Olive plant. Olive tree: care at home

  • 27.05.2019

To grow olive trees you need temperate climate. If you live in a region where the weather for this plant is unfavorable, then planting can be done even in an apartment, providing the necessary temperature regime. How to grow an olive tree at home? Detailed instructions.

Choose a variety

First you need to choose a variety of olives. This condition is important because they have different purposes:

  • for eating;
  • for making butter;
  • for any purpose.

When planning to grow an olive tree at home, use dwarf plants. They are designed specifically for this.

Olives are dioecious. This means that both male and female cells are needed to produce fruits. Pollination in nature is carried out by the wind. At home, you will have to do this yourself, using a brush or a piece of fur.

Olive propagation methods

Seedlings can be obtained in three ways:

  • using seeds;
  • planting a cutting;
  • through vaccination.

1. How to grow an olive tree from a stone

This method is time consuming. It takes 10-15 years from planting to fruiting. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Remove pits from fresh olives.
  2. Soak them in a 10% lye solution overnight.
  3. Rinse with warm water.
  4. Dry with paper towel.
  5. File a hard layer of the stone (to facilitate germination).
  6. Plant the seed in the ground to a depth of 2 - 3 cm.
  7. Expect germination for about 3 months, maintaining the optimum temperature + 18 C heat.

Important Tips:

  1. For soil, a mixture of sand, turf and garden soil is used in a ratio of 2: 1: 1 with the addition of a small part of peat and lime (in general, 25 g per 1 kg of land).
  2. Pot choose small size. As the plant grows, it increases. This makes it easier to control watering. Olive does not tolerate excessive moisture.

The seedling is transplanted every year until it reaches the age of five. Then after 2-3 years.

2. Vegetative propagation

It's over fast way demonstrating how to grow an olive tree at home. Such a seedling will begin to bloom faster, inheriting all varietal characteristics. For vegetative propagation, cuttings or root suckers are used. The process takes place in several stages:

  1. Prepare annual cuttings.
  2. The cut site is treated with a drug that promotes rooting.
  3. Cuttings are planted in wet sand (March), providing an optimal temperature regime of + 20 C. If you plant a cutting in a transparent container, you can control the process of root formation.
  4. The sand is regularly moistened.
  5. Using a plastic bag, a greenhouse is created above the handle. After the roots appear, the stalk is transplanted into the soil.
  6. A seedling is planted in a permanent place in the fall (August - September).

To shorten the period until the moment when the olive begins to bloom and bear fruit, it can be grafted using varietal plants.

3. Grafting an olive

Reproduction is carried out by budding. A cutting eye is cut from the stem, which is placed in a split on the bark. The first fruits appear after 8-10 years.

Olive tree care

Caring for a young plant is to remove lower leaves and new shoots. This will help give the plant the appearance of a tree. Shrunken, weakened or strongly vegetative shoots should also be removed.

The plant should be in the brightest place in the apartment, and in winter it needs additional lighting. Water it daily, but in small volumes. In the spring, fertilizing with complex fertilizers is necessary. In winter, water less and do not fertilize. They are transferred to another place (the least warm is + 10-12 C). During this period, flower buds are laid. The plant blooms in spring.

Olive Tree(Olea europaea) or the so-called "Olive Tree" refers to the Olive family. Mostly there are olive trees and shrubs.

The bark of the olive tree is grey. The most widespread species is the European olive. There are about 60 species. The native places of the plant are considered to be Southern Europe, Africa, South Asia as well as Australia.

Basically, when the fruits are harvested they Green colour. After cooking, they turn black, come with and without bones. Trees that are uneven can be knotty. Branches are long and can hang down. The mass of the ripe fruit of the olive tree is 4-5 grams.

This plant can continue to live up to 300 years. Many call him a long-liver. It is recommended to keep the Olive Tree in the room for up to 10 years. Then transplant into the ground. It grows rather slowly. The leaves of the tree are green-gray. In them, she can collect starch, which helps in very dry weather.

Olive tree - care:


The olive tree is a very thermophilic plant. Grows in sunny areas. Doesn't tolerate shade. But it can still withstand light partial shade.


The olive tree is quite a heat-loving plant. But sometimes it can withstand low temperatures down to minus 11-15 ° C. But of course a short time. At lower levels, it dies. In warm seasons, the olive tree loves warmth. The average temperature for its good condition is 18-20 ° C. When it blooms must be observed temperature conditions. At minus 3 - 5 ° C, flowers can be damaged. But still, if the temperatures are very high, this is also harmful.


The olive tree is well watered. In warm seasons, it is often necessary to water the plant. If the soil is dry, the leaves may fall off. V winter period You need to water much less, following the soil of the plant. For irrigation, it is good to take water that is not cold, standing at an average temperature.


The olive tree is neutral to high humidity. If the air humidity is high, then the air temperature should be high. When it is very hot, you can spray the leaves twice a day.

Top dressing:

The olive tree is a plant that, like all others, must be fertilized with mineral fertilizer. In order for it to winter well, it is necessary to feed it with nitrogen in the spring, and in summer nitrogen fertilizer helps to prevent freezing in winter. Approximately once every two weeks you can feed.


The olive tree is not very picky. It does not require special soil. But if the soil is rotten and dry, then it will still not grow. It is recommended that the soil contains a sufficient amount of lime, the soil is rocky and sandy. These plants have very strong roots. Sometimes they are even found in the rock. You can add pieces of brick or charcoal to the soil.


The olive tree mostly propagates vegetatively and also by seeds. But when it is hot, it is recommended to propagate by cuttings. Still, gardeners prefer to propagate the olive tree by seeds. This method is more suitable as it is demanding in reproduction. Seeds can germinate in 2 months. From seeds, the plant can bloom only after 10 years, from cuttings after 4 years.

Some features:

The olive tree is very useful. Fruits are recommended to be eaten as it improves metabolism. This product is also very useful in cooking. Popular use in salads and soups. Rich in vitamins. The use of olives once a day leads to an improvement in the condition of the body and weight loss.

Olive tree - diseases and pests:

The olive tree is a plant that can be attacked by olive moth, whitefly or the so-called "butterfly". The caterpillar eats leaves and buds. If the inflorescences are infected, then they must be cut off immediately. When it does not help, you can use karbofos. The butterfly can infect the leaves, later they turn yellow and fall off. In this case, spray with soap and water or use a suspension of pyrethrum, decis.

Olives are oily fruits that are used for food. V open ground the olive grows in the southern regions and on the sea coast. Feels great in the Crimea.

Olive trees can be grown in a greenhouse or at home. It is a symbol of longevity and prosperity. The olive branch is on the coat of arms of Italy. In Athens, a wreath of olive branches was put on the winner of competitions and competitions. The olive also symbolizes peace.

There are several ways to grow a crop. It all depends on the purpose for which the plant is planted. If you want to get fruits, then it is recommended to propagate the tree with cuttings from an already fruiting mother individual. Of course, olive trees are grown from seeds, but in this case, it will begin to bear fruit in 10-20 years. If you are not ready to wait that long, then you can graft a cutting to the tree that bears fruit.

How to grow a plant:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • seedlings.

The fastest way to acquire a fruitful crop is by purchasing a seedling. So you can be sure of the origin of the plant and its ability to produce fruits of a certain size and variety.

There is a division of olive trees depending on the purpose of the fruit. They are table, oilseed or combined. Please note that dwarf varieties are grown at home, but in the garden you will need male and female individuals to harvest. A male or female individual will not produce a crop on its own. Under natural conditions, plant pollen is carried by the wind, and you will have to spread the pollen with a brush or put the pot in a place where there is a draft.

The olive tree thrives in short winters and long dry summers. At temperatures below -5 ° C, the tree of the olive family feels uncomfortable. With more severe frosts it dies. Therefore, if you live in the northern regions, plant a crop in winter garden or greenhouse. Alternatively, purchase a dwarf ornamental variety for growing in an apartment. What the plant looks like can be seen in the photo.

Growing an olive tree from seeds

Initially, purchase dry olives or fresh ones, a canned product is not suitable. The shell of the olive seed is very hard, so to speed up the germination process of the seeds, soak them for 12 hours in a solution of sodium or potassium hydroxide. This is the usual 10% alkali solution. It will partially destroy the shell of the bone and make it possible for the sprout to hatch. Next, cut off the edge of the bone or file it.

There are two options for seed germination. This can be done directly in the soil or in compost. To get sprouts, place the stone in the compost and press it a little into the substrate. Next, daily moisten the mass from the sprayer. Please note that the pot must be placed in a warm and well-lit place. This will take a long time, about 3-12 months. Please note that seed germination is only 50%. Therefore, do not be very upset if the seed does not germinate.

After the sprouts hatch, they are transferred to separate pot. Little soil is needed. Choose breathable soils and light soils. A mixture of sand and peat will do. Plant transplantation is carried out only after its root system has braided the entire soil. During transplanting, do not clean off the soil from the roots, just transfer the lump into a larger pot. A young plant is transplanted once a year, this should be done in the spring. Once an ornamental olive tree is 5 years old, it should be repotted every three years.

Seedling care

Put olive trees in the brightest place in the apartment. V summer time water them regularly. Remember that in order for the plant to take on the appearance of a tree, the top should not be cut off. Remove side branches and dead leaves. To get flowers and fruits, it is necessary to provide an olive tree with wintering. To this end, reduce watering and place the culture pot in a cool place. There is no need to fertilize the tree. In the summer, top dressing is carried out once every 7 days. It is best if these are complex nitrogenous fertilizers.

Oliva has an excellent crown, it can be used to make any kind of bonsai. During the dormant period, the temperature in the room should be 10-12 ° C, and in summer - 18-22 ° C. All dried leaves must be cut off, they interfere with the growth of the crown. If you are in winter time do not transfer the olive tree to a cool place, it will not bloom and bear fruit. In the summer, spray the branches with a spray bottle.

Growing an olive tree from cuttings

In order to grow a shrub or tree, a shoot aged 1-3 years is separated from the mother individual. After that, the cut site is treated with a root stimulator. Please note that the substance must be dissolved exclusively in purified or boiled water. The olive tree is very sensitive to bacteria found in raw water. Next, the cutting is placed in a moist substrate. It can be soil or sand. Before planting, stick a pencil into the substrate, so you get a recess. Place the cutting in the hole and cover it with soil.

Now you need to water the plant all the time and wait. The room temperature must be at least 20 °C. Please note that the cuttings really do not like waterlogging, so water infrequently, and try to spray the plants daily. To ensure adequate moisture levels, cover the sprout with a plastic bag and poke a few holes in it for ventilation.

To check if roots have formed or not, gently pull the stem. If he resists, then the roots gradually grow back. Do not pull with force, as you will simply pull out the plant. The rooting process can take more than 3 months. If three months have already passed, and there are no roots, do not be discouraged. Pay attention to the stalk, if it is green and peppy, then everything is in order, continue to water the European olive.

Planting in a permanent place

The planting of an olive tree is carried out after its rooting. The soil should consist of river sand, garden and soddy soil. Add quicklime to this mixture. Do not forget to put a drainage layer on the bottom of the container with the olive tree. Water the olive tree often, but little by little. Spray the leaves during dry spells. Water for this take filtered or boiled. After about 3-4 years, you will receive flowers and fruits.

Reasons for the lack of flowers

  • A wild plant grown from seed.
  • No dormant period.
  • Insufficient lighting.

In winter, the olive tree may lack light. That is why it is illuminated using fluorescent lamps. Be sure to stop watering in winter and do not fertilize the plant. Fruit can be obtained by grafting an olive tree. To do this, a notch is made on the trunk, where a piece of a high-quality tree is inserted that bears fruit. It is usually necessary to graft an olive in the spring. This is done according to the instructions in the same way as usual. fruit tree. If you are growing house tree, then it is not necessary to graft it, since at home the culture rarely bears fruit. Grafting is carried out in a split or sprouting eye.

Mature tree, unlike young plant, unpretentious. It perfectly tolerates the lack of moisture and waterlogging. The olive tree that you planted in the garden does not need to be replanted. Just cut dry branches in time and shape the crown as you wish. From April to September, do not forget to water the olive tree with nitrogen fertilizers. So you will accelerate growth and prevent diseases.

Oliva is often grown not for its fruits, but because of its attractive, decorative look. To date, many varieties of this culture have been bred, each of which has its own characteristics. distinctive features. For growing in room conditions suitable varieties of olives, reaching no more than 2 m in height, suitable for growing in a container.

These include:

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To obtain edible fruits of high palatability, you should choose table varieties.

The indoor olive is an evergreen, miniature tree with a compact, spherical crown. The bark of young individuals is light gray, older ones are dark. The leaves are narrow, dense, lanceolate, dark green. They stay on the branches for a long time, not falling off even in winter. Gradually renewed every 2-3 years. The flowers are small, white, bisexual, with a goblet calyx. The fruits are one-seeded, elongated-oval drupes 0.7-3 cm long with a pointed or blunt end and a fleshy pericarp. The color of the fruit depends on the variety, it can vary from green to dark purple. The average weight of a nut is 15 g.

Indoor olive tree at home

The olive is propagated at home by seeds, cuttings, grafting. For decorative purposes, the tree is propagated by seeds. Before planting, they are stratified by soaking for 12-16 hours in a solution of caustic soda. After that, the seeds are rinsed and planted in a small pot with a diameter of 7-9 cm to a depth of 2 cm in moist nutrient soil. Sprouts will hatch in 2 months. During this period, you need to regularly care for the crops, monitor soil moisture, water as the earthen clod dries out, and prevent it from drying out or waterlogging. Germination of seeds of this plant is 40-50%. In some cases, the seeds do not germinate, or weak, non-viable sprouts appear, which soon die. Trees obtained in this way begin to bear fruit in 8-10 years. In order to speed up the period of flowering and fruiting, grown seedlings are grafted onto varietal plants.

When propagated by cuttings, the tree retains all maternal signs, the fruits appear 2-3 years after planting. To do this, take cuttings of 2-3-year-old branches. The sections are treated with a growth stimulator, then the cutting is buried in the sand to a depth of 10 cm, covered with glass or polyethylene on top to create a greenhouse. The optimum temperature for rooting is 25-27°C. Within a month, the plant will take root, shoots will begin to form. After 3-4 months, the root system will be fully formed, after which the seedling can be transplanted to a permanent place in a large one.

Indoor plant olive is photophilous, so it should be grown in bright sunlight. South windows are suitable for young individuals, adult trees can be placed in a room in any bright place, or in a winter garden or greenhouse. In the warm season, it is useful to take the pot out to open air e.g. to the garden or balcony. An abundance of light is especially necessary during the period of tree growth and the formation of flower buds. With its lack, the growth of the olive will slow down, the shoots will begin to stretch in length. In winter, the tree needs to be provided with additional lighting in order to avoid leaf fall.

The most comfortable air temperature for this crop is 18-22°C. In the winter dormant period, the temperature should be 10-13 ° C. Wintering in such conditions will contribute to the laying of flower buds. The number of waterings at this time is reduced, top dressing is not applied.

Blooming olive: home care

Caring for the olive at home, it is important to monitor the condition of the earthy coma. Watering is carried out as the topsoil dries. The lack of moisture negatively affects the plant, the leaves fade, curl and fall off, which can lead to its death.

The olive tree at home tolerates dry air well, but in extreme heat it is necessary to spray the crown. Up to 4 years of age, an annual plant transplant is required. This work is carried out in early spring, changing upper layer soil to fresher and more fertile.

You can give the crown a neat, spherical shape using pruning. When forming, weak, dry branches are removed, too long shoots are shortened, and they are given the desired shape. If the tree is grown for nuts, it should be remembered that most of the crop is formed on last year's growth, so pruning in this case must be done very carefully.

Despite the rather laborious process of growing the olive, it is unpretentious, easily tolerates drought, and is not subject to invasion. By carrying out regular proper care, already 2 years after planting, it will be possible to observe what a blooming olive looks like, and receive good harvest fruits (up to 2 kg of nuts per year).