Wavy parrots and their care. Budgerigar

  • 21.09.2019

Pets are different - someone walks around the house like plush cats, and someone prefers feathered friends. Like all other animals, parrots require special care. Unfortunately, not all breeds can boast of a long life, but a person is able to extend it a little and make the life of a pet comfortable.

Cell selection

The cell is the first thing you will have to face. Shops offer a huge selection of all kinds of cages, you need to be able to for your pet. If your parrot does not differ in size and has an average height budgerigars, then you do not need large cells.

In such a cage, one parrot will feel good, an option for two individuals will also be acceptable, although ideally the dimensions should be larger.

You only need to buy metal cages, as plastic and wooden ones will quickly deteriorate. The cage must be in a vertical orientation, as parrots need a place where they can stretch their wings, albeit not for long. As for the shape, the best option would be where the cage has at least a few corners where a parrot can hide. In this case, the roof can be of the most diverse form.

Cages for hamsters are absolutely not suitable. If you still decide to use such cages, then you should look at the high multi-level dwellings, where you can carefully pull out or remove the crate and shelves in order to.

It is also worth remembering that honey is poisonous to birds, so its use is in no case allowed. Figuring out the composition of the metal in a finished cage is hard enough, but this information will be helpful if you decide to make your own cage.

Housing preparation

The cage is bought, what's next? Next, you need to purchase all the necessary accessories and items. For example, you need to take care of a comfortable drinking bowl. One more the most important thing- these are perches and at least a few toys. Let's look at these points in more detail.

What should be the feeder and drinker for parrots?

The best option for the feeder will be metal bowls that can be fixed at a height.

Such bowls will resist bird's beaks, and there will always be access to them. They can be open, but with high sides so that food does not fall out. The feeder, if a special door is provided in the cage, can also be attached outside the cage.

In contrast to the bowl, the drinker should not be open, otherwise it will be inconvenient for the birds to drink the water and it will quickly become dirty. In stores, you can easily find a good drinker - they are a vertical container, from where water enters a special hollow, from where parrots can drink water.

Perches are a necessary attribute of a parrot's house, these cute birds spend most of their time on them, and they sleep on them. Metal rods or thin pipes can be used as poles, but this is not the best way albeit more durable. - this is a slippery material, it is inconvenient for birds to hold on to it. It is better to buy wooden perches, you can make them yourself, taking a stick of a suitable diameter. The diameter of the pole should be the size of the foot so that it can be almost completely wrapped around.

As entertainment for a parrot, you can put inside the cage, various twigs, perches and even small bridges.

Parrot feeding

Of course, like any creature in this world, parrots need food. You can find it in any pet store in the form of ready-made dry grain mixtures. They form the basis of the diet and there is enough assortment to satisfy the needs of any bird. However, there is no limit to perfection, if you want your favorite bird to live with you long and happy, show off its colorful feathers and be always cheerful, then you can’t do it.

Sometimes parrots also need live food. They can be fed sprouts of different grains, for example, sprouts of wheat or oats. Just grow them yourself and inspect before giving to your pet. Seeds and nuts can sometimes be given as treats, but only in small quantities. The fact is that they are too fatty for small parrots, so they can be harmful in large doses.

For some, it may be a discovery that parrots love to eat juicy apples, pears, and even fruits such as oranges and lemons.

They will not refuse strawberries, currants, raspberries and gooseberries. Sometimes they can be given bananas, melon and watermelon. From vegetables, cucumbers, beets and corn can be distinguished. In general, parrots can have a very rich assortment, since the vegetables and fruits listed here are only a small part of the list of allowed products.

You can give greens, fruits and vegetables in a dry form. If necessary, the bird can even be tamed for mashed potatoes.

Caring for a parrot and its housing

Dirt in a cage is not only a bad smell, but also a source of various diseases that can occur in a beloved pet.

For this reason, good hygiene must be maintained in the parrot's habitat. Here are some tips to help you in this matter:

Cover the cage tray with paper, it is better to use special kind. It should be changed daily, so there will be no smell or pathogenic bacteria. Yes, and the collection of waste is greatly simplified - just folded the paper and threw away the contents.

Before each meal, the drinker and feeder should be cleaned. You can do this with a sponge and a small brush, which can be found in the household departments. This brush will help clean inner part drinkers.

Instead of paper, you can put special hygienic sand on the pallet, in which parrots can even swim. It will keep it clean and fresh. It needs to be changed at least once a week.

For the first week, try to disturb him as little as possible.

Do not be afraid if he sits still and does not react to anything - this is one of the defensive reactions;

3) After a week, you can start taming. The feeder is removed for a while so that the parrot has time to get hungry. As soon as this moment comes, a small amount of food is taken into the palm and the parrot is lured. This procedure must be repeated every day until the parrot gets used to the hand.

4) After getting used to the hand, the bird can already be released to be ventilated around the house, but this should be done no earlier than after a month of living in a cage.

Do not let the children play with them after the parrot appears in the house, let them just look from afar. Giving peace to the parrot in the first week of relocation is very important.

As you can see, caring for a pet may not be as easy, but not as difficult as it might seem. At first, some points may be incomprehensible to you and seem excessive, but you will quickly get used to them, but the benefits for your pet will be enormous. Some types of parrots have the ability to train and talk, so if you wish, you can teach your pet some phrases or actions. Do not forget that a person is responsible for those whom he has tamed!

Video about the domestic parrot of the Corella breed

Of course, everyone wants their pet to live happily ever after. Such a life is impossible without some effort on the part of the owners. About what needs to be done to provide a budgerigar proper care and keeping at home and thereby help your bird live as long as possible, you will learn in this article.

What do you need to know before making a purchase?

A new pet in the house is not only a joy, but also a great responsibility. In this regard, you will have some problems and limitations. Therefore, before answering the question of how to maintain and properly care for a budgerigar at home, I will tell you about the restrictions that the owners of these birds have. There are several facts to consider here:

  1. budgerigars get up early and excellent sing. Therefore, every morning you will hear a cheerful song of your bird.
  2. You will have to clean up the room where the pet lives every day, as it will litter a lot feathers, various scraps of papers, husks from food, droppings and the like.
  3. If your house has a lot of flowers or other plants, then you will need to remove them from the room where the bird will live. The fact is that when you release the parrot, it will probably be nibbling the leaves of plants, will taste the earth. All this can lead to poisoning and helminth infections.
  4. Maintenance and care budgerigars at home will make you stop using various perfumes, aerosols, fresheners, smoking, painting nails, cooking, etc. in the room where the bird (birds) lives. Budgerigars (both females and males) have a very sensitive respiratory system . Therefore, such aromas can cause serious harm to their health.
  5. Morally and financially, be prepared for the fact that parrots may have various disease. You may also find yourself allergic to a feathered friend. All this leads to a waste of time and money, since timely medical care is indispensable.
  6. In no case don't leave the bird alone for a long time. If you decide to go somewhere to rest, then the duration of the rest should be no more than two days. Otherwise, you need to find a person in advance who could take care of the pet for some time, and introduce them to each other.

Readiness for such circumstances shows that the acquisition of a budgerigar is for you. Next, let's talk about what are the rules for the care and maintenance of such birds.

What things do you need to have to care for a budgerigar at home?

For a favorable mental and physical development of a bird, it is necessary to create comfortable living conditions for it in the house. Nothing should threaten the health of a feathered friend.

You need to prepare a place for a cage for a new pet to live in advance, before you bring it home. To avoid possible injuries when walking a parrot around the room, remove all items that can be in any way dangerous to his health: chemicals, various crayons, markers, broken and small things, wires.

It is imperative to carry out proper care and maintenance of budgerigars at home, you need to buy cells. They must be comfortable and properly equipped. Namely - include a drinking bowl, a feeder, a bath, poles and toys. When buying, pay special attention to the shape of the bird's dwelling. I advise you to buy large instances, rectangular shape. Since in nature these birds often fly from branch to branch, in order to feel comfortable they need a lot of space.

Bird housing should be located in a place suitable for a favorable mental and physical condition of the bird. Therefore, first of all, think not about the aesthetic beauty of the room, but about the comfort of the parrot.

What conditions are suitable to properly care for budgerigars?

The cage must be at home in quiet place. That is, where no one will interfere with the wavy, where he will not hear loud voices and sounds. Of course, the bathroom, kitchen or hallway are the worst options for its placement. In general, moving is very stressful situation for the birds, they see new places, strangers. Therefore, they need time and rest to adapt.

Climate the room should also be suitable for the comfortable living of the bird. In no case should you put a cage next to windows, with heating devices. Drafts should also be avoided. Necessary temperature regime is approximately - 22 - 25 degrees. Average percentage of recommended humidity in the room - 60% .

If it is warm enough outside, you can put the cage on the balcony. For the health of the parrot, being in the sun and outdoors. However, when keeping budgerigars, one must also take into account that they do not like too high temperature, heat, and heat. Direct rays from the sun should not fall on the bird, so cover half of the cage with a light cloth. Then your feathered pet will be able to hide in its shade from direct sunlight.


If you properly care for a budgerigar (boy or girl) after purchase (purchase at a pet store or from hands), then he can live up to about 15 years. Balanced feeding (or the necessary diet) is an important component of the competent maintenance and care of parrots. These birds have a high body temperature (about 41 degrees) and, accordingly, have a fast metabolism. In this regard, the pet must eat in the right way in order to replenish its body with all the necessary nutrients in a timely manner.

You can feed a winged friend:

  • granular food,
  • vegetables,
  • seeds,
  • cereals,
  • fruits.

Sometimes in small amounts you can give:

  • pasta,
  • bread,
  • boiled chicken,
  • sweet pastries.

Wherein do not often give sweets! Their use leads to excessive activity.

Do not under any circumstances give salted, pickled and fried foods, avocados, strawberries, papaya, alcoholic dairy, tea and coffee drinks, cocoa, chocolate, meat and fish products.

The parrot should always have clean water in the drinker. Also, in addition to fresh water, he needs vitamins and minerals which contain large amounts phosphorus and calcium. Therefore, it is recommended to give the bird limestone. Also, the presence of grains of sand and small pebbles in the diet of a parrot helps the work of its digestive tract. Therefore, make sure that your feathered friend can receive these elements that are important for his health.

How many times a day should I feed my budgerigar?

Usually, once a day is enough. During the day, the bird eats a special mixture of grains, the amount of which is approximately two or two and a half teaspoons.
If you notice that this feed rate is not enough, that the bird does not eat up during the day, then there are 2 options:

  1. add another 1/2 teaspoon;
  2. feed 2 times a day, dividing the daily rate in half.

Do not feed your feathered pet only dry food! In nature, they do not feed on dry grain. They should have a varied diet!


The conditions for keeping, breeding and caring for budgerigars at home provide for communication. Budgerigars need to communicate either with a person, or with relatives. It is better if the bird has the opportunity to spend time with both the owner and other birds. Monotony, boredom, lack or lack of communication lead to health problems. The pet may begin to suffer depression and pluck its feathers.

So every day, talk and play with the bird. Also let go so that she can fly freely in the room.

Before releasing parrot in free flight, check the closedness of doors, refrigerators, windows, washing machines etc. In addition, it is first necessary to hide or close all objects containing water. For example, bathroom and toilet room. Open aquariums and filled glasses also do not belong in a room where a parrot will fly. The fact is that, perhaps, he wants to swim, choke and drown.

Keep an eye on the parrot so that nothing happens to him. And, of course, if you have other animals at home (cats, dogs, etc.) that are not averse to playing or hunting a bird, remove them from the room with the parrot.

Of course, you will not always be with your feathered pet, so make sure that he has toys. Great happiness for a parrot can be brought by the settlement of another bird to him, which would become him couple. Properly caring for budgerigars means not only looking after them, but also looking after their offspring. That is, to create all the conditions for the birds to take care of their chicks. If you have a male and a female, then they will need a nest box with a nest for chicks.

Cage Care

Clean the cage every week at least two times. To do this, use warm water. It should not contain any substances that you usually use in your home to clean or clean anything. That is, do not use powders, floor liquids, etc. to care for the parrot's home. Make sure you have a cleaning brush. For these purposes, for example, an unnecessary, used toothbrush is perfect.

After you wash all the things that are in the cage, do not forget to wipe them with a dry cloth. The dirtiest part of the bird's dwelling is the pallet. So clean and wipe it thoroughly. When the cleaning is complete, you can place new paper on the bottom of the clean cage or sprinkle special sand bought at the pet store.

Bird care

Periodically, parrots need sharpen one's claws and beaks. For this purpose, they need objects made of wood. It could be any wooden toy, small toy tree, stick, floor feeder, wooden drinker, etc. The owners must take care in advance that their birds can easily satisfy the need for grinding claws and beak.

Parrots also have seasonal molt. Useful information about these difficult periods in the life of feathered friends and about.

Monitor your pet's behavior. If he behaves differently than before, and you do not know the reasons for this behavior, seek help from a veterinarian. This should be done as soon as possible - in the presence of the first suspicion of the disease.

Monitor the condition of bird droppings. Liquid droppings for a long time may indicate that the parrot is sick.

I hope that this article helped you find everything you were interested in about the life, care and maintenance of budgerigars at home. And now you know what all owners of these winged pets need to know.

I also post below interesting video on this topic. I highly recommend watching it.

Please tell us in the comments how you take care of your budgerigar?

In this section, you will find answers to all questions regarding the care of parrots: choosing a cage, the right diet for a bird, bathing, how to build a nest and a house for parrots, living safely with other pets and the needs of a parrot, according to its species. So that keeping a parrot at home does not become burdensome, it is better to study the maximum amount of information about the type of bird and caring for it, even before buying.

A suitable size cage, access to sunlight, good nutrition, daily walks with games and your attention will provide the bird with a decent life with the opportunity to show all its talents and become your true friend. By initially accustoming the parrot to the correct constant rituals: cleaning / feeding, etc., you will ensure that the bird adequately responds to what is happening in your house, which will undoubtedly have an impact on the balance of the parrot and strengthen confidence in you.

How to care for a parrot if you are not its first owner, if the bird is wild, sick, in adulthood, or is it a chick before the first molt? An infinite number of questions arise, since the cases are always unique, no matter how banal the appearance of a parrot in your house would seem. The fact is that living conditions and attitudes towards a bird affect its character and perception of the world around it. Parrots in this case, like people, have a versatility of characters, so caring for parrots at home requires tremendous patience from you and a willingness to study in detail the nature of the bird, its psychological and physical health.

Regardless of the type of parrots, there are clear requirements for observing all the rules for keeping birds. Experiments with nutrition and living conditions for a bird are extremely dangerous; you should not draw parallels with your lifestyle. What is acceptable to you may not always be acceptable to the bird. And also the concept that if a bird likes it, then it’s good / useful / right - it’s categorically not true!

Caring for parrots implies a great responsibility; when acquiring a bird, it is important to realize that now its life is in your hands and its well-being and longevity will depend only on you.

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Our feathered favorites are big mischief-makers and naughty ones. Their curiosity sometimes borders on self-destruction. It is not uncommon for a curious budgerigar to get stuck somewhere, eat the wrong thing, climb in the wrong place. In order to protect the parrot from trouble, ...

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For a normal life and good health? How to properly care for this bird?

Budgerigars need fresh air, a clean cage, good quality food and light. At the same time, when choosing a place in an apartment to install a cage, it is worth considering that parrots are afraid of drafts and do not tolerate stuffiness. You need to place the cage at the level of human growth, away from heating devices, a computer and a TV. The light day of a parrot should be 15-16 hours, which means that at night they need to turn on the light. The optimum air temperature for budgerigars is 18-20C.

The feathered cage should always be clean. General cleaning is done once a month. During this cleaning, the cage is thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and washed. For disinfection, the cage must be washed with soapy water, then rinsed well in clean water and rinse with a decoction of chamomile. The usual cleaning of the cage is done once a week, unless there is any reason to do it more often. The feeder and drinker must be kept clean and washed daily with detergent.

Since all birds have a fairly fast metabolism, even a short fast can lead to the death of a bird. So proper feeding plays a very important role in their care. Considering that both hunger and overeating are dangerous for parrots, you need to give them enough food so that they eat up, but at the same time they do not choose tidbits from the received, but eat everything. Over time, you will be able to know quite well the amount of food your pet needs and stick to this norm.

The main food for parrots is a grain mixture. You can buy this mixture at any pet store. However, this is not enough to fully provide the bird's body with everything necessary. It is also necessary to give mineral feed, and additional feed in the form of cereals, boiled eggs, white bread, cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is given to parrots in a dry form; egg finely chopped and mixed with semolina or crushed crackers, fresh carrots are rubbed on a fine grater, and also mixed with semolina.

Greens play an important role in the nutrition of parrots - this is a source of vitamins and minerals. Of all the available greens, parrots especially prefer apples, lettuce, dandelion leaves and cabbage. At the same time, in no case should parrots be given parsley - for them it is poison. It is necessary to constantly monitor the purity of the water in the drinking bowl, it must be changed every day.

Like all birds, parrots are subject to molting. The first molt in budgerigars occurs at the age of 4-6 months. If the molt is too intense, it is necessary to feed the parrot with eggshells, canary seed, give more greenery - all this contributes to a faster growth of plumage. Soda baths will also help in this case. To do this, a teaspoon of soda is diluted in a liter of water and the bird is carefully immersed in water, while trying not to wet her head.

Budgerigars love to bathe, so you can put a bath in the cage, or sometimes give the birds the opportunity to rummage through the wet grass, previously placed in a spacious bowl.

Parrots are always pecking at something. To meet this need, branches of deciduous trees must be placed in the cage. In addition, solid food and twigs help the parrot wear down its rapidly growing beak. And to improve digestion, there should always be clean sand in the cage (it is sieved and changed daily).

It is necessary to select the perches in the cage correctly and in size. If the perch for the parrot is too thin or, conversely, too thick, this contributes to the rapid growth of nails that are too long, which will have to be shortened. For this, it is better to purchase special tweezers in advance.

Small colorful birds - budgerigars - are probably the most common pet. Few breeders know how to properly care for these birds. You may encounter unexpected difficulties, but they are easy to solve.

It is important to choose a healthy, active bird. It is better to do this in special nurseries. In spontaneous markets, you can buy a sick, weak individual. It is better to take the chick at 4-6 months. So he will easily get used to the new house and its inhabitants. A healthy parrot has clean bright plumage. He is lively, funny and curious. His paws are clean, without growths and whitish scales.

What difficulties await the owner after buying a parrot

The little inhabitants of the rainforests have their own habits, which may not suit the future breeder:

  • singing in the early morning;
  • the bird tears everything it finds: paper, flowers, wallpaper;
  • in a room with a pichuga there should not be indoor plants;
  • birds are emptied every 15 minutes, cleaning must be done daily;
  • they have a weak respiratory system. In the same room with a bird, you can not smoke, use perfumes, spray repellents, cook food.

It is difficult for a beginner to figure out how to care for a budgerigar at home. Therefore, we will tell about everything in more detail.

parrot house

The cage must be bought spacious so that there is enough space for all the necessary accessories and for games. Dimensions should not be less than 60X80 cm.

In the home of budgerigars, cleaning is done regularly. Therefore, a person's hand should easily pass through the door. Well, if there is a removable bottom panel.

In the cage it is necessary to place everything necessary for the bird: a feeder, a drinking bowl, a bath. Proper bird care is a careful selection of the necessary accessories.

Additional accessories

It is also important to take care of the perches and toys for the budgerigars. Perches are chosen wooden, suitable in size to the bird. Thin or wide perches cause deformation of the paws and provoke corns.

It is necessary to equip the cage with a mirror, ladder, rope, hanging rings. So budgerigars will combine self-care with games. Also, a special stone for grinding the beak must be attached to the bars of the cage.


The cage will have to be cleaned 2 times a week. With a damp cloth and soapy water, wash the fence and the inside of the bird house. Better to use baking soda for cleaning warm water. How to avoid poisoning household chemicals parrot. The tray is especially carefully cleaned, and after drying it, a small layer of special sand is poured, which is sold in pet stores.


Next interest Ask- how to care for budgerigars in the summer. In the warm season, there must be a bath in the cage. Little birds love to splash in the water in hot weather. The capacity for choosing a small one, in accordance with the size of the pet. It is not worth pouring a lot of water so that the budgerigar does not choke. It is enough for him to moisten his feathers well.

If the feathered one does not like to swim, you should not insist on this. You can gradually accustom him to water. It is good to spray the bird in hot weather. Over time, she will like this procedure. Care and maintenance at home depends on the owner. Only he can create the most comfortable environment.

Walks in the open air

It is good to take out a cage with birds on the street in the summer. Budgerigar care indoors is alternated with walks on fresh air. It is good to purchase a special harness for walking with a feathered pet on the street. You can find such a leash for parrots in specialized stores. The harness is worn on birds that trust their owner and have been living in the house for several days.

Benefits for birds from walking in the fresh air:

  • health promotion;
  • exploration of new territories;
  • production of vitamin D from ultraviolet light.

On a note! It is impossible that the pet is constantly exposed to direct sunlight. From this he may die. The cage must be shaded.

In the evening, the bird house is wrapped in a blanket, leaving one wall free. So the pet will not freeze, a free flow of air will be provided.

Temperature, humidity

Budgerigar care at home requires as close to natural conditions as possible. A bird house with a pet is placed in a warm, well-lit room. Temperature fluctuations should not be.

The air temperature at any time of the year should not fall below +20 °C. Its higher rates (over +25 ° C), drafts, direct sunlight adversely affect the health of budgerigars. In the cold season or in case of diseases, the bird may need artificial lighting.

For beautiful plumage, healthy skin and respiratory organs, it is necessary to install a humidifier. The habitat of wavy parrots is a tropical forest with high humidity. At home, you need indicators that are as close as possible to the jungle.


The budgerigar must receive the necessary vitamins from the diet. A balanced grain mixture should be the basis of the diet. You can buy special food for parrots in captivity. They contain the necessary vitamins and minerals for the proper development of the bird. Daily rate - 2 tbsp. l. stern. Portions should be limited, otherwise the pet is threatened with obesity. Feed must be dosed and divided into 3 doses. Do not feed the bird from your table. Products containing cocoa, caffeine, alcohol are deadly for birds.

Fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs must be included in the diet of birds daily. Apple, banana, apricot, carrot - the bird loves to eat these products.

The food is changed frequently - several times a day. It should not stagnate and deteriorate. Water is added at the same frequency. It is better to use bottled baby water. Filtered boiled is also suitable. Occasionally, ascorbic acid or a few drops of lemon juice can be added to it for vitamin replenishment.

On a note! Additional vitamin supplements are placed in a separate container, and not in the feeder.


If the bird has lost its appetite, has become lethargic, it probably has worms. In this situation, caring for budgerigars at home involves the use of antihelminthic drugs.

Stressful situations provoke diseases

A house where loud music is loved, strangers and noisy companies are often present, is not suitable for keeping a motley bird. Moving to a new place of residence is a lot of stress for birds. The first few weeks it is necessary to protect the bird from pets, loud noises, children. At night, the cage is covered with a sheet so that the parrot can rest peacefully.

Breeding budgerigars in captivity

How to care for budgerigars during the mating season is a topical issue for the owners of adults. There shouldn't be any problems with breeding them.

Pair selection

It is difficult for birds to live alone in captivity. It's better to just buy a couple. But, if this did not happen, a representative of the opposite sex can be bought later. Only a specialist can determine the sex of an adult. The main feature of the male is the colored mandible. The girl is brown. Caring for a budgerigar for a boy is no different from a female.

A couple is selected according to the following criteria:

  • the same color of plumage;
  • the male is a year or two older than the female;
  • calm behavior, lack of aggression in individuals of both sexes.

On a note! In order for the reproduction of parrots to pass without problems, the birds must get along in the same territory.

Quarantine is an important condition for the health of a pet

As soon as a new individual enters the house, it is placed in another cage and room for a month. Complete isolation of the couple from each other is important. During this time, latent diseases and infections may appear.


A month later, the birds begin to introduce each other. You can put their cages side by side and observe their behavior. Over time, the birds will begin to communicate. After that, you can transplant the birds into one cage and watch them. If there are no problems with the behavior of one of the partners, nesting can be prepared.

If there are fights and quarrels, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. Too small cage. Birds are crowded, everyone defends their right to personal space.
  2. One drinker and feeder for two. Everyone should have their own dishes.
  3. The presence of toys that distract the birds and prevent them from communicating. At the time of dating, it is better to remove them.

The owner in the cage should be a male, a girlfriend is added to him. If you do the opposite, the feathered mistress will not let the newcomer into her territory.

Over time, the birds will get along, it will be possible to start breeding them at home.

Food, light, nesting house

Budgerigars are said to be undemanding birds. But during the breeding season, they require special care.

Meals are selected as varied as possible. Vitamin supplements are given in full. It is good to purchase a vitamin complex for nesting birds. It is important to prevent pets from becoming obese during this period.

Light day is increased to 14 hours a day with the help of lamp lighting. This encourages birds to nest.

A budgerigar lives, care and maintenance in the home walls for which was carried out carefully, for about 10 years. During this time, he will learn to speak and understand his master. Communication with a pet will bring a lot of pleasure to a caring owner.