Communication skills training. Communication skills: what is it and why are they needed

  • 11.10.2019

Sociable people enjoy communication, they have an extensive network of contacts, they do not get lost in difficult situations and easily adapt to new conditions. If for you the upcoming negotiations turn into an expectation of torment, it's time to work on yourself.

What is a sociable person? First of all, this is someone who enjoys communication. A sociable person does not care with whom to communicate, he is interested in the process itself.

Communicative people are characterized by flexibility in contacts, the ability and ability not to get confused when communicating in different situations, self-confidence, they easily adapt to new conditions, are able to successfully negotiate, strive for initiative and leadership in a team.

If you feel that you are not communicative enough, that you often look for an opportunity to avoid an upcoming conversation, if you want to develop your communication skills, heed the following tips.

How to develop communication skills

Should not avoid and withdraw from communication

Do you think that you are quite sociable, but prefer to enter into a dialogue only if the interlocutor is pleasant to you and you are in a good mood? If you notice a friend walking towards you and prefer to turn off the path to avoid talking to him; if you see a person unfamiliar to you in the window of public transport, then you prefer to wait for the next bus - all this means that you are not sociable enough.

In order to develop sociability, try not to avoid random meetings. Chat with people you don't know well, or people you don't know at all. This is how you develop social skills.

Learn to enjoy communication

This is one of the main rules for acquiring communication skills. We always set ourselves up for how the planned conversation with this or that person will go. For example, a meeting with an old friend seems uninteresting and very boring to you, because you know that your interlocutor is a typical bore.

The upcoming conversation with the boss always involves some stiffness and nervousness. Before a conversation that seems unpleasant to you, you should tune in to the best: remember that you can always change the situation, change roles with your interlocutor. For example, you do not really want to listen to your friend's childhood memories.

Excellent - do not listen, start telling yourself, take control of the situation. Or turn the conversation to another topic that will be of interest to both of you. Turn the upcoming unpleasant conversation into a pleasant one. Learn to benefit from your conversations with different people, and communication will become a more exciting event for you.

Try to be the conversation starter

When you live in a big city, it's easy to pretend you don't see an old acquaintance you're on the same subway car with, or pretend you don't recognize him. As a rule, downcast eyes indicate your unwillingness to make contact, and it works - they don’t want to communicate with you either. But such adult game hide and seek makes you experience much more negative emotions than a conversation with even the most unwanted interlocutor. When you are hiding from your friend, you are in a state of expectation, fear: “Did he (a) recognize you? Does he/she want to talk?

In order not to be tormented by such questions and not to wait until they come to you and start talking, it is best to start the conversation yourself, act as the initiator of the dialogue; you will feel it is easy enough. These are the basics of communication.

When interacting with people, do not be overly formal in dealing with them.

If they ask you, "How are you?" or "How are you?" it would be right to tell a little about his life and about his affairs. The dryness of your answers and unwillingness to enter into a conversation are regarded by your interlocutor as disrespect and hostility towards him.

Work on your artistry

Sociability of people characterizes them as representatives of society, which is characterized by a wealth of gestures and intonations. A sociable person, an unsurpassed storyteller, imitator. He has a taste for details, for juicy details, he wants to live a varied life, because it is so easy for such a person to transform into different social roles, it is easy to adapt. These people know how to please.

Kill your pessimistic moods

An obligatory quality of any really sociable person is optimism. If you aspire to become a master of communicative communication, develop sociability, but at the same time you have a pessimistic mood, it’s time to ask yourself the question - “How to become an optimist?”. Pessimism, as a rule, does not lead to anything good, and even more so does not contribute to the development of sociability. Smile! Everything is fine! People respond much better to a smile than to a sullen face.

Not all people are born with a propensity to develop sociability. The main teacher of such skills, no doubt, is life itself. In the process of acquiring life and professional experience, a person learns to communicate, communicate with people, and effectively build the necessary connections.

But there are people who do not have sufficient communication skills. In our time, everything can be learned, there would only be a desire. To be a "master of communications" will help specialized literature, participation in professional trainings on the technique of effective communication and daily training in communicating with others.

We live in an interesting era when live communication is being replaced by electronic communications. Many kids master tablets and parental smartphones before reaching the age of two. True, at the same time, many children have socio-psychological problems in communicating with others: they not only do not know how, but, as it may seem, do not want to communicate. Insufficient development of communication skills in preschoolers causes serious concern for psychologists and teachers, because communication is a mandatory attribute of the development of any human personality. Therefore, if you want to teach your baby to successfully communicate with adults and peers, this article will definitely come in handy.

Children's communication - important element socialization

Effective Communication Development - Basics

Everyone is able to communicate in one form or another from a very young age. When the baby cries, trying to attract the attention of his mother, he already enters into communication and socially interacts with other people. However, this is not enough to be successful. It is important that the child is able to effectively build communication with other people.

What is communication skills in children

Psychologists say that successful communication consists of several factors:

  • Desire to communicate. Without motivation, effective communication is impossible. For example, everyone knows about such a disease as autism. Many autistic people do not have intellectual problems: they simply do not have the motivation to let other people into their inner world. Developed psychologically, they are not developed socially.
  • The ability to hear and listen to the interlocutor. It is important to be interested in other people and understand their messages.
  • emotional interaction. Without empathy and empathy, effective communication is impossible.
  • Ability to communicate rules. There are certain unwritten norms of communication that may differ in different societies. The child must master these norms, otherwise he will have inevitable difficulties in the future. For example, one of the norms of communication is the need to be polite. If a child ignores this rule, he will be known as a rude person.

Tip: if you don't want your child to have difficulty communicating with others, limit his "relationship" with a computer, TV or tablet.

Children who spend a lot of time with gadgets do not know how to communicate

Interacting with these devices, the child passively perceives information, and this is not enough for effective communication. It has been proven that children who play computer games too often from early childhood have worse speech and have difficulty understanding the emotional reactions of others.

Statistical data on the level of development of communicative abilities in children before school age

The influence of the family on the communication skills of a preschooler

The family is the most significant social structure for young children, where communication skills with others are formed. In order for a child to realize the importance of social interaction and gain effective communication skills, the following rules should be followed:

  • Set a positive example. If parents talk to each other in front of the child, and do not each do their own thing, the baby will actively take an example from mom and dad.
  • Talk to your child. Even newly born children react to speech addressed to them. Parents should contact the baby, comment on their actions, read fairy tales aloud. When the child learns to talk, it is very important to discuss with him the impressions received during the day, ask questions that require a detailed answer, etc. The last thing is very important: parents must learn to formulate questions in such a way that the child cannot be limited to simple answers like “yes " or not".
  • Read fairy tales to the child, followed by a discussion of the motives for the behavior of the characters. Ask as many questions as you can: “Why did the character behave in a certain way?”, “Why did the hero fail to achieve the goal?”, “What would you do if you were the character?” etc..
  • Encourage your child to interact with peers. Developing groups, playgrounds and children's clubs contribute to the rapid development of communication skills. Isolation of the baby can cause serious problems with adaptation in the team in the future;
  • Do not try to comply with the "non-verbal" requests of the child. Give him a chance to explain what he wants. Many parents try to anticipate a child's needs before they even have a chance to say a word. This greatly slows down communicative development: let the baby tell you what he wants. On the early stages it can be one word, for example, "water", "doll", "ball". When the child masters speech better, teach him to formulate detailed requests to others.
  • Gently explain that some forms of communicative behavior are socially unacceptable. For example, if a child asks for a toy without saying "please," say it's impolite.

Communication with adults should be constant and friendly

Tip: For reading, choose fairy tales and stories whose characters interact with each other. This will allow the child to better learn communication skills.

Game learning

Communicative development in preschoolers is carried out during the game. It is very important that the gameplay is beneficial, contributes to the development of the necessary skills. During the game, the child learns to understand the underlying motives of behavior and masters the basic skills of human communication.

Playing together develops communication skills

Games should be varied and diverse: this contributes to the development of a harmonious personality that will successfully navigate social interaction.

To develop social and communication skills in preschool children, the following game methods can be used:

Act out scenes from fairy tales. In this case, you can either use toys or turn into actors for a while. For example, you can act out the plots of Russian folk tales: they are quite instructive and provide a lot of food for discussion and reflection. After the game, be sure to discuss with the child why the characters behaved in a certain way, for example, they did not obey their elders, and what consequences such behavior led to.

Table theater - a way to develop communication skills

Give your child different situations to discuss. For example, ask him what he would do if he wanted other guys to accept him into their game. Discuss several behaviors, arrange small impromptu "role-playing games". Let the child tell you how you can behave in this case, and how you can’t.

The following exercise is suitable for developing empathy. Invite the child to imagine that he got into a magic store, in which you will play the role of a seller. Let the kid choose gifts for his relatives and friends. It can be anything: from a new car to a bouquet of flowers. The main thing is to ask the child to motivate his choice. This game will allow you to develop a very important skill: the ability to put yourself in the place of another person and imagine his needs and expectations.

Conditions for the development of communication skills

Tip: try not to raise your voice at the child. Any situation can be resolved peacefully: it is important that the baby knows how to negotiate, and not achieve his own by force.

How to develop non-verbal communication skills?

Effective communication is unthinkable without developed non-verbal communication skills. It is important to be able to show a certain artistry in order to convey your thoughts and emotions to people around you. Simple exercises will help develop non-verbal communication skills:

  • enter the tradition of home theatrical performances. You can use finger puppets or paper figures for your productions. Let the child learn to express the emotions of the character through intonation, speech tempo and other "tools";
  • ask the child to show how the characters of his favorite fairy tales sit, walk or run. Let him depict how the cunning Fox, the naive Gingerbread Man, the evil Wolf move;
  • a game called "The sea worries once" helps to develop non-verbal communication skills. By portraying various characters, the child learns to get used to their roles, thereby developing their ability to empathize and empathize;
  • ask the child to imagine that the Princess-Nesmeyana is in front of him. Let him try to make her laugh without resorting to speech. A doll can act as the Princess-Nesmeyana, older sister or even the mother of a child.

Tip: it is interesting that the best development of communication skills in preschool children occurs if they are engaged in sports sections from an early age.

Classes to develop communication skills in kindergartens are held regularly

Kids in such sections not only get rid of muscle stiffness, but also interact with their peers. Therefore, if you want your child to grow up to be a sociable person, try to determine which sport is most interesting to him. It can be dancing, swimming, children's gymnastics, etc. The main thing is to choose an activity that makes the child happy.

Self-knowledge as a factor in effective communication

Only a person who knows himself well can be truly successful in communication. Therefore, it is very important to teach a preschooler to navigate in his own personality and his emotions:

  • Talk to your child about his feelings. Ask the baby questions about what and why upset him, and what made him happy;
  • Ask your child to draw their own self-portrait. Let him tell you why he chose certain colors, surrounded himself with certain objects, etc.;
  • if the child is behaving inappropriately, do not try to correct his behavior by shouting. Ask why the baby's behavior is unacceptable and why it caused a negative reaction from the parents;
  • never call your child names and do not hang "labels" on him. This contributes to the formation of a negative self-concept. Remember: you can criticize behavior, not personality. Learn to say: “I am unhappy with your behavior because ...”, and not “You are bad”;
  • refrain from excessive criticism of the child.

Methods for developing communication skills

Of course, you should not go to the other extreme and praise everything that the baby does: it is important to find a middle ground. Children who I criticize too often can grow up painfully shy: they are afraid in advance to do something that will cause a negative reaction. It is better to adopt the strategy “You are doing well, but I can help you do even better.”

Tip: the development of communication skills in preschoolers is unthinkable without the parallel development of logical thinking.

Theatrical activity as a method of communicative development

Indeed, in the process of communicative development, it is very important to predict the reaction of the interlocutor and learn how to properly build your own speech.

The main task of parents of preschoolers is to teach children to interact with others, both with other children and with adults, and to be part of society. It is very important to do this: the better the child knows the methods of communication, the easier it will be for him to adapt to the school team!

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Mini training games on the topic "Formation of communication skills"


Date and time:

Age: 15-18 years old

Required accessories: sheets of A4 paper, felt-tip pens, stimulus materials.


- development of communication skills;

Ability to make contact.

Tasks of the training game:

Expanding the possibilities of establishing contact in various situations of communication;

Developing the skills of understanding other people, yourself, as well as relationships between people;

Mastering the skills of effective listening;

Activation of the process of self-knowledge and self-actualization;

Expanding the range of creativity.

Training program:

1. Greeting.

2. Acquaintance.

4. Exercise "Through the glass"

5. Exercise "ASSOCIATIONS"

6. Exercise "Send in one word"

7. Exercise "Two with one crayon"

8. Exercise "Leopold"

9. Exercise "Non-verbal broken phone"

10. Summing up

1. Greeting.

Hello guys! I'm glad to see you! How is your mood? Today's our training is called "Formation of communication skills".

2. Acquaintance.

Goal: creating a positive emotional background, self-assessment of communication skills and abilities.

The course of the lesson: the facilitator proposes the rules of conduct in the classroom, emphasizing that these rules apply equally to him and to the participants.

1. Confidential communication style, address each other on "YOU".

2. There are no right or wrong answers.

3. Sincerity in communication.

4. You can not evaluate the performance of another participant.

5. It is impossible to discuss what we have learned about each other outside of class.

6. Respect for the speaking participant.

7. Active participation in what is happening.

8. At the end of the session, each participant has the opportunity to speak.

3. Conversation.

1. What is communication?

2. What is communication for?

3. What is communication?

4. Types of communication? (Verbal, non-verbal...)

5. Give examples.

Mass communication, the systematic dissemination of messages (through print, radio, television, cinema, sound recording, video recording) among numerically large, dispersed audiences in order to assert the spiritual values ​​of a given society and exert an ideological, political, economic or organizational impact on assessments , opinions and behavior of people.

4. Exercise "Through the glass"

This exercise is aimed at developing non-verbal intelligence, understanding a partner by gestures, establishing trusting relationship. Participants are invited to "say" something to each other with gestures, imagining that they are separated from each other by glass, through which no sounds can penetrate. You can come up with any phrases, for example: "You forgot to put on a hat, and it's very cold outside," or "Bring me a glass of water, I'm thirsty." It is necessary to formulate the phrase that the partner conveys as accurately as possible.

Reflection of the task: it was easy or difficult to understand the phrase, to convey the phrase.

5. Exercise "ASSOCIATIONS"

Participants of the training are divided into two circles: internal and external (pairs should be formed). Album sheets are attached to each participant's back and felt-tip pens are given out. The facilitator asks questions, and the training participants write answers to each other on sheets of paper: association words.
1. What flower does this person look like?
2. What bird?
3. For which animal?
4. What piece of furniture?
5. What tree?
6. What food or dish?
7. For which drink?
8. What fruit?

6. Exercise "Convey in one word"

Purpose: to emphasize the importance of intonation in the process of communication.

Time: 15 min.

Materials: cards with the names of emotions.

Course of the exercise: Participants are given cards on which the names of emotions are written, and without showing them to other participants, they must say the word “Hello” with an intonation corresponding to the emotion written on the card. The rest guess what emotion the participant was trying to portray.

List of emotions: Joy, surprise, regret, disappointment, suspicion, sadness, fun, indifference, calmness, interest, confidence, desire to help, fatigue, excitement, enthusiasm.

Discussion Questions: Was this exercise easy for you?

How easy was it to guess the emotion from the intonations?

In real life, how often telephone conversation Do you understand from the first words what mood your interlocutor is in by intonation?

What emotions do you experience most in life?

7. Exercise "Two with one crayon"

Purpose: development of cooperation, establishment of a psychological climate in the group.

Equipment: A4 sheet, pencils.

How to play: Divide into pairs and sit at the table next to your partner. Now you are one team that must paint a picture. You are given only one pencil. You must take turns drawing one picture, passing each other a pencil. There is a rule in this game - you can not talk while drawing. You have 5 minutes to draw.

What did you draw while working in pairs?

Was it difficult for you to draw silently?

Have you come to a consensus with your partner?

Was it difficult for you because the image was constantly changing?

8. Exercise "Leopold"

Purpose: to develop the ability to find an approach to people.

Materials: cards with nicknames of cats.

Exercise progress

One “mouse” is selected from the group, all the rest become “cats”. Each "cat" receives a piece of paper with his name, one of them is called Leopold, and all the rest - other cat names, for example, Vasily, Murka, etc. At the same time, a participant of any gender can become a Leopold, and the coach emphasizes this to the group. The coach reminds the group of the plot of the Leopold cartoon. In this cartoon, the friendly and harmless cat Leopold is trying to make friends with the mice, which are constantly playing dirty tricks on him. In this exercise, the cats will also need to convince the mouse that they are harmless and can be dealt with. The trick is that of all the cats, only one is named Leopold and it is he who wants to make friends with the mice. All other cats are dangerous predators who only pretend to be friendly. The task of each cat is to convince the mouse that he is the harmless Leopold. The task of the mouse is to identify the real Leopold. The cats are given 5 minutes to prepare, after which they perform, explaining to the "mice" why they are harmless. "Mouse" evaluates the performances and says which of the cats she believed.

Discussion Questions: Why do we trust one person but not another?

Was it easy for you to be in the role of a cat or a mouse?

Do you trust people in life?

Do people trust you?

Do you think that communication plays an important role in relationships between people?

9. Exercise "Non-verbal broken phone"

Purpose: emancipation of the participants.

Participants stand in a circle with their eyes closed. The host touches the person in front of him, for example, to the right shoulder. And so it's all passed around in a circle.

In fact, the actions are distorted and changed, and the action to the leader can return in a completely different form, up to a massage.

10. Summing up

(Training reflection)

Participants answer the questions:

1. What new did you learn today?

2. Why do we trust one person but not others?

3. What can be done to make us more trusted?


The relevance of the research topic. The development of communicative abilities of children of primary school age is at the present stage of development social relations one of the most important problems. The age category of children was not chosen by chance. The next stage in a child's life is adolescence, when communication skills are one of the dominant factors. Mastering the elements of communicative culture at primary school age will allow children to more successfully realize their potential.

Thus, the relevance of the study is determined by the following facts:

1) the need for further work to improve the communication skills of younger students, which is associated with the general tasks of democratization and humanization of education, with the requirements of the current stage of reforming the Russian education system;

2) the need to develop a technology for the formation of communication skills in younger students, which makes it possible to establish the most effective relationship with the outside world;

3) an abundance of practical material on the one hand and the lack of development of the technology for its application.

The theoretical foundations of the formation of communicative skills of the individual in the philosophical aspect were considered in the works of A.A. Bodaleva, A.A. Brudny, L.S. Vygotsky, I.A. Zimney, M.S. Kagan, M.I. Lisina, N.I. Shevandrin, Ya.A. Yanoushek and others.

Scientists have revealed the essence of communicative skills, proposed ways of their formation. However, all of them do not address the problems of the formation of communicative skills in primary school age.

The main problem of the thesis is the lack of an accurate idea of ​​the effectiveness and characteristics of socio-pedagogical work on the formation of communication skills in a leisure center; in the absence of developed socio-pedagogical technologies for the formation of communication skills in younger students in a leisure center.

The problem influenced the choice of the research topic: "Formation of communication skills in younger students in a leisure center."

The object of the research is the process of formation of communication skills in younger schoolchildren in the conditions of a leisure center.

The subject of the study is the content and technology of work on the formation of communication skills in younger students in a leisure center.

The purpose of the thesis is to develop and justify the technology for the formation of communication skills in younger students in a leisure center.

1. To study the main approaches of socio-pedagogical activity in the formation of communication skills in younger students in a leisure center.

2. To identify the features of communication of a team of younger students in a leisure center.

3. To study the experience of working with a team of younger students in a leisure center and identify positive reserves for the formation of communication skills.

4. Develop and substantiate a program of social and pedagogical work on the formation of communication skills in younger students in a leisure center.

5. Experimentally test the program of socio-pedagogical work on the formation of communication skills in younger students in a leisure center.

The hypothesis of the study is that socio-pedagogical work in the conditions of a leisure center will contribute to the most successful development of communication skills of younger students.

Scientific novelty. The use of modern diagnostic methods will reveal the real level of communication skills of younger students visiting the leisure center. Developed, scientifically substantiated and experimentally tested technology for the formation of communication skills in younger students in a leisure center.

The theoretical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using research materials to develop various technologies for the formation of communication skills in younger students.

The practical significance is determined by the fact that:

1. Collected and systematized material for the development of technology for the formation of communication skills in younger students, which can be used in the work of leisure centers.

2. The technology of formation of communication skills in younger schoolchildren in the conditions of a leisure center has been substantiated and experimentally tested.

3. The materials obtained during the study can be used in the work of other institutions and specialists.

Basic provisions for defense.

The development of communication skills of younger students directly depends on the level of development of active and passive vocabulary, the development of the ability to build sentences, statements of various types.

The development of communicative competence in the conditions of a folklore ensemble is an important link in social adaptation child, because by improving their communication skills, the student will be able to overcome his fear of speaking, before working with the audience, and in the future will be more successful in establishing contacts with people around him, the process of socialization will be easier.

It is the playing techniques for the development of speech that most organically fit into the rehearsal work of a children's folklore ensemble, since almost all children's folklore is built on the principles of play. In addition, at primary school age, the game still remains, along with study, the leading activity. In the game, children are most open to communication.

The proposed system of speech games, exercises and trainings, used at rehearsals and at classes specially organized by a social pedagogue, allows you to increase the level and quality of speech, teach children to communicate, and allow you to form and correct communication skills.

The study was conducted on the basis of the children's folklore group "Vasilek", operating in the leisure center "Good House".

Chapter 1. Communication skills of younger students and the need for their development

1.1 Formation of communication skills as a socio-pedagogical problem

The orientation of modern pedagogy towards the humanization of the upbringing and educational process puts forward the creation of optimal conditions for the development of the personality of each child, his personal self-determination, among the urgent problems. This problem is especially acute in relation to younger schoolchildren, since, according to psychological and pedagogical research, the process of personal development and self-determination of children of this age has recently been difficult. This is due to the immaturity of their emotional-volitional sphere, the lag in the formation of a system of social relations, age identification, problems of family education. The situation of modern school education requires the child to actively solve new complex communicative tasks: the organization of business communication between students with each other and with the teacher about the material being studied. Therefore, it is very important to develop in a child high forms of communication with adults and peers, which will be a prerequisite for the formation of a new type of relationship between a teacher and a student, between classmates.

The development of human communication capabilities in modern society is becoming an extremely urgent problem. The improvement of scientific technologies has led to an increase in the needs of society for people who could set and solve problems related not only to the present, but also to the future.

Since our study is related to the formation of communicative skills, it is necessary to clarify, in our opinion, the vision of such basic concepts as "communication", "communication", "communicative skills".

However, most scientists who study interpersonal relationships distinguish between the concepts of "communication" and "communication".

The psychological dictionary defines the concept of “communication” as “the interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange of information between them of a cognitive or affective-evaluative nature. Therefore, this implies that partners communicate to each other a certain amount of new information and sufficient motivation, which is necessary condition implementation of the communication act. M.S. Kagan understands communication as an information connection of a subject with one or another object - a person, an animal, a machine. It is expressed in the fact that the subject conveys some information (knowledge, ideas, business messages, factual information, instructions, etc.), which the recipient must accept, understand, assimilate well and act accordingly. In communication, information circulates between partners, since both of them are equally active, and information increases, enriches; at the same time, in the process and as a result of communication, the state of one partner is transformed into the state of the other.

Studying this phenomenon, I.A. Zimnyaya proposes a system-communicative-information approach that makes it possible to determine the criteria, conditions and ways to improve the effectiveness of communication based on the specifics of the course of mental processes in the conditions of information transmission over a communication channel.

From the standpoint of the activity approach, communication is a complex, multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the need for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, the perception and understanding of another person.

The need for communication is one of the most important in human life. Entering into relations with the world around us, we communicate information about ourselves, in return we receive the information we are interested in, analyze it and plan our activities in society based on this analysis. The effectiveness of this activity often depends on the quality of information exchange, which in turn is ensured by the presence of the necessary and sufficient communicative experience of the subjects of relations. The earlier this experience is mastered, the richer the arsenal of communicative means, the more successfully the interaction is realized. Consequently, self-realization and self-actualization of a personality in society directly depends on the level of formation of its communicative culture.

Starting at the age of six, children spend more and more time with their peers, and almost always of the same gender. Conformity intensifies, reaching its peak by the age of 12. Popular kids tend to adapt well, feel comfortable around their peers, and are generally cooperative.

The means of communication include:

Language is a system of words, expressions and rules for their combination into meaningful statements used for communication. Words and the rules for their use are the same for all speakers of a given language, and this makes communication possible using the language. If I say "table", I am sure that any of my interlocutors connects with this word the same concept as I do - this objective social meaning of the word can be called a sign of the language. But the objective meaning of the word is refracted for a person through the prism of his own activity and already forms his own personal, "subjective" meaning, so we do not always understand each other correctly.

Intonation, emotional expressiveness, which is able to give different meanings to the same phrase.

Facial expressions, posture, gaze of the interlocutor can enhance, complement or refute the meaning of the phrase.

Gestures as a means of communication can be both generally accepted, i.e. have meanings assigned to them, or expressive, i.e. serve to increase the expressiveness of speech.

The distance at which the interlocutors communicate depends on cultural, national traditions, on the degree of trust in the interlocutor.

The communication process includes the following steps:

The need for communication (it is necessary to communicate or find out information, influence the interlocutor, etc.) encourages a person to make contact with other people.

Orientation in order to communicate, in a situation of communication.

Orientation in the personality of the interlocutor.

Planning the content of his communication: a person imagines (usually unconsciously) what he will say.

Unconsciously (sometimes consciously) a person chooses specific means, speech phrases that he will use, decides how to speak, how to behave.

Perception and assessment of the interlocutor's response, monitoring the effectiveness of communication based on the establishment of feedback.

Adjustment of direction, style, methods of communication.

Communication is a complex process of interaction between people, which consists in the exchange of information, as well as in the perception and understanding of each other by partners. The subjects of communication are living beings, people. In principle, communication is characteristic of any living beings, but only at the human level does the process of communication become conscious, connected by verbal and non-verbal acts. The person who transmits information is called the communicator, and the person who receives it is called the recipient.

Communication is one of the most important factors in the formation of personality. The ideas that communication plays an important role in the formation of personality were developed in the works of Russian psychologists: Ananiev V.G., Bodalev A.A., Vygotsky L.S., Leontiev A.N., Lomov B.F. , Luria A.R., Myasishchev V.N., Petrovsky A.V. and etc.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, the concepts of "types" and "types" of communication are used as certain varieties of this phenomenon. At the same time, scientists, unfortunately, do not have a unified approach to what is considered a type, and what is a type of communication.

B.T. Parygin under the types of communication understands the differences in communication by its nature, i.e. on the specifics of the mental state and mood of the participants in the communicative act. According to the scientist, typological varieties of communication are paired and at the same time alternative in nature:

Business and gaming communication;

Impersonal-role and interpersonal communication;

Spiritual and utilitarian communication;

Traditional and innovative communication.

If any of the links in the act of communication is broken, then the speaker fails to achieve the expected results of communication - it will turn out to be ineffective.

Communication performs a number of functions in human life:

Social functions of communication:

a) organization of joint activities;

b) management of behavior and activities;

c) control.

2. Psychological functions of communication:

a) the function of ensuring the psychological comfort of the individual;

b) meeting the need for communication

c) the function of self-assertion.

Communication is also considered as a process of mutual adaptation of the subject of communication and activity and the social environment in which he acts and communicates. From the point of view of the social approach, communication is not so much a process of external interaction of isolated individuals, but a way of internal organization and internal evolution of society as a whole, a process by which the development of society is carried out, since this development involves constant and dynamic interaction between society and the individual. Communication is also understood as the most important way of linking the elements of society into a system.

The main elements in society are individuals, individuals. Therefore, social communication always acts as personal communication. From this position, communication can be defined as a personal, individualized connection.

Depending on the content, goals and means of communication can be divided into several types.

1.1 Material (exchange of objects and products of activity)

1.2 Cognitive (knowledge sharing)

1.3 Conditioning (exchange of mental or physiological states)

1.4 Motivational (exchange of motives, goals, interests, motives, needs)

1.5 Activity (exchange of actions, operations, skills)

According to the goals of communication is divided into:

2.1 Biological (necessary for the maintenance, preservation and development of the organism)

2.2 Social (pursues the goals of expanding and strengthening interpersonal contacts, establishing and developing interpersonal relationships, personal growth of the individual)

The means of communication can be:

3.1 Direct (Performed with the help of natural organs given to a living being - arms, head, torso, vocal cords, etc.)

3.2 Indirect (associated with the use special means and guns)

3.3 Direct (involves personal contacts and direct perception of each other communicating people in the act of communication itself)

3.4 Indirect (carried out through intermediaries, which may be other people).

Communication as interaction assumes that people establish contact with each other, exchange certain information in order to build joint activities, cooperation. In order for communication as an interaction to occur without problems, it should consist of the following steps:

Setting up a contact (acquaintance). It involves understanding another person, presenting oneself to another person.

Orientation in a communication situation, understanding what is happening, holding a pause.

Discussion of the problem of interest.


Ending a contact (leaving it).

At present, the approach is widespread, according to which the communicative, interactive and perceptual sides are considered in communication. It is essential that all these functions in communication are realized simultaneously. The communicative side is realized in the exchange of information, the interactive side is realized in the regulation of the interaction of communication partners, provided that they unambiguously encode and decode sign (verbal, non-verbal) communication systems, while the perceptive side - in the "reading" of the interlocutor due to such psychological mechanisms as comparison, identification, apperception, reflection. The parties of communication receive their own functional load and are considered as implementing different functions of communication. So, according to A. A. Brudny, three initial functions can be distinguished in communication (communication):

Activation - motivation for action;

Interdictive - prohibitions, inhibitions ("it is impossible-it is possible");

Destabilizing - threats, insults, etc.;

Instrumental - coordination of activities through communication;

Syndicative - the creation of a community, a group;


translation function.

The versatility of the content and the names of the functions is obvious. It is important that all of them are widely used in the interpretation of interpersonal communication, reflecting different aspects of communicative interaction.

Primary interest for this study represents the communicative side of the process of communication.

The communicative side of communication is associated with identifying the specifics of the information process between people as active subjects, taking into account the relationship between partners, their attitudes, goals, intentions. All this leads not just to the movement of information, but to the refinement, enrichment of knowledge, information and opinions that people exchange.

The means of the communication process are:

2) optical-kinetic system of signs - gestures, facial expressions, pantomimics;

3) linguistic and paralinguistic systems - intonation, pauses;

4) system of organization of space and time of communication;

5) the eye contact system.

It should be noted that the most important characteristic of the communicative process is the intention of its participants to influence each other, to influence the behavior of the other, to ensure their individual representation in the other.

Based on the above features of the communicative process, we state that the communicative side of communication cannot be limited to a simple transfer of information. Communication also involves the active interaction of people with each other in the process of communication, their impact on each other, perception and understanding of another person.

Thus, the initial concept, on which we rely when studying the communicative skills of primary school students, is the concept of communication.

Today, communication is the subject of study of many sciences. Philosophy reveals methodological issues, determines the place and relationship of concepts and categories in the system of a person's worldview. Social psychology considers communication as a social phenomenon, the process of interaction between social actors: "communication is a necessary condition for any joint activity and is a process of establishing and developing contact between people, exchanging information, perception of each other by participants in communication and their interaction."

Psychology studies personality in communication. Based on the findings of these sciences, pedagogy builds a model of communication in accordance with its subject and tasks, linking it with its own categories and concepts. Representatives of various sciences interpret the concept of communication in their own way. The variety of approaches to it can be traced in the analysis of variants of definitions of the essence of interpersonal communication.

In the textbook of social psychology, we find that when connected to a system-communication chain, the concept of "communication" means the dependence of the states of interacting subjects as systems. Speaking about communication, G.M. Andreeva notes that "any form of communication is a specific form of joint activity of people."

According to G.M. Andreeva, the communicative process consists directly of the very act of communication, communication, in which the communicants themselves participate. And in the normal case, there should be at least two of them. Secondly, communicants must perform the action itself, which we call communication, i.e. do something (speak, gesticulate, allow a certain expression to be "read" from their faces, indicating, for example, the emotions experienced in connection with what is being reported). Thirdly, it is necessary to further define the communication channel in each specific communicative act.

During the act of communication, not just the movement of information takes place, but the mutual transmission of encoded information between two individuals - the subjects of communication. Therefore, communication can be schematically depicted as follows: S - S. Therefore, there is an exchange of information. But at the same time, people do not just exchange meanings, they strive to develop a common meaning at the same time. And this is possible only if the information is not only accepted, but also comprehended.

Communicative interaction is possible only when the person sending information (communicator) and the person receiving it (recipient) have a similar system of codification and decodification of information. That is, "everyone should speak the same language."

Lasswell's communication process model includes five elements:

WHO? (transmits a message) - Communicator

WHAT? (transmitted) - Message (text)

AS? (transmitting) - Channel

TO WHOM? (message sent) - Audience

WITH WHAT EFFECT? - Efficiency.

Consider the main aspects of the communicative process, presented by social psychology. Communication is based on the communicative process of transferring information from one person to another or a group of people and the perception of this information by these people. In any single act of transmission and perception of information, at least two people are needed - the sender of information (communicator) and its recipient (communicator or addressee).

Approaching the problem of communication from the point of view of information theory, we can distinguish the following three aspects of communication (transmission - reception of information):

1. Technical problem. How accurately can the symbols of communications be conveyed?

semantic problem. How accurately do the characters conveyed convey the desired meaning?

The problem of efficiency. How effectively does the perceived meaning influence people in the desired direction?

All these problems are closely related.

In the scientific analysis of communications, they usually proceed from the K. Shannon model, according to which the following main elements of the communication chain can be distinguished: 1) the source of information (its sender, communicator); 2) transmitter; 3) receiver; 4) recipient of information (communicator, addressee of communication).

The role of the sender of information can be played by any individual who intends to tell something to another person or group of persons, as well as to influence them accordingly. The sender of information is often at the same time the source of information, but the two roles should not be completely equated.

So, this or that information is encoded by its sender on the basis of some system of signs for transmission to the addressee of the communication. The transformation of information into certain signals is carried out by the communicator through a transmitter, which can be biological organs (for example, vocal cords) or technical devices. The communicator can say or write something, demonstrate a diagram or drawing, and finally express his thoughts with facial expressions and gestures. Thus, when transmitting information, a number of specific characters are always used.

The communication chain is closed by the recipient (addressee) of information - a person or group of persons who perceive this information and interpret it.

The entire path of information passing from its sender to the recipient is called a communication channel (here we mean both the physical and social environment).

The transfer of information can also be carried out directly - when the participants in communication interact face to face on the basis of oral speech or using non-verbal signs.

We emphasize that the roles of communication participants cannot be divided into active (senders of information) and passive (recipients of information). The latter must also show some activity in order to adequately interpret the information. In addition, the sender of information and its recipient can change their roles in the course of communication.

One of the first problems that every communicator faces is the need to draw the attention of the addressee of the information to the forthcoming message. There are two obvious characteristics of communication that allow you to keep the attention of the recipient of information. This is the novelty and significance of this message for him. Thus, it is important for the communicator to have a clear idea of ​​the information that the future recipient of information has and of the hierarchy of his value orientations.

The effectiveness of communication depends on many socio-psychological factors that accompany the process of transmission and perception of information. These factors are the subject of research in domestic and foreign social psychology. For example, the features of the social roles of the participants in communication, the prestige of communicators, the social attitudes of the recipient of information, the features of the course of his mental processes, etc. are considered.

Consider other views on communication.

O.M. Kazartseva believes that communication is “the unity of the mutual exchange of information and the impact of the interlocutors on each other, taking into account the relationship between them, attitudes, intentions, goals, everything that leads not only to the movement of information, but also to the refinement and enrichment of that knowledge, information , the opinions exchanged between people.

According to A.P. Nazaretyan, "human communication in all its variety of forms is an integral part of any activity" The communication process is the transfer of information through language and other sign means and is considered as an integral component of communication.

Communication is a process of two-way exchange of information leading to mutual understanding. Communication - translated from Latin means "common, shared with everyone." If mutual understanding is not achieved, then communication has not taken place. To ensure the success of communication, you need to have feedback on how people understood you, how they perceive you, how they relate to the problem.

S.L. Rubinshtein considers communication as a complex multifaceted process of establishing and developing contacts between people, generated by the need for joint activities and including the exchange of information, the development of a unified interaction strategy, the perception and understanding of another person.

Such an understanding of communication is based on methodological provisions that recognize the continuity of social and interpersonal relations, which in itself reflects the nature of communication itself.

Formation of communicative skills of younger schoolchildren in domestic pedagogy. The formation of communicative skills of younger schoolchildren is an extremely urgent problem, since the degree of formation of these skills affects not only the effectiveness of children's education, but also the process of their socialization and personality development as a whole. Skills are formed in activity, and communication skills are formed and improved in the process of communication

These skills are called "social intelligence", "practical-psychological mind", "communicative competence", "sociability".

Communication skills are the skills and abilities to communicate with people, on which its success depends. People of different ages, education, culture, different levels of psychological development, having different life and professional experience, differ from each other in communication skills. Educated and cultured people have more pronounced communicative abilities than uneducated and uncultured people. The richness and diversity of a person's life experience, as a rule, positively correlates with the development of his communication skills. People whose professions involve not only frequent and intensive communication, but also the performance of certain roles in communication (actors, doctors, teachers, politicians, leaders) often have more developed communication skills than representatives of other professions.

The techniques and methods of communication used in practice have age-specific features. So, in children they are different from adults, and preschoolers communicate with surrounding adults and peers differently than older students do. Receptions and techniques of communication of older people, as a rule, differ from communication of young people.

Children are more impulsive and direct in communication; non-verbal means predominate in their technique. Feedback is poorly developed in children, and communication itself is often overly emotional. With age, these features of communication gradually disappear, and it becomes more balanced, verbal, rational, expressively economical. Feedback is also improving.

Communicative competence is the ability to establish and maintain the necessary contacts with other people. Effective communication is characterized by: achieving mutual understanding of partners, a better understanding of the situation and the subject of communication (achieving greater certainty in understanding the situation contributes to solving problems, ensures the achievement of goals with the optimal use of resources). Communicative competence is considered as a system of internal resources necessary to build effective communication in a certain range of situations of interpersonal interaction.

A fundamental approach to solving the problem of the development of communication skills, the formation of communicative competence is presented in the works of L. S. Vygotsky, who considered communication as the main condition for personal development and upbringing of children.

Based on the concept of L.S. Vygotsky, it can be argued that the formation of children's communication skills is one of the priority tasks of the school, since the effectiveness and quality of the communication process to a greater extent depends on the level of communication skills of the subjects of communication.

Children learn to meet their physical and spiritual needs in ways that are acceptable to themselves and those with whom they associate. Difficulties in assimilation of new norms and rules of behavior can cause unjustified self-restraints and super-necessary self-control.

Speaking about communicative development, let us first of all present the general data of domestic research on the nature of its change in different age groups.

Studies of preschool childhood have shown that the communicative formation of the personality during this period is to some extent spontaneous. By the age of 7, the child masters elementary mental operations of a concrete-effective nature, causal relationships, can coherently express thoughts, uses grammatically, lexically and phonetically correct speech. It is at this age that the intellectual regulatory planning function of speech is developed, the ability to orient one's speech to a partner and the situation of communication, as well as to select language means in accordance with them. There are no data on the ratio of receptive and productive types of speech activity in the literature, although it is quite obvious that oral forms of communication (speaking and listening) prevail in the development of a preschooler.

The younger school age, which is considered in this study, is associated with entering school education as the most systematized form of communication, with involvement in educational activities as the leading activity of this period, which predetermines the transition from visual-figurative concrete situational to abstract thinking, to the ability to highlight significant connections, build reasoning, draw conclusions, conclusions. For the first time in ontogenesis, the mastery of written speech, which is a kind of analogue of oral speech, and its improvement by increasing the length of sentences and increasing the number of secondary members of the sentence take place. By the end of primary school age, with the development of the logical and communicative functions of speech, with the development of arbitrariness and reflection, the ability to build a statement logically and coherently is formed. The descriptive-narrative type of speech is replaced by reasoning, the transition to evidence. An analysis of the features of the formation of receptive types of speech activity shows the increasing role of the comprehension mechanism when reading, the tendency of students to rely on the main ideas of the text when listening, the ability to comprehend the entire content of the text, to organize it structurally and logically. The positive influence of the communicative attitude on the retention of the listened text was also noted. In productive types of speech activity, for the first time, differentiation of methods of influencing communication partners appears; in written and oral texts, indicators of coherence, logic, causality, and predicative structure of the utterance are improved, although they remain quite low compared to other age groups. In general, the linguistic experience of a younger student grows due to the accumulation language tools and significant quantitative changes in speech-cogitative and communicative activity.

The relationship of a person with other people determines both his attitude to his activities and his attitude to himself - self-confidence, modesty or exaggerated self-conceit, pride, self-doubt, etc. The leading and determining role of relationships with other people in the formation of character is confirmed at every step.

In the diverse, subtle, rich in all sorts of shades of human relations that make up the main fabric human life, the greatest variety of the most basic characterological traits for the appearance of the personality is formed and manifested. Such are caring for a person, sensitivity, justice, nobility, kindness, gentleness, tenderness, gullibility and many other similar and opposite properties. At the same time, the unity of character does not exclude the fact that in different situations the same person manifests different and even opposite traits. A person can be both very gentle and very demanding, soft to the point of tenderness and at the same time hard to the point of inflexibility. And the unity of his character can not only be preserved in spite of this, but it is precisely in this that it manifests itself.

These differences, opposites and even contradictions necessarily follow from a conscious attitude towards other people, requiring differentiation depending on changing specific conditions.

Any really not indifferent attitude towards other people is selective. It is essential on what this selectivity is based - whether on personal predilections or on objective grounds. The presence of a common cause, common interests, a common ideology creates the basis for sociability, which is both very broad and purely selective. The type of sociability that has a broad social basis is what we call comradely. This comradely attitude towards other people does not exclude other, more narrowly selective, more closely personal and at the same time ideological relations, towards a closer circle of persons or an individual person.

In characterological terms, therefore, it is not so much the quantitative sign of the breadth of communication that is significant, but the qualitative moments: on what basis and how does a person establish contact with other people, how does he relate to people of different social status - to higher and lower, to older and younger, to persons of the opposite sex, etc.

With prolonged communication, the mutual influence of people on each other often leaves a significant imprint on their characters, and in some cases there is a kind of exchange of characterological properties and mutual assimilation: as a result of a long life together, people sometimes acquire common features becoming in some respects similar to each other. In other cases, this interdependence of characters is expressed in the development or strengthening in people living in long-term everyday communication of character traits that correspond to each other due to their opposite.

An essential form of communication for the formation of character is education. In its conscious organization and purposefulness, education - the communication of the educator with the educated - has a number of important means of influence: the appropriate organization of behavior, the communication of knowledge that forms the worldview, personal example.

Communication creates the prerequisites for the independent work of a person on his character. In the process of communication, influencing people and being influenced by them, a person gets to know others and experiences in practice the significance of various character traits. This knowledge of other people leads to self-knowledge, a practical assessment of the characterological properties of other people, regulated by moral ideas - to self-esteem and self-criticism. And self-knowledge, comparative self-assessment and self-criticism serve as a prerequisite and stimulus for a person's conscious work on his character.

In the process of communication, indirectly, through relations with other people, a person’s attitude towards himself is also established. The third group of characterological properties of the personality is connected with the attitude towards oneself. Such are self-control, self-esteem, modesty, right or wrong - exaggerated or diminished - self-esteem, self-confidence or suspiciousness, self-love, conceit, pride, touchiness, vanity, etc.

A person begins to acquire communicative experience from infancy. The most natural way to master it is through play. Changing with age, it accompanies the child throughout his life. While playing, he studies himself, others, the world around him, trying on various roles, forms his own worldview, a system of assessments and values. It is also preferable to master the huge field of communication means through the game.

This is especially true in elementary school age. The game at this stage fades into the background, giving way to educational activities (unlike preschool age, where gaming activity is leading), but continues to significantly affect the development of children, so the child should be provided with a sufficient number of games (developing, teaching, synthesized with new activities) both at school and at home. In addition, extracurricular associations of younger students, according to teachers and psychologists working with this age group, should be built around preschool activities: games, drawing, design, modeling, simple experimentation, writing and other activities that primarily develop imagination, disinterested curiosity, intuitive means of cognition and other human abilities, the development of which has already begun, but, of course, did not end in preschool childhood, and which are not picked up by the new for children learning activities. This opinion is also shared by teachers, psychologists, and methodologists who took part in the preparation of recommendations for the organization of experimental work in elementary school.

We also note that communicative development is carried out within the integral system of the personality in accordance with the lines of development: personal, intellectual, activity, which are inseparable from each other. Communicative development should be considered in the general context of the child's socialization in terms of taking into account the features of generalization, the formation of concepts, communication with adults, peers, taking into account the features of the general situation of social development, etc.

Thus, having considered the components of the concepts of "communication", "communication", "communicative process", we can say that all these concepts are used when it comes to the process of social interaction. Pedagogical communication is a form of social communication. Therefore, the formation of communication skills can be considered as a socio-pedagogical problem.

1.2 The need for a social teacher in the formation of communication skills of younger students

Since, as was established above, communication skills are socially significant, a social teacher can take an active part in their formation in children of primary school age.

A social pedagogue is an employee who creates conditions for the social and professional self-development of students, organizing the activities of teachers and parents based on the principles of humanism, taking into account historical and cultural traditions.

The main task of a social educator is the social protection of children's rights, the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the child, the establishment of links and partnerships between the family and the school.

The duties of a social pedagogue can be performed by an employee whose qualification is confirmed by a diploma of professional pedagogical education, a certificate of a social pedagogue.

Socio-pedagogical activity is presented as a multifaceted and multi-level work of pedagogical specialists in the development and satisfaction of the various needs and interests of children and adults, in their social protection, support for personal development, social adaptation, and preparation for competitive conditions in modern society.

As a type of professional activity, it has its own structure, the main components of which are:

Information and educational work, which is a complex of multidisciplinary measures of informational, educational, developmental properties, aimed at the formation, maintenance of the viability of children and adolescents in the process of mastering general, professional and special knowledge at different levels of the education system;

Social and legal work, the main content of which is the implementation, together with other social institutions, of organizational, legal and humanitarian opportunities for the protection of childhood, the protection of national rights, freedoms of children and adolescents, as well as the development and ensuring the effectiveness of the legal field in an educational institution;

Psychosocial work, the content of which is diagnostic, informational and analytical, accompanying (consulting and mediating), restorative and rehabilitation and prognostic activities aimed at forming and maintaining psychological resistance among participants in the educational process to the effects of various factors, as well as providing various types of psychological assistance for issues of education, upbringing, development and self-improvement of children and adolescents;

Cultural and leisure work, in the field of which versatile activities of various sociocultural genres are carried out, aimed at creating social activity among participants in the educational process based on stimulating positive emotional states various means art and folk art.

In this paper, it is the last area of ​​activity of a social pedagogue and the role of this activity in the formation of communication skills of younger students that are considered.

To fulfill their professional duties a social pedagogue must know the methodology of diagnostic studies of the development of the personality of a child, adolescent, environment; principles of organization of leisure, communication, free time; fundamentals of legislation.

A social educator is an employee of an educational, cultural, leisure, etc. an institution that creates conditions for the social and professional self-development of students (pupils), organizing the activities of teachers and parents based on the principles of humanism, taking into account the historical and cultural traditions of the city (region) or country.

In general, the activity of a social pedagogue is aimed at creating conditions for the psychological comfort and safety of the child.

Today, it is generally recognized that pedagogical science is going through a transitional stage associated with the renewal of both the content and forms of the educational process.

A cultured person is not only an educated person, but also worthy of respect from others and self-respect. Therefore, a growing person's awareness of his connection with other people, the ability to build relationships and interaction with the world, people and himself are the most important tasks of education. The sooner the process of formation of readiness for cooperation is started, the sooner the person realizes his capabilities, role, and all possible assistance in situations of interaction. Therefore, almost from birth, a child can and should be oriented towards establishing humane relations with the outside world and people.

Interactive methods of education are based on the interaction of the student with other students, teachers, parents (depending on who is involved in the work). Such methods, as noted by psychologists, allow students to solve difficult problems themselves, and not just be observers; create a potentially greater opportunity to transfer knowledge and experience from an imaginary situation to a real one; allow you to "compress" time, are psychologically attractive and comfortable for students.

Interactive parenting methods are a model of open condemnation that develops communication skills in children, the ability to argue, discuss and resolve conflicts in a peaceful way.

Education through communication is based on:

Ability to accept someone else's point of view and support each other;

An atmosphere conducive to honesty and openness;

encouragement and guidance;

Full consent and trust of the students.

The social educator and the student are part of the same team, they work towards a common goal.

The social educator-trainer provides contact between the participants of group work, in which they themselves can find a solution.

Coaching for the social educator is not an opportunity to spread one's wisdom or lecture, but an opportunity to help students find themselves, define life goals and ways to achieve them. Coaching relationships support the classical system "adult - child" in the process of self-knowledge and self-correction and increase the feeling of self-confidence in younger students. Relationships are built on faith in the dignity and worth of each participant, in their ability to be independent and responsible.

The role of the social educator-trainer is to ensure mutual respect and trust in the group. This will allow students to set goals for themselves, to make commitments in accordance with the tasks that they have set for themselves. The value of the student (training participant) is never questioned, as well as his potential. The participant himself, and not the social pedagogue, is responsible for his own changes: as a coach, he supports the child, but does not try to change him. It's easier for people to discover something new about themselves if they don't have to defend their feelings or resist someone who tries to change them.

The purpose of coaching is to teach children to love themselves, others and, of course, life. Unlike teaching, which involves the transfer of knowledge, coaching is the education of responsibility. Acting as a coach, a social educator provides students with the opportunity to increase self-esteem, develop a sense of responsibility, and feel more independent.

The purpose of the training is to create conditions for participants (students) for full communication; simulate situations in which:

The fear of independent expression is removed;

Willingness to accept and provide assistance in the right situation develops;

The ability to analyze one's actions and ongoing events, to realize one's attitude to the world develops;

The ability to value one's own and others' work is formed;

A sense of joy from joint work and creativity is fixed.

Classes are structured in such a way that each participant “lives through” different situations, determines their abilities for leadership, for support, for creativity, for recognizing the merits of another, for the ability to defend one’s position, as well as to understand and accept the other, etc. So, everyone recognizes himself as a communication partner, discovers the most diverse sides of his personality: those that help to establish contact, and those that interfere with this.

Group lessons are built in the form of a game. Participants and the leader are ready for this type of work, they feel more free in a conditionally improvisational situation. In such a situation, communication is built on the proposed blocks: informational, interactive, perceptual. In each proposed situation, all aspects of communication are present as mandatory elements. The block structure of the training (information - interaction - perception) allows each participant to consistently develop the ability to find their place in a group decision, if necessary, take a leading role, adequately assess the situation, provide assistance and support to other members of the group.

1) Information communication block

The goal is to introduce the participants to the basic techniques for exchanging information, to form the ability to process it, to find the vital in it for solving urgent problems.

2) Interactive block of communication (games for interaction)

Participants develop a strategy for joint action. The most important condition is the determination by each participant of their strengths in cooperation:

Who am I: a leader or an extra?

Am I able to defend my point of view or pass?

Do I have the wisdom to recognize my own decision as erroneous and give in to a new situation?

Am I ready for interaction in communication or do I prefer to bear the burden of responsibility and mistakes alone?

During the conduct of such games, the social teacher, what did the players succeed in, what aspects of interaction still need to be developed. What is the role of the facilitator in the interactive communication block? What new things did the participants get for themselves by “living through” different roles in an interactive game?

3) Perceptual block of communication (perception and mutual understanding)

The perceptual side of communication is built on the formation in our minds of the image of another person. A social educator helps children learn to understand the inner world of a person, his actions, his psychological characteristics, which are reflected in behavior. Games for perception and mutual understanding help not only to learn something new about the people around us, but also to understand their position, to discover some of the reasons for their behavior. We must learn to accept them as they are, and not as we would like to see them - in everything that agrees with us. It is the perceptual side of communication, embedded in the training, that develops the ability to accept oneself and others. The tasks of the games of this block include: to develop the participants' respect for others and self-respect; learn to overcome inner anxiety; learn to support each other, trust and trust; learn to succeed without competition; to believe that all this is necessary in school as well.

The programs of cultural and leisure activities developed by social pedagogues contribute to the increase in the effectiveness of the communicative skills of younger schoolchildren.

The leisure activity program developed by a social pedagogue should be based on a clear understanding that it is a kind of social system that combines certain subsystems, namely administrative-structural, economic-technological, social, informational. Only purposeful interaction of all subsystems of the program will allow it to counteract all external influences and achieve its goal.

Given the specifics of socio-pedagogical organizations, which include leisure centers, it can be argued that their technological subsystem is largely focused on the social subsystem, which confirms the importance of a social teacher working in these organizations.

In his work on the organization of cultural and leisure activities, a social teacher should focus on the market of social and pedagogical programs. This market is understood as a set of potential and existing programs focused on the realization of the needs, requirements and interests of children.

As you can see, a social teacher can use such forms and methods of work with younger students that will contribute to the development of communication skills, the development of all components of the communication process. All the material presented in the work points to the important place of the social pedagogue at any stage of the implementation of the communicative process.

1.3 Criteria and indicators of the formation of communication skills in younger students

A large number of studies of a more specific nature are associated with the study of individual parameters of the formation of speech-cogitative activity, which are an increase in vocabulary, the volume of an utterance (number of phrases), the complication of the lexical and grammatical structure of the entire utterance and a separate phrase, the improvement of ways of logical construction of the utterance, and others.

In all studies of speech ontogenesis, especially in studies of the last twenty years carried out within the framework of the theory of speech activity, the idea that the criterion for the quality of the speech production of a subject of any age group, and, consequently, the criterion for his speech maturity, is not so much individual quantitative accumulation in speech development, such as an increase in vocabulary, how many significant quality indicators associated with the ability to correctly, fully and accurately express one's thoughts, build a statement logically and coherently and make it understandable and accessible to the interlocutor. In other words, what is important is not how many words the child used in his statement, but how effective this statement is for the interlocutor and how much it meets the goals of the child's verbal behavior, i.e. an idea is being prepared about the inclusion of speech development in the general context of communication, communicative activity. The adequacy of the utterance to the goals of the subject's speech behavior determines the communicative value of this utterance. Hence, it is legitimate to consider the development of the child not only from the point of view of improving individual speech functions and the accumulation of speech skills, but also from the point of view of how and how successfully the child advances in his communicative development, how effectively he communicates with other people. The legitimacy of such a formulation of the question is determined, first of all, by the fact that speech is formed in ontogeny in close relationship with other mental functions and activities in the process of communicating with other people. The role of the sociality of speech, noted by L.S. Vygotsky, remains an enduring value. In other words, a person's speech, his speech activity develop insofar as they realize communication between people, their interaction.

Such an understanding of speech has been prepared by a large number of both world and domestic studies carried out within the framework of the theory of communication, the theory of communicative speech acts, the theory of communication as a complex interaction and activity.

Communicative development, based on intellectual development, and, in particular, on the development of conceptual thinking, speech-cogitative activity of the subject, means the formation of all speech processes through which communication is realized, or more precisely, types of speech activity: speaking, listening, reading, writing. The concept of communicative development includes the formation of both speech-thinking and communicative activities, i.e. the formation of processes of thinking, speech, communication, which are inseparable from each other, are closely interconnected and interdependent. Thus, communicative development reflects not only progressive changes in the child's ability to construct a coherent statement based on an expanding vocabulary and mastery of language rules, i.e. speaking skills, but also the development of listening, reading, writing. Moreover, the nature of the interaction of types of speech activity in this development, the formation of speech mechanisms, the formation of language means of speech activity along the line of expansion and structural organization of the dictionary and the assimilation of language rules, the development of methods for the formation and formulation of thoughts and their conscious differentiation for different conditions of communication - with oneself oneself (internal way) and with other people present or absent (internal oral and written).

We also note that communicative development is carried out within the integral system of the personality in accordance with the lines of development: personal, intellectual, activity, which are inseparable from each other.

Communicative development should be considered in the general context of the child's socialization in terms of taking into account the features of generalization, the formation of concepts, communication with adults, peers, taking into account the features of the general situation of social development, etc.

Communicative development goes along different lines, which is noted in the works of many researchers. These are quantitative accumulations, such as an increase in vocabulary, the volume of utterance, and qualitative changes, for example, the development of coherence of speech, the complexity of thought, the complication of the predicative structure, etc. However, the main criterion for the intensity and success of the communicative formation of a personality is, in our opinion, the ability to understand, set and solve communicative tasks of various nature, i.e. the ability to correctly and optimally use one's verbal-cogitative activity in communication with other people, the media and with oneself.

Considering communicative development from the point of view of the ability to set and solve communicative speech tasks, it is necessary, first of all, to define the concept of "communicative task". Like any task, a communicative task is a complex psychological formation, the main components of the structure of which are the goal, subject, conditions, means and method of solution, product and result, which together constitute and determine the psychological nature of the task. The psychological content of a communicative task is similar to the subject content of the speech activity through which it is realized by the subject in the process of communication. Receptive types of speech activity involve understanding the task set by the communication partner, and further verbal or non-verbal reaction to it.

Productive types of speech activity also imply the solution by the subject of a particular task for a communication partner. The solution of communicative tasks by the subject in speaking and writing, in our opinion, to the greatest extent reflects the nature and direction of the communicative development of the individual. All features of the psychological content of a communicative task in productive types of speech activity are objectified in the product of its solution - the text. This most important theoretical and practical provision allows us, based on the results of text analysis, to judge the success of the implementation of speech-thinking and communicative activities, and, consequently, the level of communicative development of the subject.

Although the range of communicative tasks is extremely large, they can be combined into large groups according to the criterion of the degree of communicativeness, which is understood as the degree of obligatory presence and direct presence of a communication partner, his reaction, the degree of orientation towards the recipient, the degree and complexity of the impact on him. In accordance with this criterion, four groups of tasks have been identified, the main representatives of which are description, explanation, proof, and persuasion.

Psychologists have identified a steady tendency to improve, although not always straightforward, the way to solve all communicative problems from primary school age to older age, which is expressed in the improvement of the way of forming and formulating thoughts, which is formed as a result of the choice of language means in accordance with the purpose of the task and its conditions. So, with age, the reflection of reality in the text of solving communicative problems becomes more complete, accurate and correct, the predicative structure of the text becomes more complicated, which indicates the level of development of the analytical and synthetic activity of students, the volume of the statement increases, its lexical richness, the complexity of thought and the coherence of speech increase, logicality, conclusiveness, consistency of thought, awareness of speech and thought activity develop. These data are in full agreement with the data obtained by researchers involved in the study of the development of thinking and speech in general, regardless of the study of the ability to solve communicative problems.

Therefore, the level of solving communicative tasks is an indicator of the level of development of communicative abilities, communicative skills.

Chapter 2

2.1 The experience of social and pedagogical activities in the formation of communication skills among younger students in a leisure center

In addition to school associations, leisure centers operating outside the perimeter of the school, in the city where the educational institution is located, can take part in organizing children's leisure time.

Cultural and entertainment programs with the active involvement of visitors in theatrical action;

Outdoor games and entertainment, allowing equal participation of trained and unprepared, untrained people;

Improving measures for the regulation of physical and mental stress, balancing the general condition of a person, his well-being;

Logic games, business games simulating conflict and problem situations, familiar and interesting to all visitors;

Attractions that develop dexterity, coordination of movements, attention, reaction;

Leisure ceremonies and rituals of communication, dance, recreating the cultural norms of various peoples of the world.

Along with the main functional elements in the activities of the center, there are supporting units:

Informational and distributive, orienting the visitor in choosing his individual recreation program in the leisure center;

Experimental production, developing new leisure programs and determining the policy of its long-term activities;

Creative workshops that bring together specialists working on individual problems of providing and organizing leisure activities;

Production and technical, performing the function of ensuring the normal operation of equipment and equipping the center.

Each area of ​​work of the children's leisure center corresponds to a specially equipped sector, which includes a number of rooms equipped with the most modern equipment.

A variety of programs and the completeness of the content of leisure activities are provided unified system transformation of the environment, including musical and noise design, light score, transformation of the internal space, etc.

An important distinguishing feature of the leisure center is not only the complexity of the services offered, but also their quality, corresponding to the highest standards and provided modern technology and technology. Being ahead of other institutions involved in the provision and organization of children's leisure in all key performance indicators, leisure centers will not only maintain a leading position in terms of economic indicators, but also serve as an experimental base for the development of the entire leisure sector.

To ensure the highest level of attractiveness of the leisure center, it will be necessary to equip it with a full range of modern technical facilities that young people will encounter only here.

A necessary step towards its active functioning is the training of personnel who provide and operate leisure centers. To form a system of leisure centers, specialists from various fields of activity will be involved in their work: teachers, psychologists, social educators, artists, directors, methodologists, managers, etc.

Such a specialist will have to master practically:

The culture of leisure activities in the fullness of its content and in all its aspects;

All modern technical means used both for direct service to visitors to the centers and for providing conditions for their activities, for the preparation and development of leisure programs;

Methods of conducting leisure programs in compliance with all the principles of their implementation;

The art of communication in conditions of free choice by visitors of programs of their own activities;

The logic of developing and setting up new leisure programs;

The method of organizing the activities of creative workshops, the formation of a permanent asset of visitors to the youth leisure center.

The implementation of the search for non-standard approaches and solutions, which is due to the fact that leisure activities of modern society, due to the differentiation of interests and needs of children, no longer fit into the rigid framework of traditional forms.

The pronounced social openness of leisure centers is reflected in the creation of zones and sectors of free communication, amateurism, and craftsmanship. Favorable conditions in them contribute to self-development and self-education of the individual, ensure the desire for creative leisure activities.

Leisure centers act as a place of concentration of the socio-cultural activities of the individual in the field of leisure, where the child acquires the skills of self-realization, self-affirmation in creativity, and the experience of leisure behavior. The activity should be based on the structure and nature of the needs of children, trying to include in practice new, non-traditional forms of entertainment, education, communication and creativity.

It is important to be able to organize such work and such leisure programs that could captivate any child.

As part of the leisure center, social and cultural activities are organized. Socio-cultural activities - activities social subjects, the essence and content of which are the processes of preservation, transmission, development and development of traditions, values ​​of society.

Socio-cultural activity is an activity aimed at creating conditions for the most complete development, self-affirmation and self-realization of an individual and a group (studios, circles, amateur associations) in the field of leisure. It includes all the variety of problems in organizing free time: communication, production and assimilation of cultural values, etc. Teachers-organizers have to participate in solving problems of the family, children, in solving problems in the historical, cultural, environmental, religious and other spheres, in creating a favorable environment for social and cultural activities and initiatives of the population in the field of leisure.

Cultural and leisure activities are component socio-cultural activities. It helps in solving many social problems with its original means, forms, methods (art, folklore, holidays, rituals, etc.).

Cultural and educational work is also a part of social and cultural activities. It is used in the activities of cultural institutions.

The importance of socio-cultural activity is that it is not just an organization of leisure, but an organization for socially significant purposes: the satisfaction and development of cultural needs and interests of both an individual and society as a whole.

Features of socio-cultural activities:

It is carried out in free time;

Differs in freedom of choice, voluntariness, activity.

Let us consider the possibilities of developing the communication skills of children of primary school age using the example of the activities of a children's folklore group operating on the basis of a leisure center.

The children's folk group "Vasilek" was created at the children's leisure center "Good House".

Participants: 15 people from 6 to 10 years old. The initiator of the creation, an active participant and leader of the team is the teacher additional education M.S. Kalacheva.

The purpose of folklore classes is to teach children the folk manner of singing, to acquaint them with songs and rituals preserved among the old-timers of their native land, to develop children's musical abilities, to teach them to communicate with peers, older comrades, adults, to develop communication skills necessary for full-fledged creativity.

The purpose of the team is to study and disseminate the best examples of Russian songs, musical and dance folklore. The ensemble's repertoire includes ancient rites, games with audience participation, magnificent lyrical songs and incendiary dances.

The folklore ensemble is a special environment in which special conditions are created for the development of a child's spirituality. Folk art has all the necessary qualities for this:

Preservation of historical, cultural, artistic traditions in folk art,

Communication due to the collective nature of leisure;

Brightness and expressiveness of the language, both speech and artistic;

The close connection of folk art with the surrounding life, reflected in the harmonious relationship between the aesthetic and practical aspects of activity;

Humanity and humanity of folk art, aimed at the cultivation and development of high spiritual qualities of the individual, at the harmonization of social life.

Classes in such a team, as in other art studios and circles, contribute to the development of the child's emotional and sensory world. After all, the opportunity to express yourself in various types artistic activity is one of the most important conditions for the full-fledged aesthetic education of the child and the development of the creative qualities of the individual. The syncretic nature of folk art makes it possible to solve this problem in a natural way: when mastering the elements of ritual culture, it is possible to update the knowledge and skills of children in various fields of creativity: verbal, musical, arts and crafts, etc.

All interested children of approximately the same age can participate in the ensemble (but not necessarily, and then the work is built taking into account specific age characteristics) regardless of their level of general development, social and financial situation of the family, nationality and other external factors.

For two years, while the folklore group has existed at the leisure center, folklore classes have been a kind of hobby for children, which the participants took very seriously. In winter, rehearsals were held twice a week, and in summer the team performed at city holidays and in front of city guests.

The peculiarity of the group's activities was that the learning of songs, dances, games took place not by notes, but by listening to records, singing songs by the leader and live communication with folklore traditions. They learned ancient children's games of their native land, fragments of various folk rites (wedding, festive)

On the basis of creative collaboration with other children's folklore groups, the creative horizons of children expanded, practical social education was carried out, communication skills were formed in a natural situation.

After the 2-year existence of the folklore group, a museum of folk art was organized on its basis, which contains various exhibits: musical instruments, handicrafts, materials for folklore holidays.

The folklore group takes part in the work of the folklore-ethnographic theater operating on the basis of the city house of culture. Folklore-ethnographic theater is a museum folklore ensemble that reproduces elements of traditional culture with scientific authenticity and ethnographic accuracy, acquaints museum visitors with the spiritual life of the local population. Folklore-ethnographic theater ensures continuity in the development of traditional folk culture between members of the ensemble of different ages.

As members of a folklore group, children performed at city and village holidays.

Mastering the diverse forms of musical folklore is carried out by members of the folklore group through meetings with performers, classroom classes (general and individual rehearsals, rehearsals for instrumental music.

In general, the activities of the folklore group are carried out in the following areas:

Studying the theory of Russian folklore art;

Acquisition of the folklore museum;

Concert activity;

Meetings with performers of folk songs;

Participation in the work of the folklore and ethnographic theater;

Participation in folk festivals and holidays as the main components of the traditions of artistic culture, which arises at the stage of a sufficiently high mastery of folklore traditions;

Participation in folklore festivals.

At the first stage of our study, a diagnostic cut was made. The diagnostic slice performs three main functions for this study:

Informational, which allows the teacher, based on the information received, to choose the appropriate methods of work;

Evaluation, which allows to determine the initial level of the participants in the experiment and monitor the effectiveness of experimental and search work, make the necessary adjustments;

Formative, allowing to build prospects for further education for each child and for the ensemble as a team.

Based on the results of the study of the collected materials, an individual development map was created for each child.

Diagnostic cards represent the state of the child at the time of the cut according to four criteria.

The level of development of general speech and communicative skills (establishment of contact, possession of verbal and non-verbal means of communication, etc.).

Features of speech development (presence / absence of pathologies of the speech apparatus, features of pronunciation, visual and auditory perception and analysis, etc.)

General development, outlook (in particular, the volume and quality of children's knowledge about folklore and its must in the culture of the people).

Musical and other artistic skills.

The diagnostic section was carried out in vivo:

The first stage (theoretical, preparatory) - November 2006: determination of the goals and objectives of diagnostics, conditions for its implementation, drawing up an experiment program, preliminary selection and development of the missing diagnostic tools;

Second (collection of information about the members of the folklore group) December 2006;

The third (diagnosis of the initial level of speech and musical development) - January 2007 during the organizational classes of the folklore ensemble "Vasilek" on calendar planning, then on an individual basis.

Collection of information about children, members of the folklore ensemble based on the leisure center.

General information:

Full Name.

Date of Birth.

Home address.

Information about parents.

General characteristics of the school psychologist.

Information about each child was obtained as a result of using the following methods.

1. Conversation. Please tell us about yourself, what you like to do and why.

Purpose: to establish contact, to locate the child, to relieve tightness.

Assess: how easily the child comes into contact with a stranger in a new environment, whether he needs the presence of relatives (or another close person) to feel more confident, general speech development (is speech free, is it difficult to find the right word, etc.). ), the degree of possession of non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, etc.)

Purpose: to determine the qualitative characteristics of the speech voice (range, timbre, expressiveness, strength, flightiness), to check diction, articulation.

3. Remember your favorite tongue twister (if you don’t know, offer to repeat). Tell it three times in a row at different paces: start with a comfortable one and gradually speed it up.

Purpose: determination of diction and articulation difficulties.

4. Determination of the correctness of a familiar proverb, saying or poem spoken or written by the teacher.

Purpose: to determine the ability for auditory and structural analysis of speech construction.

The results obtained were recorded on the card of each participant.

The examination of the features of speech development was carried out according to the following plan (in accordance with the plan of group and individual lessons of the folklore group):

1) examination of the state of the articulatory apparatus: is there a pronounced pathology of the lips, tongue, teeth, etc.; checking the mobility of the lips, tongue, facial muscles through the performance of various movements following the teacher or according to verbal instructions;

2) examination of the state of mimic muscles (presence or absence of movements, accuracy of execution, muscle tone) through the performance of elementary movements (frown your eyebrows, puff out or draw in your cheeks, close your eyes in turn, put a wide tongue on your lower lip and keep counting, stick out your tongue " spatula", "needle", etc.) or the creation of emotional "masks" (pleasure, "lemon", fear, joy, etc.).

3) when reading a poem, features of sound pronunciation, a sense of rhythm, qualitative characteristics of the speech voice, intonation, as well as non-verbal means of expression are noted;

4) examination of the active dictionary through work with texts, synonymous, antonymic series, etc.

The naming of objects and the addition of the thematic series,

Definition of generalizing words,

The use of synonyms and antonyms when describing objects, qualities, actions,

The game “All the way around” (I will say the word “far”, and you will tell me the word - ... (“close”). I will say the word “high”, and you will say the word - ... (“low”)).

The results were evaluated on a three-point scale:

3 points - high level - the exercise was performed correctly, the volume of the dictionary corresponds to the age;

2 points - average level - there are difficulties in the selection of words (antonyms, synonyms, related words, etc.);

1 point - low level - the exercise was not completed.

To study the skills and abilities of dialogical speech, observations of the free communication of children are most often used, attention is drawn to the nature of communication, to the initiative of the child, his ability to enter into a dialogue, support and lead it, listen to the interlocutor and understand him, clearly express his thoughts.

Assessment of communication skills can be given (conditionally) taking into account the following criteria:

Table 1 - Criteria for assessing the level of communication skills

Criteria for assessing the communication skills of children Score in points Level of speech communication
1 The child is active in communication, knows how to listen and understand speech, builds communication taking into account the situation, easily gets in touch with peers and the teacher, clearly and consistently expresses his thoughts, knows how to use forms of speech etiquette 3 tall
2 The child knows how to listen and understand speech, participates in communication more often on the initiative of others, the ability to use forms of speech etiquette is unstable 2 average
3 The child is inactive and not talkative in communication with peers and the teacher, is inattentive, rarely uses forms of speech etiquette, does not know how to consistently express his thoughts, accurately convey their content. 1 short

To study the level of connected monologue speech, firstly, tasks for reproducing a ready-made connected text (the “text retelling” technique) and, secondly, tasks for independently inventing a story from a picture or without visual material are more often used.

In the first case, students are offered to listen to an unfamiliar story or fairy tale, small in volume. Retellings are recorded and analyzed according to the following indicators:

Understanding the text is the correct formulation of the main idea.

Text structuring is the ability to consistently and correctly build a retelling (it is revealed on the basis of a comparison of the retelling with the structure of the text).

Vocabulary - the completeness of the use of the original vocabulary, the replacement of author's expressive means with their own.

Grammar - the correct construction of sentences, the ability to use complex sentences.

Fluency of speech - the presence or absence of long pauses.

Independence - the presence or absence of the need for prompts in the course of retelling and re-reading the text.

Each indicator is evaluated separately. The highest score for text reproduction is 12 points (conditionally).

2 points - correct reproduction, consistent and accurate construction of the retelling, the use of the author's words and their exact word substitutions, the presence of different types of sentences, the absence of grammatical errors, the complete absence of unjustified pauses, independent retelling.

1 point - slight deviations from the text, no violations of logic, no grammatical errors, predominance simple sentences, lack of long pauses, a small number of prompts.

0 points - incorrect reproduction, violation of the structure of the text, poverty of vocabulary, numerous unjustified pauses, the need for hints.

Thus, a score of 12 points corresponds to the highest level of text reproduction;

over 6 points - the average level;

less than 6 points - low level.

When telling from a picture, children, on the one hand, rely on its content, and on the other, they can show their own creativity. Of course, you should select a picture that is accessible to younger students in terms of content and means of representation. Students are asked to look at the picture carefully and write a short story. The stories are recorded and analyzed from the point of view of subject-logical content and language design.

Speech is evaluated according to the following parameters:

Integrity is the unity of the theme.

Consistency and structure.

Connectivity - is assessed by analyzing the ways of interphrase communication, the number of sentences that are unrelated or formally related to each other is counted.

The development of the story, its volume - is measured by counting words and sentences, the ratio of simple and complex sentences is established.

Self-reliance - assessed by counting sub-questions.

Smoothness - is assessed by counting long pauses that violate the integrity of the story.

The quantitative expression of the assessment is very conditional, as in the case of retelling. The methodology for interpreting the results is also similar. Focusing on a generalized assessment of these qualities, it is possible to characterize the approximate levels of development of coherent speech of younger students.

Table 2 - Characteristics of functionally semantic types of connected statements

Type of speech Connected Statement Functions Structure of a connected utterance The language tools used in different types connected statements
Description Characteristics of objects, natural phenomena, people General thesis, characteristics of the features of the object, final final phrase, evaluative attitude towards the object (structure "light", variable) Lexical and syntactic means are aimed at defining the object, its features, figurative means of the language: epithets, metaphors, comparisons, etc.
Narration Presentation of events in time sequence, transmission of the development of an action or state of objects The beginning of the event, the development of the event, the end of the event (rigid structure) Means that convey the development of an action: aspectual-temporal verb forms, vocabulary denoting time, place, mode of action, words for connecting sentences (personal pronouns, words: then, before, now, etc.)
reasoning Explanation of a fact, proof of something Thesis, evidence, conclusion-conclusion Ways of expressing cause-and-effect relationships: subordinate clauses with the conjunction “because”, verb phrases, prepositions, introductory words.

6) Examination of the level of speech development, the productivity of associations, understanding processes: understanding the figurative meaning of proverbs, metaphors. The child is offered several frequently used metaphors and proverbs, for example, “golden hands”, “deep night”, “not all that glitters is gold”, etc., and they are offered to explain their meaning.

The level of development of communication skills was diagnosed by observation during the performance of test and training tasks.

Based on the results of the study of the collected materials, an individual development map was compiled for each child.

Table 3 - General assessment of the results obtained

Last name, first name Level of speech communication
1. Milena K 11 tall
2. Dasha O 10 tall
3. Lika O 10 tall
4. Alya I 9 average
5. Anya G. 9 average
6. Luda L 9 average
7. Olya S 9 average
8. Sergey M. 8 average
9. Galya F 8 average
10. Sabina M. 7 average
11 Nastya A 7 average
12. Xenia I 7 average
13. Vika N. 7 average
14. Julia V 6 average
15. Christina T. 5 short

In conclusion, the results of the primary diagnosis of the level of development of communication skills in children of primary school age who attended the leisure center were summed up.

Vocabulary of children attending the folklore ensemble, age norm. Most of the children coped with all the proposed tasks. Sometimes in the speech of the subjects there are unjustified repetitions of words, some children have a poor command of synonymy, often they cannot find antonyms. An examination of the understanding of logical-grammatical relations did not reveal any violations. Studies have shown that children rarely give full answers on their own initiative, more often they are limited to short ones, and they have difficulty expressing their thoughts.

2.2 Substantiation of the technology of socio-pedagogical work on the formation of communication skills in younger students in a leisure center

Education through folklore art should be considered in the general context of education.

It is necessary to take into account the nature of modern culture in all its inconsistency and complexity.

In the development of communication skills in children, theoretical and practical forms of classes are equally equivalent.

The tasks of communicative education require careful planning and accounting of all work in order to establish a connection between all types of communicative skills and forms of communication organization, to ensure the consistency and success of the development of communicative skills of each child.

Folklore work has a variety of forms: circle work (making folk instruments, designing costumes, creating national jewelry, etc.), folklore entertainment (calendar holiday games, ancient folk games), studying the historical folklore heritage, attending concerts, etc. Planning should provide for these peculiar directions, since they all have an impact on the formation of communication skills. Some forms of work are planned systematically (the work of folklore groups, circles for the study of folk art), others are episodic (attendance to concerts, meetings with folk performers, festive folklore events).

A long-term work plan for the development of communication skills is thought out and compiled by the teacher-educator, social pedagogue, artistic director, taking into account the educational tasks set. Based perspective plan calendar plans are drawn up - plans for individual events.

When planning, it is necessary to take into account the different forms of work and different types construction of individual forms, their various options.

It must be remembered that planning and systematic recording of results is a necessary condition for organizing a well-thought-out educational process. After all, we are talking about folklore work as a process of social education.

In order for the work to be most effective, it is necessary to diversify its forms as much as possible. In our work, we can offer the following forms of organizing creative folklore work aimed at developing children's skills to establish contacts with adult peers.

1) Creation of children's folklore groups: song, dance, instrumental, theatrical.

2) Organization by children of exhibitions and museums of folk art of various kinds (“Museum of Folk Costume”, “Museum of Folk Instruments”, “Museum of Folk Holidays”, etc.).

3) Participation of children's folklore groups in mass events on an equal footing with adult groups.

4) Organization and holding of folklore festivals: song festivals, folk dance festivals, festivals of folk games and toys.

5) The study of folklore traditions and customs of their region (city, district, village, etc.), local history activities aimed at solving this problem.

6) Acquaintance with folk crafts and craftsmen.

7) Collection and reproduction of folk holiday rituals (calendar, wedding, etc.).

8) Studying the theory of folklore.

9) Holding contests of amateur art.

When organizing practical activities, the leisure center should be guided by the following principles:

- the principle of voluntariness: children themselves choose the form of classes in creative folklore associations;

- the principle of social orientation: the content of the work of folklore groups, circles should be connected with the creativity of the people, their traditions;

- the principle of initiative and amateur performance: the development of amateur performance with pedagogical and creative leadership;

- the principle of development of children's creativity;

– the principle of taking into account age and individual features children: the tasks and content of classes should correspond to the capabilities and interests of children of primary school age.

The activities of the leisure center should be based on the following principles:

– free development of personality;

- the humanistic nature of the educational process;

- priority of universal human values;

– taking into account cultural, historical and national traditions;

– general availability and adaptability of implemented programs.

Thus, in order to improve the communication skills of children by introducing them to folklore art, it is necessary to diversify the work in this direction as much as possible, conduct it systematically and purposefully, combining all possible forces and means for this.

In addition to the actual creative work, a social teacher should use various special technologies aimed at developing children's communication skills.

The theory of connected speech by N.I. Zhinkin and T.A. Ladyzhenskaya. In this theory, those special skills that need to be taught to younger students, developing the skills of coherent speech, and which should help the speaker, creating a text, realize their plan as best as possible, are singled out.

These are the following communication skills:

The ability to reveal the topic of the speech.

Ability to express the main idea of ​​a statement.

The ability to collect material for the statement.

The ability to systematize the material collected for the statement.

The ability to build a statement in a certain compositional form.

The ability to express one's thoughts correctly (from the point of view of the norms of the literary language), accurately, clearly and as vividly as possible.

T.A. Ladyzhenskaya points out that the formation of these skills will help create an utterance that meets the requirements of good speech. The content, persuasiveness, and clarity of the statement depend on how much the student was able to reveal the topic of the statement, isolate the main thing in it and collect material. The ability to systematize the material determines the consistency, consistency of the statement.

Role-playing games, speech situations (both specially created in accordance with the goals and objectives of the lesson, and taken directly from life), statements of different genres, and speech improvisations can be used at ensemble rehearsals. Also relevant is the method of constructing a text (dictionary work, constructing phrases, sentences), imitative, based on imitation, acting on a model.

Consider some of the methods of working on the development of communication skills.

1. Construction of reasoning according to the scheme.



2. Compilation of texts with the inclusion of evaluative statements.

What an ear! ... Yummy!

Well, you are greedy, bear! Well, gluttonous!

What wonderful leaves!

What a picture he got!

Here is the fish! A fish is a fish!

How beautiful he is!

What a delicious tea it was!

3. Continue row:

Rain: heavy, torrential, heavy, …., …;

goes, starts, ..., ....

Sky: blue, blue, transparent, gloomy, ..., ...;

turns pink, frowns, covered with clouds, ..., ....

Water (in the river): clean, clear, muddy, ..., ...;

bubbling, bubbling, splashing, ..., ....

4. Language games. "Who is bigger?"

The players are divided into two teams. The facilitator offers the floor. For example, soft. The participants in the game must verbally compose as many short sentences as possible, statements with this word.

As a variant of this didactic game is the compilation of sentences on a specific topic, for example, "Snow".

In the course of working with children, corrective speech exercises were also used.

Exercise number 1. "Role communication."

The participants are divided into two groups, the first group is journalists who are interviewing, in the second group everyone chooses who he will be (sportsman, businessman, president, etc.) and, based on his role, must answer journalists' questions for 3 -5 minutes. In conclusion, discuss: Was it easy to communicate based on a specific role? What experiences, thoughts arose during the exercise? What did it help you understand?

Exercise number 2. "Transmission of feelings."

Everyone stands in a line, at the back of each other's head, the first person turns to the second and conveys some feeling (joy, anger, sadness, surprise) to him with facial expressions, the second person must convey the same feeling to the next, etc. the latter is asked what feeling he received and compared with what feeling was sent at the beginning, and how each participant understood the feeling he received.

Exercise number 3. "Strengths."

Purpose of the exercise: to help group members understand that any situation can be analyzed without judgment, finding strengths in it.

Instruction: participants are divided into pairs: the first member of the pair tells the partner about his difficulty or problem for a minute. The second, after listening, should analyze the situation in such a way as to find strengths in the behavior of the partner and tell about it in detail. Then the roles change. After completing the exercise, the group discusses: was everyone able to find strengths in the partner's behavior? Who found it difficult to do this, why?

Exercise number 4. "Empathy".

Instruction: all members in the circle listen to one of the participants who says an emotionally charged phrase. Everyone, in turn, names the feeling that, in his opinion, the speaker is experiencing.

Exercise number 5. "Through glass".

The purpose of the exercise: the formation of mutual understanding of communication partners at a non-verbal level.

One of the participants transmits the text as if through glass, i.e. facial expressions and gestures: others call what they understand.

The degree of coincidence of the transmitted and understood text indicates the ability to establish non-verbal contacts.

Role-playing game "Difficult decision".

Children are invited to discuss this or that situation. For example: “You have a very close friend. You met another boy (girl) that your friend did not like, but you liked very much. What to do in such a situation. How to explain to your friend that your new friend is not a bad person at all?

Role-playing game "Carousel"


Formation of quick response skills when making contacts;

Development of empathy and reflection in the learning process.

The game is a series of meetings, each time with a new person. Task: it is easy to get in touch, keep up the conversation and say goodbye.

Members of the group stand on the principle of a "carousel", i.e. face each other and form two circles: the inner motionless and the outer movable

Situation examples:

Before you is a person whom you know well, but have not seen for a long time. Are you excited about this meeting...

in front of you stranger. Get to know him...

Before you is a small child, he was afraid of something. Approach him and calm him down.

After a long separation, you meet a friend (girlfriend), you are very happy to meet ...

The time to establish contact and conduct a conversation is 3-4 minutes. Then the facilitator gives a signal and the training participants move to the next participant.

Using these exercises, you can form communication skills.

In our opinion, training sessions are also very effective.

Let us give an example of one of the training sessions conducted by the social in the leisure center with children who are members of the Vasilek folklore group. (See Attachment)

It should be noted that it is diverse. Creative, systematic work with children contributes to the effective development of communication skills and abilities.

2.3 Experimental verification of the effectiveness of the technology for the formation of communication skills in younger students in a leisure center

The main areas of work with younger schoolchildren who narrated the folklore ensemble of the leisure center were determined by the peculiarities of the formation of speech activity in the classroom and rehearsals, the specifics of the language material and were aimed at improving the basic communication skills of elementary school students necessary for successful and most complete self-realization:

Evaluation of the situation of the intended communication,

making contact,

The ability to listen, which involves the possession of non-reflexive (the ability to "attentively remain silent") and reflective (clarification, reflection of feelings, summarizing, paraphrasing) listening;

Capturing the audience's attention

Possession of verbal and non-verbal means of communication,

Assessment of the communication process, making the necessary adjustments,

Avoiding conflict situations, getting out of conflict,

Evaluation of the results of the communicative act.

Coherent speech in its natural form is difficult to objectively analyze, since it depends on the conditions of communication, on the relationship between its participants.

In pedagogical practice, it is advisable to use accounting and verification classes, in which various diagnostic tasks are set (describe an object, compose a story from a picture, write a letter to a friend, etc.) in order to find out how children have learned the coherent speech training program. By their mistakes and difficulties, one can judge the degree of development of communication skills and abilities and the effectiveness of the technologies used.

The final testing revealed significant changes in the behavior of children as participants in a communicative act, in the level and quality of their speech competence, tastes and preferences, which occurred as a result of applying the developed methodology for improving communicative competence. Especially noticeable are the results of children with an initially low level of development of the studied skills and abilities.

Conducted control section (March 2007) using the same methods as those used on initial stage research showed the following results.

Table 4 - General assessment of the results obtained

Last name, first name Evaluation of children's communication skills (in points) Level of speech communication
1. Milena K 12 tall
2. Dasha O 10 tall
3. Lika O 11 tall
4. Alya I 11 average
5. Anya G. 10 tall
6. Luda L 10 tall
7. Olya S 10 tall
8. Sergey M. 10 tall
9. Galya F 9 average
10. Sabina M. 10 tall
11 Nastya A 9 average
12. Xenia I 8 average
13. Vika N. 10 tall
14. Julia V 9 average
15. Christina T. 8 average

The results of the final testing confirm the possibility and necessity of using gaming technologies to improve the communicative competence of younger students in extracurricular activities, as well as the use of special training sessions conducted by a qualified social teacher.

The obtained data allow us to say that teachers and educators working with children in the conditions of a leisure center should solve the following tasks for the development of communication skills of younger students:

Provide a good speech environment for pupils.

Create speech situations that determine the motivation of the own speech of younger students.

Develop their interests, needs and opportunities for independent speech.

To ensure the correct understanding and assimilation by children of sufficient vocabulary, grammatical forms, syntactic constructions, logical connections, to activate the existing vocabulary.

Carry out constant special work on the development of communication skills, linking it with creative activities.

Create an atmosphere in the leisure center conducive to the development of a high culture of speech.

Thus, the success of work on the development of communication skills in primary school students depends not only on the degree of preparedness of younger students, but also to a large extent on the skill of teachers and educators and their professionalism.


The situation of modern school education requires the child to actively solve new complex communicative tasks: the organization of business communication between students with each other and with teachers. Therefore, it is very important to develop in a child various forms communication with adults and peers, which will be a prerequisite for the formation of a new type of relationship between a teacher and a student, between an educator and pupils, and between peers. It was for the purpose of active communicative development of younger schoolchildren that I carried out methodological work organized in the 2006-2007 academic year, which made it possible to solve some problems of developing the communicative skills of elementary school students.

The work was carried out on the basis of the Dobry Dom leisure center with children who were members of the Vasilek folklore ensemble.

Its goal is to teach younger students how to communicate effectively, i.e. such communication, in which the interlocutor achieves his communicative goal - to convince, console, incline to some action, etc. And for this, children should speak as much as possible themselves, communicate with each other, with adults.

Special studies show that speech games and trainings in the classroom of a folklore ensemble are also an important means of activating the thinking of schoolchildren, have a positive effect on the enrichment of social ideas, and also have an undoubted educational value, including in the aspect of inculcating love for the native language and for Russian folklore.

Game techniques and trainings conducted with the participation of a social pedagogue, which became an obligatory part of the rehearsal work, made it possible to effectively and delicately increase the level of speech development of the ensemble members.

The performance of many exercises, which under normal conditions require the child to overcome psychological barriers, during the game was given with less effort or quite easily.

Since when performing tasks the principle “from simple to complex”, “from concrete to abstract” was observed, the development of new things and the development of existing abilities took place in comfortable psychological conditions, the child was constantly in a situation of success. Compliance with the principle of voluntariness

(to work or not to work on the problem - the choice of the child himself with an understanding of all the consequences arising from this choice), the possibility of choosing the level of complexity of the exercises and the feasibility of the task made it possible to organize work based on the emerging internal motivation.

In the course of the work, the provisions submitted for defense found their theoretical and practical confirmation. The proven method of using speech development games and trainings to develop the communicative competence of a younger student during extracurricular non-linguistic activities in a leisure center can be recommended for use in extracurricular and extracurricular activities, as well as in the system of additional education.


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Training session with children of primary school age

Topic: Can you communicate?

Purpose: development of communication skills in the process of practical communication.

Course progress.

Social educator (leader): Today we will talk about communication. Your life experience is still small, and sometimes you do not know how to behave in different situations, how to act so that there are no conflicts.

Let's first of all check if you are a conflict person. To do this, answer the questionnaire.

1. An argument began in the class with raised voices. Your reaction: do not take part; I briefly speak in defense of the point of view, which I consider correct; actively intervene in the dispute.

2. Do you speak at class hours with criticism of your comrades?

2) only if I have grounds for this;

3) I criticize always and for any reason.

3. Do you often argue with your friends?

only as a joke, and then if these people are not touchy;

only on matters of principle;

I love controversy.

4. You are standing in line. How do you react if someone steps forward?

I am indignant in my soul, but I am silent;

I make a remark - it is necessary to teach the rude man good manners;

I'm starting to take care of things.

5. Unsalted soup was served at home for dinner. Your reaction. 1) I will not pay attention;

silently take the salt shaker;

I defiantly refuse to eat.

6. On the street or in transport, you stepped on your foot ...

with indignation I will look at the offender;

I will make a remark;

I will express myself without embarrassment in expressions.

7. Someone in the family bought something you don't like.

I won't say anything;

I will confine myself to a short but tactful commentary;

I'll tell you what I think about it.

8. No luck, you lost the argument to your friend.. How do you react to this?

I will try to appear indifferent, but I will make a promise to myself never again to participate in disputes;

I will not hide my annoyance, but I will treat what happened with humor, promising to take revenge;

losing will spoil my mood, I’ll think about how to take revenge on the offenders.

Key: "1" - 4 points, "2" - 2 points, "3" - 0 points. Points are being counted. The group is divided into three psychological types.

The facilitator gives this information.

22-32 points. You are tactful and peaceful, avoid disputes and conflicts, avoid critical situations at school, on the street and at home. Have courage and, if circumstances require, speak out in principle, regardless of faces.

12-20 points. You are known to be a conflict person. But this is an exaggeration. You conflict only if there is no other way out, when all other means have been exhausted. You are able to firmly defend your opinion, without thinking about how this will affect the relations of your comrades towards you. At the same time, you do not “go beyond the “framework”, do not stoop to insults. All this earns you respect.

Up to 10 points. Disputes and conflicts are your element. After all, you love to criticize others. This is criticism for the sake of criticism. Don't be selfish. It is very difficult for those who are close to you. Your intemperance repels people. Is that why you don't have real friends?

Social educator (leader): Everyone wants to become a little better. But there are many opportunities to learn to live without conflict. One of the ways is the ability to give compliments. Let's learn to say nice words to each other.

2 people are called - a boy and a girl. Taking one step forward, they compliment each other. Who won?

Social pedagogue (facilitator): The ability to express one's disposition towards the interlocutor is not everything. Each person needs to be able to conduct a dialogue, i.e. keep the conversation going without getting distracted from the main topic. So, the next competition is called "Cultural Conversation". Two people sit opposite each other. Within two minutes, everyone should state the topic and purpose of the conversation. For example, I want to know what was the last movie my interlocutor saw and what his opinion was about this movie.

The social educator formulates a task for the children: he proposes to build a conversation in such a way that you can listen carefully to your partner, help him reveal the topic, and at the same time solve his own problems (dialogue time - 4 minutes).

Social pedagogue (leader): In speech cultured person who knows how to communicate, there must be words of politeness. Politeness is an essential quality of communication. Let's play "Speech Etiquette".

Two people are playing.

Say hello words. (Hello! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening! Greetings! Hello! Salute!)

Make a request. (Can you tell me? .. Could you tell me? .. Please tell me ... Let me ask you ... Could you? .. Be so kind ... Be kind!)

What are the best words to start dating? (Let me introduce you ... Let me introduce you .. Meet ... What is your name? Do you know each other? Let me introduce you.)

How is it customary to apologize in a cultural society? (I apologize to you... Let me apologize... I can't help but offer you my deepest apologies... I'm sorry for...)

Do you have a few words of comfort and encouragement in reserve? (Don't be upset... There's nothing to worry about... There's nothing wrong with... Everything will be fine... Calm down...)

Do you have a stock of words of gratitude? (Thank you... Thank you. Let me thank you... Thank you in advance... Thank you... Please accept my thanks.)

How to say goodbye so that people will be pleased to meet you again? (Goodbye! Hope to see you again! Good luck! See you tomorrow! All the best! Always glad to see you! Nice to meet you!)

Social pedagogue (facilitator): When communicating, very often difficult situations arise, and sometimes it is not easy to find a way out of them. But it is necessary. Let's try to do it.

Lena (offended): Yesterday, Andrei, you walked towards me and did not say hello. It is not polite.

Andrei (surprised): Why should I say hello? You saw me first, so you should have said hello.

Who is right? (Who is better brought up, he greets first.)

Katya: It is not necessary to say hello to everyone you know. Here we have a neighbor so harmful that I don’t want to wish her health. What am I supposed to pretend?

Is Katya right?

Social pedagogue (leader): They called you names. What is your reaction?

I don't attach any importance.

I'll get away with a joke (I defiantly bow and thank you for the "good" words).

I will thank the same (I will review).

Sorry to the elders.

Social pedagogue (leader): What qualities of character should a person who is worthy of imitation, who can always be trusted in everything, have? We will create a collective portrait, first we will divide into three groups and confer.

(At this time, at the blackboard, one person sorts into two piles of cards, which indicate positive and negative qualities.)

Positive qualities: benevolence, reliability, tact, peacefulness, politeness, honesty, generosity, hospitality, delicacy, good-heartedness, cheerfulness, initiative, wit, responsiveness, modesty, justice, correctness, incorruptibility, patriotism.

Negative qualities: rudeness, tactlessness, incontinence, captiousness, irritability, aggressiveness, envy, indifference, talkativeness, absurdity, malice, greed, vindictiveness, frivolity, hypocrisy, greed, negligence, importunity, touchiness.

Social educator (leader): And now I invite everyone to get acquainted with the laws of successful communication:

1. The most important person in the world is the one in front of you. Love him, find the positive qualities in him. Give him signs of attention and respect.

2. Look for something that brings you together, try not to contradict the interlocutor for any reason.

3. Try not to speak badly about people, do not blame the interlocutor for anything.

Build communication on an equal footing, do not look down on the interlocutor.

Take care of the interlocutor, save him from insults and accusations.

Don't argue over trifles.

Do not argue with those with whom it is useless to argue.

Do not argue with those who are more important dispute than the truth.

Look for opportunities to agree rather than disagree.

Strive not for victory, but for truth and peace.

Social educator (leader): In conclusion, I want to give you a few more recipes for behavior.

It is impolite to take someone aside during a conversation in order to speak with him alone; it is impolite to eavesdrop on what two people are talking about - in such cases, you should just move away from them.

Never whisper at a party. Do not interrupt the speaker. If someone speaks at the same time as you, pause and let them finish the sentence.

In society and at the table, do not show indifference, although it is better to be silent than to talk too much.

Never say to others what it would be unpleasant for you to hear yourself. Rough, harsh words often come back like a boomerang and hit the speaker himself.

I think that after today's game we will once again think about our attitude towards people close to us.

Communication skills are the skills to communicate with each other verbally or without words: through gestures, body language or image. Effective communication skills are the foundation of success in many areas of life. Developed help in getting a job and building relationships within the team. Effective communication skills are thus the key to building interpersonal relationships. Follow the guidelines in this article to improve your communication skills.

Development of communication skills

Communication skills: Listen more

“We have been given one tongue and two ears so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Alexander Solzhenitsyn

"I like to listen. I learned a lot by listening carefully. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway

This is probably one of the most underestimated communication skills. Often, people are self-centered, focused on themselves. Many of them are used to talking about themselves. They wait for someone else to finish talking so they can start talking again. How to overcome this habit?

One of better ways- forget about yourself. Concentrate your attention in a conversation on others, and not on your “I”. Think less about yourself, more about the person you are talking to and listening to.

Listening carefully to the interlocutor, among other things, will help you determine the best way continuation of the conversation. Ask questions that offer broad answers, not just yes or no. Thus, you will be able to communicate more meaningfully and interestingly.

Show a real interest in the interlocutor

“You can make more friends in two months by showing interest in other people than by trying to draw attention to yourself in two years. This is another way of saying: in order to make a friend, you must be one yourself. Dale Carnegie

When you show interest in other people, you naturally become more interested in listening to them, trying to understand what they are thinking.

This means that it will be easier for you to determine what they are really interested in and get rid of negative assumptions that can interfere with the conversation.

Listening to the interlocutor, you can easily find that he or she is not so boring or different from you than you thought when you met.

As Carnegie says, it's much easier to create and promote relationships in a positive way if you show more interest in your partner than in yourself. Why is that?

The reason is simple: people feel more comfortable when you show genuine concern for them and their interests.

Communication Skills: Don't listen too much to criticism

“If they say bad things about you, and if it’s true, correct yourself. If it's a lie, laugh." Epictetus

“If we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about him. Rather, it suggests that a worm of critical attitude towards others has settled inside us. Unknown author

Well, well, Epictetus taught us something. Listen to criticism. If you feel that there is a grain of truth in it, think about how to improve. However, it should be clearly understood that in most cases criticism reflects the state of the critic.

Maybe she or he wasn't having the best day. Maybe your child or pet is sick. Maybe your interlocutor or interlocutor is jealous of you or angry with someone else. Due to the fact that people are focused on themselves, it is easy to draw an erroneous conclusion about yourself. It is possible that when criticizing you, this person is thinking about something in his own life. And you, on the other hand, are focused on yourself. Thus, you may come to the conclusion that the criticism applies to you.

But the world doesn't revolve around you. Realizing that people don't think much about you and what you do can make your life a lot easier. The problem associated with the fear of doing something wrong because of the opinions of others turns into only a small obstacle.

Communication Skills: Don't talk for too long

This postulate refers to the ability to listen. By acting as a speaker for too long, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to hear the interlocutor. By focusing on others, you begin to talk less yourself.

Treat others the way you would like them to treat you

“The people around you at work reflect how you feel about them. If you are suspicious, unfriendly or condescending towards others, expect the same attitude towards yourself. Treating them with respect and sympathy, you will feel the same good attitude towards yourself. It's worth it, since you spend most of your working time with them." Beatrice Vincent

In human relationships, the law of reciprocity is strong. How you treat someone is how they will treat you. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but over time you will definitely feel it.

Your attitude towards a person is the most important component of behavior and communication. It defines relationships in the world around you people.

Your view of the world and people determines how you perceive what is happening around you. Your thoughts determine your feelings. And thoughts and feelings determine what you say and how you behave.

Even if you say nice words, the interlocutor may have an opposite attitude towards you based on the fact that your thoughts, feelings, tone of voice and body language do not match your words. Words make up only 7 percent of the communication process. Therefore, everything else, apart from words, is decisive.

Communication Skills: Maintain a positive attitude

“I am convinced that a positive attitude is the key to success or failure in almost all life situations. Your aspirations, appearance, your attitude towards yourself and other people determine your priorities, values ​​and actions. Your position determines the way you interact with other people and with yourself.” Carolyn Warner

“Two people are looking through the same prison bars. One sees the mud, the other sees the stars.” Frederick Langbridge

“You can do a lot with kindness. The sun can melt the ice, and kindness makes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility disappear.” Albert Schweitzer

A positive attitude is a conscious choice of a positive aspect under any external circumstances. It is not always possible to stick to it all the time, but it should be developed like a habit of eating well and exercising. It's only difficult at the beginning. But once your brain gets used to a new behavior, it becomes almost automatic. The brain interprets reality in a different plane than before.

Instead of seeing problems everywhere, he begins to look for opportunities and find the good in every situation. Ask yourself, "What can I learn from this"? Find reasons that will allow you to be grateful and happy.

When communicating, use not only words, but also body language

"People may forget what you said, but they will never forget how they felt when talking to you." Karl Buechner

"I speak two languages: English and body language." Mae West

“We often refuse to agree with the speaker just because the tone of his voice is unpleasant to us.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Words are only a small part of communication. About 90% of the message is conveyed through tone of voice and body language. By improving these two aspects, you will be able to communicate your thoughts better to others. For example, you may start speaking more emotionally. If you are open and positive, this is reflected in your gestures and facial expressions. When you are listening, you can lean slightly towards the interlocutor and look into his eyes, emphasizing that you are listening carefully, etc. Pay attention to the tone of your voice and body movement when communicating with others, adjusting it as needed.

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For dessert, an inspirational video.