What to do with mild food poisoning. What to drink in case of poisoning

  • 02.07.2020


Sharp pains in the abdomen, severe attacks of nausea or vomiting, loose stools - occurring after eating, these symptoms often indicate the poor quality of the food consumed, the ingress of toxic components into the dish, or a violation sanitary norms when cooking. Every person has faced such a situation at least once, and few people understand how to get out of it. How to act immediately after an attack and do they help folk remedies in case of poisoning or do you need more serious medicines?

What is poisoning

Food poisoning or food intoxication (depending on the etiology) - this is how official medicine calls poisoning that occurs as a result of eating food. The disease mainly proceeds in an acute form, occurs against the background of eating food covered with pathogens and the toxins they release. Food poisoning is divided into:

  • microbial - caused coli or botulinum, enterococci, staphylococci. These include toxicoinfections, mycotoxicosis and bacteriotoxicosis.
  • Non-microbial - poisoning by plant and animal products, initially dangerous due to toxicity or accumulated toxins due to certain reasons.
  • Due to impurities of chemicals - arising from the use of products containing an excess of pesticides, nitrates, salts of heavy metals.

Clinical manifestations of food poisoning are in the nature of gastroenteritis, but in some cases, symptoms are absent or observed for only a few hours. This picture is characteristic of botulism, lead poisoning. With classical intoxication of a non-microbial nature, the onset of the disease is always sudden, and the course is short, accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • malaise, weakness;
  • sharp pains in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea, frequent urge to defecate;
  • gas formation, bloating;
  • nausea, vomiting.

An important point is the ability of a person to distinguish food intoxication from an intestinal infection, in which general scheme treatment is needed differently. An intestinal infection enters the body by airborne droplets or contact (not through food), it incubation period longer (from a day to a month) and it is characterized by a high temperature that lasts for several days, frequent diarrhea and dehydration.

What to do in case of poisoning

If the problem arose due to the ingestion of chemicals or toxic products into the gastrointestinal tract, it is pointless to find out what they drink in case of poisoning: immediate hospitalization of the patient is required. In the case when food spoiled or contaminated with microbes is to blame, you can cope with intoxication on your own. First aid for food poisoning, preceding the main therapy, looks like this:

  1. Provoke vomiting as early as possible - this will prevent toxins from entering the bloodstream, speeding up the healing process.
  2. Carry out gastric lavage: drinking 0.5-1 l of water (almost in one gulp) to stimulate a new attack of vomiting.
  3. Give an enema if more than 2 hours have passed since the potentially culpable food was eaten. Alternative: take a laxative, but only if there is no stool or constipation, as such a drug hits the intestines.
  4. Prevent dehydration - drink slowly and in small sips, a single volume of liquid does not exceed half a glass.
  5. Neutralize toxins - use sorbent preparations. Antidiarrheals are not used at this stage, since this will block the natural cleansing of the body.

Subsequent treatment involves the obligatory diet, and the first few hours after the attack, the poisoned person is prescribed complete hunger (it is only allowed to drink in order to quickly remove toxins and prevent dehydration). For a full day, the hungry regimen is not stretched, since this slows down the process of restoring the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Treatment of poisoning in children and adults requires:

  • Limit the amount of food that enters the body, but ensure plenty of fluids. Doctors recommend that the patient drink every 10 minutes after an attack, especially for a child. The next day, the intervals can be increased to half an hour.
  • Be sure to drink rehydrants - solutions that restore the water-salt balance.
  • In the diet of the first days, use only cereals on the water, mashed soups, boiled mashed potatoes (do not use dairy products). On day 3-4, you can add biscuits, crackers, lean meat, baked apples.

If a poisoned person faints, blood impurities are observed in the stool or vomit, a rash appears on the skin, or the skin and eye sclera turn yellow, you can’t do home self-medication. It is required to call an ambulance and provide first aid to the victim, except for clean water, do not give anything to drink. The situation is similar with food intoxication of all family members.

What drink

Liquids are required by the poisoned body as a means of cleansing, maintaining water balance, and even to muffle the feeling of hunger for the first few hours, while food is prohibited. The patient must drink in small sips. clean water, but at room temperature or warm, and with it:

  • soda and saline solutions;
  • herbal teas;
  • oatmeal and rice broth.

saline solution

During an attack of vomiting, a person loses 1.5 liters of water, so dehydration occurs quickly, especially if vomiting is frequent and intense. It is important to drink clean water, but it is even more important to take solutions that retain fluid and replenish its loss. The simplest is salt, but it requires you to follow some rules:

  • salt is contraindicated in gastric ulcer and gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • after an attack of vomiting, it is required to rinse the mouth to remove vomit before drinking saline;
  • the recommended volume of solution for a patient in the acute period is 5 ml / kg;
  • after reducing the intensity of the urge to defecate and vomiting, the poisoned person is given 200 ml of solution after each attack of diarrhea, and children - 50 ml each.

You can drink saline solution for 2 purposes: induce vomiting to cleanse the stomach for early stage intoxication, or to prevent dehydration. The classic remedy is prepared simply: diluted with 2 tsp. salt in a glass of hot boiled water for adults and 1 tsp. - for children aged 3-12 years. Keep in mind that they drink the solution warm (to induce vomiting, cool to 30 degrees), otherwise you will provoke a stomach cramp. An alternative option for dehydration is 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp salt and 0.5 tsp. soda per 1 liter of water. Drink in small sips, the interval between them is 10 minutes.

Soda for poisoning

In order to normalize the state of food intoxication, it is worth drinking not only saline solution - soda also cleanses well, prevents vomiting attacks, helps get rid of heartburn, since it can reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Such a solution is not prepared for:

  • peptic ulcer;
  • bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • acid poisoning.

Unlike saline, soda is not the safest and requires caution. It is prescribed for severe diarrhea, heartburn, vomiting, fever, but they drink it in small volumes. The concentration is always done low: 1 tsp. 1 liter of warm boiled water. May be supplemented with the same amount of salt. Drink at intervals of 5-10 minutes. 1 st. l., until the disturbing symptoms pass.

What tea to drink

In order to prevent dehydration, gastroenterologists advise the poisoned person to drink strong sweet black tea, but only after the main symptoms of the problem have been eliminated: diarrhea and vomiting. A slice of fresh lemon or a piece of ginger will help remove the remnants of nausea. Green tea can also be drunk, but it does not give such a fixing effect. More healthy tea options:

  • based on chamomile flowers - to improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with mint leaves - to eliminate nausea;
  • with salt - to normalize the water and electrolyte balance.


A drug effect on the body that has undergone poisoning is not required in all situations: mild food intoxication involves only taking sorbents in order to quickly get rid of the remnants of harmful substances. If the patient's condition is severe, stronger symptomatic drugs may be needed, but it is advisable to select them with a doctor. Gastroenterologists use the following groups of drugs:

  • Adsorbents (Enterosgel, Atoxil) - bind and remove toxins, are used to treat children and adults, but are not prescribed at a temperature. Be sure to spread in time with the rest of the medicines (for 1-2 hours).
  • Regidrants (Regidron, Acesol) - restore water and electrolyte balance, are used for any poisoning. The introduction of oral or infusion, depending on the condition of the patient.
  • Painkillers (Drotaverine, Duspatalin) are antispasmodics that are drunk only with severe acute pain that accompanies bouts of diarrhea.
  • Antiemetics (Metoclopramide, Cerucal) - doctors call vomiting a natural protective reaction of the body, which helps to get rid of toxins, but if the attacks are too intense, it can be blocked with medications.
  • Antidiarrheal (Kaopektat, Loperamide) - are used only for frequent bouts of diarrhea, causing severe dehydration.
  • Antipyretics (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol) - rarely used, mainly in young children and only when the patient knows that the temperature is not caused by an intestinal infection.
  • Probiotics (Lineks, Bionorm) - are used at the final stages of treatment in order to restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

From poisoning and vomiting

The pharmacological group of antiemetics includes several types of drugs that affect the nervous regulation. They mainly block dopamine, serotonin, histamine receptors, reducing the excitability of the vomiting center, or work as local anesthetics. Cerucal is considered a popular and effective antiemetic drug for poisoning: it works on metoclopramide (10.54 mg in a tablet and 5.27 mg in 1 ml of solution), is used orally or intravenously. Key points:

  • Pharmacological action: central blocker of dopamine (D2) receptors and serotonin, causes inhibition of the trigger zone of the vomiting center.
  • Indications: hiccups, nausea, vomiting of any origin, gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric atony, biliary dyskinesia, stomach ulcer.
  • Dosage: 1 tablet for adults before meals for half an hour, drinking warm water, with a frequency of up to 4 times / day (with frequent bouts of vomiting). Children over 14 years of age no more than 3 tablets per day. Intravenously, the solution is slowly injected up to 3 times / day, 10 ml at a time.
  • Contraindications: bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal obstruction, extrapyramidal disorders, age up to 2 years.
  • Side effects: urticaria, stool disorders, dry mouth, tachycardia, fluid retention, drowsiness (with frequent use).

An important advantage of Cerucal and other drugs on metoclopramide (Metamol, Metoclopramide, Raglan) is a quick effect on nausea and vomiting of any etiology, excluding vestibular - after half an hour the condition returns to normal. Less often, doctors prescribe Osetron, which works on ondansetron, as an antiemetic drug. Unlike metoclopramide, this substance does not cause an increase in prolactin levels, but its mechanism of action on vomiting has not been fully elucidated. Instructions for use:

  • Indications: nausea and vomiting of postoperative genesis or caused by the intake of cystostatics, radiation therapy.
  • Dosage: the daily dose is 8-32 mg for adults, it is advisable to take no more than 8 mg at a time.
  • Contraindications: pregnancy, age up to 2 years (tablets) and up to 12 years (large dosages), lactation.
  • Side effects: headache, arrhythmia, constipation.

Medicines for poisoning and diarrhea

In order to stop diarrhea, the attacks of which occur more often than 2-3 times / day, you can use decoctions of astringent herbs or drugs with antidiarrheal properties, which are based on loperamide, attapulgite, racecadotril, smectite. Some of them are additionally sorbents. Mostly in case of poisoning, gastroenterologists advise taking medicines on attapulgite, which include Neointestopan (630 mg per 1 tablet):

Kaopectate is similar in pharmacological action to Neointestopan, since it also contains attapulgite, but 1 tablet contains 750 mg of the active substance, which makes this drug more effective (in terms of speed of action). Unlike Neointestopan, Kaopectat is also available as a suspension, where the same concentration of the active ingredient (750 mg) is achieved when taking 15 ml. Indications and contraindications are identical to those described above, you only need to pay attention to the dosage:

  • Adults: 2 tbsp. l. suspension or 2 tablets up to 6 times / day, after each bowel movement.
  • Children 6-12 years old: 1 tbsp. l. suspensions or 1 tablet up to 6 times / day.
  • Children under 6 years old: no more than 1 tsp. suspensions up to 6 times / day.


If the acute stage of intoxication is accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, causing torment during the urge to defecate and between them, doctors allow the use of antispasmodic drugs. The most famous remedy of this type is No-shpa (analogues are Drotaverine, Spazmol). It works on drotaverine, is a myotropic antispasmodic, relaxes the intestinal muscles, is allowed with intolerance to M-anticholinergics. Usage features:

  • Indications: spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.
  • Dosage: 1-2 tablets no more than 3 times / day.
  • Contraindications: hypotension, lactation, pregnancy, renal, cardiac and hepatic insufficiency.
  • Side effects: lowering blood pressure, dizziness, arrhythmia, skin reactions.

Less well-known are antispasmodics on mebeverine (Duspatalin, Sparex), prescribed only for abdominal pain. They also have a myotropic effect, but do not cause a drop in blood pressure, do not affect normal intestinal motility. In addition to them, as painkillers for poisoning, the anticholinergic Platifillin, used for spasms of smooth muscles of organs, can be used. abdominal cavity and vascular spasms, or the combined remedy Spasmalgon (as part of metamizole sodium, pitofenone hydrochloride and fenpiverinium bromide):

  • Pharmacological action: analgesic, antispasmodic.
  • Indications: gastroenteritis, colitis, unspecified abdominal pain.
  • Dosage: up to 6 tablets per day, 1-2 per dose. After eating, drinking water.
  • Contraindications: diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, pregnancy, lactation, age up to 6 years.
  • Side effects: headache, tachycardia, urticaria.


The most important part of the treatment of poisoning is the use of absorbent drugs that help to remove toxins from the body, but they are drunk only in the absence of intense vomiting. Other drugs can be taken no earlier than 2 hours, because otherwise, in addition to toxins, beneficial substances will also be captured. The safest and most affordable adsorbent is white or black activated carbon (and preparations based on it: Carbactin, Sorbex), but more often gastroenterologists advise Polysorb MP, on silicon dioxide:

  • Pharmacological action: sorption and detoxification, binding and excretion of exogenous and endogenous toxins, pathogenic bacteria, food allergens, salts of heavy metals.
  • Dosage: calculated individually, 0.1-0.2 g of powder per kg of weight with a frequency of up to 4 times / day, prepare a suspension exactly before taking. Drink the medicine 1 hour before meals.
  • Contraindications: exacerbation of peptic ulcer, intestinal atony, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Side effects: allergic reactions.

The disadvantage of Polysorb is the powder format, which requires dilution (the required amount is dissolved in 50-100 ml of water). Similar actions must be performed with Smecta and Neosmectin preparations that work on smectite and, in addition to adsorption, perform an antidiarrheal function. Paste Enterosgel (based on polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate) is more convenient from the standpoint of use:

  • Pharmacological action: absorbs and removes medium molecular toxins, has a detoxifying effect.
  • Indications: acute and chronic intoxication of any etiology, intestinal infections, poisoning with toxic substances.
  • Dosage: 22.5 g (1.5 tablespoons) with a frequency of 3 times / day. Daily dose - 67.5 g. Drink, stirring in warm water.
  • Contraindications: intestinal atony.
  • Side effects: nausea, constipation.

Medicine for poisoning for children

Pediatricians advise using only sorbents that help remove toxins to normalize the child's condition. It is advisable to drink antispasmodics, antiemetics and other symptomatic medications only if absolutely necessary and after consulting a doctor, since such drugs often have a long list of contraindications and negative aspects(in relation to health). Enterosgel, discussed above, is one of the safest and most effective sorbents; it is used in children as follows:

  • infants should drink the drug diluted in breast milk or water (0.5 tsp per 1.5 tsp liquid) before each feeding up to 6 times / day;
  • children under 5 years old are given 0.5 tbsp. l. Enterosgel (mix in 1.5 tsp of water) up to 3 times / day;
  • a child aged 5 to 14 years can drink 1 tbsp. l. (dilute with 3 tablespoons of water) also 3 times / day;
  • adolescents over 14 years of age take the adult dose.

Sorbents based on activated carbon are considered to be more budgetary: Carbactin, Microsorb. Among the indications for their use are acute and chronic intoxications of any etiology, intestinal infections, poisoning with toxic substances. These drugs are safe, contraindicated only for gastric or intestinal bleeding, from side effects cause only constipation. Presented in various dosage forms: capsules, tablets, granules for suspension. Application principle:

  • Carbactin: no more than 4 g at a time, diluting the powder with water (100-150 ml). Drink 1.5-2 hours before other medications or meals. The frequency of administration is 3 times / day.
  • Microsorb: in case of acute poisoning, the stomach is washed with an aqueous suspension (a 20% solution is prepared), then a solution is prepared based on the calculation of 100 mg / kg. The powder is diluted with water (100 ml). Drink before meals for 2 hours, 3-4 times / day.

Folk remedies

Treatment for poisoning can only be based on alternative medicine prescriptions if the patient's condition is not severe. The objectives of therapy do not change - remove toxins, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restore microflora, prevent dehydration and remove unpleasant symptoms. Help with this:

  • decoctions of dill seeds, parsley, cumin;
  • infusions of wormwood, yarrow;
  • lemon juice;
  • tea with mint, ginger.

Infusion of cinnamon

Among food products that have the properties of sorbents, doctors distinguish cinnamon - it binds and removes toxins well, without harming the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. To prepare the infusion, mix 200 ml of hot water and 0.5 tsp. ground cinnamon powder. After 10-15 min. it should be strained through cheesecloth, drink in small sips, while warm.

Ginger tea

Peppermint or ginger tea works well for persistent nausea. The latter is prepared simply: grind fresh ginger root, pour a teaspoon of the resulting mass with a glass of hot water (70-80 degrees). Infuse the mixture for no longer than 5 minutes, then strain, add honey or do without additives at all, and drink slowly in small sips.

Lemon juice

With low acidity of the stomach, lemon juice helps to stop the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, which is taken the next day after an attack of intoxication. It is squeezed out of 3 fresh lemons, diluted 5:1 with cool water, drunk in one gulp. If desired (if very sour), you can add a teaspoon of honey or sugar to it. Reception of such funds is carried out up to 2 times / day.


Inspection of food for freshness, appearance, color, taste and smell is the main way to protect against food intoxication. Observe the norms and terms of storage, especially for meat, fish, seafood, milk, be attentive to the production dates on factory products, the integrity of the package. Additionally, observe the following rules:

  • Remember about hygiene: make it a habit to wash your hands after going out, going to the toilet, before eating, and teach your children to do this.
  • Heat all animal products, and at least pour boiling water over plant foods.
  • Use different cutting boards for meat, fish, vegetables (fruits).
  • Do not store ready-made meals even in the refrigerator for more than 3 days.


Attention! The information provided in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment, based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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What they drink in case of poisoning - medicines, teas, decoctions and infusions with recipes

The condition, which is commonly called poisoning, is an acute process caused by harmful microorganisms and toxic compounds that have entered the gastrointestinal tract from the outside. This happens due to a violation of the principles of personal hygiene and the use of products of inadequate quality or with an expired shelf life. Consider the principles of treatment of food poisoning at home.

All food poisonings are classified into microbial and non-microbial, in accordance with the type of causative agent of the pathological condition.

  • In the first case, malaise occurs under the influence of pathogenic microbes that have entered the gastrointestinal tract. This happens as a result of neglecting the rules of hygiene or eating dishes prepared in unsanitary conditions. As well as acute intoxication of the microbial type, products that have come down from the permissible storage period or have been stored improperly can provoke.
  • Non-microbial, toxic poisoning, provoked by chemical or plant poisons. A disease state occurs as a reaction to food containing a large amount of synthetic additives, drugs and other toxic compounds, as well as as a result of eating potentially dangerous mushrooms or berries.

Attention! If there is a suspicion that poisoning was provoked not by bacteria, but by toxins, home therapy is not recommended. The patient needs urgent professional help.

Symptoms and signs of food poisoning

The reaction to toxic substances occurs soon after they enter the gastrointestinal tract, and proceeds quite rapidly. Symptoms in children and adults are similar, but for each age category it has its own characteristics. Let us consider in detail the symptoms of the development of a pathological condition.

In adults

The first time after the entry of pathogenic bacteria or toxins into the body, poisoning manifests itself with mild weakness, belching and nausea.

Then the condition passes into the next stage, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • repeated vomiting, giving short-term relief;
  • pain and pain in the stomach;
  • diarrhea
  • aching muscles, joints and temples;
  • temperature jump, sometimes quite significant;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • loss of strength.

Later, due to repeated vomiting, symptoms of dehydration appear. The patient has increased sweating and complains of attacks of severe dizziness.

In children

The reaction to food poisoning in a child occurs faster than in older people. At first, the baby looks tired and tired, often sweating a lot.

Then the following symptoms join these signs:

  • bouts of nausea;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • diarrhea;
  • increase in temperature indicators.

At the next stage, signs of dehydration appear. It is expressed in pallor and dryness of the skin, general weakness, and in some cases, convulsive seizures join these symptoms.

Attention! You can not hesitate to call an ambulance if blood is found in the feces and vomit of an adult or a child, as well as in situations where the patient is delirious or periodically loses consciousness.

Providing first aid in case of poisoning

If symptoms of food poisoning are found in a child and an adult, treatment should begin immediately.

First aid measures for intoxication include:

  1. Cleansing of the stomach. To do this, you need to drink a warm solution from a glass of water and a teaspoon of soda, or add a few crystals of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) to the liquid. If vomiting does not occur, you need to slightly press on the tongue at the base. It is better not to do this with your fingers, so as not to introduce an additional infection, but to take a clean teaspoon.
  2. Replenish fluid. As a result of profuse vomiting, dehydration may occur, and to avoid this, it will be necessary to give the patient unsweetened weakly brewed tea, chamomile decoction or boiled water to drink.
  3. Restore salt balance. Salts do not allow water to leave the body quickly, therefore, in case of food poisoning, the use of rehydration solutions containing potassium, sodium and chlorine is indicated. The most popular of the drugs of this action is Regidron. It is sold in the form of a powder, which must be diluted in boiled water before use.
  4. Remove poisonous compounds from the body. For these purposes, it is advisable to use enterosorbents. With food intoxication, activated charcoal or "Smekta" is indicated.

Attention! Do not give to the victim medicines for diarrhea and drugs that block vomiting. The goal of treating food poisoning is initial stage is to get rid of toxins, and taking these medications will prevent this.

Treating food poisoning at home

After the patient was given first aid, the body needs to be restored within 5 to 7 days. The duration of this period depends on the severity of the poisoning.

How to cure food poisoning in adults

In the recovery period after food intoxication, the following measures are necessary:

  • Reception of enterosorbents. Poisonous substances must be completely eliminated from the body in order for a lasting improvement to occur.
  • Treatment with enzyme preparations. After poisoning, it is necessary to reduce the irritability of the gastric and intestinal mucosa, and for these purposes treatment with Mezim, Festal and similar medicines is indicated.
  • probiotic therapy. It is needed in order to restore the normal microflora in the intestines. As part of the treatment, preparations containing strains of beneficial bacteria are prescribed.
  • Gentle nutrition. The first 24 hours after the onset of a reaction to toxic substances, it is better for the patient to refuse any food, and then carefully introduce porridge from rice on the water, unsweetened tea, drying or biscuit cookies into the diet. Fatty, fried or salty foods are strictly prohibited.
  • Complete rest. Since a person experiences weakness due to poisoning, often accompanied by dizziness, bed rest is indicated during the recovery process.

If the patient has a high temperature and suffers from pain in the stomach, it is permissible to use analgesics and antipyretics.

Self-treatment of a disease in a child

A fragile children's body reacts quite violently to toxins, and poisoning among babies is not uncommon. For this reason, every mother needs to know what to do in such cases.

To deal with the problem after providing first aid, you need to use the following methods:

  • give the baby sorbent preparations, strictly observing the recommended dosage;
  • replenish the body with fluid and electrolytes using the Regidron solution;
  • restore the intestinal microflora with the help of probiotic preparations;
  • feed the child with cereals on the water and other safe food;
  • give him boiled water, unsweetened tea and chamomile decoction to drink;
  • at elevated temperatures, give antipyretics.

The medication regimen and the list of necessary medications should be discussed with the pediatrician, and not self-medicate.

  • take medications to stop vomiting or diarrhea;
  • drink raw, not boiled water;
  • eat in the first 24 hours after poisoning;
  • during the week to eat heavy food, sweets, as well as carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • arbitrarily taking antibiotics when it comes to the microbial form of the disease;
  • engage in self-medication in situations where the measures taken do not bring relief.

Attention! When providing first aid, it is forbidden to induce vomiting if the person is unconscious. And also such actions can not be performed by women in a state of pregnancy.

Disease prevention

Preventing food intoxication and other intestinal problems is not difficult if you follow the following rules:

  1. Adhere to the recommendations of personal hygiene.
  2. Check expiration dates and storage conditions of products.
  3. Do not eat food whose quality is questionable.
  4. Avoid dishes based on meat, poultry or fish that have not undergone proper heat treatment.
  5. If you need to dine out, choose proven catering outlets.
  6. Use in the kitchen disposable paper towels and regularly replace fabric.
  7. In time to change sponges or napkins to clean dishes.

It is important to understand that intoxication associated with unsanitary conditions and the consumption of food of dubious quality can be extremely dangerous. Such a disease can not only "unsettle" for several days, but also lead to death.

Treatment of food poisoning should be timely, that is, the sooner the procedures begin, the less toxins will have time to get into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

The first symptoms of intoxication appear 2-4 hours after eating poor-quality food or 5-12 hours after eating poisonous mushrooms, berries, and plants. Nausea, the urge to vomit, colic and diarrhea are typical signs of toxic infection. Headache, fever, rapid pulse, general weakness and cyanosis (cyanosis) of the skin indicate acute intoxication, which requires immediate medical attention. poisonous poisoning vegetable matter- mushrooms, berries can develop slowly, but sometimes it grows rapidly, so literally every minute is precious. Timely medical intervention, professional treatment of food poisoning not only neutralizes intoxication, but sometimes saves a person's life.

Treatment of food poisoning at home is possible only with a mild degree of intoxication. More difficult situations, accompanied by threatening symptoms, require treatment in a hospital, and even in intensive care. Such cases include intoxication with alcoholic beverages, mushrooms, canned foods (botulism), and medicines.

If the slightest signs appear that indicate intoxication, you must immediately begin to act.

  1. With nausea or vomiting, when the body tries to cleanse itself of toxins, drinking plenty of water is shown to help remove harmful substances. Actually, the activation of the gag reflex is able to neutralize intoxication with its timely use. You need to drink as much as the stomach allows, that is, until the cessation of vomiting, which should at the end contain a relatively clean liquid without impurities of food and mucus.
  2. With a mild degree of poisoning, a sparing diet is indicated: on the first day, only a drinking regimen is possible, then only boiled, grated, light food should be consumed. The diet should include dietary products - cereals on the water, vegetable broths, crackers, alkaline mineral water without gas, biscuit cookies.
  3. Conscious replenishment of fluid lost with vomiting and diarrhea will help restore the water balance in the body. Alkaline mineral waters without gas, pharmaceutical preparations (Rehydron, Gastrolit), chamomile decoction, weak tea are best suited as drinks. Solutions of potassium permanganate are long gone, since their use can only harm, not benefit.

Enterosgel for food poisoning

This is the most safe way quickly remove intoxication and protect the body from the spread of intestinal infection. The drug is suitable for all age categories and has no contraindications. Enterosgel is available in a very convenient form - a paste, which can be slightly sweetened, which allows it to be used for small children.

Enterosgel, due to its composition, helps to remove toxins and allergens from the body, and taking the drug in the first hours after intoxication significantly increases its effectiveness. If you take Enterosgel in time for food poisoning, you can avoid the appointment and use of more serious drugs, including antibiotics. The drug adsorbs and removes almost all external and internal toxins, including bacteria, allergens, salts of heavy metals, poisons, radionuclides.

Sorbent application scheme:

  • Three times a day, a tablespoon - adults.
  • Three times a day for a teaspoon - children under the age of five years.
  • Three times a day for a dessert spoon - children aged 5 to 14-15 years.
  • If the condition is defined as severe, Enterosgel for food poisoning is taken in a double dose.

Activated charcoal for food poisoning

This is a drug that has long been tested by many patients. Activated charcoal for food poisoning is often the first remedy that an affected person starts taking. Coal reduces the level of intoxication, as it absorbs toxins, in addition, the drug is able to reduce or normalize the level of creatinine, urea. Activated charcoal in victims of poisoning reduces feelings of nausea, helps to cope with temporary diarrhea. The calculation of prima is quite simple - 1 tablet for every ten kilograms of a person's weight. Coal should be taken 2-3 times, possibly more often, it all depends on the severity of the poisoning. Do not forget to drink the drug, you need to drink as much as possible: and dehydration is eliminated, and coal will begin to act faster.

There are also contraindications - this is a pronounced swelling, suspicions of gastrointestinal bleeding, pregnancy.

Gastric lavage for food poisoning

This treatment of food poisoning is indicated in the absence of vomiting or activating it. If the poisoning is determined to be severe, then an ambulance should be called. Before she arrives, you can try to reduce the severity of intoxication by flushing. Let's make a reservation right away, a solution of potassium permanganate is not suitable, since crystals that are invisible to the eye and have not dissolved can seriously damage the already irritated mucous membranes of the esophagus. The basic rule, which involves gastric lavage in case of intoxication, is to drink and induce vomiting until the vomit becomes relatively clean, without impurities of any food debris. As a liquid, mineral waters without gas, plain purified water, water with the addition of salt (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water) are suitable.

You also need to remember who is contraindicated in washing:

  • If the victim has lost consciousness. A person will not be able to drink liquid, let alone vomit in such a state, moreover, there is a risk of asphyxia.
  • Children under the age of two. Lavage in young patients is hardly possible at home; rather, they are shown inpatient procedures.
  • All those who have previously been diagnosed with cardiac diseases, or those who have had a heart attack or stroke. Vomiting can overload cardiac activity and worsen the patient's condition.
  • Pregnant women.

Gastric lavage for food poisoning also involves taking laxatives if the victim has obvious symptoms of poisoning, but there is no diarrhea.

Enema for food poisoning

A highly controversial treatment for food poisoning in terms of modern medicine, since the absorption of toxins occurs most often in the upper zone of the intestinal tract, and only the siphon procedure, which is practically not used at home, is considered cleansing in the sense of removing intoxication. The siphon method of cleansing is contraindicated, as well as other enemas, for such diseases and conditions:

  • Suspicion of volvulus.
  • Symptoms that are characterized as a picture of "acute abdomen".
  • Infringement of a hernia.
  • Bleeding hemorrhoidal or intestinal.
  • Acute inflammation of the appendix.

An enema is also dangerous for food poisoning because the symptoms of intoxication are often similar to the conditions described above, in which diarrhea, colic, fever, and vomiting are possible. Also, during enema, gases should leave, if this does not happen, intestinal obstruction is possible, which is eliminated only in stationary conditions.

What to do with food poisoning?

Diarrhea that lasts an hour and a half should not be stopped. An exception is the disorder of the stool in children under two years of age, since their body weight is small, and intense diarrhea can cause severe dehydration. A stool disorder in adults is natural way used by the body to remove toxins.

You can activate the gag reflex by drinking plenty of water and pressing on the root of the tongue. But this method is possible only for adults: victims who are unconscious, young children, patients with chronic internal diseases, pregnant women - this is the group of people for whom artificially induced vomiting is contraindicated.

To prevent dehydration (dehydration) and help the body cope with intoxication, you need to drink a lot. Drinking should be done in small portions, but often. Sweet compotes, teas are not allowed. Water can be salted, sweetened, but it is best to use special pharmaceutical preparations designed to restore the water-salt balance.

On the first day after poisoning, it is better not to eat at all, so as not to provoke a new indigestion.

The question - what to do with food poisoning becomes very relevant with severe symptoms of intoxication. In such cases, immediate medical attention is needed, especially when it comes to intoxication with mushrooms, canned food, poisonous berries or plants.

First aid for food poisoning

First aid helps to reduce the rate of absorption of toxins into the intestinal tract and slows their spread through the bloodstream throughout the body. Therefore, immediate action often saves not only the health, but also the life of the victims.

First aid for food poisoning is provided in ways that depend on what the person was poisoned with - mushrooms, food or poisonous plants: 1.

  1. Mushroom poisoning, which are often sources of intoxication.

Symptoms - abdominal pain, nausea, upset stool, dizziness and increasing headache, pale complexion, cyanosis near the lips. Signs of mushroom poisoning do not always appear on the first day, they can “start” only on the second day after eating poisonous mushrooms.

Treatment of food poisoning is only inpatient, before the doctor arrives, you can try to flush the stomach and induce reflex vomiting. The injured person should be put to bed, warm his legs (warm heating pad). Neither milk nor laxatives should be taken on their own, since the origin and type of poison is unknown.

  1. Intoxication caused by low-quality products manifests itself in the first two hours. Nausea, cramping pains and colic in the abdomen, fever, chills, vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms of toxic infection.

First aid for this type of food poisoning is frequent drinking and vomiting. After induced reflex vomiting, you can try to take activated charcoal or Enterosgel. Sorbents are best used in the first 2 hours after intoxication. If the symptoms do not subside within 5-6 hours, vomiting and diarrhea become uncontrollable (mixed with blood and yellow-green mucus), blood pressure drops, an ambulance should be called.

  1. Poisoning by poisonous plants is characterized by such signs:
    • Indomitable vomiting.
    • Loss of coordination, dizziness.
    • Abdominal pain.
    • Weakness and drop in blood pressure.
    • Foam on vomiting.
    • Profuse salivation.
    • Pupil dilation.

Symptoms grow very quickly, so help with plant intoxication should be immediate. It is urgent to call an emergency, before her arrival, give 300-400 milliliters of purified salted water to drink and induce vomiting. You can take sorbents, but their effectiveness is unlikely, since plant poison is absorbed rapidly. It is best to use pharmaceutical preparations that should be in every home medicine cabinet - Enterosgel, Smecta, Regidron, Gastrolit. In parallel, it is necessary to put mustard plasters on the shoulder blades and shoulder area, and put a cold compress on the forehead. If a convulsive syndrome appears, you need to ensure that the tongue does not sink.

Folk remedies for food poisoning

This is the application of methods that are approved not by neighbors or relatives, but by doctors. Unfortunately, sometimes it is the intake of all kinds of infusions, warm milk or other supposedly effective means on the recommendation of omniscient friends or a recipe read in a dubious newspaper that leads to sad consequences. Of the truly safe methods approved by medicine, we can recommend such folk remedies for food poisoning:

  • In a drink that is supposed to be taken with intoxication, you need to add a soluble form of vitamin C. In addition to the fact that ascorbic acid helps to remove toxins, it activates the immune system. Vitamin C is especially effective in the first 3-4 hours after intoxication.
  • Cinnamon infusion, which is prepared in this way: 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon is poured into a glass of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes, filtered. The infusion should be drunk warm in small sips, the volume is up to 1.5 liters per day. Cinnamon is a good natural antispasmodic, it is able to utilize some types of toxins, that is, it helps with mild toxic infections.
  • You can make a decoction of dill and honey. Dill removes toxins well and reduces the severity of vomiting without stopping it. Honey will help heart function and reduce the level of potassium excretion during dehydration. The broth is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of dill seeds (or chopped fresh plants) is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, insisted for 3-5 minutes, then boiled for another 2-3 minutes. Strain, add a teaspoon of honey. It is convenient to make 1 liter of infusion at once, since it must be taken throughout the first day after intoxication.

Treatment of food poisoning with folk remedies does not involve taking a decoction of oak bark, pomegranate peel, that is, fixing agents, since diarrhea during intoxication in a sense helps the body to remove toxins faster. If diarrhea and other symptoms develop rapidly, folk methods can not help, professional medical assistance is needed.

The reaction of the body to these microorganisms is different for all people - some people actually get poisoned, while others do not react.

The biggest danger of food poisoning is death, which most often occurs after poisoning with mushrooms or missing fish.

There are several types of food poisoning:

food poisoning- provoke missing products (with an expired shelf life), as well as products that have been stored incorrectly or prepared in violation of sanitary standards;

toxic poisoning (non-infectious)- are caused by the ingestion of natural or chemical toxins (poison of inedible mushrooms and plants, as well as chemicals) into the body along with food.

If you suspect toxic poisoning caused by poisonous mushrooms, berries or chemicals that have entered the body along with food, consult a doctor immediately! This type of poisoning is very dangerous, so you should not treat it yourself !!!

Symptoms of food poisoning

The first signs of food poisoning appear within 2-6 hours after eating.

Symptoms of food poisoning include:

  • pain and cramps in the abdomen;
  • pale green complexion.

If you take the right first aid measures, an improvement in health should occur within a few hours. Although, some symptoms, such as -, and general weakness, may accompany the patient for several more days.

The final recovery of the body occurs within 1-3 days.

Complications from food poisoning

You can not let poisoning take its course, because. is a serious disorder of the body that can lead to:

  • changes in the level of electrolytes in the blood;
  • lethal outcome.

If there is no improvement after first aid, then you should immediately consult a doctor !!!

The cause of food poisoning can be foods and drinks containing harmful microorganisms. They can be found both in food and on it, for example, if food is taken with unwashed hands, after which it is consumed.

As statistics show, poisoning is most often caused by:

  • unwashed vegetables, herbs, fruits and berries;
  • raw water;
  • milk, spoiled dairy products;
  • spoiled meat, eggs, fish;
  • products that have undergone insufficient heat treatment;
  • foods that have been stored in the refrigerator or at room temperature for a long time.
  • poisonous mushrooms, berries and other plants;
  • chemicals on products with which they are processed for better preservation, or to give a presentation.

Also, food poisoning can be caused by non-compliance.

Diagnosis of food poisoning

To make a diagnosis, the doctor collects a detailed history:

  • asks the patient;
  • measures body temperature and pulse;
  • conducts a general examination for the presence and palpation of the abdomen.

The following tests are also ordered:

  • laboratory study of feces;

In rare cases, the following diagnostic procedures may be prescribed:

  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • fluoroscopy.

In case of mass food poisoning, the sanitary and epidemiological service (SES) conducts a study of products that could cause poisoning.

The treatment of food poisoning includes taking first aid for food poisoning, restoring the body, and following certain rules of nutrition (diet) after all the measures taken.

First aid for food poisoning

1. Gastric lavage

When the first symptoms of food poisoning appear, it is urgent to rinse the stomach. This is done to remove the remnants of harmful food.

A weak solution of potassium permanganate or is excellent for washing. To prepare the product: pour literally a few grains of potassium permanganate (to a light pink color) or 1 tbsp on 2 liters of water at room temperature. a spoonful of soda.

Drink this solution and induce vomiting by pressing 2 fingers on the root of the tongue. Repeat the process until clear water comes out.

Important! If the victim of poisoning is a child under 2 years old, a person after a stroke or a heart attack, in a very weakened or delusional state, an unconscious person, then it is strictly forbidden to induce vomiting at home! Such patients may choke on vomit. Vomiting in this case can only be caused by health workers under their supervision !!!

2. Eliminate toxins from the body

After gastric lavage, sorbents are taken to remove toxins from the body.

Among other sorbents, one can distinguish - coal, which we often recognize under the names: "Activated carbon" or "White coal".

These drugs reduce the absorption of harmful substances in the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the removal of not only toxins from it, but also salts of heavy metals, alkaloids and other harmful substances.

When taking activated charcoal, proceed from the calculation: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. "White coal" is taken 2-4 tablets, depending on the severity of the poisoning.

2. Replenishment of fluid lost by the body

After washing the stomach and taking the sorbent, to replenish the loss of fluid in the body (after vomiting and diarrhea), you need to drink plenty of fluids.

Drink 2-3 liters of boiled liquid per day. Alternate saline solution (for 1 liter of boiled water, add 1 teaspoon table salt), sweet weak tea and a decoction of chamomile.

Drinking plenty of water not only restores water balance, but also helps a person warm up, and also reduces pain.

3. Other activities

Warming. Often, when food is poisoned, a person develops. In this case, it needs to be warmed up. For warming, cover the patient with a blanket, and attach a heating pad to the legs.

Diet. After first aid and treatment of poisoning, a sparing diet is prescribed, which contributes to the rapid resumption of the functionality of the digestive organs. We will look at the diet in this article a little later.

4. Medicines for food poisoning:

To restore water balance. They are used after washing the stomach to prevent dehydration of the body: "", "Oralit", "Chlorazole", "Litrozol" and others.

To restore intestinal microflora. They are used after gastric lavage: "Hilak forte", "Linex", "Mezim", etc.;

Antipyretics. They are used if the body temperature is above 37.5 degrees: "", "", etc.

Antibiotics are used only in severe cases of poisoning and are prescribed only by the attending physician.

Seek immediate medical attention if:

  • symptoms of poisoning persist for 3 or more days;
  • the course of poisoning becomes more severe;
  • are observed, pain in the kidneys, liver or other internal organs, as well as prolonged abdominal cramps;
  • keeps;
  • there is increased sweating and a feeling of suffocation;
  • a child or an elderly person was poisoned;
  • there is a suspicion of poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, berries or fish.

After food poisoning (Food poisoning diet)

An integral part of the treatment of food poisoning is diet.

In the first days after poisoning, it is necessary to give up fatty, spicy and heavy foods, milk and dairy products, alcohol and other bad habits.

Eat small meals. Steam or boil dishes. Drink plenty and gradually return to your diet.

To fully restore the body, after food poisoning, follow some rules of nutrition:

  • the first day, when the symptoms of poisoning have disappeared, adhere to bed rest and only drink - boiled water, weak green tea, decoction, tea from (warm, you can sweeten it a little);
  • on the second day, food should be light, boiled and crushed as much as possible. Start eating with cereals and broths - oatmeal, rice porridge (on the water). Prepare vegetable or chicken broths. Don't forget to drink plenty of water;
  • on the third and fourth day you can eat mashed potatoes, rice, lean fish fillet (steamed).

Folk remedies for food poisoning

Treatment of food poisoning with folk remedies is permissible only with a mild course and only after consultation and permission from a doctor.

Dill. Pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with 1.5 cups of boiling water and let them brew for about 5 minutes. Now boil the infusion for a couple of minutes, strain, let it cool a little, and when the product is warm, add 1 teaspoon of honey to it. Take the resulting remedy instead of tea, throughout the day. The daily norm is 1 liter.

Cinnamon. Pour ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon with 1 cup of boiling water and mix thoroughly. Let the product brew for 15-20 minutes, then strain. Drink this decoction in small sips throughout the day. The daily norm is 1.5 liters.

Wormwood and yarrow. Pour 500 ml of boiling water 1 teaspoon dried and 1 teaspoon. Let them brew for about 20 minutes, then strain. Divide the resulting product into 5 servings that you need to drink during the day.

Althea root. Pour 1 teaspoon crushed ½ cup boiling water. Let the product stand for about 30 minutes, strain and add to it (to taste). Drink the resulting infusion 4 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Flowers and leaves of marshmallow. 2 tbsp. spoons of flowers and leaves of marshmallow pour 2 cups of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 3-4 hours, then drink instead of tea 3 times a day.

To prevent, or at least minimize the risk of food poisoning, adhere to the following preventive rules:

Try to buy and consume less frozen convenience foods - pizza, meatballs, fish sticks, etc.

Do not purchase or consume fish that are shriveled in appearance, or fish with white gills.

If you have allergies to certain foods, be aware of them.

In the summer, when it is hot outside, do not buy or eat sweets with cream, milk filling - cakes, tubes, eclairs, etc.

Do not drink alcohol "from under the counter", as well as cheap wines, low-alcohol drinks, energy drinks, etc. Better yet, don't drink alcoholic beverages in any form at all. this drink does not benefit a person, except for medicinal purposes, for example, red wine to increase hemoglobin levels, etc.

Change your washcloth frequently and kitchen towel keep the kitchen clean.

Which doctor to contact in case of poisoning:

Food poisoning. Video

Treatment of food poisoning at home can be done independently, if the disease is not acute, and life-threatening symptoms are not present.

After providing first aid for poisoning, drugs from the home medicine cabinet and folk remedies should be connected to improve the general condition of the patient.

Medicines for poisoning: what should be in the first-aid kit

In mild forms, help with food poisoning does not require special specific treatment, it is enough to establish a diet and ensure plenty of fluids.

First of all, in case of poisoning, gastric lavage is performed: the poisoned person is given water to drink in order to induce vomiting. This procedure is carried out until the moment when the water from the stomach becomes clear, i.e. until all remnants of contaminated food are removed.

After the main treatment of poisoning begins with the help of pharmacy and folk remedies.

Types of therapy Action Preparations
Rehydration therapy Treatment with rehydrants after food poisoning is the main one, because. it is aimed at restoring the deficiency of water and electrolytes in the body. Therapy can be carried out in two ways: orally and parenterally (enemas). The parenteral route is usually used in severe cases of poisoning and for young children. Oral preparations: Regidron, Oralit, Chlorazole, Litrozol.

parenteral preparations:

Trisol, Acesol, Laktosol, Chlosol.

Sorption therapy Preparations of this group (enterosorbents) contribute to the rapid removal of poisons and toxins by adsorption. The drugs are used in the period of absence of vomiting between doses of other drugs. Enterosorbents should be used with caution at high temperatures, as well as for small or elderly patients. White and black coal, Polysorb, Enterosgel, Sorbogel, Polyphepan.
Pain therapy Antispasmodics are indicated for severe pain in the abdomen, intestinal spasms. Drotaverine, No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Spasgan.
Antimicrobial and antibacterial therapy Antimicrobials and antibiotics are very rarely prescribed for food poisoning. These drugs should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor. Unreasonable and uncontrolled intake of drugs exacerbates the development of dysbacteriosis, which develops as a result of poisoning. Nifuroxazide, Intetrix, Furazolidone, Nifuroxazide.
Antidiarrheal and antiemetic therapy Diarrhea and vomiting are a protective reaction of the body to poisoning, therefore, in the initial stage of poisoning, it makes no sense to take such drugs. When the bulk of the toxins have already come out with feces and vomit, and vomiting or diarrhea does not stop, it is advisable to take drugs that stop these processes. Antiemetics: Motilium, Cerucal.

Antidiarrheal: Trimebutine, Loperamide.

Antipyretic therapy Most often, food poisoning does not cause high performance temperature, but to alleviate the condition of the patient (especially in children), drugs that reduce the temperature can be given. Paracetamol, Ibuklin, Ibuprofen.
Therapy that restores the microflora Normal bowel function is almost always disrupted after food poisoning. Therefore, it is advisable to take drugs that restore the intestinal microflora. Probiotics: Linex, Bifidumbacterin, Bionorm, Baktisubtil.
Enzyme Therapy In case of poisoning, the production of pancreatic enzymes decreases, therefore, it is recommended to take enzymatic preparations for several days after poisoning. Mezim-Forte, Festal, Creon, Pancreatin.

It is quite possible to cure food poisoning at home and avoid hospitalization if you have all the listed drugs (or their analogues) at hand and know how to use them.

How to cure poisoning without medicines: folk remedies

In order to finally get rid of the consequences of poisoning, remove all harmful substances from the body and restore the functioning of all organs and systems, traditional medicine is used that helps to cope with the symptoms of intoxication no worse than medications.

How to act with various poisonings

For various poisonings, certain methods of treatment are used, depending on the cause that caused the disease.

fish poisoning

In case of fish poisoning, the stomach should first be washed out by inducing vomiting. Then it is desirable to put an enema of chamomile: chamomile flowers (1 tsp per glass of boiling water) brew, cool and strain.

For adults, to cleanse the stomach, you can give a solution of vodka to drink: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of aniseed vodka is dissolved in a glass of water and drunk in one gulp.

Poisoning by meat and meat products

The first measures are artificial gastric lavage with a warm soda solution. Then you can use herbal decoctions and castor solution:

  • In a glass of boiled chilled water, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of castor oil, add 0.5 teaspoons of lemon juice. Drink a sip every 5-7 minutes.
  • Flowers and chicory grass (8 tablespoons of raw materials) are placed in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. Insist for 7-8 hours, then drink every hour (2-3 sips of the drink).
  • Yarrow and wormwood. Mix both herbs in equal proportions. Take 1 teaspoon of the raw material obtained and pour half a liter of water. Leave for an hour. Drink in five doses throughout the day.

mushroom poisoning

From the use of mushrooms, the strongest intoxication of the body occurs, which should be treated immediately and by radical means:

  • Chamomile enema. Pour one tablespoon of herbs and flower with boiling water. After an hour, strain and make an enema based on the infusion.
  • Dill. Grind the seeds and dry greens of dill into powder. Take 30 g of raw materials and pour cold water(0.5 l). Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 7-10 minutes. Insist in a warm place for an hour, and then drink 100 g of broth during the day.
  • To prevent the absorption of poisons, it is necessary to drink an enveloping agent: egg white, a glass of milk or whey.

How to relieve the symptoms of poisoning

To relieve the symptoms of intoxication and alleviate the patient's condition, in case of poisoning at home, you can apply the following techniques:

  • In a liter of warm water, add 40 g of sugar, 6 g of soda and the same amount of salt. Drink in three doses.
  • Dissolve 6 g in a glass of water at room temperature potato starch. Drink one-time - for the reception.
  • Enveloping agent: a pack of gelatin is dissolved in a glass of water. Drink in one gulp.
  • AT warm water add 10 g of apple cider vinegar, drink at a time.
  • Separate the protein from three eggs, beat, drink.

Treatment of food poisoning - effective ways

Folk remedies for poisoning should be used only when mild form diseases and preferably after consultation with a doctor.

Cinnamon- natural sorbent and antispasmodic. In a glass of boiling water, brew half a teaspoon of cinnamon, mix the drink thoroughly. After 15 minutes, strain, drink in small sips in a warm state during the day.

Ginger- relieves nausea, removes toxins. Pour one teaspoon of ginger with warm (not boiling water!) Water, let it brew for several minutes. Drink throughout the day instead of tea.

Lemon juice- Vitamin C has an antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect on the body, acid destroys the bacteria that caused food poisoning. Lemon can be added to warm water (proportion 5:1) or simply let the patient suck on a slice of lemon. Such treatment is unsafe for people with chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum.

marshmallow root. Grind the plant and pour a teaspoon of the resulting mixture with boiling water (100 ml). Let the drink brew, and then add honey and drink 3-4 times.

horse sorrel. Crushed plant (30 g) pour 500 ml of boiling water. Cool and drink throughout the day (sip).

Melissa and mint tea- soothes and improves digestion. Brew and drink like regular tea.

It is not difficult to cure food poisoning at home if you follow the main directions of treatment: eliminating symptoms, removing toxins and improving the functioning of the digestive tract.