What is the Mitlider method? Mitlider technology, method of creating narrow ridges Weight loss system according to the mitlider method.

  • 29.08.2019

(19 ratings, average: 4,37 out of 5)

Experienced gardeners have heard a lot about the Mitlider beds. What about newbies or those who have never used this technology?

Jacob Mitlider has been studying the features, problems and diseases of agricultural plants in different countries of the world for 55 years. What helped him develop his universal methods of growing plants, regardless of the type of soil, climatic conditions and other factors. Thanks to this method, you can harvest a decent crop of vegetables. while expending a minimum of effort and energy.

Pros and cons of a vegetable garden according to Mittlider


  • it turns out good harvest any plants, which does not depend on the size of the plot and the condition of the soil.
  • This method is ideal for both vegetable gardens and greenhouses.
  • plants become healthier, which positively affects the quality of the crop.
  • material and physical costs are reduced to a minimum.
  • great savings in water resources.
  • wide passages remain always dry, which does not allow pests to safely penetrate into the ridges.


  • necessary a large number of light, as its absence can reduce the yield by 3-4 times.
  • This method may not be applicable to all areas. These include: lowlands, northern slopes and peat bogs.

But how to implement the Mittlider method in Russian with your own hands?

First you need to understand what is the essence of the beds according to the Mitlider method. So, let's start: The whole secret of this method is that plants get everything they need for growth not from the depths of the earth, where moisture and nutrients may not be, but from the inter-bed groove.

At this depth, there is fertilizer prepared in the autumn and water passes well, which must be supplied every day. Then the roots do not go deep into the earth, but are located in the upper layer of the earth.

The Mitlider beds should be extremely close together, resulting in plant competition and minimizing weeds.

Landing on the Mitlider has its own characteristics:

  • the first and very important point is planning both the garden and the sowing and care calendar. This point is very important and cannot be ignored as it allows you to effectively divide the available area and take into account all the features of plant development. The entire plot is divided into regular beds, which are used for several seasons. It is very important that they warm up well, ventilate and retain moisture. Also no less important is the height of the soil mixture, which should not exceed 10-15cm.
  • Russian beds can be used in several ways: growing on narrow ridges ah or in beds-boxes. Growing in narrow beds is very popular, since with the help of this method physical efforts are minimized and it is also convenient to collect weeds on them. In the new season, it is easy to evaluate the harvest for the past year and adjust the beds for some plants. Most often, the length of the ridge is 4.5 cm or 9 cm, the width does not exceed 45 cm, and the passage between the beds is 90 cm. The second type of cultivation according to the Mitlider method is relevant for a cold climate or rocky soil. The meaning of this type is that they are being built special beds-boxes without a bottom and half-filled with soil, and on the other half, artificial, you can also use sawdust mixed with sand.
  • The third and no less important point is fertilizer. Top dressing should be placed 8-10 cm from the stem to avoid burning the plant.
  • The fourth and final feature is the study of the timing of planting and harvesting, taking into account regional climate features.

Decided to make Mitlaid beds and don't know where to start?

To begin with, it is important to think about fertilizer for the future garden. In no case do not use fresh manure, as it will begin to rot and humus will form, which is not at all intended for the Mitlider garden.

The best option is to buy straw in the fall and lay it out on the beds, but so that its height is not more than 15 cm and also about 20 cm of manure and peat. All this stuff is covered with lime and phosphorite flour on top, they should be mixed evenly and covered with a small layer of earth on top. During the winter, this mixture will rot in the spring, make excellent soil for growing plants.

Now consider the main stages of the robot:

1) first you need to carefully dig the soil and pull out all the perennial weeds.

2) level the area.

3) mark the ridges with a rail marker.

4) hammer stakes along the edges of the site and fit them with a cord.

How to make beds according to the Mitlider with your own hands?

Narrow soil beds are most often used on unprotected ground, and box beds in greenhouses and greenhouses. As we have already said, the optimal length of the ridge according to the Mitlider is 9 m, the width is 45 cm, and the passage between them is at least 90 cm. But the size of the beds can be adjusted depending on various factors, including: climate, area of ​​​​the site and other conditions.

For example, if a greenhouse or greenhouse is well lit during the day, then the size of the passage can be left at 90 cm, if it is not very well lit, it is better to increase the passage to 100-104 cm. The width can also be adjusted depending on the variety. So, tall vegetables (tomatoes) can be grown in beds 30 cm wide, and sprawling plants (watermelons, pumpkins) are better with standard Mitlaid parameters.

So why is it so important to leave wide aisles?

There are a lot of answers to this question. What would be convenient to water the crop; collect it in a timely manner also while walking in the garden, the crop will not suffer; convenient to deal with weeds, moles, etc.

Narrow beds in Russian

The peculiarity of this technology lies in the fact that an excellent harvest is obtained from any soil, even depleted. To make such ridges will not be difficult. both sharks in this business, and beginners. This method is gaining more and more popularity in Russia, since, unlike box beds, no additional materials are required to create soil rows.

This technology has great advantages:

1) such beds are much easier to handle than wide ones.

2) plants in narrow beds get much more light and room to grow.

3) during irrigation, the sides retain water and fertilizers well, which will positively affect the crop.

Fertilizer mixes

When planting vegetables according to the Mitlider, it is necessary to use 2 types of fertilizer mixture:

Blend #1: before planting vegetables lime fertilizers must be applied. For 1 meter of such a bed, it is necessary to use 100 g of the mixture for light soil and 200 g for heavy soil. Sandy soils are light, clay and peat soils are heavy.

Mix No. 2: once a week, you need to use top dressing. Use in the amount of 60 gr. per 1 m.

You can also use organic fertilizers. When using such fertilizers, it must be remembered that they should warm up well. and turn into compost, and only then, under the influence of the sun, weed seeds become unviable. Undecomposed compost can cause diseases in plants and increase the number of pests.

What do professional gardeners think about this method?

The Mitlider method in Russia is in great demand and unprecedented success. Most Russian gardeners give positive feedback to this method. Since, thanks to the Mitlider method, it is possible to create excellent conditions for vegetable growing: to get a good harvest not only from native soil, but also from problematic and depleted, protect plants from all adverse conditions. Also, when using this method, it will not be difficult to successfully distribute the available meters for certain vegetables and adjust these figures after the first harvest.

We used the narrow bed technology, which helped us to harvest a large crop in a small area. We are very pleased with it.

Konstantin Eduardovich, 61 years old, Krasnodar Territory

I use the Mitlaidovsky beds method for the first time, the result is surprising. The passages are dry and clean, no pests can be seen, and the harvest will be hoo.

Lyudmila Ivanovna, 42 years old, Moscow region

The wrong word fascinates, last year we gathered such a harvest that over the past five years it was less than last year. I recommend this method to everyone: it is economical, easy and the result is pleasing.

Semyon Davidovich, 35 years old, Pskov region

If you decide to equip your garden according to the Mitlider method, this choice is undoubtedly the right one, as it has won a huge number of supporters among the inhabitants of both Russia and the whole planet. Also, he has several planting options: narrow beds and beds-boxes are suitable for any conditions. This technology will not only save your strength and money, but will also give an excellent result in the form of a huge harvest.

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Method of Dr. Jacob Mitlider

Part 1 - Cozy patios

  • ​According to many agronomists, 60 - 80% of a plant receives its nutrition from the air, so large passages play a significant role in the biological process of a plant. The culture receives good light and sufficient air flow.
  • 1. “Narrow ridges are a unique vegetable growing technology for small areas.”​
  • Another scheme of the bed according to the Mitlider method with earthen sides: it will take you a couple of days to create such a bed
  • Preparing the ridges before planting.
  • length 9 m

Advantages and disadvantages

​Dacha and household plots all less space is allocated for beds, and more and more space is freed up for recreation (gazebos, mini-pools, barbecue facilities, etc.). Because of this, many summer residents and gardeners have to puzzle over how to grow tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers on the remaining acres, and even plant potatoes.

The Mitlider method in the Russian version allows you to completely abandon the annual digging of the entire garden. In the spring, the ridges are simply loosened before sowing or planting seedlings, and in the fall they are decorated with a hoe.

The artificial soil created in the boxes (a twenty-centimeter mixture of sawdust, sand, lime and mineral fertilizers) helps to ensure that the ground under it always remains soft and moist, and prevents the growth of weeds. The roots quickly pass through the first layer and grow well in natural soil.

  • The mitlider in the Russian version requires a decent amount of fertilizer for multiple top dressings, and sometimes the installation of an irrigation system, which not everyone can afford.
  • Abundant harvest, rapid growth of plants, lack of weeds - this is a gardener's dream, quite achievable thanks to modern technologies vegetable growing. The Mitlider method has been popular in Russia for over 20 years. What is a Mitlider garden? How to apply the highly efficient methods of growing vegetables according to Mitlider in the conditions of our Russian reality?​
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  • About 30% of the plant receives food from the ground. Naturally, the consumption of organic and mineral fertilizers on a narrow bed is 2 times less compared to a standard bed. At the same time, you will get a much higher yield from a narrow bed. I have been testing this for several years and it shows in my photographs.​
  • 2. "Agrotechnics of natural farming".​
  • ​In a Mitlider vegetable growing program, one of the main points is the application of the right fertilizers. According to the scientist, the soil must be fertilized before planting and constantly feed the crops until the harvest ripens.
  • First you need to pour a hill into the center of the marked beds fertile land height 40-50 cm along the entire length evenly. Further, starting from the middle, we rake the embankment in different directions to the marked edge. We get earthen sides and a depression in the center, which must be leveled to 30-35 cm. Only this narrow strip of land is dug up and processed. Boards are necessary to water the plants as efficiently as possible and retain nutrients at the roots.​
  • , between the ridges there are wide passages of one meter. If the plot is too small, a passage of 0.6 m will be enough - do not do less, otherwise the potato bushes will create shade for each other, and it will be inconvenient to take care of them. If there is a slope in the garden, it is recommended to make the ridges in several levels so that they are horizontal. This will ensure more efficient watering and care of the plants and give the best results. If the slope is too steep, you should make boxes-ridges 20 cm deep and fill them with artificially prepared soil mixture (sawdust, perlite, sphagnum moss, sand, pine bark - two or three of the listed components, without using land).
  • With small areas of plots, you want to achieve especially high yields. That's why it's getting more and more popular

How to make beds according to Mitlider?

To cut weeds in the aisles, they are treated with a hoe or hiller. The remains of plants can be accumulated to form compost, which is laid out in the fall into beds.

​Artificial soil of the top layer does not need organic fertilizers and is used annually. Due to the action of microorganisms, it gradually turns into compost, improves, enriches with humus. Humus retains nutrients from top dressings, preventing them from being washed out.​

Good lighting is extremely important, as shading reduces the yield by 3-4 times. Vegetables will become nitrate, will be poorly stored. For self-purification of nitrates through photosynthesis, plants need light and abundant watering.

​Jacob R. Mitlider, A.D., has studied plant problems and diseases in many countries around the world and developed universal growing methods based on 55 years of horticultural experience. This approach allows, with a minimum of effort, to get a bountiful harvest on any type of soil, regardless of climatic conditions, seasonality and many other conditions. How can the Mitlider method be implemented in the Russian version?​

Contains a large amount of nutrients, a supply of moisture

Benefits of narrow beds

I became convinced that it is organics that can reveal all the possibilities of plants, saving time and energy. Only on good compost can one see and appreciate the quality of Western and domestic varieties: most of them are created for organic soil. I am sure: we can’t get away from organic matter. That’s all there is to it: learn how to compost and also arrange stationary beds - once for many years.​

The Mitlider method for growing tomatoes on the plot - video tutorial:

Planting plants.

In the photo how to plant potatoes according to the Mitlider

the mitlider method

  • Bed boxes are bottomless frames that can be made from cement, logs, lumber and other materials. The Russian Mitlider method does not preclude the use of old railway sleepers. They do not harm plants, as the creosote used many years ago to treat them has ceased to be toxic.​
  • Protection from adverse weather conditions, strong winds. Boxes will save plants from prolonged downpours and flooding, cool the roots in the heat. Such beds can be temporarily covered with covering material or film.
  • Narrow soil ridges are in most cases used on unprotected soil, and ridge boxes are used in greenhouses and greenhouses. According to Mitlider, the classic length of the ridge should be 9 m, width - 45 cm, passages should account for 105 cm, in total - 150 cm. A sanitary zone (1 m wide) is left along the perimeter along the fence. Passing less than 105 cm is not recommended, as the plants will shade each other and the space for their growth will be limited.​
  • Extremely important when applying the method is the planning of the future garden: drawing up a plan, a calendar for sowing and care, marking, which only a few Russian gardeners do. Why is it important? Planning allows you to use the available space more efficiently, get strong seedlings and take into account many conditions for the development of plants. For example, choose an orientation for the beds that provides maximum plant illumination with morning and evening rays.​
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  • Convenient watering.
  • Vegetable growing on narrow ridges was developed by J. Mitlider in the 70s of the last century and brought by the author to Russia in 1989.
  • Jacob Mitlider is a supporter of the use of mineral and organic fertilizers, but he does not recommend pure manure for preparing soil for crops. Ideal for vegetable crops is a mixture of fertile land with compost, humus of organic waste. What is the ideal soil composition recipe before planting?

Fertilizer mixtures

We plant seedlings or crops in 2 rows. Row spacing should not be less than 25 cm wide. This ensures the perfect geometry of the garden and the convenience of caring for plants. Crops with this planting ripen at the same time, which allows farmers to use the garden more than once per season.​

After marking, dig up the beds (do not touch the aisles), adding pre-sowing fertilizer to the soil at the same time, and make the sides of the earth 10 cm high. The sides will make it easier for you to water the beds, save water and fight weeds. Between the sides on the beds should remain Smooth surface at least 30 cm wide. Mark two rows of holes on the surface in a checkerboard pattern with a distance of about 30 cm between the holes in a row and a depth of holes of 8-10 cm. Add 1 tbsp to each hole. biohumus, put a potato on top and level the hole.

– potatoes from 150 sq.m. using this method, it yields a crop of up to 700 kg, which is quite enough to provide a family of 4 with supplies for the whole winter.

Before planting the seedlings, the boxes are filled with artificial soil, applied year after year, but by no means natural. The mixture can be prepared from 2-3 materials listed below:​

The growing season is lengthening as the artificial soil warms up faster.​

Russian fertilizers against mitlider chemicals

But the dimensions are adjusted taking into account the area of ​​​​the site and other conditions, so the Mitlider method in the Russian version is quite feasible. For example, if the greenhouse is exposed to direct sunlight in the morning, evening and during the day, the dimensions of the passages can be narrowed to 90 cm. If there is not enough space, the length of the beds can be reduced, as well as the width of the passages to 75 - 60 cm. The width depends on the variety. Tall tomatoes can be grown in boxes 30 cm wide in one row. Spreading plants (zucchini, pumpkins, watermelons) will require beds and passages in classic mitlider sizes.​

  • ​The Mitlider system in the Russian version can be implemented through growing on narrow soil ridges, in box-beds and suspended on vertical supports. On narrow beds, plants are planted in one or two rows (opposite or staggered), taking into account the characteristics of crop growth. First, earthen sides are formed along the edges of the beds to retain water. Then the seedlings are planted inside sides. Two-layer soil is created in ridge boxes: artificial soil mixture is poured onto natural soil and planted in the same way.
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  • No stagnant water
  • But blindly copying techniques and advice, even the best ones, will not lead to anything. There must be a creative approach to understanding the biological laws of the culture itself, and the processes that occur during its cultivation. Mitlider has one drawback (this is my opinion) when using mineral fertilizers, the taste of the fruit is unnatural. To fix this, instead of mineral supplements, I use humus, ash, manure, herbal infusion, etc. (I am a supporter of organic fertilizers). I am for a clean ecological product.​

The Mitlider method in Russian. Transformation

At the end of summer, on a 10 m2 plot of land, we lay out straw 10-15 cm thick, then a layer of manure - 15-20 cm, then a layer of peat 15-20 cm. From above, everything is sprinkled with phosphorite flour with lime (1: 1) and more once sprinkled with manure of 15-20 cm. Cover all this with a thin layer of earth and leave until spring.

  1. Fences for Mitlider beds are best made from slate: the material is easy to find and easy to cut out of it into pieces of the right size
  2. Planting potatoes according to the Mitlider involves careful care of the ridges with fertilizing, watering and weeding. You will need to make sure that the soil under the potatoes does not dry out, and that each plant gets the same amount of water and top dressing.
  3. The Mitlider method is not only suitable for open ground, but is also successfully used in greenhouses, greenhouses, and even in boxes on a windowsill or balcony. Narrow beds, cleanliness, grooming and accuracy are the main differences of this common method. And most importantly, there is a continuous process of vegetable ripening in the beds: seedlings rise on one bed, fruit ovaries form on the second, harvest occurs on the third, and plants are harvested and the soil is prepared for the next batch of seeds on the fourth.
  4. Small as dust sawdust.

How to fill the boxes-ridges?

When growing vegetables according to Mitlider, it is recommended to use two types of mixtures for fertilizer:

Why is it recommended to leave wide aisles between the beds? To make it convenient to water (there is a place for storage tanks, barrels for water), fight pests, weeds, diseases, and harvest in a timely manner. Plants are clearly visible and are not damaged when walking along the aisles. Optimal watering allows leaves and stems to grow well. Wide aisles provide room for plants to spread out and get more light.​

  • In addition, the doctor considered it very important to properly feed and feed plants with mixtures of simple mineral fertilizers. To prevent plant burns, top dressing is placed 8-10 cm from the stem of the plant. The strength and health of plants significantly affect the quality of soils. Strong seedlings actively enrich the soil with root secretions, which make up up to 20% of the plant mass.
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  • Does not require hilling
  • But do not take mineral fertilizer as a poison. Just stick to the dose. It is better not to feed the plant than to overfeed it.
  • During germination and ripening, vegetables need enhanced nutrition especially. Top dressing on narrow ridges should be carried out weekly. For vegetables and herbs grown according to the Mitlider method, the following composition of fertilizers is required: potassium and phosphorus in equal proportions, nitrogen, molybdenum, magnesium and zinc. Ready-made fertilizers are used at the rate of 60 grams per 1 m of the ridge.
  • The advantages of a soil bed according to Mitlider are obvious:
  • Feed should be applied
  • In the photo, growing potatoes according to Mitlider
  • Sand.
  • - Mixture 1. Lime fertilizer (boron and calcium) applied before planting. Consumed for one running meter mitlider beds: 100 g (light soil) or 200 g (heavy soil). Light soils include sandy, heavy - clay and peat.

Mitlider method in Russian version. Reviews

How to apply the method of Dr. Mitlider in the Russian version for a sloping site? In a garden with a strong slope, it is recommended to make horizontal terraces with box-ridges. To accurately calculate everything, you will need a drawing of a site with future ridges.

Sprinkler irrigation, which only promotes weed growth, is not used. Irrigate only the ridges. Seedlings are irrigated at soil level, which prevents the development of mold on the leaves and saves water.​


A series of messages "Garden":


The Mitlider Method for Growing a High Yield of Potatoes

Does not require weeding - if the bed is mulched

What I am especially grateful to J. Mitlider for is the development of narrow beds. Although Mitlider does not recommend putting the box on narrow beds, I still knocked together the boxes. Nature itself told me this. In the spring, many suburban areas are flooded, the water does not have time to drain, there is water in the aisles. We have the same problem in late August and early September - it rains day and night. Yes, and in the middle of summer it can rain for 2-3 days, or it can flood the entire garden in half an hour. will give you an excellent harvest Neat and clean garden;

First, as soon as the seedlings sprout, then - when the sprouts grow to 15 cm, the last time - before the budding of the potatoes. You do not need to spud bushes.

Benefits of the Mitlider method:


  • - Mixture 2. Mineral mixture for regular feeding once a week (potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, magnesium, molybdenum, boron). Consumed in 60 gr. for 1 m.​
  • For tall plants, vertical trellises can be used, and the beds with them are best placed from west to east to provide access to the sun for each plant in the morning. The doctor also recommended that hotbeds and greenhouses be placed in the direction from west to east. For low-growing plants, the orientation of the ridges is not particularly important, but they must be planted on the south side of the tall ones so that they are not shaded.
  • Studying the timing of planting each crop, taking into account regional characteristics and frosts.​

Part 1 - How to make raised beds Does not require digging, only loosening by 7 - 10 cm. Therefore, raising the beds 15-25 cm above the path solves this problem. The width of the ridge is 60 - 100 cm, the length is arbitrary. The gap between the beds is 60 - 80 cm. It only seems that the earth in the aisles walks uselessly. It is the passages that work, and how!

It is not without reason that the Mitlider method is so loved by Russian agronomists. Convenient and effective ridges give several times more vegetable crops than conventional soil gardens. You should definitely try this method, and you will see how your hard gardening work will change. Create narrow beds using the Mitlider method and get the most out of farming and, of course, a rich harvest. We wish you good luck!

How to plant potatoes according to the Mitlider

​Maximum effect from watering and fertilizing;​

Video about growing potatoes using the Mitlider method From one narrow bed over the summer, you can harvest different vegetables several times; Styrofoam balls. Organic fertilizers can be used to nourish and improve soils. At the same time, it is important to remember that organic matter should warm up well, overturn, turn into compost, then under the influence of heat, weed seeds will become unviable. In addition to weeds, undecayed fertilizers can cause plant diseases and increase the number of pests. The microflora living in the compost suppresses pathogens of such diseases and improves soil properties.​ Clearing the site for ridges, marking is carried out in the fall, and soil preparation, loosening, digging - only before planting, which reduces the growth of weeds.

Is it worth using the Mitlider methods on your site? To answer this question, we will consider all their advantages and disadvantages in the conditions of Russian reality.​

Part 2 - Tomatoes according to Maslov

Success depends on proper care

​Early planting is possible, as the beds warm up faster in spring than a regular vegetable container. high bed, the walls of which are made of bricks, logs, timber, boards, stone, slate ... The beds stretch from north to south. The passages between them can be mulched with sand, sawdust, roofing felt, etc. I preferred the lawn, which I cut with a trimmer once a month. Some passages I covered with sawdust. The beauty of the garden leaves no one indifferent. There are no weeds, the site is clean and beautiful. At the request of many of my friends, I will tell you how I grow vegetables. In this way, many gardeners are already planting. I'll try to explain to you. I work, so country cottage area I can only go on weekends. At the same time, you need to relax after a working week, eat barbecue, take a steam bath, and work a little on the ground. Currently, there are several problems in gardening: Soil fertility is falling. The earth becomes dense, depleted and gray in color. A drop in fertility entails a decrease in harvested crops.

Friendly ripening of the crop;

By choosing to grow potatoes using the Mitlider method, you will ensure a guaranteed harvest, because it is a win-win method that combines the best practices of hydroponics (growing without soil) and vegetable growing on natural soil. Narrow beds provide plants with optimal access to the nutrients contained in the soil and allow for economical use of water. On any type of soil, with the choice of any variety of potatoes, you can achieve high yields at a minimum of financial costs.​


How to make beds according to the Mitlider method: narrow beds in the Russian way

Plants give friendly shoots and ripen almost simultaneously;

Beds created using Mitlider technology


The Mitlider method in the Russian version is most often the use of manure. Well-rotted compost or manure humus is applied in the spring for digging and in preparation for planting. Fertilizing 0.5-1 bucket per 1 m of ridge can be combined with soil dressing with mixtures 1 and 2. When making more buckets (up to three), it is recommended to refuse to fill the soil with the second mixture.​

Vegetable growing on narrow ridges gives results on any soil, including depleted. The Mitlider method in the Russian version is not so difficult to apply. Making such beds is simple and easy even for beginners, they do not require large preparatory work. Beds using this method are inexpensive. The preparation of soil rows does not require any expenses at all, and the boxes-ridges require a minimum (it is not necessary to use expensive materials, you can use old slate, unframed boards, etc.). To create soil rows, unlike boxes-beds, no additional materials are needed, so Mitlider is becoming more and more popular in Russia.​

Advantages of the method

Narrow beds on a large plot

Narrow beds are easy to rotate. Where onions were planted last year, this year you can plant carrots or cabbage. The beds are all the same width.

  • Box - the box is filled with organic matter. Plant residues (grass, straw, foliage) are put down, then compost or manure, or we spill with infusions of herbs and the like; in upper layer earth is laid from the aisles. Thus, the box is filled. The use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides leads to contamination of soil, water, air and food, which leads to human diseases.
  • Ease of processing beds. Gardening is very hard work. Efforts are not always justified and we, in despair, mentally promise ourselves not to mess with the beds anymore, but to buy vegetables in the markets. However, disappointment quickly comes in the quality of collective farm crops, and we are again ready to “plow” in our own garden. Today we will talk about a method that will allow you to get the maximum yield from the beds with minimal effort. Meet - beds according to Mitlider.​
  • ​Narrow beds provide higher yields than regular beds and take up less space.​ Pumice.

Many Russian gardeners use the narrow ridge method, but mineral supplements (mixtures 1 and 2) are often abandoned. This is due to the fact that the active use of fertilizers without appropriate knowledge in crop production does not always give the desired result. The method of Dr. Mitlider in the Russian version often involves the use of humus, compost, green herbal infusion, manure solution, ash, etc. What are the advantages of natural top dressing, what are the disadvantages associated with the use of Mitlider mixtures?

On simple ridges from the soil, it is necessary to periodically apply well-decomposed organic fertilizers to form humus, and only mineral additives will be required in the boxes during the preparatory period.

  • Cons of the method
  • Part 16 - The smallest cucumbers: up to 120 fruits fit in a mayonnaise jar
  • Yield increases by 100% or more.​
  • Each bed is 2 rows of vegetables, planted along the edges in a checkerboard pattern between vegetables. In this geometry, a huge reserve of productivity is hidden, it has long been noticed: the outermost plant develops almost twice as well as those in the middle - they have much more light and space for growth. And here - all the plants are extreme. A wide aisle is also needed in order to give them light and space. A small area of ​​organic matter yields more than a large area of ​​soil. Anyone who has worked on narrow ridges for at least one season is convinced of the enormous possibilities of this method and simply cannot return to traditional technology. Working on the ridges, a person experiences joy not only from a good harvest, but also from the very process of growing vegetables.​

The traditional agricultural practices used by most gardeners are very labor intensive. And this reduces the interest in gardening among young people.​

It is a pleasure to take care of narrow beds, and if you still remember that they will soon give an excellent harvest, then you will take up a chopper and a watering can every day

Ridges with wooden sides according to the Mitlider method

Judging by the fact that the American D. Mitlider is so eager to make human labor easier, he definitely has Russian roots. Creativity to agriculture allowed the scientist to develop a unique technique for creating beds and become an honorary UN expert on agricultural issues.​

When wooden ridges are good

  • Narrow beds on one hundred square meters will occupy only a third of the area, and they will yield crops
  • Sphagnum moss.
  • The use of mineral fertilizers affects the taste of the fruit, many gardeners do not like this. And thanks to the replacement of mineral dressings with natural organic fertilizers, you can get an environmentally friendly crop.​
  • Benefits for plants

Allows you to get a good harvest of any plants in a small area, regardless of the climate and the initial state of the soil.

​Part 17 - Growing tomatoes in containers

Tubers, root crops are clean with no visible signs of disease

The beauty of the garden, which looks more like a park, leaves no one indifferent. There are no weeds, the site is clean and beautiful.​

#one. Fertilizing the soil before planting

​However, all these problems are quite easily solved if natural farming is used instead of traditional farming. Such agricultural technology not only preserves, it also restores soil fertility. The result is an increase in the yield of horticultural crops. Mineral fertilizers are not used, which preserves the purity of Nature and preserves human health. A number of horticultural operations in natural agricultural technology are used less frequently than in traditional ones. And some are completely missing. All this reduces the labor intensity of cultivating the land and caring for plants.​

The harvest from the beds is very impressive, which is why this method so liked by domestic gardeners

#2. Top dressing during crop growth

Not only do the beds made according to the Mitlider method give an amazing harvest, they also look very beautiful and aesthetically pleasing on the site.

10-15% more

Pine bark.


The amazing garden of Igor Lyadov or vegetable growing on narrow ridges from J. Mitlider

It is better not to feed the plants with fertilizers than to overfeed them, since an excess of nitrates will harm health.

Ground rows
​Suitable for vegetable growing both in open ground and in greenhouses.​

Part 18 - Igor Lyadov's amazing garden

Beautiful and easy to use.

In two rows in a checkerboard pattern, I plant cabbage, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, etc.

In my opinion, it is more important to return to nature and forget the postulate that the soil needs to be stuffed with fertilizers, tormented with shovels and sprinkled with pesticides. Natural farming is, first of all, gentle tillage, protecting it from temperature changes, returning nutrients that the earth has generously given to plants.​
Box beds can be described as wooden boxes of artificial soil that sit on the ground. The sizes of such beds can be either narrow (up to 35 cm) or wide (120-150 cm).

The essence of the bed according to the Mitlider method is the cultivation of densely planted vegetables in narrow open ridges. There are two types of beds according to Mitlider: earthen uniform rows and beds-boxes with wooden sides. Both methods are good, but for broad farming more often choose public method, and for home small beds - the side method. We will consider both options, and you will choose the one you need for yourself.​
than on a hundredth sown in the usual way. Consequently, you will not only get 15% more vegetables, but the land will also need to be cultivated by a third less. A high yield is ensured by regular watering, balanced top dressing and good illumination, which is provided by narrow rows with wide aisles.​

Crushed, crushed coconut or walnut shells.
​In order for the minerals to dissolve and absorb, abundant watering and sunny weather are required, which is not always compatible in the weather conditions of some regions. In addition, it is important to know that abundant watering on some days is useful, and on others it is harmful to plants, while the periods of their development must be taken into account. Each crop has its own way of watering: for some - sprinkling, and for others in dry weather - under the root.

Ridge boxes

Plants become healthier and stronger, yields increase several times.

Part 19 - Greens are so different
Occupies a minimum of space, does not create dirt and mess.

In four or three rows, I plant onions, garlic, beets, lettuces, radishes, carrots, etc.
Every year in the spring, when we come to our summer cottage, we sow or plant vegetables in our beds. The size of the beds is from 1.4 meters to 2 meters wide, the paths between them are from 20 cm to 40 cm maximum. This is called the traditional way of planting vegetables in the garden. The plant in such beds, especially in the middle, often get sick, rot, and develop poorly because of this, vegetables are small, and are not stored for a long time. But for pests, a weakened plant and good food, and offspring can be deposited near it. Weeding, processing such beds is one torment.

Box beds are especially beneficial in places where the soil is often flooded and the roots of plants rot (lowlands);

Video related to the article:
Video about the Mitlider method

Styrofoam in granules (thermal insulating foam).
In the presence of manure humus (not fresh manure, but thoroughly rotted manure compost), you can abandon the Mitlider fertilization method.
Earthen sides (8-10 cm high) along the edges of the ridges contribute to the formation of a favorable microclimate for seedlings.
Time, labor for weeding and maintenance become minimal.

Part 20 - Black radish
It is very convenient to make shelter with plastic arcs, which are sold in seed stores. We put 2 pegs on both sides of the beds and put an arc on them. The distance between the arcs is about a meter. Depending on the length of the beds, you set the desired number of arcs. Covering material or foil can be used over the arches until the danger of frost has passed.​
Disadvantages Requires material costs in the first year for the construction of the beds. This tiny flaw makes the container inaccessible to most summer residents.
But on such a bed I saw one positive side. The outermost plants, relative to those located in the middle, looked more worthy. Larger ones are not susceptible to disease and are convenient to weed, thin out, etc.
It is also good to place wooden ridges on soils unsuitable for growing vegetables (sand, stones, clay, salt marshes, etc.);
To create narrow beds according to Mitlider, we will consider phased work. The first thing to determine is a place for a garden bed, then mark it wooden beams and you can proceed to the garden itself.

The area for planting potatoes should be flat and well lit during the day. Carefully dig the ground, freeing it from weeds and rhizomes, so that not a single root hides from your eyes. Now you can start marking by driving in pegs about 40 cm high at the four corners of the beds and pulling the ropes between the pegs.
Many gardeners confirm the high effectiveness of the narrow ridge method in Russian conditions, especially when growing vegetables. They are very convenient to process from weeds, spud. They make it easy to allocate space for certain vegetables, taking into account the yield of the last season. The Mitlider method in the Russian version, reviews of which are mostly positive, has low labor intensity, saves time, effort, and is indispensable for the elderly.​
Mastering the Mitlider method in the vastness of Russia, our gardeners made their own adjustments to it:
During watering, the sides retain water and fertilizer along with it. Fertilizers do not burn plants, as they accumulate in the middle of the ridge and prevent the growth of weeds.
Significant water savings.
​Part 21 - My favorite daikon​
It is this system of narrow beds that allows me to receive constantly high yields, independent of the vagaries of the weather and the conditions of the site itself.
I also thought about another factor. A single tree along the alleys within the city, no one feeds it, the foliage that it throws off and then they try to remove it for appearance and beauty. Although this foliage could serve as top dressing for the tree. So why does this tree exist and where does it get its food? In recent years, scientists have found that about 60% of the plant takes food from the air. This is of course interesting.​
Ready soil is a guarantee of the absence of diseases, pests and weeds;
The scheme for arranging beds according to the Mitlider method is quite simple: the sides for the beds are made from any materials, including ordinary earth. The row spacing should be around one meter, and the width of the bed itself should be around half a meter.

Standard narrow ridges have
Gardening according to the Mitlider allows you to create almost ideal conditions for farming; protect plants from any adverse weather conditions: heavy rains, strong winds and high summer temperatures; get rich harvests on depleted or problematic soil. The method of Dr. Mitlider has been used in Russia for a long time and deservedly won an army of fans.​

Many reduce the aisles, leaving the width of the beds unchanged. Here everything is determined by the type and variety of the planted crop. Passes of 45-50 cm are suitable for onions, dill, radishes, carrots, beets, etc. For cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini and others (depending on the variety), they leave wider passages from 65 to 100 cm.​

Dr. Mitlider's views on arranging beds for a rich and tasty harvest are popular because they allow you to achieve results without a fatal increase in costs. "Meatlider in Russian" - these are pretty narrow ridges and tidy greenhouses, competently equipped with their own hands. The reader is provided with detailed drawings that will help plan the territory using the Mitlider technology, as well as instructions for action in video format.

Mitlider's garden - a delight for the eyes and a paradise for greenery

In the foundation of his method, Dr. Mitlider put half a century of personal experience as an agronomist-practitioner, observation and excellent knowledge of plant physiology. The method takes into account scientific ideas about the natural needs of a green creature: the exact proportions of microelements, the optimal humidity regime, abundant light for forced synthesis of carbohydrates.

Where to start: a drawing of a future plantation

Oddly enough, but in the Mitlider's garden, the main thing is not a scheme for filling the soil with fertilizers, not organizing irrigation according to lunar calendar, but strategically verified site marking and strict work planning. Everything depends on the configuration of the ridges and the passages between them: the purity from weed species, the irrigation regime, and the delivery of a portion of life-giving sunlight to each shoot.

Hence the conclusion: in order not to be disappointed, not to get stunted parsnips and bitter carrots, first you need to set aside a day in your busy schedule, draw detailed plan of their lands and be sure to mark the sides of the horizon on it in order to constantly keep the illumination “on the pencil” in the morning, noon and evening. The ridges should be located in the direction of the meridians, i.e. along the north-south line so that they are not shaded by anything.

First of all, it is necessary to plan the location of future beds

To save water and distribute it evenly, the ridges must be leveled. The more their surface resembles the smooth surface of a forest pond, the less competition the plants will experience from their fellows. In areas with a slope, terraces should be arranged like those that are laid out in mountainous areas. Each step of such a terrace will need to be reinforced with a board.

Stony, depleted, excessively clay lands - headache vegetable grower. On such inconveniences, it is useless to use natural soil; it will not pay off the invested labor. Instead of ordinary beds, they install wide boxes without a bottom and fill them with a loose mixture of very fine sawdust, river sand and peat. Excellent components of such artificial soil will be perlite or vermiculite, which can absorb and then gradually release moisture.

Roulette, pegs and rope - we outline the boundaries of the ridges

In traditional vegetable growing, wide ridges and narrow aisles are common. The Mitlider method assumes exactly the opposite: narrow ridges with very wide row spacings. At first glance, this layout makes no sense, since most of the plantation is empty and unproductive. However, many years of "field tests" have proven that the less numerous plants of the Mitlider garden are more than productive than the usual thickened plantings, and here's why:

  • plants make the most of the leaf mosaic, and not a single shoot is shaded from the sun;
  • aisles remain dry and trampled down, which excludes the appearance of wild vegetation;
  • the ratio of the sizes "ridge-spacing" allows you to inspect each specimen and quickly find problems in the form of chlorosis, necrosis, pest clutches and other troubles;
  • crops actively photosynthesize and quickly convert soil nutrition elements into useful substances, which means they do not accumulate nitrates.

The classic size of a narrow ridge is 30-35 cm.

The classic size of a narrow ridge is 30-35 cm for any length that fits into the dimensions of the site. Lush crops - pumpkins, zucchini, white cabbage- they plant one line on it, small ones - onions, dill, carrots - two lines. Each ridge is framed with an earthen rim, the width and height of which are brought up to 10 cm. The aisles are left 100-105 cm wide.

Tip: If the ground is loose, the sides can be replaced with formwork made of boards or slate. This will prevent the edges of the ridge from blurring and give the garden or greenhouse a neat, pleasing look.

In order for a plant to feed us, we must first feed it.

The Mitlider method involves the systemic use of two mixtures of mineral fertilizers. Mixture No. 1 - lime with boron. Blend #2 is Dr. Mitlider's invention. It consists of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in a ratio of 1.8:1:1.8, as well as magnesium, boron and molybdenum. Both mixtures can be bought or prepared independently.

Mixture No. 1 of lime with boron is applied on the day of sowing seeds and planting seedlings

For the first time, both mixtures must enter the soil strictly on the day of sowing seeds or planting seedlings. This will prevent weeds that have already begun to germinate from gaining a nutritional advantage. They are introduced based on the linear meter of the ridge:

  • mixture No. 1 - 100 g on sandy soils and 200 g on clay soils;
  • mixture No. 2 - 30 g on sandy soils and 50 g on clay soils;

Top dressing during the growing season is carried out with mixture No. 2 weekly in hot summer and once every 10 days in cool. The norm is 25-40 g per linear meter.

Attention! The most tender, absorbing parts of the roots will be located in the top 5 cm of the soil, where there is most food for them. In order not to tear them, loosening should be forgotten.

Features of watering Mitlider ridges

The root system of most vegetable crops needs additional irrigation. This aspect of agricultural technology according to Mitlider technology has certain features:

  • high frequency - in the absence of loosening, destroying the crust and restoring soil capillaries, plants are supplied with water almost every day;
  • only root watering, no sprinkling, which provokes the rapid growth of weeds and the invasion of fungal diseases;
  • only the ridges - the aisles must remain dry, for this purpose the sides around the ridges are erected.

Watering the beds on the mitlider is carried out only by the root method

You can water the Mitlider garden at any time of the day, but evening watering is excluded in August to avoid infection with powdery mildew. In greenhouses, they are trying to establish drip irrigation.

Attention! A lack of moisture always leads to a crop shortage, since water molecules are directly involved in chemical reactions photosynthesis.

How to equip the Mitlider garden in the Russian version

Each technology shows itself irreproachably only where it originated and improved. When trying to transfer it to another environment, nuances appear that require knowledge of local specifics and a fair amount of ingenuity.

Russian private growers are faced with two questions regarding Dr. Mitlider's method.

  1. Modest plots - the classic 6 acres - and low incomes force us to reconsider the size of the row spacing. For tomatoes, cucumbers, grapes, the width of the aisles is left no more than 90 cm, and for undersized radishes, beets, strawberries - even 65 cm. At the same time, the width of the ridges themselves should remain unchanged: 35 cm inside the sides, otherwise the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsuch a garden disappears - a continuous stream light on each leaf.
  2. A negative attitude towards mineral fertilizers leads to their replacement with compost, manure, potassium humate and wood ash. Quite often, the soil is dug up with green manure: peas, clover, mustard. Green manure can be sown between apple trees or mowed in floodplain meadows and prepared from them as liquid fertilizer. To do this, the grass is placed in a barrel by two-thirds and filled with water. The infusion obtained after a week and a half is tenfold diluted with water and used for irrigation.

The experience of the owners of summer cottages shows that the method of Dr. Mitlider is quite applicable in Russian conditions and easily adapts to the climate of even Kaliningrad, even Siberia. Narrow ridges are easy to process while sitting on a folding chair, the condition of the plants on them is easy to control on a daily basis. The Russian version of the method allows you to combine moderate labor intensity and the commendable commitment of summer residents to organic matter, which is especially important for people of age.

Beds according to Mitlider - photo

Hard work. To get a good harvest, you need to “plow” tirelessly for 8-9 months a year. Many new technologies have been developed to facilitate the work of gardeners and gardeners. Alternative way garden cultivation offers an American vegetable grower, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Jacob R. Mittlider.

My acquaintance with his method began with an article in an old magazine, I became interested. I read more and decided to experiment on my site. I studied what was written by Mittlider and T. Ugarova, who on the pages of her book "Family vegetable growing in narrow beds" talked about, adapted to Russian realities.

The method is positioned as efficient technology land cultivation. It allows you to grow so much on 1.5-2 acres that a family of four to five people will have enough for a year. At the same time, the quality of the soil is not of decisive importance: vegetables can be grown on waste land, completely overgrown with weeds, and on “poor” infertile ones.

Basic principles of the Mittlider method

  • Fractional use.
  • Tight landings on .
  • Wide aisles.
Meticulous adherence to these principles gives excellent results.

Two compositions of mineral fertilizers

Mix No. 1 consists of 8 g boric acid and 1 kg of gypsum for alkaline soils. For acidic soils, gypsum is replaced with fluff lime or dolomite flour.

Mix No. 2 is prepared from a base consisting of 11 parts, 6 parts, 11 parts and additional ingredients: magnesium sulfate 450 g, boric acid 10 g, ammonium molybdate 15 g. They are thoroughly mixed and added to 3 kg of the base.

Two options for cultivating the land are proposed: vegetable growing on natural soil and growing vegetables in boxes-beds filled with so-called artificial soil.

Narrow beds on the ground

In the first case vegetable crops grown in narrow beds arranged on the ground. Their width is 45 cm, the length is arbitrary and depends on the shape, landscape and size of cultivated areas.

Landings on narrow beds differ from traditional ones in thickening. Vegetables receive light and moisture for good development due to wide row spacing, the ideal width of which is one meter. In small areas, 0.75 m is permissible, but not less, otherwise the plantings will not have enough light for growth: overgrown plants in neighboring beds will shade each other.

Garden according to Mittlider. Site photo gid-str.ru/

The method is designed for small areas. The beds, if possible, are oriented from north to south, they are not transferred from place to place, they are made once and for all. And they never dig up the aisles. To avoid soil depletion, accumulation of pathogens in it, should be observed.

Preparation of ridges for planting begins with pre-sowing top dressing. The recommended proportions for a bed 10 m long and 45 cm wide are 1 kg of mixture No. 1 and 500 g of mixture No. 2.

7-10 days after germination, a second top dressing is made with mixture No. 2, 220 g is taken per bed. Scattered in the middle of the bed between plants. When dissolved and absorbed into the soil. The number of top dressings during the summer is done from 3 to 8, depending on the type of crop and the condition of the plants. For example, it is enough to feed 3 times, and nightshade, need 7-8 top dressings.

Vegetables are planted in two rows, in parallel or in a checkerboard pattern. Large tall plants are planted along one side. Below is a table that shows which crops to plant.

Growing vegetables in boxes

The second version of the Mittlider method allows you to grow vegetables on artificial soils in boxes-ridges. From the materials at hand ( , ), frames without a bottom of arbitrary size are made. Usually the width of the box is 45, 120, 150 cm, the recommended depth is 20 cm. The frames are installed in the allotted place and filled with artificial soil.

The mixture is made up of two or three components at hand: hardwoods, sphagnum, sand, shells, husks. The percentage is as follows: 20% sand, other components 40% each. The soil in the boxes is not changed, from year to year they use the same one. Natural soil is not used to fill the boxes.

Before sowing, the beds are fertilized. 4.5 kg of mixture No. 1 and 2.5 kg of mixture No. 2 are added to a box measuring 9x1x0.2 m, distributed evenly over the entire area and watered. Then the soil mixture is mixed, the surface is leveled and watered again. Grooves for planting plants are made across the box. The distance between the grooves depends on the type of plant.

Scatter along the grooves, close up and water. Immediately after planting, top dressing is applied from mixture No. 2 - 600 g per 9-meter bed. Then feed the plants every 10 days. Fertilizers can be applied in two ways:

  1. Dry. Scatter the fertilizer around the plants if the distance between the rows is 30-50 cm. If the distance is 15-17 cm, they are scattered between the rows.
  2. Solution. Dilute the right amount of fertilizer in water and spill the bed. For 600 g of the mixture take 66 liters of water.

Personal experience

As part of the experiment, I made several narrow beds in my house, and under them allotted a small area that is not plowed. The day before, I prepared four beds measuring 0.45x5 m, arranged them in length from north to south. She did the same as usual: she marked out the selected area with the help of pegs and a cord, dug up narrow strips, leaving the aisles intact. She leveled the earth, along the edges of the beds she raked sides about 8-10 cm high.

On these beds, along the sides, in two parallel rows, she sowed a head lettuce. Radish and leaf lettuce combined on the same bed. The passage between the beds turned out to be 85 cm. Planting care is normal - watering, on initial stage. Plants quickly grew, and did not. The aisles were simply weeded, I dug out perennial weeds, but in two years it was not possible to completely get rid of weed grass between the beds.

Technology for growing vegetables according to Mittlider, but, in my opinion, noteworthy: I liked weeding narrow beds, it’s easy to reach any weed, and it’s convenient to walk between the rows. Carrots, one might say, did not thin out, just from mid-June, they began to pull them for food. For lettuce and radish, only pre-sowing fertilizer was applied, for carrots and garlic - 2 times during the summer. I removed leaf lettuce and radishes in early June, and landed on this bed. Carrots and garlic were a success, enough for myself, relatives and neighbors.

The idea with ridge-boxes is also tempting. I have an abandoned glade in the fence, it grows in a continuous carpet. I knocked together two frames from the boards and installed them there. She made artificial soil from sawdust, trees (8 buckets each) and sand (4 buckets). Everything was thoroughly mixed, scattered over the beds. But I didn’t dare to plant it in completely artificial soil and poured garden soil on top with a layer of 3-5 cm.

Planted in boxes-ridges - was satisfied. And she ennobled the place, and all summer with greenery, and weeds do not need to be weeded.

This year I plan to grow seedlings as an experiment using the Mittlider method, filling the seedling boxes with artificial soil. Maybe someone has experience of growing seedlings using this technology? I would like to know your opinion.

The technology of growing vegetables, called the Mitlider method or growing vegetables on narrow hails, will allow you to get a guaranteed harvest on a small plot of land, despite the quality of the soil and the vagaries of the weather.

American Jacob Mittlider has been growing vegetables and flowers for sale for over 20 years. Traveling through different countries, he has collected unique farming experience in various climatic conditions, which made it possible to obtain a plentiful guaranteed harvest with a minimum of effort. Since 1964, Dr. Mittlider has already been known throughout the world, consulting and teaching in many countries. Wrote 8 books, five of them translated into Russian.

In our country, many vegetable growers have heard about this method, but not everyone decides to try it. And indeed - the aisles are huge, the beds are narrow, everything is unusual! Therefore, deciding to apply this method in your country house, you need to carefully study everything.

Strawberry beds according to the Mitlider method

Why are the beds according to Mitlider attractive?

  • The area of ​​cultivated land is significantly reduced, because only the beds are cultivated, and the passages are never dug.
  • The yield in narrow beds increases many times due to intensive nutrition.
  • Opportunity to get a high yield in the first year.
  • Ease of planting care - wide aisles.

The Mittlider method consists in the fact that by applying a mixture of mineral fertilizers and planting according to a certain pattern, plants receive good nutrition, develop more actively and become resistant to adverse weather factors, pests and diseases.

Site selection

  1. Under the garden choose a well-lit place. It is best that the sun illuminates it throughout the day. It is desirable that there are trees, shrubs or rocker strips from the north that will protect the plantings from the north wind.
  2. With a shallow groundwater, it is necessary to ensure a good outflow of water, since its stagnation will adversely affect the development of plants. Perhaps the device of drainage ditches.
  3. Irrigation must be organized on the site. Rainfall alone is not enough.
  4. The site is prepared and planned once and for all, so you need to responsibly and carefully approach this process.

We plan the beds

The plot is planned to be perfectly flat. We carefully dig it up, choosing all the rhizomes of perennial weeds, which will subsequently save time on weeding. It is better to do this with a garden pitchfork so as not to cut the rhizomes. Then we begin to form ridges.

A bed is a strip of land 45 cm wide, bounded on the sides and ends by earthen rollers 8-10 cm high. The rollers retain water and fertilizers, allow them to be saved and delivered to their intended destination.

The length of the ridge can be any. Inner part the ridges should be flush with the surface of the passages and be perfectly aligned. It is advisable to check the horizontality of the ridge building level, as it is of great importance when irrigating for an even distribution of water and fertilizer. We arrange the ridge on the day of planting.

We form aisles with a width of 90-105 cm.

Avoid narrowing the row spacing, because they work for the illumination of plants, and accordingly their photosynthesis improves.

And if the crop rotation is observed, this will turn out to be inconvenient, because the aisles are formed permanent. With the constant use of row spacing, the soil on them is compacted and becomes unattractive for moles, since moles love loose earth. On wide aisles it is convenient to use a weeder, cut plants remain right there and dry.

plant sowing

Seeds of plants and seedlings on the beds are sown along the rollers:

  • In 2 rows - beets, carrots, garlic, onions (sevok, leek, nigella);
  • In 2 rows in a checkerboard pattern - seedlings of cabbage, head lettuce;
  • In 1 row along one of the rollers - seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, pumpkin.

The middle of the ridge is left free. Fertilizer mixtures will be applied here and watering will be carried out.

Watering and feeding plants

Plants are fed with mixtures of mineral fertilizers.

Mix No. 1 (pre-sowing)

Consists of 5 kg of dolomite flour and 40 g of boric acid (borax). It is applied for digging 1 time per season at a dose of 100 g per linear meter of ridge on light and 200 g on heavy (clay, loam, peat bogs) soils.

Blend #2

Consists of:

  • nitrophoska 6kg
  • urea 1 kg
  • potassium sulfate 1 kg
  • magnesium sulfate 1 kg
  • 15 g boric acid
  • 15g molybdic acid or 20g sodium ammonium molybdate.

This mixture is used when digging at a dose of 50 g per linear meter of the ridge along with mixture No. 1 and for mandatory top dressing during the summer.

For top dressing, mixture No. 2 is used at a dose of 25-40 g per linear meter of the ridge (25 g in unfavorable weather, with partial shading of plantings). The mixture is applied with a dry, narrow strip in the center of the bed, then watered until completely dissolved. You can water at any time of the day, not just in the evening. Water is supplied over the surface of the soil.

With this method of watering and fertilizing, the roots of plants are located in the upper level of the soil, where they quickly find water and nutrition, so loosening the plants prohibited.

Mixture No. 2 is applied 1 time in 7 days in dry, warm weather and 1 time in 10 days in cold, cloudy weather. Top dressing starts 3 days after plant transplantation and continues after 7 days. When planting with seeds, top dressing begins after the appearance of friendly shoots.

When organizing the Mitlider method, questions arise regarding the introduction of organic fertilizers.

The author's method does not involve the introduction of organic matter either as a dressing for the soil or as top dressing. But Dr. Mittlider himself noted that organic matter, when decomposed, gives humus and carbon dioxide, which is so necessary for growing plants.

Having carefully studied all the requirements for organizing beds according to the Mitlider with our own hands, we can really assess our capabilities. After all, this method involves the exact observance of the entire technological chain, starting with working with the soil and ending with painstaking work with plants. There are no trifles in this system, all elements in it are equally important, the whole system is aimed at the harvest.

It is not necessary to arrange the entire garden according to the Mitlider, you can arrange 1-2 ridges for experience. Follow all the technology, rejoice yourself and surprise your neighbors with an excellent harvest.

Video instruction: DIY Mitlider beds