May summer calendar. May dacha calendar Work at the dacha in May: video

  • 29.08.2019

IN sowing lunar calendar for May 2016 You will find tips for the month and for every day. With this knowledge, any gardener will be able to harvest a great harvest!

Landing days for May 2016

Let's feed the cabbage

In early May, it is recommended to feed the cabbage planted in April. Early ripe varieties of cabbage should not be overfed with nitrogen, because. this leads to a delay in tying heads. It is good to carry out top dressing with potassium, it makes the cabbage more resistant to diseases.

Protect tomatoes

Tomatoes - reliable protection from asparagus rattle, aphids, sawfly and moths. In this regard, they are recommended to be grown near asparagus, gourds, cabbage.

It is useful to plant several tomato bushes near the gooseberry, which often suffers from moth.

And the pepper will be healthy

Having landed in open ground sweet pepper seedlings, do not forget to pay attention to the leaves of newcomers, especially during cold snaps. If the temperature in the yard stays below 12 degrees for a long time, the root system of heat-loving crops (and peppers, zucchini, tomatoes are exactly like that) stops working, the plants begin to starve. To maintain a growing point, they take nutrients from the leaves, they turn yellow and then fall off.

If the cold weather lasts more than 5-6 days, you can not do without top dressing on the leaves with calcium nitrate (half a tablespoon per bucket of water). In addition, in such weather, it is appropriate to spray the plants with ecoberin, novosil (silkom) or epin-extra: these drugs will help them survive stress.

Radishes without bitterness

Radishes will be less pungent in taste and more juicy and crispy if the furrow is lightly salted with food salt before sowing, and then the bed is generously watered in the morning and evening. But in the heat you should not do this: the water will immediately evaporate through the leaves, without making the “weather” inside the root crop.

How to feed onions

To be guaranteed to be with the harvest, onions need to be fed a couple of times during the growing season. At the end of May, 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate per day are added to the soil. square meter beds or on the same area in a bucket of an aqueous solution of slurry (concentration 1:6).

Three weeks after the first feeding, the second one is also carried out: 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate and potassium salt per square meter of plantings.

At the same time, do not forget to water the onions.

Thank you mustard

Mustard as green manure enriches the soil with phosphorus and sulfur, partly clears the beds from the bear and wireworm. If this crop is sown next to peas, the harvest will be twice as large. Yes, and onions grow better after mustard.

While young

Rhubarb stalks should preferably be harvested young. In the old ones, there are much fewer vitamins and much more oxalic acid, which, after heat treatment, becomes a prerequisite for the formation of oxalates (kidney stones).

For bow

Onions will resist powdery mildew more actively if watered. warm water(not lower than 18 degrees). And when the bird cherry blossoms and the onion fly wakes up, the row-spacing should be sprinkled with tobacco dust or lime to protect it from the pest.

We fertilize currants

Currant is responsive to fertilizers. Therefore, to ensure good productivity, it is necessary to apply annually 2-4 kg of compost or manure, 20-30 g of urea, 30-50 g of superphosphate, 15-20 g of potassium chloride per square meter.

Foliar fertilizing with microelements is also effective. We remind you that zinc increases resistance to fungal diseases, boron contributes to better flowering and fertilization, manganese - to increase yield. Foliar top dressing is carried out in the phases of flowering and the formation of ovaries, in the evening or in the morning after the dew dries.

Sowing calendar for each day of the month of May in 2016

Unfavorable days for landing: 1, 6, 7, 12, 13, 22, 26 (from 17:29), 27, 28.

May 1 - Spring Festival. Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio - Holy Christ's Resurrection.

May 2. Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio - dill, spinach, sorrel, onion, rhubarb, other greens

May 3. Tuesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio / Sagittarius (18:52) - From 11:36 - we plant seedlings of late-ripening crops. Weeding, loosening, removal of whiskers on strawberries

4 and 5 May. Wednesday and Thursday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius - We plant seedlings of late-ripening crops. Weeding, loosening, removal of whiskers on strawberries

6 and 7 May. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn new moon (6th day) - Care of the garden and garden, collection of medicinal herbs

May 8 and 9 - Victory Day. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Capricorn/Aquarius (9:00) - Peas, momordica, climbing flowers, garden care

May 10 and 11. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Aquarius / Pisces (11:32) - Re-planting seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, sowing lettuce, sorrel, onions on a feather, other green

12 May. Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Aries (from 4:43 on the 11th) - Protective measures against pests and diseases of the garden and vegetable garden

may 13. Friday. Moon in the zodiac sign Aries (from 4:43 on the 11th) - Care of the garden and vegetable garden

May 14. Saturday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Aries/Taurus (14:37) - Planting perennial faded flowers, planting cabbage for autumn consumption. Watering, fertilizing, weeding

May 15 and 16. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Taurus - Planting cabbage for autumn consumption. Watering, feeding, weeding. flower care

May 17 and 18. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Gemini - Planting seedlings of cauliflower and kohlrabi for autumn, green. Picking cucumbers and zucchini

May 19. Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Cancer - We sow green, cucumbers for a second harvest closer to autumn, we take care of plants

May 20 and 21. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the Zodiac sign Cancer - We sow spinach, lettuce, dill and other green, cucumbers for the autumn harvest. Planting cauliflower seedlings

22nd of May. Sunday. Moon in the zodiac sign Leo full moon - Plant care

May, 23rd. Monday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Leo / Virgo (14:25) - Sowing greens, watering, fertilizing, pest and disease control

May 24 and 25. Tuesday and Wednesday. Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo - Potatoes, greens, watering, fertilizing, mulching

26 of May. Thursday. Moon in the zodiac sign Libra - Until 17:29 - potatoes, greens, watering, fertilizing, mulching

May 27 and 28. Friday and Saturday. Moon in the zodiac sign Libra - Thinning, pinching, watering, loosening the soil, pest control

May 29 and 30. Sunday and Monday. Moon in the zodiac sign Scorpio - Green. Picking berries for wine and liqueurs

May 31. Tuesday. Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Scorpio / Sagittarius (2:57) - Green. Collection of cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables. plant care

May decorates the forests, summer awaits for a visit.

May gives us an openwork lace of blossoming plums and cherries. The most favorable time for planting most plants, as well as for protecting fruit and berry trees and shrubs from all kinds of pests and diseases.
At the beginning of the month, cold-resistant crops are planted in open ground: carrots, turnips, radishes, spring garlic.
In the middle of the month, onion sets are planted, at the end - strawberries, beans, beets, potatoes. Grow seedlings of pumpkin crops.
According to weather conditions, seedlings are planted in open ground, under film or in greenhouses in May various kinds cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, celery, leeks, spices and medicinal plants.

Folk signs about the weather in May:
There are two cold weathers in May: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak blossoms.
If there is a lot of rain in May, then there is little of it in September.
After wet May - dry June.
May is cold - a year of grain.

Based on an interesting folk omen together with you we will try to draw up, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the upcoming garden season 2016

Thematic calendar tables - selections from the main, universal calendar of the gardener:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is maintained by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time * )

Moon calendar

Garden work, plant care activities

from 01 May 2016 00:01(Sun)
to 01 May 2016 17:33 (Sun)

waning moon in Aquarius
Not auspicious days for sowing and planting. Preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses for the season. Covering the ridges with a film in order to warm them up faster and preparing steam ridges for pumpkins and zucchini. Loosening the earth, thinning seedlings, weeding, spraying against pests and diseases, applying organic fertilizers.
We still have a blog:, entry only from the lunar calendar.
from 01 May 2016 17:33 (Sun)
to 03 May 2016 20:04 (Tue)

Waning Moon in Pisces

Trees should not be planted or pruned. Best time for irrigation, root and foliar fertilizing of plants with organic fertilizers. auspicious time for planting potatoes, sowing onions on turnips from sets, spring garlic, radishes, turnips and rutabaga, beets, carrots, parsley, celery. Planting seedlings of tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, cucumbers in greenhouses or under film shelter; seedlings of zucchini, pumpkins, squash in open ground. Weed control. Processing and fertilizing with mullein and complex fertilizer of strawberries. Making compost under fruit trees and berry bushes, perennial flower crops (peonies, irises, delphiniums, etc.).
from 03 May 2016 20:04 (Tue)
to 05 May 2016 20:10 (Thu)

Waning Moon in Aries

Plowing and loosening of the soil, control of pests and plant diseases. These days you can weed and mulch plantings. The best time for watering, root and foliar dressing of vegetable crops. Top dressing of fruit trees, shrubs, as well as strawberries and vegetable crops. Collection of early greenery and its processing. Carrying out forming, sanitary pruning and removal of thickening shoots. Pasynkovanie tomatoes.
from 05 May 2016 20:10 (Thu)
to 06 May 2016 04:52 (Fri)

Waning Moon in Taurus

Favorable time for planting germinated potato tubers, regular batches of non-shooting varieties and hybrids of radish, sowing seeds of beets, carrots, parsley, celery, radish, daikon; sowing onions on a turnip, spring garlic. Planting bulbous flowers. Carrying out spraying of fruit trees and berry bushes from pests, diseases. The best time to fertilize root crops, garlic and onions. Loosening and mulching ridges, adding compost. Possible planting seedlings of tomatoes, cucumbers (alternate days) . The rooting of seedlings of trees and shrubs planted on this day is going well.

Work on the lunar calendar table for the gardener and gardener for May 2016 was completed on 04/05/2016.

Friends! We are currently working on the lunar calendar for 2016. We try to arrange it in such a way that it is more convenient to plan seasonal work in the country. Our calendar takes into account the phases of the moon, its position in the signs of the zodiac and the work is distributed on the most favorable days.
Now we can take into account your comments. For suggestions, please contact

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

Working on the page Moon calendar gardener-gardener for May 2016" will be completed by May 1, 2016.

Before lunch Water and feed the plants.

Water and feed the plants. Sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. Clematis shoots are normalized.

Continue the work of the previous day.

They dig, loosen and mulch the soil, spud plants. Feed vegetables and fruit crops. Carry out pruning of fruit trees and berry bushes.

They dig, loosen and mulch the soil, spud plants. Feed vegetables and fruit crops.

Apply fertilizer. Weeds are weeded. Install supports for peonies, delphiniums, digitalis. Lay compost heaps.

Planted in the ground grown atsidantera, galtonia, crocosmia. Feed tuberous and bulbous crops. Lilies propagate by scales.

Seedlings of climbing varieties of vegetable beans, Turkish beans, marjoram, cumin, fennel are sown and planted under temporary shelter with lutrasil.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Plant seedlings of tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant, watermelon, melon in protected ground. Green crops are sown in open ground, cucumbers, zucchini, squash - under temporary shelters. Watered. Clematis are propagated by cuttings and layering.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Sow corn, sunflower in open ground. Basil, rosemary, marjoram - under temporary shelter.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Heat-loving annuals are sown in the ground. As well as tuberous begonia, dahlias, acidantera, galtonia, crocosmia. Carry out sowing, planting and transplanting any plants, including indoor and greenhouse. Protect heat-loving crops from possible return frosts.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Seedlings of sunflower, leaf parsley, endive, artichoke and annual flowers are planted in open ground. Thin out seedlings of annuals sown in April.

Water, feed, graft plants. Green crops are sown on beds under temporary shelter with lutrasil. Biennials are sown (mallow, foxglove, etc.). Seedlings of heat-loving annuals, as well as sweet pepper, tomato, melon, watermelon are planted in greenhouses and in open ground under temporary shelters.

Continue the work of the previous day.

They dig and loosen the soil, prepare a site for planting perennials.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Weeds are weeded. Lay compost heap. Lay paths in the garden.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Until lunch, continue the work of the previous day.

They dig and loosen the soil, spud and mulch plants. They feed beautifully flowering plants. Weed weeds, thin out shoots of carrots, beets, etc.

Continue the work of the previous day.

Water and feed the plants. Sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs. They fight terrestrial pests and pathogens of plant diseases (aphids, downy mildew, leaf spot). Plants propagate green cuttings and layering.

Continue the work of the previous day.

They dig, loosen and mulch the soil, spud plants. Feed vegetable and fruit plants. Carry out the formation of cucumber and tomato in greenhouses and open ground, sanitary pruning of fruit trees.

May is one of the busiest months on every gardener's calendar. It is in the last month of spring that all the main work on planting plants falls, as in ornamental garden, and in the garden, protection from pests and diseases and begins a full care of the garden. But the combination of the phases of the Moon and the signs of the Zodiac in this month allocates a limited time for landing, forcing you to use the rare favorable days to the fullest.

Detailed lunar work calendar for May 2016

May 1, Sunday

On the first day of the month, an unfavorable period continues for working with all garden plants. In fact, garden chores on this day can only be reduced to protective measures, prevention and standard care.

  • watering and fertilizing (flowering ornamental shrubs and fruit trees need special attention);
  • pest and disease control and preventive treatments;
  • preparation of greenhouses and greenhouses, warm beds and seedling areas;
  • protection of plantings and shelter of beds during frosts;
  • seedling thinning;
  • weed control.
  • crops
  • transplanting;
  • any planting of both ornamental and garden plants.

May 2-3, Monday-Tuesday

At the very beginning of the month increased attention should be given landing ornamental trees and shrubs, replenishment of the assortment of your pets with new breeds and species. But not only in the ornamental garden there is something to do. In addition to planting seedlings of annuals and perennials, you can also start sowing some vegetables, although not intended for storage.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • transferring pre-grown seedlings to a permanent place in the decorative compositions of the garden and in the beds;
  • planting, radish, radish, daikon, early varieties root crops, salads (these days it is better to plant juicy vegetables that are not intended for storage, but in May there are few favorable days for root crops and it is better to use them wisely);
  • landing ornamental shrubs and trees that are sold with a closed root system;
  • pruning and shaping trimming of ornamental and woody shrubs;
  • grafting and pinching fruit-bearing trees and shrubs;
  • soil preparation for future beds and flower beds;
  • the introduction of fertilizers and other improving additives into the soil;
  • maintenance of reservoirs and landscaping of the coastal line (you can plant aquatic and coastal crops).

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing in open soil and planting vegetables (except seedlings);
  • planting trees and shrubs with open roots (fruit and berry species);
  • pruning fruit trees and shrubs;
  • irrigation and preplant irrigation of the soil.

May 4-5, Wednesday-Thursday

Taking care of the plants and keeping them clean and tidy should be the main goal during these two days. Sowing and planting should not be carried out, as well as harvesting. But on the other hand, you can remove weeds, improve the soil and carry out top dressing for garden and indoor crops.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • weed control, weeding and soil loosening;
  • soil mulching and work with stone fills, boulders in flowerbeds and rock gardens;
  • top dressing for garden and ornamental crops;
  • removal of root shoots and limiting the growth of perennials;
  • collection of early greens.

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing and planting of the main vegetable and ornamental plants;
  • planting trees and shrubs;
  • harvesting and medicinal herbs;
  • vegetative reproduction.

May 6, Friday

Sowing and planting for almost all plants this Friday are under strict ban. All attention should be focused on organizational issues, maintaining cleanliness and order on the territory of your site. Even routine care plants should be reduced to minimal measures, limited only to mandatory, vital procedures.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • cleaning in the garden and on the backyard territory;
  • watering plants during drought;
  • pest and disease control;
  • updating or creating a mulching layer;
  • paving work and stone structures, garden sculpture and small architecture objects.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting any decorative and horticultural crops, as well as shrubs and trees;
  • sowing any seeds.

May 7, Saturday

In the ornamental garden on this day, you can focus on seasonal accents stored outside the soil from the bulbous family, while in the vegetable garden, all attention is paid to early varieties of vegetables and herbs. This is a good day to work with both lettuce and herbs.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sowing and planting garden plants, especially early varieties of vegetables, herbs, herbs(you can also plant vegetables such as potatoes, corn, cucumbers, gourds, cabbage, almost all cold-resistant letniki);
  • planting bulbous and corm plants;
  • sowing of decorative and deciduous letniki;
  • sowing and planting seedlings of ornamental plants;
  • pruning and shaping haircut on ornamental shrubs and trees;
  • lawn seeding.

Jobs to avoid:

May 8-9, Sunday-Monday

This is an unfavorable period for planting and sowing, during which you should not work even with indoor plants. It is better to focus all attention on the formative pruning of large garden giants and preparing the soil for future plantings.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • soil preparation and improvement at facilities that you plan to design and fill later;
  • work with empty areas of soil, residual strips of soil and freed from early bulbous areas;
  • weeding, loosening and mulching the soil;
  • pruning shrubs and trees;
  • cutting hedges;
  • prevention of the spread of pests and diseases in the ornamental garden and in the garden, from spraying to fumigation.

Jobs to avoid:

  • crops of annual and perennial flowers;
  • crops and planting in the garden (except for potatoes);
  • watering plants;
  • work with indoor crops.

May 10-11, Tuesday-Wednesday

These are the most favorable days for planting all the main garden plants, filling the beds with both crops with a shortened development period and the latest vegetables. Abundantly colored letniki, wildflowers and herbs are also favorable to plant during this period.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting all types of early plants for the garden - from vegetables to greens and herbs (these days are especially good for undersized crops, melons, pumpkins and radishes, but you can plant almost all vegetables - legumes, legumes, squash, tomatoes, cabbage, peppers and cucumbers);
  • sowing and planting profusely flowering annuals;
  • sowing late varieties of vegetables for seedlings and beds;
  • sowing and planting wildflowers and herbs;
  • sowing new lawns and filling bald spots on old ones;
  • watering and fertilizing.

Jobs to avoid:

  • all types of pruning on trees and shrubs,
  • pinching and shaping letniki and vegetable crops;
  • pruning perennials.

May 12-13, Thursday and Friday

At the end of the week, it is better to continue working with trees and shrubs in the garden, paying more attention to decorative look and their important functions. Despite the fact that the main work with ornamental plants should begin in a few days, it is this period that should be used to create new decorative compositions and plant new exotic species and varieties of flowering crops.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting seedlings of ornamental trees and shrubs;
  • acquisition and planting of exotic and rare plants;
  • planting all climbing and climbing ornamental plants (including berry climbing plants - grapes and non-bush strawberries, as well as clematis and climbing roses);
  • pruning root and stem shoots;
  • lawn mowing and haymaking;
  • sowing a new lawn;
  • pruning ground covers in clearings;
  • soil preparation;
  • planning and creation of new flower beds, rabatok and mixborders, landscape decorative compositions;
  • soil mulching;
  • preventive treatments against diseases and pests.

Jobs to avoid:

  • any planting of vegetables, salads, spicy and medicinal herbs;
  • forming pruning;
  • work with fruit and berry species.

May 14-16, Saturday-Monday

These three days are one of the rare cases when all attention should be paid to decorative crops. Plants that bear fruit, root crops, a rich harvest will have to be forgotten for a while. But at the same time, perennials and annuals will not let you get bored, because these days you can deal with both classic cultures and curly beauties.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • sowing and planting any ornamental plants from perennials and annuals to shrubs;
  • planting climbing decorative vines (Ipomoea, sweet pea, hops and other climbing crops);
  • creation of new hedges;
  • lawn mowing;
  • care of grapes and strawberries;
  • transplanting and pruning indoor plants;
  • propagation of ornamental plants;
  • callout on open air pot and tub, creation of pot gardens and design of stone flower girls;
  • preparation of containers and substrate for the garden on the windowsill.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting and sowing fruit, garden, intended for collecting seeds of plants, berry crops;
  • carrying seedlings of garden and all fruit plants.

May 17-18, Tuesday-Wednesday

In the middle of the month, a favorable period begins for planting almost all ornamental and vegetable plants, active care, filling empty areas of soil with new flowering, decorative and deciduous and useful crops. One of the best periods for working with flowering plants continues, but you should not forget about the garden.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting any ornamental plants (it is especially good to buy and plant roses, tuberous flowering plants, bulbs);
  • planting drupe and fruit bushes and trees;
  • planting legumes, cabbage, corn;
  • transferring seedlings of heat-loving vegetables to open ground;
  • haymaking and mowing of lawns and ground covers, maintenance of green lawns;
  • acquisition, digging and storage of seeds and tubers of ornamental plants;
  • cut flowers for bouquets;
  • care for indoor, potted, tub and container plants, as well as their transplantation.

Jobs to avoid:

  • watering garden plants growing in open soil;
  • feed of all kinds.

May 19-21, Thursday-Saturday

These three days should be entirely devoted to garden plants with rare exceptions. Following a long period, when the work was mainly carried out with shrubs and trees, the time begins, suitable for planting the long-awaited heat-loving southern vegetables on the beds.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting for all crops growing in the garden, including southern ones (except for potatoes and root crops, you can plant almost all vegetables - tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, cucumbers, melons and squash, onions and red onions);
  • grafting trees and shrubs;
  • soil improvement, weeding, loosening and mulching;
  • top dressing in liquid form;
  • pest and disease control;
  • preparation of spicy and medicinal herbs.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting ornamental and fruit trees and shrubs;
  • any, even sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs;
  • vegetative propagation by segments of rhizomes, layering or divisions of all ornamental and fruit perennial crops;
  • work with indoor plants except watering and spraying.

May 22, Sunday

As with any day that falls on a full moon, this Sunday is the best time to take full advantage of the opportunity to fully relax. Indeed, in the coming days there will be a rare opportunity to plant almost all garden plants. The only types of work that the full moon favors are cleaning and preparatory procedures.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • cleaning and preparation of inventory;
  • fertilizing;
  • improvement and cultivation of the soil, including weeding and loosening;
  • collection of seeds and herbs.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting any seedlings;
  • sowing ornamental and useful, as well as vegetable plants;
  • pruning and propagation of plants.

May 23, Monday

One single day in the Sagittarius phase due to the full moon is best used for active planting of perennial and fast growing garden plants. On this day, you can pay attention to all decorative and spice crops, using the chance to make changes in both the ornamental garden and the vegetable garden.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting fast-growing, easily acclimatized plants with a shortened vegetative period (lettuce, green onions, garlic, spinach, sorrel);
  • planting medicinal and spicy herbs;
  • planting tall perennials and cereals;
  • planting indoor, potted and tub garden plants;
  • planting berry and stone fruit plants (strawberries, common and varietal wild roses, plums, apple trees, cherries, pears, honeysuckle can be sown and planted);
  • harvesting in greenhouses and greenhouses;
  • pruning houseplants.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting all slowly developing vegetable and spice crops with a long growing season (most vegetables, root tubers).

May 24-26, Tuesday-Thursday

In May, the alternation of the phases of the moon and the signs of the Zodiac creates extremely unfavorable conditions for planting all root crops and vegetables intended for storage. Therefore, in these three days, the main attention should be paid to them. Well, besides potatoes, there is something to do. This is a period of intensive planting and transplanting, intensive care, during which one must not lose sight of a variety of garden plants and objects.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • planting and transplanting all shrubs and trees - from ornamental to fruit;
  • planting root crops intended for storage, including potatoes and Jerusalem artichoke;
  • grafting on trees and shrubs;
  • cleaning bushes of garden strawberries;
  • division of perennial vegetables;
  • tillage and improvement of the soil;
  • weed control;
  • fertilizer application;
  • lawn mowing;
  • maintenance of water bodies and planting of aquatic crops.

Jobs to avoid:

  • watering, transplanting and planting for indoor plants.

May 27-28, Friday-Saturday

These days are best used to restore order in the garden and in the garden. Weeding, weed and pest control, plant protection, partial pruning of shrubs should prevent the timely collection of seeds of crops that pleased with their luxurious flowering at the beginning of the season.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • collection of seeds of early flowering crops;
  • pruning and pinching fruit and ornamental shrubs and trees (including pruning after flowering);
  • overgrowth removal;
  • cleaning of perennials, cleaning of dry shoots and foliage;
  • weeding and weed control;
  • mowing lawns, ground covers, mowing on the territory adjacent to the garden;
  • fight against diseases and pests.

Jobs to avoid:

  • any sowing and planting;
  • watering (for both indoor and garden crops)

May 29-30, Sunday-Monday

The last days of May, favorable for planting and sowing, should be actively used specifically for work in the garden. Despite the fact that these days one should not forget about the early bulbous ones, it is better to focus on the beds and their “inhabitants”.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • grafting shrubs and trees of both fruit and ornamental species;
  • planting, digging and propagation of bulbous;
  • planting radishes, other root vegetables and seedlings of heat-loving vegetables not intended for storage;
  • loosening and improving the soil, hilling young plants in the garden;
  • top dressing of any kind for vegetable crops;
  • watering during a drought for garden and indoor plants.

Jobs to avoid:

  • sowing and planting most ornamental plants;
  • planting greenery and herbs;
  • planting and pruning trees and shrubs.

May 31, Tuesday

On the last day of the month, another unfavorable period begins for all active garden planting work. At this time, you should mainly deal with cleaning and organizational issues.

Garden work that is favorable to perform these days:

  • tillage and improvement of the soil;
  • mulching plantings and updating the old protective layer;
  • watering and fertilizing;
  • harvesting in greenhouses, the first berries, cherries and strawberries;
  • control of diseases and pests;
  • removal of part of the ovaries from fruit trees;
  • watering, fertilizing, cuttings and pinching houseplants.

Jobs to avoid:

  • planting any plants (both in the ornamental garden and in the garden);
  • transplantation and propagation of plants;
  • crops of annuals, biennials and perennials.

The lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for May 2016 advises how to organize planting care, given the lunar effect on crops.

The satellite of the Earth controls all liquids, which means it also affects plants, because they contain a lot of moisture - up to 95% of the mass.

First day of May

The Moon is in its waning phase in Pisces today. You can plant celery, radishes, bulbous plants, plant seedlings on, cut and plant trees and berries. A good day for processing and fertilizing the soil, watering.

Week 2 to 8 May

The Moon is in Pisces in its waning phase. You can plant root celery, radishes, bulbous flowers and vegetables, transplant seedlings of their boxes into beds, graft and trim trees and shrubs. It is allowed to dig, loosen and fertilize the soil, water the plants.

The waning moon has moved into the constellation Aries. Today you can fertilize perennial crops, trees and shrubs. Under the barren sign of Aries, it is better not to sow or plant anything. But weeding, pruning and sawing will take place "like clockwork."

The satellite is in Aries, continues to decrease. You can continue to fight weeds, graft trees, form bushes, carry out sanitary pruning, dig and loosen the soil. Auspicious day for spraying pesticides.

The Moon has entered Taurus and is still waning. Taurus is a very fertile sign, favorable for caring for plants. But still planting and sowing today is not recommended. The fact is that tomorrow there will be a New Moon, and starting from today, you strongly recommend that you refrain from any manipulations with cultivated plants, with the exception of watering.

New Moon, satellite in Taurus. Now you can’t plant, but you can weed, dig and form beds. The gardener's lunar calendar for May does not recommend digging up tree trunks today, as there is a high risk of damage to the roots.

The moon went into Gemini and began to grow. Only yesterday there was a new moon, so you need to take care of the plants very carefully, and you can’t sow and plant at all. The day should be devoted to weeding, especially since the weeds in May grow by leaps and bounds. In addition to manual weeding, today you can do herbicide spraying.

The satellite is still in the sign of Gemini. Finally, the time has come for landing and it is worth hurrying. On the days of Gemini, climbing flowers and vegetables are planted: legumes, grapes, climbing roses, clematis, honeysuckle, capricole, actinidia.

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Horoscope for April 2016 for all Zodiac Signs

Week 9 to 15 May

The satellite is increasing in the very fruitful sign of Cancer. Now you can sow and plant any cultivated plants, in which the aerial parts are eaten. Plants planted today will produce large juicy fruits, but they will have fragile, brittle stems, so it is better not to plant crops with a heavy aerial part: tomatoes, gladioli.

The satellite grows in Cancer. The gardener's lunar calendar for May today recommends doing the same as on the previous day.

The satellite continues to increase in Cancer. The lunar planting calendar for May 2016 recommends today to continue to deal with seedlings, sow seeds in open ground. You can not plant fruit trees, as they will not be winter-hardy.

The moon has moved into Leo. For most plants, this is a non-planting time, with the exception of shrubs and trees. You can collect and dry medicinal herbs.

The Moon is in Leo. Grass weeded or cut today will grow more slowly in the future. Therefore, on May 13, you can mow the lawn, but you can’t mow the grass for hay, so that the hay is not impoverished.

Today, the night luminary is growing in the sign of Virgo and this is a great time for sowing annual flowers, picking and planting any seedlings, dividing rhizomes, and grafting. The transplantation of plants sown in water signs will be especially favorable - they will quickly take root and develop powerful roots.

The gardener's lunar calendar for May advises doing the same in the garden as on the previous day.

Week from 16 to 22 May

The satellite increases in Libra. The Moon in Libra gives plants high yields. Today you can sow seeds and plant seedlings of crops that have fruits for food: nightshade, pumpkin. The day is good for planting berries and rooting cuttings. You can not sow root crops, plant potatoes. Harvested today will keep well.

We boldly plant berry trees and shrubs and root cuttings.

You can plant berries and root cuttings. It is not recommended to plant potatoes and root crops. If you harvest today, it will keep well.

The moon is already in Scorpio. The seeds sown today will quickly and amicably sprout. Plants will have strong roots and strong stems that can withstand a bountiful harvest. You can collect seeds, sow flowers and vegetable crops planting bulbous flowers. You can not do pruning, as the infection will quickly get into the wound.