goods and services related to beauty and health.
  • The right way is to minimize the costs associated with doing business and eliminate competitors. These aspects are quite realistic to implement. It all depends on the area in which you decide to open your business.

If we take into account the conditions for doing business in the Russian Federation, then any entrepreneur will be hindered by a number of realities present in the country:

  • Collectivism is inherent in the people of our country, and few people can take the responsibility (compared to the West) to open and run their own business. People are not ready to realize themselves economically and due to the lack of skills in doing business and the material base to start it.
  • Our mentality is designed in such a way that we often simply cannot act honestly and openly with our partners.
  • A high level of corruption makes it possible to solve emerging problems without reference to the culture of doing business ( business correspondence, negotiation and transactions, honesty towards the partner).
  • The businessman needs the help of the state, and it, unfortunately, is rather small.

But, nevertheless, if there is a desire to build your own business and develop it, you should not pay attention to the negative aspects of doing business in our country and move forward. After all, the road will be mastered by the walking one.

Profitable types of small business in the Russian Federation

It is the development of small business that ensures a stable economic situation in the country. Small business is able to be engaged in by the middle class of the population, the one that subsequently purchases apartments, cars, food and essentials on a daily basis, thereby affecting economic stability.

The President and the Government direct their programs to the maintenance and expansion of small businesses, but the local authorities, on the contrary, often have a negative impact, "put a spoke in the wheels" of small businesses. It turns out a paradoxical situation.

However, small businesses are trying to exist and develop. The main purpose of this business is maximum profit for its owner. Most entrepreneurs are trying to find their own profitable small business, as a result, different areas of commercial activity are being considered.

According to the statistics of the last few years, commerce was considered a profitable business in the country - a business associated with the purchase and sale of goods (most often food). Merchants opened large and not very large shops, stalls, kiosks, where it was possible to purchase certain types of products.

But with the introduction of the law on the sale and purchase of alcohol and tobacco products and certain requirements for points where these goods are sold, this business has become less profitable.

The opinions of statisticians and specialists of different levels agree that today a profitable small business in Russia can be considered a business based on provision and provision of various kinds of services to individuals and legal entities.

One of the types of this provision of services is the repair of premises. Many, having acquired a room for housing or for work (office), try to ennoble it, make it more cozy and comfortable to cheer up or create a positive working environment. Even those who are not able to purchase their own premises by renting space, still strive to bring it into proper shape.

Along with the provision of services for the repair of premises is the provision of services for car repair or tire fitting. Most often, these are small, minor repairs (body painting, alignment of machine parts, tire replacement, tire repair).

This includes the provision of legal and accounting services. In conclusion, it is worth noting that any small business can become profitable if you decide for yourself what is closer to your soul (any business should not be a burden, but bring joy), consider the region of your residence (what business will be in demand) and spend marketing research on the profitability of a particular business you have chosen.

Profitable types of medium and large businesses

Medium business in Russia is the most shaky type of business. This is due to the fact that he has to compete with both small and large ones. As a result, it either outgrows and becomes large or disappears altogether. Although there are firms (some kind of monopolists) that work on favorable terms with one or two regular consumers and produce specific products (wheelchairs, repair of city monuments).

Today, profitable medium-sized businesses include workshops for tailoring and repairing non-essential goods (clothing and footwear, children's, soft toys).

Big business is the most durable among the three types. Most often, these are monopolies with their own principles of work that produce big number cheap products. Most people, either because of their ignorance or unwillingness to go into details, consider big business to be a state structure and treat it with skepticism and distrust. Usually this is due to the dubious privatization that took place at the peak of the 90s. And it is not so much privatization that is a problem, but the fact that it is almost impossible for an ordinary citizen to imagine that a person like him is able to acquire, for example, a large metallurgical plant.

Nevertheless, let's look at the statistics and highlight the profitable types of large business in Russia. To date, they are recognized as the oil and metallurgical business.

What are the benefits of being in the service industry?

The concept of "service sector" in other words is the activity that is aimed at providing a different range of services (commercial and non-commercial) to various enterprises, organizations and individuals. To date, this area is gaining its wide distribution. In economically developed countries, it has long been firmly established and makes up more than 60-70% of the economy in terms of the number of people employed in it.

  1. First place is given catering services. In today's time, public catering restaurants like "Soviet" canteens have become widespread. Cafes, restaurants, bars, pizzerias, snack bars, culinary shops all refer to catering services. Their placement can be found both in separate buildings intended for all visitors, and on the territory of certain enterprises and institutions that serve only employees of these organizations.
  2. Housing and communal services. They are also a profitable business in the service sector. These include services provided by the contractor for the repair, maintenance of premises and buildings.
  3. Financial services. Russian Post develops its capabilities and provides the population and organizations with ample opportunities. To date, organizations have emerged that provide a kind of Financial services population (not directly). Their responsibility includes placing automatic boxes for transferring funds by card number, paying pensions, accepting utility bills, servicing bank cards and many other operations.
  4. Information Services. Services via Internet connection. Providing customers with a knowledge base about a particular product or product.

Next listed species services are also profitable if you see them as your business: rental services, tourism, hotel, legal, security, translation services, trade and transport services, entertainment.

Profitable business on the Internet - myth or reality?

Today it is impossible to imagine without the Internet, regardless of where you are - in the city or in countryside. Earnings through the Internet has gained considerable popularity and has become an excellent source of income.

Many young people today are betting on business on the Internet. Note that it is much more difficult for a novice user to learn how to run a business online and earn income from it, but why not try it, because you do not invest anything, but on the contrary, you gain new experience and skills.

An example might be creation and maintenance of blogs, online stores, advertising sites. Competition is often reduced to zero, since everyone sees and presents the same topic in their own way. Develop your theme and attract Internet advertising agents, who, in turn, will place ads that will show you some deductions to site visitors.

Is it possible to run a profitable business in the countryside?

If it turned out that your life does not take place in a metropolis, but in a village, and you have entrepreneurial skills or in other words “lived”, try, dare, you will succeed. The only thing is that you will need to spend physical strength if you are starting from scratch, or spend a little capital to attract workers.

  1. A good example today is farming. The problem may be the lack of a sales market if the number of livestock or poultry is large. But even here you can find a way out, negotiate with a local store or freeze meat in refrigerated chests for further sale on the market.
  2. Creation of greenhouses and growing in them products necessary for the consumer. In winter, it can be a variety of greens (dill, parsley, green onion, celery, cilantro, basil), vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes). In the summer, you can prepare potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, put it off until the cold season and then also use it for sale. A very good distribution was received by the business in the village on seedlings of strawberries and raspberries, blackberries, currants, gooseberries.
  3. Manufacture and sale of medicinal tea (which has become widespread in the modern world) or pillows stuffed with herbs. In this line of business, learning about the meaning and usefulness of herbs and your ability to distinguish one herb from another is important.

On the video - a story about profitable business in agriculture:

Unpromising directions of doing business

If you answer this question in one sentence, it will be the following: there is no such direction. It all depends on you and on your desire, mind and talent. The only thing is, do not set yourself up for the fact that everything will be easy, you will have to work hard. The main thing is to do what you love and show perseverance and perseverance.

In conclusion, we note that an important factor is a detailed study of the business that your choice fell on, the study of the marketing situation, demand and sales. Try it and you will surely succeed.

Due to the stable demand for essential goods, the most profitable business today is trading offline or online locations. Next in the ranking of profitable business ideas is production, the possibilities for organizing which have increased in Russia with the start of the import substitution policy. To choose a specific direction, the entrepreneur should take into account geolocation, personal experience and skills, as well as assess the start-up capital that can be available.

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How to choose and organize your business?

In order to understand which business to choose, an entrepreneur needs to consider the following criteria:

  1. Personal experience. It is desirable to engage in a business in which there are practical skills and knowledge. Otherwise, a businessman may go bankrupt due to a trifle associated, for example, with ignorance of production technology.
  2. Geolocation. The location and population of the chosen location is important. In the metropolis, you can open a modern cafe with oxygen drinks, which will bring profit and find its customers. Such a project cannot exist in a small town or village.
  3. Start-up capital. The scale of the business depends on the amount of funds. You can organize your business with virtually no investment, becoming an intermediary or earning personal skills. To open a small or medium-sized enterprise, you will need approximately 100 - 800,000 rubles.

To organize the chosen direction, it is necessary to prepare a business plan, which will display financial indicators, risks and payback of the project.

The video presents step-by-step instruction how to choose an idea for starting your own business. Taken from the channel "Business Youth".

Choice of direction of activity

Aspects to be taken into account when choosing a direction for activity:

  1. It is desirable that the chosen case matches the gender of the entrepreneur. better for a man, and provide body depilation services to a female beautician. This will create more value for consumers, increase the number of customers and, consequently, increase profits.
  2. The location of the business can be both offline and on the Internet. The latter option is rapidly gaining popularity even in small towns in Russia.
  3. In addition, your business should bring not only income, but also joy, otherwise, the entrepreneur is threatened with moral burnout.

Market and competition analysis

Market analysis includes the following studies:

  • selected goods or services;
  • dynamics of supply and demand;
  • potential buyers;
  • market conditions;
  • the level of competition in the chosen niche with an assessment of their own competitiveness.

Market research

Start-up capital

Drawing up a business plan helps the entrepreneur to assess the amount of funds needed, which have the following channels of income:

  1. Personal savings. The best way to start, if there is all or most of the amount required to start the business.
  2. Help from the state. Those enterprises that are associated with agriculture and some other activities. You can find out which areas are funded and what is needed to receive assistance at the Regional Administration.
  3. Credit. To obtain a bank loan, you need to have a fairly significant collateral - an expensive apartment or other property.
  4. Investments. To search for investors, you will need to prepare a business plan with mandatory calculations of the project's profitability and an indication of the payback period.

Premises and equipment

When choosing a room, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Location relative to the center. Farming can be organized on 8 acres outside the city, away from the roadway. A beauty salon or a car repair shop may be located in a residential area. It is not advisable to locate a boutique of expensive clothes far from the center.
  2. Convenience of entrance. It is important to think about what kind of transport will arrive - a truck or a car. It is also necessary to take into account the condition of roads in the winter-spring period, otherwise there will be losses associated with weather conditions. For example, it will not be possible to pick up flowers from a greenhouse located outside the city due to heavy snowfall.
  3. Parking. The lack of parking spaces in the nearest radius will cause potential customers to leave for a competitor.
  4. Square. This option should be selected according to the requirements of the business idea. For some areas of production, GOST prescribes general recommendations.
  5. Possibility of long-term lease. An important point that needs to be discussed in advance, since the entrepreneur may face expensive repairs.

Equipment can be purchased new or used. Before buying, it is advisable to study the reviews and find out the opinion of several experts. Be sure to pay attention to the availability of warranty service.

Photo gallery

Nipple drinking system - 6 sections from 1200 rubles

Fish breeding

The relevance of the business idea is based on the growing popularity of fishing among people of different sex and age. In addition, anglers prefer to pay for a guaranteed catch and comfortable rest by the water.

To make money selling fish or organizing fishing, you will need:

  • join a fishing community and/or rent a pond;
  • ensure the protection of the area;
  • launch the desired fish species and provide them with proper care;
  • think over distribution channels in advance.

As competitive advantage can offer:

  • cleaning the catch on the spot;
  • rent of barbecue and other equipment for cooking.

Growing vegetables, fruits and herbs

You can organize a farm in your own apartment or rent land outside the city. To install 6 greenhouses, a plot of 10 acres is enough.

The relevance of the crop growing business is explained by the following:

  • year-round need of catering enterprises for greens and vegetables;
  • increasing demand for domestic crops;
  • an increase in the number of people adhering to proper nutrition.

The amount of initial investment can vary between 5,000 - 100,000 rubles and depends on the following factors:

  • workload;
  • availability of hired labor;
  • greenhouse material.

The business of growing any crops begins to pay off no earlier than 2.5 months from the date of sowing the seeds. This period is necessary for the full ripening of early types of lettuce and other greens.

Polycarbonate greenhouse - 20,000 rubles

Copywriting agency, writing business plans and other works

It is possible to organize a center for providing online or offline services. At the initial stage, registration is not required, it is enough to create your own group on social networks. You can work independently or distribute orders among other specialists.

There are no financial investments in the Internet writing business, and profit comes immediately after the work is done.

The relevance of the direction is due to the partial transition of business to the Internet, for the promotion of which well-written texts are needed. With their help, the site will be in the top positions search engines and will be able to attract more Internet users.

As a competitive advantage, you can offer regular customers a discount, or combine copywriting with website development.

Website development and optimization

To work with sites, you will need to complete courses in layout and copywriting. This will help increase the level of knowledge and competitiveness in the chosen niche.

For self-promotion, it is advisable to prepare a portfolio of your own work, which may consist of the following samples:

  • created sites;
  • information about changes in the dynamics of visits to the Internet resource after a specific work done;
  • examples of informational and promotional articles.

Catering point

The relevance of the business idea is as follows:

  • the need of people to eat tasty food;
  • inability to eat at home.

To organize a business related to food, you will need to obtain permission from the SES.

You can open a concept restaurant (from 500,000 rubles) or establish a point with the preparation of sandwiches (from 100,000 rubles). The latter option is beneficial to put in crowded places and near educational institutions.

Popular ideas for a catering point in 2017-2018:

  • pancakes with different fillings;
  • shawarma;
  • Hot Dog;
  • sandwich variations.

In addition, to increase competitiveness, it is enough to organize the preparation of complex meals by a certain time. Ready meals can be delivered to the customer for an additional fee.


The relevance of the business area is based on:

  • an increase in the number of people who take care of their appearance;
  • growth in the well-being of the population;
  • reduction in the cost of running procedures (peeling, facial massage).

To work in the field of cosmetology, you must complete special courses worth at least 10,000 rubles per month. The advantage of a cosmetologist will be the presence of a secondary medical education. To perform complex manipulations (Botox injections), you will need a category of a dermatologist.

You can organize a business in the following ways:

  1. Rent a room in a beauty salon. In this case, the costs of equipment and advertising are borne by the tenant.
  2. Rent a room or allocate a room in your own apartment. Equipment and all necessary materials you have to buy it yourself. To do this, you need to invest at least 100,000 rubles.

Special scales - 50,000 rubles

Furniture manufacture

The relevance of furniture manufacturing is based on the following:

  • the need for some basic necessities (bed);
  • desire to receive goods of a certain size and color.

To create furniture, you need to organize a room with a warehouse and purchase working tools. Initially, you can fulfill orders on your own, and promote examples of work through your own website or social networks. Registration is optional, but in the future you can open a company and hire staff.

As a competitive advantage, you can use the creation of 3D models of the future product for visual demonstration to customers.

Private clinic

A highly profitable business that is gaining popularity every year due to the following aspects:

  • high qualification of specialists;
  • Availability necessary equipment for research and own laboratory;
  • qualified junior staff;
  • a wide range of services provided;
  • no queues.

A private clinic must be opened taking into account convenient transport access and walking distance from the bus stop. Particular attention should be paid to the experience of doctors and their qualifications.

Investments in your own hospital start from 1 million rubles. The project will pay off within the first year. The main costs are associated with the repair and purchase of equipment.

Competitive advantages can be discounts on procedures and work schedules. If funds allow, it is good to organize a hospital or a visit of specialists with equipment for diagnostics to the patient's home.


There are many ways to make money on transportation:

  1. Taxi. As an option - to issue an IP and conclude an agreement with one of the operators serving the city. Earnings will depend on the number of hours. You will need knowledge of the area and the presence of a car.
  2. Cargo transportation. If there is a corresponding vehicle, you can conclude an agreement with an enterprise that needs drivers with a personal car. As a rule, official registration is not required for employment, but a driving experience of more than 5 years is required.

The advantage of carriers may be the cost of services is lower than that of competitors.

Organization of quests for adults

At the initial stage, an adult animator can promote their services through social networks. In the future, you can create your own website and attract other specialists, expanding the range of services provided.

The relevance of the idea lies in the need of adults for intellectual entertainment and the desire to plunge into the holiday atmosphere.

To prepare and conduct quests, you must:

  • have a rich imagination and organizational skills;
  • be able to write scripts and think through the details;
  • be a charismatic person with a well-delivered speech.

The initial investment in the organization of quests for adults consists of the cost of props and telephone communications.

The following can be used as competitive advantages:

  • discounts for legal entities;
  • symbolic gifts for the participants of the quest.


Machine for creating a tattoo — 19,000 rubles

vending business

The average revenue from coffee and payment machines per month is 11,000 - 20,000 rubles per machine.

The relevance of a business idea is based on the following:

  • convenience;
  • fast satisfaction of needs.

To purchase a vending machine and rent an area, you will need to invest from 30,000 rubles (excluding the cost of filling).

The entrepreneur will need to register and choose the form of taxation. In most cases, the scheme is simplified - 6%. If related to food, the rate will be 15% of income.

Coffee machine — 27,000 rubles

Fundamentals of a successful business in the province

Doing business in small town has its own specifics, given which you can achieve success:

  1. Small businesses will be more successful than large companies associated with the provision of unusual services. This is due to the lower income level of the population.
  2. The most demanded are familiar goods and services.

The most cost-effective ideas for the province:

  • small cafe;
  • disco club;
  • grocery and hardware store;
  • salon;
  • tire fitting;
  • Taxi.

Photo gallery

Furniture manufacture Clothing store Greenhouse business auto repair shop


The video presents interesting ideas for small business organization. Taken from the To-biz Business Ideas channel.