Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases. Proper pruning and other nuances of tree care

  • 12.06.2019

Ficuses are indoor plants that have long been grown by flower growers. However, interest in them does not fade away, but only increases every year. This is due to the fact that the plant has an attractive appearance and does not require much attention to itself. These plants in natural conditions live both in the tropics and in the subtropics, they are found even in the temperate climate zone.

This species is an epiphyte, that is, it is able to grow on other plants. (ficus microcarpa) has many aerial roots. The plant has an upright trunk with a gray color. When grown indoors, it can reach a height of about 1.5 m. The leaves have a glossy sheen and a dark green color. The roots of the plant protrude from the ground, which is the main difference between this species.

Home care for ficus microcarp should be started immediately after purchase. First you need to determine the place where the plant will live. To do this, it is important to consider what properties the tree has, as well as the fact that it does not tolerate when it is moved from one place to another. Poorly tolerates the following points:

  • exposure to bright light;
  • excessive dryness of air masses;
  • the presence of drafts.

Therefore, you should place the acquired ficus away from heating appliances. The best option would be a room with windows on the north side. Ficus does not like direct sunlight. You need to spray ficus from the first days after it was purchased. Such manipulations should be done three times during the day. It is unacceptable to overdry the soil, so you will need to check the humidity.

After a couple of weeks, it will already be possible to transplant the plant into a container in which it will constantly develop. Be sure to lay a layer of drainage when transplanting, it should fill the pot by a third. To do this, it is recommended to use expanded clay or foam. The soil is chosen nutritious and loose. You can use the finished land for ficuses. It happens that after a transplant, the ficus throws off the leaves, you should not worry about this, because this is a reaction to a change of place.

Microcarp prefers fertile soil, it can be made on your own by mixing humus with turf and peat soil and adding sand to the mixture. All ingredients are taken in equal proportions.

When the plant is actively developing, it is necessary to apply fertilizers; for this, complex options designed for ornamental plants are suitable. They must be diluted in water, and then spill the soil. Feeding is carried out once every half a month. If bonsai-style cultivation takes place, then special fertilizers are used. The plant absorbs fertilizer well if applied by spraying the leaves.


To maintain the attractiveness of the form, it will be necessary to periodically prune the plant. Forming the crown should begin the sooner the better. Ficus easily lends itself to any appearance design, so the fantasy here can be limitless. Therefore, those who are fond of the art of bonsai love it so much, ficus microcarpa is ideal for this.

To make the trunk powerful, you need to trim it from a young plant. You can direct the branches in the right direction if you use a wire. If the shoots are too thick, then they should be removed. If desired, you can make the crown more branched, this can be achieved by cutting strong branches up to 5 cm.

Ficus transplant

The microcarp does not particularly like to be disturbed, so repotting should be done no earlier than every 2 years. The development of the tree is very slow, and when it reaches adulthood, it stops growing altogether. It is necessary to replace the soil only in order to update it. During this procedure, it is recommended to inspect the roots that are in the underground space. Transplanting is best done in the spring.

If there is not enough moisture, and the temperature in the room is elevated, this will contribute to the appearance spider mite, due to which the plant can die in a short period of time. To get rid of it, it is enough to arrange a shower for young plants with a water temperature of 40-45 degrees. For adult plants, insecticides can be used to treat.

Ficus can be attacked by aphids, thyroid, whitefly and thrips. To get rid of them, it is better to choose drugs specially designed for this, which can be found in stores in large quantities.

Leaf shedding can occur if there is insufficient watering, as well as due to poor lighting, drafts or improper fertilization. Also, the loss of foliage can be caused by transferring from one place to another or transplanting. To speed up the adaptation process, you should use the Epin solution.

Ficuses have long and, apparently, settled in residential premises and offices for a long time. In our country it indoor plant has gained a second wave of popularity and has become an integral part of interior design.

General information

Ficus Microcarpa, from Latin ficus microcarpa, is an evergreen tree native to tropical and subtropical forests in Southeast Asia. Also, this ficus has become quite widespread in southern China and northern Australia.

The name of this ficus in translation means "little fruit". characteristic feature plants is the presence of a bare root system, which is able to form bizarre and unusual shapes. This allows you to create an original and very attractive bonsai from the ficus Microcarp.

The leaves of this plant have an oval, elongated and slightly pointed shape. Under natural growing conditions, this type of ficus can reach a height of 25 meters. Instances for indoor floriculture do not exceed one and a half meters in height.

plant forms

In indoor floriculture, in addition to plants with rich green foliage, variegated forms of ficus Microcarp, or Variegata. This type of ficus requires brighter lighting than the parent plant type. Failure to comply with this requirement has a negative effect on the variegation of leaf coloring.

ficus ginseng (Ficus ginseng, or Ficus Ginseng) is a plant with a fancifully swollen root system, which has an external resemblance to ginseng roots. Such roots are formed as a result of the action of special hormonal drugs and fertilizers applied at the stage seed propagation. By cutting ficuses, such a form of the root system cannot be obtained.

Ginseng ficus care is similar to the care of ordinary ficus species, the only difference is the implementation of more frequent and deeper pruning. The main attention is focused on the root system, as well as the nutrition of the houseplant. Lack of nutrients contributes to the intake of nutrients from the root system to the shoots, which causes depletion and wrinkling of the roots.

Ficus Microcarpa: planting and care (video)

Features of care

The plant is quite demanding to care for. However, all activities are not difficult even for beginners to grow ficus flower growers.

Site selection and lighting

If you have to choose a place that is too dark for growing, fitolamps should be used, which will create effective illumination. In addition, lighting should be proportional to temperature regime. At higher temperatures, the degree of illumination of the plant should be increased.


With regard to irrigation measures, the ficus Microcarp is characterized by unpretentiousness. Watering should be moderate. Do not allow significant overdrying of the soil in flower pot. For watering, and, if necessary, spraying foliage, settled water at room temperature should be used. Too abundant and frequent watering of Microcarp can cause root rot damage to the plant and the appearance of dark spots on the foliage.

top dressing

Ficus Microcarpa needs additional dressings at the stage of active vegetation, which falls on the period from the beginning of spring to the first decade of autumn. Fertilizers need to be applied twice a month. The procedure is carried out after the implementation of irrigation measures. It is recommended to use universal preparations for this purpose. In the cold season, it is allowed to reduce the application of fertilizers by half.


Pruning for ficus Microcarp is very important. The main condition is its timely and correct implementation.

Rules and Options

In order to form the most beautiful and spectacular ficus crown, it is recommended to carry out regular pruning. best time for such an event, one can consider the spring or autumn period, when the plant has not yet entered the vegetative phase or has already completed active development and is preparing for the dormant stage.

Standard pruning of ficus Microcarp should be carried out as needed to form a crown and removing not only extra branches, but also overgrown foliage. It is recommended to form a plant through simple pruning, preventing ficus branches from growing in length. In this case, new shoots begin their growth from the very base.


The formation of a ficus Microcarp in the form of an exquisite and very stylish bonsai is a fascinating, but rather lengthy process. Initially, ficus Microcarp is planted with seeds. Further, the houseplant is transplanted several times until it is obtained. big ficus with a massive root system. Then it is dug up, and the stem part of the plant is cut off.

The remaining root is planted in a container so that a significant part of the root system is located on the surface. Over time, the bare part of the root system of the plant acquires a dark color and becomes covered with bark. In the upper part of the plant, a crown is formed. Pruning is done to remove excess branches and overgrown foliage.

Growing problems

The plant is quite hardy, and good care protects ficus from diseases and pests. However, sometimes there may be some problems that are characteristic of any type of ficus.

leaf fall

Natural losses of foliage on the lower tiers of branches are insignificant and are associated with natural processes. A massive shedding of foliage is very often observed when placing a plant in a draft, as well as during temperature changes, watering cold water, insufficient lighting and overdrying of the soil in a flower pot.

Other problems

If you carry out too frequent or abundant watering of the ficus Microcarp, then the plant may be affected by root rot, which is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic dark spots on the foliage. In addition, ficus can be affected by pests such as whiteflies, aphids, mealybugs, thrips and scale insects. To maintain the immunity of the plant, it is necessary to spray twice a month with the addition of "Epin".

Ficus Microcarpa: root rot (video)

Flower growers should take into account the fact that Microcarp ficus requires soft planting soil. It is recommended to loosen the soil at least once every two weeks. In addition, ficus should not be placed in close proximity to radiators or drafts. The plant should have a permanent place from the first days, due to poor adaptability to changing growing conditions.

Many people dream of creating a miniature tree with their own hands, but ignorance of the specifics of growing it becomes an insurmountable obstacle. Even the choice of a plant from which to form a bonsai is confusing. How to make the tree take the desired shape without undue effort on your part? To date, the answer to this question has been found. Among lovers of indoor floriculture, the creation of homemade ficus bonsai is becoming very popular, which allows not to stretch the process for many years, making it accessible to ordinary flower growers. Let's master this entertaining science together using the examples of ficus Benjamin, Microcarp, get acquainted with the conditions of detention and the features of caring for bonsai trees.

Features of bonsai created from ficus

In movies, popular programs and books, we are used to seeing bonsai from coniferous trees. Traditionally, in the countries of the Far East, these were used. But over time, other plants began to be used, which are more accessible, easy to care for, easier to take on bizarre forms.

You are probably familiar with ficus - a plant that is quite unpretentious and therefore very popular with flower growers. It turned out that some species are great for creating beautiful bonsai due to their characteristic features:

  • well-branched root system;
  • a massive trunk of an interesting shape - corrugated or curved;
  • the structure of the bark is either smooth, light in color, or colorful with a pronounced texture;
  • small size of leaves (this quality is inherent only in some types of ficuses);
  • high growth rate - 2-3 years are enough to create a full-fledged bonsai.

The combination of these qualities allows the future bonsai to take on a classic form.

Ficuses are great for creating bonsai

The following types of ficuses are considered suitable for growing bonsai:

  • Bengal (Ficus benghalensis);
  • Benjamin (Ficus benjamina);
  • Karika, or fig (Ficus carica);
  • Microcarp (Ficus microcarpa or ginseng);
  • Dark-leaved (Ficus neriifolia);
  • Dull / retuza (Ficus retusa);
  • Rusty red (Ficus rubiginosa).

The easiest to care for are ficus Benjamin and Microcarp. It is these species that we will use when teaching the art of bonsai.

In nature, Benjamin's ficus is beautiful evergreen tree with a crown in the form of an umbrella and numerous red fruits. Because of the hanging branches, it was called the weeping fig.

But first you need to decide on one more important criterion- the shape that we will give the plant.

Traditionally, there are several forms of bonsai.

  1. Tekkan is a classic form, or upright. Beginners in growing bonsai are recommended to deal with it. This form is characterized by thick, highly branched roots, a straight trunk, free from branches below, and branches that decrease upwards.

    Tekkan - the classic form of bonsai, the easiest to grow

  2. Moyogi - upright irregular shape. The trunk of the plant must necessarily be curved in one or more places, depending on the height. The crown should be within the container in which the tree is planted, the general position of the plant is vertical.

    Moyogi style bonsai is characterized by a curved trunk

  3. Shakan, or oblique form. For its formation, the trunk must be strongly inclined to one side, while on the other hand the roots seem to be strongly twisted.

    Shakan-style bonsai trunk is curved so much that it can extend beyond the bounds of the container

  4. Sokan, or forked bonsai. Two separate trunks grow from a common rhizome - a larger “parent” and a smaller “child”. The shape of the sokan is beautiful, but at the same time complex, because you have to balance the length and thickness of both barrels.

    Bonsai sokan consists of two branches - "parent" and "child"

  5. Hokidachi, or broom-shaped form, simple in appearance, but difficult to perform. In order to achieve the ideal, the master needs to control exactly the same divergence from the trunk of the roots and branches.

    The symmetry that characterizes the shape of the hokidachi is very difficult to achieve.

  6. Esueue, or grove. At least 5 ficuses of the same or different species, different in thickness and age, are planted in one container.

    Yesueue bonsai looks like a grove of several ficuses of different types

Photo gallery: ficus bonsai of various types

Ficus panda has leaves on short petioles, they literally stick around the trunk and shoots. From Bengal ficus, you can create entire miniature groves. Ficus benjamina is perhaps the most popular type for growing bonsai trees. ficus should only be carried out with gloves
Ficus Microcarpa is ideal for creating bonsai with powerful roots Ficus Rust Red is undemanding in care and well suited for beginners in creating bonsai

How to do it: basic rules for growing bonsai

So, you have already picked up a ficus desired type and even decided which form you want to give it. But before you start creating bonsai, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for them.

Choosing a planting container

Looking at ready-made bonsai trees, you probably noticed the containers in which they are grown. When choosing a pot for bonsai, it is very important to maintain the harmony of the shape of the plant and the size of the container. The basic rule when creating a traditional bonsai: in most cases, the dishes should be shallow, almost flat, but wide enough. So you can avoid the growth of the root system, which entails an increase in the crown and deciduous mass.

For planting bonsai, you should choose shallow, almost flat pots.

Soil for planting and growing bonsai

Based on the size and shape of containers for this type of plant, the soil requirement for them is also formed. You can provide the ficus with the most comfortable existence, close to natural conditions, by planting it in natural soil. Purchase ready-made soil for ficuses and palm trees in the store or cook it yourself. To do this, you need only 3 components:

  • sand;
  • clay;
  • humus.

Sand, clay and humus are essential components of the substrate for bonsai

Sand should be of two types - coarse (sand grains 3–4 mm in size) and fine (sand grains 1–2 mm in size):

  1. Coarse sand will provide drainage through which excess water during irrigation will drain into the pan. The layer of coarse sand at the bottom of the container should be about 2 cm. You should not take sand with a larger fraction: it will quickly become clogged with small particles of clay, and water flow will become difficult. Smaller sand will simply spill through the mesh on drainage holes container (the size of its cells - no more than 3 mm).
  2. Fine sand is part of the substrate, sometimes together with coarse sand. When preparing the soil mixture, keep in mind that the proportion of sand in it should be at least 20%, maximum - 60%. The more in the soil fine sand, the lighter it is, which means that the roots in it will not rot. There is also a minus: the plant in such soil can dry out, because it does not retain water for a long time.

Good, high-quality sand of any fraction can be obtained in several ways. For example, to get it from the bottom of the river. If this is not possible, then take the red bricks and crush them, then sift well. Often, fine expanded clay (about 3 mm in diameter) is used instead of sand.

Now about clay. Its main function in the composition of the soil mixture is to retain moisture for the root system and release it at the right time. Traditionally used in Japan special types clay, and bonsai growers from other countries have adopted this practice. Akadama clay is considered the most suitable - a granular substrate, the particle size of which is 4–6 mm. They absorb a large number of moisture, at the same time they do not get wet and do not stick together, perfectly passing air.

Humus, leaf soil, peat - these soil components will provide your future bonsai with nutrients.

Do-it-yourself bonsai at home from ficus Benjamin

Some consider ficuses to be capricious plants, quite difficult for non-standard cultivation. This opinion is erroneous, especially when it comes to Benjamin's ficus (popularly it is also called Natasha's ficus). This species quite easily takes root in new conditions, it is almost easy to change shape. Its peculiarity - small leaves with beautiful coloring - makes Benjamin's ficus an excellent material for creating bonsai.

We will describe in detail step by step instructions how to grow ficus benjamina bonsai.

Escape rooting

There are several forms of bonsai. But whichever one you choose, the rooting of the shoot occurs according to the same principle. To do this, you can choose one of two standard methods:

When strong roots form on the cuttings, you can proceed to the next step.

Planting and shaping bonsai

In order to create a beautiful, spectacular bonsai, you will need to form in strict order:

  • roots;
  • trunk;
  • crown.

The effectiveness of subsequent steps depends on the correct implementation of each item.


  1. At the bottom of the container in which you will place the plant, lay a special mesh with a mesh size of 2-3 mm. From above, pour a layer of coarse river sand - about 5 mm, and add a layer of substrate - 3 cm.
  2. lay down the stone small size, put the plant on it and carefully spread the roots over the surface. Lightly sprinkle them with soil to make a small slide. Make sure that at least 1 cm remains from the soil layer to the top of the pot, and the root neck is at the level of the substrate. The soil needs to be compacted a little.
  3. Water the plant thoroughly. Wait about 20 minutes and drain the water from the pan. Do not leave this excess, otherwise the soil will be waterlogged and the roots may rot.
  4. After 4 months, the ficus will take root well. From this moment, you can begin to expose the roots, gradually raking the soil from them. Thanks to this procedure, the roots will begin to forcefully increase in volume and become lignified.
  5. You can decorate the pot by covering the soil with moss and decorative figurines in an oriental style. Just make sure the roots are not covered. You should not be zealous with decorations, they will distract attention from the main composition.


To form the trunk of a bonsai tree, one of two methods is traditionally used:

The first method is used more often, especially when working with young trees: it is considered simpler and safer. The method using wire construction has a minus: if you overdo it and wrap the trunk and branches too tightly with wire, the plant will begin to dry. In addition, this method cannot be used immediately after pruning the bonsai - the tree is deformed.


To achieve a beautiful crown shape of the Ficus Benjamin bonsai, you will need to constantly trim the extra branches and pinch the top bud. Since ficuses grow quickly, they need little time to recover. Take as a basis the following pruning scheme: cut off 4 out of every 8 grown leaves, and so on.

Do not be alarmed when liquid is released at the cut site milky and consistency. This is ficus juice, it is also called latex.

Start pruning from the bottom, move up gradually, slowly, until you reach the crown. When doing this, use only sharp tools for special purposes:

  • secateurs;
  • garden shears;
  • well-sharpened knife;
  • razor.

When you're done trimming, sprinkle each cut with crushed charcoal.

Note! When forming bonsai, given its small size, it is more convenient to use miniature tools. Do not forget that you need to cut branches and roots, and not individual leaves.

Pruning of branches to form a crown is recommended in the spring, when the plant is in the phase of rapid growth. Such manipulations are allowed if necessary in the summer and autumn. In winter, during hibernation and a slowdown in life processes, pruning is strictly prohibited. The fact is that after shearing, ficus leaves usually begin to turn yellow and dry out. The plant needs time and energy to recover, and in winter period he has neither internal resources for this, nor susceptibility to external auxiliary factors.

Bonsai care during cultivation

In order for your tree to grow properly, provide it with appropriate care. It consists of several rules, each of which must be strictly observed:

Video: ficus transplant master class when creating a bonsai tree

How to grow bonsai from ficus Microcarp

Although Benjamin's ficus is considered the most popular when creating a bonsai tree, other species also give good results. For example, ficus Microcarp, which is also known by the names: Ginseng (ginseng), blunt, Chinese banyan and even "strangler" - for its ability to braid surrounding plants with aerial roots and inhibit their growth. The thick trunk of the ficus Microcarp seems to consist of several intertwined thinner trunks, which attracts bonsai lovers. However, in fact, these are thickened aerial roots.

A characteristic feature of the ficus Microcarp is a powerful root system, which is often mistaken for a trunk.

Ginseng for growing bonsai is in many ways even simpler than Benjamin's ficus. To speed up the process of rooting and growth of aerial roots, form a greenhouse over the container with the planted shoot. For example, cover the cutting with a glass jar of a suitable size or put a transparent plastic bag over the pot. Every day, open the greenhouse for 20-30 minutes to ventilate.

In July, ficus Ginseng needs to be transplanted. Be sure to shorten the roots by a quarter before planting in new soil.

Ficus Microcarp needs a lot of sunlight, but direct rays are best avoided. In autumn and winter, provide the plant with fluorescent lights to keep daylight hours within 14-16 hours.

Please note that this type of ficus does not like dry hot air. Place bonsai at a considerable distance from heating devices and heating radiators. Keep the plant away from window sills to protect it from cold drafts.

Do not forget that ficus Ginseng leaves are moderately poisonous. Choose a place for the plant that is inaccessible to children and pets.

The optimal height of a ficus Microcarp bonsai is 50 cm. When the tree reaches this size, crown formation can begin. As a rule, this happens at 3-4 years of growth. aerial roots by this time, too, will become quite large. Be sure to prune during growth so that the tree does not stretch upwards.

Ficus Microcarpa is incredibly hardy and grows very fast. Trees spawn wherever seeds fall. The plant is found on the roofs of multi-storey buildings, on rocks and even in sidewalk cracks.

Radical pruning of the ficus Microcarp allows you to give the bonsai a more spectacular shape

Do not be alarmed if your ficus Microcarp began to shed its leaves en masse - this is a characteristic phenomenon for this species. The foliage of Ginseng lives for 3 years, after which it crumbles, but pretty soon the plant acquires a new crown. And the yellowing of the leaves, starting from the bottom, signals that it is time for the plant to feed.

Video: bonsai formed from ficus Ginseng

Bonsai from other types of ficuses: Bengal, Fig, Panda, Rubber, etc.

You can create an original and spectacular bonsai from other types of ficus, but you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  1. Bengal ficus. It is also called banyan because of its specific shape: one plant looks like a whole grove. This is why the Bengal ficus is valuable among bonsai lovers. From other species, you can also form a grove, but it is easier to get bonsai from Bengal ficus, and it will look more spectacular. Leaves with a colorful pattern will add decorativeness to the composition.
  2. Ficus Panda has very dense leaf plates, giving the bonsai a special originality. The tree tolerates dry air very calmly, so it will take root well in a city apartment.
  3. Fig ficus, or Karika (vine berry, fig tree). This species has thick branches, so it is difficult to prune the plant. The leaves are large, but decrease in size over time - this is a plus for bonsai. The downside is that the fig ficus crumbles leaves for the winter. But in the summer, he quickly gains new strength, especially if he is taken out into the open air.
  4. Ficus rubbery. Not all representatives of this species are suitable for creating bonsai. Specialists prefer to use specially bred hybrids with different color patterns on the leaves. The leaves of the rubbery ficus grow quickly and are arranged in a spiral, which is good for the formation of a bonsai tree. The plant is demanding on lighting, does not tolerate its change, so you should keep rubber ficus bonsai in the same place. Do not forget that the juice of this species is poisonous: do the pruning with gloves and sprinkle the cuts with activated charcoal.
  5. The rusty-red ficus is distinguished by its smooth reddish bark and leaves covered with inside red hair. This species grows very slowly, but you do not need to prune often. The stems of the Rusty Red Ficus, like the Bengal Ficus, form a banyan, but not very pronounced. The plant is very hardy, care errors are not critical.

Get rid of diseases and pests

The most common problems that overtake bonsai trees grown from ficuses are drying out of the roots and falling leaves. There may be other troubles, but they are all caused by insect pests or diseases.

If we are talking about other plants, then insecticides are used to treat them from the listed misfortunes. The problem with ficuses is that they do not tolerate substances containing malathion. Therefore, when choosing an insecticide, opt for one that contains neem oil.

If the ficus bonsai began to lose leaves, then the reasons may be as follows:

Move the pot with ficus to a place with light shading, where direct sunlight does not reach. There should be no drafts and cold air in the room, there should be a constant temperature in the range of +19 - +22°C. Let the soil dry well, and only after that water the plant with a small amount of water, but often. After 3-4 weeks, the leaves will stop falling off.

If the roots of the ficus bonsai began to dry out, then the reason for this is most likely improper watering. Try some time (weeks 2-3) after the soil is completely dry, spray it abundantly with a spray bottle, so that it is well moistened. The next watering - in the same way, after a noticeable drying of the soil.

When planning to grow their own bonsai at home, many opt for ficus. And this choice is really justified. Some types of ficus have all the characteristics that are needed for growing bonsai:

  • branched roots;
  • interesting, ornate, massive trunks - curved or corrugated;
  • beautiful bark - light and smooth in some species and more textured and colorful in others;
  • fast growth - you can grow a ficus bonsai in two to three years;
  • small leaves - not all ficuses have small leaves, but we will select the types of ficus suitable for creating bonsai.

The first step in growing ficus bonsai is choose the right look.

What types of ficus are suitable for creating bonsai?

There are several of them - these are ficuses:

  • Bengal (Ficus benghalensis),
  • benjamin (Ficus benjamina),
  • carica or fig (Ficus carica),
  • microcarp (Ficus microcarpa),
  • dark-leaved (Ficus neriifolia),
  • blunt / retuza (Ficus retusa),
  • rust red (Ficus rubiginosa),
  • ginseng / ginseng (Ficus ginseng).

Let's look at photo bonsai grown from each suitable type of ficus and accurately determine the type.

Ficus bonsai photo.

Bonsai grown from Bengal ficus.
Ficus benjamin bonsai.
Ficus karika bonsai.
Bonsai from a dark-leaved ficus.
Ficus microcarpa bonsai.
Ficus retuza bonsai.
Rusty red ficus bonsai.
ficus ginseng bonsai

Now that we have decided on kind of ficus, it's time to choose the form of bonsai you're after, because you can't create a bonsai without having a concrete result in front of you!

Form for bonsai from ficus.

Usually for ficuses use one of the following forms of bonsai:

Upright, classic or T yokkan. If you are planning to grow your first bonsai, this is the best place to start. Tökkan is characterized by a straight trunk, thick branched roots and a branch-free lower part of the trunk. The number of branches decreases upward.

Incorrect upright or Moyogi. The trunk of such a bonsai is slightly curved in one or more places. The crown does not go beyond the container. The general position of the ficus remains vertical.

Inclined or Syakan. The trunk of the ficus is strongly inclined to one side. WITH reverse side the roots seem to be twisted.

forked or Sokan. Two trunks grow from a common root. The trunk is shorter - this is a "child". The second trunk is the “parent”. He is taller and fatter. The beauty and complexity of the sokan is in the balance in the thickness and length of the barrels.

broom or hokidachi. Hokidachi style looks simple, but in fact it is complicated. V the best examples branches and roots should diverge from the trunk equally.

Grove or Yesuehue. One container contains one or different types ficus, differing in age and thickness of the trunks. The minimum number of ficuses is five.

  1. root formation,
  2. stem and crown formation.

How to give ficus bonsai the desired shape?


The desired shape of the roots is given by repeated pruning of the main shoot. The plant does not grow up, but in width. In a young ficus, roots and shoots are shortened and planted in a wide container with good drainage.

Pruning of branches and roots is carried out regularly until the trunk reaches the desired volume. Only after that we proceed to the next step - the formation of the shape of the trunk and crown. Consider the formation of roots in bonsai.


The desired shape of the leaves is given by trimming. Ficus - very fast growing plant. It needs to be cut to 2-4 leaves after 6-10 new leaves grow. When pruned, the ficus will “bleed” milky juice, which is actually latex. Start trimming from the bottom and move up according to the plan outlined in advance. When cutting ficus branches, use special scissors or simply make concave cuts. Lubricate the cut points with garden pitch.

Use small sharp scissors to cut the bonsai. Only the stems are cut, not the leaves. Trimmed leaves get unkempt appearance and turn brown. The most pruning should be done at the end of winter before rapid spring growth. You can also prune in spring and summer. In autumn and winter, pruning is stopped, as the plant is at rest.


The desired shape of the trunk is given in several ways.

Method one - garter.

The top of the crown is tied to any part of the tree - more often to the base.

Method two - use of wire.

The shape of the trunk is formed using ordinary wire. Use thin wire with insulation. Do not use wire immediately after transplanting bonsai. Wrapping too tightly with wire can lead to scarring. Start at the base of the bonsai and wrap the wire around the trunk. Then follow the branches. After about 6-8 weeks, the ficus will be able to maintain its proposed shape, and the wire can be removed. Cut the wire carefully. Do not try to unwind it - you will most likely break the branches.

Here's how it's done. An example, although not on a ficus, is clear.

Conditions for growing ficus bonsai.


Ficus can be grown indoors, near a sunny window or on outdoors all year round in warm climates. Direct morning sunlight is preferred; direct midday sun can sometimes be too much - it can burn tender leaves. Ficuses do not like cold drafts and sudden changes in conditions. Make changes gradually.


Bonsai trees live in small pots and their soil dries out much faster than in a regular pot with soil. Therefore, close attention should be paid to watering the ficus. Water the bonsai every day, but only a little. Also use an aerosol spray - it will make life easier for the roots, especially on hot days.

Leaves also need extra moisture to be green and healthy. If you keep a ficus bonsai at home, spray it every day. If in winter time ficus stands near the battery, place a bowl of water near it, which, evaporating, will provide the bonsai with the necessary moisture.

top dressing.

Fertilizing a bonsai is essential to its health because the nutrients in the soil are washed out very quickly under conditions of heavy watering. When new leaves begin to appear in the spring, it's time to start feeding the bonsai. Use liquid organic fertilizers or chemical fertilizers diluted twice as much as indicated on the package. Ficus bonsai should be fertilized every two weeks during the growing season and once a month in winter. Ficus reacts to feeding quickly and enthusiastically.

Ficus bonsai transplant.

An adult ficus bonsai should be repotted every two years in the spring using potting mix. After transplanting, water the ficus and place in a dark place for several weeks so that the roots gain strength.

Pests and diseases of ficus-bonsai.

Shchitovki more often than others they attack ficus. Brown or black cones appear on the branches, which contain insects under a protective waxy shell.

Mealybugs appear as whitish-fluffy areas at the base of the leaves and on the roots.

Ficus does not tolerate insecticides containing malathion. in a good way ficus pest control is neem oil.

If your bonsai began to lose leaves for no apparent reason, the reason for this is excessive moisture or dryness. However, a sudden puff of cold air or sudden exposure to bright sunlight can produce the same result. Nothing special needs to be done! Keep the ficus warm, let the soil dry out, and then water little and often. After 3-4 weeks, the leaves will return.

Growing ficus bonsai is a philosophical and long business, be patient and create a masterpiece!

Having got a job in the office, I suffered for a long time, because I changed my cozy house, just studded with many flowerpots, on a cold place made of metal and plastic. Therefore, I decided to get myself a small and undemanding “green pet” at least on the desktop.

The plant had to be decorative leafy, low - in general, it should not look too “fun”, otherwise the chef would forbid it. The choice fell on microcarp - not very popular, but nevertheless a worthy genus of ficus.

When I first started to get acquainted with this ficus, I searched a lot for information about it on the Internet. So I found out that a plant came to us from Asia and Australia, where it looks ...

You won’t believe it, but what grows green in our pots by a maximum of 50 cm, in the wild stretches almost to heaven - by 25 meters! Here are some giants such "trees" in the wild can be:

And there, in the wild, microcarp is an epiphyte. It "starts" on another tree, and over time it grows so large that the "support" simply dies.

Varieties of such a ficus

  • Ginseng. It is he who in the wild mercilessly crushes the tree on which he grows. But in our homes, this is a completely different plant, bred specifically to please the owner with a thick wicker "calf". This unpretentious plant from which you can create a beautiful bonsai. The main thing is to feed your pet correctly and on time, otherwise he will become sick.

  • Moklam. miniature ficus, an option for those living in small apartments and office workers. Remember: this “creature” with a dense green crown loves light, so if you don’t have anyone at home until late at night in winter, put a phytolamp on the ficus.

  • Variegata. Ficus with colored leaves. Loves the light even more than the Moklamé microcarp.

What care does a microcarp need?

  • Lighting. It does not have to be bright, so you can put the pot not only on the windowsill, but also on a shelf or table (even located in the corner). A good option- northwestern or western window sill, and if the ficus is variegated, then eastern or even southeastern. How to understand that the tree does not have enough light? The leaves are shedding.
  • Temperature. This plant also does not like heat - your home should not be hotter than 25 degrees. But also make sure that in winter the temperature does not fall below 17 degrees.
  • Watering. Always use settled water at room temperature. Make sure the soil does not dry out. Ficus should be actively watered both in summer and in winter. A small amount of water can be poured every 2-4 days, as soon as the top of the soil begins to seem dry to you.
  • water procedures. It is difficult here - on the one hand, ficus leaves love spraying - on the other hand, the trunk does not like them, so you need to be careful when spraying moisture on the tree. Or you can simply wipe each leaf with a damp handkerchief. Ficus also responds well to the proximity of an aquarium or the operation of a humidifier.
  • Top dressing. They are brought in from March to October. It can be a universal fertilizer for ornamental leaves (in the summer, choose a product with a nitrogen composition). Nutrition can be applied under the root (after watering), as well as by spraying (diluted with water stronger than indicated in the instructions).
  • Pruning. It can be done only once a year, forming a beautiful crown. But if you grow bonsai, take out the scissors at least three times a year (even in winter, because the ficus is actively growing at this time). Do not be afraid: pruning does not harm the tree. And if you want a thick trunk, the top of a young tree needs to be "reprimanded" at a low height.


Microcarp can be propagated by seeds and stem layers, but best of all - cuttings.

After pruning, the cutting is soaked for about a day to remove the sticky milky juice of the plant. Then it is rooted in a glass of water (it can be disinfected by adding charcoal).

Got roots? Plant the cutting in peat + sand. For insurance, you can “put on” a jar on a pot, forming a greenhouse. When new leaves appear on the tree, the stalk has taken root - throw away the jar.

Important! It is believed that bonsai can only be grown from microcarps grown from seeds.

Seeds are sown in spring. They are soaked in water (preferably with a growth activator), stratified. Sow in light soil with drainage at the bottom of the pot.

In a bright place under the film, subject to frequent spraying, the seeds will germinate after 2-4 weeks. As soon as you see a few leaves, you can plant the sprouts in a larger container. And after 2 months, each seedling can be "gifted" a separate pot.


It is done every 2-3 years. The ideal time is spring (beginning of the microcarp growing season). And do not forget to lay a thick layer of charcoal or expanded clay on the bottom of the pot - without such drainage, the ficus roots can start to hurt with any excess watering.

When transplanting from the roots, you need to remove all the old soil (the least traumatic - do not pick it off, but rinse the roots in a basin).

  • Priming. Should always be breathable and loose. Does the store offer ready-made soil for ficuses? He will suit you. If this is not the case, mix 2 shares of hardwood and sod land, 1 share of sand and peat, adding a little charcoal here.
  • Pot. The new vessel should be 2 cm wider than the old one + slightly deeper than it.

Important: after you planted the ficus in fresh soil, you can not feed it for 2 months - during this entire period, the microcarp will draw nutrients from the soil.

If, after transplanting, the tree begins to “fall”, then you have damaged the root.

The same “diagnosis” is observed when the roots rot, and then only transplanting, cutting off all that is superfluous and rubbing the sections with activated charcoal can save your plant.

Do you want your ficus not to stretch up, but to be squat and have a thick stem, like any decent bonsai? Here is how such a tree is “made”:

By the way! Did you know that bonsai is not a type or variety of certain plants, but a technique for growing them? So you can grow a miniature pine or a fat woman in a pair with a microcarp.

Briefly about the bonsai technique - in this video:

Just bought: what to do next

  • First, before buying, choose a window sill for this plant. The microcarp hates rearranging, so immediately put the pot where the ficus will be throughout its life.
  • Secondly, such a ficus does not like three things: drafts, direct sunlight, dry air from the radiator. Based on this, choose a window sill.
  • Thirdly, at first, try to provide the plant with the most humid air. For example, a pot can be placed on a pallet with wet expanded clay.
  • Fourthly, do not be afraid if, settling in a new place, the ficus will lose some of the leaves. Spray the tree, and if all the conditions for the life of the ficus are met in the house, after 1.5 months the leaves will begin to grow.

Lastly, it is believed that new apartment microcarp settles down to 2 weeks.

After that, it is advisable to transplant the plant - so you will not only replace the store (probably stuffed with various "anabolics for flowers") soil with fresh and nutritious, but also evaluate the roots. If there is rot somewhere, you will have time to cut it off before the leaves catastrophically fly from the ficus.