How to get web in minecraft. How to make a web in minecraft a useful ingredient

  • 20.09.2019

When you play Minecraft, you always need to be prepared for unexpected discoveries that you will make throughout the game. You will find items that you met in Everyday life, but also to meet those things that do not exist in reality. Moreover, some everyday items that are very familiar to you can also surprise you, as in the game, it is quite possible that they will need to be used in a completely different way. This is what Minecraft attracts many players - it is unpredictable and always ready to give you a couple of surprises even when you have already decided that you have learned everything about this game. You will have to ask some interesting questions, for example, about being in Minecraft useful?

Web in the game

AT real life when you find a cobweb in your apartment, then hurry to get rid of it as soon as possible, because we classify it as undesirable things, equating it with dirt and dust. However, the situation in the game is completely different, and you have to learn how to make the web in Minecraft useful. It's actually quite a simple process, but you'll have to learn some details and go through a few steps to fully understand the concept. Naturally, no one forbids you to simply start playing and immediately look for ways to use the web. But it will be much better if you first fully understand where to look for it, how to extract materials from it, what to do with it later. As you can see, there is a lot of information, but all of it should be understood in order to understand how to make the web in Minecraft useful.

Searching for the web

First of all, you should take care to find the location of the item you are looking for. You will not be able to learn how to make the web in Minecraft a useful thing that will benefit you if you do not find it. There are several places where you can find this material. You will have to go to and look around there carefully, as small amounts of cobwebs can be found there. More specifically, it is usually located on the supports of the mine, so it will be difficult for you to miss it. But if you really want a large number of material, then you will have to find a spider nest in the same mines. There will be an incredible amount of webs, but you should prepare for a serious and dangerous fight with strong mobs. If you are not at all eager to go to the mine, then there is an alternative - you can visit the library of one of the fortresses that are randomly generated when the world is created. How to make a web in Minecraft, only spiders know, so you can hardly avoid meeting with them when collecting this resource.

A little about the properties of the web

In most cases, players collect web for further crafting. But you will learn later how to craft a web in Minecraft into a thread and create equipment and traps from it. Now it interests us in its natural state. This material has two main properties that you should be aware of. First, if the web is vertical, it significantly slows down the speed of a person or mob that will try to pass through it. Secondly, if it is located horizontally, then it plays the role of a trampoline, that is, it softens the fall. From whatever height you fall into the web, it will be treated as a fall from a height of two blocks. As you can see, you do not need to know about webs in order to already be able to use them competently. But still craft itself gives you much more options.

From the web - to the thread

You know how to get a web in Minecraft in order to use it for the purposes described above. However, there is another, more common option - you can get threads from the web. To do this, you will need to destroy the web with a sword or scissors - then you will get a certain number of threads. In addition, you can kill spiders and get this material for this, although the probability of this is only about 66 percent. It's even less likely to find filament pre-made when you're inspecting treasure chests - you only have a 50% chance that the material will be there.

What to craft from thread?

So we have come to the most important purpose of the web, or rather, the thread that is extracted from the web. With it, you can craft very useful items that will be useful to you throughout the game. First of all, it is a rod that can be used to catch fish, which can make a wonderful diet. Moreover, you can make a bow out of threads and sticks, with which you can go hunting, as well as defend yourself from mobs. But the variety of items that use thread when crafting does not end there. Purely from this material, you can make another - wool. This recipe is not rational, since wool is easier to get by shearing sheep, but still it exists in the world, which means it deserves a mention. And, of course, if you combine threads with slime, you can get a leash that is used to control pets such as wolves or horses.

Additional use of threads

It has already been said above that the web in its original form can be used as a trap, since it has serious slowing down properties. But the thread will be even more useful to you in this matter. If you have two tension gauges, then you can stretch it between them, thereby creating a stretch. This can range from a primitive alarm that will notify you when someone touches a thread, or a serious trap that can fire a flurry of arrows at the intruder.

Web ID : 30 .

NID : web .

Cobweb- English name webs in Minecraft. It is also called the Web.

How to get the:

A distinctive feature of the web in Minecraft, which is a non-solid block, is that it slows down movement. If you step on the web from above, then there will be a slow descent to the surface. The same slowdown occurs with items when they are thrown onto the web. powerful effect slowing down can be achieved if you put soul sand on the ice, and a web on it. You can find the web in fortress libraries and in abandoned mines.

Web with spiders in Minecraft.

There are a lot of threads, but you can’t wind them into a ball.

You can't make a web. Therefore, questions are immediately removed how to make a web of wool in Minecraft or in general how to make a web in minecraft. The web is destroyed with a sword or scissors, a thread falls out. In order to get it, you will have to use scissors with "Silk Touch".

Web and terrible spiders.

The web has whole line features that distinguish it from the properties of the usual blocks. How they dispose of them from a practical point of view, everyone decides for himself. And not only to achieve the effect of slowing down, since the web is also suitable as a decoration. For example, for the image of smoke.

Web features in Minecraft

Where there is a spider, there is a web (proverb).

Many properties of the web are associated with slowing qualities. You can slow down the movement of the enemy. But not only with this. After all, the web is not able to stop and even slow down the arrow. On the rails, it will not slow down the movement of the trolley. Gasts will not see you when you are in or behind the web. Zombies in the web do not burn even during the day. What else can be said about such an ambiguous block?

  • water and lava wash away the web;
  • it increases the block destruction time, as during immersion in water;
  • reduces damage from TNT if you are in or behind a web;
  • the level of light decreases as it passes through the web;
  • signs can be installed on the web and

Type - fragile block

Tool - sword, scissors

Where to look - in caves, in glades, in treasures with a spider spawner

Stackable - yes, 64 per stack

Description and characteristics

Web in minecraft - why is it needed at all? What can be made from it? And in general, how to get it? Let's figure it out together.

Where to look

The web, in principle, can be found almost everywhere, usually it indicates that there was a spider here recently, and if it is night, you should beware. There are especially many webs in minecraft in caves, mines, libraries of the fortress.

And if you walk through the mine and see one place that is completely covered with cobwebs, you can be sure that there is a spawner of spiders nearby, which attack very unpleasantly, but also, next to it, there may be a treasure chest. Which will definitely suit you.

spider spawner

What to mine

If you need a thread, then you should use scissors, or a sword.

But if you need the web itself (for example, to make a trap near the house for uninvited guests), then you should enchant the book with a silk touch, or find one in the treasury. And with a certain level of experience in the anvil, you should cast this enchantment on the tool.

And then, when breaking a block with a web with scissors or a sword with the “silk touch” enchantment, the block of the web in minecraft itself will disappear, which you can install anywhere you want.

Web blocks can be installed by yourself


The web in minecraft has the following properties:

  • It significantly slows down the speed of the player and the mobs that fall into it;
  • If you are caught in a web and need to get out of it quickly, use your sword;
  • Even the items that you throw on the web in minecraft will sink very slowly to the surface;
  • If a block of gravel or sand falls on the web, it will also be slowly (20 seconds somewhere), lowered, and then it will still disappear;
  • The web can reduce fall damage like water, so if you need to jump from a great height, feel free to jump onto the web in minecraft, the effect will be like two blocks high;
  • The web, if cut with scissors or a sword at a silk touch, can be placed both horizontally and vertically;
  • If you place a web on a block of soul sand, then the speed of movement will decrease by another two and a half times;
  • The web in minecraft has one more useful property- it reduces the damage from TNT, if you stand behind it;
  • She is destroyed by lava;
  • The web is washed off with water.

Here is such a web in minecraft, we hope you definitely found something interesting for yourself!

Type - fragile block

Tool - sword, scissors

Where to look - in caves, in glades, in treasures with a spider spawner

Stackable - yes, 64 per stack

Description and characteristics

Web in minecraft - why is it needed at all? What can be made from it? And in general, how to get it? Let's figure it out together.

Where to look

The web, in principle, can be found almost everywhere, usually it indicates that there was a spider here recently, and if it is night, you should beware. There are especially many webs in minecraft in caves, mines, libraries of the fortress.

And if you walk through the mine and see one place that is completely covered with cobwebs, you can be sure that there is a spawner of spiders nearby, which attack very unpleasantly, but also, next to it, there may be a treasure chest. Which will definitely suit you.

spider spawner

What to mine

If you need a thread, then you should use scissors, or a sword.

But if you need the web itself (for example, to make a trap near the house for uninvited guests), then you should enchant the book with a silk touch, or find one in the treasury. And with a certain level of experience in the anvil, you should cast this enchantment on the tool.

And then, when breaking a block with a web with scissors or a sword with the “silk touch” enchantment, the block of the web in minecraft itself will disappear, which you can install anywhere you want.

Web blocks can be installed by yourself


The web in minecraft has the following properties:

  • It significantly slows down the speed of the player and the mobs that fall into it;
  • If you are caught in a web and need to get out of it quickly, use your sword;
  • Even the items that you throw on the web in minecraft will sink very slowly to the surface;
  • If a block of gravel or sand falls on the web, it will also be slowly (20 seconds somewhere), lowered, and then it will still disappear;
  • The web can reduce fall damage like water, so if you need to jump from a great height, feel free to jump onto the web in minecraft, the effect will be like two blocks high;
  • The web, if cut with scissors or a sword at a silk touch, can be placed both horizontally and vertically;
  • If you place a web on a block of soul sand, then the speed of movement will decrease by another two and a half times;
  • The web in minecraft has another useful property - it reduces damage from TNT if you stand behind it;
  • She is destroyed by lava;
  • The web is washed off with water.

Here is such a web in minecraft, we hope you definitely found something interesting for yourself!