Parent Saturday year calendar. Days of special commemoration of all the dead: calendar

  • 29.09.2019

The veneration of the dead dates back thousands of years and is familiar to one degree or another to almost all peoples of the globe: from the ancient Romans and Greeks to the modern Japanese and Chinese.

If paganism embodied the first fears of mankind, Christianity that came to replace it already perceived the world more meaningful and deeper: the wild cult of ancestors gave way to brighter parental Saturdays. In Russian Orthodoxy, as in no other religions, days special commemoration the departed carry a high sacral value.

In Catholic countries, there is only one parental day (November 1 - All Saints Day), in our tradition there are eight (according to other sources - ten). And in nine regions of Russia, local authorities have legally made the memorial day an additional day off (we are talking about, in next year it will be celebrated on May 10).

Today, parental Saturdays have become a serious occasion to honor the good memory of deceased loved ones: usually people visit cemeteries, look after the graves of the deceased and treat their friends with sweets so that they, in turn, also commemorate the deceased.

Universal Parent Saturdays:

  • Meatfare Saturday - March 5;
  • Trinity Saturday - 18 June.

Private parenting days:

  • Radonitsa - May 10;
  • Memorial Day for the slain Orthodox warriors - September 11;
  • Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday - November 5th.

Parental Saturdays of Great Lent:

  • 26 March;
  • April 2;
  • April 9th.

The most basic memorial days in Orthodoxy are Meat-Feast Saturday and Trinity Saturday. These Saturdays are called Ecumenical, because they are obligatory for all Orthodox churches.

In addition to the Ecumenical, there are dates that are characteristic exclusively for Russian Orthodox practice, the so-called private parental days: Radonitsa, the Day of those killed on the battlefield and Dmitrievskaya Saturday. Their value for our compatriots is due to the importance historical events with which their origin is associated.

A special place is occupied by Lenten parental Saturdays, when the church charter forbids commemorations and prescribes reflections on living relatives. The significance of the parental days of Great Lent is that even on such solemn days, parishioners do not forget the reposed righteous and pray for them before God. Ranked among the days of commemoration of the dead on May 9 as a day of honoring the fallen during the Great Patriotic War, as well as Semik (June 16), when they pray for the dead with a strange or terrible death: rootless beggars, drowned, executed, etc.

However, the latter does not originally belong to the church and is a relic of the pagan past. Often in villages with well-established patriarchal customs, their own, non-church, parental days are preserved, for example, St. Michael's Saturday in Polissya.

Meatless Saturday

This is the most ancient and solemn memorial day. Its history dates back to the early centuries of Christianity and should remind believers, first of all, of the Day of Judgment. According to church tradition, the first Christians gathered in cemeteries and prayed for their fellow believers, especially for those who died suddenly and therefore did not receive a decent burial.

The meaning of the rite is to prepare the souls of all believers for a new, afterlife and meeting with God, not forgetting about the souls who left the earthly world. On Meatfare Saturday, they remember those who have died from Adam to our time. V folk beliefs the motive of preparing for the upcoming renewal is also traced - only here the renewal of nature and the transition to spring are meant; It is no coincidence that Saturday precedes the merry Maslenitsa.

In Belarus and the western regions of Russia, the Meatless Parental Saturday is a kind of meeting of all members of the family, both current and former. When the table is laid, you can see the number of devices that exceed the number of those present: in this way they treat the deceased relatives. On this holiday, alms are served in the name of the salvation of all Christian souls.

An equally significant day for the special commemoration of the dead in Orthodoxy is Trinity Saturday. According to legend, on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and they received the gift of teaching people the Word of God.

The day symbolizes the complete purification of the soul by the Holy Spirit, the transition to the highest level of perfection and familiarization with universal human knowledge. On Trinity Saturday, absolutely all the dead are commemorated, including those who are in hell.

Counts a bad sign if on Trinity it is not possible to visit the graves of relatives: then they will come to the house and begin to disturb the living. To appease the dead, sweets or the remains of a memorial dinner are left in the cemetery. A lot of folk legends are connected with Trinity Saturday.

Girls can't do any homework. A wedding on the Trinity is an extremely ominous sign; people believe that the marriage will be unhappy. Beliefs advise not to swim, because mermaids frolic on the Trinity and can carry the living into their kingdom.


Radonitsa, the ninth day after Easter, is a significant day for Eastern Slavs, in which Christianity and the ancients are closely intertwined folk customs. The word "Radonitsa" is the same root as the word "rejoice". According to church interpretation, the idea of ​​the complete victory of Jesus Christ over death was reflected in the celebration; it was on the ninth day after his Resurrection that the Savior descended to the dead and announced to them the joyful news of his Resurrection.

The commemoration of the dead at this time bears the imprint of solemnity: when visiting cemeteries, one should not indulge in noisy festivities, and the dead should be remembered in silence. Often buried in graves Easter eggs and likewise they christen with their loved ones.

In the Chernihiv region, it is customary to leave crumbs in the hope that the ancestors will come, feast on them and bring news. There is a sign on Radonitsa: whoever calls the rain first, he will become more successful. From Radonitsa, funeral services begin to take place in Orthodox churches.

Against the backdrop of others memorial days and parent Saturdays this day seems the most poignant and tragic. The celebration is connected with the biblical legend of Herod. During the celebration, King Herod, delighted with the dance of his stepdaughter Salome, swore in public to give her everything she wanted.

At the instigation of her mother, the insidious Herodias, Salome asked for the head of the prophet John the Baptist on a golden platter. The king, fearing universal condemnation, complied with the request. Since then, the holiday has become the embodiment of courage and perseverance in the struggle for faith and a just cause.

In 1769, when Russia was at war with Poland and Turkey, the church included it in the Charter as the Day of Remembrance of the soldiers who fell in battle, so that the feat of compatriots would remain for centuries. On a holiday it is necessary to strictly fast; it is forbidden to eat even fish. It is believed that if you do not eat anything but bread, you can make a wish at night.

There is a superstition that on September 11 you can not pick up sharp objects, as well as everything that in one way or another resembles a head. However, superstition is contrary to the commandments of the official church.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday

Dmitrievskaya Saturday is another day associated with a special commemoration of the deceased soldiers. The appearance of the celebration is referred to the victory over the horde of Mamai in the Battle of Kulikovo.

According to legend, Dmitry Donskoy asked for blessings for the battle from Sergius of Radonezh himself. Tatar-Mongol yoke It was defeated, they managed to save their native land from desecration, but it was given at a very bloody price: about 100,000 soldiers died. The army also included two monks: Peresvet and Oslyabya.

Starting from the 19th century, the holiday was observed strictly in all military units: on Dmitrievskaya Saturday served a special memorial service. They prepare for Dmitrievskaya Saturday in advance: a day before the celebration, it is customary to go to the bath and wash, and after leaving, leave a towel for the ancestors.

It is customary not only to visit the graves, as on all other Saturdays, but also to celebrate a magnificent feast there. On a holiday, the whole family gathers at the table. Popular wisdom says: the more magnificent the table, the more satisfied the forefathers will be, and the more satisfied the forefathers, the better and calmer the survivors. One of the dishes must be pork. It is important to remember only good things about the dead and that someone from the youngest generation be present during the conversation. There is a sign that if there is snow and cold on Dmitriev Saturday, then spring will also be cold.

The meaning of Lenten memorial days is a manifestation of care and love for the souls of the deceased neighbors. During the most important for Orthodox fasting divine liturgies are not held - it turns out that the souls remain forgotten. Due respect is given if believers go to church and read prayers for dear to my heart people so that the Lord does not leave them without his mercy. It is advisable to read a prayer for the departed and at home.

It must be remembered that such a prayer brings God's grace to the Christian himself. In the whirlwind of everyday routine and household trifles, the kindest feelings seem to be overwritten; to those whom we truly love, we begin to treat with condescension, and sometimes with disdain. It is a pity that the realization of the importance of each word or moment comes too late, and then many forget the deceased.

Regardless of whether a person considers himself a Christian or not, he must accustom himself to grateful reverence and memory - this is part of his upbringing and moral culture. Therefore, parental Saturdays are, first of all, days of deep respect for each other.

Parent Saturday or Ecumenical memorial service- in the calendar of the Orthodox Churches there are special Saturdays on which the “ecumenical” is celebrated, that is, the general commemoration of the departed faithful. In the Orthodox Church, each day of the week is dedicated to the remembrance of the Cross of the Lord, angels and archangels, John the Baptist, etc. On Saturday, all the saints and all the departed Orthodox Christians are commemorated. The liturgical charter prescribes a commemoration of all "Orthodox Christians who have passed away from the age." There are private and general days of commemoration of the dead, established by the Church. Days of special general commemoration of the departed are called "Parental Saturdays". These days, a special commemoration of the departed Orthodox Christians takes place.

parent saturday

The commemoration takes place on the Sabbath day, due to the fact that the Sabbath day is the day of rest (translated from Hebrew), which in its meaning is most suitable for praying for the repose of the dead with the saints. There are two versions that explain why Saturdays (when a special commemoration of the dead is performed) are called parental:

  • Since each person commemorates, first of all, his close people - parents;
  • The name of this day comes from the name of the dead "parents", that is, already belonging to the fathers to whom they departed. Parental days, as a rule, are Saturdays, because in all weeks of the year the commemoration of the dead happens mainly on Saturdays - the Sabbath day, as a day of rest, is the most appropriate for praying for the repose of the dead with the saints.

Universal Parent Saturdays

Ecumenical parental Saturdays, or Ecumenical memorial services, according to the liturgical charter of the Orthodox Church, are performed twice a year:

  • Meatless Saturday- on Saturday before the Week of meat-fare or the Week of the Last Judgment. The commemoration of all the departed faithful before the remembrance of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is rooted in the first centuries of Christianity. On this day, as if preceding the Last Judgment, Christians pray to the Righteous Judge Jesus Christ to show His mercy to all the dead on the day of impartial retribution.
  • Trinity Saturday Saturday before the feast of Pentecost (Holy Trinity). The establishment of this memory also goes back to apostolic times. How Meatfare Saturday foreshadows the day of remembrance Doomsday and the beginning of Great Lent, so Trinity Saturday precedes the opening in all power of the Kingdom of Christ on the day of Pentecost and the beginning of the Apostolic Lent.

Parental Saturdays during Lent

Saturdays for parents 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Great Lent, are often erroneously called universal, but they are not. These Saturdays are established by the Church so as not to deprive the departed of their intercession during Great Lent, since at this time the usual daily commemoration of the departed (magpies and other private commemorations) is impossible, combined with the celebration of the full liturgy, which in great post doesn't happen every day.

Private parenting days

Private parental days are days that exist only in Russian Orthodox Church, are not equated with universal ones, but have a similar meaning in the traditions of Russian Orthodoxy. There are three in total:

  • Radonitsa - Tuesday after Antipascha (on Thomas Week). ancient custom to commemorate the dead on this day belongs to the first centuries of Christianity, but is not marked by a special following in the liturgical charter. It is based on the fact that on Fomin's week the Descent of Jesus Christ into hell is also remembered, and from Monday after Antipascha, the liturgical charter allows the celebration of magpies for the departed - "the living rejoice in the good news of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ together with the departed."
  • Day of Remembrance of Orthodox Warriors, for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland on the battlefield killed- August 29 ( 11 September) - the commemoration of Orthodox wars on this day was established in the Russian Orthodox Church by decree of Empress Catherine II in 1769 during Russian-Turkish war(1768-1774). On this day, we remember the Beheading of John the Baptist, who suffered for the truth.
  • Dmitrievskaya Saturday- Saturday, before October 26 ( November 8), the day of memory of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica. Initially established on the initiative of the Right-believing Prince Dmitry Donskoy after the Kulikovo victory in 1380, this Saturday was dedicated to the memory of the fallen Orthodox soldiers, but became in Russia a day of remembrance for all those who died in the faith.

On the eve, parastas is served; on the day itself - a funeral liturgy.

The days of commemoration of the dead in the Orthodox church tradition are also called "parental Saturday", although not all of them fall on Saturdays. These days, commemorations of the dead Orthodox Christians are held in churches. After the service, traditionally, it is customary to visit the cemetery.

Why did these days have the name "parental" historians tried to establish. Most likely, of course, this is from the word "parents". But this is how the ancient Christians called those who had already gone to their fathers. The second version says that the days are so because it has always been customary for Orthodox Christians to pray for deceased parents on Saturdays.

Interesting! There are seven parental Saturdays in a year, as well as several other days for remembrance. Each has its own set date. Every year, believers check the calendar, because the dates of many parental Saturdays are rolling. For example, those that fall during the period of Great Lent directly depend on the dates of fasting this year.

Days of remembrance of the dead in 2016: calendar

March 5 is the Meat-Feast Saturday. It is also called Universal Parental Saturday. This is the Saturday of the last week before Lent, when you can still eat meat. Then comes Maslenitsa week or Cheese week (you can’t eat meat anymore, but you can eat dairy products and fish). ends on Sunday (March 13, 2016), and then Lent begins.
March 26 is the Saturday of the second week. Interestingly, during the period of fasting, services for the dead people are not held. But on the three established Saturdays, it is allowed to break this rule, pray for the dead, visit the cemetery.
April 2 will be the parental Saturday of the third week of Great Lent.
April 9 is the parental Saturday of the fourth week of Great Lent.
May 10 will be a big holiday Radonitsa. On this day, believers go to the graves of their ancestors to tell them that Christ is Risen. This day always falls on the second Tuesday after Easter. Many go to the cemetery on Easter itself, but, according to church traditions, it is not right. To visit the graves in honor of the great holiday, there is a day specially allocated for this - Radonitsa. In Belarus, this day is an official holiday.
May 9 is the Day of Remembrance of the Dead Soldiers.
June 18 is Trinity Saturday.
November 5 will be Dmitrievskaya Saturday.

What is the Ecumenical Sabbath and memorial service

There are seven parental Saturdays in a year, but especially the Orthodox Church highlights Ecumenical Saturdays. On this day, the church commemorates the prayers of all the deceased baptized Christians. Ecumenical is Meat-Feast Saturday, which takes place a week before the start of Lent, as well as Trinity Saturday, which is celebrated the day before. big holiday Pentecost. These days, ecumenical memorial services are performed in churches.

An ecumenical or parental memorial service in churches takes place at every established church calendar Parents day. The word "requiem" refers to the funeral service. On it they pray for dead people and ask the Lord to give them mercy and forgive their sins. Translated from the Greek language, "requiem" means "all-night".

Parental Saturdays of Great Lent and Radonitsa

So, the days of commemoration of the dead in 2016 will be held on March 5, 26, April 2 and 9, May 9. And also after the end of the post there will be Radonitsa, which this year falls on May 10. According to the Church Charter, during the period of fasting, memorial commemorations are not performed. But, three days have been specially allocated when you can remember the dead with prayer. It is always the Saturdays of the second, third and fourth weeks of Lent.

The holiday Radonitsa is also called Radunitsa. This is a day of special commemoration of the dead people. It is associated with Easter and is considered a holiday. The holiday always falls on Tuesday of St. Thomas' week after Easter (this is the second holiday week). On this day, you should go to the cemetery with colored eggs and Easter cakes to tell the dead that Jesus Christ announced with his resurrection the victory of life over death.

Any believer or non-believer Orthodox Christian at least once in a lifetime, but honored the memory of deceased relatives on special parental days. On parental days, all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church serve funeral liturgies. It is customary these days to visit cemeteries, to give away souls for the mention (most often these are sweets). But you can distribute alms in the form of food, things or money not only on parental days, but throughout the year. After all, the souls of the departed are waiting for our prayers not only on parental days, they always need prayer. After all, distributing alms and ordering constant remembrance in the church, remembering at home, you can alleviate the fate of the deceased relative. In addition to the fact that deceased relatives are commemorated on special parental days, it would be nice to remember them on their birthday or on the day of the angel.

But calling parental days parental Saturdays is not entirely correct. After all, such days do not always fall on Saturdays. For example, Radonitsa always happens on Tuesday on the ninth day after Easter. There is still May 9, on this day it is customary to commemorate the dead soldiers. Already May 9 is very rarely on Saturday.

All parental days, one way or another, are connected with Easter, and Easter every year in different time. May 1st in 2016. On this day and Light Christ's Resurrection you can celebrate by glorifying the risen Christ, and celebrate the first of May.

Before the beginning Easter fast there is always a Universal Meat-Safe Parental Saturday. This week, meat is eaten before Lent for the last time. Oil Week will be held there and Great Lent will begin. For many, this is, of course, a great feat to keep the entire fast for the benefit of the soul and body. So the Universal meat-and-fat Parental Saturday in 2016 will be March 5th.

Well, the next day, when funeral services are served for the dead, this, as mentioned above, is May 9th. On this day, not only a parade takes place on all squares of settlements, but also many Orthodox churches serve a prayer service for the fallen soldiers.

Next comes the RADONITsa, respectively, since we have Easter on May 1, 2016, then the ninth day will be May 10, respectively. RADONITsa is considered by the Orthodox to be the most important Parent's Day. On Easter, it is not customary to visit cemeteries, but on RADONITSA you must definitely visit the graves of deceased relatives and serve a memorial service for the dead.

For those who died not baptized, or suicides, there is also a special day. It's the Thursday after Easter, seven weeks later. In 2016 it will be June 16th. But few people know about this day, and not all churches serve such services on this day.

The next Parental Saturday is, of course, TROITSKAYA PARENTAL SATURDAY. It always happens on the eve of Trinity. Trinity in 2016 on June 19, from which it follows that the parents will be on June 18.

On the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist, which is always September 11, Orthodox soldiers are commemorated every year. This day can also be considered Parent's Day. Indeed, in almost every family there is someone who died in the Great Patriotic War.

And the last Parental Saturday is DMITRIEVSKAYA PARENTAL SATURDAY. In 2016 it will be November 5th.

Here are all the days when special Orthodox services are served for the dead. But do not forget that very often memorial services are performed in the church, where you can also commemorate the dead.

Life is so short that you can miss a lot. It is not worth leaving a prayer for your neighbors, both for the living and for the dead, for later. After all, we always remember our living relatives. So let's not forget about the dead.

Parental days are memorial days for deceased ancestors. In the calendar of the Orthodox Church, every day is dedicated to a specific event, memorial days. Remember according to the church Orthodox custom their deceased relatives are taken on certain days of the year. These days are called parental days or parental Saturdays, although these dates do not always fall on a Saturday.

Radonitsa, Trinity Saturday and Dimitrovskaya are considered the most important parental days among the people, but there are also Ecumenical memorial days.

In addition, it is necessary to honor the memory of departed relatives on the day of their birth and on the day of death. Many commemorate the deceased on the day of his angel (the saint in whose honor he was baptized).

As for parental Saturdays in 2016, they are scheduled for certain days when common liturgies (departure services) are read in churches, and every believer can join this prayer, remembering their loved ones. During the year there are 9 such special memorial days, of which 6 times always fall on Saturdays, they are called "Ecumenical Parental Saturdays". Once we honor the memory of the dead on Tuesday on Radonitsa, and May 9 and September 11 are reserved for the memory of the deceased soldiers and can fall on any day of the week.

Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy (Church note)

Those who have Christian names are remembered for health, and only those baptized in the Orthodox Church are remembered for repose.

Notes can be submitted to the liturgy:

At the proskomedia - the first part of the liturgy, when for each name indicated in the note, particles are taken out of special prosphora, which are subsequently lowered into the Blood of Christ with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins

First, on March 5, the universal meat and meat Saturday will come. Then, on March 26, comes the second Saturday of Great Lent. The next parent's day falls on April 2. Saturday of the fourth week of Great Lent will come, a week later, on April 9th.

May 9 will be the day of remembrance for all those who died during the Second World War. On June 16, on the seventh Thursday after Easter, there will be a day of remembrance for suicides, unbaptized and violently killed. In 2 days, June 18 will be Trinity parental Saturday. September 11 is the day of remembrance for soldiers who died in the war. November 5 - Dmitrievskaya parental Saturday.

Universal Parent Saturdays

Ecumenical parental Saturdays, or Ecumenical memorial services, according to the liturgical charter of the Orthodox Church, are performed twice a year:

Meatfare Saturday - On March 5 there will be a memorial day called the Ecumenical Meatfare Saturday

This is the most ancient and solemn memorial day. Its history dates back to the early centuries of Christianity and should remind believers, first of all, of the Day of Judgment. According to church tradition, the first Christians gathered in cemeteries and prayed for their fellow believers, especially for those who died suddenly and therefore did not receive a decent burial.

The meaning of the rite is to prepare the souls of all believers for a new, afterlife and meeting with God, not forgetting about the souls who left the earthly world. On Meatfare Saturday, they remember those who have died from Adam to our time. In folk beliefs, the motive of preparing for the upcoming renewal is also traced - only here it means the renewal of nature and the transition to spring; It is no coincidence that Saturday precedes the merry Maslenitsa.

In Belarus and the western regions of Russia, the Meatless Parental Saturday is a kind of meeting of all members of the family, both current and former. When the table is laid, you can see the number of devices that exceed the number of those present: in this way they treat the deceased relatives. On this holiday, alms are served in the name of the salvation of all Christian souls.

Indestructible Psalter

The indestructible Psalter is read not only about health, but also about repose. From ancient times, the ordering of a commemoration on the Unsleeping Psalter is considered a great almsgiving for the departed soul.

It is also good to order the Indestructible Psalter for yourself, support will be vividly felt. And one more crucial point, but by no means the least important
There is an eternal commemoration on the Indestructible Psalter. It seems expensive, but the result is more than a million times more than the money spent. If this is still not possible, then you can order for a shorter period. It's also good to read for yourself.

Trinity Saturday -On June 18, a memorial day falls, which is called Trinity Saturday.

An equally significant day for the special commemoration of the dead in Orthodoxy is Trinity Saturday. According to legend, on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and they received the gift of teaching people the Word of God.

The day symbolizes the complete purification of the soul by the Holy Spirit, the transition to the highest level of perfection and familiarization with universal human knowledge. On Trinity Saturday, absolutely all the dead are commemorated, including those who are in hell.

It is considered a bad sign if it is not possible to visit the graves of relatives on Trinity: then they will come to the house and begin to disturb the living. To appease the dead, sweets or the remains of a memorial dinner are left in the cemetery. A lot of folk legends are connected with Trinity Saturday.

Girls are not allowed to do any housework. A wedding on the Trinity is an extremely ominous sign; people believe that the marriage will be unhappy. Beliefs advise not to swim, because mermaids frolic on the Trinity and can carry the living into their kingdom.

Parental Saturdays during Lent

Saturdays, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturdays of Great Lent

On April 9 there will be a memorial day - this will be the fourth parental Saturday of Great Lent.

The meaning of Lenten memorial days is a manifestation of care and love for the souls of the deceased neighbors. During the most important fast for the Orthodox, divine liturgies are not held - it turns out that the souls remain forgotten. Due respect is given if believers go to church and read prayers for people dear to their hearts so that the Lord does not leave them without his mercy. It is advisable to read a prayer for the departed and at home.

It must be remembered that such a prayer brings God's grace to the Christian himself. In the whirlwind of everyday routine and household trifles, the kindest feelings seem to be overwritten; to those whom we truly love, we begin to treat with condescension, and sometimes with disdain. It is a pity that the realization of the importance of each word or moment comes too late, and then many forget the deceased.

Regardless of whether a person considers himself a Christian or not, he must accustom himself to grateful reverence and memory - this is part of his upbringing and moral culture. Therefore, parental Saturdays are, first of all, days of deep respect for each other.

Private parenting days

Radonitsa, the ninth day after Easter, is a significant day for the Eastern Slavs, in which Christianity and ancient folk customs are closely intertwined. The word "Radonitsa" is the same root as the word "rejoice". According to church interpretation, the idea of ​​the complete victory of Jesus Christ over death was reflected in the celebration; it was on the ninth day after his Resurrection that the Savior descended to the dead and announced to them the joyful news of his Resurrection.

The commemoration of the dead at this time bears the imprint of solemnity: when visiting cemeteries, one should not indulge in noisy festivities, and the dead should be remembered in silence. Often, Easter eggs are buried in the graves and they are christened with loved ones in a similar way.

In the Chernihiv region, it is customary to leave crumbs in the hope that the ancestors will come, feast on them and bring news. There is a sign on Radonitsa: whoever calls the rain first, he will become more successful. From Radonitsa, funeral services begin to take place in Orthodox churches.

Day of Remembrance of Orthodox Warriors, for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland on the battlefield killed -11 September

Commemoration of Orthodox wars on this day was established in the Russian Orthodox Church by decree of Empress Catherine II in 1769 during the Russian-Turkish war (1768-1774). On this day, we remember the Beheading of John the Baptist, who suffered for the truth.

Against the background of other memorial days and parental Saturdays, this day seems the most poignant and tragic. The celebration is connected with the biblical legend of Herod. During the celebration, King Herod, delighted with the dance of his stepdaughter Salome, swore in public to give her everything she wanted.

At the instigation of her mother, the insidious Herodias, Salome asked for the head of the prophet John the Baptist on a golden platter. The king, fearing universal condemnation, complied with the request. Since then, the holiday has become the embodiment of courage and perseverance in the struggle for faith and a just cause.

In 1769, when Russia was at war with Poland and Turkey, the church included it in the Charter as the Day of Remembrance of the soldiers who fell in battle, so that the feat of compatriots would remain for centuries. On a holiday it is necessary to strictly fast; it is forbidden to eat even fish. It is believed that if you do not eat anything but bread, you can make a wish at night.

There is a superstition that on September 11 you can not pick up sharp objects, as well as everything that in one way or another resembles a head. However, superstition is contrary to the commandments of the official church.

Sorokoust about repose

This type of commemoration of the dead can be ordered at any hour - there are no restrictions on this either. During Great Lent, when a full liturgy is performed much less frequently, in a number of churches commemoration is practiced this way - in the altar, during the entire fast, all the names in the notes are read and, if they serve the liturgy, then they take out the particles. It is only necessary to remember that those baptized in Orthodox faith people, as in the notes submitted to the proskomedia, are allowed to enter the names of only the baptized deceased.

Dmitrievskaya Saturday is another day associated with a special commemoration of the deceased soldiers. The appearance of the celebration is referred to the victory over the horde of Mamai in the Battle of Kulikovo.

According to legend, Dmitry Donskoy asked for blessings for the battle from Sergius of Radonezh himself. The Tatar-Mongol yoke was defeated, they managed to save their native land from desecration, but this came at a very bloody price: about 100,000 soldiers died. The army also included two monks: Peresvet and Oslyabya.

Starting from the 19th century, the holiday was strictly observed in all military units: a special memorial service was served on Dmitriev Saturday. They prepare for Dmitrievskaya Saturday in advance: a day before the celebration, it is customary to go to the bath and wash, and after leaving, leave a towel for the ancestors.

It is customary not only to visit the graves, as on all other Saturdays, but also to celebrate a magnificent feast there. On a holiday, the whole family gathers at the table. Popular wisdom says: the more magnificent the table, the more satisfied the forefathers will be, and the more satisfied the forefathers, the better and calmer the survivors. One of the dishes must be pork. It is important to remember only good things about the dead and that someone from the youngest generation be present during the conversation. There is a sign that if there is snow and cold on Dmitriev Saturday, then spring will also be cold.