How to make grass grow from tights to water. Plants for the children's room: grass

  • 04.06.2019

A grasshopper is a small fabric toy-souvenir containing sawdust and seeds inside. It is performed in the form of an animal or a man. With regular watering, "hair" or "wool" from the grass grows on the head.

A grasshopper can be grown at any time of the year, even when there are severe frosts outside the window.. And on the window - a green corner that does not need special care!

Herbs, or, as they are also called, eco-toys, can significantly expand the horizons of children. They can be involved in the process of creating and caring for miracle animals. This will help the children become more responsible and caring.

And how interesting it is to observe the appearance and growth of the first green sprouts-hairs!

You can buy such a souvenir in the store. But how much more interesting to make it with your own hands, and even connect the kids! And it's not difficult at all. The main thing is to have the desire and necessary materials.

How to DIY

To create an eco-toy, you need to collect the necessary materials:

  • Base - in its quality, you can use a sock or a nylon stocking;
  • Grass seeds - selected in accordance with personal wishes. It can be one- or perennial lawn grass. If there are animals in the house, you can buy a special grass that cats, dogs or parrots would later feast on. Any cereals are also suitable - wheat, oats, barley or rye;
  • Needle and thread;
  • Sawdust - a few handfuls. They can be bought at a pet store;
  • Plate or tray.

Having all the necessary materials, you can start making a herbalist:

Grass care

In order for the grass to grow big and green, you need to carry out proper care.

Location selection
. The toy saturated with moisture should be placed on a plate or tray. This is necessary so that the water flowing from it remains on the tray, and does not fall on surrounding objects. Then the herb is placed in a bright place. It can be a window sill or a bedside table near the window.

It is important that there are no working heaters nearby, otherwise the thin blades of grass will dry out quickly. The first sprouts should appear in 2-3 days.

Watering. The herb should be watered daily, distributing water evenly throughout the toy. Once a week, “bathing” should be arranged - the monkey is completely lowered into water at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.

If there is dry air in the room, the miracle animal should be sprayed daily from a spray bottle, thus protecting it from drying out. If the grass has dried up due to the fact that they forgot to water the toy, you can lower the herb for 30-60 minutes in a container of water at room temperature. This procedure will revive the monkey.

A haircut
. After 2 weeks, when the height of the grass reaches 8-10 cm, you can make the first haircut. Especially children love to fantasize and come up with different haircuts. If it's too short, no problem. After 2-3 weeks, the "hair" will become long again!

By dividing the grass on the head into two parts and tying each of them with a bow, you can make a grass girl. For a miracle animal, a haircut will only benefit - the plant acquires new strength and its appearance is improving.

If you need to leave for a few days, the eco-toy can be covered with a plastic bag. This will retain moisture and reduce evaporation.

To teach a child observation and perseverance, you can make a diary. On a simple piece of paper or in a notebook, you need to draw a table and note in it how much the stems have grown in a day. It is possible that as the grass grows, the children take pictures of their miracle toys.

The grasshopper will please the eye with its unusual appearance for about 6 months.. Then it can be torn open and the seeds replaced with new ones.

The herbalist is ideal for teaching your child how to care for houseplants. It is very hardy and grows fast. And its funny, funny appearance will cheer up for a long time and give a lot of positive emotions!

Curious to know which plants are best placed in a child's room? Read!

An original toy, a funny souvenir and indoor plant- it's all about the herb, inside of which there is a nutrient soil with seeds that germinate with regular moisture.

With proper care, the toy is covered with delicate green grass, which makes it look unusual and arouses interest.

A grasshopper is a wonderful gift for a child, because children are interested in watching the process of grass growth and taking part in it. In addition, caring for an unusual toy, children learn responsibility. Genuine delight in children is caused by the fact that green grass you can cut, collect in bunches, making various "hairstyles".

A gift in the form of a herb will also be appreciated by adults. An unusual souvenir can act as an interesting decorative element in the interior of a dwelling or office.

What are herbs

Toys of this type are distinguished by a huge variety, so you can always choose the right souvenir as a gift for any occasion. Particularly popular are toys in the form of plants, animals, gnomes, favorite characters from children's fairy tales and cartoons, modern computer games and applications for mobile gadgets, such as birds from the game " Angry Birds", pinguins from Madagascar".

There are also more refined ceramic grasses in the form of stylized little men (eco-men), funny faces, and animals. The range is represented by figures of various color solutions both colored and plain. Ceramic herbs can be made as single souvenirs, or as a whole composition of several figures that convey some kind of emotion. Main Feature such toys is the ability to grow a variety of plants in them, and lawn grass, and cacti. On figurines white color made in the form of faces, you can draw various funny faces.

What are herbalists made of?

Soft herbs are made only from environmentally friendly materials, namely nylon and acrylic dye. Kapron is filled with nutrient soil mixture - it can be soil for plants, sand or sawdust mixed with grass seeds.

Figurines made of ceramics have a special recess into which soil is poured, mixed with grass seeds or nutrient soil, in which a plant with a small root system (cactus, young) is planted. In some cases, a nylon bag stuffed with soil, sawdust with seeds is placed in the recess.

The cost of a herbalist depends on what it is made of, on its size and complexity of shape. The price ranges from 180 to 1500 rubles, there are more expensive toys. Ceramic herbs are more expensive, especially those that are made to order. You can make soft ones yourself, in this case the toy will cost quite cheaply.

You can make a unique toy at home, together with your child. The materials necessary for this can be found in every home - a nylon sock, a stocking or part of tights, nutrient soil or sawdust, seeds lawn grass or oats.

You can make a toy out of plastic bottle, an old rubber toy (with the top cut off) and even from an eggshell. Such herbs are placed on a pallet, because they need to be watered like ordinary houseplants.

Grass care

Toys are unpretentious in care, with minimal attention they are covered with greenery in a short period of time.

After purchasing ( self-manufacturing), the herb is immersed in water for 3-4 hours, then placed in a well-lit place. Subsequent watering is carried out by complete immersion in water for 15-20 minutes.

With proper care, after about 5-10 days, depending on the quality and type of seeds, shoots will begin to appear, and after 7-14 days, the toy will be completely covered with greenery, and it will be possible to start its first haircut. Mowing the grass begins after it grows by about 8 cm.

Soft herbs delight with green grass for six months, and ceramic ones much longer, because. care for them is the same as for unpretentious indoor plants.

Photo instruction EcoZivchika Dragon:

EcoZhivchik was created with love by the family creative workshop "Skomorokh" of the Smolev family, craftsmen of the Samara region.

Where to begin?

Before EcoZhivchik comes to life under the rays of the sun on the windowsill, it must be soaked in warm water at room temperature so that the seeds in the toy wake up and begin to germinate. Minimum soak time 30 minutes. We recommend that you put it in a container (deep plate or pan) with water in the evening, press it on top, for example, with a lid (otherwise it swims well), so it will be better saturated with water in the morning next day put on a silver platter - permanent residence.

Where to place?

As soon as the souvenir is well saturated with water, you need to place it in a place where it will be warm and light enough. Until the blades of grass have sprouted, do not place it under the direct rays of the sun, especially in summer, because the herb will dry out instantly and the growth process will stop. It is recommended to put it inside the room on a table or bookshelf. As soon as all the blades of grass hatch, you can put the toy anywhere.

How to water?

EcoZhivchik loves water very much, it is not possible to pour it, the materials and coloring are waterproof, so feel free to give your friend water every day. From time to time you can bathe him in a bowl of water or even under the tap. In summer, in especially hot weather, a souvenir can be sprayed, which is convenient to do from a spray bottle.

How to cut?

Not only children love to cut their pet, but their parents, it is so exciting! Somewhere in two weeks, the blades of grass will grow about 12 centimeters and you can be a hairdresser for your pet, making him a stylish hairstyle. But do not forget that you can not cut too short, leave 5-7 centimeters for recovery. Indeed, after the next 14 days, the hairstyle will fluff up again, providing the opportunity for a new creative fantasy!

How to feed?

With frequent trimming, the plant needs to be fed, because it is limited by nutrients only by the presence of sawdust in the filler. For this purpose, universal fertilizers for plant rooms are suitable, which are sold in abundance in flower shops. A capful of concentrate per liter of water is enough.

Can weed be pets?

If you have pets, EcoZivchik's trimming can be entrusted to them. For example, cats need grass for health from time to time. Having got an ecolude, you will make a great gift for the cat, and she will thank you with her caress and purring. Also, parrots, hamsters and other animals will kill grass with great appetite.

EcoZhivchik - green vitamins for animals.

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A grasshopper is a funny and unusual souvenir, from the top of which bright lawn grass provocatively makes its way, forming a kind of hair. To make the herbal toy look pretty, you need to organize proper care for the herbal toy and create all conditions for normal growth vegetation.

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Travyanchiki or eco-gum, eco-ludes, eco-lovers (photo) are toys that are traditionally made from cloth stuffed with sawdust and lawn grass seeds. If such a toy is regularly watered and fertilized, then the seeds placed in sawdust will quickly sprout, and the toy will have a pretty green hair. Ecoludik can be a wonderful decoration for a child's room and a gift for an inquisitive kid.

How to grow a herb?

Before choosing a certain place in the children's room for the eco-gum, the grass toy should be thoroughly soaked in water so that the seeds hidden in it swell, get the right amount of moisture and prepare for the active germination process. The toy can be soaked in any container that needs to be pre-filled with water at room temperature. Soak the herb like this:

  • The eco-gum should be completely immersed in water and supported there a little, so that the toy is completely saturated with water and stops floating to the surface.
  • Grass toy must be in the water for at least 45 minutes.

If you are growing an ecolude in the cold season, it is better to make a small greenhouse for a toy. A greenhouse is easily constructed from a regular package. The herb itself is placed on a plate, and the plate is placed in a bag, and the bag itself is tied at the top. Put the greenhouse to any source of heat (for example, to a battery) and the herb will germinate in 1-2 days. As soon as you see shoots, take the toy out of the bag and put it on the window.

It is best to grow ecoludic on the windowsill, which receives the rays of the sun. However, the toy can be placed both on a shelf and on a bedside table - the main thing is that the place is well lit. Do not place the grass toy next to heaters and radiators; tender blades of grass will dry out from excessive heat.

How to care for a grass toy?

Eco-zippers need daily watering, which must be uniform. Once every 7 days, give the grasshopper a full bath. To do this, the souvenir is lowered into warm water for about a quarter of an hour. If there is insufficient humidity in the room, regularly spray the herb with water.

Travyanchikov can and should be cut, making funny little men a variety of hairstyles. However, it is advisable to make the first haircut only 14 days after the first shoots appear on the top of the toy. Do not be discouraged if the haircut fails, you can repeat the experiment with creating a hairstyle for an eco-man in a few weeks.

If for some reason the herb does not germinate, you may have purchased a toy with low-quality seeds or an expired one. To prevent such a misunderstanding - when buying a souvenir, carefully look at the date of manufacture. The shelf life of herbs is no more than 2 years.

If your eco-gum has begun to dry out, an extraordinary bath will help. This procedure usually helps to revive the herb and achieve active growth of green hair. Let's finish the story funny toy interesting video about how to make a herbalist with your own hands.

Handsome, funny and unusual gift your child - an original set for growing plants, which is called a herbalist. This is a toy, a favorite cartoon character, a real living flowerpot. A small animal with green spiky hair will make anyone smile. You can buy a herbalist in our store by choosing one of the sets in the catalog.

Travyanchik - an original gift and a great activity for the baby

Today, you can order a herbalist in any specialized online store, they are available at retail outlets with fresh flowers, in souvenir shops. And they came up with it, as often happens, quite by accident. The owner of a fresh flower shop had prepared seeds hidden in an old nylon sock. The seeds were scrambled to one point, because her daughter played with her sock, like a ball. This "ball" accidentally fell into the water, the girl, afraid that her mother would scold her, put her sock in the sun to dry.

What was her surprise when green sprouts appeared on the soft ball! The girl was delighted, drew eyes and a smile on the ball. So the first grass appeared - a "green" toy.

Now they are made differently, thinking through every detail. After all, most often such souvenirs are given to children. That is why they are made only from natural materials They are child safe and easy to care for. These attractive flowerpots-animals give only positive emotions that make everyone smile. You can give such a souvenir not only to a child, but also to a friend, relatives or friends. Even in a boring office, among documents, such a cheerful live friend will look creative, remind his owner of who gave him.

And it’s worth giving a little grass to a baby! This great way introduce him to the world of nature, show how ordinary seeds turn into green grass, and also teach him how to take care of plants, how to properly care for flowers. After all, if young shoots are not watered on time, they will simply dry out and a cheerful funny friend will lose his hair!

Cute grassy animals on your windowsill

This is a simple and pleasant gift, but it is still important that it is made with high quality, because otherwise the seeds simply will not germinate. You can buy herbs from us that will delight your baby, and you will be pleased with their impeccable design and quality.
  • The herbs are handcrafted with craftsmanship, inspiration and attention to detail.
  • Quality acrylic paints, which are not washed out in water, all lines remain clear, and the product itself is colorful.
  • Each plant growing kit is unique.
  • The range of products is very wide: herbs of any model are presented - for children, for friends and even for your boss.
  • The materials used in the manufacture of products are completely safe and environmentally friendly.
Cute animal flowerpots look exotic and fun. They will decorate any interior, give it warmth and sunny mood. You just need to water the herb on time! The set includes prepared seeds, beautiful gift wrap and care instructions. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, the herb should be dipped in water at room temperature for a few minutes, and then placed in a well-lit place. You can create a flowerpot a small greenhouse - put on a plastic bag and do not remove it for 4-5 days. So the seeds will germinate even faster.

On our site you can pick up unusual, bright and useful gifts for your children. Our herbs will bring a sea of ​​positive and smiles to your home!