How to clean up faster How to quickly clean the apartment so that it is clean How to learn how to clean the apartment

  • 15.06.2019

When I look at the blockages in the apartment, I involuntarily ask myself the question - am I too lazy, or blockages form by themselves, but once, when it was very sad in my soul at the sight of the living room, this is what came to me! Just the same, I'm not at all lazy, if my blockages touch me. The thing is that I'm just the same very big clean and very fond of order. And when a newly licked, clean house in 5 minutes turns as if it had been renovated, I feel very sad and any desire to tidy up disappears. If such moods visit you, this article will come in handy for you, I'm sure that after it it will be much easier for you to clean up and easier to watch how your results of work are melting away before your eyes. website

No matter what feminists say, a woman still remains a true keeper of the hearth. And there are no prerequisites for this state of affairs to be turned upside down. But this does not mean at all that women are obliged to spend all the time near the stove or with a vacuum cleaner and a mop in their hands. It doesn't matter if you live in an apartment building or your own, country house, cottage, by optimizing the process of home cleaning and cleaning the territory, and even cleaning the entrance, you can save a lot of time, which, in turn, is spent on work or on yourself. We are ready to provide you helpful tips that will change the way you think about cleaning. You will no longer view this process as hard work. And, no, we will not force you to buy an expensive washing vacuum cleaner in the store, or inquire about the price of professional house cleaning services. The main word that emphasizes the essence of our advice is optimization. You will not believe how much time, effort and nerves can be saved if you just do everything right, and with pleasure. In general, we proceed from words to deeds.

House cleaning - basic tips

The main point that needs to be emphasized is a change in the internal attitude towards the harvesting process. That is, you need to give up thinking that this is hard work, which is associated with fatigue and boredom. You need to learn how to internally motivate yourself, or at least find a source of motivation. Since cleaning the house turns into a routine only for those who are purely negative about it. If your family consists of more than one person, and only you clean up, then it is very difficult to motivate yourself. They litter everything, and you clean the room alone! And most importantly, within a few hours after the cleaning, even if it was professional, you can start a new cleanup, because for a long time perfect cleanliness does not hold. What conclusion can be drawn from this? Everything is simple. Divide responsibilities among household members. Don't force them to do everything at once. One vacuums, the other washes the dishes, the third wipes the dust. The load on each is minimal, and the effect is on the face.

If you don't want spring cleaning to really make you physically tired, break the habit of cleaning only when the trash is already lying around under your feet. Not only that, give up the habit of cleaning once a week. Clean regularly, little by little, and if you connect all household members to the process, then there will be virtually no load. Teach family members to clean up after themselves. Ate? Washed the dishes. Has the milk boiled away? Washed the stove right away. It's quite simple, the main thing is to overcome laziness. This tip will help you, in fact, to clean a clean apartment, which is tantamount to an easy cosmetic repairs. Whereas cleaning the house once a week is already a major overhaul. The same process of cleaning a sink that was already cleaned a couple of days ago will be ten times easier and faster for you.

Types of house cleanings:

Urgent or quick cleaning

Urgent cleaning is one that is carried out within a specified time after contamination. For example, if after cooking dinner the stove is covered with greasy spots, they must be removed without shelving, since dried stains are more difficult to remove than fresh ones. Even if the stains are almost invisible, after drying they will be covered with an additional layer of dirt, and, together with other stains, will give the slab an unaesthetic appearance. As you can see, urgent cleaning can save you from serious problems, replacing them with easy polishing. You may not even have to use detergents, with which you usually scrub the contaminated surface for hours.

Current cleaning

Current cleaning is the cleaning that is carried out regularly, but not daily. For such events, it is recommended to draw up a schedule. For example, the kitchen sink is cleaned every other day, and kitchen curtains are washed every three months. The plan can be drawn up on a computer, printed and hung in a conspicuous place. The plan can also include “reminders” for urgent cleaning, for example, regarding washing dishes after eating.

Forced cleaning

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to carry out forced cleaning that goes beyond the urgent or current cleaning process. Such situations may arise for two reasons. Firstly, if you have neglected the cleaning of an object for a long time. Secondly, if you have a force majeure in the form of coffee spilled on the carpet or something like that. As you can see, it is not always possible to avoid forced cleaning. The same force majeure happens regardless of whether you want it or not. But you can avoid the forced first-order cleanup associated with neglect. For example, by defrosting and washing the refrigerator once a month, you will not turn this process into many hours of scraping off ice growths, which, by the way, can lead to the failure of the refrigerator.

Forced cleaning of the house is a direct risk of damage to property. And it's not just in "cold" situations. For example, if you spilled the same coffee on a white carpet, and weak cleaners do not help you, you have to use "heavy artillery". Increased friction, plus the use of strong and abrasives may damage the object being cleaned. The same carpet after cleaning will look far from being as new and neat. In fact, you are doing more damage to the object than the pollution itself.

Do you need a house cleaning plan?

As for the daily plan, then you can not do without it. Moreover, it is necessary to strictly adhere to it, taking it into a habit. Of course, if it is important for you that everything around just shines with cleanliness. Distribute responsibilities not only by day, but also by a certain time of day. For example, take your rubbish with you when you leave the house. Immediately after you get up - make the bed (teach children this from an early age). When entering the house, leave your shoes in the hallway. Received mail is arranged in sorting order. Before entering, there should be a damp cloth for wiping your feet. The dishes are washed immediately after the meal. In general, you need to bring all this to automatism, without delay. Just imagine the relief you will experience when in the evening, after dinner, you have to wash not a mountain of dishes accumulated over several days, but just a couple of plates with a frying pan.

Dirt and clutter is no reason to despair. Just imagine how beautiful everything will look after you carry out an effective cleaning of the house. Keep this visual image in mind, and you will have real motivation. By comparing before and after pictures in your head, you can really be proud of yourself. These ideas belong to professional organizers and specialists, whose opinion is worth listening to. The “before” stage should display the “after” image in your head, and vice versa. In the first case, you will be motivated, in the second, you will be proud of the result.

Don't be lazy to exercise. You probably know where in your house is the most cluttered and dirty place. Walk up to it and imagine how beautiful it will be after cleaning. Well, reinforce the picture in your head with real actions, even in a small area. Seeing the real result, you will certainly want to achieve it in the rest of the territory. For example, if your desk is littered with all sorts of junk, take a large box and rake everything in there, without sorting. Wash the table with detergent and admire how beautiful and tidy it has become. This will be your first step. Well, then look into the box and think about what you really need from all this rubbish, and taking into account the fact that the table after putting things in a tidy state. Arrange the things you really need in the order in which it is easiest for you to use them. Remember these places for each thing, and try to put things exclusively in their places.

Reading tips on what technique and how to properly clean a particular material or surface, choose the ones that suit you best. Write down the goods and detergents for cleaning the house on a sheet or, even better, in a separate notebook. Set aside a separate page for each tip so that you can later supplement the tips from the Internet with your own observations. For example, someone is delighted with cleaning with a steam generator. With such a notebook, you will never waste time looking for the necessary information.

How to properly clean your home?

The main rule of cleaning: moving from top to bottom. It must always be followed. No matter how carefully you collect the crumbs on the table, they will still fall on the floor. Even wet cleaning various surfaces should be carried out before you start mopping the floor.

Another important aspect is the development the most efficient route. Try to follow it every time so as not to miss anything and not to return again to the missed sections.

Define intervals

Many people clean the entire apartment at once on the same day of the week. But this is not the most efficient way. Actually different zones get dirty at different rates.. Try creating a cleaning calendar by zone, with intervals of varying lengths for each. Use reminder apps like DGT GTD or .

Adjust the intervals depending on the time of year and in special cases (for example, if relatives come to visit you).

Use the right fabrics

Do not use rags or gauze as dusting rags. Better take special wipes from microfiber. They do not leave behind fibers, do not roll or shed, absorb much more water and at the same time absorb less liquids into the fiber (which means faster rinsing) and dry quickly. They can (and should) be washed. But do not dry such rags on the radiator.

Wash dishes right away

Think again about buying a dishwasher. If this option does not suit you, then simplify the process of washing in the sink as much as possible.

Get into the habit of washing dishes immediately after eating, rather than waiting for the sink to fill up.

The advice is simple, but neglected by many, although it’s just the sink, overflowing with dried-up dirty dishes, that scares you. Immediately after the meal, washing several plates and glasses will take just a few minutes.

If you are used to a long multi-course dinner accompanied by a leisurely conversation, then for you an additional life hack: before dinner, type into the sink warm water with a small amount of detergent and put the used dishes right there so that they do not have time to dry.

Clean the stove last

In the kitchen, the most dirty surface is usually the stove. When you start cleaning your kitchen, apply the cleaner to the stove and let it sit for a few minutes. At this time, start wiping the surface to the right of the stove and move clockwise around the kitchen. You can move in the opposite direction - this is not a strict rule. :) The main thing is that this way you can avoid unnecessary trips to the sink to rinse the rag.

When you are the last to get back to the stove, removing even the strongest dirt will not require special efforts. Especially if you do not neglect special cleaners for stoves: they are more aggressive than a regular detergent and remove dirt better. At the same time, due to the absence of abrasive particles, the stove cleaner does not damage the surface, unlike cleaners that contain soda. Be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect your skin from exposure to concentrated ingredients.


Keep plumbing clean

Metal surfaces in the bathroom get dirty extremely quickly, becoming covered with drops and splashes. This can be pretty depressing, given that you have to scrub off plaque and rust quite carefully. Therefore, try to prevent contamination of plumbing between cleanings. When taking a bath or washing children or pets, wipe down the faucets. Remove splashes of toothpaste immediately, while they are still easily washed off with water. Rinse your tub or shower hot water after having washed.

Don't Forget the Bathroom Curtain

The polyester shower curtain also needs to be washed. Perhaps you don't. Just wash it with any other items for which you use a program with not too hot water. One or two times a month will be enough. And don't forget to straighten it every time you take a shower to dry it and avoid the appearance of plaque and bad smell.

Get rid of extra bottles in the bathroom

Take a critical look at your bathroom shelves. Do you really need that much money? Shower gels, bath foams, scrubs, shampoos, balms, conditioners, masks, lotions, tonics… When cleaning the bathroom, you have to rinse each of them and wipe the surface under them. Leave only those that you really use regularly. Buy these tools that combine several functions at once, such as shower gel + scrub or mask + conditioner. Those products that you use less than once a week, it is better to put them in lockers where less dust gets into.

Put things in order

An excess of things requires extra attention: they are all covered with dust, and each one has to take time to clean. Therefore, if there are dozens of cute things on the shelves in your apartment, you should definitely reconsider which of them are really dear and useful to you.

Keeping things in order is not a one-time event. This "elephant" must be eaten in pieces.

Plan a cleaning schedule for your cabinets by clearing one of the blocks every week. Let only the essentials remain on the shelves, and distribute the rest or send it to the trash without unnecessary regrets. Do not get attached to things and henceforth try not to litter your house with knick-knacks.

Simplify Your Choice

The wardrobes of many women (and increasingly men today) are full of things that have not been worn for months. Too much variety only wastes time choosing what to wear each morning. To make it easier to make choices, and at the same time clean up, reorganize your wardrobe. Try the following course of action:

  • Store out-of-season clothing.
  • Choose clothes that you wear regularly and arrange them so that they do not wrinkle and are immediately ready in the right configuration.
  • Choose a few things that have been waiting in the wings for a long time, and find a reason to wear them in the next half month.
  • Put the rest in a box and put a date on it. After a month, return to it and get rid of those things that you never needed.


Wash in more gentle conditions

Long wash in hot water actually makes sense except in the case of bed linen and towels. Modern washing powders are quite effective and, if you do not wear things, they allow you to wash them even in cold water or at 30-40 degrees. Plus, in cold water, paint is washed out of fabrics less. And do not neglect the air conditioner: with it, the clothes become softer, easier to iron and accumulate less static electricity. Just do not overdo it with its amount, so that there is no too intrusive smell left.

I would advise you to use the spin less (it will be enough to at least reduce the speed). So for many things there will be no need for ironing at all - it will be enough just to dry them in a straightened form.

Don't be afraid to clean the floor

The floor is perhaps the largest object in your home. It causes despondency only from awareness of the scale. But actually cleaning the floor is the easiest part. The main thing is to provide yourself with the right inventory (more on that below).

Additional life hack: in order to keep the floor clean longer throughout the apartment, try to clean up the places of greatest pollution more often (zone near front door, next to the sink and stove in the kitchen, by the cat tray). For example, once again wipe the floor at the front door, collect the sawdust scattered by the cat. This will take a couple of minutes, and the floor in other areas of the apartment will have to be washed less frequently.

Buy a good vacuum cleaner

For starters, if you have carpets, consider buying a more powerful vacuum so you don't waste time and energy on useless movements. Remember that a more powerful vacuum cleaner is about saving you energy, not using electricity.

A more powerful vacuum cleaner - saving your energy, not wasting electricity.

Empty the dust bin more often as the suction power decreases as it fills up. And it is better to use a vacuum cleaner with an aquafilter. Even if you do not have allergies, you should not provoke it by regularly inhaling dust.

Don't skimp on the mop

Be sure to buy yourself a good mop. Cheap mops are often made from materials that don't pick up dirt well, leave lint behind, and wear out after just a few uses.

Washing with a cheap mop is a real torment! You have to go through one place several times and even collect dirt from the floor with your hands ( ugh!). So don't be greedy at the counter, it's not that much money anyway. The choice of form depends on the geometry of your rooms and on your style.

  • Rope wringer mop is more suitable for those who like to wash quickly, deftly climbing into every corner.
  • A rectangular microfiber mop is suitable for those who prefer to clean line by line.

Use quality detergents

Think again before buying a regular cleanser. Try something from alternative means for eco-cleaning. You will really be surprised at the difference if you have so far washed with one of the popular detergents from the supermarket. You don't have to wipe it a second time with a clean cloth to keep the floor from sticky. At the same time, it will be enough to walk through one place only once, and the floor will already shine with cleanliness. In addition, the consumption of mass-market cleaning products is much higher. Not only does this more than make up for their low price, but it's also not very good for your pets or kids, who somehow eat some of what's on the floor.


And finally

To make cleaning not only quick, but also enjoyable, listen to music or audio books while cleaning. And it’s better to immediately put on your headphones so as not to miss a piece of the recording when the water makes noise or you go out onto the balcony. Dancing to your favorite tracks will make cleaning much more joyful, and the plot of the exciting book will even make you look forward to the next time.

If your home is a mess that discourages any desire to clean up, start thinking strategically to quickly clean up a room or entire house. Focus and make cleaning fun. Put things away, dust off, then move on to cleaning floors and surfaces. If you have time, do a thorough cleaning of the bathroom, kitchen or rooms. You will certainly be pleased with the cleanliness in a short time!


Part 1

How to clean efficiently and effectively
  1. Select a room for cleaning. Do you want to clean up the whole house or just one room? If you are expecting overnight guests, it is better to pay special attention to the living room and bathroom. If a dinner with guests is planned, then you need to clean the kitchen and dining room.

    • It's also important to get your priorities right. For example, close the bedroom doors if people won't come in and you don't have much time.
    • For example, if there is 1 hour left before the arrival of guests, then set the timer for 15 minutes. At this time, clean up the living room, and then set the timer for 30 minutes to move on to other rooms. In the last 15 minutes, wash floors and dishes.
  2. Turn on energetic music. If your efficiency drops after a few minutes of cleaning, put on your favorite upbeat music. Turn up the volume if you're in a different part of the house or the vacuum is muting the music.

    • With music, cleaning will turn from a chore into an exciting activity. You can even make a list of songs to clean up when you have a free minute so the music is always at hand!
  3. Enlist the help of relatives or roommates. Cleaning will be completed much faster if you find an assistant. Ask a friend or relative to give you an hour of their time. If you have roommates, they can also help clean up. Distribute specific tasks so that everyone does their own thing.

    • If a neighbor is not ready to help, then ask what to do with his things. He may not want you to sort his clothes and other things.
    • For example, say, “Mom, can you vacuum the living room while Sveta dusts?”
  4. Eliminate distractions. Sometimes you want to turn on the TV as a background, but you will be distracted, and cleaning will be delayed. Turn off the TV and computer. You also need to remove your smartphone if you are constantly distracted by notifications.

    • Tell yourself that you need to focus on cleaning, after which you can use your smartphone, TV and computer.
  5. Wash floors quickly. If you need to wash small room or quickly clean the floor, then spray the cleaner and mop until you get rid of dirt or stains.

    • If you don't have time to quickly wash the entire floor, then apply the cleaner directly to the stains and remove them with a towel.
  6. Wipe down surfaces, sinks and faucets. Go back to the tables. Rinse off the all-purpose cleaner with a sponge or cloth. Rinse the sink with running water to remove the solution.

    • Wipe the faucets with a dry, clean cloth so that there are no water streaks on them.

If you're waiting for guests to arrive or want to dedicate just a small part of the day to cleaning and do something nicer the rest of the weekend, then check out the tips on how to clean your apartment quickly. Following them, you can reduce the cleaning time by at least 2 times.

If you want to quickly and properly clean your apartment, act according to a plan, not chaotically - having thought over the cleaning scheme, you will quickly clean your entire home of excess debris and dirt, so that guests will definitely appreciate the neatness and freshness in your home.

Step 1 - save time and effort

Instead of long and tiring scrubbing, for example, a greasy stove, apply detergent to it and leave it alone for a while. Any dirt comes off with a few strokes of the sponge if you pre-moisten the surface with a good cleaning agent.

Before you begin, locate any heavily soiled surfaces and prepare them for cleaning. Spray a special aerosol on the tiles in the bathroom, the walls of the shower stall. Fill the toilet with gel. Soak dishes in the sink or load them into dishwasher. Wet stains of dried dirt on the floor in the hallway and other places.

Advice: If you want to know how to quickly clean the apartment - learn one thing. important rule, which is used by professional cleaners in the elite homes of wealthy people - stock up on an arsenal of effective detergents specifically designed for certain types of pollution.

Instead of scrubbing for half an hour limescale in the bathroom, simply treat the surface and leave for the amount of time indicated on the package. Then simply wipe off all the dirt with one hand and rinse the surface - do the same with all the above contaminated places.

Step 2 - remove all unnecessary

When thinking about how to start cleaning in a cluttered and not washed apartment for a long time, remember - the less things in the room, the faster and easier it is to clean. Therefore, depending on the situation, you have 2 options for further action.

If you are waiting for guests in the evening, then simply collect all the scattered things, objects, any household items in packages - this is a one-time cleaning of the apartment, speed is important to you, so for now, put it all in the pantry or other place invisible to strangers. Organize items neatly that stay out of sight, like souvenirs in the living room or kitchen accessories.

If you are doing a general cleaning and have thought about how to properly and permanently clean the apartment, you will have to conduct an audit.

Everything that is used and no longer needed is broken, just tired and lying around idle - mercilessly throw it in the trash. Clean up empty pasta tubes in the bathroom, unused products in the kitchen, old clothes, which only takes up space and is not needed by anyone. Arrange what you need neatly in its proper place.

When guests arrive, be sure to change towels in the bathroom and in the kitchen, put a new bar of soap for washing hands, and spray air freshener. All this creates a favorable impression that the whole apartment is ideally ready for the arrival of people dear to this house.

Step 3 - Dust Fight!

By freeing up space for further cleaning, you can easily and quickly remove dust. Remember, when guests arrive or during general cleaning, it is not enough to simply vacuum the visible floor surfaces.

Vacuum upholstery, under sofas, on chandeliers - if you have the appropriate attachments. If not, after vacuuming all possible surfaces, collect the dust in hard-to-reach places with a wet cloth.

If you are thinking about how to learn how to easily and quickly clean the apartment, except for special chemicals use specialized equipment. These are special rags for cleaning dust, mops with automatic wringing and a rotating nozzle, a variety of scrapers, sponges and brushes. A couple of special tools and rags will greatly facilitate your work.

They do not leave streaks, gently clean the desired surface, quickly absorb any dirt, and do not smear like an old rag.

Step 4 - glasses, mirrors, furniture, dishes

Before you clean the apartment completely, that is, go to the final stage - washing the floors, do not forget a few important little things.

First, wash the surfaces that you previously soaked. Remove excess dishes and utensils from the stove and cabinets. Wipe the walls and all visible surfaces household appliances and furniture (wipe the upholstery of upholstered furniture with a damp cloth to refresh the color and the whole appearance).

Secondly, be sure to refresh the glass surfaces - if they do not sparkle, there is no feeling of a perfectly done cleaning.

Thirdly, ask household members to take out of the apartment everything that you have collected and decided to throw away. Do not forget to prepare dishes for guests - perhaps teaspoons will require cleaning from coffee deposits, and plates and glasses - rubbing with a dry towel to a glossy shine. Remember that the slightest speck on the dishes can ruin your appetite and the whole dinner experience.

Refresh with a spray bottle houseplants. Remove hair, toys, pet accessories.

Step 5 - final touch

Inspect the apartment - if all the surfaces are sparkling, all the garbage is thrown away, the furniture looks fresh, the dishes and all the accessories are ready, then you can finish your chores and worries. This can be called the most pleasant stage, since it is the last one - washing the floors. Raise carpets and small furniture, and, starting from the far corners, gradually wash everything in parallel movements flooring heading towards the exit of the room. Do not disregard the places under the heating radiators and at the baseboards.

It is important not to rub the floor with chaotic movements of the rag, as the surface will not shine smoothly when it dries. Move in smooth, straight motions so that the area you have washed is perpendicular to the exit of the room - this is how the floor will look most tidy after drying.

How often should you clean your apartment?

For the average family, weekly cleaning is enough to keep the apartment looking decent. Someone prefers to set aside one day and clean the entire apartment, while someone daily maintains order in the whole house, doing a couple of household chores in between times.

According to sanitary standards, the apartment should be regularly wet cleaned so that pathogenic microbes and other pathogens do not accumulate in the house. In the room small child It is recommended to carry out wet cleaning daily. In the rooms of adults - at the personal discretion of everyone, optimally - once every 4 - 5 days, depending on the condition of the apartment. How newer furniture and interior decoration, the less dust - so if you are tired of dusting your TV every day, think about overhaul, and then wet cleaning will be required no more than once a week or even more.

As a rule, those who prefer to clean the apartment quickly and efficiently, keep order regularly. That is, in order not to give the whole weekend for general cleaning, it is better to maintain order during the week: throw out garbage and everything unnecessary immediately after use, wipe the stove immediately after cooking, load in the evenings washing machine. You can go even further and take special measures in order to subsequently have less trouble with cleaning.
For example:

    Treat furniture and appliances with antistatic polish - the surfaces will not attract a lot of dust.

    Use prophylactic products such as toilet cistern tablets to prevent contamination.

    Divide several responsibilities between family members for which only they will be responsible.

Easy and effective cleaning is real, if you approach it thoughtfully and with an arsenal prepared in advance, now you know how to quickly clean the entire apartment! If you do not want to clean up on your own or you do not have time for it, then you can contact our company for cleaning the apartment after renovation or just general cleaning on a daily or one-time basis. Our specialists go to the object on the day of the call. All necessary equipment is included in the price of cleaning.

Sometimes you have to do a general cleaning in a house or in an apartment that has not seen a washing rag and a bucket of water for a long time.

We will not go into details why the apartment was in such a state.
An old grandmother can also live in the apartment, for whom, due to her advanced age, it is difficult to clean, and it is possible to wash the apartment only when young helpers arrive.

The apartment could stand for many years without owners, and became dusty to such an extent that without special means no longer needed for cleaning.

Yes, you never know what situations can be. That's just "hands down" from how much to be done in such a dirty apartment.

And sometimes you don’t even know where to start cleaning the apartment, if everything is running, and what you may need for such cleaning. But you will find out about this by reading the article further.

What you may need to clean a very dirty apartment

In a nutshell, we will need hardworking hands, gloves on our hands, a few cleaning rags, buckets of water, and some secret tools to help clean up the dirt.

Seriously though, here's the list:

  1. Two pairs of rubber gloves (maybe one is enough, but it's better to have a supply).
  2. Several different rags for cleaning. We will need rags for dusting, for washing and wiping windows, for mopping the floor. If the floor is very, very dirty, prepare two or three floor cloths. One may not be enough - if it quickly “gets worn out”, then ugly islands of pieces of fabric or “parga” will remain on the floor, from which purity is not added.
  3. Garbage bags.
  4. Bucket or bowl for cleaning.
  5. Cleaning products. In principle, ordinary household cleaning products are suitable:
    • glass products;
    • means for washing plumbing;
    • kitchen cleaning products (any product that can be used to wash grease);
    • means for washing household appliances made of stainless steel (if the apartment has such appliances);
    • floor cleaners (we choose depending on what the floor is made of (laminate, parquet, or just a painted board ...));
    • carpet and upholstered furniture cleaner (if necessary);
    • stain remover (also depending on the type of furniture in the apartment and the origin of the stains).

Still need to stock up on patience and willpower. Because the work ahead is serious and lengthy.

In some cases, it is cheaper to hire a cleaning company. This, of course, costs a certain amount of money, but then you do not have to clean up such a dirty apartment.

If you're doing the cleaning yourself, read on.

We clean the apartment

For convenience, we will divide the entire cleaning process into stages, and the cleaned apartment into cleaning zones. Systematization of cleaning always not only facilitates the work, but also allows you to see its result almost immediately. Agree, when a very nice dwelling appears before your eyes from a dirty hole, this motivates you to continue cleaning even more.

We start cleaning by collecting garbage throughout the apartment

We put on gloves, take a garbage bag in our hands, and systematically, throughout the apartment, we collect all the garbage.

Our first priority is to collect and throw out everything that clearly belongs to the category of garbage.

Garbage must be taken out of the apartment immediately. Do not keep bags in the corridor, they will only take up free space, which will complicate the further cleaning process.

Also, "along the way", you need to collect things that need to be washed. Perhaps these are furniture covers, bed linen, towels, clothes ... That is, things that are still useful, but they need to be washed.

Then we distribute the apartment into zones and do the cleaning gradually, moving from one zone to another

In practice, it looks like this: we do the cleaning, starting from the farthest room.

Cleaning the room is also divided into stages:

  1. We remove dirty curtains, wash the window, thoroughly rinsing window slopes and window sill
  2. My battery under the window
  3. We clean upholstered furniture and carefully wipe the dust on all hard surfaces
  4. We wash the outer part of the cabinet, as well as the glass built into the cabinet (if any). The top of the cabinet should also be thoroughly wiped with a damp cloth. As a rule, there is not much less dust than on the floor.
    Inside the closet, we will do the cleaning later, if necessary.
  5. If there is carpet on the floor, it must be removed. Or carefully vacuum the carpet, the floor near the carpet. Furniture must be moved away, under it it is also necessary to vacuum.
  6. Before you put the furniture back, you need to wash the floor under it.
  7. We put the furniture back, wash the floor in the whole room. If necessary, we do this several times, using detergents. When washing the floor, do not forget to thoroughly wash the skirting boards.
  8. We carefully wipe the room door, both inside and out.

We are done with this room. If necessary, hang clean curtains. Or we will do it after washing those curtains that hung on the windows before cleaning.

We do this with every room in the apartment.

After the rooms we clean the kitchen

In fact, the sequence of cleaning the kitchen is the same as in the rooms:

  1. We remove curtains, wash windows, window sills, slopes, wash the battery.
  2. If there are unwashed dishes, wash the dishes
  3. We wash kitchen cabinets as long as possible without cleaning the insides. But, if in some of the kitchen cabinets you find a source of an unpleasant odor (for example, long-forgotten food leftovers), then you will first have to revise the cabinets, throw out everything superfluous from them. Then thoroughly rinse the insides kitchen set and kitchen tiles, together with kitchen stoves and other household appliances. That is, in fact, it is necessary to do a general cleaning of the kitchen.
  4. The same will have to be done with the refrigerator, including defrosting it and washing the refrigerator inside.
  5. We complete the cleaning of the kitchen by washing the floor and kitchen door if it exists.

Cleaning up the hallway

We remove the carpets, send them to the cleaning. Or we vacuum.

Considering that the corridor is always the most polluted place in the apartment, it is better to wash the floors in it most thoroughly, using any floor cleaner.

It is advisable to wash the floor in the corridor several times in order to achieve the greatest cleanliness.

The last step in cleaning a heavily soiled apartment is cleaning the bathroom and toilet.

It seems to me that one cannot do without chlorine-containing products for cleaning plumbing. Therefore, treat the plumbing with such a tool, let it stand for a while, then rinse with plain water.

If necessary, if the first time was not enough, repeat the whole process.

After that, you can already wash the walls and floor of the bathroom and toilet.

Tiles in bathrooms are also best washed using cleaning products. Be sure to carefully read whether your product can be used to clean, for example, ceramic tiles.

If the walls in the bathroom are painted, then they should be washed with ordinary soapy water, using a simple washing powder, after diluting a little powder in warm water.

We wash again the walls and floor with ordinary clean water, and wash the doors to the bathroom and toilet.

The last thing left for us is to wash the door to the apartment, after which the cleaning of a very dirty, neglected apartment can be considered completed.

Well done! You have overcome this mess!!!