Breeding chinchillas at home. Video - Chinchillas in nature

  • 23.09.2019

Our planet has long been inhabited by thousands of species of living beings and plants, many of which are still not studied or poorly studied. Species that have gained particular popularity among humans are listed in the Red Book. As a rule, these are animals with valuable fur, one of which is the chinchilla. This animal is used for the production of fur, but it is more humane to breed chinchillas as a business: at home, to sell live animals to beauty lovers. Moreover, it brings no less profit, breeding in order to obtain furs.

What are chinchillas

Chinchilla is a fluffy animal of the chinchilla family, belongs to the order of rodents. The chinchilla is native to South America. Northern rocky areas at an altitude of 400-5000 m above sea level are their habitat.

The animal reaches a length of 22-40 cm, of which 10-17 cm is occupied by the tail. Chinchilla is an animal with a short neck and a rounded head, its body is covered with thick ash-colored fur, thanks to which the climate of the mountains is not afraid of rodents. The weight of an adult is 800 g. The eyes of a chinchilla are black, with vertical pupils, which allows them to navigate at night. The chinchilla has a mustache 8-10 cm long, rounded ears that reach 6 cm and have membranes, which made it possible for the animal to close them when taking sand baths. The skeleton of chinchillas is designed in such a way that the animal can shrink in an upright position in order to crawl into narrow gaps between rocks. The front paws have five toes, the hind paws have four. The hind limbs are 2 times longer than the front ones, due to which chinchillas make high jumps. Chinchillas have a developed cerebellum, so they have excellent coordination of movements, which in rocky terrain is simply necessary for survival. Chinchillas live up to 20 years, in captivity this period is halved.

History of breeding chinchillas

When the Spanish conquerors landed on the coast of South America, there was no limit to the admiration of the warm fur clothes of the locals. Chinchillas got their name from the name of the tribe of the Indian people - Chinchas. It was the beginning of the fur trade for delivery to Europe. The wild chinchilla was almost exterminated. All attempts to move them from the mountains for breeding ended in failure, since attempts to breed chinchillas at home as a business failed. The conditions for keeping chinchillas were not known at that time.

M. Chapman was the first to successfully transport 11 chinchillas to North America. The females brought offspring, after which the development of Chapman's experience in breeding chinchillas in captivity began. North America, Canada, Europe and South Africa successfully began to breed animals. Today, chinchillas are very popular with exotic lovers who breed chinchillas as a business. At home, this is quite a profitable business.

Chinchilla breeding business

In today's economy, to open a business, you need to choose still unoccupied niches. Breeding as a business is a great idea that does not require special skills and large initial capital.

This has a high profitability and quick payback, therefore, if you develop a competent business plan and take its implementation seriously, you can get a good income. Are you interested in breeding chinchillas at home as a business? Where to start, how to succeed - you will learn about all this briefly. As in any business, the main thing here is patience, accuracy, following all the rules for caring for delicate animals.

In the process of getting acquainted with this type of activity, you can find that breeding chinchillas at home as a business provides several opportunities for profit:

  • sale of chinchillas as pets;
  • sale of cubs for breeding;
  • sale of animals for the production of fur.

Keeping chinchillas at home

Before you start breeding chinchillas at home as a business, you simply need instructions for keeping chinchillas in an apartment.

The first thing you need to start organizing a business is the arrangement of the place of residence of the animals. Chinchilla is a very active and agile animal that needs enough space to jump and run. For these purposes, it is necessary to purchase or build a cage with a minimum size of 100 cm wide, 80 cm high and 40 cm deep. The cage should be located in a dry and bright room and be made of unpainted metal with a cell size of 1.5x1.5 cm for the bottom and 1.9x1.9 cm for the walls and ceiling.

It is desirable that the cage has a retractable tray for changing the bedding. Chinchillas are very clean and do not have bad smell so the bedding can be changed once a week.

Breeding chinchillas (as a business at home) has only positive reviews. There are opinions about chinchilla sellers as people who are passionate about their business, not only selling rodents, but also helping buyers take care of their new pets.

In the cage, it is imperative to place shelves 15 cm wide at different heights so that the animals can move along them. It is also necessary to have a holiday home.

A drinking bowl and a feeder should be installed on the front wall of the cage. The best option is drinking bowls and feeders with fastening to rods, since bowls placed inside the house are doomed to be turned upside down during the games of animals. A little nearby you need to install a manger for hay.

It is imperative to install an area for taking sand baths in the cage, but not on an ongoing basis. It is enough to put a bath filled with cyalite for half an hour. Excessive sand bathing is bad for chinchilla skin.

If you started breeding chinchillas at home as a business, the content must be carried out in accordance with all the rules, one of which is the mandatory presence of an air conditioner. It is necessary to install a thermometer next to the animal's house so that you can regulate the temperature level. Chinchilla does not tolerate heat, this is especially true for the summer period. Range comfortable temperature for chinchilla - 18-23 degrees, minimum - 14-15, maximum - 28, going beyond the minimum and maximum can lead to the death of rodents. Animals do not like the sun and prefer silence.


Chinchilla is a herbivore, so you can feed it with herbal plants and specialized food for chinchillas. Dry hay and water should always be freely available in the cage. Chinchillas are very fond of eating, you can give her a piece of dried apple, carrot or hawthorn berry.

Health and treatment of chinchillas

Chinchillas are no more susceptible to disease than other animals. However, difficulties may arise here due to the narrow profile of doctors. Therefore, often the veterinarian cannot determine what the pet is sick with. Basically, chinchillas are prone to problems with the teeth and gastrointestinal tract.

Breeding at home

Breeding chinchillas (as a business at home) imposes a very big responsibility on you. Before you bring chinchillas into your home, you need to choose worthy parents for future babies.

Choose animals of the colors you want to work with in the future, do not start multi-colored animals. Analyze the reputation of chinchilla breeders from whom you can buy adults, find out the purity of lines, pedigrees.

If breeding chinchillas (as a business) at home is your first experience, you should not immediately start a lot of individuals, it will be enough to try your hand at one family consisting of a female and a male. Chinchillas are dominated by females, so when meeting future cohabitants, it is better to plant the female with the male.

Pregnancy and childbirth chinchillas

Chinchillas in the wild gave birth and looked after babies on their own, and they have retained this skill to this day. Usually, childbirth occurs in the morning and unnoticed by the owner, as a rule, it is only a couple of hours. Pregnancy of the female lasts about 105-115 days. In one litter, 1-3 cubs are usually born. The female is able to produce offspring up to 3 times a year. Distinctive feature chinchillas - the birth of pubescent and sighted cubs weighing 35-50 g. Babies can immediately move, and after a couple of hours they can run around the cage. But the cubs can be weaned from the mother not earlier than the 8-10th week.

Several conditions must be met:

  • For a week after the birth of the offspring, the chinchilla cannot bathe in the sand, so it is better to remove the bath from the cage.
  • It is also necessary to provide mom with vitamins - give raisins, almonds, dandelion leaves, nettles.
  • For the safety of the kids, you need to remove all high shelves.
  • Cover the cage from drafts.
  • Keep your house completely clean.


The chinchilla is an active animal that needs tools for grinding teeth and things that stimulate curiosity and interest. Therefore, it is important to equip the chinchilla house with items that will provide the animal physical activity and serve as a source of entertainment. If you do not provide toys to the chinchilla, she will begin to gnaw on shelves, houses, a drinking bowl, this will not only bring additional costs for home improvement, but also cause problems with her teeth. Toys must be made of natural material, without sharp corners.

As toys you can use:

  • snags, thick branches;
  • tunnels made of cardboard, wood, plastic;
  • hanging toys in the form of wooden balls, bars;
  • stairs.

Business with pleasure is the key to success

As you can see, keeping a chinchilla will not cause any difficulties. Not only breeding chinchillas at home as a business has high profitability, it is also a very exciting process. If you are a fan of not only exotic, but also small animals, then this activity will appeal to you.

The very name chinchilla has long been a symbol of luxury and excellent fur. Fur coats made from the skins of this animal are valued so highly that in former times only kings and other high-ranking persons could wear them. And, although now this pleasure is available to everyone, the prices for fur are still considerable, which makes breeding chinchillas a great business idea.

Chinchilla is an animal from the order of rodents with a very unusual and attractive appearance. It is difficult to say who this animal looks like - a mouse, a rabbit or a squirrel, but, one way or another, chinchillas are very cute, and it is a pleasure to deal with them. Wherein, keeping chinchillas is no more difficult than keeping rabbits or nutria - and the income that they bring is inexpressibly higher.

The birthplace of these fluffy babies - South America. Their history is quite dramatic: having learned about the beauty and advantages of chinchilla fur, the locals began to actively hunt them, and as a result, the populations were almost completely exterminated. Now it is almost impossible to meet a chinchilla in the wild - however, animals willingly breed in captivity.

Niche analysis

Here are some reasons why you should choose home breeding these pets:

  • Chinchilla fur is valuable not only for its beauty.
    Their hair follicle is arranged in an unusual way: if in humans and most animals it gives only one hair, in a chinchilla - up to eighty. These are the finest, fluffy hairs, which, when combined, give a silky and high-quality fur.

Chinchilla skin is known for its thermal insulation properties: it retains the heat accumulated from the inside, and at the same time does not let the cold in from the outside. This allows the animals to adapt to different weather conditions.

But this does not mean that chinchillas can be kept in the cold: h in order for the animal to be healthy and develop normally, the premises must bewell heated.

  • Chinchillas eat very little and feed mainly on legumes and grains.

Your expenses in order to feed the animals, are insignificant in comparison with what income you will receive from them in the future.

  • Breeding these animals can be far from only for fur.
    Chinchillas are known for their friendly and calm dispositions, making them ideal family pets.

Few people know about these animals, but if you conduct proper advertising with presentations from time to time, there will be many who want to buy such a charming animal for their home.

The animals are not just cute, they do not create problems at all. For example, they do not have claws, so you can safely let the chinchilla run around the apartment without fear that it will damage the furniture or scratch the child.

Chinchillas do not emit an unpleasant odor - they do not have sweat glands. In addition, animals can be sold to people who, like you, wish to try their hand at this business.

  • Chinchillas do not shed, so young animals can be slaughtered at any time, regardless of the season. And in principle, it is much more convenient - there are fewer difficulties with cleaning the cells.
  • In general, the breeding process is so simple that even people who are far from animal husbandry can do it. Chinchillas do not require constant attention and the presence of a breeder, so you can combine this business with any other job.

Among animal deficiencies- Relatively low birth rate. Unfortunately, chinchillas do not breed as actively as rabbits, and bring cubs only three times a year. There can be up to six babies in a litter, but this number is the exception rather than the rule.

It is believed that if you manage to get six cubs in a year, this is a very good result.

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At the address, we will consider what costs should be included in the business plan for an ostrich farm.

How to start a home chinchilla breeding business

If you plan to buy just a few animals, then even a city apartment will fit for their maintenance.

For a small farm, of course, you need more space - at least a private house.

Room preparation

Animals can be safely kept both in the room and in the attic or in the barn, the main thing is that it is warm there.

Chinchilla is a southern animal, high temperature is natural for her.

However, there is the following pattern: the higher the degree of heat, the worse the fur, although the animals will grow and reproduce faster.

At temperatures below 10 degrees, the body of the animal tries to adapt, and the fur coat becomes thicker and more valuable.

But if you are not a professional in this field, it is better not to tempt fate. Chinchillas can get sick, and then in the pursuit of profit you will lose what you have. Average room temperature is best. In addition, the room is important to constantly ventilate.

Equipping homes for pets, it is important stick to some rules:

  • Animal cages should be spacious.
    It is advisable to organize a small corral, where the animals can sometimes warm up.
  • It is best if, with the exception of mating periods, each animal will be kept in a separate cage.
    Chinchillas have a very strong sense of ownership when it comes to territory. In relation to the "settlers" they can behave extremely aggressively.
  • Babies can be kept in the same cage, but only until they reach the age of three months - after that they no longer need maternal care.

Please note that you can keep the cubs of the same mother together, while the offspring from different females are in the cage possible conflicts.

Chinchillas live in families in which there are 3-4 females per male. To get started, you can purchase one or more of these "families".

At first, female cubs are best kept for breeding. But there is no need to replace aged females with younger ones - in chinchillas with age, the birth rate only increases.

Feeding and maintenance

It is better to accustom chinchillas to one type of food from childhood.

On the day one chinchilla eats about 1-2 tablespoons of food:

  • It can be any dry herbal food, but in order for the animal to be healthy, it is better buy special feed.
  • High-quality hay, for example, from dandelion leaves, is also good.
  • You can also give fruits, vegetables, boiled eggs.
  • Also, to keep the animal in good shape, it is better to add vitamins to food.
    Special products for chinchillas are not so easy to find in our country, so vitamins for ferrets are quite suitable.

Very important don't change your diet drastically This is bad for animal health.

Chinchillas drink a little, but a drinking bowl with boiled water will not be superfluous.

In the cage, in addition to the feeder, the chinchilla will need two more things:

  • First, bedding made of cloth or straw, which must be changed at least twice a week.
  • Secondly, sand - it is his animal that uses it in order to bring its fur coat into proper shape.
    But ordinary sand from the river bank will not work here: chinchillas need special volcanic dust. You can buy it through the online store for animals.

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We will consider the procedure for liquidating an LLC in options termination of activities of legal entities.

Ideas for the effective development of farming as a business are available at the link. How to choose the right direction of activity?

How to organize a chinchilla breeding business at home, see the video:

Sample business plan for breeding chinchillas at home

In order to start breeding chinchillas, it does not require large investments. You will not need to rent a room, just like staff - according to statistics, one person can manage five hundred animals, and you will probably have much less.

The main difficulty is purchase of the animals themselves. Chinchillas are quite rare, and it may turn out that they are not sold in your city. In this case, you will also have to pay for shipping.

Further expenses will be spent on the purchase of cages and food supplies. In addition, it is worth considering sudden expenses, for example, for a consultation with a veterinarian or other specialist.

The initial capital can be as follows:

  • Four "families" of chinchillas (16 individuals), taking into account the possible cost of delivery - 120-130 thousand rubles;
  • Houses for chinchillas - 100 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment for houses (feeders, drinkers, straw, sand) - 30 thousand rubles;
  • Feed stocks - 15 thousand rubles;
  • Unforeseen expenses - 10 thousand rubles.

Chinchilla breeding as a business is among the long-term, which is associated with low fertility of animals.

There are two ways to generate income from breeding chinchillas:

  • You can sell animals, including to private breeders and pet stores, but the most profitable way is to establish a connection with a farm or a fur factory.
    The average cost of one live animal is 6-10 thousand rubles.

  • But in a finished fur coat, the price of one skin can reach 200 thousand rubles.
    It is easy to imagine how profitable this business can be. The demand for chinchillas in our country is great - in order to purchase luxurious outerwear, people sometimes do not spare a lot of money.

Wherein almost no competition: animal husbandry in Russia is now quite poorly developed.

The first profit can be obtained only after one and a half to two years, but this disadvantage is fully compensated by small initial investments.

You risk practically nothing, except, perhaps, the possible death of animals. However, with quality care for chinchillas, this can not be feared.

To date, breeding chinchillas as a business at home is an unrivaled type of entrepreneurship. Many farmers are interested in growing chinchillas, they ask questions: is it profitable to breed chinchillas, what is needed for business, where to start planning, how to organize the sale of products. The answers to these questions, as well as reviews of experienced entrepreneurs, can be found in this article.

Breeding chinchillas: weigh the pros and cons

Advantages of the chinchilla business

  • This is a relatively free niche in the Russian business sector.
  • The demand for our products is constantly growing.
  • Good profitability: the cost of keeping the animal for up to 2 months does not exceed 1 thousand rubles, and the income from each individual is 15 thousand rubles.
  • You can start from scratch with a minimum of effort and without investing a lot of money.

Farm maintenance costs

  1. Acquisition of rodents: at least 10 females and a couple of males (100-150 thousand rubles).
  2. Home improvement: the purchase of equipment (cells and much more can be done with your own hands).
  3. Food expenses: an average of 10 thousand rubles a year per head.
  4. Electricity costs: light, air conditioning, convector.
  5. Taxes to the state, state duty for business registration.
  6. Advertising (may not be required if there are well-established distribution channels).

Comparison with other types of fur animals

Chinchillas breed worse than rabbits and bring no more than 3 cubs in one litter. But the chinchilla skin is much more expensive than the rabbit skin, because it surpasses it in quality and beauty.

Chinchilla fur is not as wearable as mink fur, but mink coat costs less, as it is inferior to chinchilla in several parameters: softness, lightness and color range.

Possible risks

  • Diseases. The risk of developing the disease in the entire population is very low, since chinchillas have good health and are naturally hardy animals. Serious deficiencies in the care and feeding of pets can lead to an epidemic.
  • Lack of distribution channels. This problem will not arise if you think through everything in advance.

How to organize a business

Purchase of animals and equipment

To start breeding chinchillas at home, you need to purchase the animals themselves and equip the place where they are kept. This will require:

  • Cages: 1 cage for 2 rodents, placement of cages in 2 rows of 6 is recommended, the minimum area of ​​the room is 18 sq.m.
  • Drinkers, feeders, sennitsa: nipple drinkers and a hanging feeder protect food and water well from contamination.
  • Cottages and sun loungers: animals need a place for privacy, the size of the bed should not be less than 12 cm in width.
  • Filler: Sawdust, shavings or hay.
  • Bathing suits and sand: you can’t save on sand, the quality of the fur will suffer from this.
  • Toys and simulators for teeth: grinding down the teeth of rodents is vital, perfect option- mineral stone.
  • Cleaning and disinfection products: non-toxic specialized products and an ultraviolet lamp.
  • Convectors: maintaining optimal humidity levels.
  • Lamps of 60 W: per 1 sq.m. 1 lamp required.
  • Air conditioning and heater: maintaining the temperature.
  • Feed and hay.

Business registration

To do business on legal grounds you need to register it. Beginning entrepreneurs, if they wish, can first register for private household plots (personal subsidiary plots) and avoid the need to pay taxes. Gradually increasing production volumes, the farmer moves into the status individual entrepreneur, therefore, must register the farm with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur (individual enterprise). The entrepreneur chooses the type of taxation that is beneficial for him - the UST at a rate of 6% of net profit.

In addition to the Federal Tax Service, the business is registered with the local veterinary service.

To run a chinchilla breeding business, you do not need licenses and permits, you only need 2 documents:

  • a document confirming the ownership of the farm;
  • registration with the veterinary service.

Business plan

A business plan will help you keep everything under control and get the most out of your business.

To begin with, you should do the calculations of potential profit: from the amount of the estimated income (calculated by predicting the receipt of offspring), subtract the amount of the estimated costs for the preparation and monthly maintenance of rodents.

Approximate cost of maintaining a livestock of 50 chinchillas:

  • Chinchillas - 100-150 thousand rubles.
  • Cages - 2 thousand rubles X 25 (2 animals in a cage) = 50 thousand rubles.
  • Feed - 1,000 - 1,500 rubles per day.
  • Other expenses (electricity, taxes, veterinary care, advertising, etc.) - 20 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Income from 50 chinchillas is easy to calculate: offspring of 300 puppies a year will bring about 1 million rubles.

When drawing up a business plan, it should be borne in mind that breeding animals cost about $ 100, which is 2 times more expensive than pets, and the cost of the skin is about $ 80.

Sales of products

Sales channels

Sales of products are possible in three directions:

  • breeding individuals to other farms;
  • skins in ateliers and factories, as well as at auctions;
  • dietary meat can be sold by ad or rented to restaurants;
  • small individuals in pet stores.


Start-up entrepreneurs and farmers whose production is constantly growing may need advertising. For these purposes, you can use:

  • the Internet;
  • leaflets;
  • pet stores.

Do chinchillas eat meat?

Chinchilla meat is eaten, it is dietary and medicinal. It is recommended to use it for oncological diseases, sclerosis and tuberculosis.

Carcasses are sold after the animal is slaughtered for fur.

It is not profitable to specially grow animals for meat, because even a novice farmer knows how much a rodent weighs - the weight of an animal reaches 1 kg at best.

Chinchilla weight table

days The average weight of a chinchilla in grams according to the table of M.P. Pavlova Average weight in grams

farm table

0 41 49
5 49 59
10 65 73
15 72 86
20 84 101
25 97 116
30 114 136
35 128 154
40 143 172
45 158 190
50 179 215
55 188 226
60 201 242
90 272 327
120 321 385
150 362 435
180 396 475
210 411 493
240 422 506
270 440 528
Adults 505 Adults 606

Even a person far from animal husbandry can start breeding chinchillas for commercial purposes. These animals do not require special care, they do not need specific food or special housing conditions. They are quite unpretentious and prolific. This allows you not to worry about the lack of start-up capital and the impressive costs that can be incurred during the breeding process.

Most often, chinchillas are bred to sell their fur. This business option is the most profitable. He is able to quickly recoup the costs and lead the businessman to a sustainable profit.

But there are other ways to build a "chinchilla" empire. The most humane would be breeding animals for the purpose of selling them. Chinchillas produce offspring and can be sold to pet stores and individuals. This income will not be as big as selling fur, but you will not have to kill animals.

The meat of these animals is also very famous. It is dietary and should be on the menu of people with tuberculosis and sclerosis. To understand whether it is profitable or not to breed chinchillas, you need to highlight the features of this business, calculate the approximate costs and demand.

Features of running a "chinchilla" business

This type of business gets a positive color due to the fact that animals live for about 20 years, if properly cared for. During this period, they are able to give an impressive offspring. After birth, small individuals feed on mother's milk and only after 7 - 10 days they can be fed with food. Additional power is not required.

The features of the "chinchilla" business include:

  1. Animals do not have seasonal molting, their fur is always in excellent condition. It will not interrupt trading.
  2. Nutrition does not require large investments: dry food can be diluted with grass according to the season.
  3. Breeding does not require special knowledge, the main thing is to feed the animal during the time, clean the cages, etc.
  4. The animal lives only in the room in which they should be comfortable conditions: warm, dry, it is also important to clean on time. If there are drafts in the room, then you need to quickly eliminate them.
  5. The presence of a separate cage for each animal whose age has reached 3 months;
  6. For breeding cultivation, only the best animal is left, the rest at 7 - 8 months are considered as a potential commodity.
  7. Mating must occur between individuals that are not related by kinship.
  8. The chinchilla family, which will be as prolific as possible, looks like: 4 females and 1 male.
  9. Usually, males that do not take part in "family" mating are killed first.
  10. Every year, a female chinchilla can become pregnant 3 times. On average, one offspring brings 5 ​​animals. The pregnancy itself lasts approximately 110 days.
  11. An adult individual eats about 6 kg of grass and 12 kg of feed per year.
  12. New types of food are introduced into the diet gradually, because. Animals may develop allergies.

Particular attention is paid to disinfection. In order for the chinchilla fur to have a decent appearance, it needs to be regularly looked after:

  • daily cleaning after feeding;
  • shavings are changed once a week. If there are too many waste products of the animal, then you can change it earlier;
  • sand is changed once a month;
  • once every six months, a complete disinfection of the premises and the cells themselves takes place. Animals should not be around at this time.

If you stick to these simple rules, a business built on growing chinchillas will be successful.

It is noteworthy that you need to catch an animal only by the ear or tail.

Then you need to take care of the cells and their arrangement. Sawdust is purchased in advance so that it can be changed in time. Food also needs to be purchased with a margin, especially if it is supposed a large number of chinchillas. After that, you should decide who will serve the animals. This may be the business owner himself, or maybe a hired worker. Statistics show that on average one person can serve 500 individuals per week.

The most important aspect in the entire algorithm is the legislative design of activities. If you neglect the law, you can get an impressive fine, and the animals can be confiscated. Price for Consumables and the food does not rise sharply. But chinchilla furs are getting more expensive from year to year. This has a positive effect on the profitability of the venture.

This business has no seasonality. Chinchilla fur and meat are always in excellent condition.

One of the basic conditions for keeping healthy individuals is to maintain cleanliness and order in the room where the chinchillas will be located. The air temperature should be between 18 - 20 degrees Celsius. If it rises to 30 degrees, then the condition of the animals can deteriorate sharply and they will have a stroke.

Humidity should be no more than 60%. The cage should be metal and not too small. It should contain a house made of plywood or wood. Also in the cage should be bathing sand in a separate container, bedding and drinking bowls. It is not necessary to purchase expensive products for disinfection. You can simply wash the "housing" of the chinchilla with water and laundry soap.

How to make a menu and take proper care

Chinchillas can be attributed to the "green" gourmets. They love green branches and leaves. But they will not give up on hay, fruits and vegetables. Most often, the animal is fed with special food. The vitamins contained there contribute to maintaining their health and attractive appearance.

To avoid problems with your teeth, you need to periodically grind them. For this, a salt stone will do. You need to carefully select food for feeding chinchillas. It must be natural. It is good when a large percentage of the content in it will be hay, oats and wheat.

You can also prepare food yourself. To do this, you need to prepare the following ingredients: dry grass, oats, wheat, barley, milk powder and bone meal. Self-preparation will eliminate the ingress of nitrates and harmful additives into the feed. Feed should be introduced gradually, in small portions. So you can identify allergies in an animal and replace the components in food.

Chinchillas don't eat much, so it's best to choose a quality product. After feeding, food should always be removed so that the animal does not overeat and is not poisoned by a product spoiled due to the time factor.

Approximate costs

To outline the expected financial result, you need to calculate the costs. The main item can be attributed to the cost of buying animals. It is necessary to acquire individuals of reproductive age, healthy and complete in everything. The cost can go up to $100 per pair. To get a good profit, it is recommended to purchase about 20 families. This is the main source of expenses, in the future it will not be necessary to spend money like this.

The next item of expenditure will be the purchase of cages. You should choose durable models that should stand stably. In third place is food. It will be even cheaper if you make your own hay and prepare the mixture. It happens that the animal can get sick. Then the costs increase by the amount of treatment and the call to the veterinarian. Usually chinchillas are not painful, so this situation is most likely force majeure, rather than a permanent expense item.

All expenses together will not result in a huge amount, but they will not be too small either. When compared with the possible profit, then such costs seem minimal.

And what is the profit?

The profitability of a business largely depends on the livestock. If you buy from 10 to 20 families, then you can get an income in the range of 10 - 15 thousand dollars. Every year, the female guarantees 2 - 3 offspring, in which there can be 2 - 6 cubs. These results can be used to calculate the final result.

Chinchilla fur is many times more expensive than, for example, a rabbit. If you breed enough animals, you can sell skins for a whole coat or fur coat. The profit from this will be approximately 50 - 100 thousand dollars. Those individuals that become superfluous can be sold in the form of a meat carcass. If a "defective" offspring appears, then it can be sold as a pet. The profit from this will be negligible, but it is still better than nothing.

If you take into account these factors, then in a year you can earn an impressive profit, which will allow you to expand the chinchilla farm. Due to the fact that costs are practically stable and do not grow too fast, one can hope for a stable profit. A feature of the business, which speaks of its prospects, is that furs are only getting more expensive. This trend is observed even in times of crisis.

Secrets of a successful business and sales conditions

The main secret of a successful business for a novice owner of a chinchilla farm is a responsible approach to raising pets. It is necessary to feed and clean the cages in a timely manner, monitor their health and maintain the breeding pattern.

One of the nuances is that chinchillas are closed animals. They do not like society and loud noises can be intimidating. That is why you should try to avoid their excessive contact with people. Animals react fearfully even to their own kind. They should contact within their family. Chinchillas do not tolerate separation well. If you separate the "family" individuals, they can get bored, get sick and even die.

You also need to exclude the presence of ammonia in the air. It is destructive to these animals. On large chinchilla farms, this is very difficult to do. Inhaling ammonia, pets can reproduce poorly, their appetite and spatial orientation decrease.

If we are talking about a large accumulation of chinchillas, then you need to be prepared for their frequent diseases. Epidemics within large groups spread very quickly, which can significantly increase the cost of keeping animals. If the number is limited to 10-15 families, then we can hope for a favorable environment within the chinchilla "collective".

It is very difficult to make a chinchilla skin. This is only done by hand. industrial methods are not in control here. It is absolutely impossible for inexperienced beginners to take on this, because there is a high probability that it will break. This duty is assigned to professionals who have extensive experience in dressing skins. It follows from this that part of the funds will have to be given to the intermediary, which will affect the final financial result.

Distribution channels may vary. In an era of innovative computer technology trade has long moved to the Internet - platforms. This business will be no exception. Meat, skins or live chinchillas can be sold in your own online store or displayed on well-known trading sites.

If the business is gaining global momentum, then it would be useful to order advertising. The following options can be used:

  • leaflets;
  • information in the press or on the radio;
  • Internet advertising.

Often the owners of chinchilla farms take part in fairs and exhibitions. This is one of key points in business development. At these events, you can find useful connections, negotiate the purchase of new individuals or sell your product. You can also join a chinchilla breeding club. This will give status and prestige, make the seller a professional in the eyes of the buyer.

It also happens that businessmen work closely with fur factories. They sell their product directly, which benefits two parties:

  • the owner does not waste time looking for distribution channels;
  • fur factory receives high-quality fur at the best price.

But not everyone is lucky to establish such contacts and it takes years to establish links between the farm and the market.

When selling goods, you should always focus on price fluctuations in the fur market.

Benefits of breeding chinchillas

The main advantages of breeding these animals include:

  1. No unpleasant odor. These are very clean animals, they keep themselves clean.
  2. The fur is always flawless due to the lack of shedding. In the room, particles of chinchilla hair will also not soar, which is also a big plus when cleaning.
  3. The impressive value of the skin.
  4. Ease of animal care.
  5. Intolerance to food.

This business has no seasonality, it is relevant all year round. Also an advantage is moderate competition in this segment.

Is there a benefit?

It is definitely difficult to answer this question. It all depends on the skills of the owner and the chinchillas themselves, which should initially be marketable. If you follow the breeding rules, then this idea has every chance of turning into a gold mine. Due to the fact that chinchilla fur is very valuable and has a significant value, its sale will pay off all expenses and make a profit.

Animal meat also brings additional income. Belonging to the dietary menu makes it exceptional. The costs can hardly be called a penny, but comparing them with the final income, they do not seem so significant. The main item of expenditure will be the purchase of the chinchillas themselves. When it comes to purchasing rare species, you will need to pay extra.

Such a business does not take much time and can be used as additional source income. Often people of retirement age do it, because it brings not only stable income but also pleasure.

This article discusses the breeding of chinchillas as a business. Is it profitable or not to organize fur farming of these fur-bearing animals? Natural chinchilla fur is in great demand among Russian buyers, but on the other hand, many people love to keep chinchillas as pets. Tell us how much you need financial investments, what profit these furry animals can bring and what difficulties breeders will have to face.

General information about chinchillas

Chinchillas are rodents known for their quality fur. South America is the birthplace of these animals, but even before the 20th century, a significant part of these animals was exterminated precisely for commercial purposes and the species was on the verge of extinction.

Modern domesticated individuals are somewhat different from their wild ancestors.

Chinchillas live in monogamous families. The life expectancy of these animals is very significant - up to 20 years, despite the fact that they retain the ability to breed up to 15 years. An adult chinchilla weighs between 400 and 600 grams.

Currently, you can buy a chinchilla at any pet store. However, if you plan to engage in the economic breeding of these animals, it is better to purchase the first individuals from professional breeders. How finicky are these animals and how profitable will your own chinchilla farm be?

Chinchillas are unpretentious and prolific, and their maintenance is inexpensive.

Benefits of breeding chinchillas

  1. These animals are very unpretentious. Breeding and keeping is inexpensive and easy to organize.
  2. Chinchillas are fertile - they breed up to 3 times a year until the age of 15 years.
  3. Such fluffy animals can eat special food, as well as hay, alfalfa, corn, peas, lentils, soybeans, fresh carrots, zucchini, nuts, seeds. In general, chinchillas are unpretentious in food, and they eat quite a bit, unlike other rodents. It will take no more than 3-4 thousand rubles a month to feed even a large livestock.
  4. Chinchillas are more accurate than other rodents, keeping them in special display cases will completely solve the cleaning problem. Placement requires little space - a 50x70 cage is enough. In addition, cages with animals can be stacked vertically on top of each other, greatly saving space.
  5. Low competition in the industry with a fairly high demand.
  6. Profitability. Regardless of whether chinchillas are bred for their fur or for the sake of selling individuals as pets, they bring a good income.

Negative feedback about chinchilla fur farming is usually associated with the humane side of the issue.. Most often, these rodents are bred for the sake of fur, which causes outrage among animal rights activists. If this side of the issue does not bother you, there are no serious drawbacks to breeding chinchillas. Pay attention to the video at the end of the article - it will create a more complete picture of the breeding of these fur-bearing animals.

Russian experience of chinchilla fur farming

On the Russian market there are several fairly large fur farms, for example, chinchilla farms"Retas". There are farms for growing these animals in the Vladimir region, in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Moscow region, in Neftekamsk and other regions of Russia. However, in general, the market remains uncaptured, and even an inexperienced breeder can find his own niche in it.

What is the purpose of breeding chinchillas?

If you are interested in the fur farming of these furry rodents, first of all you need to understand for what purpose you will grow them. There are two options:

  1. Sale of chinchillas as pets.
  2. Sale of chinchilla fur.

These two options involve various forms farm organization, absolutely different strategies development and, of course, different profits. Consider the features and ways of developing each direction of breeding.

It is better to buy individuals from professional breeders or from well-known farms.

Purchase of the first animals for breeding

Where to buy chinchillas for breeding? The price for one animal usually starts from 5 thousand rubles, but can vary greatly depending on the farm and breeder. It is better to buy individuals from professional breeders or from well-known farms. Study the offers on the Internet, find addresses, read reviews about a particular farm before deciding to buy.

First you need to buy from 2 to 10 chinchillas, preferably in families. Find out from the sellers all the data about the purchased animals. Some animals are accompanied by a pedigree - a document indicating the date of birth, breed, color, birth weight and even the number of puppies in the litter. Such paper will give an idea of ​​how the animal and its children will develop. However, in practice, most chinchillas do not have any documents.

What to look for when buying

There are several signs that you should definitely pay attention to when buying a chinchilla:

  1. The coat of the animal should be shiny and well-groomed, uniform throughout the body.
  2. Tearing, nasal discharge indicate that the animal is not healthy.
  3. The nose and ears should not peel off.
  4. Chinchilla is cheerful and active. Lethargy is a sign of illness.
  5. There are no signs of eating disorders.

Another important question is At what age should you buy a cub? The age of purchase depends on the purpose of the buyer. If the goal is animal breeding, it is better to wait until the age of 6-8 months. If you just buy a pet, then you can pick it up earlier - in 2.5-3 months. Note that up to 2 months the mother feeds the puppies, so wean them from her ahead of schedule not worth it.

Raising animals for sale

Consider breeding chinchillas at home for beginners. Practice shows that up to 20 individuals can be kept quite comfortably at home. This option is suitable for those who want to grow fur-bearing animals only for sale.

After purchasing several adults (6-8 months), it is necessary to organize their comfortable and proper placement. Usually chinchillas live in vertically installed cages or special "showcases". Please note that moving is stressful for the animals, so after bringing them home, carefully transplant them into cages and try to disturb them as little as possible. It will take about a week to adjust.

The purchase age of 6-8 months is due to the fact that puberty in chinchillas occurs at about 7 months. That is, if your goal is to raise animals for sale, it is logical to acquire individuals that are already ready for reproduction.

Chinchillas are very prolific animals. It is believed that they can breed up to three times a year (usually 1-2 in practice). In each litter, from 1 to 5 puppies are born, but 1 is much more often than 5. The grown animals are transferred to buyers 2.5-3 months after birth.

The most effective option to implement the sale of chinchillas is to sell puppies via the Internet.

How much can you earn selling chinchillas

When grown for sale, the most important thing is to qualitatively organize the sale of chinchillas. The most effective option to do this is to sell puppies via the Internet. Get pages in the most popular in social networks(for trade, these are Vkontakte and Instagram), regularly post photos and information about animals there. Accompany publications with a set of hashtags and a geolocation mark. This way you can find more buyers.

It is advisable to select owners for animals immediately after birth. Some breeders even offer "booking" of animals. Provide your customers with all the necessary information on caring for chinchillas, keep in touch with them, ask them to send photos of grown animals. So you will form a reputation as a conscientious breeder who is not indifferent to the fate of animals.

The price of one chinchilla starts from 5 thousand rubles and can reach up to 30-40 thousand rubles. By selling 10-20 chinchillas a year, you can achieve an income of 100 to 500 thousand rubles, and the cost of raising animals is only a few thousand rubles a month.

Sales of chinchillas in Moscow are currently more profitable- here you can offer higher prices, and the demand for rodents is very high. In the regions, the fashion for chinchillas is not so strong, and the purchasing power of the population is much lower.

Raising chinchillas for fur

Fur trade on chinchillas requires a completely different approach to organization. Is it possible to organize a "fur" business on chinchillas?