How to care for budgerigars at home. How to care for a parrot at home? How to care for a chick

  • 21.09.2019

Budgerigar care begins long before it appears. The bird should be brought into the house after acquiring everything necessary for your friend to feel as cozy and comfortable as possible in a new family.

If you take into account all the requirements for feathered pets, then the maintenance of budgerigars will not be a burden to the owner.

First you need to purchase a cage, feeders, a drinking bowl, stock up on wooden perches, a ring and make or buy a walking platform.

How to determine the correct place for the cage and what should be the house for the budgerigar you can read

How to choose a healthy wavy you will learn


So, you have in your hands the treasured box with the long-awaited parrot. A cage has already been installed at home, in which they are waiting for the bird: a full feeder, a drinking bowl with clean water and a bell. You can sprinkle a little grains on the bottom of the cage, perhaps at first they will attract the attention of the chick faster than the feeder.

Let the parrot get out of the carrier on its own in the cage, while not allowing the bird to fly into the room.

Such an unexpected flight will not bring anything good, but will only increase the stress and shock of the baby. Such slips can make your attempts to tame a budgerigar much more difficult.

Having released the parrot into the cage, move away from it, let the bird get used to it. He will need time to look around and calm down. It may take more than one day until you notice that the feathered one has begun to eat or drink water.

Do not worry, it is likely that the bird will stealthily approach both the feeder and the drinker, especially trying to do this when you are either absent or turned away.

Also, against the background of stress, the parrot may have a slight indigestion, this is not scary and passes quickly.

Be patient and do not disturb the parrot unnecessarily. For the first few days, approach the cage and speak with a feathered friend in an affectionate, quiet voice.

No need to open the cage and try to stroke or touch the bird!

The budgerigar needs to feel safe and protected here. You can cover one side of the house with a transparent cloth so that the bird has the opportunity to hide if it feels anxious or uncomfortable.

You need to take care of the budgerigar during this period very carefully: do not make sudden movements, do not slam the door and swing objects.

Home care may differ from what the bird saw before, especially if the parrot did not live alone.

Hands in the cage can only be for the reason of replacing the feed with fresh and to clean the pan. When cleaning, talk to the bird, affectionately call it by name and gradually the parrot will feel calm in your presence.

Do not turn on loud music, rattle, knock or shout in the room where the cage is located. Let the bird first get used to you and the objects and sounds around it. Later - turn on her radio or TV quietly.

When you see that the wavy has begun to actively eat, be interested in toys in the cage and chirp, you can begin the process of taming.

How to care for a budgerigar

It is best if you set a daily routine for the bird. In this way, the wavy will adjust to your schedule and his rest hours will not be suddenly interrupted.

Also, if the cage of the budgerigar is in a room where some movement and noise occur until late, cover it with a dense cloth that does not let light through. So the parrot will feel calmer and will be able to fall asleep.

If the condition of the room allows you not to cover the parrot's house for the night, then the best option for good night wavy will dim, subdued light.

Hygiene of the cage and accessories should be carried out weekly, and as for the tray, feeders and drinkers, they should be washed daily.

Thanks to these actions, the parrot will be in a clean environment without the threat of disease, and the amount of husks and feathers around the cage will be much less.

Sunlight is very important for the immune system of parrots, but the rays that pass through window panes, lose the desired ultraviolet spectrum. In urban conditions, not everyone can afford to arrange sunbathing for birds, they use it for these purposes.

A lamp and a timer are mandatory attributes for full life birds in the apartment They will help keep the length of daylight hours normal and maintain undulation, especially in autumn. winter period.

Wild budgerigars spend most of their time looking for food, their flights over long distances are fraught with danger and there is practically no time to relax. What, what, but there is more than enough time for home wavy ones. And the task of the owner is to provide the fidget with an interesting activity and fun games.

Therefore, toys and a walking platform play a big role in the life of a parrot. These items facilitate the communication of the bird with the owner, and also develop the communication skills and ingenuity of the wavy.

Try to spend as much time as possible with the bird, show him options on how to use this or that toy, throw balls from the table together or build and destroy a tower of blocks.

Budgerigars are in great need of communication, especially if you have one bird, it will reach out to you and strive to keep you close to it for as long as possible. Let the baby become your friend, because for him - you will be the only one with whom the feathered one can chat and have fun to the fullest.

When you have several birds, then, having come home from work, your conscience will not torment you that you left the merry fellow alone and you can calmly participate in their games in the evenings and watch the continuous pranks of birds.

A first-aid kit for a wavy should be present even before the appearance of a mischievous person in your house!

Buy the necessary drugs that you may need to provide first aid to your budgerigar. For a more detailed list of medicines, see

Let there, in the first aid kit, be the phone numbers of ornithologists and the addresses of veterinary clinics, so that in the event of an emergency situation, you do not waste precious time looking for contacts.

If you want to do it in the future, you should foresee a separate place for the second cage in advance (you may have to quarantine someone or for a number of other reasons).

You will also need to purchase or make, think about how you will mount it: inside the cage and outside. You will need a lot more knowledge about budgerigars if you decide to take the step of breeding.

Video showing the normal behavior of a budgerigar in the first minutes of his stay in a new place:

Fun with toys:

Manual budgerigar chik:

If you want to have cheerful talkers in your house, budgerigars will do, the care and maintenance of which will not bring much trouble, but should become systematic. Birds need conditions that do not pose a threat to their lives, that contribute to the favorable course of their life processes - adaptation, communication.

What does a budgerigar look like?

The bird has the following characteristics:

  • size about 18 cm without tail, wings 10 cm each;
  • tail - elongated, stepped, 8-10 cm;
  • limbs - reddish or bluish, with 4 long fingers and curved claws;
  • eyes - dark blue, with white or yellowish edging;
  • beak - strong, curved, like birds of prey. At its base, a cere with nostrils is noticeable;
  • tongue - short and thick if caring for budgerigars accompanied by their upbringing, then the birds begin to copy human speech.

Bird attracts catchy nice outfit and cheerful, sociable disposition, simplicity of maintenance, the ability to make it manual. It is always interesting with such a pet - it is distinguished by noise and talkativeness, plays with toys (bell, mirror), imitates the singing of birds and human speech. The most gifted memorize up to 600 words, small phrases.

Colors of wavy parrots

Wild wavy dyed in lemon color. The wings, back and head are covered with stripes of yellow and a little black, the lower part of the back is brilliant green, the tail is blue, and there are dark spots on the throat. Budgerigars, which are cared for and kept in captivity, are divided into two color groups:

How many years do budgerigars live?

Owners are concerned about the question of how long budgerigars live in order to adjust their menu, for example, when caring for and maintaining an elderly individual, you may need a lighter diet and. In the wild with many dangers and epidemics, their lifespan is 8-10 years. Budgerigars, which are cared for and maintained at home, with high-quality feed, constant access to fresh herbs and fruits, the possibility of daily flights, can last up to 10-15 years of age.

How to determine the age of a budgerigar?

Before that, you need to find out his age. A young bird is better tamed by hand, speaks faster and gets used to a new environment and owners more easily. The difficulty is that a pet at 5 years old looks the same as at 15. Only by buying a young chick before the first molt, you can be sure of its age, then it is difficult to determine it.

Young males have cere purple, in the female it is beige or blue with a light border around the nostrils. The plumage of the chicks is more faded, there is no white iris on the eye (up to 6 months), the wave goes over the entire head (after molting at 4 months it disappears in the front), their beak is darker than in adults. Birds purchased from breeders have rings with the year of birth on their paws - they determine the exact age from them.

Domestic budgerigars are not picky, but their care and maintenance imply compliance with light and temperature conditions. Chronic lack of sleep or hypothermia can cause colds, molting, self-plucking, loss of appetite in birds. The content of budgerigars:

  1. Lighting. Daylight hours should be 10-12 hours in winter and 12-14 in summer. At night, the cage is covered with a cloth.
  2. Ultraviolet. UV rays favor the production of vitamin D3 in birds and the absorption of calcium by their body. With proper maintenance in the summer, the pet should be sunbathed - 30 minutes a day. In winter, artificial UV lamps are attached above the cage.
  3. Temperature regime. Optimal - + 22-25Gdeg; С, its sharp drops and drafts are not allowed. When caring for and keeping a pet in a sick state, it is heated with 40 W lamps.
  4. Activity. Birds should fly for 20-30 minutes a day. At the same time, it is important to close the windows, make sure that the pet does not stumble upon dangerous objects.

Cage for budgie

Parrots are recommended to be kept in a rectangular cage made of metal rods. Its minimum size is 40x25x40 cm, when it is planned to breed budgerigars and buy a couple of pets, the dimensions of the dwelling should be increased. Until a nesting house is established for them, they will not breed. A home for budgerigars, which are cared for and maintained at home, is equipped with:

  • retractable bottom;
  • perches 1.2 cm thick;
  • feeders for grain and additional feed;
  • drinker;
  • coarse calcined sand is poured to the bottom.

House for wavy parrots

As a rule, a budgerigar does not breed at home in a species aviary. In order for the couple to have the instinct of procreation, one more house must be inserted into it. When keeping several pairs in an aviary, each one needs to build such a structure, otherwise the females can beat each other to death. For one couple, a horizontal plywood house with a height of 15 cm and a bottom of 25x15 cm is suitable; they hang it at the top of the dwelling. Arrangement:

  • the lid of the box is removable to put things in order in it;
  • a notch with a diameter of 5 cm is cut on the side at a distance of 3 cm from the top;
  • a perch is attached under the hole for lowering and raising the birds into the house.

Budgerigar nest

A convenient nest for budgerigars is arranged inside a plywood box. To keep the female and chicks, sawdust is placed on the bottom of the house with a layer of 2 cm, a special recess is made in the litter for masonry - 8 cm in diameter and 1.5 cm deep. Otherwise, the eggs will roll all over the box or the girl will throw out all the shavings when arranging the nest. As a care for the correct growth of the skeleton of the chicks, calcium powder is poured onto the bottom.

Caring for budgies at home

Caring for birds does not take much time. How to care for a budgerigar:

  • daily change the water in the drinker;
  • every day to take care of the feeders and drinkers - wash them with hot water and baking soda, wipe dry;
  • put the bathing suit in the dwelling once a week, after the procedure - clean it;
  • with proper care, it is necessary to carry out a cardinal cleaning once a month - rinse the cage and equipment with chamomile decoction and dry.

What to feed a budgerigar?

The metabolism of birds is fast, so the main food should always be present in the home, with proper care and maintenance, it is important to diversify it with herbs, vegetables, and fruits. What do budgerigars eat:

  • the basis of the portion is grain mixtures, consisting of about 70% millet different types, 10% oats, 20% - wheat, canary, hemp, flaxseed;
  • fresh vegetables: cucumbers, sweet peppers, beets, carrots;
  • greens: parsley, radish tops, lettuce, dandelion, spinach, clover;
  • fruits: pineapple, apricots, quince, cherries, grapes, bananas, watermelon, strawberries, plums, raspberries, citrus fruits.

Reproduction of budgerigars

A young couple at the age of 1 year can be allowed to breed, the process is started in the summer, when there is a lot of green fodder available. The couple is provided with daylight hours at 16 o'clock, a week before mating they are saturated with vitamins - they are given egg mixtures with semolina and carrots, greens, chalk. How to determine the sex of a budgerigar (after 3-4 months):

  • in males, the cere is bright lilac;
  • in females, it is beige or brown with white nostril edging.

When keeping a pair intended for breeding, a nest box is placed in the cage, within a month the female lays 4-12 eggs, incubates them for 20 days. After that, the chicks hatch - blind and without plumage. A week later, they begin to see clearly, after 10 days fluff sprouts. For the first weeks, their mother takes care of them - she feeds the chicks with goiter milk, then she gives adult softened food. After 30-35 days, the babies leave the nest. They are kept and cared for in a separate cage, when they are already eating on their own. After 1-2 clutches, the nest is removed so that the female can rest.

How to tame a budgerigar?

The wavy are very smart and friendly. They are cautious, but even an incredulous pet quickly makes contact. The main thing in training is patience, everything must be done without haste. How to tame a budgerigar to your hands:

  1. After the store, the pet does not need to be disturbed for several hours so that he gets used to the environment.
  2. The dwelling is placed at the level of the human eye, so the bird can better see who is approaching it.
  3. The process of taming to the hands begins with the offer to the pet of his favorite delicacy through the rods, affectionately calling his name. In case of failure, attempts are repeated the next day. As a result, the bird, out of curiosity, will take a treat.
  4. Next, you need to try to feed the bird from the hands in the cage. It is best to do this in the morning when she is hungry.
  5. After that, you need to teach the parrot to sit on your finger, slipping it under the perch. They soon realize what they want from them.
  6. Then you can offer the bird a treat outside the cage. No need to chase the parrot - he himself should come to the hand as soon as he gets used to the situation.

How to teach a budgerigar to speak?

Waves are able to repeat human words, each individual has its own degree of talent - some talk a lot, others talk less. How to teach a budgerigar to talk:

  • it is better to buy a young male, to conduct lessons in a quiet place;
  • first you can learn his nickname, repeat the word clearly and legibly. When he remembers it, move on to the next;
  • start with easy words, lessons complicate gradually;
  • it is important not to forget to praise the bird, give treats;
  • The more time spent on learning, the greater vocabulary parrot;
  • you can record a few phrases on the player and put them near the bird.

Diseases of budgerigars

Domestic budgerigars, which are not properly cared for and maintained, can become ill. This is due to poor-quality feed, non-compliance with the rules of hygiene, lighting, temperature conditions. Budgerigars - common diseases and treatment:

  1. Cold. Symptoms are sneezing and runny nose. Care in this case: irradiate the bird table lamp 40 W, give vitamins, put a decoction of chamomile in the house.
  2. Infestation by ticks and mites. Signs - itching, self-plucking, feathers spoiled with holes. Moving insects are visible in the pan. Fluff-eaters are expelled with Frontline by applying it to the back of the head. Ticks are destroyed with aversectin, novertin ointment, applying the agent with a brush on the paws, beak, cere, cloaca.
  3. Laying delay. Sign - the female does not leave the bottom of the cage, breathes heavily, a swelling forms near the cloaca. Girls rush even in the absence of a male. A stuck egg can come out if you drop vaseline oil into the anus, put a heating pad covered with a cloth on the bottom. If it does not help, you need to carry the female to the doctor, otherwise she will die.

Born in captivity and therefore well adapted to live at home. Keeping these birds in an apartment is not difficult, they are hardy and unpretentious.

The light part of the room is most suitable for keeping parrots. However, the cage should not be placed very close to the window, so that there is no draft, which these birds are very afraid of, and also near heating appliances. The cage should be placed at the height of human growth or slightly lower. So it is more convenient to get out of it and watch your pet. In the room where the birds are, you can not smoke, cigarette smoke is harmful to birds.

For most species of parrots, daylight hours are of great importance, which should be 15-16 hours a day. In the short days of autumn and winter, you need to turn on additional electric lighting. For a room with an area of ​​​​15-18 square meters. m, an illumination of 100-150 W is required, then the parrots will feel great and have time to eat the daily ration of food. In general, the more light, especially sunlight, the better the feathered pets feel.

The cage for keeping your parrot or for a couple should be large enough so that the occupants can fly a little in it. Its dimensions can be estimated as follows: it must be at least 5 times longer than the bird itself, for example, with a parrot body length of 18–20 cm, the cage must have at least 90–100 cm in length, the corresponding width and be at least 60, and preferably 80 cm. Only cells of this size can be considered as appropriate for this type of bird.

Standard cages with bars around the perimeter have both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, there is a lot of light in such a cage and the parrot in it has the ability to climb the transverse bars. A bird living in an apartment with people appreciates a great view. But on the other hand, the inhabitant of such a cage is accessible to drafts and does not have a reliable quiet corner where he could retire if he so desires. But this is easily helped by darkening some part of the cage with plants or a curtain.

We should not forget that the cage door must have a reliable lock so that the parrot in the cage cannot open or break it, because a parrot in an apartment without supervision can do a lot of trouble, and it can suffer for many reasons. As constipation on the cage door, many owners use small locks with a key, metal carbines or powerful springs, which the bird is not able to wring out.

Caring for parrots consists of daily cleaning in the cage. It is necessary to remove debris, scrape off adhering dirt and litter from the sides, brush off dust and rubbish with a soft brush. Having pulled out the pallet, wipe it with a damp cloth, replace the litter. Bird dishes are washed with hot water with the addition of soda or special dishwashing solutions, then wiped dry. Feeders for grain mixtures are thoroughly cleaned of food debris, wiped with a clean cloth, fall asleep daily allowance feed and put in place. Wet feeders and drinkers are washed daily with hot water, and automatic drinkers are rinsed.

Cages should be completely cleaned at least once a week. The retractable tray is covered with clean river sand with a layer of 1.5-2 cm. It is better to pre-ignite it in the oven or rinse it with a solution of potassium permanganate and dry it. If it is not possible to change the sand frequently, the bottom of the cage can be covered with paper, but in this case the sand should be in a special feeder. Parrots use it as a gastrolith - for grinding roughage in the stomach. Sand should not be fine - this only clogs the stomach, not fulfilling its main function. It is better to use hygroscopic paper, such as newsprint, but you need to change it at least 2-3 times a week, otherwise mites or blood-sucking insects can start in it. It is also necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the perches, which are quickly contaminated with a layer of manure or feed.

But cage care alone is not enough, parrots need communication. By nature, they are pack creatures. They should not be kept isolated, they should feel like part of the family. In addition, the more time they spend outside the cage, the easier it will be to communicate with them. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to keep a bird near him all day. In this case, let the bird out of the cage as soon as you get home. Wake up a little earlier in the morning to spend some time with your pet. Do not keep your parrot in the bedroom, where he will see you for a few minutes in the morning and an hour in the evening before going to bed. From boredom, a bird can start having problems, parrots begin to pluck feathers on themselves, sometimes fall into a deep depression.

For the same purpose, when keeping parrots, it is useful to place toys in a cage. You can make a swing yourself, a ring made of wood or light tin with a diameter of 5-6 cm, for small species, for example, hang on a thread from the ceiling rod of the cage, instead of a ring, you can strengthen the swinging perch. A bell with or without a mirror can be purchased at a pet store. As for the mirror, here the opinions of the owners of budgerigars are divided. Some believe that the mirror has a bad effect on the "psyche" of the bird, as it stimulates the sexual reflex. However, this is not always justified, in any case, you can experiment - if you notice that the mirror has a bad effect on the bird, then you can remove it. During learning to "talk" it is desirable that the bird does not have foreign objects in the cage. However, most "talking" birds give out their vocabulary repertoire in front of a mirror.

Parrot care also includes feeding, proper nutrition is his pledge. The basis of nutrition and feeding of such pets is a grain mixture, consisting of approximately 70% - millet, various types, 10% - oats, 20% - mixtures usually include canary seed, hemp, linseed, some wheat, etc. Millet should be different types: red, white, black, yellow. For these birds, it is not recommended to give seeds and nuts, the fact is that such food is very fatty for them. But grain feeds alone do not have a complete set of all the nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of parrots. Therefore, from time to time it is necessary to give the birds additional and mineral feeds, but in smaller quantities than grains.

Useful and nutritious food for parrots - fresh grated carrots (not squeezed), mixed with semolina or white breadcrumbs. It is prepared quite simply. Grated carrots are mixed with crushed white breadcrumbs or semolina in such a ratio that, when mixed, it does not stick to the fingers. Grated carrots are indispensable in winter and spring, when there is little greenery. Green food, which is a source of vitamins and mineral salts for your pets, can be given to birds in unlimited quantities. They also love apples, dandelion leaves, wood lice, lettuce, cabbage. Dandelion leaves, for example, are consumed fresh in finely chopped form from early spring to late autumn.

In winter, you can sow oats, millet, canary seed, young shoots in boxes, which are readily eaten by birds. This is done as follows: earth is poured into two boxes 40x10x8 cm, placed on the windowsill so that there is more light for the growth of greenery. Sowing is carried out first in one box, and after 7-10 days, when the young shoots will have a height of 10-12 cm, and in the second. From the first box in parts (how much is needed per day), greens are collected, chopped and mixed with additional food or placed separately for feeding. As the greenery in the first box is consumed, it grows in the second, and the first is sown again. It turns out the so-called green conveyor until the very spring, when the first greenery appears.

Budgerigars are very common as pets. They have bright colors, their singing cheers up adults and children, such parrots can be tamed, as well as taught to talk. And the cost per pet is quite reasonable.

But still, if a person decides to acquire such a pet, first of all, he needs to figure out how to care for a parrot at home.

home for a friend

Wavy parrots have small size bodies - from 17 to 19.8 centimeters - and therefore do not take up much space even in small room. The cost of food for feathered friends does not hit the wallet of their owners.

Unlike cats and dogs, which, in most cases, have free access to all parts of the house or apartment, budgerigars must be kept in a cage. It is she who will become the main habitat for a small pet: you can hide in it to sleep or in case of danger (for example, if there are cats in the house), eat, drink. Therefore, the choice of cell - the foundation proper care for a pet.

Best fit rectangular cell with flat roof. Its elongation in length is an additional advantage. Since in this case the bird will be able to flutter from one perch to another without the inconvenience of a small space.

Round cells - not the most a good option for the feathered. In such parrots lose orientation in space, do not feel protected, cannot retire, and therefore feel extremely uncomfortable.

Cells will be inconvenient for the owner intricate structures or with graceful roofs. Since they are more difficult to care for, and it is not always convenient to place accessories for budgerigars.

If we talk about the size of the bird house, then necessary keep in mind that one pet should have an average of 30–35 centimeters. If a pair of birds is placed in one cage, then this figure should be increased to about 60 centimeters.

The bottom of the cage should be retractable. This will make the cleaning process easier. At the same time, it is better not to have gratings or other elements below. Otherwise, the bird may injure its paws.

When choosing accommodation for a pet, it is better for owners to give preference iron cells than wood. The former are much more convenient to clean, and they also retain their appearance and service life longer.

Climatic conditions

The budgerigar, together with the cage, should be placed in a room with a stable microclimate. The temperature regime must be maintained at + 18 ° C to 25 ° C.

Since the daylight hours for birds should be about 15–16 hours, then in winter necessary will take care of additional lighting of the room to maintain optimal conditions.

An important requirement for the proper care of parrots is the absence in the room where the bird is located, drafts and frequent shifts temperature conditions. Such conditions will be disastrous for a domestic parrot.

It should be borne in mind that a cage with a bird it is forbidden post in the following places:

  • near heating appliances and radiators;
  • near air conditioners and cooling systems;
  • next to windows
  • on the floor or on a cabinet (the table is optimal for placing a cage with a parrot, since its height will be ideal for a bird);
  • in noisy places.

Interior design

A cage for a parrot, like its owner's house, must be equipped inside with special devices.

Cage care is a must condition. General cleaning in the pet house should be carried out once or twice a month. During it, it is necessary to rinse the entire cage with a sponge and water, including poles, and then dry thoroughly. Usage detergents prohibited, as they may cause allergic reaction at the pet.

Feeding the budgerigar

In order to know how to care for a budgerigar, you need to study its issue in detail. feeding.

Nutrition should be balanced, varied, so that the pet receives all the necessary nutrients throughout the day. The following foods can be included in the diet:

  • special food for birds: it is balanced and rich in vitamins and minerals;
  • cereals, cereals: oats, millet;
  • seeds of corn and wild grasses (pre-soaked);
  • greens: beet and lettuce leaves, dandelion, St. John's wort;
  • pitted berries and fruits, as well as fresh vegetables;
  • food containing protein: crushed boiled eggs, softened bread;
  • live food: moths, small insects.

The cage should always be fresh, pure water. At the same time, it is worth considering that it is better not to drink your pet with tap water.

What not to feed

Proper care of a pet also includes good nutrition that will not harm your pet. Therefore, as for many other pets, for parrots there is scroll prohibited products:

  • stale food;
  • sweet, spicy, fatty, fried, smoked foods;
  • black bread;
  • greens: parsley and dill, basil;
  • onion and garlic;
  • meat;
  • coffee.


Purity- the guarantee of health and proper care. This also applies to wavy parrots. V summer time they can be bathed every day, and in winter it will be enough two or three times a week.

For bathing, you need to use a special bath installed in the cage. But it is also possible splash a bird from a spray bottle or bathe under running water.

If the pet does not like water, then the bath must be filled sand for cleaning feathers. And in the pet store, purchase a special brush for those purposes and use it about once a week.

Parrots are very active and sociable creatures. They love company. Therefore, you need to talk with your pet often, let him sit on your arm or shoulder.

In the event of a long absence from home during the day, you can leave the “company” to your wavy friend in the form of an included radio. Then the bird will think that it is not alone in the apartment.

Once or twice a day parrot necessary let out of the cage to fly. So he can stretch his wings and explore the territory, finding something interesting for himself.

But you can’t allow a parrot to play pranks and play pranks: he must know the boundaries of what is permitted.

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Many decide to get a parrot, naively believing that these are the most trouble-free pets. Like, caring for a parrot is easy. In fact, small birds need more care and attention than we used to think.
How to care for budgerigars and what should never be done, we will tell further.

Place for a cage

The first commandment in the care of parrots is to protect from drafts and noise.

To nervous system birds did not suffer, budgerigars should live in a quiet room, preferably remote. Ideally, there should not be any equipment such as speakers or a TV. Because wavy do not like sharp and loud sounds. And also because miracles modern technology interfere with the observance of the bird's regime of activity and rest.

If there are no options, carefully monitor the behavior of the birds. And when the budgerigars begin to nod, hide it in feathers, cover the cage with a thick blanket that does not let light through. Just leave one side of the cage open so that air can pass through and the parrot is not lost in space.

Caring for a budgerigar in the early days is to provide him with maximum peace. Let the pet get used to the new house, look around. The cell all this time should be located at the level of human growth. So the budgerigar gets used to the face of its owner, his voice. Later, the cage can be rearranged a little lower. On a cabinet or coffee table, For example.

You can not place the cage in the kitchen or in a dark hallway.

The content of parrots in these premises adversely affects their health and longevity. So, in the kitchen, a feathered comrade will be surrounded by various pungent odors, to which the tender nostrils of a bird are sensitive. Again, people are talking loudly, the hood is noisy or the refrigerator is buzzing. People do not notice these noises. And the bird reacts to them anxiously. There are often drafts in the hallway.

And budgerigars will not be able to navigate in time: the biological processes in their bodies are subject to daylight hours. In conditions of constant darkness, they even stop eating.

Proper lighting

Caring for budgerigars at home is a tricky thing.

Take at least lighting for these birds. In the absence of daylight, so that miniature organisms do not know malfunctions, you need to take care of it. additional sources. And ordinary lamps will not work. In its light, everything will be seen by the birds in black and white.

Ornithologists advise purchasing a full-spectrum fluorescent lamp.

By the way, it is easy to find it among the goods for budgerigars, in pet stores.

They can and should be included in the breeding seasons of birds. And also for young individuals, whose body is just beginning to form.

Under the influence of special light, vitamin D3 is produced - an important component of bone tissue.

Its deficiency can even lead to pathologies of the endocrine system, behavioral disturbances, and metabolic problems.

High-quality UV lamps are equipped with a timer that regulates the on and off lighting. The term of operation is not more than a year. Since the phosphorus in the lamp tends to decay. And the lamp ceases to be effective.
Thus, caring for a budgerigar is impossible without organization proper lighting in a cage.

Balanced diet

Caring for budgerigars also means regular feeding.

The basis of the diet is grain feed.

There is a great variety of bird food on the shelves of pet stores. But not everyone will benefit. Those who have kept these ornamental birds for more than a year and know everything about budgerigars say with one voice: they eat mainly millet.

Oats and other useful, from the point of view of the manufacturer, ingredients remain at the bottom of the feeder. Where to go for pure millet? It is sold by parrot sellers. But it is better to buy food from a trusted person. Since unscrupulous distributors do not follow the rules for storing food, which is the cause of poisoning of parrots.

When choosing food for a budgerigar at a pet store, look at the packaging. It doesn't have to be cardboard.

In it, the food dampens, and is also saturated with foreign odors if the boxes are stored next to goods that have a sharp aroma. It is good if the package is equipped with a zipper, which will allow you to “seal” the food package after pouring.

Do not get carried away with food enriched with vitamins and iodine.

They should be given as food to a bird, unless the body has a deficiency of some trace elements or problems with the endocrine gland. Of course, after one pack of food, no pathological changes in the body will occur. But next time, be careful - do not overdo it in caring for a budgerigar.

Chalk is what a budgerigar needs at any time of the year.

It is available at any pet store. But pieces of chalk should be changed periodically. After all, the parrot will constantly clean its beak about it or grind its claws. As a result, a dirty coating forms on the chalk. As mentioned above, the main danger to parrots is food poisoning. And constant contact with a piece of dirty chalk is exactly what threatens.

It does not hurt to add mineral supplements to the diet once a week. To make sure your budgerigar gets a dose of nutrients, mix top dressing with millet.
There are also a variety of "spikelets", which include a variety of seeds soaked in egg yolk. As practice shows, birds do not eat "spikelet", but simply gnaw. As a result, all the usefulness and goodies lie at the bottom of the cage, and the budgerigar frolics with a piece of wood on which it was all attached.

Proper care of a budgerigar involves the presence of several feeders. One is for dry food and mineral supplements. And in the second they put juicy food: vegetables and fruits according to the season. You can also purchase several holders for seasonal gifts of nature, because the budgerigar can throw everything out of the feeders to the bottom of the cage.

Caring for a parrot also means feeding it seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables.

To avoid having to spend money on vitamins for poultry, provide daily availability of juicy fruits and pieces of berries or vegetables.

In small doses, grapes, quince, apricots will benefit. In winter, please the feathered with steamed dried apricots or a slice of kiwi. Naturally, most of the treat will pass by the beak, but what is digested will benefit the body.

By the way, caring for a budgerigar at home in the summer is regular cleaning of the cage. Indeed, in the hot season, the processes of decay of the same fruits that you give to the bird are accelerated. Do not be too lazy to once again clean the bottom of the bird house from debris.

Water procedures

How to care for a budgerigar during the heat?

Provide him with access to saving moisture! True, not all parrots tend to plunge into specially equipped bathing suits. Some "conservatives" prefer saucers with water. Or green leaves soaked in water at room temperature. It can be cabbage, lard, parsley - whatever. Even tree leaves will do.

When pouring water into a saucer, cup or bathing suit, make sure that its level does not exceed 2 cm. At a greater depth, the bird may choke or be frightened.

In special cases, bird fright ends in death. In order to avoid tragedies, we recommend playing it safe.

About budgerigars that do not like to swim - a separate item. To gradually accustom cowards to water, put a mirror on the very bottom of the bathing device. The bird will become interested and gradually begin to enter the water.