Plastic door decor. Old doors like new! Refining an old canvas

  • 20.06.2020

The original design of the doors of the house is not always the prerogative of professionals. With great desire and creativity An unusual door decor can be made by any talented person. From our selection, you will learn how to decorate a door with your own hands in the five most accessible ways for an amateur.

How to ennoble the door of the house with your own hands.

Do-it-yourself door decor is a whole complex of stages, and according to the vast majority of experts, starting preparation is considered perhaps the most important part of the work.

As a rule, the owners decide to decorate the old doors of the house in an original way, courageous people who are ready to decorate beyond recognition a brand new home door are rare, because new thing often looks good.

Let's start with the simplest, namely, what needs to be done before decorating the front door? In this case, we are talking about the street, front part of the door leaf. According to statistics, more than 70% of owners prefer to install metal doors at the entrance.

The easiest way is to paint the outer part of the metal door under the stencil.

Steel structures outside are made in only two ways - painting and cladding with wood or MDF. In both cases, you should try to remove the old paint, clean the base with emery and degrease it.

Remove paint from steel sheet possible in three ways:

  1. The easiest thing is to buy a wash and dissolve the coating. The method is fast and effective, but only if the door of the house faces the street. In a closed entrance of a multi-storey building, there may be problems with neighbors, because the wash is a “wildly” smelly and harmful thing;
  2. You can also buy a nozzle in the form of an iron brush (cord brush) for a grinder and scrape off the paint with it, here the only problem is noise;
  3. Relatively quiet, harmless and at the same time effective way is to heat the base with a building dryer and scrape off the coating with a spatula, but if inside iron door foam, then the temperature may slightly melt the insulation.

The most innocuous way to remove old paint is to heat it up with a building hair dryer.

Do not try to heat up old paint with a blowtorch or gas burner, firstly, you can cause a fire, and secondly, at this temperature, the metal can be partially deformed, and burnouts will appear on the tree.

Potholes and chips in an old shield made of MDF or chipboard are cleaned with an iron brush and covered with putty, in this case the composition is taken for outdoor woodwork, and when the putty has completely hardened, the surface is sanded with emery and covered with primer.

Continuous application of putty with a spatula.

Preparing an old wooden door is not much different from preparing the same chipboard. First of all, you need to remove upper layer old paint or varnish. In addition to the three above methods of stripping, here you can also take a sharp steel scraper and try to clean the paint with it, physically difficult, but quite realistic.

Places for installing the lock must be prepared especially carefully.

When did you get rid of old finish, you need to clean and slightly expand visible cracks with a knife or chisel. Next, pick up a grinder with medium emery and grind the surface.

It will not work to level the surface with one emery, therefore, before decorating old door, all serious defects need to be puttied, dried and once again go through the grinder, but now with thin emery.

Acrylic putty is one of the the best squads for leveling wooden doors.

Then you brush off the dust and cover the tree with acrylic or latex primer. In principle, you can grind by hand, but it is long and hard.

Five ways to decorate doors

Decor front door made of wood (from the side of the dwelling) is no different from artistic decoration internal, interior doors, except that it is desirable to take waterproof compositions and be sure to prime the base.

Method number 1. Staining

The easiest way to decorate an old door with your own hands is to paint it. It is difficult to call such a house door decor original, but we mentioned it, since painting is an integral part of most more complex types of finishes.

If complex original decor the door does not appeal to you, just paint it.

  • Despite the apparent simplicity, there are some nuances in painting, so that the composition lies evenly and without streaks, it is better to remove the canvas from the hinges and paint horizontally;
  • If you are painting for further door decoration, then take acrylic or acrylate paint;
  • Nitroenamel dries within an hour, plus it has a glossy sheen, but such compositions are made on a solvent, respectively, they smell sharp;
  • Oil paints are the most affordable option, but they are not very suitable for decoration, there is only simple coloring here.

Method number 2. Wallpaper for old doors

First, about the wallpaper itself:

  • You should not take paper models, because the finish should not only be beautiful, but also hardy, and paper will lose all attractiveness in a year;
  • Textured vinyl-coated wallpaper is best used for accents, that is, in fragments. Plus, vinyl is afraid of the claws of pets;
  • The best option is to decorate old doors with non-woven and glass wallpapers, they are durable, hardy, retain their appearance for a long time, and most importantly, do not stretch when wet.
  • But a truly win-win do-it-yourself door decor is a photo wallpaper. They cost not much more than a standard interlining, and the effect can exceed the wildest expectations.

Properly selected photo wallpaper will turn the room into a fairy tale.

If the base is well leveled and primed, then you can safely buy ordinary wallpaper paste and glue it on it. Without primer, for example, when pasting doors painted with nitro enamel, it is better to take PVA.

Cut the fabric to size.

The usual instruction:

  1. Remove handles and other fittings from doors;
  2. Prepare the base;
  3. Apply glue to the base;
  4. Lubricate the wallpaper with glue;
  5. Glue the wallpaper to the doors, and expel the air with a special plastic spatula. While the wallpaper is drying, drafts should be excluded.

There is important point: if you took non-woven or glass wallpaper, then they are not smeared with glue, glue is applied only to the base.

We expel the air and decorate the doors with polyurethane moldings.

The door will look original, one might even say chic, if you decorate it with polyurethane moldings. Moreover, it is necessary to take polyurethane and glue it on liquid nails or some similar composition. Styrofoam fillets look the same, but they are easy to break.

Method number 3. "Creative mess"

This do-it-yourself door design can be safely called truly unique. After all, even the most best wallpapers this is still a serial product, and here you create your own unique picture.

This method also looks especially attractive because it is not necessary to grind or putty the doors, all the bumps and defects will be hidden by the relief ornament, it is enough just to degrease or prime the base.

We will do the general relief decoration of the door using papier-mâché from egg trays. There is nothing complicated here: take an egg tray and knead it, naturally it will tear, but it doesn’t matter, because we don’t need clear sizes.

Cooking and gluing papier-mâché.

Papier-mâché is glued to the doors with any high-quality glue, for example, "Moment" or you can use a glue gun.

The more small things there are, the more original the panel will turn out.

In addition to egg trays, we need various small trash. Everything from buttons to a broken computer mouse will come into play here, and the more diverse this “garbage” is, the higher the likelihood of creating a truly unique decor. Small things are also glued to the door, choose the pattern yourself.

For decor, any old things are suitable.

After the door is decorated in this way, it needs to be painted, the paint, as it were, depersonalizes small details, turning them into a big picture. A roller and brushes will not help here, of course, so you need to buy aerosol enamel, it is better to take a car one, it is of better quality. The canvas takes about 2 cylinders.

Aerosol enamel for outdoor and indoor use.

Method number 4. The simplest decoupage

Do-it-yourself door decoration using decoupage technique can be different, but since we are talking about the most available ways, then as the main material we will use paper three-layer napkins with a pattern

Decoupage technique is not new, but always original.

We start work, as usual, that is, leveling, puttying, grinding, painting. Next, we need the napkins themselves and PVA glue.

We don’t need napkins completely, we are only interested in the top layer with a pattern, and we separate it from all napkins. Be careful, the paper is very thin and tears easily.

We tear the napkins into strips.

Now napkins with an ornament need to be torn into strips. Keep in mind: you need to tear, not cut, we are interested in elements with jagged edges. Since we were tearing the correct square, we will have two strips with even edges, they need to be set aside, and the entire middle should be torn into small squares.

Tear the middle stripes into small squares.

PVA glue in the form in which it is sold does not suit us (very thick), therefore, before decorating the door, we dilute the glue clean water in a ratio of 1:1.

Strips with a smooth edge are glued first. Take a soft brush and first smear a fragment of the door with diluted glue. After that, carefully apply the strip and level it with a brush on the plane. You should not pay attention to small wrinkles, they will only make the decor better.

When the contour is pasted over, you start arranging the middle part. The technology is the same: lubricate the base and glue the very small squares of napkins that we have folded separately.

PVA glue at normal room temperature dries on average for about a day. Next, buy a clear acrylic lacquer and cover the doors with it. It is not advisable to take another varnish, since initially we painted the base with acrylic paint and the reaction to a different composition can be unpredictable, up to rejection.

Decoupage with paper napkins looks original and simple to arrange.

Method number 5. Fashionable Shabby chic

If it is easier to explain, then the overseas name Shabby Chic this is one of the many options for artificial aging; after processing, the wood acquires a grayish noble shade.

Please note: the base here is not initially polished, but on the contrary, the surface is stitched with an abrasive ball. This ball is a stiff, metallic brush that picks up the soft tissue of the array, leaving tough, well-defined fibers.

Brochure wood with an abrasive ball.

Now we need to lightly sand our door with an abrasive wheel. In hard-to-reach curly nooks and crannies, you will have to grind manually sandpaper with grain P180.

Grinding wooden doors with an abrasive wheel or P180 emery.

Do-it-yourself door decoration using the Shabby Chic technique looks like this:

  1. The first layer is applied with white acrylic paint and immediately wiped off with a napkin, after which we leave the door to dry for 2 hours;

  1. After 2 hours, apply a layer of paint a little darker and also quickly wipe off the excess with a napkin;

  1. After 2 hours, apply a third, dark layer of binder and wipe again with a napkin;

We erase the next layer of binder with a napkin.

  1. After half an hour, we take the finishing varnish, cover the doors with one layer and leave to dry for another half hour (the finishing varnish dries quickly);

  1. After drying, we take P180 emery and grind to a tree, but without fanaticism, not evenly;

  1. Finishing is completed by applying 2 layers of finishing varnish, the first layer is a primer, the second is a front one. Everything, finishing is finished.


Now you know how to decorate an old door with five relatively simple ways, there are other options in the video in this article, they also deserve attention.

Mirror door decor is fresh and original.

Do not rush to dismantle the boring old interior doors and change them to new ones. Consider upgrading them as there are many ways to decorate and restore them. old furniture applicable to door leafs.

Decorating doors from fiberboard

Process step by step:

  1. If the door is completely slanted, it must first be removed from the hinges and the old fittings removed. New handles, locks, latches in the same style on all interior doors will be the first step towards updating them.
  2. So the door was removed. Now you need to remove the old paint. Use a building hair dryer and spatula.
  3. After that, cracks and scratches are sealed with special putties and putty.
  4. Wait for the surface to dry and sand it.
  5. Cover the canvas with drying oil, which will prevent its deformation under the influence of moisture.

For a visual performance, see the video:

The door is ready for the actual decoration. The easiest way is to cover the door leaf with colored paint or varnish it. Next - room for imagination:

  • make a drawing using a stencil;
  • paint the moldings in a different color;
  • stick moldings if they were not there or imitate with paint.

A variety of applications - fabric, paper, vinyl, leather, photo wallpaper - will turn an old door into a new one - original, stylish and unusual.

Decorate an old bathroom door

Before you start decorating the door to the bathroom, you need to consider an important point. Since the room is constantly present high humidity, the coating that you apply to the door, or rather, to inside, should be resistant to this factor.

How to prepare the door leaf is described in the previous section of the article. In short: you need to remove the old layer of paint from the door, sand, putty and prime the surface. If there are no slats, they can be bought and attached to the door. Having painted after that everything in one color, you will get a whole picture.

An excellent option for a bathroom door is to install a full-length mirror in a frame of slats. If it is flexible, plastic, the installation process will be quite simple, but the effect will exceed expectations: beautiful, practical, and useful.

The mirror can be replaced with a mosaic, a special vinyl sticker, and even a piece of wallpaper (only washable and moisture resistant). By experimenting with materials and colors, you can make an old bathroom door stylish and special.

How to decorate old glass doors

The first option that comes to mind when thinking about decorating an old door with glass is stained glass. What is needed for this:

  • water-based stained glass paints;
  • black paint - for the contour;
  • thumbnail image.

Transfer the drawing to the glass, outline the contours with a thin black line, and after drying, proceed to decorate the elements with different colors.

You can make the work even easier by simply buying a special film that imitates a stained glass picture.

One of the door decor options with glass in the video:

Stained-glass windows allow you to make even an old door unusual and stylish.

If the old glass in the door was transparent, it can be made frosted. To do this, you will need to purchase liquid glass (1 liter will be enough, its price does not exceed the cost of a chocolate bar or a cup of cappuccino), which will need to be mixed with crushed chalk (or tooth powder). The resulting paste is applied to the fat-free, flat surface in 2 layers.

More easy way- sticker of a special film or purchase of a ready-made matting paste.

Choose your option for decorating old doors, and you will see how easy it is to update the atmosphere in the apartment with your own hands and at no extra cost.

Sections of the article:

Over time, old doors become less attractive and require updating. Not every person can afford to replace old doors with new ones, especially if such a step cannot be justified by an urgent need. In most cases, only repainting or decorating the door is required, after which a new life can begin at the door.

Door preparation

Even a cracked door leaf can be updated. Do-it-yourself door decor will allow you to minimum investment finances and the use of often only improvised means to update the old door beyond recognition. However, before making decoration wooden door, it must be thoroughly prepared.

Work sequence

The first step is to remove the old coating. This is a must to ensure that the new coating is as strong as possible and that many of the microbes that have been absorbed by the old paint are removed. After you have removed the door leaf from the hinges, you need to put the door on a flat surface and remove the hardware. If there are glass inserts, they must be removed for the time of decoration. Sandpaper or a suitable solvent can be used to remove old paint. To work with the solvent, you will need gloves and a respirator. A building hair dryer can also be used.

Once the paint is removed, the condition of the canvas needs to be assessed. In the presence of cracks and chips, you need to fill them with putty on wood. To ensure an even smooth surface you need to process it manually with sandpaper or a grinder. Wood must not be wet! It is necessary to wipe the surface of the door with a slightly damp cloth and treat with an antiseptic.

In order to preserve the natural texture of wood, it is necessary to apply varnish in several layers. If you cover the canvas with stain, the tone will turn out a little darker. Thus, it is possible to turn pine into cherry (a kind of imitation of noble species), while the natural beauty and naturalness of the material are preserved. In the event that the door will not be repainted, as soon as the antiseptic dries, the surface will need to be covered with two layers of primer.

Selection of decor options

There are a lot of ways to decorate and update the door. Even without any artistic skills, you can translate some of your ideas into reality.

The easiest way to decorate an old door is to repaint the door with new paint. In today's market building materials In addition to the usual enamel, there is a large selection of various colors.

The most optimal option at this time, how you can decorate an old door yourself, is the use of acrylic paints. When using them, you will definitely be convinced of the convenience of working with them, the absence of smell, and a wide color palette. For painting doors, you can use not one color, but several - the main thing is to combine them correctly so that the result is only pleasing.

Alternatively, you can use latex paint that is resistant to water to decorate the door. This option is more suitable for doors to the bathroom and nursery. Latex paint is odorless, the drying speed is very fast, as a result, the whole job can be done in about an hour. By painting the door to the children's room, you can attract the children themselves and come up with a unique design with them.

Application of stencils

Even if you are not a professional artist, you can use a variety of stencils to create a beautiful interior door. Using them is quite simple: you just need to attach a stencil to the door and apply paint. As soon as the paint dries, the stencil should be carefully peeled off the door leaf.

And if you have the skills of a painter and an artist, you can get an incredibly attractive drawing. If the resulting pattern does not suit you with something, you can always fix it - repaint it again.

If you want to get the effect of a tree or an antique, you can use some improvised means: a sponge to create spots on the surface, steel wool to get an imitation of an antique surface, a hard brush - a jeans effect. There are also special paints on sale that imitate denim.

Film use

An equally easy way to decorate doors with your own hands is to use vinyl wrap. However, this method is applicable only to canvases that are in good condition. It will help to complement the interior of the room with bright colors. It is enough just to choose the desired option and transfer the self-adhesive film to the door. Despite the minimum time spent, the result will please for a long time.

Ready-made stickers are available in many hardware stores. In the event that you want to make some kind of pattern from the films, you can purchase a self-adhesive PVC film by making a pre-made cardboard template. Now you need to transfer the outlines of the template to the film, cut out the elements for decoration and stick them on the door.

The use of moldings

Get original decorative trim moldings will help. Using them, you can create an imitation of stucco - a great option, combined with classic interior, antiquity. Moldings - special elements made of polyurethane or foam. Fixing on the doors is carried out with glue, which is liquid nails. With the help of moldings, any composition of the door decor is possible, but it is necessary to take into account the limitations of its shape. For sliding doors this decor option is not suitable.

Mosaic decor

Do-it-yourself door decor using mosaics is quite rare and unusual. Ceramics, due to its severity, is not suitable for every door, so the use of mosaics is resorted to much more often.

To decorate the door, it is better to insert a mosaic in fragments. This method will provide original and bright view. Such a finish will not lead to a significant increase in the weight and thickness of the canvas. If the products are made of glass, it is necessary to purchase tile adhesive of a special white color. Better yet, use transparent resin or liquid glass.

Stained-glass windows for decorating doors

Decorating doors with glass inserts is a great option for decoration. Best Option- decorate the canvas with your own hands, stores offer ready-made glasses covered with film, metal inserts or glass with a pattern. Currently, the most popular method of painting glass with the use of acrylic paints, as well as the independent creation of a stained glass window.

If choose last option, then you need to get a decorative mastic-contour to create an imitation metal frame. To ensure even distribution of paint over the glass surface, work with stained-glass windows must be done in the “horizontal” position. As soon as the stained-glass window dries, we insert it into the panel and fix it with glazing beads.


Thanks to decoupage, it is possible to create an attractive door design without much investment. To decorate an old door using a similar technique, you only need napkins with the desired pattern, 200 ml PVA glue, a brush (preferably made of natural bristles) and acrylic varnish.

The canvas must be prepared - primed and painted in desired color. Once the paint is dry, you can start decorating. At napkins, we separate the layer on which the drawing is depicted and tear it lengthwise into two parts.

Napkins with the image are torn lengthwise into three strips. The edge should be slightly uneven. Set aside strips with smooth edges for now. We tear the middle part of the napkin into squares with sides of about 3-4 centimeters.

In a small container, dilute PVA glue in water. The proportions should be about 50/50. Let's start decorating.

We apply a strip with one even edge to the decorated area. Using a brush dipped in glue, smooth out the fragments. The resulting folds provide the texture of the finish. In the work, it must be borne in mind that wet wipes are quite elastic and gentle.

With a brush dipped in glue, you need to work carefully. Step by step we create a frame with one even, and the second torn edge. We fill the middle of the frame with squares from napkins in the same way.

DIY door decor is almost complete. For any difficulties, focus on the photo in our article. Let the finished surface dry. After about a day, we cover the decor with acrylic varnish. The varnish must be water-based, then it has no smell. With a minimum of material costs, we get a beautiful door surface.

The question of how to decorate an old door with your own hands is relevant for everyone who values ​​the beauty of the interior. During operation, the material of any piece of furniture is deformed, shrinks, loses color. However, you do not need to run to the store in order to buy new door. You can dream up a little and transform the usual attribute of the house yourself.

Preparing the door for decoration

Initially, you need to get rid of the old coating and evaluate the integrity of the tree. Required tools include:

  • spatulas of different widths;
  • building hair dryer;
  • sandpaper of various grain sizes;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • wood putty.

The sequence of work on the preparation of the old coating is as follows:

  • the door is removed from the hinges (for the convenience of the process);
  • accessories are unscrewed (handles, hecks, locks);
  • the glass is carefully removed if it is present;
  • the old coating is heated with a building hair dryer, after which the dilapidated paint is removed with spatulas;
  • if the surface has cracks or crevices, they are smeared with putty;
  • after the material has dried, the door is processed sandpaper and polished;
  • it is desirable to treat the surface with stain or drying oil, allow to dry;
  • insert the glass back (although this step can be done later depending on the choice of finishing method).

Now you can decide how to decorate the prepared surface.

Ways to finish a wooden door

The classic method of transforming old wood furniture is to paint it in one or more colors. It is advisable to choose acrylic paint(it dries quickly), and before starting work, put a newspaper under the door so as not to stain the floor. Brush movements are best done parallel to the fibers of the tree.

When painting with several shades, you can use one primary color, and with the help of dyes mixed with ordinary white paint, create geometric shapes or other elements. To create patterns, it is permissible to use ready-made stencils, a wide range of which is available in construction or online stores. Artistic painting drawn by a professional, a textured surface, or children's drawings (for example, on the door of your child's room) will also look good.

An unusual decoration of the interior when decorating will be the painting of moldings. eye-catching decorative elements will visually increase the volume of the room, and you can choose any style of their design.

Classical finishing methods are being replaced by innovative and extraordinary ones. You can learn in detail and apply one of the following methods:

  • Wallpaper.

Standard door wallpapers, which are ordered in photo workshops, have a size of 220 × 86 cm. Such a decor is glued wallpaper paste or PVA. A good way to decorate is to use ordinary wallpaper, but it is better to make the door different from the surroundings.

  • Textile.

The fabric trim of the old doors makes the atmosphere cozy. Before buying, make sure that the glue does not leave stains on it, and also make sure that the pattern of the material is in harmony with the room.

  • Cards, paper, posters from magazines.

An excellent option for a door to a teenager's room. Favorite musicians, actors, images of the beautiful cities of the planet - all this can be placed on a tree using ordinary glue.

  • Stickers.

An option similar to photo wallpaper, but costing a little more and serving much longer. Vinyl stickers are ordered from online stores and are easy to stick.

  • Decoupage.

The process is meticulous - only cutting out images from paper will take a lot of time. Further, applications are made from the cut out, fixed with PVA glue, dried and covered with a layer of varnish for reliability.

  • Ceramic mosaic.

No less time-consuming operation, well suited for metal doors. Instead of ceramics, it is permissible to use wood, veneer or glass so that the structure is not very heavy. Elements are attached liquid nails or glue "Moment".

  • Leather upholstery.

Today it is difficult to find a tree sheathed in leather. If you have a lot of old wardrobe items made of this material, you can use them for decoration. Also suitable leatherette, purchased in the store.

  • Decoration with metal elements.

A good addition to the above method of finishing. With the help of steel brooches, rivets, buttons, you can achieve the effect of a real quilted product.

  • Slate.

Some hardware stores offer customers a special paint that imitates a board. If painted with it, it will be possible to write on the surface with chalk and erase what is written.

  • The introduction of a decorative element.

An example is a forged metal product or wire. Not entirely safe for an apartment, but for country house fit perfectly.

Special paint can be applied to the removed glass and give it the style of medieval buildings with elegant multi-colored stained-glass windows.

Obviously, you just need to show imagination when we decorate a wooden door. A partition between rooms that has been in operation for many years can become a real work of art if you approach the process creatively.

Interior doors, regardless of their features, are designed to simultaneously perform two of the most important functions. Firstly, they serve as delimiting elements located between adjacent rooms of a house or apartment. Well, and secondly, it is a full-fledged element of the interior, which plays an important role in shaping the overall surroundings.

Largely general form rooms depends on the external condition of the interior doors. When there is a desire to refresh the existing environment of the premises, it is not at all necessary to start a global or redecorating. A noticeable result can be obtained by decorating the door.

There are many ways to improve appearance interior doors. Some of these methods require significant labor and time costs. However, there are options that are simple and fairly easy.

Consider the most popular, relatively inexpensive and simple do-it-yourself interior door decorating techniques.

Watch a video with a selection of interior door decor photos

Using paint to decorate doors

Ordinary door, previously painted in White color does not look very presentable. To change the situation and make the door as close as possible to the overall interior, you can perform its decorative coloring.

Paintwork material should be selected for work only corresponding to the tone of furniture, curtains or wallpaper. An ornament or pattern should be selected in advance.

Read also: What if the walls are crooked? Do-it-yourself visual alignment of walls

In principle, it is not necessary to use a brush, especially when there are no special skills of the artist, a very good result is obtained when applying paint with a sponge or roller through a screen matrix. Today, you can pick up and purchase the desired stencil in special departments of construction hypermarkets. You need to choose the ornament that will harmoniously match general style rooms.

The technology of decorating with paints is simple, it is carried out in layers in several stages. First, apply one paint (base coat) and allow it to dry completely. Then, using a stencil, paint of a different color is applied. When applying paints, there will be no mixing of colors, since the base layer will be dry. Thus, each layer will retain its color, and the borders, thanks to the stencil, will be clear.

Application for decorating frosted glass doors

Any room will become more cozy and comfortable if the transparent glass inserted in the door is replaced with frosted glass or a special matting film is glued.

Advice! An excellent result (haze) is obtained by applying a mixture of melted chalk and liquid glass. Care must be taken not to form smudges!

Decoration work in this way should be carried out on the door removed from the hinges and laid on the floor. The working solution must be carefully prepared and mixed until homogeneous. Immediately after the preparation of the matting mass, it should be applied to glass previously cleaned of grease and dust. For a high-quality result, it is necessary to perform at least 2 layers of matting mixture.

Interior door decor with wooden mosaic - simple and effective

Another variety decorative ornament doors is a wooden mosaic, fixed (usually with wood glue) on their surface. When choosing this option, you should not try to create a very intricate pattern or any composition of geometric shapes. For intricate decoration wooden mosaic considerable experience with small wooden elements is required.

Read also: How to update an old wooden floor?

Take into account! A modest design will look great if made from quality structural veneer that has been crafted from two or more tree species!

The decorating technique is phased and consists of the following sequence of actions:

- the door must be removed from the side hinges, and then laid flat on the table;

- with the help of tracing paper, the pattern is transferred to the door leaf;

- cut with a jointer or jigsaw wooden elements mosaics;

- the prepared parts are alternately lubricated with adhesive and superimposed on the door surface strictly according to the previously applied sketch drawing;

- after completing the entire layout, the mosaic should be pressed down with some kind of load for better adhesion of the parts to the door;

- the final stage is the processing of the mosaic with fine-grained sandpaper after the adhesive has dried.

Interior door decoration with wallpaper

The cheapest and fastest way to decorate a door is to wallpaper the surface. Technically, the method is similar to wallpapering the walls.

A canvas of beautiful wallpaper is taken, impregnated with special glue and attached to a pre-cleaned door surface. After that, with the help of a soft cloth, the wallpaper is smoothed from the center to the edges of the door.

You can also decorate the door in the decoupage style, for which you will need beautiful, exclusive pictures from wallpaper or napkins. A single image is formed from the pictures, which is transferred to the door leaf.