My sober life How to start a sober life

  • 24.09.2019

In this article, we have tried to systematically and briefly state the most compelling arguments in favor of giving up the use of any alcoholic beverages and leading a sober lifestyle that is natural for a person. Do not rush to leave the page, thinking that “we went through all this, and why do we need it”. Even if you yourself are sure that you are not ready to give up alcohol, then this information will still be useful to you in order to effectively explain to your children the dangers of beer, wine, vodka or any other alcohol.

The information is grouped into four thematic sections:

  • physiological aspect (why is alcohol harmful to our health?)
  • psychological aspect (debunking myths about alcohol)
  • managerial aspect (alcohol as a means of managing people)
  • artistic image (story “What is wrong with me?”)

Physiological aspect

Any alcohol contains ethyl alcohol. In beer it is 5 percent, in vodka 40 percent, in wine - 9. Alcohol can dissolve fat well. Remember how you spray cologne or wipe with vodka the place that needs to be degreased while doing some housework. Once in the human body, alcohol does not lose its physical qualities, retaining the ability to dissolve fat. Absorbed through the walls of the stomach, alcohol enters the bloodstream.

Red blood cells (small bodies covered with a fatty membrane that has a negative charge) are engaged in the transfer of oxygen in the blood. Due to the same negative charge, erythrocytes, moving through the vessels, do not stick together, but rather repel each other. At the same time, the size of one erythrocyte corresponds to the size of the smallest vessel in the human body - this is designed so that these bodies can deliver oxygen to all cells.

When alcohol enters the human blood, ethyl alcohol breaks down the fatty membrane of red blood cells, and, having lost their negative charge, they begin to stick together, forming the so-called “grape clusters” (large lumps of stuck together red blood cells), which begin to travel through our body . The more drunk, the more alcohol enters the bloodstream, and the more such clots begin to travel through our vessels.

Naturally, sooner or later, these "grape clusters", which can consist of 1000 or more red blood cells, enter the vessels, the thickness of which is less than the diameter of the sticky lump. As a result, these bunches clog the blood vessels, and oxygen stops flowing to the cells of the body, because of which they begin to die. Most of the thin vessels in the human body are located in its internal organs, especially in the brain. It is on the example of the brain that we will consider this process in more detail.

Brain cells are called neurons, they store our memory. Neurons line up in long sequential chains, record all the information that a person encounters. When the "grape clusters" formed as a result of drinking alcohol enter the human brain along with the blood, they begin to clog thin vessels, limiting the flow of oxygen to neurons. Neurons begin to die from a lack of oxygen, and with them, entire neuron chains (in which our memory is recorded) die. It is this process that explains the well-known memory loss after drinking alcohol. You drink alcohol in the evening - in the morning you don’t remember yesterday’s events, you go into a binge for several days - you forget what happened a month ago, etc.

Part of the clogged vessels do not withstand blood pressure and burst. This is clearly seen in red eyes (one of the most detrimental effects alcohol has on vision) or a red nose the next morning. This process also occurs with moderate consumption of alcoholic products - the difference is only in the severity of the consequences.

Further, the picture unfolds no less interesting (if, of course, this word is appropriate here): due to the fact that the temperature in the cranium is maintained at 36.6 degrees, then, after a while, the dead cells begin to rot. The body pumps through the spinal cord to the head a large number of fluids to flush the brain and remove dead cells, resulting in swelling of the brain. In practice, this manifests itself in the fact that in the morning you wake up with a “swollen head” and you are very thirsty, because. the body is trying to compensate for the flow of fluid. Then you go to the restroom, and all the dead cells come out naturally. The well-known phrase “the one who drinks alcohol writes with his brain the next morning” is, unfortunately, not a capacious metaphor, but a direct description of the process that occurs in the body of a person who consumes alcohol.

Similar processes occur in all other human organs, undermining his health, immunity and leading to regular illnesses. At the same time, even if you drink “moderately”, and this is a lifestyle purposefully imposed on society, the described processes will still occur in the human body, causing harm to his health.

For those who like to watch videos:

And here you can learn about the effect of alcohol on an example from nature. In particular, the article talks about what mutations occur with ants and how an anthill is destroyed when an alcohol-producing lamehuse insect enters it: The monstrous impact of alcohol and other drugs on society, using the example of ants

Psychological aspect

In addition to the well-known point that alcohol does not solve any problems, but only postpones them, turning them into a “snowball”, I would like to tell the following:

Any person who consumes alcohol thinks that it is his conscious choice. Many believe that this is their personal health, and they have the right to do with it as they want (including destroying it). But we all do not live on a desert island, and our every action sets an example for children and influences those around us. Therefore, each of us is responsible not only for ourselves and our health, but also for those around us.

To make it clear what we are talking about, and also to debunk the myth of the “free choice of an adult”, we present a visual experiment that was repeatedly conducted in ordinary kindergarten groups (3-5 years old) with almost the same result:

A group of children is offered to play “Holiday”, but they are given the condition that they will not be led, giving the initiative to them. Those. children are offered to essentially portray how they imagine the holiday. The standard reaction of the group is as follows: the children move the tables together, put their chairs next to them, sit down, put a cube in front of them, and place skittles in the middle of the table. After that, usually the most active child gets up and begins to say something like a toast, then all together “clink glasses” with their cubes.

This experiment clearly shows that already at 3-4 years old, the choice in favor of whether the child will drink alcohol when he grows up has already been made. In other words, already at this age, behavioral programs are embedded in the child's psyche, which, with a 95 percent probability, will lead to an unambiguous choice in favor of the use of alcoholic products. Every parent, at least sometimes drinking alcohol, should be well aware of whose merit it is, and who makes such a choice for their child.

Therefore, do not try to convince yourself of your conscious choice - the decision to use alcoholic products was imposed on you by the system in which you were brought up and raised. As a result, we get a situation where 100 percent of people are born teetotalers, and by the end of school, 95 percent of graduates drink alcohol, not caring about their health and the health of others.

This is also the merit of propaganda, which deliberately puts people in front of a false choice - to drink a lot or drink in moderation, while it would be right to make a choice between drinking alcohol or absolute sobriety. Believe me, to instill in us the idea of ​​"moderate drinking", huge amounts of money are spent. You don’t have to look far for an example: the famous series “Interns”, filmed entirely according to Western patterns. In one twenty-minute episode, the goodies take 5-6 smoke breaks and always have one or two boozes. This is how we are controlled, imposing behavior patterns, but more on that later ... (As an experiment, try to find at least one film without scenes with tobacco or alcohol).

At the same time, in relation to girls, the harm of drinking alcohol is even higher. This is due to the function of procreation, which is assigned to female body. If the sperm of a man who contributes to the genetics of the unborn child is updated every three months (therefore, doctors recommend that men give up alcohol at least three months before conception), then for women everything is different.

The supply of eggs to women is given once for life. And although they are reliably protected in the ovaries, nevertheless, the only poison that can penetrate the membrane of the ovaries and damage the eggs is ethyl alcohol. Therefore, every woman who drinks alcohol puts the health of her unborn child at great risk, essentially playing “roulette” in such an important issue (lucky - a healthy egg will fall, unlucky - you understand). But, dear girls, if this is the first time you come across such information, then do not despair - those who decide to improve for the better, after being informed of their mistakes, God will definitely help and protect.

Watch a short film that debunks another alcohol myth, in this case about historical Russian drunkenness:

Management aspect

A natural question arises why the above is not taught in schools, why is the TV and our politicians silent about this? The answer, unfortunately, is not that no one ever knew about this, or that this is some new information.

The effect of alcohol on the human body has been known since ancient times. The fact that our zombie manager is silent about this not only in Russia, but also in many other countries, shows that those groups (oligarchic clans, structures, TNCs, banking conglomerates, etc.) that control the trends in our lives are not interested in sobriety of the population. Think for yourself - a person who does not drink or smoke will have to pay a pension up to 90-100 years. It is a completely different matter when at the age of 55 - to retire, and at 60 - already feet first. Alcohol is an effective tool to control people by shortening their lifespan and limiting their mental abilities.

To make it more clear, and not to be unfounded, we will give a short video about how GOST was changed to ethyl alcohol in the USSR, and how the phrase “a potent drug that causes paralysis of the nervous system” disappeared from it from 1972 to 1993.

I hope you understand that the physiological properties of alcohol have not changed in 20 years, and such decisions to change GOST could only be made at the highest level of the power hierarchy. And I ask you not to sin only on the USSR (or Russia) - in many other countries the situation is even worse.

You can analyze the management aspect in more detail by studying the Concept of Public Safety.

What is COB and where to start:

I had to talk a lot on these topics with acquaintances, friends, relatives - the most important argument that can often be heard in response: "alcohol helps to relax and relieve stress." Yes, it helps, but again, not relieving stress, but putting it off for later. But there are thousands of other ways to “relax and relieve stress” that are not only healthy, but also good for your health - spend time with family, work out, hang out with friends and much more. Of course, this requires more effort than relaxing on the couch in the evening in front of a zombie man with a mug of beer, but who said that it should be easy!

After reviewing the above material, it is difficult to take and stop drinking the next day. But this information may push you to further searches, which over time will allow you to understand this issue in sufficient detail to make a choice in favor of a sober lifestyle, for which a person is born. The health and future of our children (and our country) depends on this, but is there anything more important for you?

Story: What's wrong with me?

I go into the living room, immediately invited to the table. I look - everyone at the table has a frying pan, and empty. And each pan is different - in color, in size, in shape ... apparently, who likes which one more. Strange, I think ... Well, I sit down. They also offer me a frying pan.
“Why?” I ask.
- What do you mean why? Necessary. New Year's Eve, come on.
- What to give something?
Laughing... With a look as if I Small child who asks some nonsense.
They take everything in a frying pan, make a speech ala "happiness-health", and how let's hit ourselves on the head with them. I'm shocked, I don't understand what's going on. And then they ask me:
- Why aren't you hitting?
- Yes, I somehow ... don’t hit, - a stupid feeling when you have to make excuses for not doing some stupidity.
This is where the weird questions start.
“What, you don’t hit at all, do you?”
- Well, yes, absolutely.
And even on holidays?
- Well, yes.
“And… are you one of those… who used to beat so much that then they were treated and now they walk around coded?”
– Umm… Yes, I have never done it.
Are you in a sect?
“I just don’t understand, why beat? It's unhealthy, your head will hurt later ... I somehow want to take care of myself.
- Oh ... Yes, on New Year's Eve everyone beats, nothing bad will happen from a couple of blows.
– I'm not sure about that.
- Yes, the main thing here is to know the measure! If in moderation, it is even useful, they say.
– Yes, how can beating be useful?!
- Beating should be moderate! Our people simply do not know how to beat, hence all the problems. How they get stuffed that they can’t get up later. And from a couple of blows with good, high-quality pans, nothing bad will happen.
- It seems to me that you all know yourself that it is very harmful in any quantities, and the quality of the frying pan has nothing to do with it.
- Pfft ... My grandfather beat my friend all his life, and nothing, he lived to be 90 years old.
“I think he could have lived much longer if it hadn’t been for—”
“What are you doing,” they interrupt me, “you want to forbid me?! If I'm not bothering anyone, then I can beat as much as I want! And in general, after work I have the right to relax!

Then I hear out of the corner of my ear something from the news on TV. “... shot down 5 people. Three died on the spot. According to preliminary data, the driver beat himself on the head with a frying pan before the trip ... "

The thought flashed through my head: “But these people, perhaps, did not beat at all, like their relatives and friends, and such a tragedy because of the beating.” Noticing my attention to this message, they immediately notice me:
- Yes, he just can not beat. There is nothing to sit behind the wheel when stuffed.
- But you support this whole culture of “moderate beating”, even if you don’t leave the house. You do, "like everyone else", and everyone else - like you. And as a result, everyone beats. Someone then knocks people down, and someone only maims himself without leaving home, but is there a fundamental difference here? You are all feeding off the same “moderate hitting” culture and feeding it yourself at the same time. If the culture were different, if it were accepted not to beat yourself on the head with a frying pan, but to do something else on holidays, you would do what this culture would tell you to do. Imagine, for example, that it would be such that all people would drink alcohol?
“Yeah, what the hell is that? What kind of fool would pour poison into himself? You're making up some nonsense...
“You see, it’s the culture that tells you what is common and what is nonsense. Maybe try to show some independence in thinking? This is the only way to figure out what is useful and what is not.
“What are you thinking, I make all the decisions on my own. I want - I hit, I don't want - I don't hit.
- Don't you think that these desires are imposed just by culture? Society would do just fine without beating, but for some reason this “beating culture” is thoroughly warmed up in it. Advertising offers you all new frying pans, with different sizes, With different coatings, from different materials... In films and TV shows, all the characters must hit from time to time, creating a positive image in the eyes of the viewer ... There must be many articles published on the Internet about how scientists have proven the benefits of 1-2 hits with a red frying pan on the head a day ... And then we we read in the news how someone knocked down, killed, beat, robbed, raped, broke, stole, etc. through the fault of a beating. Don't you think this is strange?
And here from different angles:
- Yes, you are strange!
- Oh, that's it ... Don't spoil people's holiday.
“Besides, you think too much.
I'm sitting here now and thinking... Well, what's wrong with me?!

sober radio

We encourage everyone to include sober radio and listen on the road or on a walk

For those who have found the time to understand the problem of alcohol and tobacco in more detail, we recommend starting with video lectures by V. Fakhreev “Lessons of sobriety”:

Is it harmful?
Number of views:



Handbook for class teachers and teachers of the subject

"Fundamentals of Health", teaching in grades 8-9



UDC: 613.83/84-053.6 BBC: 51.1(2)44

for use in general education educational institutions Autonomous Republic of Crimea

(Decision No. 2/11 of 24.04.2013)

Approved for use by class teachers and Health Essentials teachers in grades 8-9

(Minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council of the Crimean Republican Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education No. 3 of 04/09/2013)

T-66 A sober lifestyle: a manual for class teachers and teachers of the subject "Fundamentals of Health", teaching in grades 8–9 // Responsible. ed. Kozulya S.V. - Simferopol - 2013 - 72 p.

The manual was compiled by doctors and teachers - participants in the social sobriety movement. The project was implemented as part of the All-Ukrainian information and prevention campaign "Responsibility begins with me." The regulation on this action was approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine No. 567 dated 05/11/2012 in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 6 "On some measures to promote the solution of pressing issues of youth" dated January 6, 2010. According to the "Regulations", the action is carried out with the aim of promoting and establishing a healthy lifestyle among the youth, forming a responsible attitude of young people to their health, preventing such social hazardous phenomena like drinking alcohol, smoking and drug addiction.

The publication is intended for class teachers and teachers teaching the subject "Fundamentals of Health" in grades 8-9, but will also be useful for psychologists, medical workers, activists of sober organizations and all those who are interested in sobering up our society.


Ignatenko S.V. , k. ped. D., Senior Lecturer, Glukhiv National Pedagogical University. A. Dovzhenko, Glukhov, Sumy region;

Odinets N.V. , teacher-methodologist of school No. 262, Kiev; Bridko V.V. , chief doctor of KRU "Health Center", Simferopol;

Stroevsky V.A. , chief doctor of KRU "Narcological dispensary", Simferopol.

Kozulya S.V. (responsible editor), Ph.D. n., Associate Professor of the Department of General Hygiene with Ecology, State Institution “Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, Simferopol;

Grinchenko N.A. , k. ped. D., Associate Professor of the Faculty of Additional Pedagogical Professions, Yeletsky State University them. I.A. Bunin, Yelets, Lipetsk region, Russian Federation;

Pocheketa A.A. , M.Sc. With. Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev;

Kozulya T.A. , dentist, Gvardeyskaya boarding school I–II st, Gvardeiskoye village, Simferopol district;

Vashchenko D.V. , ENT doctor, ME "7th City Clinical Hospital", Simferopol.

Proofreader: Druzhinina V.A.

Teacher Preface

The formation of a sober lifestyle (TOL) among the younger generation - sober education - is the most effective type of primary prevention of the use of psychoactive substances (PS), which include alcohol (including beer), tobacco, other tobacco products and electronic cigarettes. It is alcohol and tobacco that are the most accessible today, and therefore the most dangerous for children. It is with alcohol and tobacco that in 99% of cases the involvement in the use of other drugs begins.

Primary prevention is a set of social, pedagogical, medical and psychological measures that prevent the formation of a bad habit, i.e., preventing initiation to alcohol and tobacco, and therefore to all other drugs. Sober education sets us more specific goals:

the formation of a negative attitude of children and young people to the use of the most common PAS - alcohol and tobacco;

preventing the involvement of children and youth in the use of psychoactive substances by substantiating the benefits of a sober lifestyle;

fostering personal responsibility for one's behavior;

decrease in demand for surfactants in society.

If official documents talk about anti-alcohol and anti-tobacco propaganda, then to communicate with teenagers, as well as with their dads and moms, parent meetings the phrases "sober education", "sober education", "sobriety lessons" fit better. After all, positive terminology in any audience is perceived with greater desire than negative. It increases both the motivation of students and the chances of gaining the understanding and support of their parents, which is necessary in the process of sober education.

Sobriety is a natural quality, a vital value given to every person from birth. It is not just “continuous abstinence from alcohol and other psychoactive substances” (WHO definition). Sobriety is freedom from the stereotypes imposed on us about the supposedly traditional need for alcohol, tobacco or other drugs in our lives, and it is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle.

The discussion form, in addition to the dialogue structure of the lesson, involves disputes and conversations. It is possible to suggest the topics “Freedom”, “I am an adult”, “Masculinity and femininity”, “Love”, in the titles of which there is not the slightest mention of psychoactive substances, but the question of drinking alcohol or smoking will certainly arise in the discussion process as something that does not contribute to success.

The active form is self-training short messages, abstracts and reports, drawing up wall newspapers, exhibitions, making and distributing leaflets about a sober lifestyle, participating and organizing competitions and educational games.

This cycle of lessons is a holistic system of sober education and training, covering various aspects of a sober lifestyle and designed for a long time. Sobriety lessons can be done as part of the Fundamentals of Health course and/or during class hours. The manual provides for both reinforcing and proactive homework (designed to get students interested in the next lesson in advance and involve them in independent research). Simultaneously with the first lessons of the cycle, it is desirable to have a conversation with parents - see Section 15.

In communicating with students from the second lesson, it is recommended to use terminology that reinforces a negative attitude towards alcohol and tobacco: "poison your body with poison","poison the air","get drunk with alcohol","tobacco smoke poisoning". Since the harm of smoking is more obvious (tobacco has a nasty smell), more attention should be paid to the prevention of alcohol consumption. To achieve a positive result in sober education, it is important that the truthful information offered is presented to the child in the form of a friendly conversation, but not in the form of edification.


? Questions to the audience requiring a short answer.

Questions and tasks for group discussion. For 2-5 minutes, teams (working groups) of 2-5 people formulate their answers, after the end of the work, the answer of each team is read out.

1. What is sobriety and why is it needed?

Guidelines. In the first session, it is important to set up students for a positive perception of the cycle of conversations about sobriety and a sober lifestyle. The teacher must be prepared for unexpected questions and objections about the supposed benefits of alcohol. You can answer this way: “Write down this question: “Is it true that ...?”, And we will definitely discuss it in the next lessons.”

GOALS. Educational: the formation of primary ideas about the losses of a person in the present and in the future from alcohol consumption; about bad habits of a person (smoking, drinking beer); about the main factors influencing physical and psychosocial health; about the advantages of TOL and its relevance in modern society.

Developing: the formation of communication skills; development of skills to analyze, draw conclusions and participate in group discussion. Educational: the formation of a positive attitude towards the concept of "sobriety".

Associated tasks: establish positive interaction with students; debunk the myth about the compatibility of a healthy lifestyle and bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol).

During the classes

In our lessons we will talk about a sober lifestyle, in short - TOZH. This is very important in today's world, because sobriety is opposed by a dangerous weapon of destruction - a drunken lifestyle (write down the corresponding abbreviation yourself).

Let's discuss what is TOZH and KNIFE. (For example, after school, someone goes to

? sports section, music or art school, library, and someone drinks beer, smokes, etc. It is desirable that everyone speaks out.)

Everyone will probably agree that TOZH is the non-use of alcohol and tobacco. This is correct, but in fact the concept of sobriety is somewhat broader. According to the explanatory dictionary of T.F. Efremova, "sober" also means "distinguished by sound judgment, free from illusions, self-deception"(remember the expressions "a sober view of things", "sober mind").

Sobriety is the foundation of health. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Russian physician and writer Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev wrote that a person who does not take care of his health is like a bad craftsman who does not take care of his tools.

They also say: "Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing" . Scientists believe that a person is “doomed” to be healthy, because nature has given him everything for health. But you need to know simple recommendations that allow you to maintain health and behave in accordance with them.

You probably know about the external and internal factors of physical health. name

? their. (External - this is the sun, air, water, light, heat. Internal - hygiene, daily routine, physical activity, healthy eating and, of course, sobriety.)

Human health depends on what he sees, hears and feels. External factors of health are also information impacts. Dad reads a good fairy tale to the baby, mom sings a lullaby - these are examples of positive informational influences. But in the world around us, they are, unfortunately, mostly negative. These are devastating examples of drugged, immoral lifestyles that are being imposed through television and popular "culture".

When a person leads a sober (in the broad sense of the word) lifestyle, he reliably protects his consciousness, soul and body from destruction.

It is impossible to be healthy without sobriety. A formidable danger to health is stupefying substances (the term was proposed by the Russian writer Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy).

Give examples of intoxicants. (Alcohol, tobacco, all alcoholic and tobacco products, and other illegal drugs.)

Alcohol, tobacco and all other drugs are included in the list of psychoactive substances (abbreviated as PAS). They are harmful to health not only because they destroy the body. They make it difficult to recognize destructive informational influences and take right decisions regarding their behaviour.

Therefore, they say that surfactants destroy a person:

1) physically, because these poisons act at all levels of the body - from molecules and genes to organs and systems;

2) at the level of the psychosocial organization of the personality (soul and consciousness).

Back in the 19th century, the outstanding Russian psychiatrist, academician Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev, in his article “The Personality and the Conditions for its Development and Health”, pointed out that for the healthy development of the personality, it is necessary to eliminate the distribution of alcohol and other intoxicating products (“drinks”, we will not call them, because that they do not nourish, but damage the body).

Group work. We have all heard that alcohol and cigarettes are harmful. Now we will divide into teams and hold a competition, the purpose of which is to write down as many answers as possible to the question: what exactly is the danger of alcohol and tobacco? (Health is lost; money is spent in vain; the ability to think logically is impaired; the horizon becomes narrow; people around suffer; family is destroyed; problems in studies, at work; high risk of accidents, accidents; drinkers and smokers age faster and die earlier; the state, in in which surfactants are used is weakening; the people are degrading and may completely disappear from the face of the Earth, like, for example, the American Indians ...)

Alcohol, tobacco and other surfactants are also dangerous because a person does not notice the danger. In case of body injuries (wound, scratch,

bruise, pain) we have anxiety, fear, and we go to the doctor or take measures to improve ourselves. But if a person has formed a habit of drinking alcohol, his thinking is gradually disturbed, the ability to analyze is lost, his will weakens, his conscience becomes dull, although the person remains sure that everything is in order with him! At the same time, he imperceptibly for himself can sink to an immoral, vicious way of life.

What are the benefits of TOC? (A sober person always controls himself, not

? commits careless and rash acts, gets sick less, lives longer and more interesting...)

At A drinker's dreams almost never come true. A sober person can dream, set goals and achieve them.

The drinker gradually loses understanding with others, he is not respected. A sober, principled person is always respected, he is able to express his thoughts and understand others.

Drinking people eventually become indifferent to their interests, their hobbies. In sober - on the contrary, new interests appear all the time.

At those who drink for the worse change their character. They lose true friends and gain drinking buddies.

What is the difference between "friend", "acquaintance" and "drinking buddy"? (A friend is a very close person,

? he can be trusted. Familiar - someone you know. And a drinking buddy is just a person with whom they drink alcohol.)

It is known that drinking buddies instead of various, interesting and valuable birthday gifts give each other only various bottles of poison.

Sober people - on the contrary, constantly develop and improve themselves, spend time meaningfully, find the same sober and interesting friends.

Sober rest, unlike "chemical", strengthens a person and restores his strength. Sober communication charges us with positive emotions.

It is easy to make a drinking person an obedient performer, dependent on other people who “pour” him. A sober person always makes his own decision, he does not depend on the suppliers of dope.

According to statistics, people who drink are more likely to become accomplices in crime. A sober person is much more difficult to involve in a bad company, in "dirty" deeds.

A convinced teetotaler is not threatened with alcohol expenses, while adherents of an intoxicated lifestyle are forced to

life, and especially before each holiday, throw large sums of money on products made from ethyl alcohol.

Sobriety is the key to success in studies and future careers, as well as creating and maintaining a family, family happiness. A sober, healthy person likes himself the way he is. He is pleased with his achievements. He is the master of his life, not a victim.

Although sobriety does not automatically make a person healthy, it is the foundation without which it is impossible to ensure either physical, spiritual or social well-being.

We will definitely continue our conversations about sobriety, but I would like to end today's lesson with this poem:

The formula of life is simple: Health, morality, beauty, Creation, sobriety and will - A worthy share of a man.

Roza Nazhipova, adolescent psychiatrist, Tatarstan, Russian Federation.

1. There are two ways of life - sober and drunk.

2. Sobriety is natural and vital important quality given to every person from birth.

3. The ID gives a person many benefits, and the KNIFE is a source of grief, illness and problems. Alcohol and tobacco are harmful not only in the present, but also in the future.


1. Write down in your notebook the advantages of the TOJ and the disadvantages of the KNI.

2. Find the statements of historians about customs in Russia, starting from the XIII century. What was the norm - sobriety or drinking alcohol?

2. Sobriety in the history of mankind

Guidelines. It is important to show that human history is predominantly sober. When presenting historical facts it is necessary to rely on well-known material from the course of history. If a topic is unfamiliar to students, you need to make the necessary comments. The material in this lesson is voluminous, so group discussions are not provided. Students should be reminded that questions they are interested in should be written down in their notebooks for discussion in the next class.

GOALS. Educational: the formation of a concept about the place of sobriety and the main stages of alcoholization in human history, about the motives of alcoholization; Developing: development of skills to analyze information, draw conclusions and participate in group discussion.

Educational: to show the importance of a sober, moral (and vice versa - drunk, immoral) life of the masses in historical process. Related tasks: to refute the myth that "our people have always been drinking"; arouse interest in further conversations about sobriety.

During the classes

Let's remember what we talked about last time.

What is TOZH and KNIFE? What bad habits are we talking about? How dangerous is alcohol

D naked? A healthy lifestyle is a sober lifestyle? (But why? (Sobriety - necessary condition health).

Now let's talk about the meaning of sobriety in human history. Let's find out how ancient the history of alcohol consumption is, and whether it is true that "our people have always been drinking."

The age of Homo sapiens - Homo sapiens - is about 40 thousand years. Compared with it, the time of consumption by individual peoples of low-grade alcohol, resulting from natural fermentation, is short: from 4 to 10 thousand years. The time of widespread use of strong alcohol is even shorter - no more than 500 years.

Express these periods as a percentage. (4000: 40,000 100% = 10%, 10,000: 40,000 100% =

? \u003d 25% - the minimum and maximum time for mankind to get acquainted with alcohol; 500:40 000 100% = 1; 25% - the time of widespread use of strong alcohol)

Thus, the period of consumption of low-grade alcoholic products in time is no more than 10-25% of the age of a "reasonable person", and strong alcoholic products - no more than 1.25% of this age. Let's plot the result on the time axis:



Sobriety, like health, has been valued since ancient times. All peoples developed a negative attitude towards intoxicating substances.

People who drink are often in one stage or another. alcohol addiction. Or close to the fact that the love of alcohol has become a pathological addiction. However, alcoholics often deny their addictions, refuse to admit problems, and refuse to be treated. Many of them are very categorical in their judgments: “Do not drink at all? And how then to relax (celebrate, go to the stadium, meet friends, live)?” The advantages of sobriety are not clear to such people.

There are also other people. They do not drink, but only an ampoule sewn under the skin and constant pressure from relatives keeps them. The benefits of sobriety in this case are hidden behind the constant dissatisfaction with others and the current way of life. But those who consciously refused alcohol feel the benefit of such a decision in full.

Pros of sobriety: health, freedom, life

What does a person do when they drink alcohol? Raises your mood, gets rid of stress, "washes the kidneys"? Many explanations. But from the point of view of medicine, a person simply harms himself. Alcohol, especially strong, irritates mucous membranes internal organs, disrupts the digestive tract, overloads the liver and kidneys, intoxicates the brain. Of course, the mood rises, and the problems seem insignificant. However, all this is felt only in a drunken stupor. Over the years, new ones come: alcoholism, illness, degradation and death, often painful and humiliating. Perhaps, against this background, it is worth thinking about and understanding what the benefits of sobriety are:

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How to come to a sober life?

If you could just say: stop drinking, and that's it. At the second stage of alcoholism, it is almost impossible to exclude alcohol from life by an effort of will. For more early stages disease is available. But first, a person must admit that he is addicted and sick. And not everyone is capable of this.

If there is the slightest possibility, then relatives of an alcoholic should at least try to return a person to a sober life. And this should not be done with reproaches, screams and threats. It is necessary to show maximum tact and patience so that the addicted person makes a conscious decision to be treated and subsequently never drink again.

It is also important to know the signs of all, including the preliminary one. In the early stages of the disease, a person is still able to realize that he is addicted, and fight it. Later, the mind and will degrade. If each of us clearly understood the threat, many could stop before the onset of irreversible consequences.

The experience of treating addicts shows that the most effective method is a 12 step program of Alcoholics Anonymous

The most important thing is to fight not with the addiction to alcohol itself, but with its causes. Many people do not think about the fact that alcohol does not help to rejoice, does not remove complexes, does not solve problems and does not relieve grief. The whole effect of alcohol is illusory. A person simply slides down to a primitive level of thinking and ceases to perceive the real picture of his own life.

There is one more thing to think about. If the desire to “drown” problems can somehow be explained, then pouring alcohol into the joyful events of life is incomprehensible in principle. Don't good moments bring happiness in and of themselves? However, even pregnant brides spend one of the brightest days of their lives with a glass of alcohol in their hand, and feasts next to the baby's cradle are not uncommon. Alcoholic traditions, all sorts of gatherings in which huge doses of alcohol turn people into their likeness, are one of the main reasons for rampant drunkenness.

Someone is talking about tightening "alcohol" laws, about introducing new punishments. However, bans do not stop all people and not always. Sobriety will become a way of life for the majority only when the positive attitude of people towards alcohol is replaced by a negative one, and the benefits of everyone for without alcohol are obvious to everyone.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and is not an instruction for use. Consult with your physician.

Accidentally stumbled upon an article in LiveJournal called “Five years - normal flight! (experience of a sober lifestyle)." I liked the article very much and I am reprinting it here.

As far as I understood, a man made his firm decision five years ago and “tied it up”. It is very interesting to read his reasoning. Because if the head is always sober, the outlook changes.

As always I will bold italic Express your opinion on individual passages in the article.

Most of the "experienced" smokers dream of getting rid of their bad habit. This desire can be understood: deterioration in health, psychological and physiological dependence on cigarettes, restrictions on smoking in public places and at the workplace. The financial part of the issue also remains on the agenda ...

There is no need to explain or prove anything here.

And what about alcohol? White, red, cognac, beer? A Russian person - and not to drink ?! Three immutable truths sit firmly in the consciousness and subconsciousness of Russian people: 1. If a person does not drink, then he is either sick or vile; 2. Even teetotalers and ulcers drink at someone else's expense; 3. Whoever does not smoke or drink will die healthy. There are many other jokes-jokes on the topic of alcohol: Nehru (Jawaharlal Nehru) said: Drink in moderation!, And Nikita (Khrushchev) - drink to satiety! Now all the conditions have been created for the people so that they drink both “in moderation” and “to the full”. Go to any supermarket. Racks with alcoholic swill sometimes stretch for tens of meters. Eyes run up - what an assortment! Every Russian knows that “cognac for shish kebab is very tasty!”. This guy with the guitar said from the stage.

Is it possible to do without alcohol at all? Probably you can. But why? How to unwind after a hard day at work? How to deal with stress? How to cheer yourself up? Disorder! Truly, all teetotalers are either sick or villains!

In America, this is much easier. There is a lot of entertainment available, and affordable. These are golf clubs, and bowling, and just swimming pools and parks, where you can relax very well. and alcohol is absolutely prohibited on their territory. And the rule is strictly observed. Actually, it never occurs to anyone to get drunk and jump into the pool.

I'm not going to convince anyone of the benefits of a sober lifestyle. I'm not going to hit myself with a heel in the chest, showing: Look how cool I am, how smart I don't drink! No. But five years of freedom from alcoholic poison already give the right to look at your past life from the outside, compare what she was BEFORE, and what has changed in her AFTER.

Everything happened quickly. "Accidentally" I came across the site "Alcoholic terror against Russia". The Internet then was not an example of the current one, but it was realistic to download a 500 MB file in a couple of nights. A lecture on the dangers of alcohol was read by some man - sobriety professor Vladimir Zhdanov. He gets scolded sometimes. They say that he is not an authoritative professor at all, that his entire sobriety academy consists of one room, that he is a charlatan and a swindler. The authority of Truth here is habitually replaced by the truth of Authority. For people today, the main thing is not what is said, but who says. I will not retell the content of the lecture. I won’t be able to convince those who drink “culturally” to stop drinking, and teetotalers don’t need to explain anything. Let me just tell you what made the biggest impression on me.

Alcohol, getting into the blood, washes away a thin layer of fat from red blood cells (erythrocytes), and they lose their weak negative charge. As a result of the loss of charge, the bodies begin to stick together, stick together with each other into lumps of red blood cells. These lumps with the general blood flow enter the smallest and smallest vessels in our body and clog them. The body begins to experience local oxygen starvation, which upsets its work. A lump of red blood cells, after a while, also dies and, according to the laws of biology, begins to decompose. Decaying, small blood "corpses" release toxins, which does not have the most positive effect on the work of the organ and the whole organism as a whole. And the thinnest vessels we have are located in the eyes and brain. Therefore, it is these important organs that suffer more than others from the effects of alcohol.

Then this information nearly blew my mind. There was a feeling that I forgot the included iron at home and remembered this, being already in another city. I was in psychological shock for two days. I could hardly talk with others on everyday topics. There was a desire to tell people the whole truth about alcohol, how it affects the body, consciousness and human behavior; who benefits from maintaining the myth of the harmlessness of "cultural drinking". I said to my friends: “Can you imagine, I quit drinking. Forever!". For me, it had a meaning comparable to the birth of a child. I was waiting for a response. But the majority reacted to this not seriously, even with a joke. He gave discs with records - it's useless. Nobody is watching. A month or two later - “didn’t have time to look” ...

Quite right. I also faced this. At least a stake on your head. Until the person HIMSELF decides to stop drinking, it is useless to persuade him.

I thought that when people learn the truth about the effects of alcohol on the body, they, like me, will immediately and forever refuse to use it. That soon all of Russia will become sober. Now I think differently. People don't want the truth. They are afraid of her. Because when a person learns the Truth, it requires him to decisions taken, committing some actions, deeds, but the life principle “I see nothing, I hear nothing” has become typical for the average person. Therefore, they continue to drink with or without. On holidays and days of mourning. For health and peace.

On the Internet you can find a lot of information on anti-alcohol topics. A lot of literature, videos, sites, groups are created in in social networks. Read, study, join. But a person must come to this himself. Realize for yourself that alcohol is harmful. This is poison. This is trouble. Only then is he ready to be freed from vice.

I’ll say more, it’s not just poison - it’s death itself. First social, then physical.

A staunch teetotaler indifferently walks past racks with an alcoholic potion. He looks at the scenes of feasts with sympathy, even with pity. He does not have thoughts to “relax” on Friday, and on holidays to relax well. It is disgusting for him to hear about the drunken adventures of his friends, jokes about alcoholics.

You will see most of your past favorite films differently. Everyone drinks there: “Office Romance”, “Irony of Fate”, “Afonya”, “Ivan Vasilyevich”, “Moonshiners”. There are all drinking words: “Why are you dropping me all the time ...” Or: “I demand the continuation of the banquet!” etc. Did you notice? Well, at least now pay attention to how people get drunk. Because everyone and everything repeats just like their favorite characters.

He does not enter into scientific discussions about the meaning of life with a tipsy neighbor. He is not afraid to drive on Monday. He is not afraid to blow into the traffic cop's pipe. He will not take anything from him today. A sober person always remembers where he was and what he did last night. He absolutely does not understand the types of beer, whiskey, wines, he does not know what is better to eat vodka. He does not know how to treat a hangover, he does not trudge in the morning to the stall for beer. He doesn't get richer by quitting drinking, no. But it doesn’t get poorer either, that’s for sure. When visiting, he drinks juice or mineral water. He explains that there are health problems, that “he has already drunk his tank”. Those around him sympathize, and he sympathizes with them. For some reason, tipsy guests tend to tell him about all their problems in their personal lives. And often they find understanding. Sometimes, after feasts, a teetotaler takes guests home.

In America, no one pays attention to whether you drink or not. It's personal, so it's taboo.

Tomorrow at work, and the working week is better to start with a sober head - believe me!

I made my choice five years ago.

Hello, hello, my dear readers, and again I want to talk to you about a healthy lifestyle and sobriety. Frankly speaking, starting to write each article from the series “don’t drink, don’t smoke, think about the future”, I first of all think about what it will be tied to and how it should influence the public.

Today I want to do something like a global review on the topic and talk about why I specifically prefer a sober lifestyle. Even if you have never drunk, or have given up this addiction forever, still do not be lazy and read the article, if only to know the enemy in person. Perhaps sometime in the future, the arguments given in it will be useful to you in order to convince someone or defend your point of view. After all, as you know, knowledge is power!

What is a "reason to drink"?

I’ll immediately note that no, I’m not going to say that I don’t drink, because I’m so cool all of myself, not like these drinking nonentities, I’m not going to. I am an ordinary person, the same as you, the same as those who surround you and me, with the only difference that I chose a sober path for myself, without fog in my head on holidays, without a hangover after joyful moments of life and without inadequate actions which many people regret for the rest of their lives. But let's look at the main reasons why the vast majority of people are not averse to drinking:

  1. "For company" The most popular youth cause, thanks to which hundreds and thousands of destinies are broken every day. In childhood and adolescence, we are all susceptible to suggestion in one way or another, and the point here is not in education. A guy who is brought up strictly, within the framework of almost army discipline, will get into the same company just to spite all those who forbid him to live like everyone else. After all, a teenager is, first of all, a contradictory character and a disadvantage. life experience coupled with the eternal desire to be right in everything. Everyone went through this and everyone was like that, some more, some less. This is due to the fact that a person, a social being, and we simply cannot live outside the company, outside friends and public approval.
  2. "In honor of the holiday" And this is the same reason to drink, but in a more adult interpretation. A sober life is not for big and adult uncles and aunts, because how is it that everyone drinks at the holiday, but I can’t drink? By the way, it is in such situations that our children, seeing how their parents drink and have fun, begin to think that if you drink alcohol, then you are an adult. Based on this, we can say that drinking "in honor of the holiday" is doubly harmful, as it sets a fundamentally wrong example for the younger generation.
  3. "To relax" Another very striking example of how a drinking person can deftly find a reason to kiss the bottle. After all, a person who leads a more or less sober lifestyle will never drink alcohol, using such a stupid reason. Why? It's simple: you can drink on this occasion to relax after a hard day's work, in order to make the rest brighter or in order to brighten up life problems. And if you combine all this, it turns out that you can and should drink around the clock, just not drying out. And if someone considers this occasion quite valid, then let's think again: will the rest become brighter from the fact that you poison your brain with alcohol? Will our problems be solved by themselves if we feel sorry for ourselves while sitting on the couch with a bottle of beer? No and no, the conclusions are not difficult to draw.

But I think it’s enough to talk about the reasons, because you, my dear readers, most likely have already understood what I’m talking about. For those who are not yet in the subject, I will explain: this is a self-sufficient bad habit, and once addicted to it, the drinker will always find a reason to drink. And for the most part, he does this simply to justify his weakness and unwillingness to live fully. After all, the time that could be spent with benefit, improving yourself, learning something new, communicating or spending time with loved ones, is simply drowned in dozens of liters of alcohol, which, moreover, are also slowly killing you physically. But to drink once or twice a week is not yet! - many will object and will be completely wrong. After all, alcoholism as an addiction is fixed already at the frequency of drinking alcohol more than once a week for a long period of time. Think, most likely, there are alcoholics among your acquaintances, and they simply do not suspect that alcohol addiction speaks for them!

Why do I choose a sober lifestyle?

So, I have already said a lot about the fact that drinking in any form and in any doses is bad. I think everyone already understands that there are no "useful" or "safe" doses of alcohol, just as there are no similar doses of cocaine or potassium cyanide. But why is a sober life so good and is it so different from life ordinary person? First, a sober person is responsible for all his thoughts and actions. The biochemistry of his body is not dependent on various chemicals, alcohol and other substances that cause various addictions and poisoning. A sober person will never wake up in the morning with a headache, trying to remember what happened last night, and how he even got home. The first advantage is a clear mind and an unclouded memory. Secondly, a sober person is a healthy person and his physical condition is a quarter better than that of a drinker once a week and 50% better than that of a drunken alcoholic. Is it worth saying that a teetotaler will live 10-15 years more than his drinking friends and acquaintances? After all, his cardiosystem is not subjected to a constant attack of pesticides (which it is) and suffers only from natural environmental factors. And finally, thirdly, a sober person is a responsible person with healthy morals. Anyone who is under the influence of alcohol, one way or another, not only kills himself, but also sets a bad example for others, children and grandchildren, not to mention the fact that in a state of intoxication such a person spoils the life of all the people around him. Is it worth talking about how sober people around him will treat such a family man?


But all these are just general facts, and if we talk about those who are passionate about sports, train in the gym or on horizontal bars, and then, when they come home, drink a bottle of beer, it becomes very sad. What can we say about ordinary ordinary people, one way or another trying to make ends meet, if many of the athletes are also prone to this addiction? How can one dream of eradicating vice and hang banners with the slogan “Sober Russia!” If those who should be an example for the country turn out to be no better than ordinary alcoholics? I say this not to shame such individuals, but to make think those who, looking at them, begin to doubt the correctness of the path they have chosen. Such guys and girls want to say from the bottom of my heart: don't worry! Don't load yourself with false ideals, don't follow fickle fashion, be yourself! Pull the iron, twist the horizontal bars, wash your sneakers and knock your knuckles into the blood in the name of sports, in the name of health and in the name of a sober life. Always remember that every workout you do not only makes you stronger, but also motivates others to follow in your footsteps. Be proud of yourself, be proud of what you do and never deviate from your ideals!

And as always, I would be extremely grateful if you expressed your thoughts on the topic in the comments, shared your stories, and also, perhaps, supplemented or corrected me in some way. I do not consider myself the ultimate truth and I am always open to constructive dialogue, so I will look forward to your feedback!