How to keep mint fresh for the winter. Methods for harvesting and storing mint

  • 13.06.2019

Bouquet of fragrant mint fills the house with fragrance and peace. The city fatigue, insomnia and headache from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Drinking a glass of mint decoction relieves spasm, reduces nausea, cures the throat, restores appetite, relieves stomach pains and simply refreshes on a hot day. The leaves of the plant, added to dishes during the cooking process, make the food tastier. How to keep mint for a long time? A bouquet of fragrant mint fills the house with fragrance and peace. City fatigue, insomnia and headaches from the hustle and bustle of everyday days go away. Drinking a glass of mint decoction relieves spasm, reduces nausea, cures the throat, restores appetite, relieves stomach pains and simply refreshes on a hot day. The leaves of the plant, added to dishes during the cooking process, make the food tastier. How to keep mint for a long time?


How to store mint

1. Wet way. You can keep mint leaves fresh for up to a week by wrapping the plant in a damp towel and putting it in the refrigerator. Looks nice on kitchen table and a bouquet of mint, which for decoration can be put not only in a vase, but also in a can, a small tall saucepan, flower pot or in a jug. In this case, the water must be changed daily.

2. Dry way. Our grandmothers have been used to healing herbs dry. Dehydrated parts of the plant can be stored for many years. True, the beneficial qualities of herbal tea are lost over time, and therefore it is recommended to renew the supply of dry mint annually.

Dry the grass like this: flowering mint is cut with a pruner or knife, if necessary, the lower part of the plant is washed from dust in clean water let the water drain. The resulting raw material (whole or cut into pieces) is laid out in a thin layer on a clean cloth in a shady place, or hung in thin bunches in a ventilated room away from sunlight. The entire aerial part of the plant has medicinal properties, but if there is a lot of mint, the housewives prefer to collect only the leaves for storage.

3. Freezing. Modern refrigerators allow you to store vegetables, berries, herbs for many months. Why not freeze the mint too? Ice cubes with a fresh mint leaf in the center look especially impressive. Mint cubes can be used both in the preparation of cocktails and in soups or salads.

Hello Daria!

The smell of mint in tea gives us mass positive emotions, and everyone knows about its healing qualities and pleasant taste. Plucked mint quickly withers and loses its presentable appearance, but no one canceled the preparations for the winter. Let's talk about how to properly store fresh mint and how to save it for fragrant winter tea.

How to store mint

Freshly cut mint without water is stored very little, and withered leaves will no longer be able to decorate a dessert or other dish.

There are three ways to store mint: dry, wet, and freezing. All of them are used in a certain situation. If you want to keep your mint fresh, it's best to use the wet method; if you'll only be brewing the picked leaves in the winter, dry storage is fine, and freezing is fine when you decide to make a cool cocktail in the summer or a savory soup in the winter. Let's consider these methods in more detail.

Three ways to properly store mint

  • Drying mint occurs in two ways - a bunch or each leaf separately. If you decide to dry the mint in the first way, then you need to divide the stems into equal bundles, tie at the base and hang with the leaves down. In this case, the charm of the plant is not terrible. Well, if you want to dry the leaves separately, then after the mint has been washed and dried, you can take it apart into leaves and dry it on paper or cloth in a dark place, periodically stirring the leaves. Dried bunches or leaves are best stored in a linen bag, or you can grind the plant into powder and store in a glass jar with a lid. But it is worth knowing that it is in the aerial part of the plant that contains the largest amount medicinal properties.
  • Some believe that all these difficulties are useless, and prefer to dry the mint in the oven. This method can be used if you are willing to sacrifice mint flavor.
  • It is best to collect mint for drying in late July - early August. During this period, it is most rich in useful essential oils. Dried mint is stored for no more than two years. If the shelf life has passed, and you still have plenty of mint, fill your bath hot water and add a dry plant to it.
  • Wet storage involves wrapping freshly picked mint in a damp towel. This will keep it fresh for a couple of hours, but if you need to keep the mint fresh for about four days, you can place it in a container and cover with the same damp waffle towel instead of a lid.
  • In the refrigerator, mint can be placed not only under a towel, but also in a plastic bag tightly tied to prevent air from entering.
  • Freezing mint will keep it for a long time. To freeze branches, place the bouquet in a bag and place in the freezer. Mint preserved in this way is very convenient in cooking. Frozen stems and leaves are very easy to cut. And cubes of people with a mint leaf inside look very impressive in a summer cocktail. After defrosting, mint retains its properties at 100%.
  • The menthol contained in mint gives it its characteristic taste and smell. Many people like to put a bouquet of mint on the table, thereby filling the room with the legendary menthol smell, which is both invigorating and soothing. In order for this plant masterpiece to stand on the table for as long as possible, the water in the flowerpot must be changed daily.

Proper storage of mint will give you enjoyment of its wonderful healing properties both in summer and winter.

Sincerely, Evgeny.

Everyone knows what menthol is, but not everyone knows that it is made from mint essential oil. Mint is common everywhere: in cooking, in folk remedies, in cosmetics. The scent of mint has refreshing properties: it's no surprise that tiny bunches of mints have been hung in homes since ancient times. Mint is a very useful, but delicate plant, withering for several days and even hours after harvest, and anyone who wants to keep mint for a long time needs to know the rules for storing it.

How to store mint

There are several simple and effective ways how to save mint. When fresh, it is recommended to store it in the refrigerator, freeze or dry.

Ways to keep fresh mint

To preserve this plant for a long time, mint bunches are thoroughly washed, laid out and gently blotted with a napkin. The mint can then be placed in either a paper bag or a container with a damp towel over them. It is recommended to take a waffle towel for best results. In this form, the package or container is placed in the refrigerator. Using this way, you can keep mint fresh for two to four days.

Mint for the winter: how to save?

To keep mint until winter, you should freeze it. There are several proven ways to freeze mint, but in order for mint not to lose its healing properties, it is necessary to collect it in the summer during the flowering period: from late June to early July. It is at this time that mint contains the greatest amount of useful essential oil.

As in the previous method, the mint should be washed and dried thoroughly with a napkin or towel. Next, there are several options for mint packaging.

  1. You can carefully and not too tightly fold the mint into a small container and put it in the freezer. After a few hours, you need to fold the leaves more tightly, but do it quickly so that the mint does not have time to melt. You can then safely store the mint in the freezer compartment of a simple refrigerator.
  2. Another way is even simpler: you will need to cut mint leaves and sprigs into strips, put them in a container and put them in the freezer.
  3. If you like to add mint to various drinks or use it for cosmetic purposes, then you can make ice cubes with mint leaves. To do this, you just need to finely chop the mint and put it in special molds or ice containers, pour water and freeze.

How to store dried mint

It is worth drying mature plants containing a large supply of essential oils. Bunches of mint are hung dry and clean place without direct sunlight. If you only have mint leaves, then they are laid out on paper or on fabric. When the mint dries well, it can be placed in small glass jars and tightly closed with a lid. It is also allowed to store dried mint in cotton or linen bags. Remember that when drying mint, it is highly recommended not to use wooden, ceramic and plastic utensils, as these substances can absorb essential oil. Dried mint should be stored in dark, dry and cool places.

Mint leaves are used as a spice in many cuisines around the world. They are added to soups, main courses, refreshing drinks, desserts.

Traditional medicine recommends mint tea as an excellent remedy for nausea and stomach cramps. It helps to cope with stress, calm tachycardia and fall asleep quickly after a hard day. It is also indicated for liver diseases. Such a medicine is not only useful, but also very tasty.

Mint leaf compresses are effective as an anti-inflammatory and healing agent. A bath with mint infusion will relieve skin rashes, allergies, redness.

Mint in a glass (photo source -

How to store mint if cut branches wither without water within 2-3 hours? To extend this period as much as possible, do as with flowers - cut the stems obliquely, cut off all the leaves that will stand in the water and put the “bouquet” in a glass, jar or low vase. Remember to pour fresh water every day. So you can keep fresh for 3-4 days.

If no container is available, cover the plants with a damp cloth.

Another way is to use an airtight plastic container or a ziplock plastic bag. Fold absolutely dry leaves there, close and put in a cool dark place. To protect the transparent packaging from direct sunlight, cover it with a thick cloth. The shelf life is about the same.

Immediately remove the plastic or cellophane packaging from the mint purchased in the store and rinse the leaves thoroughly and leave to dry on paper towels or a clean cloth.

mint in the fridge

Mint in a bag (photo source -

A little more - 7-10 days mint will lie in the refrigerator. Tear off clean green leaves without damage, yellow spots and signs of wilting. Place in an airtight container and store in the fruit and vegetable compartment.

Mint in a paper napkin or towel will last 5-7 days.

If the plants have already begun to wither, you can slow down this process by 3-4 days by placing the stems in a glass of cold water and put in the refrigerator. Top with a plastic bag.

Keeping mint in the refrigerator will relieve you of an unpleasant musty smell. In this case, you do not need to close it.

Frozen mint keeps well through the winter. It produces the same tasty and healthy teas, decoctions, desserts.

The plants are washed, dried, the leaves are torn off, put in a plastic bag, air is released, tightly tied and put in the freezer. No need to stuff the bag tightly. After a few hours, if it takes up a lot of space, the leaves can be laid more tightly. But the operation must be carried out quickly so that they do not have time to thaw.

If there is a quick freeze mode, put the mint leaves on a tray and turn it on for 7-10 minutes. Then pack in bags and put away for permanent storage.

Less space is occupied by molds for ice. Mint is finely chopped, put in them, filled with water and sent to the freezer. Then you will get very beautiful and originally designed cocktails. This method of harvesting for the winter is suitable if you plan to make teas or decoctions.

Most often, to save mint for the winter, it is dried. To preserve the maximum nutrients and aroma, cut the plants in late July or early August. Choose a dry day - mint picked immediately after or during rain, after drying, will not acquire a pleasant greenish, but an ugly brown color.

Of course, you should not collect plants along the roadsides. highways, next to livestock farms and farms that use chemical fertilizers abundantly.

You can dry both whole stems and individual leaves. The first ones are tied in several pieces with a thick thread, the second ones are laid out on trays, clean paper or cloth. You can leave them outside in a well-ventilated area, out of direct sunlight. You can dry at home, but also natural way. Dried in an oven or an electric dryer, mint almost completely loses its aroma.

Drying, depending on the weather, will take 10-14 days. Ready leaves are easy to grind into crumbs.

"Brooms" are stored in the same form in clean cloth bags. Sometimes they are finely broken and poured into glass or tin containers with tight-fitting lids. Ceramics, porcelain, wood and plastic are not recommended for packaging as they may absorb essential oils. The same is done with dried leaves, ground into powder and whole.

Dried mint is best stored in a dry place at room temperature, away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Your brownie

P.S. There are many recipes for mint jam. But not all of them turn out to be a beautiful, amber color or can be stored for a long time. Watch the video, which reveals the secrets of making this wonderful dessert.

Mint is used not only in cooking, but also in medicine, thanks to a large number healing properties. It has an analgesic effect, has a beneficial effect on the vascular system and intestinal muscles. Mint also has disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties. These are just a few of the many healing properties of this plant. That is why mint is increasingly found in gardens. And if in the summer it is not difficult to pick this grass and make tea or a decoction, then in winter you can only dream of it. Those who wish to enjoy its fragrance all year round, you need to know how to store fresh mint for the winter.

Preparation for the winter

Regardless of which home storage method you choose, the grass must first be processed. Sort the leaves, remove all damaged parts, rinse and dry well.

How to Store Fresh Mint in the Refrigerator

If you decide to store the plant fresh for the winter, it is best to keep it in the refrigerator. Place bunches of greens in plastic containers, fill with a little water and seal tightly. Shoots and individual leaves are well preserved if wrapped in paper towels and store in tightly sealed plastic bags or containers in the refrigerator. Fresh mint can be used for tea or decoctions, as well as added to various dishes.

Storing frozen mint in the refrigerator

The freezer is another great place to store everything. useful properties greenery. Just put the mint into bags or containers and send it to the camera. And for the preparation of soft drinks, you can put green leaves in ice molds, pour boiled water and freeze.

Storing dried mint

Drying is the most ancient way greenery storage. There are two ways to dry mint:

  • divide into bunches, place the tops of the shoots in paper bags and hang in a cool, dry place;
  • use a modern electric dryer.

Drying mint should be avoiding too high a temperature, so it is not recommended to do this in the oven. And if you decide to use an electric dryer, choose the most gentle mode.

To preserve all the beneficial properties of greens, avoid powdering mint. It is best to grind it with your hands, you can use a rolling pin.

How to store dried mint

Store dried mint in dry glass jars with tight lids. You can use it in any dishes, adding as needed.

Optimal temperature, terms and place of storage

It will be correct to avoid exposure to direct sunlight on the greens. Choose a cool place with good ventilation for storage. Storage temperature should not exceed +6C. How long can you store your favorite blank? Fresh mint will keep its properties in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks. Dry mint will last up to 8 months if properly stored, while frozen mint has no time limit. The main thing is not to defrost the product in order to freeze it again later. Without this, long-term storage of greens will not affect its healing properties in any way.

How to choose the right greens

When buying mint in the market or in a store, pay attention to the condition of the leaves. They should be green, with no signs of dryness. The cutting of the plant should be carried out at 1/3 of the length of the stem, as the hard part is not suitable for winter storage.

Mistakes to Avoid

To make your preparation delight you on cold winter days, do not store mint on open areas where it can be exposed to sunlight. Keep an eye on the humidity level in the room to avoid mold and insects. Do not overdry the mint, otherwise it will lose all its beneficial properties, as well as its incomparable aroma.