What awaits Taurus in November. Love horoscope for the sign of Taurus for November

  • 23.09.2019

V love sphere This month will bring disappointments and difficulties for Cancers. They can overcome them only by coping with their feelings and relying solely on own experience and not on the opinions of people from the outside.

Free calves will feel acute dissatisfaction with their personal lives. In trying to find a partner, they can lose a lot: self-confidence, authority in certain circles, a significant amount of money. All relationships tied to finances will bring Taurus only disappointment and pain.

Representatives of the sign, who are in a serious relationship, it may seem that their love has cooled for them. In order to cheer up your partner and add confidence to yourself, you should radically take care of yourself. Any unexpected changes in appearance will benefit you, as long as they are desirable.

To avoid quarrels and conflicts, you should not take any serious decisions without half advice. Even in cases where the subject of reflection does not directly concern the partner, it is better to ask for his opinion.

The marriage of representatives of the sign will receive a second wind. November will be an ideal month for the realization of all long-forgotten desires, both in the intimate sphere and in everyday matters.

Taurus Woman: Love horoscope for November 2019

Taurus women, who have experienced unrequited love for a long time, should put aside the blues in November and look at the men around her. Among colleagues there is a person who sincerely wants to enter into a serious relationship. Taurus should show a little tenderness and coquetry in order to interest him. After that, the man will return all the attention a hundredfold and thereby help the chosen one feel needed and loved.

Representatives of the sign, who have already found their halves, will feel how important they are for a partner. A period of tenderness and care awaits them, which will help them gain strength before the end of the year and take a different look at themselves. By the end of the month, the energy received will need to be returned back. If you leave your partner without reciprocal caresses, then feelings can be shaken.

Married women will have the opportunity to make sure that they have chosen the right partner, or to be completely disappointed in their soul mate. You need to respond to the clues of fate in November as quickly as possible. If life harshly and sharply points out the shortcomings of the spouse, then he will no longer be able to correct them. Such relationships need to be broken. At the same time, if the partner passed the test of fate, then you need to show more tenderness and attention towards him.

Taurus Man: Love horoscope for November 2019

November is the perfect month for Taurus men who want to start a serious relationship. Representatives of the sign will feel as confident as possible in themselves, and this moment is worth taking advantage of. Not spraying on every girl who has shown sympathy, the calves will be able to see the very one with whom life will bring them only joy and tenderness.

Any, even the strongest feelings, need to be nourished, and the Taurus will acutely feel this in November. They will feel an urgent need to constantly be close to their loved one, to know about all his affairs. By regularly interfering in the privacy of the other half, they will quickly tire her out, but they are unlikely to be able to do anything with their feelings. In order to avoid conflicts, it is worth discussing all the issues that disturb the calves with a partner at the beginning of the month.

Representatives of the sign, who are married, will fall into a complex love triangle. Not in all cases it will end in treason. Your spouse will get a lot of attention from a colleague or business partner. It is not worth interfering aggressively in this matter. The best way save the family and avoid adultery - spend more time with your wife, and talk to her more often about your feelings.

Taurus this year has not experienced the best period, so they have high hopes for November 2019. Representatives of this zodiac sign dream of a miracle. Whether it will become a reality, only the exact love horoscope for Taurus for November knows.

Love horoscope for Taurus for November 2019

In November 2019, Taurus will have many goals regarding the love sphere. The horoscope promises them the full cooperation of the stars in a number of issues, however, throughout the month, representatives of this sign will be forced to make a lot of their own efforts.

In November, new novels are possible for Taurus. Life will give them loyal fans, and it is no exception that among them will be a faithful future spouse or companion. Family life of Taurus in November will bring them a lot of new emotions. People of this zodiac sign will have the opportunity to realize their most secret intimate dreams.

The period of failures in November will also end for single Taurus. They will be able to plunge into the fire of passion with their new partners. Taurus, who prefer tenderness and love in a relationship, will have to endure a little more. Perhaps in November they will not meet their soulmate.

In November 2019, Taurus, who previously experienced the bitterness of betrayal, will finally open their eyes to their unfaithful partners. New feelings will not keep you waiting. Sagittarians will find happiness in November with the most unexpected people. In the last month of autumn, they will be able to charm, impress and remain in the memory of their favorite partners.

Love horoscope for the Taurus woman for November 2019

In November 2019, Taurus girls, who have recently experienced unrequited love with all the ensuing consequences, have the right to start new life. In the love sphere, many pleasant surprises await them. In November of this year, Taurus girls will be able to feel a pleasant sense of significance for the object of their sympathy.

Those Taurus girls who do not yet have in their immediate environment a person who claims to be a spouse or groom are quite objectively waiting for a romantic acquaintance in November. For it to happen, in November, Taurus needs to pay attention to their appearance. Dye your hair a different color, buy an original outfit or put on a bold make-up - everything that will help you transform is used.

If the Taurus girls are not married, then nothing needs to be changed in November. The end of autumn is best time for this zodiac sign to acquire status married women. But Taurus has time to enjoy freedom and take a walk as much as possible, so that there is something to remember after the wedding.

love horoscope guarantees Taurus quality intimate life In November. In a pair of two partners who passionately want each other, there will be mutual passion, and the head will spin from so many pleasant moments. In the love sphere in November, Taurus-girls will be especially lucky with Libra and Aquarius men. But relations with the signs of Capricorn and Leo will not be entirely favorable. All such intrigues will eventually lead to a final break.

Love horoscope for the Taurus man for November 2019

Taurus men will receive tremendous satisfaction with their own lives in November 2019. They will not worry about small failures. In the Taurus family, everything will develop harmoniously. Beloved women will never cease to delight you with surprises and delicious dinners.

For lonely Taurus, dreaming of a fateful meeting with beautiful girls, the stars recommend flirting more. You have little chance of going unnoticed, so the long-awaited event in the form of an acquaintance will not keep you waiting.

The highlight of November for Taurus will be a secret date. In the love triangle, a tense situation will remain for a long time. It is no coincidence that the stars warn their wards Taurus to be as careful as possible in dealing with married women.

Love horoscope for Taurus for other months of 2019

In November 2017, Taurus will "puff". But, "farming" you will be in good sense this word. After all, as we warned in the detailed horoscope for 2017 for Taurus, Autumn and even then and December 2017 will be a positive period in the life of Taurus. At this time, you will be overwhelmed with energy and you will be overwhelmed with ideas, and sometimes even too adventurous. So, despite the cheerful enthusiasm in your eyes, do not forget that you are still not Gemini or Aquarius - they are the masters of adventurous success. And it’s better for Taurus to consult with the Lions, or, although they are also adventurers, they know how to correctly assess risks or they will give right advice from the series: “For 30 years of my life, I understood only one thing - after buckwheat, you need to wash the plate immediately, but as for your question about bitcoins ...”.

Taurus horoscope for November 2017. Very often they say that "it's good where you are not." In November 2017, it will be good where the Taurus will be. But, if usually, at the end of the year, Taurus begin to fuss: either to lose weight urgently, then to get rich quickly, then to eat very tasty, then to relax or have fun. Then in November 2017 you will have one desire “you need to do something”, but you won’t be able to really understand what to “do”. You will want to get rich quickly, then eat very tasty food, then relax or have fun. But to grow wiser, you will not have such thoughts and desires. But in vain. In November 2017, you will still have time to "take up your mind"!

And yet, the appearance of New Year's toys in stores, and the approach of the New Year, will force many Taurus in November 2017 not only to arrange some kind of holiday out of their Life, painting it with bright colors, events and people, but also to "take up their mind", and yours!!! As the horoscope shows, next month you will not only complete what you have been putting off for a long time, but also try to start something new, and quite possibly, both in your personal life and at work at the same time.

The horoscope for November 2017 suggests that in the last month of Autumn, Taurus can again safely trust their intuition. Sometimes, on cold November days, it will not only help you correctly assess people or situations, but also, as usual, find your favorite body - adventure. In addition, if Taurus has always been sure that any x @ nya, said in a categorical tone and with complete confidence, is called a “personal opinion”! Then in November 2017 you will not only be sure of this, but you will also be able to convince others of this!

As we have already said, in November 2017, Taurus will want something new. As the horoscope shows, you will avoid not only stereotypes, but also habitual routes, restaurants, and even changing your social circle in a mobile way (maybe even change your number or phone).

In addition, in November 2017, Taurus will be so sweet and charming that if you suddenly go out to sell kittens, they can buy you instead, or they will buy you and kittens. Even if you are a male Taurus and sell not kittens, but used refrigerators.

Horoscope for November 2017 Taurus auspicious days – 1, 2, 8, 12, 15, 20, 25, 29.

Horoscope for November 2017 Taurus unfavorable days - do not predict unfavorable moments, and they will not predict you.

Horoscope for November 2017 Taurus work, career and business. Despite the fact that in November 2017, the Taurus will still “itch their hands”, take up something new or break everything and build anew, the next month is still more suitable for strengthening positions and summing up. Than for revolutionary change.

This does not mean at all that Taurus should abandon their "Napoleonic" plans. You just need to correctly assess what is stopping you and in November 2017 clean up the "tails", finish or report on (of course) the successful completion of projects. And only then begin to confidently look forward. Moreover, already in November 2017, Taurus can begin to develop or “nurturing” some grandiose and reformist plans to make their professional dreams come true to success. So if you have professional plans or a dream, in November 2017 you can safely start moving towards it. Can't move fast? Go! Can't go? Crawl! Can't crawl? Lie down and lie in the direction of the dream!

The horoscope shows that under the influence of Mercury, not only the Taurus themselves will provoke changes, but also the Taurus, next month, will need to have time to respond to the changing World.

So Taurus-businessmen and Taurus-leaders in November 2017 need to be ready, make quick and bold decisions. Don't back down and don't believe those who say it's impossible. Don't lower your bar just because someone else can't rise to it.

But, in November 2017, you should not insist only on your decisions - collegial decisions next month will help Taurus avoid mistakes and responsibility for them. Well, and to issue collegial decisions, “for their own”, Taurus knows how to do it no worse than Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn.

Horoscope for November 2017 Taurus Finance. From changing places of banknotes, the amount in the wallet does not change. And no matter how much Taurus in November 2017 shifts money from one pile to another, there will be no more of them, but you can lose when recounting.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Taurus. Horoscope for November 2017 Taurus Love. Taurus know for sure that words lie. Gestures, voice, intonation, and even eyes are often cunning. And that the most honest ones are goosebumps! In November 2017, many Taurus will again want to experience what it is. This poses the greatest danger to family Taurus. And if a real relationship is a constant compromise between “I don’t want to lose you so much” and “how I would like to never hear from you”, then in November 2017, Taurus will intervene in this compromise “you wait for me while I still I’ll take a walk” and “don’t boil my nerves, feed me better.” So it’s better for family Taurus to get carried away with the issues of reorganizing everyday life, family or home, and then November 2017 will pass calmly and easily for you and thoughts about left-wing amorous novels will gradually cool down. And it's even better if you just don't have time for them.

As the horoscope shows, lonely Taurus next month may well meet their soul mate. The November horoscope is favorable not only for amorous adventures, but also for long-term love affairs and even for new serious relationships. So if lonely Taurus meet in November 2017 someone who can send new “goosebumps” under your skin, try to slow down a bit so as not to frighten them away. This is especially true for single Taurus women and Taurus men born in April. Of course, provided that in November 2017, Taurus will stay at home less and go out more often. And then Taurus, as usual, come home, and there is so much work: the sofa is not lying down, the TV is not watched, the phone is not discharged, and the Internet is not sitting. Still, the main thing in life is not to be lazy. Want to eat? You can eat. What if you want to sleep? Go to sleep. But if you want to hug someone, do not look for a replacement in cats.

At the end, the horoscope for November 2017 for Taurus suggests that not one good story does not begin with the words: “We somehow eat a salad with friends ...”, this does not mean that you need to immediately think about alcohol. This means you need to eat less...

Taurus expects one of the best periods for love in 2017. You can enjoy harmony in your relationship as the beneficent planets Venus and Jupiter are in your partnership sector. Personal life more enjoyable, the possibilities for romance are plentiful, your power of seduction grows, and love finds its way to you. You will get rid of doubts, you will be able to express your brightest, warmest feelings to those you love.

Venus and Jupiter pamper Taurus, sending lucky chances for love and romance one after the other. It may even be difficult for you to choose the most worthy candidate among the circle of admirers and admirers.

If you are single, then you can meet your soul mate, and this event will completely change your life. Love, born in November, will bring unforgettable impressions, excitement, a sense of freedom and carelessness. If you already have a loved one, your connection will be strengthened, positive changes will occur.

Moreover, Venus and Jupiter are accompanied by the Sun in the first two decades of November 2017, hinting that something wonderful is about to happen.

For the family life of Taurus, the period is also favorable. You will spend pleasant time with people who are dear to you and forget about past disagreements. If you are in a quarrel with one of your relatives, opportunities to reconcile open up.

Career and finance horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

In the last month of autumn, cooperation and partnership become your priorities. Both work and financial success are linked to all of this. In any case, connections with other people have a significant impact on career and income, so strengthen them and keep them as friendly as possible.

November 2017 is very productive for professional development and business. Mars in the sector of work makes you enterprising, gives you the desire to take action, set high goals and achieve them with enthusiasm. However, it should be noted that the aspects of this planet are disharmonious, so your activity in the business environment is accompanied by difficulties. Be attentive to the environment, there may be intrigues of ill-wishers and behind-the-scenes games not in your favor.

V financial terms period is good. Mercury, who rules the house of money Taurus, is in your house of general finance, which indicates the likelihood of receiving good income through collaboration with partners. It will be more profitable to work together, and not individually. You can also count on material assistance from someone close to you: a spouse, a loved one, a relative.


The first decade of November is best time for health. The next part of the month is not entirely favorable, so health issues will require special attention. The influence of Mars carries the risk of injuries, accidents, acute illnesses. If you get sick, give preference traditional methods treatment, alternative medicine will not bring the desired results.

Don't let the responsibility rest on your shoulders! Let others help you.

The love horoscope for November 2017 for Taurus predicts so many unexpected moments that he will temporarily forget about current problems. Indeed, be temporarily romantic and altruistic in order to attract admirers. Taurus will not only give gifts to the chosen one, but also receive presents from everyone who likes him. Fate is an unpredictable thing, so a meeting with Taurus can happen in an original place.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Taurus woman promises a lot of pleasant meetings, acquaintances and incredible deeds on the part of men. At work, an affair with a colleague or boss is possible. There is no limit to your charm, but still you should be more careful in love. In November 2017, Taurus will often recall a past romance. If you decide to return to former lover then think it over carefully.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Taurus man recommends being meticulous even in small things, so that the chosen one notices your sincere attitude. A joint vacation at a camp site, nature or in another city will help Taurus to get to know his beloved closer. In November 2017, you will learn something that will greatly elevate your companion in your eyes.

Taurus family in November 2017

The horoscope recommends that you stand up for your soulmate if suddenly relatives begin to attack her. Heated disputes and even quarrels are possible that will bring confusion to your family. Taurus should not forget about those traditions that have been established over the years. In November 2017, you will have to take care of children if they get sick. You can take sick leave and fully devote yourself to loved ones and household chores. Many Taurus, as if reborn and fall in love with their spouse. Another romantic honeymoon? Well, that's not bad.

Horoscope for Taurus for November 2017
Finance, career horoscope for Taurus for November 2017

November love horoscope for other zodiac signs: