Gray insects appeared in the apartment. How to quickly get rid of white insects in the bathroom? What does the scale look like

  • 02.06.2019

The bathroom is one of those rooms where you want to relax, feel clean. The picture is quite spoiled by insects that may appear in this room. And not always the reason for this is unsanitary conditions, mold, although such conditions contribute to the appearance of various creatures. Insects safely move through pipes, hatches from neighbors or from the street. Insects in the bathroom are found different types. At the same time, the methods of dealing with them are almost the same.

Pests that love moisture, are afraid of sunlight and lead a nocturnal lifestyle start in this room. Units manage to ensure the complete absence of moisture in this room. Droplets collect on the walls after bathing procedures, and condensates on pipes in hard-to-reach places. Wiping and cleaning everything dry at every point can only be done by a housekeeper, who is paid money for this. An ordinary hostess does not have enough time for this. So you have to meet with "uninvited guests" from time to time.

  1. Silverfish

Small white insects with an elongated body up to 1 cm long. Sometimes a gray or silver creature is found. It's the same pest. You can see 4 pairs of legs with which they move quickly. On the head and tail are long processes, similar to the mustache of a cockroach. In nature, they hide during the day under stones, a layer of leaves, in shady, damp places. In the apartment - the bathroom is the only place that meets their requirement. The light there rarely turns on, there is always moisture and food for them. You can not be afraid that as they multiply, pests will begin to conquer the rest of the apartment. Moreover, the process of reproduction proceeds rather slowly. These pests are easy to deal with. They feed on mold, organic debris, toilet paper, synthetic fibers and even dead counterparts. There is no particular harm from them, but the presence of insects in the house spoils the nervous system.

  1. Woodlice

These insects in the bathroom appear from excessive dampness. They cannot do without water. They belong to the genus of crustaceans. The appearance is somewhat reminiscent of the tail of a cancer. The body is flattened, divided into segments that stand out very well. Each of them has 2 pairs of small paws. They move quickly in case of danger. Night is a time of activity. But since the room is constantly dark, when you turn on the light, you can find it in the bath itself, on the sink. If you are careless, you can step on a small creature that is located on the tile. The bite will not follow, and the feeling of disgust is guaranteed. The color of woodlice can be gray, white, brown. They multiply quickly. The female lays 70 eggs on average. Or maybe 100. The larvae appear after about 25 days. As they mature, they go through several molts. And only at the end of development they become similar to adult wood lice. They feed on the same things as silverfish. Their paws can cause skin irritation if they accidentally step on this creature.

  1. Millipedes or Kisyaki

Rarely, but you can find worms in the bathroom. Despite their intimidating appearance, they do not pose a particular danger. Since they feed on mold, organic debris and vegetation. Long dark worm. The body is divided into many segments that are clearly visible. Below are numerous legs. Hence the name. At the sight of danger, it twists in the form of a spiral and remains motionless. In spite of a large number of legs, moving slowly. Settles in places where there is a lot of moisture. In the garden or in the garden can be found near strawberries or vegetables. Worms do not bite, do not damage furniture, they just annoy with their presence.

To find congestion spots, you should check:

  • Sewer and water pipes. Condensation always collects on them, and insects sit there most of the time.
  • Hard-to-reach areas in which they rarely look in and do not clean: hidden communications, a place under the toilet, corners.
  • Wet floor mats, rags, towels, napkins.
  • The floor under the bathroom, cabinets, shelves, which are rarely cleaned.

Most likely, it will not be possible to determine the final location of the main location. When you turn on the light, they scatter in all directions. Nests are not formed. Scales on the body protect from drying out, so they can stay in a dry place for a certain time.

Fighting methods

Getting rid of pests is not the most important thing. Everything must be done to ensure that they do not reappear. May be required redecorating, replacement of some elements, purchase of new rugs, shelves and so on.

  1. The first thing to do is to carry out a quality cleaning. There should not be a single area left unnoticed.
  2. Rinse floors, walls, pipes with chlorine water. To do this, it is not at all necessary to run to the store in search of this remedy. It is enough to sort through all the cleaning chemicals on the shelves and read the composition. Chlorine is usually found in bleach.
  3. Dry all rugs. If necessary, change to others.
  4. Dry the room. You can use a conventional air heater. Try to ensure that in the future the room is ventilated after bath procedures, moisture is not collected.
  5. Periodically view and wipe the shelves in the room, baskets for dirty clothes.

Ensure proper ventilation. Set up small grids. Usually insects from neighboring apartments penetrate through it. In second place are pipes. Cleaning the room with chlorine once a week will be enough for the insects to find the bathroom unsuitable for their life.

Insect repellents

Pests that settle in the bathroom are no different from the rest. They can be killed with powder, gel, aerosol, concentrated liquid. You can drive out with deterrents.

  • Boric acid is often used. The powder is simply scattered in the corners of the room, under the bathroom, near pipelines, under rugs. These insects are not particularly resistant. They will begin to die immediately after the first meal.
  • You can use a gel that is designed to fight cockroaches, ants.
  • Etching a small room with an aerosol is not difficult. Moreover, they will not live in another territory of the apartment. You can use the same Raptor, Raid, Clean House, Dichlorvos. Everything that pleases.
  • Sections from moths, herbs will help to scare away: wormwood, tansy, lavender, chamomile.

Subject to all the rules, it will be possible to get rid of everyone in a short time. And also to prevent them reappearance. It should not be forgotten that best wrestling is prevention. Difficulties may arise in residents of old houses with high humidity. Because the insects will reappear. In this case, it is necessary to put the sewerage, pipelines, and ventilation in order as much as possible.

Usually, the first meeting with silverfish occurs quite unexpectedly. You can live for years in full confidence that you are the only owners of your home, until one day, far from perfect, you suddenly meet these uninvited residents face to face.

Or rather, at night, since silverfish are nocturnal inhabitants. Where most often occurs an unexpected acquaintance? In warm rooms with high humidity- bathroom, toilet, kitchen.

The appearance of silverfish is quite unpleasant - a long body of light gray or greenish color with many legs on both sides and long antennae.

The insect itself is quite harmless and does not cause much harm to people or pets. However, the realization that at any moment a furry monster can crawl out from behind the sink is very upsetting.

If you have ever seen a silverfish in the apartment, then it's time to figure out how to get rid of it and remove it forever.

Types of silverfish

Silverfish belongs to the class of insects, the bristletail order. Individuals live up to three years. A female can lay 10 eggs in her lifetime. They feed on any substances containing starch, polysaccharides.

It could be like food products- flour, grain, sugar, etc., as well as non-food products - glue, paper, construction waste, various fabrics.

It is because of its addiction to "sweet" that the common silverfish has a second name - sugar silverfish. To date, biologists have recorded the existence of more than 20 genera of this living creature with a large number of unexplored species.

The subspecies are subdivided according to the shades of color of the body:

  • Grey-silver.
  • White.
  • Transparent.
  • Yellowish - brown.
  • Greenish - bottle.

Note! Common silverfish has the same negative sanitary value as cockroaches. It is capable, to a small extent, of carrying harmful bacteria and infects food with its excrement.

Folk remedies

Getting rid of a pest at home is difficult, but possible.

There are three ways to do this:

  • Chemicals.
  • Traps.
  • Domestic poisons.

Note! effectively deal with any uninvited guests cosmetic repairs will help. It is necessary to cover up all cracks in the walls, on the ceiling, under the baseboards and holes in the corners. Be sure to clean the ventilation - one of the favorite places where insects breed and crawl.

  1. To chemical industrial means to combat silverfish, insecticides in the form of an aerosol, gel or powder can be attributed.

    This is the well-known Dichlorvos, Raptor Gel, easy to use, powders based on boric acid.

    Be sure to treat all corners and cracks in the walls with tools. It is there that the larvae hide, from which new individuals subsequently appear.

  2. The trap can be purchased at the household store. goods, or you can do it yourself. Homemade devices are good because they are absolutely harmless and environmentally safe.

    glass trap. Wrap an ordinary half-liter jar with tape or tape, and put some food inside - a fresh bread crumb, a piece of an apple or other sweet fruit.

    Leave the jar in the corner of the bathroom. During the night, insects, attracted by the smell, will climb into the jar, and the slippery inner walls will prevent them from getting back. You just have to close the jar with a lid and destroy it in any convenient way.

    paper trap. An even simpler option. Just lay a damp, crumpled newspaper on the floor and take it to the trash can in the morning. It is absolutely impossible to unfold the paper, as nimble pests will quickly scatter to the sides.

  3. To prepare homemade poison you will need:

    - Boric acid powder, 1 part.
    - Crushed chalk, 4 parts.

    Mix the dry ingredients and pour into all corners and along the walls of the room, after thoroughly drying the floor.

    Two to three days after treatment, you will find dead insects that must be carefully swept out and the floor washed with water acidified with table vinegar.

Is it dangerous for humans?

Neither adult silverfish nor larvae pose a particular danger to human health. They do not bite, do not emit allergic substances. However, the remains of their vital activity can be contaminated food.

Also, the female can lay offspring directly into a container with flour or sugar, which is very unpleasant and obviously will not benefit the cooked dishes.

But silverfish, if not destroyed in time, can cause significant harm to your favorite paper photographs or rare books and paintings.

What do silverfish eat?

Silverfish feed on starchy and polysaccharide-containing substances. At risk are all bulk products stored in leaky closed containers, bread and rolls in breadbaskets, fruits in open vases.

The aromas of all these foods attract bristletails, which drop their scales on them and leave feces in the form of small black dots. In the same way, pests can start on bookshelves, because there are enough materials containing glue.

Note! Without food, silverfish can exist for 300 days.

Prevention measures

To ensure that insects do not leave their marks in products, do not damage books and other paper products take preventive measures to prevent their occurrence:

  • Avoid constant moisture in storage areas.
  • Carry out regular cleaning of surfaces with water with the addition of a few drops of potassium permanganate or table vinegar and then wipe dry.
  • In baths, kitchens and bathrooms, do not forget to clean ventilation pipe, do not allow standing water under the bathtub or sink.
  • Provide air access - ventilate the room as often as possible.
  • Keep food in closed containers, and hide clothes in special cloth bags.

Note! Millipedes, like most insects, are afraid of low temperatures. For the purpose of prevention, it is very good to “freeze” the room several times during the cold season. This will prevent the emergence of new pests.

Keep it clean, and the reason for the appearance of unpleasant creeping living creatures in your house will be destroyed.

Home is our little castle. In it we sleep, raise children, cook food and do many other usual things. How unpleasant it is when unwanted guests invade your favorite territory.

One of the most common problems in last years became white insects. They can appear in the bathroom, in the kitchen and even in the bedroom for a wide variety of reasons.

Strange white creatures in the apartment

White creatures running around in an apartment can have the most diverse appearance. Most often, they have unusual additional shades, such as yellow, green or brown. However, most people complain about completely white or silver bugs.

They have a slightly oblong body, around which there are eight legs. different sizes. From the front and back, you can see two long processes - these are mustaches and tails.

Usually this insect behaves quite calmly - it does its usual things: it eats, breeds and sleeps. It doesn't try to harm the person in any way. It can only cause resentment.

Tired of pest control?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in the country house or in the apartment? They must be fought! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Mains powered, no recharging required
  • No addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​action of the device

Where do small white insects come from in the bathroom

People who are faced with such a problem, the first thing that worries is the question of where these come from.

First of all, you should figure out what attracts them to the bathroom:

  • This is exactly the place where there is increased dampness. For white bugs, such an environment is favorable. In it, they can fully exist, eat and multiply.
  • In the bathroom, insects will always find water and food for themselves.
  • This is the part of the room where there are almost always no people who can scare.
  • Daylight is an unfavorable sphere for bugs; they feel more comfortable in the dark.
  • Another reason for staying in this place is the lack of pets.

Based on the above factors, we can safely say that the bath is the most favorable place for the lives of white detractors.

Now it’s worth figuring out where they come from to the house. First of all, they can immigrate from the basement, from the attic or from neighbors. Not surprisingly, people living on the first or last floor often face such a problem. They can also develop independently in the walls of the apartment from the larvae.

There are several reasons why they may appear:

  • extreme pollution;
  • excessive moisture and wet pipes;
  • elevated air temperature.

In order to never have such a problem as insects in the apartment, you should always keep your bathroom completely clean.

I regularly inspect my site, the result makes me very happy! I really liked that it works solar battery. I recommend the repeller to everyone."

Types of white insects in the bathroom and toilet

Many people think that new residents in the bathroom are the same, in fact, there are several types of such pests:

You can also find insects such as cockroaches, midges and ants in the bath.

Danger and harm to humans

For many years, studies have been conducted in which experts tried to determine whether white insects are dangerous to humans. It was determined that their presence in the apartment has a negative effect on the owners of the premises only from the psychological side, they cause hostility, fear and even panic. They do not harm the body.

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How to get rid?

As mentioned earlier, "guests" in the bathroom are incredibly fast creatures that can hide in hard-to-reach places and are able to multiply rapidly. Therefore, it is incredibly difficult to catch them on your own.

Fortunately, there are several proven ways that will allow you to forget about insects forever:

There are special modern devices that will permanently get rid of white insects. These include repeller.

It can be purchased at a household store for enough low pricefrom 700 to 5000 rubles . This device is presented in the form of a small rectangular technology.

After turning on, it will begin to make a sound that adversely affects the nerve cells of the bugs. They will be uncomfortable in such conditions, and they will immediately want to leave the premises. In this case, there will be no corpses.

The entire procedure for getting rid of these pests can take three to seven days. The main advantage of such a device is the duration of its use.

In another article, we covered the question of how to get rid of .


As practice shows, any problem is easier to prevent than later. long time fight her.

There are several preventive methods, adhering to which, a person will never know what white insects are in the bathroom:

  1. First of all, you need to determine the humidity in the room using a special device. If this indicator is above the norm, then it is necessary to install additional ventilation equipment. This small step will always keep normal conditions in a room in which insects will not start.
  2. It is recommended to clean the bathroom as often as possible., ventilate and treat all cracks with a disinfectant solution.
  3. You should hang a thermometer in the room for several days and measure the indicator for at least five days. Next, you need to calculate the average temperature. If it turns out to be more than 27 degrees, then airing should be done as often as possible.
  4. The condition of the pipes should be constantly monitored. They should not be excessively damp. If it nevertheless formed, then it is worth doing forced drying;
  5. At least once a month it is worth treating the room with chlorine.
  6. It is not recommended to dry wet things in the bath.

Experienced experts also recommend replacing old pipes with double-glazed windows, in their opinion, such a trick reduces the risk of various individuals. In a word, you should carefully study the favorable environment for the existence of bugs and completely disrupt it, in order to exist in it they were uncomfortable.

It is worth noting that bugs have a negative attitude to various odors. It is recommended to spread several bunches of herbs throughout the room, for example, you can use rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus. You can also light it and enrich the whole space with smoke. The easiest way is to periodically take a bath with these essential oils.

It should be said that for a person this aroma, on the contrary, has a positive effect: it relaxes, invigorates and reduces depression. Compliance with all preventive measures will prevent the appearance of unexpected "residents" in the house.

What are small insects? These are absolutely harmless bugs that can cause hostility in humans. Almost every fifth inhabitant of the country, at least once in his life, faced this problem.

Fortunately, there are a huge number of methods that will get rid of white bugs in the shortest possible time, preventive measures and modern equipment. Thus, the presence of such individuals in the bathroom is not a problem in modern life.


Insects that have settled in the bathroom become an unpleasant find for the inhabitants of the house (apartment), which you want to get rid of as soon as possible. How to do this effectively, and what exactly will help to drive away the insect in the bathroom forever, will be discussed in this article.

What insects can be found

Unexpected guests in the form of insects prefer to settle in poorly worn seams between tiles, in sewer holes and ceiling boxes, in the laundry basket, behind the bathtub, in the connecting joints of plumbing, behind washing machines, in the corners. For their spread, it will be enough only to create optimal conditions. Only two individuals are capable of producing a whole colony of insects.

If you notice that insects have appeared in the apartment, then they should be destroyed immediately in order to prevent reproduction and the appearance of entire colonies of unwanted guests.

Limited space and constant humidity always attract insects of all kinds to the bathroom. Among them there are flies, and spiders, and ants, and wood lice, and small midges, and many other varieties of unwanted inhabitants.

Frequent visitors to the bathroom and shared bathroom include:

  1. Spiders. They can crawl into the bathroom only if they live in your house at all. The reason for their appearance is not only the special atmosphere of the room, but also the proximity of the dwelling of these insects. Spiders prefer to live in damp areas or in the middle of dry grass and many small twigs.
  2. flies. Along with spiders, they often penetrate the bathroom. Their destruction should be given special attention, since they leave ugly marks on the walls and are carriers of infectious diseases.
  3. silverfish. It is a small insect with an elongated body, light gray in color. At the end of their body are three long hairs.
  4. Mosquito. The insect likes to live in a damp room. It is not difficult for him to get inside the apartment, especially if the windows are not protected by a mosquito net. And it’s even easier for mosquitoes to find a bathroom. Moreover, they love a humid environment and twilight (or complete darkness). In such places, they easily hide from prying eyes of the owners of the dwelling. When the light is turned on, the mosquito is frightened and hides under the bath, where it lives constantly, flying out only at night, to fish.
  5. Butterflies. Small insects resembling flies, with wings about 2 mm long and a black body shade.
  6. Ants. This type of insect is quite gluttonous by nature, and therefore ants will pull out everything that seems to them a delicacy from the bathroom. The presence of midges, fruits left after washing, poorly sealed cracks from the side of the street - all this will contribute to the penetration of ants into your home.
  7. Midges. The inhabitants of the bathroom, characterized by the small size of the body and their annoyingness. These insects appear from nowhere and just disappear without a trace. More often they settle in the bathroom if the owners do not follow the rules of hygiene. They usually appear in the summer, with the onset of the season. fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. Many will be surprised that we are talking about products in the bathroom, which is completely not intended for them. In fact, most of the inhabitants of the apartments in the bathroom washes vegetables, fruits and berries for preservation for the winter.
  8. Woodlice. His appearance often disgust people. Woodlice in the house belong to the category of unpleasant neighbors, the mere sight of which is disgusting to a person. These insects prefer to settle in a humid environment, located in the seams, corners, joints of the bathroom and under various household items. Their body size is medium, and their body color is gray-gray. A small insect with a convex body is the most difficult to remove from the bathroom. But nothing is impossible, and with some effort, wood lice can be quickly driven away.
  9. Centipedes. Permanent inhabitants of humid environments, including bathrooms in apartments. They are incredibly nasty red creatures with lots of legs. In addition to the disgusting appearance, this insect has another negative quality - the centipede flycatcher bites very painfully. Centipedes visit the bath when the optimal microclimate is not observed and the owners neglect the hygiene requirements. There are several varieties of them. Some centipedes cause only unpleasant impressions, while others cause redness and allergic reactions on the skin.

Reasons for the appearance

If there are insects in the toilet or bathroom, then there can be many reasons for this. Let us dwell on the most important of them so that our readers understand why insects enter the bathroom and settle there.

Here are the reasons:

  • Changing the conditions of the microclimate in the room. Excessive humidity or too dry air, stale air or constantly heated air space are the main determining factors for the appearance of unwanted insects in the bathroom.
  • Proximity to insect habitats. Especially often they settle in apartments located on the ground floor. The close location of parks, squares, reservoirs, cellars also causes the penetration of unwanted insects into the dwelling.
  • Neglect of the requirements and rules of hygiene. The bathroom has always been one of the rooms with perfect cleanliness. If the owners do not maintain this cleanliness, then not only mold with a fungus will appear in the room, but also guests in the form of various insects.
  • The seed of insects in neighboring apartments is also the reason for the appearance of cockroaches and other unwanted guests in your home. Insects that survived the poison crawl into cracks in the walls, ventilation ducts and vents, and after a while they move to where they are most comfortable to live.

How to get rid

If white insects, cockroaches and other unwanted guests are wound up in the bathroom, do not despair and think that you will never be able to get rid of them. In fact, adhering to a certain algorithm, you can easily. In addition, the right approach to solving the problem will eliminate the problem of mold and fungus on the walls of the bathroom. Here are some tips to help keep insects out of the bathroom:

  • Keep the hygiene room clean, disinfect all joints and surfaces with special preparations (for example, Domestos).
  • Try to normalize the microclimate in the bathroom, organize its constant ventilation and thoroughly dry the room after each wash. If possible, it is advisable to install an electric towel dryer and a forced ventilation system in the bathroom.
  • Seal the passages through which insects from neighboring apartments can get to you with sealant. Basically, they are located under the grilles and ventilation nets. If there are holes in the plugs, then it is also better to change them.
  • If, after the above manipulations, insects still remain in your bathroom, then you can destroy them with insecticidal preparations with a powerful chemical composition. Now industrial manufacturers offer a large number of remedies against insects that have settled in the bathroom. Among them, the most famous are: Tarax, Raid, Kombat.
  • You can get rid of silverfish in the bathroom using bleach in a solution or any other product that contains bleach. Copper sulphate and insecticidal aerosols help well in the fight against this insect.

Prevention of the appearance

Undoubtedly, timely prevention will be the most effective tool against the appearance of insects in the bathroom.

To the main preventive measures in this direction belong:

  • Regular ventilation and periodic cooling of the apartment. For example, silverfish cannot withstand air temperatures below +21…+27ºC. Brief cooling of the apartment will help to remove them. In winter, it will be enough to destroy silverfish for two hours in a row to keep open balcony door. This will help to overcome not only adults, but also their oviposition.
  • Cleaning the room of dust and, possibly, mold that has appeared, with the help of disinfectants and chlorine-containing substances, will help to cope with annoying insects. Disinfectors should treat the corners of the bathroom and other hard-to-reach places of this room. After such treatment, the surfaces of walls and skirting boards should be washed with a solution blue vitriol and then dry with a fan heater. It is also good to carry out wet general cleaning of the apartment with water with the addition of vinegar.
  • If the house has a library, you need to ensure that the books in it are all dry. For this purpose, the book depository is periodically ventilated and dried with a fan heater.
  • Using insecticidal sprays will help you quickly get rid of wood lice and other nasty insects in the bathroom. They should treat surfaces prone to dampness, and a couple of hours after treatment, the room is ventilated with a through air flow.
  • One of the folk remedies made from boric acid mixed with crushed chalk in proportions 1:4 received good recommendations. Sprinkle this mixture on places where the likelihood of unwanted insects is highest.

By following the above rules, you can not only get rid of insects in the bathroom, but also prevent their appearance in the future.

Small insects have settled in the toilet and bathroom at home, and you don’t know what to do? In most cases, they do not harm a person, but their terrible appearance frightens him, rejects him, inspires disgust. And yet, these creatures are dangerous, though not from appearance. They are carriers of many infections, and their appearance in a place like a bathroom causes overwhelming horror. Let's talk about the causes of the appearance and how to get rid of them. All this and more - white insects in the bathroom.

These creatures can live in the bathroom all their lives. It is very attractive to them, because it is there that they have everything they need - moisture and warmth. Therefore, the most reliable place for such creatures is a bathroom or toilet. They live in walls, in crevices, in cracks, and then go hunting. The diet of these "monsters" is always different, but basically a person is not among them. As are pets. Therefore, these creatures are not dangerous to anyone. Is it just that they are carriers of various infections, and the appearance of these creatures is not particularly pleasant. Therefore, they must be eliminated.

The most frequently occurring small insect in the bathroom it is: woodlice, silverfish, cockroach, centipede, spider. Strange insects in the apartment, in particular in the bathroom, appear due to many reasons. The main one, of course, is hygiene. The reason for which the person is always to blame. If a person has not cleaned the bathroom for a long time, this can lead to serious consequences.

Room humidity is the cause of insects, fungus, and mold. Humidity appears especially often in summer and autumn, when there is no heating in houses.

Check if the ventilation in the bathroom is working: to do this, bring a match to the vent, the flame should oscillate towards the grate. Do not dry clothes in the bathroom if there is no heating, this will increase dampness.

Ventilate the bathroom and toilet often so that there is no moisture. Which insects are dangerous and which are not? It is necessary to talk about the most "famous" of them.

Mokritsa - very fast insect. Like the centipede, these small insects crawl quickly, which means getting rid of them is extremely difficult. And yet sometimes this insect can be seen. This is a small creature of gray color, with a convex back and a chitinous coating. The woodlice feeds mainly on plants, debris, organic residues.

Boldly can covet houseplants from which there will be no trace. For humans or for pets, wood lice are not dangerous. By by and large, woodlice cannot be attributed to insects living in the house - these arthropods belong to the class of crustaceans. Mokrits are of two types:

  1. Armadillo woodlouse (top photo).
  2. Woodlouse rough - the most common in apartments.

Folk remedies

To combat wood lice, you can use such folk remedies:

  • Take 0.5 liters of boiling water, add 100 grams of dry kvass powder, stir and pour into a spray bottle. Treat the places where you saw wood lice.
  • Take 0.5 liters of water, ½ teaspoon of red pepper, ½ teaspoon of calcined salt, and ½ tsp. any tobacco. Mix and pour into a spray bottle. Finish all corners. After 7 - 8 hours, rinse everything with a chlorine-containing liquid ("Domestos" or similar).

But not only wood lice can come to visit you. One of the most annoying insects is the silverfish. Of course, these silvery insects are also not dangerous to humans, but they constantly feed on starch, which is found in wallpaper paste or in books. Therefore, when a silverfish appears, it is necessary to get rid of this insect as soon as possible. These insects can cause considerable harm to good home interior and books on the shelves.

Means of struggle

The fight against silverfish is similar to the fight against wood lice. In addition, you can pour it in the corners of the bathroom table salt, and when it becomes wet - collect it. You can pour boric acid powder into the places where you saw the silverfish. Treatment of problem areas with a chlorine-containing agent helps well.

Cockroaches are the most dangerous of these insects. Their usual habitats: kitchen, toilet, bath. They love a humid environment and buckets of waste. They carry intestinal infections, hepatitis, tuberculosis, and so on on their paws. They enter the apartment through ventilation, cracks, doors to the stairs. Usually they crawl from those neighbors who carry out disinfection. These insects love to "settle in" the kitchen, but can settle in the bathroom and toilet.

Now stores offer a great variety of means to combat cockroaches. Crayons "Mashenka", "Clean House", "Brownie" - help only for a while. There will be fewer cockroaches, but they will not disappear completely. Sprays: "Dichlorvos", "Raptor", "Gettu", "Combat", "Varan".

After treatment with any of the listed sprays, all tenants need to leave the apartment for a while. Sprays help if there are few cockroaches. Of the remedies for cockroaches, gels are reliable: Gett, Mole, Kapkan. They do not act immediately, but more effectively. And the most reliable folk remedy: an egg with boric acid.

The recipe is very simple: buy a pack of 10 grams of boric acid in a pharmacy, boil one egg. Mix the yolk with boric acid powder, roll into small balls. We throw these balls under the bathtub, in the corners, behind the plinth and around it. After 1-2 weeks, cockroaches will disappear. An old tried and tested method that has never let people down.

First of all, it is personal hygiene. The reason why these strange insects appeared in the apartment is often the clutter of the premises. Therefore, it is so important to regularly clean, not forgetting the bathroom. In this case, solutions of substances containing chlorine can help to control insects. This is why room hygiene is so important. Of course, these insects do not tolerate dry places, for them the habitat is humidity. Regular drying of the places of the alleged existence of these insects with the help of electrical appliances- not such a bad option. It is enough to create conditions that are very unsuitable for these insects in order to destroy traces of their habitat.

You can also get rid of insects in the bathroom with the help of various chemicals. But it is recommended to use them only as a last resort, since these drugs can not only harm the insects themselves, but the one who directed these aerosols at them. Only when there is a mass distribution, it is recommended, wearing gloves and a respirator, to use these drugs. In other cases, you can cope without them, try folk remedies. It is important and necessary to get rid of these terrible creatures. This is possible if the person himself regularly monitors the hygiene and cleanliness of the apartment, and in particular the bathroom.