Easter post in how to eat. Lent: meals by day with recipes and a complete list of lean foods

  • 02.07.2020


On Clean Monday, complete abstinence from food is customary. The rest of the time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry eating (water, bread, fruits, vegetables, compotes); Tuesday, Thursday - hot food without oil; Saturday, Sunday - food with vegetable oil.

Fish is allowed on the Annunciation Holy Mother of God(April 7) and Palm Sunday (April 9 in 2017). On Lazarus Saturday (April 8, 2017), caviar is allowed. On Good Friday (April 14, 2017), food cannot be eaten until the shroud is taken out.

great post 2017 nutrition: first week

Tuesday, February 28 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Wednesday, March 1 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Thursday, March 2 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Friday, March 3 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Lent 2017 nutrition: second week

Monday, March 6 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Wednesday, March 8 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Friday, March 10 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).


Lent 2017 nutrition: third week

Monday, March 13 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Wednesday, March 15 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Friday, March 17 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Lent 2017 nutrition: fourth week

Monday, March 20 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Wednesday, March 22 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Friday, March 24 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Lent 2017 nutrition: fifth week

Monday, March 27 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Wednesday, March 29 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Friday, March 31 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Lent 2017 nutrition: sixth week

Monday, April 3 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Wednesday, April 5 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts).

Friday, April 7 - dry eating (consumption of bread, raw vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, honey, nuts). Fish are allowed.

Saturday, April 8 - boiled food with the addition of vegetable oil, wine, caviar. Fish caviar is allowed.

Great Lent 2017 Nutrition: Seventh Week

We remind you that Great Lent is one of the strictest fasts. church calendar and begins seven weeks before Easter. It consists of forty days (Fourteen) and the week before Easter (Passion Week). Lent will end on April 15, 2017.

Great Lent: What Can You Eat?

It is believed that during Great Lent one should not eat food of animal origin - meat, eggs, milk. On certain days (Palm Sunday and the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos), believers are allowed to eat fish.

According to the church charter, during Great Lent there are certain rules in nutrition: in particular, a particularly strict fast is observed in the first and last weeks. At the same time, eating is allowed only once a day, in the evening, however, on Saturdays and Sundays, food is allowed twice a day - at lunch and in the evening.

On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, food should be consumed cold, without vegetable oil. On Tuesdays and Fridays, hot food without butter is allowed. On Saturdays and Sundays, it is allowed to add vegetable oil to food, it is also allowed to use grape wine (except for Saturday of Holy Week).

Starting from Good Friday, you should completely refrain from eating food - until the onset of Great Easter.

What can you eat during Lent?

Despite all the restrictions, you still need to eat as varied and balanced as possible during Lent. Main products allowed in the post: black Rye bread, cereals, cereals, salted and pickled vegetables, jam from berries and fruits. Mushrooms, legumes, dried fruits, nuts, honey are also not prohibited. It is allowed to eat fish twice during the entire fast.

Great Lent 2017: daily schedule

The Feast of Forgiveness Sunday marks the beginning of the first week. There are no food restrictions on this day.

The environment requires the adoption of only raw plant foods, as well as bread.

Thursday will have to be spent in complete abstinence.

On Friday and Saturday you can include hot food in the diet.

Sunday of the week is considered the first week of Great Lent. It symbolizes the victory of the righteous faith over heresy and is called the Triumph of Orthodoxy. The pious holiday allows you to eat hot and baked food, as well as drink two cups of wine.

Monday is the day of dry eating, hot food will have to be completely abandoned.

Tuesday is the day of remembrance of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. You can eat hot food, as well as drink one cup of wine.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - dry food with a one-time use of hot food.

On Saturday of the second week, hot food and two cups of wine can be included in the menu.

On the second week of Great Lent, the memory of St. Gregory Palamas is honored. He preached the doctrine of the power of fasting and prayer. On this day, hot food and two cups of wine are allowed.

From Monday to Friday, you will have to be content with dry eating and one hot meal.

On Saturday, a hot meal with vegetable oil and one cup of wine are allowed.

It is called the Cross or the Cross. From Sunday to Friday of the Fourth Week life-giving cross takes the place of the icon of the holiday in the center of the temple. There is a glorification of the Holy Cross as a symbol of great power. On Friday, after the readings, the cross is moved back to the altar with a solemn procession.

From Monday to Wednesday and Friday - dry eating with one hot meal in the morning.

On Thursday, the Annunciation is celebrated, on this day hot food and fish are allowed.

On Saturday you can enjoy hot food and one cup of wine.

The beginning of the week is marked by the week dedicated to the theologian John of the Ladder. Being the abbot, he created the great scripture "The Ladder of Virtues", in which he described in detail all the milestones and the path of spiritual perfection.

Throughout the week in the diet, you need to alternate dry eating with hot food.

The week of the sixth week is the day of remembrance of St. Mary of Egypt. Her life is an example of great repentance. After 17 years of living in sin, Mary tries to enter the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, but an unknown force prevents her from doing so. After spending long hours praying in front of the icon of the Mother of God, Mary feels inner cleansing and enters the temple. The next day, she crosses the Jordan River and begins a hermit life. She spends the rest of her days in prayer and abstinence. The story of Mary is an example of the boundless mercy of the Lord to repentant sinners. This week you can drink two cups of wine and eat hot food.

On Monday, you need to observe strict dry eating.

On Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, one hot meal is allowed.

Offensive Lazarus Saturday allows believers to taste some fish caviar, treat themselves to hot food and two cups of wine.

It starts with Palm Sunday. This day marks the arrival of Christ in Jerusalem. At his feet, people threw numerous branches, in our country they are replaced by willows.

On this day, you can enjoy the taste of fish dishes and hot food. Two cups of wine are allowed.

All days of Passion Week are called great. The diet allows raw vegetables and fruits, as well as hot broth once a day.

V Clean Thursday you can eat porridge without oil.

The last day of Lent is Holy Saturday. On this day, many believers completely refuse food until the bright holiday of Easter.

Before you start observing Great Lent, it’s a good idea to first consult with your spiritual mentor or priest, who will help you conduct it correctly. In most cases modern man you should not stick to the traditional monastic menu, because for this you need to have a prepared body. As a rule, a special nutrition calendar compiled by nutritionists and containing many useful and delicious meals. They are close to the daily diet ordinary person and help brighten up the difficult days of abstinence.

Lent is the most important and oldest multi-day fast in Christianity. It is believed that Great Lent is the most instructive, beautiful, touching and bright time in everything. Orthodox calendar. This forty-day period is entirely aimed at preparing for the main Christian holiday - the Bright Resurrection of Christ, or, as it is also called,.

The essence of Lent for believers

Jesus Christ himself was led by the spirit into the wilderness, where he was subjected to the temptation of the devil for all forty days, during which the Savior did not eat anything. That is, by fasting Christ began the work of saving our souls. Great Lent is a strict fast in honor of the Son of God, and the last week of fasting, Holy Week (week), is established in honor of the last days of earthly life, torment, violent suffering and death of Jesus Christ.

The main purpose of Lent- the complete eradication of the destructive manifestations of the human soul and the acquisition of virtues. This is facilitated not only by restriction in food, but also by prayer, constant visits church services and complete renunciation of lies, hypocrisy, foul language, etc.

Not 40, but 48 days

In fact, Great Lent does not consist of forty days, it includes all forty-eight days of strict preparation for Easter, both of the soul and the body.

Parts of Easter Lent:

  1. Forty days (first 40 days);
  2. Lazarus Saturday (1 day - Palm Saturday before Palm Sunday);
  3. Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (1 day - Palm Sunday, a week before Easter);
  4. Holy Week (6 days - the whole week from Monday to Saturday before the Easter holiday).

Food calendar by day during Lent 2017

The liturgical charter describing the main traditions of the life of the church (Tipikon) describes the rules of the meal during Lent as follows:

  • Fast foods (food of animal origin - meat, fats, milk, butter, eggs, etc.) should be completely abandoned throughout the fast.
  • First week and last week During the Great Lent, it is necessary to observe the diet especially strictly. Spirit, soul and body must be kept in particular severity during these two weeks.
  • On Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week of Great Lent, food can only be eaten cold (this is called a raw food diet) without oil (not even vegetable), and it is allowed to eat only once a day, in the evening.
  • Tuesday and Thursday of every week Lent food is taken only once a day - in the evening. On these days, hot food is allowed, but oil cannot be added.
  • Weekends - Saturdays and Sundays- fasting people receive some relief: you can eat food with the addition of vegetable oil and drink a little red wine twice a day.
  • Friday of the last week of Great Lent(Holy Week) abstain from food.
  • On Saturday Holy Week believing fasting Christians do not eat at all.
  • On a holiday, it is allowed to eat fish, but only if this church holiday does not fall on Holy Week.
  • Fish is also allowed.
  • If the holidays of the saints fall during Lent, then these days they also make indulgences in the form of wine and hot food with vegetable oil.

The desire to keep Great Lent is highly commendable, both from a spiritual and health point of view. Doctors unanimously say that refraining from heavy food in the spring will only benefit the body.

However, many, especially beginners, mentally shudder: will they be able to survive these difficult 7 weeks so that they do not think only about food all the time? After all, the lion's share of fasting should be devoted to pious thoughts and prayer. Let's figure out together what foods are allowed for consumption during Lent.


Vegetables, of course, include cabbage, which happens different types and the taste is completely different: broccoli, white cabbage, color, Peking and Brussels.

You can also eat potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, sweet peppers, green beans, carrots. Do not forget about fresh herbs - dill, parsley, green onion, spinach, sorrel, basil, cilantro, lettuce, etc.


Agree, usually a family chooses two or three favorite cereals, and, at the same time, the choice of various cereals in stores is very large. Try to look closely and diversify your Lenten menu porridge from new cereals.


Peas, beans and beans are the most important sources of protein during Lent. And if you or your family members play sports, be sure to include these foods in your diet. healthy ingredients. They can be added to vegetable stews or mashed. Very tasty lobio is obtained from beans, carrots and sweet peppers.


Of course, you can and should eat fruits: citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, tangerines, lemons), grapes, pomegranates, cranberries, apples.

Fruits during the fasting period can be included in the family menu in any form: squeeze juice out of them, and add to salads.


In Lent, mushrooms will equally replace meat and fish. Soup, appetizer, schnitzel, fry sauce for porridges and potato pancakes, roast, etc. are prepared from carefully washed and peeled mushrooms.

A fish

According to the strict rules of the Easter fast, fish is banned, but it can be consumed, as mentioned above, on the feasts of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. And on Lazarus Saturday fish caviar is allowed.


There is good news for those with a sweet tooth: you can also eat sweets during Lent, but they must be prepared without the use of fast foods.

You can: oatmeal cookies, halva, dark chocolate without adding milk, lollipops, gozinaki, cranberries in powdered sugar, honey and sugar.


If you really miss milk, try to find soy or coconut in stores. You can also find soy yogurts and soy tofu.

You can: cocoa (real, non-instant mixtures containing milk powder), coffee, tea, compote, uzvar, fruit drink, juice, jelly, red wine on weekends (not on Holy Week days).

Other products

You can also include in your diet:

  • seaweed;
  • Korean salads;
  • seeds;
  • nuts;
  • pasta that does not contain eggs;
  • flour products made from flour, water and salt;
  • bread (without the use of milk and eggs), unleavened pita bread, crisps;
  • sauces (ketchup, lean mayonnaise, adjika, soy sauce, tomato paste);
  • balsamic, apple, table vinegars.

The longest, strictest and most famous post in Christianity is called the Great. In Orthodoxy, it is called "Fourteen" because it lasts forty days and precedes Easter - Sunday of Christ. After Fortecost comes the most severe time of abstinence - Holy Week. The purpose of fasting is the spiritual and physical cleansing of the believer, therefore, during the entire “fasting” time, the laity completely restricts themselves in the use of meat, and partially - fish and dairy food. In Lent 2017 , starting February 27 , Christian food will also be modest. What can and cannot be eaten at this time, the rules of nutrition for every day and for weeks can be found in special calendars published on Orthodox websites.

Food calendar for Lent 2017

Spiritual cleansing during fasting includes daily prayers and repentance, forgiveness of enemies; physical cleansing involves strict adherence to the rules of the diet. The food calendar for Lent was introduced at the end of the 4th century. It was necessary to limit oneself in certain types of food already six weeks before the start of the resurrection of Jesus - Easter. Today, many who fast for forty days consider abstaining from meat food as a cleansing diet. During the entire Great Lent 2017, spicy spices, alcohol, and meat are forbidden to eat. On some days, wine may be on the table.

Beginning of Lent 2017 - Diet according to the calendar

Opens Great Lent 2017 Clean Monday February 27 - the day of the most strict abstinence at the beginning of the next forty days (except for the last Holy Week). Believers are starving; only water is allowed. After the end of Clean Monday, you can eat only bread for another four days. In the future, the laity must adhere to general rules eating food. They involve eating cold, dry foods on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Animal oils and fats, meat are prohibited. Food should not be exposed heat treatment. The main foods included in a lean diet are mushrooms, fruits, and vegetables. On Tuesday and Thursday of Great Lent, hot food is allowed (soups, baked or stewed vegetables, cereals). Every Saturday and Sunday of forty days of abstinence, you can use a little wine and oil, and on Palm Sunday and the Annunciation, you can also eat fish. The use of fish products is prohibited on Saturday of the 6th week of Lent (Lazarus Saturday). In the last, Holy Week of Lent, from Monday to Wednesday, only fruits and vegetables are eaten. On Pure Thursday, the consumption of oil and wine is allowed, and on Good Friday, believers go hungry. On the last Saturday before fasting, in the evening, you can eat food that has not been cooked. However, many fasting people do not eat anything until Passover.

In the calendar, strict fasting days are indicated in gray, on which one should eat a meager meal, consisting of bread and water.

The color blue is the days when hot food without oil is allowed. Liquid and hot buttered food - yellow tint.

Dry eating days are marked in green:

Mondays - 27.02, 6.03, 13.03, 20.03, 27.03, 3.04, 10.04;

Wednesdays - 01.03, 10.03, 17.03, 24.03, 31.03, 05.04;

Fridays - 03.03, 25.04, 01.04, 08.04, 15.04, 22.04

Great Lent 2017

During Great Lent, believers train not only the body, but also develop their will. Not every person, especially those who often eat meat and fish at other times, will be able to resist the temptation to taste, for example, fried chicken or brisket. Lean food is food of plant origin. The monks in the monasteries fast very strictly, avoiding even fish, which is allowed for the laity on certain days of abstinence. According to the basic rules of a fasting diet, meat and animal fats are completely excluded from the fasting diet.

How to eat on the days of Great Lent 2017 for the laity

Lent 2017 is not the same diet. The quality and quantity of food allowed to be eaten during these days varies. For example, the most strict fast is to be observed by the laity on Wednesday and Friday. Those who fast according to the full charter do not even use vegetable oil these days. The most moderate days of fasting, allowing even wine, are Saturday and Sunday. The main principle of fasting is the rejection of meat. Strict or moderate adherence to the rest of the rules of "Fourteen" is associated with the personal zeal of each person, his piety, opportunities, health, and many other factors - location, age, degree of churching, etc.

Lent 2017 - Food for every day strictly according to the rules

Great Lent 2017, starting on February 27, involves both complete abstinence from food and moderate consumption of fish and dishes with the addition of vegetable oil. According to the church charter, fasting consists of Forty days, Lazarus Saturday, coming before Palm Sunday, the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem and Holy Week before Easter. Those who are fasting at this time must strictly follow the rules of nutrition. They depend on the days of fasting.

Meals for the days of Great Lent 2017

Great Lent 2017 begins on Clean Monday, February 27th. The first week runs until March 4th. On Monday, one should refrain from eating any food, but already on Tuesday it is allowed to eat bread. March 1, Wednesday, the consumption of raw food is allowed - greens, vegetables, fruits, water and bread. On Thursday, church people go hungry, and on Friday, March 3, they eat boiled or baked food once a day. On Saturday, March 4, laymen can eat hot, but, of course, lean food twice a day. The Second Week, from March 5 to March 11, allows the use of hot food. On the rest of the days, up to the strictest abstinence in Holy Week, it is better to follow the general rules of Great Lent by day: eat hot food of plant origin in moderation on Tuesdays and Thursdays, strictly fast on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and even allow yourself to taste diluted wine on Saturdays and Sundays . Those interested in more precise dietary rules for Great Lent can refer to the tables giving detailed information by days.

Diet rules for Great Lent

The main rules of nutrition in Lent, as mentioned above, are the complete rejection of animal food. However, do not forget that fasting is also a spiritual cleansing. Daily prayers, appeals to the Lord, forgiveness of enemies must also be observed. The strictest days of Great Lent 2017 are the first Week from February 27 to March 4 and the Seventh Week from April 9 to 15. You can find out about the exact rules of nutrition on these and other days from the tables.

What can you eat according to the rules of Great Lent

The dietary rules for Lent were drawn up many hundreds of years ago. At that time, some products that appeared in the diet of believers later did not yet exist. Today in Lent 2017 it is allowed to eat seaweed and other algae, a variety of nuts, durum wheat pasta prepared without adding eggs to the dough, unleavened bread, croutons, vinegars. Cakes and cookies, sweets on milk and chocolate can be replaced with figs, dates, raisins, prunes, dried apricots. Stewed vegetables with the addition of tomato paste are very healthy and tasty. On days that allow the use of fish products, you can cook fragrant stuffed fish. The list of lean foods allowed to be eaten can be found below.

Great Lent 2017― Meals by Week

Speaking about nutrition for the days and weeks of Lent 2017, we should not forget about those who, for various reasons, cannot limit themselves to the use of certain foods. It also happens that a nutritionist or doctor does not allow believers to strictly adhere to fasting rules. For example, a doctor may recommend a diet rich in protein to a patient - in this case, you can and should eat fish, dairy products. Fasting should not be observed by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, patients recovering from major operations or illnesses, young children, pregnant and lactating women. On the contrary, in the presence of certain diseases, a lean diet is recommended. For people with problems of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, kidney failure, abstinence from meat and dairy products will only benefit. Remember, fasting is not the same as dieting. Yes, it includes strict abstinence from certain foods. However, the main thing during Lent is prayer, a daily conversation with the Lord, a rethinking of one's life.

How to eat during Lent 2017

If a believer, accustomed to regularly eating foods such as meat, strong broths, salads such as Olivier, fried foods, decides to start fasting, his body may experience some stress. During a change in diet, a person gets used to new food gradually - it all depends on the ability of a person to adapt to sudden changes in nutrition. An active, healthy middle-aged person will adapt to a change in the diet and quality of food much faster than the elderly and children. Do not forget that food restriction should not become the end in itself of Great Lent 2017. Lent is a time of reflection, so thoughts about food should not distract the believer from prayers and reflections. It makes no sense to prepare specially for each day of fasting, since in this case the layman will only think about the diet. Fasting should be approached gradually - depending on age, health status and readiness for restrictions. It is also worth remembering that you should leave the post gradually, at first still maintaining the restriction in the consumption of animal food.

In Lent 2017, food for the laity should be limited. The rules of strict abstinence in food by day and week can be found in the nutrition calendar, produced by various book publishers and published on sites dedicated to Christian topics.

Lent is a day of strict restriction on the consumption of food in general or certain categories of products. In our article, we will write out Great Lent 2017 and a nutrition calendar by day and what you can eat. This is the period to the bright day. A believer must go through this path. The ban is everywhere. Also, a believer limits himself in pleasures and amusements.

Lent is considered the strictest among the other restrictions of the church. It lasts quite a long time - 40 days, just before Easter itself. But they are separated by Holy Week. This is the week before Easter. In these 7 days, every day means something. This period is dedicated to the memory of the life of Christ, his execution and resurrection. So, let's look at what a great post 2017 is: a nutrition calendar by day and what you can eat.

Believers know that the Greatest Lent this year will last until April 15th. During this period, you can not eat food of animal origin. This includes a special list of products: meat, milk, eggs. During the entire period of fasting, great holidays will occur - Palm Day and the Annunciation, when it is allowed to eat fish. It is also allowed to eat seafood throughout the fast. But do not forget that the Greatest Lent is not held for the purpose of losing weight, but for the purpose of purifying the soul.

Many people are deeply mistaken when they think that you need to starve during fasting. It's not like that. Just during this period there is a special restriction on certain foods. You can write your appointment. We will provide a little below our version of the preparation of an approximate diet. But you can take just a few dishes, and make the rest yourself. Ordinary Christians only partially adhere to fasting, but believers and ministers of the church take this very seriously. Many do not eat for more than half the day. Before proceeding with the creation of an individual diet, you need to study the generally accepted church rules operating during the Great Lent until Easter.

Church Rules During Lent

During the period of Lent, Christians must adhere to strict rules.

  1. It is important to remember that every believing family must observe fasting with a special restriction on the first and last week of Great Lent.
  2. Remember that in no case should you include meat and milk in your daily diet. It is forbidden to use butter, cheese, cottage cheese, milk and eggs. That is, within 40 days you can not eat products of animal origin.
  3. Meals are taken only once a day, preferably in the evening. But on weekends, there is some relief in that you are allowed to eat twice a day: in the afternoon and in the evening.
  4. A day later, you can eat cold food without adding vegetable oil. On the second and fifth days, you can eat hot food, but it is still forbidden to add oil.
  5. Vegetable oil when cooking is allowed to be added only on weekends. Some red wine is allowed.
  6. On Good Friday, you can't eat anything at all. Many believers even on Saturday refuse food until Easter. And they eat right after they dedicate Easter attributes in the church.

Allowed foods during Lent

Fasting does not mean hunger. Just during this period there is a restriction in food. The most important thing is to set the right diet. Daily food should be balanced and not the same type. Now we will list the list of products allowed for consumption during Lent:

  • black bread and crispbread;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, corn grits, millet;
  • pickled vegetables, berry jam;
  • mushrooms in any form;
  • beans, peas and lentils;
  • dried fruits, walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds;
  • potatoes, beets, carrots, onions;
  • apples, bananas, pomegranates and oranges;
  • fish on Palm Sunday and on the day of the Annunciation.

Approximate diet by day and what you can eat

Now we will figure out what you can eat every day throughout Lent. Not everyone can fast, the church exposes some contraindications. Not all Christians can fast, only true believers can do it. After all, the first week is considered the most strict.

First week

  1. On the first day, you need to immediately limit yourself in nutrition. Preferably nothing at all.
  2. The next day, you can slowly include black bread and water in your diet. Drink bread kvass if you wish.
  3. On Wednesday, all food should be eaten raw. That is, you can get by with fresh vegetables and fruits. You can also snack on nuts and herbs.
  4. On Thursday, continue to eat fresh foods (vegetables and fruits).
  5. Eat vegetables, fruits, and nuts the next day. Vegetable oil should not be added to food. It is better not to cook anything, but to eat fresh food.
  6. On Saturday, eat the same as on Friday. Freshly squeezed grape juice is used as a drink.
  7. On Sunday, you can cook food, after boiling it. It is also allowed to add a little vegetable oil. Instead of juice, you can drink some natural red wine.

We have described an approximate diet for the first week of Lent. If Christians do not endure such a fast, it is not terrible. But it will be inexcusable for true believers and monks. If you decide to fast for the first time, then do not limit yourself too much. For example, you may not eliminate butter from your diet. According to this principle, you should adhere to the first week. Next, you will need to make a menu. We will now provide an approximate diet. You can use it and add your products.

Second week

  1. On Monday of the second week of fasting in the morning it is better to cook oatmeal and make tea. For lunch, serve vermicelli soup. Make pancakes. As a snack, you can eat an apple. Drinks are tea or coffee. In the evening, only drinking is allowed. That is, you can make tea and everything.
  2. On Tuesday, change your diet a little. In the morning, serve boiled rice, fresh cucumber and tomato salad. Drink some tea. During the day, you can cook vegetable soup. Boil small vermicelli with mushroom dressing. Tea is taken from drinks. It is also served for dinner.
  3. The third day begins with buckwheat porridge. Drink breakfast coffee. During the day it is allowed to cook hodgepodge. Make a cabbage salad and cook compote. Drink tea in the evening and go to bed.
  4. Thursday morning you can eat corn porridge and drink coffee. In the afternoon, cook cabbage soup, vegetable salad ik and compote. In the evening, make puree and tea.
  5. In the Friday diet, include barley porridge, salad from fresh vegetables and coffee. For lunch, prepare pea soup, salad and berry compote. In the evening you can eat buckwheat and tea.
  6. On Saturday, you need to go to the cemetery and visit your relatives who have gone to another world. But this event does not interfere with the diet. In the morning you can eat vinaigrette and drink tea. During the day, serve millet, vegetables and berry compote. In the evening, eat boiled small vermicelli. Drinks include tea.
  7. On Sunday, you can enjoy oatmeal, fruit and coffee. During the day, eat borscht without frying, potatoes and compote. For dinner, prepare boiled rice and tea.

Third week

  1. For breakfast, serve millet and drink tea. You can eat nuts. During the day, cook buckwheat soup with potatoes. You can also eat potato pancakes instead of bread. It is allowed to eat fruits and drink coffee. In the evening you can drink tea.
  2. The morning of the second day of the third week of fasting begins with buckwheat and tea. In the afternoon, serve bean soup and boiled vermicelli with mushroom dressing. Drink a delicious afternoon tea. The same drink is drunk in the evening.
  3. Boil rice for breakfast on Wednesday. Prepare coffee. During the day, cook a hodgepodge of vegetables, make a cabbage salad and prepare compote. In the evening, only tea is allowed.
  4. For breakfast next day you can cook oatmeal, eat fruit and drink weak coffee. During the day, eat cabbage soup, make a vegetable salad and cook compote. In the evening, boil mashed potatoes and prepare tea.
  5. For breakfast, prepare barley porridge and weak coffee. During the day, eat pea soup and vegetable salad, cook compote. Boil buckwheat in the evening and make tea with lemon.
  6. Saturday has come, which means you need to go to the cemetery again and visit all your relatives. Breakfast with wheat porridge and sip weak coffee. In the afternoon, you can cook pickle and vinaigrette. Take vegetables for snacks. Sing with berry or fruit compote. In the evening, boil small vermicelli and eat with any pickles. Drink tea.
  7. On the last day of this week, wheat porridge is served for breakfast, in the afternoon - borscht, fried potatoes and compote, and in the evening they cook rice porridge and drink tea with lemon.

Fourth week

The 4th week of Great Lent has come - the final one. Get a little more strength, just a little bit left.

  1. On Monday morning, cook oatmeal, eat nuts and sip tea. During the day, serve plain soup, pea porridge, and nuts. Until the morning of the next day, you can drink tea. You can't eat in the evening.
  2. In the morning of the next day, you can cook barley porridge and tea. In the afternoon, make bean soup. You can eat pickled mushrooms instead of a salad, sing tea. Everything, you can’t eat until the next morning, you can only drink tea without anything.
  3. Boil rice on Wednesday morning and serve with coffee. During the day, prepare plain borscht and a salad of fresh vegetables. Weld compote. Drink tea in the evening.
  4. The fourth day begins with rice porridge and delicious tea. Between breakfast and lunch, you can eat nuts. During the day, they serve bean soup, a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, and drink compote. In the evening they eat mashed potatoes and drink tea.
  5. For breakfast: oatmeal and coffee; for lunch: pea soup, vegetable salad and berry or fruit compote; for dinner: corn porridge and tea with lemon.
  6. Saturday for 4 weeks of Great Lent - 3rd parental. On this day, everyone goes to the cemetery and commemorates their loved ones who have gone to another world. In the morning, have breakfast with buckwheat and tea. For lunch, prepare pickle, vinaigrette and compote. Boil small vermicelli in the evening. Serve with mushroom dressing. Drink some tea.
  7. Start your final day with oatmeal and tea. In the afternoon, eat borscht and a vegetable salad. You can drink compote. In the evening, cook buckwheat and make tea with lemon.

Here it is done sample menu throughout the period of Lent. You can use the presented option or come up with your own version of a diverse and balanced diet. According to this plan, make a menu for the 5th and 6th weeks of fasting. You can repeat the diet for 2 and 3 weeks. The last week is just as strict as the first, keep that in mind. Sunday 6 weeks - Palm.

So you can add fish and dishes seasoned with oil to the menu. On the Saturday before Easter, eating is strictly prohibited. On Sunday morning after going to church, you can eat whatever you cook. It's Easter, which means you need to have fun and eat delicious food. After all, this is not mourning, but a holiday, since Christ has risen - life has conquered death. This is a special day for believers, for which they prepare in advance.