Breeding chinchillas for fur. Chinchilla Farm Business Plan

  • 23.09.2019

Many people think about starting their own business without having a lot of money. A very interesting, promising and low-cost option is to breed chinchillas as a business at home. This business will not only improve the state of your finances, but will also positively affect your mood. Daily communication with these cheerful and unpretentious animals will give you only positive emotions.

Chinchillas are raised in captivity for breeding and selling the animals themselves, for the sale of their fur and meat. Why you will breed your little animals - you choose.

Appearance of a chinchilla

Breeding animals of this rodent can cost up to $100. But even ordinary chinchillas cost from $50.

The fur of this rodent is highly valued and is one of the most expensive furs in the world. The value of this boundary is associated with a unique structure hair bulb chinchillas. In this animal, 70-80 very thin hairs grow from one hair follicle, due to this, a high density of fur is achieved.

In addition, the meat of these animals is valued as a dietary product. It is non-greasy, and its nutritional value is high. The meat of this rodent is considered curative for tuberculosis and sclerosis.

A little about chinchillas

This amazing rodent is native to the South American Andes. It is the difficult climate of the highlands that is to be thanked for the fact that these animals have such a unique and magnificent fur. Adapting to the difficult conditions of life in the mountains, these amazing animals managed not only to survive, but also to successfully reproduce.

But this fur not only allowed them to live in a difficult climate, but also led to the almost complete destruction of the population by the end of the 19th century. Jewelry and products made from chinchilla fur were valued so highly that only the most powerful and wealthy people could wear them.

But then they successfully learned to breed animals in captivity, and since then nothing threatens their population. The price of products made from their fur, although it remains quite high, has nevertheless become affordable for ordinary people.


If you keep several pairs of animals for breeding at home, then you do not need any documents. If you are going to organize a chinchilla breeding farm, then you will need the following documents:

  • registered ownership;
  • registration with the local veterinary service.

To register the right of ownership, it is enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, while you need to specify the following code of the all-Russian classification of types economic activity— 01.25.2 Breeding of fur-bearing animals on a farm.

Registration with the veterinary service is necessary to ensure that your animals have all the necessary veterinary documents upon sale.

Cages for chinchillas

A feature of chinchillas is the absence of sebaceous and sweat glands, so they are completely devoid of bad smell. These animals never scratch - they gnaw their claws. Therefore, the maintenance of 4-5 pairs does not present any difficulties at all, this can be done even in an ordinary apartment. In order to contain 25 pairs you will need separate room. Not very large, 4-5 square meters, this will be enough when placing the cages vertically.

The actual location of the premises for keeping chinchillas does not play a special role. The only important thing is the ability to maintain a stable temperature and lighting conditions. If animals are kept at your home, then you need to take care of good soundproofing of their premises. The fact is that the animals are nocturnal and, accordingly, need rest in daytime days and may disturb you at night.

Each pair needs a separate cage measuring at least 50x60x40 centimeters. It is important that the room can maintain the same temperature in both summer and winter - about 20 degrees. There should also be no drafts.

The room where the animals are kept must be ventilated 1-2 times a day and cleaned at least once every 2 days. Once a month, it is necessary to carry out a complete disinfection of the premises and cages where chinchillas are kept.

Chinchilla fur is one of the most sought after and prestigious materials in the global fashion fur industry. But these are not all the advantages of these animals. Their dietary meat is recommended for the treatment of tuberculosis, sclerosis. It has been proven that its properties have a beneficial effect on the condition of patients with oncological diseases.

Not everyone knows about the uniqueness of chinchillas. Even the ancient Indians noticed that these fur-bearing animals live in areas of gold deposits or precious stones. Therefore, if it is customary to take a dog to hunt, a pig to search for truffles, then treasure hunters use chinchilla for their work.

Many treasure hunters today have changed their status to entrepreneurs and receive a high income from breeding these animals at home.

Breeding chinchillas as a business at home

Breeding chinchillas at home is a promising area that is just beginning to develop in our country.

Advice: according to experts, there will never be high competition in this business. This is due to the increased demand for fur and the long breeding period of the chinchilla.

The profitability of this type of business is explained by the following factors:

  • lack of competing organizations;
  • high demand for fur in the world market;
  • relatively small financial expenses for business organization;
  • high prices for fur, the possibility of selling meat;
  • quick payback project (with proper planning, start-up costs pay off in 18 months);
  • animal care is simple and does not require much labor.

Today it is fashionable to choose exotic animals as pets. Therefore, the business on or chinchillas receives new sales channels - pet stores that are happy to take animals for sale.

Business registration

Chinchillas are undemanding animals, so they are easy to breed at home. With small volumes at the start, you can not register a business. The fact is that the breeding season in animals at home is quite long. Therefore, paying taxes while waiting for offspring is inappropriate.

After the promotion of the business, when looking for distribution channels and when selling products, private firms will need to register. To do this, you must select one of the legal forms:

  • peasant farming (KFK);
  • individual entrepreneur;
  • limited liability company.

LLC is suitable for a large farm. Beginners are advised to issue, which will make it possible to sell not only animals, but also related products - skins, meat and even finished fur products.

To register a farm, the following package of documents is required:

  • application in the form P21002;
  • an agreement on the creation of a farm, certified by a notary (if the number of applicants is two or more people);
  • a copy of the passport of each founder of the farm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty (800 rubles).

Sometimes additional documents may be required, such as .

Room equipment

The main product when breeding chinchillas at home is fur, but some manage to establish meat distribution channels. The quality of the skins largely depends on the conditions of detention.

Despite the fact that these animals are undemanding and unpretentious, they can breed even at a temperature of + 40ºС, when breeding them at home, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • humidity level in the room - 55-60%;
  • permissible temperature - + 18-21ºС;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • lack of drafts, sharp fluctuations in temperature.

Many entrepreneurs who did not know and chose to try the chinchilla business at the initial stage raised animals in their own house or even in an apartment. But when expanding the business, it is necessary to build and equip a separate room for animals. The main condition in it is thermal insulation. A big plus is that the animals do not require large space. To keep 100 individuals, a room of 18-20 m² is enough.

To breed chinchillas at home, it is enough to purchase the following set of equipment:

  1. cells;
  2. automatic drinkers;
  3. bunker feeders;
  4. space heating devices winter time(the best option for this is the purchase of convectors);
  5. bathing suits;
  6. air conditioning;
  7. low power lamps for lighting.

In the cage you need to install bathing - containers with sand so that the animals can clean the skins. It is better to buy automatic feeders and drinkers for continuous provision animals with food.

The height of the cage should be 40-45 centimeters, the landing area should be 30 cm² per individual. For the production of cages, it is recommended to use a galvanized mesh with cells measuring 2 x 1.5 centimeters.

Advice: you can not put chinchillas in wooden cages, as the animal will quickly gnaw through partitions of any thickness.

In a room of 18-20 m², 6 sections can be placed in 2 rows. Doors are installed on the front wall to get the animals, change the water and add food, as well as a drinking bowl and a feeder. On the back wall is installed a "bed" with a width of 10-15 centimeters at a height of up to 20 centimeters. To ensure cleanliness, stands with wooden sawdust are installed under the cages, which need to be changed every 5-7 days (as they get dirty).

Feed base preparation

Chinchillas are herbivorous rodents. As a rule, when breeding at home, they are fed with compound feed. The feed base can be divided into several types:

  • concentrated feed - grains (wheat, corn, millet) and legumes (lentils, beans, peas);
  • dried herbs;
  • hay.

An adult should eat at least 25 grams of food per day. For catering, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. taste habits are formed in these animals immediately after birth, so new food is introduced gradually and with caution;
  2. in addition to the usual food, animals need to be given vitamins to strengthen immunity. For breeding chinchillas at home, specialized vitamin preparations intended for ferrets are suitable;
  3. be sure to give food in the evening, as animals are awake at night;
  4. water should be boiled or filtered.

Features of caring for chinchillas at home

A big advantage when breeding chinchillas at home is simplicity. For the maintenance of 20 families in the first stage, as with, one person is suitable.

Every day, such animals need to be fed, change the water in the drinking bowl and sand in the bathing room, monitor the cleanliness of the cells, observe the temperature regime, and ventilate the room.

Features of breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. puberty occurs from 6-7 months;
  2. females carry the fetus for 106-114 days;
  3. the ability to breed lasts about 12-15 years;
  4. the life span of these animals is about 17-18 years;
  5. the cub is weaned from its mother at the age of 2 months with a weight gain of 200 grams;
  6. the newborn animal has teeth and sees well (unlike nutria);
  7. begin to give food to babies on the fifth day after birth;
  8. the growth and development of young animals lasts up to 12-13 months and ends after weight gain of 450-500 grams;
  9. the animals mate at night;
  10. during pregnancy, the weight of the female increases by 40-50 grams.

According to experts, even with the rapid development of this business, the crisis of overproduction will not threaten this area for another 100-200 years. The reason lies in reproductive traits. During the year, the female can give birth 2-3 times for 1-4 cubs when breeding at home.

Chinchilla families can be both monogamous and polygamous. If breeding is planned and individuals are of high productive qualities, have good pedigree qualities, they should be placed together in one cage (female plus male). In another case, one male is kept in a cage with four females.

financial calculation

If, when searching for an answer to the question “?” you decide to breed chinchillas at home, you need to draw up financial plan. According to experts, it is better for beginners to start with 20 families. Such an amount does not require large investments and equipment of a large room. Working on a small farm will provide an opportunity to calculate the profitability of the project and realistically assess your strengths.

Approximate starting costs for breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. purchase of young animals (20 families consist of 80 chinchillas, each of which costs about $50) - $4,000;
  2. preparation of the premises, installation of cages, purchase of equipment - about 4 thousand dollars;
  3. food costs (each individual eats about 20 kg of food per year) - $ 820

In practice, to organize a mini-farm for 20 families, expenses in the amount of 7-10 thousand dollars are needed. Let's form a family of one male and 3-4 females, each of which produces offspring 2-3 times a year, 1-4 cubs. On average, each female gives 6 cubs per year. Therefore, in one year on a small farm, you can get 360 animals. If you sell them for $50, the income will be $18,000 and will fully cover the start-up costs.

Sales channels

It is possible to achieve a quick payback of the project by establishing a competent marketing policy. Ways of implementation when breeding chinchillas at home:

  1. sale of animals for pet stores or as an exotic animal;
  2. sale of skins at fur auctions. This option is suitable for large farms, since enterprises with a large turnover (from 5 thousand skins) take part in such an event;
  3. sale of young animals for divorce;
  4. sale of meat;
  5. sale of fur in the studio and specialized organizations.

Chinchilla meat - price

Do not forget about dietary and healing properties the meat of this animal. Naturally, when selling skins, there is a question about selling meat. It has been proven that it helps with sclerosis, tuberculosis, and oncological diseases.

The meat is quite suitable for food, it resembles a rabbit in taste and nutritional value. Today it is not in high demand, so the prices are low - 250-400 rubles per kilogram.

Chinchilla breeding as a business - reviews

My parents breed chinchillas at home, for this they allocated a small outbuilding. This case has certain nuances that are worth considering. For example - temperature regime, which should be within +18 - +24ºС. Recently, the heater was not turned on in time, the temperature dropped to +14 ºС, so 6 out of 40 animals died. Although care is simple, you won’t go on vacation either - you need to feed, clean the cages, etc. every day. A big minus is the lack of skinning technology, and only expensive restaurants with exotic cuisine (at a low price) take meat, so parents raise them as pets and sell them via the Internet. Despite this, I want to leave a positive review - they eat very little, the cost of food is insignificant. They need small cages, there is no need to buy a large breeding room. The meat is tasty and tender, they say, and also good for health.

I always wanted to organize my own business, but without competition. After reading reviews and advice on the Internet, I settled on a chinchilla - care is simple, start-up costs are low. I have no regrets, because in a year and a half I paid back all the expenses and went to zero. But I recommend starting only for those who are really ready to devote themselves to these cute little animals. Start with a small amount to learn how to breed at home. Today I sell these animals in Russia and neighboring countries. Basically, my clients are young farmers who buy young animals for breeding. Sometimes they take it for home keeping as a beloved pet.

If your chinchillas do not get sick, do not die, quickly become pregnant and give birth to cubs of beautiful colors of the desired sex, if you yourself know how to build cages, if you do not spend money on buying new individuals, then quickly pay back the investment (in 1-1.5 years). But without the above nuances can not do, unfortunately. Any financial waste, illness, elementary unwillingness of the female to mate, unsuccessful childbirth will nullify all efforts. Think about it - are you ready for the challenges? If such problems do not scare you and you are ready to try, everything will work out. Think carefully about each step, think about ways to implement it already at the start, and your business will be doomed to success.

Lack of competition in the chinchilla fur production market, ease of care and maintenance, low start-up costs make this business popular and promising. But those who want to organize a business for breeding chinchillas at home should take into account all the pitfalls and subtleties. The animals need to be looked after regularly, to prevent drafts and temperature fluctuations. Also, not at the start, you need to take care of distribution channels.

Chinchilla breeding - interesting and very profitable business at home. Business profitability - up to 500%, low start-up capital, quick payback and ease of doing business, low competition. Growing chinchillas great way build own business from scratch.

In modern market conditions and fierce competition, in order to start and implement a successful business, it is necessary to find a direction that is not yet in demand. One of these new directions is breeding chinchillas at home. Business at home for beginners.

The main advantages of the chinchilla business

Small fluffy animals are known for their soft fur. Their fur is listed as one of the most expensive and popular in the world. A fur coat made of such wool provides its owner with a special charm and chic.


1. no unpleasant odor;

2. always in excellent condition, as the animals do not molt;

3. high cost of the skin;

The fur has no analogues, very soft and dense. From one hair follicle, they grow 50-70 hairs, because it does not let the wind and cold through, it warms perfectly in adverse conditions and at low temperatures. Treasure hunters assure that these cute creatures also serve as a talisman bringing good luck.

Low cost business with high income - it's real!

Breeding chinchillas at home is an infinitely profitable activity, you can verify this by looking at the "Payback" section, where all maintenance costs and real incomes are written. All prices are reflected specifically, their sharp increase is unlikely.

We recommend only monogamous keeping (male+female), as it is easier and more cost-effective. It is possible to start with the reproduction of several pairs right in your apartment. When you see the first profit, it is advisable to scale up, get your own farm. And our fur farm will provide a stable sale of your animals.

We hope that you have appreciated all the advantages of running a chinchilla business and are ready for fruitful cooperation with our company.

Business Features

Chinchilla business has a number of unrivaled features:

  1. long-term result;
  2. stable reproduction of animals;
  3. the skin has a huge demand in the market and is quickly sold out;
  4. high income with minimum expenses.

If you do not have experience in this area, the specialists of our farm will always help you to master the initial skills in housekeeping. At the end of your visit to our ranch, you will have no questions left.

Chinchilla breeding video

In modern conditions of the economy and the market as a whole, to start a business, you need to look for unoccupied production niches. One such niche is chinchilla breeding. Let's try to figure out what's what and what and what is required for this, consider finished example business plan, as well as their maintenance and breeding of chinchillas at home, let's watch the video.

As you know, a chinchilla is a furry, herbivorous animal, which, subject to certain conditions, can be kept in our climatic conditions. The family usually consists of a male and 3-4 females, who bring 3-4 cubs per lamb two or three times a year. She is also kept as a pet. The animal costs about fifty US dollars. In our case, fur is of interest - it is dense and uniform, but it costs exactly as much as the animal itself costs.

Business Plan Example

Here you can download a ready-made example that will help you organize this business and calculate your approximate costs and, most importantly, income.

This business is not troublesome and brings a good income.

It is also interesting that there is practically no competition in this market segment, since there is always a need for chinchilla fur. You can start doing business using only your own funds, or you can attract investments and loans.

Farm organization

by the most the best way is the organization of a farm for breeding chinchillas. They must be kept in it in dry, clean and warm rooms without drafts. You also need to consider that chinchillas are nocturnal, for which you need to make soundproofing in the room. For 20 families, it will take a little more than two square meters area. Each chinchilla should have its own cage, the dimensions of which should be 50 cm wide, 60 cm long, and 50 cm high.

Animals should be fed with compound feed and hay only once a day. An adult eats about 20 kg per year. You also need to look at the constant presence of water in the cage and clean it at least once a week, change the litter, and disinfect it once a month.

For cage device and more detailed analysis Let's watch a video on this topic:

You also need to respect the letter of the law. To breed chinchillas, you will need to register as an individual entrepreneur and obtain permits from the veterinary services.

At the beginning, it may be worth just trying with one family in order to fill your hand in a year. During this time, you should also have an appropriate circle of acquaintances that exchange males or buy them, because there is a change of blood the most important factor which cannot be ignored.

Costs and payback

So, it is necessary to make some calculations, so let's consider breeding chinchillas as a business. Let's say we have 20 families - that means 80 individuals. We will breed at home own premises saving on rent. One person can easily handle so many animals, so hired labor is not needed.

One individual costs $ 50, multiply by the number of animals, in our case 80, it turns out $ 4,000. Preparing a room for breeding chinchillas at home and acquiring cages will cost about the same amount, but you can do them yourself, so we’ll take half the amount as a basis - $ 2,000. Well, talking about food is generally ridiculous. For the food of each individual will have to lay out two or three dollars. It turns out a maximum of 240 dollars a year. Total costs range from $6,000 to $7,000.

Now about payback home breeding chinchillas. Twenty individuals is 60 females and 20 males. With one lambing, even in the worst case, one female chinchilla will bring at least three cubs. In most cases, there are three lambings per year. Even if there are two of them, then we will get six babies from each female. Having handed them over at the end of the year, at least $ 50 each, we get 18,000.

Even with such a rough calculation, presented to your attention, it is clear that breeding chinchillas is a very profitable and profitable business with little labor and does not require specific knowledge. After all of the above, we can safely say that this is a very profitable business.

Exotic jobs attract few people, so competition in these areas is low and profitability can be very high. Breeding chinchillas as a business: profitable or not, reviews of entrepreneurs and detailed instructions to start a chinchilla farm.

Who are chinchillas?

Chinchillas are large rodents with valuable fur that naturally live in South America in high desert areas. They have large round ears, black eyes and long whiskers. The animals are nocturnal, eat grassy food and insects.

As a result of mass capture, the number of chinchillas has declined catastrophically, and they are listed in the Red Book. AT artificial conditions long-tailed chinchillas are bred about half a meter long (including the tail).

Life expectancy in captivity is up to 20 years. Adults weigh 600 - 800 grams, newborn cubs - 30 - 70 grams. Young females bring 1-2 cubs, with age the litter increases to 5-6 babies.

The name Chinchilla comes from the name of the Peruvian province of Chincha.

industrial value

Chinchillas have been bred for fur, meat and offspring since the beginning of the 20th century, when the Americans, with the permission of the Chilean government, took several specimens to California and adapted them to life in other climatic conditions.

Fur products are very expensive due to unique characteristics and small size skins - it takes about a hundred pieces to make one fur coat. The cost of clothing from chinchillas is estimated at tens of thousands of dollars. In Europe, the chinchilla business is already well developed and almost all production is carried out for sale at the Copenhagen Fur Auction.

Chinchilla meat is used as a diet food for tuberculosis, sclerosis and cancer. It is readily purchased by restaurants specializing in exotic cuisine.

You can start a chinchilla breeding business with a few individuals and gradually increase the volume. The animals do not require special care, do not take up much space, do not scream and do not stink, so it is quite possible to create a mini-farm at home.

You can download a free business plan for breeding chinchillas at.

Step by step instructions

Breeding chinchillas as a business at home should begin with writing a business plan for the implementation of the project:

  1. Study of breeding technology.
  2. Equipping a mini-farm with equipment.
  3. Purchase of chinchillas.
  4. Purchase of feed.
  5. Company registration.
  6. Sales of products.
  7. Financial calculations.

Breeding Technology

In nature, chinchillas feel fine at temperatures up to + 40 ° C, but for comfortable keeping in captivity, the following conditions must be created for them:

  • humidity about 50%;
  • temperature from +18°С to +20°С;
  • room lighting at the rate of 60 W per 10 sq. m.;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • lack of drafts;
  • pure water for drinking;
  • bath with sand for bathing;
  • daily cleaning;
  • weekly change of bedding in the cage;
  • monthly change of sand;
  • disinfection of the premises 1 time in 6 months.

On an area of ​​1 sq. m. can live up to 3 individuals. Usually there is 1 male for 1 female, but it is also possible to form a family of 1 male and several females. Chinchillas start breeding at the age of 7 months, they bring 2-3 litters per year, 1-2 cubs in each.

For example, a population of 2 males and 10 females can increase to 70 individuals in 12 months. The gender division is roughly equal. All the healthiest and most beautiful females remain on the farm for breeding. The best specimens are also selected from the males, but in much smaller numbers. The remaining animals are sold to pet stores. With age, the litter of females increases to 5-6 individuals, and the growth of the herd is faster.

Thus, in a couple of years, animals will multiply up to 300-350 individuals, and then you can start selling fur and meat.


Chinchillas are kept indoors in iron mesh cages 40-45 cm high. On the front wall there is a door, feeders and drinkers. A shelf for rest is attached to the back in the middle, the bottom is lined with pine sawdust. The cages are placed one on top of the other in several tiers and several rows in such a way that animals grown for different purposes are located separately:

  1. For fur, meat or tribe.
  2. Livestock increase.

In addition to cells, you also need to purchase:

  • feeders;
  • drinkers;
  • baths for bathing;
  • pallets for sawdust;
  • heater;
  • air conditioning.

All equipment in contact with chinchillas should not be wooden, as these animals are rodents with very sharp front incisors. An exception is the period of hatching, when a box for the cubs is placed in the cage.


The most important part of the business plan is the acquisition of the first animals. For a novice entrepreneur, it will be enough to purchase 10 females and 2 males. This will save the cost of launching the project and will allow you to deal with the nuances of breeding chinchillas without significant risk.

Healthy thoroughbred individuals of the sought-after color cost 6,000 rubles. - 9,000 rubles. In total, there are a dozen basic colors of chinchillas:

  1. White Wilson - very light fur all over the skin and black eyes.
  2. White velvet - a gray muzzle and paws stand out against a white background.
  3. White-pink - a little more dark color than White Wilson, pink eyes.
  4. Beige - has several varieties, from dark to light, eyes of a pale shade.
  5. Sapphire - light fur with a pale blue tint. This coloration is very difficult to obtain, and the animals subsequently require enhanced care.
  6. Violet - the main color is closer to gray, with a slight tint.
  7. The standard color is the natural look of chinchillas: a dark ash back and a light tummy.
  8. Black velvet (velvet) - black top with a smooth transition to a light bottom, a beige nose and black eyes.
  9. Ebony - varies from dark gray to completely black.

In addition, there are various shades obtained by combining basic or as a result of mutations. The most popular are chinchillas with a standard color or black and velvet.

When choosing adult animals (7-8 months old), you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • the correct rounded shape of the head;
  • short rounded ears;
  • practically no neck;
  • flat back without visible thickening;
  • dense and elastic fur, thick over the entire surface of the body;
  • weight approximately 600 grams;
  • healthy, beautiful producers.

It is best to buy chinchillas on farms that have been breeding animals for a long time. In a serious farm, the management will provide a veterinary certificate, advise on maintenance and care.

Chinchillas are naturally strong immunity they don't need to be vaccinated.


Chinchillas are fed once a day in the evening, as they are nocturnal. The basis of the diet is a balanced granular feed. Additionally, herbs are introduced - fresh and dried, apples, carrots. To maintain immunity and replenish the deficiency fresh air it is necessary to give vitamin complexes weekly.

An adult animal eats about 50 g of feed per day. However, it is necessary to take into account the rather large difference in the weight of animals depending on sex, species and age. Therefore, you need to adjust the dosage for specific individuals.

Particular attention should be paid to the nutrition of pregnant females and young animals. For the first one and a half to two months, the cubs are fed with milk, then they are separated from the parent in a separate cage and given normal food. It is highly undesirable to change anything in the diet of females and young individuals, as they react sharply to new foods.

Registration of a mini-farm

At the initial stage, there is no need for official registration chinchilla business, since it will take about six months to grow the first brood, from which several individuals can be sold.

Before implementation, you need to select one of the registration options:

  1. Individual entrepreneur. Suitable for the sole business owner.
  2. Farming. Relatives can participate in the enterprise, but for this it is necessary to draw up an agreement.

To pay taxes, it is most advantageous to choose a single agricultural tax at a rate of 6% of profits.

Chinchillas do not require a license or other permits. You must register with the veterinary service.

Sales organization

The mini-farm begins to receive income from the very first offspring from purchased breeding animals. Individuals unsuitable for breeding or with fur low quality, are sold through pet stores or markets for keeping as pets.

Animals that meet all standards remain on the farm for breeding or are sold to other farms. The cost of breeding chinchillas is much higher than culled ones.

To sell chinchillas for fur, you need to have 400-500 individuals in stock. Skins are harvested mainly from male animals. Consumers - fur factories and ateliers in major cities. The cost of high-quality skins can reach 10,000 rubles.

Chinchilla meat is purchased by restaurants as an exotic and dietary product.

With high production volumes, it is advisable to open your own workshop for tailoring fur products.

Until there's enough about the farm positive feedback, you can promote a business on chinchillas using the usual advertising means:

  • advertise in the press and on the Internet;
  • place business cards and prospectuses in the pet stores of the city;
  • join a specialized online community, invite those who wish to tour;
  • create a website;
  • take part in zoo-exhibitions.

Financial calculations

To start a chinchilla farm and determine whether or not running a business from home is profitable, you need to plan the initial and subsequent costs. The cost of renting the premises is excluded from the calculation, only minor repair work. Calculations are made for keeping chinchillas on an industrial scale - per 100 individuals.

Start-up capital:

expenditures Amount, rub.
1 Indoor repair 10 000
2 Purchase of equipment and Supplies 220 000
3 Acquisition of breeding individuals wholesale price 300 000
4 Purchasing food and supplements for 1 month 10 000
5 Business registration 1 000
6 Advertising 10 000
7 Other 20 000
Total 571 000

Fixed monthly expenses for the maintenance of animals are:

Breeding chinchillas as a business at home, judging by the reviews, brings up to 500% profit. Despite the fact that the most valuable thing in animals is fur, the main income comes from the sale of live animals for personal needs or breeding.

The annual revenue of a mini-farm can be calculated based on the estimated sale of 300 bred individuals:

Profit for the first year of operation will be: 1,800,000 rubles. - 54,000 rubles. x 12 months - 571,000 rubles. = 581,000 rubles. In the future - 1,152,000 rubles.

At good care chinchillas retain the ability to reproduce up to 15 years. Therefore, this type of business is one of the most stable, long-term and profitable.

Video: chinchilla breeding as a business - profitable or not?