Family horoscope according to the signs of the zodiac. Compatibility of zodiac signs in love - accurate horoscope

  • 26.09.2019

When it comes to personal life, unconditionally obey the laws of astrology is not worth it, however, it is useful to study its forecasts regarding the auspiciousness of the future union.

Astrologers have their own methods for determining the combination of zodiac signs that can help real feelings overcome any obstacles.

The interaction of people in society, friendship and love relationships are not subject to any laws, since each person is a person, the formation of which is influenced by many factors.

Relationships between two people are always accompanied by various problems that are typical for all couples, but if for some these problems are expressed especially clearly, then for others they can be barely noticeable.

The answer to many questions regarding the compatibility of people with each other can be given by astrology, which uses its own methods that determine the combination of zodiac signs.

Astrological combination

In order to find out whether two people are suitable for each other in terms of astrology, a sufficiently capacious analysis should be carried out. To get a more thorough picture of compatibility, it is necessary to study the horoscope of each person, taking into account his name, date of birth, typical zodiac sign and criteria.

But there are basic ideas about the compatibility of two people of the opposite sex. They are built on the basis of taking into account only the zodiacal affiliation of people.

Differ the following types astrological compatibility:

  • Pairs of opposites.
  • Similarity partners.
  • Neighbor love.
  • Relations of mutual development.

Zodiac signs that are opposite, for example, Libra and Aries or Leo and Aquarius, can form strong alliance, but it will necessarily be based on some kind of rejection of one's inner ego. People of such signs are able to understand each other only indirectly, by abstracting from their principles for the sake of a partner. But in such couples there is always common interests and goals in life, which are one of the main motives for maintaining relationships.

Unions that are based on partnership by similarity, are formed from people who have the same signs of the zodiac. Such couples are quite rare, but if they are formed, then throughout their lives they experience a certain sense of struggle in the relationship. This happens due to similar outlooks on life and attempts to dominate their soulmate, whose behavior can be easily predicted.

If in a couple both partners were born at the same time years, but under different signs zodiac (for example, scorpio and sagittarius), then it is based on the principle of “love of neighbors”. It is most often divided common space on their own and others, as well as the desire to win a more advantageous position in the relationship. In such unions, an emotional atmosphere and a constant clash of opinions prevail.

Mutual Development Relations are observed in unions, where each of the partners draws the missing qualities of his personality from each other. Thus, throughout their life together, partners are engaged in some kind of self-development, trying to make their personality complete.

Compatibility table of zodiac signs

To determine the degree of compatibility of people only by the sign of the zodiac, there are special tables developed by astrologers.

One of the simplest tables looks like this:

The number at the intersection of two signs of the zodiac shows the degree of compatibility of their owners. The higher the number, the more compatible, according to astrologers, the partners are.

Numerical indicators mean:

1-10: most low level compatibility, which is the cause of misunderstanding in a couple, mutual conflicts and disrespect. The reasons for this are the differences in the elements to which the signs of the zodiac belong, and hence the differences in character.

11-20: low compatibility, which often causes problems in everyday life and when finding a compromise. Such couples are often based on passion and physical attraction, which can be a deterrent to a long life together.

21-30: average relationship compatibility. Due to the frequent misunderstanding of each other, partners may encounter conflicts and indifference. However, in such couples there is an understanding and awareness of the value of relationships.

31-40: sufficient level of compatibility. This indicator is average, so partners can form a strong alliance, provided that each of them is ready to make a number of concessions to each other.

41-50 : high level compatibility. Most often, mutual understanding and comfort prevail in such couples, backed up by a strong physical attraction.

51-60 : very high compatibility. Partners trust each other, reinforcing love relationships with friendship and common interests.

61-70: near perfect compatibility. This indicator indicates complete mutual understanding, harmony in relationships and mutual care and respect.

71-78 : perfect match. Such couples are the rarest, but it is in them that perfect harmony, calmness, balance and love are observed.

Elements and triads

Astrology involves the division of the calendar year into 12 parts, similar to months. A person born in a certain month acquires one of the 12 signs of the zodiac.

All signs of the zodiac, in turn, belong to one of the four elements: air, fire, water or earth. Each element is subject to 3 signs of the zodiac.

Thus, there are 4 triads of signs of certain elements:

Benefits of love horoscopes

Astrologers' predictions regarding the compatibility of a couple in love, although they are not fundamental when choosing a partner, can help pay attention to the peculiarities of the relationship.

By studying the astrological forecast regarding the combination of zodiac signs with each other, you can prevent a number of problems in advance that lovers may encounter in the future.

For example, knowing that a partner is overly emotional due to belonging to the water element, one should be prepared for changes in his mood and think over his behavior in such situations.

In addition to forecasts regarding the joint future, astrologers regularly draw up a love horoscope for the coming week, month or year. Tracking it, you can make plans for the coming periods of time, taking into account predictions.

For example, choose the most auspicious time for a joint trip or buying an apartment.

Also taking into account love horoscopes many carry out family planning, determining best time for a wedding or a baby.

Astrology pays great attention to the problem of combining zodiac signs. Each person is born already with a certain set of qualities laid down by the natural element under the sign of which he was born, which means that his position in the family, society and in love relationships will largely depend on these qualities.

Wanting to build a strong relationship with a partner, it is necessary to take into account the possible contradictions that may arise when comparing the elements of incompatible zodiac signs.

Video: What zodiac signs can be happy in marriage

Indians follow a good tradition, before marriage, they turn to a local astrologer and see how compatible their natal charts are. If, according to the signs of the zodiac, the couple has poor compatibility, the astrologer may recommend not to marry and even forbid the couple to marry.

Russia has a high divorce rate. Not many young people are interested in astrology or read horoscopes, but do not take them seriously, but in vain.

It is enough to look at the compatibility table, which is presented below, how well you can get along with a partner in marriage and you can already decide whether to marry or not?

The dream of every guy or girl is to meet a suitable lover, with whom harmonious relationships will develop and it will be possible to live life together hand in hand. According to the signs of the zodiac, people can be:

  • compatible perfectly,
  • neutral
  • incompatible.

How to use the compatibility table?

  • Why you need to consider the compatibility horoscope:
    So that the interested person understands how much one can get along with one or another partner in a joint life.
  • Astrologers say that zodiac compatibility is important and it helps to understand how beneficial love union.
  • Those who study the zodiac horoscope will find out in full what can be expected from a person in a given situation, how stress-resistant, creative, and quickly reacts to difficult situations, about giftedness in a particular field of knowledge, arts. When analyzing compatibility, the month of birth, zodiac sign and element will be taken into account.

Not only lovers are interested in astrological compatibility, but also friends, relatives, business partners. Looking at the table, a woman, for example, finds her zodiac sign in the right vertical column, and her partner in the upper one. You need to look down and where the 2 conditional lines intersect, there will be an answer in percentage terms about the level of love compatibility.

Aries mantaurus manGemini mancancer manlion maleVirgo manLibra manScorpio manSagittarius manCapricorn manAquarius manPisces man
Aries woman91% 43% 82% 82% 71% 81% 73% 100% 92% 81% 92% 83% 75% 100% 93% 92% 51% 85% 93% 81% 65% 91% 82%
taurus woman72% 100% 100% 100% 73% 83% 100% 100% 100% 92% 100% 91% 93% 100% 100% 92% 84% 100% 100% 84% 75% 91% 100%
Gemini woman81% 35% 72% 25% 83% 92% 45% 81% 53% 84% 45% 91% 53% 91% 44% 100% 73% 83% 45% 92% 54% 84% 41%
cancer woman82% 93% 94% 100% 75% 83% 100% 84% 100% 82% 100% 91% 100% 92% 65% 83% 48% 92% 100% 84% 66% 100% 100%
lion woman100% 82% 94% 77% 95% 71% 42% 100% 74% 72% 71% 93% 61% 100% 82% 100% 84% 96% 78% 94% 63% 82% 54%
virgin woman72% 94% 73% 92% 78% 83% 100% 77% 76% 71% 100% 74% 90% 95% 100% 74% 48% 63% 100% 77% 45% 63% 45%
Libra woman100% 44% 100% 93% 100% 64% 83% 75% 100% 64% 85% 56% 93% 88% 100% 63% 100% 74% 93% 94% 100% 73% 82% 64%
Scorpio woman100% 100% 100% 100% 93% 94% 75% 93% 58% 91% 72% 100% 74% 100% 45% 93% 48% 100% 91% 84% 53% 92% 81%
Sagittarius woman82% 48% 77% 44% 100% 66% 73% 44% 100% 72% 81% 44% 93% 73% 100% 48% 100% 45% 83% 66% 100% 47% 71% 42%
Capricorn woman84% 100% 86% 100% 73% 81% 100% 84% 70% 82% 100% 86% 70% 100% 100% 91% 60% 83% 100% 85% 70% 78% 86%
Aquarius woman100% 55% 84% 53% 92% 77% 53% 94% 52% 64% 31% 100% 73% 94% 55% 100% 48% 92% 61% 72% 33% 100% 66%
Pisces woman81% 93% 84% 81% 82% 83% 81% 94% 91% 100% 100% 100% 82% 100% 94% 75% 38% 91% 100% 93% 64% 100% 66 %


Let's take a closer look at how to use the table:

  1. The table is made in the form of a grid with cells in which information is written in percentage terms, how people fit together.
  2. For example, a girl wants to know if she really zodiac horoscope a guy comes up, she looks for her sign in the right vertical column, and his in the upper horizontal names. You need to follow with your eyes or fingers to the place where the values ​​intersect. In that cell will be the answer in the form of 2 percent numbers.
  3. For example, a woman was born under the sign of Virgo, and a man - Aries. Numbers in a cell: 70%, 90%, what does it mean? The top number will show how compatible people are in love relationships (70%), and the bottom number in marital relationships (90% - according to our example). This high performance and the couple has every chance to go through life together.

What's happened love compatibility? It shows how good emotional interaction, compatibility in sex, what psychotypes have in common. Compatibility in family life is influenced by how people fit each other in character, with their priorities.

"Important! The initially brighter feelings and better sex, the more likely it is that the couple will become stronger over the years. If at the stage of courtship everything was dull and someone entered into a marriage of convenience, then the risk of divorce is high.

Compatibility according to the signs of the zodiac is interested in both lovers of different ages and professionals in various fields, for example, marketers, psychologists, heads of different departments. Harmonious interaction is the foundation and it is possible to predict whether friends, partners will get along with each other, is family life possible for many years? Now, regarding personal life, work, many consult with professional astrologers.

Love compatibility of zodiac signs:

Synastrial astrology has been practiced by people for centuries. This science arose on earth a long time ago and many observations of the behavior of representatives of one or another zodiac sign have been recorded. Skeptics are skeptical, but interaction predictions are accurate.

The relations of people of different signs line up in their own mosaic. Under the most favorable conditions, when people of the same element earth-earth, etc. or air-fire, water-earth relations develop harmoniously, like puzzles. Knowing these patterns, one can understand how joyful and harmonious, potentially long-term love relationships will be.

There are only 4 elements: fire, with air, earth, with water. There are 12 signs of the zodiac and every 3, depending on the month of birth, belong to one or another sign of the zodiac, are included in a certain element. The best mutual understanding between people of the same element or among complementary fire-air, earth-water.

What is the task of the compatibility horoscope:

  • Show how comfortable people will be with each other in a love relationship. They can feel together both 100% peacefully and often conflict, but there are many intermediate states between these 2 poles.
  • It cannot be said that this or that, even the best relations will last forever and the partners will not cool off.
  • When people are in love, communicate, create a family, there is no predestination. It happens that couples with a tense relationship characteristic live together all their lives, and with very favorable horoscopes soon disperse.
  • The horoscope of zodiac compatibility is a guide that helps you navigate complex human destinies, but 80% of it all depends on the participants in a love relationship. On the way of knowing each other there will be ups and downs, disappointments and stormy joy. The main thing is to follow the chosen path, trust the partner, build a joint happy future.

"Important! You need to have a firm determination and courage to live life in one person, not leave him in trouble, share joy and happiness with him, help in difficult moments.


Those who believe in horoscopes, when they meet a person, try to find out his date of birth. It is encrypted important information about all fate. Using the table of zodiac compatibility, one can say for sure a favorable development forecast love relationship Or is it better not to get along with this person?

Even if, according to the forecast, the relationship seems difficult, do not despair and abandon the union. After all, much depends on the experience of people, education in the parental family, intelligence, the ability to forgive mistakes. The mentality inherent in different nationalities also influences people, but if love is true, it knows no barriers and the couple will overcome any difficulties.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Today, synastral astrology has become incredibly popular. She determines the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage by studying the location of the Sun, stars, Moon and other planets at the time of the birth of both partners. According to astrologers, thanks to such knowledge, one can create truly harmonious relationships, find an approach to any person, and build a strong family.

Astrologers advise to study the compatibility horoscope in marriage even at the stage of acquaintance with the prospective future spouse. It will certainly help to better understand the person who is next to you, to know his strengths and weak sides, check how you fit each other.

As a rule, most people note that horoscopes quite often coincide with reality. And it would be nice to read and even study them before taking such an important step in life as marriage. Compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage plays an important role in further life together. However, relying completely on the astrological forecast is not worth it. It will be better if, when making such an important decision in life as choosing a spouse, you trust your heart. Even the perfect compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in marriage does not give us a full guarantee that such a union will be happy. On the other hand, the most quarrelsome signs of the zodiac in terms of compatibility can create an ideal family and will show the best compatibility in marriage.

Now let's take a closer look...

Aries (March 21-April 22) is the sign of Fire. These people have rich emotions and increased activity. They converge well with Leo, Libra, Aries, Gemini, in no way compatible with Capricorn and Pisces.

Taurus (April 21-May 21) is the sign of the Earth. These people are devoted to the family, their spouse, eternal values ​​and ideals. The ideal partner for Cancers, Pisces, Capricorns, Virgos can be. There is no mutual understanding with Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio.

Gemini (May 21-June 24) is an Air sign. These are windy and reckless people who always live somewhere behind the clouds. They have nothing in common with Capricorns and Cancers. They feel the greatest attraction to the signs of their native elements - Libra, Aquarius, Gemini. Strong connection with Leo and Taurus. But with Sagittarius, Pisces and Virgos they have no mutual understanding.

Crayfish (22.06-20.07) — watermark. These are quiet people of conservative views. The most valuable thing for them - and children. Cancers will be ideal partners for Scorpio, Taurus, Aries and Pisces. But the alliance with Capricorn, Libra and Virgo will be unsuccessful.

Leo (July 23-August 25) is a less temperamental sign of Fire, compared to other representatives of this element. Lions will be a perfect match for Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries, but the connection of Lions with Aquarius, Taurus is unlikely.

Virgos (24.08-20.09) are rather difficult personalities, especially men. With them it will be necessary to learn to make concessions. Virgos will get along well with Virgos and Scorpios, but are incompatible with Aquarius, Libra and Cancers.

Libra (23.09-21.10) fully justifies its name. They constantly doubt, scrupulously think everything over before making a choice, which is why they need self-confident fellow travelers for life. Libra is compatible with Sagittarius, Aries, Leo, Gemini. But relationships with Capricorn, Cancer and Taurus are almost impossible for Libra.

Scorpios (24.10-20.11) are extremely excitable, ambivalent and difficult people. They do not take comments in their direction. It will be difficult for two Scorpions together, they will suffer from each other's bites. Scorpios get along well with Virgos, Pisces, Capricorns and Cancers, but Scorpio marriage with Aquarius, Aries and Leo is hardly possible.

Sagittarius (20.11-24.12) are hot, masterful natures, always and in everything defending their opinion. They are ideal for Cancer, Aries, Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius. He will be restrained by his partner-friend with a great sense of humor, a cheerful person who recognizes the freedom of Sagittarius.

Capricorns (December 24-January 23) - constancy itself. Because of this, the Lions will not find mutual understanding with them. Capricorns are on the same level as Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces. But they will not be able to get along in marriage with Sagittarius, Libra, Cancer and Aries.

Aquarius (January 21-February 21) are subtle natures, for whom in the first place They seek harmony in the inner ideals of the soul. They are not friendly with Pisces and Capricorns, who are very utilitarian in family life. An impeccable union will be with Cancer, Libra, Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius. Deeply contradictory alliance with Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio.

Pisces (20.02-21.03) are very difficult natures. They are well combined with the signs of their environment, but even the similarity of the signs of the same element will not give confidence in an ideal union. Pisces suits Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. Not compatible with Aries, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Libra.

Today, checking for compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage is an integral step in getting married. Therefore, trust the knowledge of the ancient science of astrology, and forward to a happy future!

Have you ever wondered how the characters of people are combined and what is needed to create a strong union? Astrology has its own view on this matter. With the help of a personal birth chart, which is compiled by a specialist for two different people, one can judge the psychological compatibility of partners.

Sometimes it happens that quiet and calm person, being long time with another person, becomes short-tempered and rude. There are plenty of other examples when individuals with pronounced destructive habits change 180 degrees, becoming complaisant and affectionate.

The compatibility of the horoscopes of a man and a woman is based on a number of conditions. First of all, the nature of the zodiac, the element to which the sign belongs is analyzed. The partner card is considered in the same way.

Analysis of maps of people of the same sex will also be quite informative. Have you ever wondered why we choose certain people as friends? For a true friendship that can last for many years, openness and selflessness are very important. It is safe to say that for many friends, most of the personal planets are in harmonious relationships with each other.

The compatibility horoscope of partners helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the union as a whole and each representative separately. When a specialist analyzes natal charts, it will become clear whether it is possible to combine these two characters. The map can shed light on the conflict between the parties, because when meeting people tend to show only positive features of his nature. Astrology will help predict how harmonious the partnership will be.

Of course, one cannot write off the personal volitional qualities that a person develops throughout his life. For example, if a man’s map contains an indication of polygamy, but from childhood he was tuned to the inviolability of family ties, then he will not allow the destruction of the union even in his thoughts. Again, the natal chart can be corrected with the help of a potential partner's chart. There may be too strong ties between people that can overcome the negative manifestations of a separate nature.

Analysis of the signs of the horoscope for compatibility over the years is called synastry. It would be a mistake to assume that this method only works well in marriage unions. It's just that it's mostly used by couples. However, it is successfully used if you need to find out how compatible people are in friendship and business. With his help, you can better understand how the characters of close relatives are combined, why there is a problem of parents and children.

We all interact closely with each other, one person has a greater influence, the other less. When personal planets two people are weakly aspected, such a union will not last long, even if this idea initially looks absurd. Things are more complicated in synastry, where there is clearly a conflicting principle. Do not think that tense aspects are so harmful to partners.

If the compatibility forecast is full of contradictions, do not rush to put an end to the union. There is a certain type of people in whose natal charts a lot of tense aspects. As a rule, for a normal life they need to be more active. They are obliged to dump energy so that it does not stagnate. In case of inaction, these people will get more problems than benefits. If they met a partner with the same intense card, there will be a place for both passion and active pastime in their life together.

It should be understood perfectly harmonious unions does not happen, otherwise such a life would resemble a swamp. There is no growth in such couples, and a person should always have an incentive for personal development.

Knowing the date and place of birth of partners, as well as exact time, you can get a joint horoscope. The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac is based on a detailed analysis of the elements of the map. The approximate time of birth can give an error or completely distort the results of the astrologer's work. Based on these data, the specialist will be able to give an opinion on the prospects of the union.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

Zodiac signs compatibility in love and marriage will help to understand the relationship with a loved one, to determine the most important points of contact between the two partners in order to create a strong and harmonious relationship. The compatibility of the signs of the zodiac contains many important and interesting information about the interaction of two partners in various areas of life - love, marriage, everyday life, intimate life.

Quite often there are cases when the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac is practically absent, but representatives of these signs of the Zodiac meet, get married, create a family and live in marriage for a long time and happy life, full of love and mutual understanding. Does this mean that the horoscope that determines the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac is unreliable? No, this means that people born under signs of the zodiac that are incompatible with each other have shown themselves best qualities, learned to love, yield, forgive and trust, and this is much more important than any information provided by the horoscope. In general, information about the relationship of two partners in love and marriage, which is contained in the horoscope of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, in no case should be taken as a forecast of a life together in love, but only as advice, recommendations for representatives of each sign of the Zodiac, what traits of their character needs to be developed in order for relationships to develop harmoniously in love, marriage, life. In the same way, one should not fall into a state of euphoria when the horoscope of compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage speaks of one hundred percent compatibility of lovers. Even in the case when people are completely compatible according to the sign of the Zodiac, everyone has their own character traits, their own worldview, sometimes having nothing to do with the characteristics of the Solar sign. Compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, compiled by the dates of birth of lovers, gives general information about their relationships in love and marriage, so such information should be taken only as a recommendation. The compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac, compiled taking into account the exact time and place of birth of both partners, provides more complete and accurate information about the relationship between two people in love and marriage. Sign compatibility will help you find out how representatives of different zodiac signs relate to each other, how they perceive themselves in these relationships, what feelings and emotions they experience in relation to each other.

Check your - compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage

Aries Compatibility → Taurus Compatibility →
Gemini Compatibility → Cancer Compatibility →
Leo compatibility → Virgo Compatibility →
Libra Compatibility → Scorpio compatibility →
Sagittarius Compatibility → Capricorn compatibility →
Aquarius Compatibility → Pisces compatibility →

However, do not forget that not a single horoscope of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac will give an answer to the question of the right to existence of love relationships, since for strong, trusting and harmonious relationships, each of the partners must be able to love, interact with their soulmate, merging into a single whole. Creating a strong love union is not an easy job, and first of all, it is work on yourself, and the horoscope of compatibility in love and marriage will just help each of the partners to pay attention to their advantages and disadvantages, develop their best qualities in order to so that the joint life in marriage is full of love, harmony, trust and mutual understanding.